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Support Vector Machine Performance Improvements by Using Sine Cosine Algorithm
The optimization of parameters has a crucial influence on the solution efficacy and the accuracy of the support vector machine (SVM) in the machine learning domain. Some of the typical approaches for determining the parameters of the SVM consider the grid search approach (GS) and some of the representative swarm intelligence metaheuristics. On the other side, most of those SVM implementations take into the consideration only the margin, while ignoring the radius. In this paper, a novel radiusmargin SVM approach is implemented that incorporates the enhanced sine cosine algorithm (eSCA). The proposed eSCA-SVM method takes into the account both maximizing the margin and minimizing the radius. The eSCA has been used to optimize the penalty and RBF parameter in SVM. The proposed eSCA-SVM method has been evaluated against four binary UCI datasets and compared to seven other algorithms. The experimental results suggest that the proposed eSCA-SVM approach has superior performances in terms of the average classification accuracy than other methods included in the comparative analysis. 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Support value based convultional neural networks system for internet of things /
Patent Number: 202041043751, Applicant: Dr.S.Selvakanmani.
The Traffic Congestion is one of major problem in Internet of Things (IOT) occurs due to insufficient data transfer between the Sensor nodes or due to data perception. Data perception in the IOT guarantee the information being detected by the sensors, information is recouped from the sensor network without having any redundancies. -
Supply chain performance measurement practices of Indian industries
In any industry, the supply chain performance plays a crucial role and it is vital in growth of the industry. Through this study, an attempt is made to find some insight to the supply chain performance measurement practices of Indian industries through an exploratory survey. The study reveals almost all the respondents (84%) felt that supply chain performance measurement system employed in their organisation has a clear purpose. Also, the study reveals that most supply chain performance measurement system provides high importance to quality measurements and includes both financial and non-financial indicators. The Multivariate analysis revealed three factors emerged from this study are 'Strategic Orientation' followed by 'Internal Focus' and 'Motivation and Control'. The study contributes to understanding the objectives of implementing supply chain performance measurement systems and metrics (measures) used in supply chain performance measurement systems. ExcelingTech Pub. -
Supply chain leadership in emerging markets: Understanding the role of trust, information management, and collaboration
The massive growth of emerging economies in last two decades has attracted many global companies to expand their physical presence in these countries. But the ability to take advantage of those opportunities is only available to companies that appreciate the environmental challenges and complexity of the region. The lexicon of extant literature focuses on enhancing supply chain leadership and development of efficient and effective strategies in developed economies, yet the corresponding literature in emerging economies is very fragmented. The aim of this chapter is to synthesize the current literature to understand the phenomenon including its definitions, dimensions, and constructs and to propose a conceptual model for successful supply chain leadership in emerging markets. The study tries to understand and establish the impact of various factors of supply chain leadership, which leads to sustainable supply chain performance. Collaboration and information management emerge as the major drivers for supply chain leadership in emerging markets and identifies trust as a mediating factor. 2020 by IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Supervised machine learning technique for efficient management of cloud resources /
Patent Number: 202241053590, Applicant: Dr. S Balamurugan.
It is reported in literature that nearly 4.57 billion people access Internet, covering nearly 59% of global population as per 2020 statistics. With huge number of Internet users and large volumes of data, the need for secure and fault-tolerant web applications increases. Huge volumes of data are not only consumed, but are also converted and copied among multiple computing resources. Proposed is a Supervised Machine Learning Technique for efficient management of cloud resources. -
Supervised machine learning technique for efficient management of cloud resources /
Patent Number: 202241053590, Applicant: Dr. S Balamurugan.
It is reported in literature that nearly 4.57 billion people access Internet, covering nearly 59% of global population as per 2020 statistics. With huge number of Internet users and large volumes of data, the need for secure and fault-tolerant web applications increases. Huge volumes of data are not only consumed, but are also converted and copied among multiple computing resources. Proposed is a Supervised Machine Learning Technique for efficient management of cloud resources. -
Supervised Learning-Based Data Classification and Incremental Clustering
Using supervised learning-based data classification and incremental clustering, an unknown example can be classified using the most common class among K-nearest examples. The KNN classifier claims, Tell me who your neighbors are, and it will tell you who you are. The supervised learning-based data classification and incremental clustering technique is a simple yet powerful approach with applications in computer vision, pattern recognition, optical character recognition, facial recognition, genetic pattern recognition, and other fields. Its also known as a slacker learner because it doesnt develop a model to classify a given test tuple until the very last minute. When we say yes or no, there may be an element of chance involved. However, the fact that a diner can recognise an invisible food using his senses of taste, flavour, and smell is highly fascinating. At first, there can be a brief data collection phase: what are the most noticeable spices, aromas, and textures? Is the flavour of the food savoury or sweet? This information can then be used by the diner to compare the bite to other items he or she has had in the past. Earthy flavours may conjure up images of mushroom-based dishes, while briny flavours may conjure up images of fish. We view the discovery process through the lens of a slightly modified adage: if it smells like a duck and tastes like a chicken, youre probably eating chicken. This is a case of supervised learning in action. Machine learning can benefit from supervised learning, which is a concept that can be applied to it (ML). 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG. -
Supermarkets and Rural Inequality in India: A Case Study of Reliance Fresh
Drawing upon insights from growing strand of value chain literature, this article examines primary data collected from farmers supplying cauliflower and spinach to Reliance Fresh in the outskirts of Jaipur to understand the implication for farmer households of emergence of supermarket in a smallholder-dominated setting. The article finds that as a lead firm, Reliance Fresh is adopting flexible models of sourcing, devoid of any resource provision, to procure fresh produce of required quality and standards. In such a context, the barrier to participation of smallholders in supermarket-driven agri-food system varies across crops, depending on resource intensity of crops. Participation of smallholders, poorly endowed with human and physical capital, is limited in resource-intensive crop, such as cauliflower, because of high entry barrier in terms of requirement of assets. In contrast, entry barrier is low for smallholders in labour-intensive crop such as spinach, but competition among them, endowed with family labour, bid the rent down to the minimum. Gini decomposition exercise indicates that the emergence of supermarket-driven agri-food system has adverse distributional consequence in rural agrarian setting. Promotion of wholesale market with better infrastructure and encouragement of farmer federation as institutional innovations are suggested for inclusive agri-food marketing system. 2020 Institute of Rural Management. -
Supermarket procurement and farmgate prices in India
Supermarkets have gained in importance in the food systems of many developing countries, with profound implications for smallholder farmers. Several studies analyzed effects of selling to supermarkets on smallholder productivity and income. However, no previous work systematically analyzed effects of supermarkets on farmgate prices, even though prices are important determinants of farmers profits and livelihoods. Here, we use data from smallholder vegetable growers in India to compare output prices received in supermarket and traditional market channels. We also quantify farmers transport and transaction costs in both channels. Even after controlling for quality differences, prices are significantly higher in supermarket channels. Positive price effects are confirmed through hedonic price models and propensity score matching. Average effects of supermarkets on farmgate prices are in a magnitude of 20% or more. Higher farmgate prices are due to fewer intermediaries and lower transaction costs in supermarket channels. In the absence of binding contracts, supermarkets also need to pay higher prices to ensure regular supply of high-quality vegetables. These results suggest that the rise of supermarkets can contribute to increased market efficiency with positive effects on farmgate prices and revenues. 2020 The Authors -
Superior charge discharge ability of reduced graphene oxide/Li-ion embedded polymer composite films
Electroactive polymeric composites are recent generation material for energy application in lithium batteries, solar cells and supercapacitors. In present study, reduced graphene oxide is prepared from graphite powder using liquid exfoliation. The synthesized reduced graphene oxide is embedded with polystyrene sulfonic acid/lithium phosphate polymer electrolyte to obtain polymer composite films. The dielectric studies of composite reveals huge change in relaxation time with addition of rGO in polymeric lithium ion composites. This attributes to decrease in ion-dipolar interaction strength and enhanced polymer segmental motion in presence of carbon. It also implies the activation of electrochemical properties of polystyrene sulfonic acid/lithium phosphate/reduced graphene oxide (PLrGO) composites which can be effectively utilize for charge storage applications. The PLrGO composite exhibits an improved electrochemical performance with different scan rate on potential window ranged between ? 0.5 and 1.2V. The specific capacitance value of ~ 17F/g with high rate chargedischarge capability over 8000 cycles was observed. Higher electrochemical stability and steady charge/discharge behavior makes PLrGO composites a promising candidate for charge storage applications. 2018, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. -
Supercapacitor studies of activated carbon functionalized with poly(ethylene dioxythiophene): Effects of surfactants, electrolyte concentration on electrochemical properties
Electropolymerization of poly(ethylene dioxythiophene) (PEDOT) on activated carbon (AC) was performed using different surfactants such as anionic surfactant (sodium dodecyl sulfate), protonic surfactant (camphor sulphonic acid) and non-ionic surfactant (Triton) in 0.1 M H2SO4. The effects of concentration of different surfactants for electrodeposition of PEDOT on AC were analyzed using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), cyclic voltammetry (CV), and SEM techniques. Supercapacitors (SC) were fabricated using AC/PEDOT composite electrodes and 0.1 M H2SO4 as an electrolyte. The specific capacitance (Cs) values were calculated using CV at different concentrations of surfactants, electrolytes and variation of potential. The electrolyte containing 0.1 M H2SO4 and 0.02 M camphor sulphonic acid showed to have the highest specific capacitance value of 240 Fg?1 than other surfactant based SCs. Galvanostatic charge/discharge at varying current density were performed on SCs containing different surfactant based electrodes to study their cyclic stability. 2020 -
Super strongly perfect graphs
Some of the published results on super strongly perfect graphs are found to be erroneous. We provide some examples and counter examples on the concepts associated with super strongly perfects. 2022 World Scientific Publishing Company. -
Sunova spirulina Powder as an Effective Environmentally Friendly Corrosion Inhibitor for Mild Steel in Acid Medium
Abstract: Spirulina, blue green algae is a rich source of proteins and vitamins with excellent antioxidant properties. Sunova spirulina powder an effective, green corrosion inhibitor was used to evaluate its inhibition efficiency towards mild steel in 1M HCl medium. Weight loss studies of mild steel showed an inhibition efficiency of 96% for 600ppm concentration of inhibitor solution and 12h of immersion period at 303K. The percentage of inhibition efficiency increased with a step up of 10K raise in temperature from 303 to 333K and thereafter decreased. The results obtained were further validated by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometric (ICP-OES) measurements and electrochemical techniques that included Tafel polarisation, linear polarisation and AC impedance studies. Potentiodynamic polarisation study marked the inhibitor to be a mixed type inhibiting both cathodic and anodic reactions. The adsorption studies proved that the adsorption process was spontaneous and followed Langmuir adsorption isotherm. The thermodynamic activation and adsorption parameters calculated showed that the mechanism of inhibition involved a physisorption process initially and then it slightly shifted towards chemisorption process at higher temperature. The protective layer formed on the metal surface was studied using FTIR and SEM. The complex formation between the Fe2+ and the active constituents of the spirulina extract was verified using UV visible spectra and fluorescence spectra. The effect of inhibitor concentration and temperature on corrosion rate was tested statistically using two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) technique. Graphic Abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.]. 2020, Springer Nature Switzerland AG. -
Sumset valuations of graphs and their applications
Graph labelling is an assignment of labels to the vertices and/or edges of a graph with respect to certain restrictions and in accordance with certain predefined rules. The sumset of two non-empty sets A and B, denoted by A+B, is defined by A+B=\(a=b: a\inA, b\inB\). Let X be a non-empty subset of the set \Z and \sP(X) be its power set. An \textit of a given graph G is an injective set-valued function f: V(G)\to\sP_0(X), which induces a function f+: E(G)\to\sP_0(X) defined by f+(uv)=f(u)+f(v), where f(u)+f(v) is the sumset of the set-labels of the vertices u and v. This chapter discusses different types of sumset labeling of graphs and their structural characterizations. The properties and characterizations of certain hypergraphs and signed graphs, which are induced by the sumset-labeling of given graphs, are also done in this chapter. 2020, IGI Global. -
Sum Signed Graphs, Parity Signed Graphs and Cordial Graphs
Signed graphs are graphs with every edge is signed either positive or negative. Given an n vertex graph, the vertices are bijectively labelled from 1 to n. A signed graph is a sum signed graph if and only if every edge is signed negative whenever the sum of the vertex labels exceeds n and every edge is signed positive whenever the sum of the vertex labels does not exceed n. For a parity signed graph, an edge receives a negative sign, if the end vertices are of opposite parity and a positive sign otherwise. Cordial signed graphs are the ones with the difference between the total number of negative edges and the positive ones is at most 1. We discuss the connection between sum signed labeling with parity signed labeling and cordial labeling. The absolute cordial condition for graphs satisfying sum signed labeling will be analyzed 2023, IAENG International Journal of Applied Mathematics.All Rights Reserved. -
Sum signed graphs - I
Let G=(V,E) be a simple graph, f: V(G) ? {1, 2, ..., |V(G)|} be a bijective function and ?: E(G) ? {+,-} be a mapping such that ? (uv)=+, whenever f(u)+f(v) ? n and ? (uv)=-, whenever f(u)+f(v)>n. Then, S=(G,f,?) is said to be a sum signed graph. In this paper, we initiate the study of sum signed graphs. Also, we find rna number for some classes of graphs and present some of the characteristics of sum signed graphs. 2020 Author(s). -
In this paper, the study of sum signed graphs is continued. The balancing and switching nature of the graphs are analyzed. The concept of rna number is revisited and an important relation between the number and its complement is established. 2023, Krasovskii Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics. All rights reserved. -
Sum Signed Graph
A sum signed graph S = (G, f, and#963;) is a signed graph of the underlying graph G where f : V (G) and#8722;and#8594; {1, 2, . . . , | V (G) |} is a bijective function and and#963; : E(G) and#8722;and#8594; {+, and#8722;} is newlinea mapping such that and#963;(uv) = +, whenever f(u) + f(v) and#8804; n and and#963;(uv) = and#8722;, whenever f(u) + f(v) gt n. The minimum number of negative and positive edges among all the sum signed labelings of G is known as rna and rna complement number respectively. The maximum number of positive edges among all the sum signed labelings of G is known as adhika number. The set X and#8838; V (G) is said to be a s - dominating of a signed graph whenever X is a dominating set and there exists exactly s number of negative edges between X and its complement. The minimum cardinality of such a dominating set over all signed graphs of the graph G is called an s - domination number. newlineIn the present study, we initiate the study of a new labeling in signed graphs namely, newlinesum signed labeling. The characteristics of sum signed graphs and the bound of rna number of in terms of the number of vertices in the underlying graph are explored by examining the rna number of different graphs. The properties of signed graphs such as negating and balancing is analyzed. The relation between rna number and rna complement number is established. The connection of sum signed labeling with parity signed labeling and cordial labeling is discussed. The absolute cordial condition for graphs satisfying sum signed labeling is examined. The concept of s - domination was also introduced during this period of study. The s domination in both the positive and negative homogeneous signed graph is investigated for each value of s. The properties of s domination in sum signed graphs are also analyzed. The s - domination number for specifc values of s is investigated for various graphs. The maximum value of s for a graph for which the s - domination will exist is discussed. -
Sulphuric acid supported silica gel (H2SO4-SiO2) as an efficient catalyst for one-pot multicomponent synthesis of pyrano[2,3-c]pyrazol-amines under ultrasonication
In this study, the catalytic potential of a novel heterogeneous catalyst-sulphuric acid supported on silica gel (H2SO4-SiO2) has been assessed for the one-pot cyclo condensation reaction of aromatic aldehydes, 4-nitrophenylacetonitrile, ethyl acetoacetate and hydrazine/phenyl hydrazine to furnish poly functionalized pyrano[2,3-c]pyrazol-amine scaffolds under ultrasonication. Notably, within the framework of green chemistry, this divergent and step-economic approach has many benefits such as (i) use of water as solvent in the reaction, (ii) creation of up to five bonds in one sequence, (iii) avail of US irradiation as an efficient source of energy, (iv) application of nontoxic and reusable catalyst. Besides these, simple workup procedure, low catalyst loadings, shorter reaction time, high functional group compatibility, readily accessible starting materials and excellent yields without column chromatography render this protocol novel and greener towards the synthesis of poly functionalized pyrano[2,3-c]pyrazol-amines. 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the Second International Symposium ''Functional Nanomaterials in Industrial Applications: Academy - Industry Meet''.