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Representation of Cancer in the Digital Space
[No abstract available] -
Platt number of total graphs
The degree of an edge uv is defined as the number of edges incident on vertices u and v other than itself. The Platt number of a graph is the sum of degrees of all its edges. In this paper, the concept of degree of an edge is analysed in social networks. The Platt number is investigated in certain classes of graphs and their total graphs. Also related bounds are proposed on connected graphs. An algorithm developed to determine the Platt number of any connected graph is presented. 2018 Academic Publications. -
GASP. XV. A MUSE view of extreme ram-pressure stripping along the line of sight: Physical properties of the jellyfish galaxy JO201
We present a study of the physical properties of JO201, a unique disc galaxy with extended tails undergoing extreme ram-pressure stripping (RPS) as it moves through the massive cluster Abell 85 at supersonic speeds mostly along the line of sight. JO201 was observed with multi-unit spectroscopic explorer as part of the GASP programme. In a previous paper (GASP II) we studied the stellar and gas kinematics. In this paper we present emission-line ratios, gas-phase metallicities, and ages of the stellar populations across the galaxy disc and tails. We find that while the emission at the core of the galaxy is dominated by an active galactic nucleus (AGN), the disc is composed of star-forming knots surrounded by excited diffuse gas. The collection of star-forming knots presents a metallicity gradient steadily decreasing from the centre of the galaxy outwards, and the ages of the stars across the galaxy show that the tails formed ? 109 yr ago. This result is consistent with an estimate of the stripping time-scale (?1 Gyr), obtained from a toy orbital model. Overall, our results independently and consistently support a scenario in which a recent or ongoing event of intense RPS acting from the outer disc inwards, causes removal and compression of gas, thus altering the AGN and star formation activity within and around the galaxy. 2019 The Author(s) Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society. -
Prevalence and Predictors of Restless Leg Syndrome in Adolescents and Young Adults of Bengaluru City, India: A Cross-Sectional Study
INTRODUCTION: Restless leg syndrome (RLS) is a sensorimotor disease characterized by an urge to move the legs, often caused by uncomfortable and unpleasant sensations in the legs. It affects the quality of sleep which in turn affects scholastic performance in children and predisposes them to cardiovascular diseases in the long run. Hence, the primary aim of this study was to assess the prevalence and predictors of RLS, poor sleep quality, and excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS). METHODS: This was a cross-sectional observational study conducted between September 2017 and March 2020 in Bengaluru, India, including all consenting PreUniversity College, Degree College, and Higher Secondary school students. After parental consent and assent (if applicable) was obtained, a semi-structured standardized pilot-tested questionnaire consisting of the RLS diagnostic criteria, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), Epworth sleepiness scale, and questions on sleep hygiene was administered. The prevalence was expressed as proportions and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI). Regression analysis was done to determine the predictors. RESULTS: The overall prevalence (95% CI; frequency) of students with RLS, poor sleep quality, and EDS in our study population was 8.36% (7.54, 9.24; n = 1,544/4,211), 36.67% (35.21, 38.14; n = 1,544/4,211), and 39.87% (38.39, 41.37; n = 1,679/4,211), respectively. PSQI and Epworth score were the significant predictors of RLS. Age, Epworth score, knowledge score, and the number of unacceptable sleep habits were the significant predictors of sleep quality. Female gender, PSQI, RLS, knowledge score, and the number of unacceptable sleep habits were the significant predictors of EDS. CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of RLS, those with poor sleep quality and EDS among adolescents and young adults was higher when compared to the historical data of general population in the same city. 2022 S. Karger AG, Basel. -
Improved File Security System Using Multiple Image Steganography
Steganography is the process of hiding a secret message within an ordinary message extracting it at its destination. Image steganography is one of the most common and secure forms of steganography available today. Traditional steganography techniques use a single cover image to embed the secret data which has few security shortcomings. Therefore, batch steganography has been adopted which stores data on multiple images. In this paper, a novel approach is proposed for slicing the secret data and storing it on multiple cover images. In addition, retrieval of this secret data from the cover images on the destination side has also been discussed. The data slicing ensures secure transmission of the vital data making it merely impossible for the intruder to decrypt the data without the encrypting details. 2019 IEEE. -
Framework for proactive visualization of text based narrative using NLP
Language is an essential mode, not only for human communicationbut also for thinking. A story is conveyed or a report of an incident is being told, humans perceive the conveyed information in the form of visual insights. The increasing advancements in the field of artificial intelligence can help with the same in machines. This paper reflects on the internalization of stories from a cognitive perspective and outlines a scalable framework for supporting the visualization of narrative text data. This paper leverages natural language processing (NLP), probabilistic modelling of discourse knowledge, information extraction of narrative components (who, where, when, what) and the narrative visualization. The graphics knowledge base storage structure has been redesigned to obviate the necessity of having a larger database for all graphics entity. With the developed framework, any user can input unrestricted natural language for the dynamic generation of animated scenes. This provides users with direct visual output in response to their natural language input. This tool can potentially impact the way humans interact with computers and expand a completely new way of understanding conversations. 2020 IJSTR. -
Social environment based on sentiments using globalized user review analysis /
Patent Number: 202141007727, Applicant: Dr.G Muneeswari.
A simple yet efficient model, called Globalized User Sentiment Analysis (GURA) by using the property that sentiment classification has two opposite class labels (i.e., positive and negative), we first propose a data expansion technique by creating sentiment toggled reviews. The original and switched reviews are constructed in a one-to-one correspondence. Thereafter, we enhance the dual training (DT) algorithm and a dual forecasting (DF) algorithm separately, to make use of the original and switched samples in pairs for training a statistical classifier and make predictions. -
Identity formation and construction of communities among the users of social networking sites
Study of social networking sites and formation of community within the social networking sites is a new topic. Emergence of social networking sites and its impact on the social life is therefore a recent phenomenon. The social networking sites are a common platform for users to come together on the basis of common interest, ideas and opinions. Its existence and relevance is justified by number of factors operating together, such as large user base, radical changes in the process of socialization and impact of social media on our everyday life etc. What makes social networking sites so interesting is the fact that it is user centric. The very foundation of social networking sites was laid to facilitate socialization among the users. India has one of the largest social network user bases especially for social networking sites like Facebook and Orkut. This is even truer for urban centers such as Bangalore, Delhi, Mumbai and Chennai. The use of social networking sites is so common among the youth that it almost seems as though if one is not part of social networking site one does not have any social life. Everything we have in real life gets replicated in the online communities, the good and the bad. Therefore, this study is an attempt to understand how the users are able to come together and form community in the cyberspace. The researcher also attempts to study the impact of the same in the real life and vice versa. Since the advent of social networking sites it has radically changed the way we socialize. This study also looks at how social networking sites and social network analysis emerged. Identity formation is yet another aspect of the study; online identities are very fluid as one has to type themselves into existence. Therefore, the identities people take online are varied and often may be completely different from the reality. This aspect of fluid identity has both positive and negative aspects as we will see later in the thesis. Social media technologies are woven into the very fabric of our social life. As mentioned above are the various aspects of the social networking sites that we are looking into. The dissertation is divided into five chapters, the first chapter introduces one to the topic, along with aims, objectives, need and background of the study, the second chapter consists of the reviewed literature, the third chapter deals with the methodological part of the dissertation as various tools and techniques used in the study are explained, while the fourth chapter is the analysis and interpretation of the primary data collected, it is presented using various bar diagrams and tables, and the fifth chapter brings out the important findings in the study and also in the conclusion chapter. The fifth chapter summarizes all the findings of the earlier chapters. Finally, the dissertation consists of the bibliography list and the questionnaire which was distributed to collect the data. -
Parametric investigation on the tool wear while performing face milling on inconel 718 using round insert
Machining of Inconel 718 has become a material of great purpose in the machining industry. Since Inconel is considered to be a super alloy which possess high material property such as high thermal fatigue, high strength and high resistance to corrosion it is thus considered to be a material which is hard to machine. This paper gives an overview on the tool wear that takes place while machining. Machining was carried out in a CNC milling machine with the help of a tungsten carbide circular insert. The cutting parameters taken into consideration were cutting speed, feed rate and depth of cut. Tool wear was analysed with the help of tool makers microscope. Statistical analysis was done on the MINITAB 18 software by using regression analysis. The regression analysis was carried out by using Response Surface Methodology (RSM) the mathematical model for each individual response has been developed from regression equations considering analysis of cutting parameters as independent variables which was found to be significantly accurate. BEIESP. -
The charm of Indian folk art /
Indian Folk art is widely appreciated by the global audience because of its aesthetics and simplicity. The various folk art forms of India, have developed from the antiquities of the past centuries. The following research paper titled. The Charm Of Indian Folk Art‘ will analyse the traditional folk art of selected regions from across the country. And the modern adaptation of these traditional art forms by the contemporary designers. -
Smart Phone based Fundus Imaging for Diabetic Retinopathy Detection
INTRODUCTION: Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is one of the consequences of diabetes which if untreated may lead to loss of vision. Generally, for DR detection, retinal images are obtained using a traditional fundus camera. A recent trend in the acquisition of eye fundus images is the usage of smartphones to acquire images. OBJECTIVES: This paper focuses on the study of existing works which incorporated smartphones for obtaining fundus images and various devices available in the market. Also, the common datasets used for carrying out DR detection using smartphone-based fundus images as well as the classification models used for the diagnosis of DR are explored. METHODS: A search of information was carried out on articles based on DR detection from fundus images published in the state-of-the-art literatures. RESULTS: Majority of the works uses SBFI devices like 20D lens, EyeExaminer etc. to obtain fundus image. The common databases used for the study are EyePACS, Messidor, etc. and the classification models mostly rely on deep learning frameworks. CONCLUSION: The use of smartphones for capturing fundus images for DR detection are explored. Smartphone devices, datasets used for the study and currently available classification models for SBFI based DR detection are discussed in detail. This paper portrays various approaches currently being employed in SBFI based DR detection. 2023 A. Benjamin et al. -
The neuropsychology of leadership
In today's rapidly evolving workplace, understanding leadership and management from cognitive, affective, and social neuroscience perspectives contributes greatly to organizational success. This proposed chapter will delve into the specific relevance of the neuropsychology of leadership, highlighting executive control, decision-making, problem-solving, inhibitory control, emotional regulation, and stress management as crucial components of effective leadership. The chapter will also highlight the importance of cognitive profiling, mental health assessments, neuroplasticity, cognitive enhancement, and neurofeedback in the context of leadership and management. This proposed chapter aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the interplay between neuropsychology and leadership, emphasizing its potential to enhance individual and collective success in the modern workplace. 2024 by IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Metal organic frameworks in biomedicine: Innovations in drug delivery
Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) have emerged as a class of versatile materials, finding extensive applications in drug delivery because of their unique properties and flexible design. This comprehensive review aims to give a broad perspective on the recent advancements in the area of drug delivery applications using MOFs. The fundamental characteristics of MOFs, highlighting their exceptional porosity, high surface area, and tuneable framework structures, enable MOFs to serve as ideal drug carriers, allowing efficient drug loading and controlled release. The review delves into the various ligands and metal ions employed for drug encapsulation. These include physical encapsulation, covalent bonding, and host-guest interactions, each offering distinct advantages for diverse types of drugs and therapeutic applications. The importance of tailoring MOF properties to optimize drug loading capacity, stability, and release kinetics has been emphasized. Additionally, the explorations involve delving into the mechanisms of drug release from MOFs, with factors such as pH, temperature, and external stimuli that can be harnessed to trigger controlled drug release. The utilization of MOFs in combination therapies, such as co-delivery of multiple drugs or integrating imaging agents, has also been examined. Numerous examples of MOFs used for drug delivery, encompassing both in-vitro and in-vivo studies, covering a wide range of therapeutic areas, including cancer treatment, antimicrobial therapy, and targeted drug delivery, are included. Additionally, the review addresses the challenges and future perspectives in the development of MOFs for drug delivery. Strategies to improve MOF stability, biocompatibility, and scalability are discussed, along with the understanding of MOF-drug interaction and potential toxicity concerns. With their tuneable properties, high loading capacities, and controlled release capabilities, MOFs hold exceptional capabilities that promise to enhance the efficacy of therapeutic interventions. Continued research and development in this area can pave way for the translation of MOFs into clinical applications in the near future. 2024 The Author(s) -
Role of Memoirs in Reducing the Stigma of Mental Illness in India
How reading about mental illness in the form of memoirs encourages us to reimagine our understanding and get past the popular stigmatised depictions of mental illness in India is explored in this article. This information can come to the aid of medical enthusiasts, psychologists, psychoanalysts, and even educators in considering the subjective dimensions of the experience of mental illness apart from the results of scientifi c inquiry and reducing the stigma of mental illness in India. 2023 Economic and Political Weekly. All rights reserved. -
Economic Analysis, Environmental Impact, Future Prospects and Mechanistic Understandings of Nanosensors and Nanocatalysis
It is crucial to understand the economic importance of sensors and catalysis. Economy always plays a major role in the field of nanotechnology. The ever-growing industrial revolution raises many concerns to understand the phenomena and to develop inexpensive devices for sensing applications. However, manufacturing such devices have caused a severe impact on environment. Thus, it is a requirement to understand the mechanistic aspects and also future prospects of nanosensors and catalysis to achieve sustainable technologies for the future. 2023 selection and editorial matter, Anitha Varghese and Gurumurthy Hegde; individual chapters, the contributors. -
Laccase mediated electrosynthesis of heliotropin on mango-kernel derived carbon nanosphere composite: A sustainable approach
Facile fabrication of enzyme immobilized carbon nanospheres (CNS) based catalysts with high electrical conductivity and catalytic efficiency are of decisive importance for their electrocatalysis. A novel, green and highly efficient synthesis route for the development of an electrode surface with enhanced electrical conductivity and better catalytic activity for the electrochemical synthesis of heliotropin. The obtained biowaste (mango seed kernels) was pyrolyzed and subjected to acid treatment to form functionalized CNS (f-CNS). The functionalized carbon fiber paper (CFP) electrode was employed as a template for laccase immobilization which was further treated with free laccase resulting in the formation of Lac-fCNS/CFP electrode. The developed electrode exhibited excellent electrooxidation of piperonyl alcohol in the presence of 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy (TEMPO), which served as the mediator. A high yield (78%) of heliotropin was achieved during the electrooxidation at 0.78 V via bulk electrolysis. The obtained product (heliotropin aka piperonal) was confirmed via 1H NMR and 13C NMR. Additionally, computational molecular docking analysis of f-CNS:laccase composite showed strong binding affinity (?6.2 kcal/mol) with TEMPO in comparison with free laccase (?5.1 kcal/mol). The excellent selectivity and efficiency of the developed electrocatalyst aim to surpass all other reported laccase-TEMPO mediated based electrocatalytic oxidation reactions. 2022 Vietnam National University, Hanoi -
A novel laccase-based biocatalyst for selective electro-oxidation of 2-thiophene methanol
An effective biocatalyst was fabricated for TEMPO-mediated electrooxidation of 2-thiophene methanol. Laccase obtained from Trametes versicolor was covalently immobilized onto electrochemically polymerized ortho-amino benzoic acid (PABA) layer on carbon fiber paper (CFP) electrode. The composite material was characterized by Fourier transformed infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), Optical profilometry (OP), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Electrochemical parameters were studied using cyclic voltammetry (CV). Moreover, the developed biocatalyst (Lac-PABA/CFP) was used for selective conversion of 2-thiophene methanol to 2-thiophene carboxaldehyde using 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy, free radical (TEMPO) as a mediator. The formation of the product was confirmed via FTIR, GCMS, 1HNMR and 13CNMR. The enzyme activity of free and immobilized laccase was studied using 2, 2?-Azino-bis (3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS) substrate at optimal conditions. Computational In silico analysis also suggested the presence of active sites (T2/T3 trimeric sites-copper ions) in laccase (PDB id: 1KYA's) interacting amino acid residues with the TEMPO and 2-thiophene methanol. Additionally, molecular dynamics simulations revealed that 2-thiophene methanol as compared to TEMPO is more stable (better RMSD, RMSF) in interacting with laccase specifically having strong interaction residues at Asp206, Glu242, Gly262, Gln293, and Glu302. Furthermore, the proposed strategy was confirmed by assessing the various interactions using computational tools. This work would be highly beneficial to develop an electrocatalyst for effective synthesis of 2-thiophene carboxaldehyde, a common intermediate in pharmaceutical, agrochemical, dye, fertilizer and chemical industries. 2021 -
Waste elimination to porous carbonaceous materials for the application of electrochemical sensors: Recent developments
World is expected to face a big disaster from waste materials generated as a result of the ever-growing industrialization. Recent developments in the area of biomass-derived materials and valuable products has attracted many into its diverse applications. Biomass-derived porous carbonaceous materials are highly recommended for the development of electrochemical sensors due to their unique features like cost-effectiveness, distinctive structure, sustainability, and regenerative nature. The electrochemical and catalytic activity of the sensor differ based on their surface morphology specifically surface area, pore-volume, and pore size. Various techniques like activation, doping, and dispersion of metal nanoparticles are efficient in enhancing the performance of sensors. Some of the essential or seminal developments in the area of biomass-derived carbonaceous materials for detecting diverse target analytes like pharmaceutical drugs, metal ions, biomolecules, food additives, pollutants, and flavonoids are reviewed. 2020 Elsevier Ltd