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A sustainable non-enzymatic approach for determination of cholesterol using piper nigrum derived porous carbon/?-Fe2O3 composite electrode
Activated porous carbon (APC) obtained from Piper nigrum along with ?-Fe2O3 have been used to modify carbon paste electrode (CPE) for the highly sensitive and selective electrochemical determination of cholesterol. The enhanced synergistic properties observed between the biomass-derived APC and ?-Fe2O3 uplifts the electrocatalytic activity of the modified electrode (APC-Fe2O3/CPE). The prepared ?-Fe2O3 nanoparticles were characterised by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray diffraction (XRD), Dynamic light scattering (DLS), zeta potential measurements and Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). High resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), Field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and electrochemical techniques were used to study the physico-chemical properties of the modified electrodes. Experimental conditions such as effect of pH, scan rate and concentration of cholesterol were optimized. Wide linear dynamic range between 25 nM and 300 nM, low limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantification (LOQ) of 8 nM and 26 nM respectively make the method very effective and sensitive. Cholesterol in human blood serum samples was non-enzymatically determined using the developed method. 2021 The Electrochemical Society. -
?-cyclodextrin functionalized graphitic carbon nitride as a promising electrocatalyst for the selective oxidation of Tetrahydrofurfuryl alcohol
Selective electrochemical conversion of Tetrahydrofurfuryl alcohol (THFA) was facilitated employing ??cyclodextrin (??CD) functionalized graphitic carbon nitride (GCN) based nanocomposite. The GCN bulk were obtained by subjecting melamine to pyrolysis and further the material was exfoliated to improve its optoelectronic properties. Non-covalent attachment of ??CD over GCN via ultrasonication creates reactive surface sites on the electrode (??CD/GCN/CFP) facilitating a better host-guest interaction. The cyclic voltammetry and chronoamperometry techniques were employed to investigate the reaction mechanism (qualitative) and kinetics (quantitative) respectively of 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy (TEMPO) mediated electrochemical oxidation of THFA. Further, on subjecting the reaction mixture to bulk electrolysis, the desired product was isolated with yield of 78%. The enhanced efficacy, stability and repeatability of the developed heterogenous catalyst aims to surpass all other conventional synthesis of Tetrahydrofurfural (THFF). 2022 Elsevier Ltd -
Conducting Polymers: A Versatile Material for Biomedical Applications
Conducting polymers (CPs) are organic polymers with metallic conductivity or semiconducting properties which have drawn considerable attention globally. They are versatile materials because of their excellent environmental stability, electrical conductivity, economic importance as well as optical and electronic properties. CPs are interesting because they can be functionalized in several ways and the chemical properties are fine-tuned by incorporating new functionalities, making them more suitable in biomedical and other applications. They act as appropriate mediums of biomolecules and can be employed to improve the speed, stability, and sensitivity of various biomedical devices. They can transit between conducting and semiconducting states and have the ability to change mechanical properties by regulated doping, chemical modifications, etc. In this paper, we review the potential biomedical uses of conducting polymers such as smart textiles, bioactuators, hydrogels, and the use of CPs in neural prosthetic devices. 2022 Wiley-VCH GmbH. -
Selective Oxidation of Hetrocyclic Alcohols Using Carbon Based Modified Electrodes
Electro-organic synthesis has achieved great significance over the conventional synthesis routes due to its diverse features which includes the in-situ generation of reagents, replacement of harmful redox reagents, rapid response, and low energy consumption. The choice of reactants (heterocyclic alcohols) for the electrochemical oxidation is solely based on the applications of its corresponding aldehydes. Furthermore, 2-thiophene methanol, piperonyl alcohol, 5-methyl furfuryl alcohol and Tetrahydro furfuryl alcohol have been chosen as reactants of interest as their corresponding aldehydes 2-thiophene carboxaldehyde, piperonal, 5-methyl furfural and Tetrahydro furfural possess various synthetic applications such as production of newlinedyestuffs, perfumes, veterinary products, agrochemicals and pharmaceutical drugs. newlineCarbon based electrodes provide a versatile platform for catalysis reactions. newlineElectrocatalysts for the selective oxidation of heterocyclic alcohols are designed on newlineemploying diverse modifications on the carbon fiber paper (CFP) electrode. Such newlinemodifications have attracted researchers due to their exceptional selectivity, stability, newlineelectrical conductivity and lower charge transfer resistance. The modifications newlineemployed in the current study include immobilized laccase-based materials and newlinegraphitic carbon nitride-based composites. newlineThe physico-chemical properties of the fabricated electrodes were studied using newlinedifferent characterization techniques like Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM), Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometry (EDS), X-Ray Photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), Optical Profilometry (OP) and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR). Electrochemical investigations were performed using Cyclic Voltammetry (CV), Chronoamperometry (CA) and Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS). Optimization of experimental conditions such as effect of pH and scan rate to understand the reaction mechanism were studied in detail. -
Laccase mediated electrosynthesis of heliotropin on mango-kernel derived carbon nanosphere composite: A sustainable approach /
Journal of Science: Advanced Materials and Devices, Vol.7, Issue 4, pp.1-11, ISSN No: 2468-2179.
Facile fabrication of enzyme immobilized carbon nanospheres (CNS) based catalysts with high electrical conductivity and catalytic efficiency are of decisive importance for their electrocatalysis. A novel, green and highly efficient synthesis route is reported here for the development of an electrode surface with enhanced electrical conductivity and better catalytic activity for the electrochemical synthesis of heliotropin. The obtained biowaste (mango seed kernels) was pyrolyzed and subjected to acid treatment to form functionalized CNS (f-CNS). The functionalized carbon fiber paper (CFP) electrode was employed as a template for laccase immobilization which was further treated with free laccase resulting in the formation of Lac-fCNS/CFP electrode. -
β-cyclodextrin functionalized graphitic carbon nitride as a promising electrocatalyst for the selective oxidation of Tetrahydrofurfuryl alcohol /
Electrochimica Acta, Vol.430, ISSN No: 0013-4686.
Selective electrochemical conversion of Tetrahydrofurfuryl alcohol (THFA) was facilitated employing β−cyclodextrin (β−CD) functionalized graphitic carbon nitride (GCN) based nanocomposite. The GCN bulk were obtained by subjecting melamine to pyrolysis and further the material was exfoliated to improve its optoelectronic properties. Non-covalent attachment of β−CD over GCN via ultrasonication creates reactive surface sites on the electrode (β−CD/GCN/CFP) facilitating a better host-guest interaction. -
Characterization of nanocarbon based electrode material derived from anthracite coal
Nanocarbon derivatives (NCD's) have wide range of scope in the field of sensors, supercapacitors and charge storage application. In the present study, anthracite is used as a precursor to synthesis nano-carbon derivatives. One of the important aspects of this study is to intercalate the synthesized NCD's with Li-ion to enhance its electrochemical and optical properties. The prepared NCD with Li-ion interface is used as an electrode material to study charge-discharge capacity and cyclic stability. The NCD shows a specific capacitance 65.4 mF g-1 and retention of capacitance after 200 cycles. However, adding small amount of supportive electrode material with NCD's enhances the capacitance after 160 cycles. The drastic increase in electronic conductivity of NCD's by adding supportive Li-ion permits the electrochemical activity of electrode material to be effectively utilized for practical applications. 2020 IOP Publishing Ltd. -
Analysing grief on twitter: A study of digital expressions on Om Puri's death /
Funes Journal of Narratives And Social Sciences, Vol.2, pp. 136-152, ISSN No. 2532-6732. -
Football Player Substitution Analysis using NLP and Survival Analysis
Football player substitution is extremely significant in situations where the team is down by goals or attempting to retain a lead that can add value to the team's performance. However, substituting players based on their prior performance would not assist the squad in making good decisions. In one of the papers, they used an inverse gaussian hazard model to determine the survival rate of players. However, the main issue arises when players do not give their all due to their mental state, which plays a critical role during the game. Furthermore, most of the research papers relied solely on past performance of players and various analyses, which was insufficient. This study discovered that the player's mindset should be mentally stable and competitive which is also very crucial during the match by reading various research articles. Hence, this study proposes a framework which comprises of two models, namely Survival Analysis (Kaplan-Meier Fitter) and Natural Language Processing (Sentimental Analysis). Sentimental Analysis would hel p in determining a player's mindset before the match and Kaplan-Meier Fitter is used to find out the survival rate of player's performance based on several factors like goal scored, passing accuracy etc. which would allow the team to make better informed decisions. Comparison of these two models would yield the best results for substitute players on the bench on the basis of their past performance and their mental health which will allow them to make team management to make better judgments. 2023 IEEE. -
Bioconversion of Feather Composts using Proteolytic Bacillus mycoides for their Possible Application as Biofertilizer in Agriculture
Proteolytic Bacillus strains were screened for highest protease production amongst which Bacillus mycoides (G2) was chosen as an assuring protease producer. Enzyme activity was maximum at 37C, pH-7, when the medium was supplemented with 0.5 and 0.75% of sucrose and beef extract respectively. Tapioca flour and soybean meal were capable of replacing commercial carbon and nitrogen sources respectively. Feather degradation studies revealed 62% of degradation with Quail feather (QF), followed by Chicken feather (CF) (58%), Guinea fowl feather (51%) and Pigeon feather (43%). Biodegradation of feather samples in soil evidenced degradation of Quail feather and Chicken feather at the following patternQF Treatment 1 (5%) ? CF Treatment 1 (5%) ? QF Treatment 2 (10%) ? CF Treatment 2 (10%). Maximum degradation of QF and sufficient release of free amino acids into the feather compost was obvious with Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopic (FE-SEM) and High Performance Thin Layer Chromatographic (HPTLC) analyses respectively. In vitro plant growth studies of tomato and chilly plants were accomplished with feather composts. Maximum growth of 26.44cm (shoot length) was achieved when feather compost prepared with degraded QF (5%) was utilized as plant growth substrate, than other treatment pots (P < 0.05). Plant growth was exemplary in the case of tomato when compared to that of chilly. Sound degradation of QF, followed by CF using Bacillus mycoides could strengthen the efficacy of microbial fermentation processes. This significant attempt could support poultry farms as well as organic agricultural sectors ecologically. Graphic Abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.] 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature B.V. -
Development of Genetic Algorithm based Neural Network Model for Predicting Workability and Strength of High Performance Concrete
International Journal of Inventive Engineering and Sciences (IJIES), Vol.2, Issue 6, ISSN : 2319-9598. -
Development of Genetic Algorithm Based Neural Network Model for Predicting Strength of High Performance Concrete
Volume 3, Issue -2, ISSN: 2248-9622 -
Development of Genetic Algorithm based Neural Network Model For Predicting Workability and strength of High Performance Concrete.
Volume-2 Issue-6, May, ISSN 23199598 -
Effect of Replacement of Cement By Metakalion On The Properties Of High Performance Concrete Subjected To Hydrochloric Acid Attack
Vol.2, Issue 6, November-December 2012, pp 033-038
ISSN: 2248-9622 -
Effect of Replacement of Cement by Metakalion On the Properties Of High Performance Concrete Subjected To Hydrochloric Acid Attack.
Vol. 2, Issue 6, November- December , pp.033-038
A Mathematical Correlation of Compressive Strength Among Silica, Alumina and Calcia Present in Composite Red Mud and Iron Ore Tailingbricks
Waste Red Mud generated from bauxite beneficiation in aluminium industry contains sodium oxide in minor amount along with silica and alumina in significant quantities. Waste iron ore tailings from beneficiation of iron ore in steel industry contain silica and alumina in significant quantities. A combination of both these materials in different amounts along with GGBS and lime addition resulted in complex alkali-activated reaction products consisting of (Si/Al), (Ca/Si) and (Ca/(Si+Al)) complexes which influence compressive strength of the test samples on curing for extended time periods at room temperature. Individual correlation coefficients of these complexes with compressive strength yielded high values with (Si/Al) and (Ca/Si+Al) ratios (0.92 and 0.96, respectively) while showing a poor correlation coefficient with (Ca/Si) ratio (0.88). A direct regression analysis between compressive strength and (Si/Al) ratio and (Ca/Si+Al) ratio indicated negative values with (Si/Al) ratios but positive values with (Ca/ (Si+Al)) ratios. It is therefore concluded that the addition of lime and GGBS (contributed from both GGBS and lime addition) resulted in Ca-Si-Al complex formations which are responsible for improved compressive strength of the samples. 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
A Sustainability Approach to Geopolymer Brick Manufacture Using Mine Wastes
India has tons of by-products of industries like fly ash, ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS), and mine tailings from different ores. By incorporating these wastes in bricks, the carbon footprint can be minimized. This research pivots around the use of iron ore tailings (IOT) and slag sand as a substitute for clay or shale in the manufacture of stabilized geopolymer blocks. Iron ore tailings and slag sand were used for substitution in the range of 20-40% and 15-40% with increments of 5%. Fly ash, ground granulated blast furnace slag, and sodium silicates (Na2SiO3) were used with a constant value of 15%. The bricks were cast and cured at ambient temperature. The study includes testing of mechanical properties of geopolymer bricks as per IS recommendations. To study the macroanalysis, SEM and XRD analyses were also carried out on raw materials and developed composites. The outcomes of this investigation show that the inclusion of 25% of IOT and 30% of slag sand is acceptable as brick material. Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2022. -
An experimental study on utilisation of red mud and iron ore tailings in production of stabilised blocks
Construction of bricks using waste materials is one among the many ways to address the problems encountered in infrastructure. In the present study, various industrial and mining wastes have been used to manufacture stable bricks. These wastes include red mud (RM) from Hindalco, and iron ore tailings (IOT) from BMM Ispat, Bellary. Both RM and IOT were combined in different proportions with ground-granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS) and waste lime. In first series, IOT was replaced in the range of 45% to 60% with increments of 5%, and RM was replaced in the range of 15% to 30% with increments of 5%. In the second series, RM was replaced in the range of 45% to 60% with increments of 5%, and IOT was replaced in the range of 15% to 30% with increments of 5%. Tests were performed as per the Indian and ASTM standards on both the raw material and the developed composites. These tests include liquid, plastic limit, particle size, XRF, XRD, and SEM on raw materials, while tests performed on composites were compressive strength, water absorption, efflorescence, porosity, apparent specific gravity, and bulk density. Results of the study indicate that addition of IOT up to 55% is acceptable as brick material. Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd 2020. -
An Empirical Model for Geopolymer Reactions Involving Fly Ash and GGBS
Numerous works are reported in literature regarding the enhancement of compressive strength of fly ash-GGBS geopolymer combinations with addition of alkali activators of varying concentrations. However, a limited study has been chronicled, revealing the specific role of alkali or alkaline earth contributed by the fly ash-GGBS combinations on the compressive strength development. It is well known that the strength of a geopolymer is dependent on gel formation from Al/Si ratio, Ca/Si ratio, and Ca/(Si + Al) ratio but their exact role when cured for various extended periods is unknown as yet. In the present study, alkali concentration in a fly ash-GGBS geopolymer combination was varied from 6 M to 12 M with increments of two mol in six different fly ash-GGBS combinations with a minimum of 20 percent and a maximum of 70 percent GGBS. The correlation coefficients between compressive strength and Al/Si, Ca/Si, and Ca/(Si + Al) ratios exhibited values higher than 0.95 taken individually. Multiple linear regression analysis with compressive strength (as dependent parameter) and individual values of Al/Si, Ca/Si, and Ca/(Si + Al) ratios (as independent parameters) was effectuated. It was observed that, depending on the composition, the compressive strength circumstantiated a changeover from Ca/Si to Ca/(Si + Al) ratio in the intermediate composition range. Such a detailed analysis is considered supportive of developing a suitable composition which will provide the optimum compressive strength of the combination. 2022 Beulah M et al.