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Analysis of Workloads for Cloud Services
Capturing best quality datasets for a study is the first evidence for better outcomes of research. If the analysis are based on such datasets, then the metrics, the characteristics and few factors determines proof point for well proven theories. Hence it is obvious that we rely on the best possible ways to arrive at such data acquiring sources. It can be either based on historical techniques or from the innovations in application of it to industry. This paper introduces a mapping framework for analyzing, and characterizing data previously used by research community and how they are made to fit for Cloud systems, i.e. using 'workloads' and 'datasets' as the 'refined definitions'. It was contributed in the past two decades within the scientific community setting their own workflow analysis mechanisms. The framework thus is validated by acquiring a sample workload per layer of cloud. The sources are form the literature that are available from existing scientific theories. These workloads are then experimented against the three tiers of the cloud computing ie., IaaS(Infrastructure as a Service), PaaS(Platform as a Service), & SaaS(Software as a Service). The selected data is analyzed by the authors for an offline model presented here based on the Machine Learning tool-kits. There are future studies planned for and to be experimented in a cloud auto scaled environment with online model as well. 2022 IEEE. -
Analysis of Flexoelectricity with Deformed Junction in Two Distinct Piezoelectric Materials Using Wave Transmission Study
Analysis of flexoelectricity in distinct piezoelectric (PE) materials bars (PZT-7A, PZT-6B) with deformed interface in stick over Silicon oxide layer is studied analytically with the help of Love-type wave vibrations. Using the numerical data for PE material, then research achieves the noteworthy fallouts of flexoelectric effect (FE) and PE. The effect of flexoelectricity is compared first between biomaterials of piezoelectric ceramics. Dispersion expressions are procured logically for together electrically unlocked/locked conditions under the influence of deformed interface in the complex form which is transcendental. Fallouts of the research identify that contexture consisting of FE has a noteworthy impact on the acquired dispersion expressions. Existence of FE displays that the unreal section of the phase velocity rises monotonically. Competitive consequences are displayed diagrammatically and ratified with published outcomes. The outcomes of the present research done on both the real and imaginary section of the wave velocity. The comparative study between the two piezo-ceramics bars helps us to understand the properties of one piezo-material over the another and as an outcomes the significance of the present study helps in structural health monitoring, bioengineering for optimizing the detection sensitivity in the smart sensors. 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG. -
Deep Convolution Neural Network for RBC Images
The suggested study's objectives are to develop an unique criterion-based method for classifying RBC pictures and to increase classification accuracy by utilizing Deep Convolutional Neural Networks instead of Conventional CNN Algorithm. Materials and Procedures A dataset-master image dataset of 790 pictures is used to apply Deep Convolutional Neural Network. Convolutional Neural Network and Deep Convolutional Neural Network comparison using deep learning has been suggested and developed to improve classification accuracy of RBC pictures. Using Gpower, the sample size was calculated to be 27 for each group. Results: When compared to Convolutional Neural Network, Deep Convolutional Neural Network had the highest accuracy in classifying blood cell pictures (95.2%) and the lowest mean error (85.8 percent). Between the classifiers, there is a statistically significant difference of p=0.005. The study demonstrates that Deep Convolutional Neural Networks perform more accurately than Conventional Neural Networks while classifying photos of blood cells[1]. 2022 IEEE. -
DKMI: Diversification ofWeb Image Search Using Knowledge Centric Machine Intelligence
Web Image Recommendation is quite important in the present-day owing to the large scale of the multimedia content on the World Wide Web (WWW) specifically images. Recommendation of the images that are highly pertinent to the query with diversified yet relevant query results is a challenge. In this paper the DKMI framework for web image recommendation has been proposed which is mainly focused on ontology alignment and knowledge pool derivation using standard crowd-sourced knowledge stores like Wikipedia and DBpedia. Apart from this the DKMI model encompasses differential classification of the same dataset using the GRU and SVM, which are two distinct differential classifiers at two different levels. GRU being a Deep Learning classifier and the SVM being a Machine Learning classifier, enhances the heterogeneity and diversity in the results. Semantic similarity computation using Cosine Similarity, PMI and SOC-PMI at several phases ensures strong relevance computation in the model. The DKMI model yields overall Precision of 97.62% with an accuracy of 98.36% along with the lowest FDR score of 0.03 and is much better than the other models that are considered to be the baseline models. 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG. -
Small signal stability in a Microgrid using PSO based Battery storage system
This papers covers, modelling and analysis of a small microgrid with Battery Storage System (BSS). A sample microgrid is considered, it is analyzed for small signal stability, with and without BSS. Voltage, frequency and current THD which are considered to be the major attributes of stability in a microgrid, the behavior of these attributes is observed with and without BSS. The Battery storage system is connected to the considered microgrid through PV array, using PSO algorithm, which improves the stability of the system. Simulation is carried out using MATAB/ Simulink and the results are presented. Microgrid considered consists of PV array, Diesel Generator and Battery storage system. These sources are modelled according to the loads connected to the microgrid. BSS acts as emergency backup to the considered system and also provides small signal stability to the microgrid. Simulation is carried out with BSS and without Battery Storage in the Islanded mode. The obtained results show that microgrid with BSS is more stable during small disturbances and also acts as backup power supply. A Properly modelled microgrid can act as power backup for industries. 2022 IEEE. -
Pneumonia Detection using Ensemble Transfer Learning
Pneumonia is among the most common illnesses and causes to death among the young children worldwide. It is more serious in under-developed countries as it is hard to diagnose due to the absence of specialists. Chest X-ray images have essentially been utilized in the diagnosis of this disease. Examining chest X-rays is a difficult task, even for an experienced radiologist. Information Technology, especially Artificial Intelligence, have started contributing to accurate diagnosis of pneumonia from chest X-ray images. In this work, we used deep learning, transfer learning, and ensemble voting to increase the accuracy of pneumonia detection. The models utilized are VGG16, MobileNetV2, and InceptionV3, all pre-trained on ImageNet, and used the Kaggle RSNA CXR image dataset. The results from these models are ensembled using the weighted average ensemble approach to achieve better accuracy and obtained 98.63% test accuracy. The results are promising, and the proposed model can assist doctors in detecting pneumonia quickly and accurately from Chest X-Ray. 2022 IEEE. -
Real-time Litter Recognition Using Improved YOLOv4 Tiny Algorithm
Littered roads have become a familiar sight in India. The main reason is the increasing population and inefficient waste disposal system. Since garbage collectors cannot pick litter in all the places, there is a need for an efficient way to detect it. Hence, a machine learning-based object detection model is used. In this, we have applied an improved YOLOv4-Tiny algorithm to detect the garbage, classify it and make the detection process easier on custom datasets. We have improved the algorithm in terms of the object prediction time, this is done by replacing a max pooling layer with one of two layers present in a fully connected layer. When an input is given, the algorithm detects the litter in the image with a bounding box around it along with the label and confidence score. The proposed model reduces the prediction time by 0.517 milliseconds less than the original algorithm employed which concludes that the object is predicted faster. 2022 IEEE. -
A Performance Investigations of Modular Multilevel Inverter with Reduced Switch Count
A multilevel inverter is a special variant of converter for dc-Ac conversion in medium and high voltage and power requirements. In this paper, a novel configuration with fewer switches needed has been developed for the staircase output voltage levels. Two direct current voltage sources and eight transistors are required to synthesize five levels across the load using the conventional topology. The modular topology has two dc voltage sources, and six switches with a five-level output. Using the optimum multi-carrier pulse width modulation approach, the voltage quality is enhanced and total harmonic distortion is reduced. Furthermore, the viability of the proposed topology in contrast to the conventional cascaded H-bridged multilevel inverter with five levels is established by presenting comparable results showing reduced power losses with varied modulation indexes and increased efficiency. The simulation analysis has been carried out using the MATLAB/SIMULINK tool. 2022 IEEE. -
Comparative Study Analysis on News Articles Categorization using LSA and NMF Approaches
Due to exponentially growing news articles every day, most of their important data goes unnoticed. It is important to come up with the ability to automatically analyse these articles and segregate them based on the context and related to their particular domain. This paper applies topic modelling which is one of the most growing unsupervised machine learning fields on a million headlines articles in order to produce topics to describe the context of the news article. There are various generative models but we specifically focusing on the non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) and Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) for implementing and evaluating news dataset. Furthermore, the findings reveal that both NMF and LSA are useful topic modelling tools and classification frameworks, but based on the experimental results the LSA model performed well to identify the hidden data with better mean coherence values and also consumes lesser execution time than NMF. 2022 IEEE. -
Anticounterfeiting Method for Drugs Using Synthetic DNA Cryptography
Counterfeited products are a significant problem in both developed and developing countries and has become more critical as an aftermath of COVID-19, exclusively for drugs and medical equipment's. In this paper, an innovative approach is proposed to resist counterfeiting which is based on the principles of Synthetic DNA. The proposed encryption approach has employed the distinctive features of synthetic DNA in amalgamation with DNA encryption to provide information security and functions as an anticounterfeiting method that ensures usability. The scheme's security analysis and proof of concept are detailed. Scyther is used to carry out the formal analysis of the scheme, and all of the modeled assertions are verified without any attacks. 2022 IEEE. -
A JSON Web Signature Based Adaptive Authentication Modality for Healthcare Applications
In the era of fast internet-centric systems, the importance of security cannot be stressed more. However, stringent and multiple layers of security measures tend to be a hindrance to usability. This even prompts users to bypass multi-factor authentication schemes recommended by enterprises. The need to balance security and usability gave rise to Adaptive authentication. This system of utilizing the user's behavioral context and earlier access patterns is gaining popularity. Continuously analyzing the user's request patterns and attributes against an established contextual profile helps maintain security while challenging the user only when required. This paper proposes an Open standards based authentication modality that can seamlessly integrate with an Adaptive Authentication system. The proposed authentication modality uses JavaScript Object Notation(JSON), JSON Web Signature(JWS) and supports a means of verifying the authenticity of the requesting client. The proposed authentication modality has been formally verified using Scyther and all the claims have been validated. 2022 IEEE. -
Trident Shaped Compact Planar Antenna for Microwave Applications
A compact planar antenna for X/Ku-band microwave communication is suggested in this paper. The presented geometry is capable of radiating the large frequency band from 6.8 to 20GHz, which covers the X-Band/Ku-Band Communication with high efficiency. The impedance bandwidth of the radiator is 98.5%, with an electrical size of. 34?x.34?x0.034A in lambda. The suggested design includes a modified patch in the trident shape fed by a microstrip line. Rectangular elements have been designed for better resonances at lower modes. The antenna is simulated with an FR4 substrate using CST Simulator. The exact dimensions of the antenna are 15x15x1.5 cubic millimeter. Five stages evolution process is also investigated by simulations, and corresponding S-parameter results are presented. The proposed structure also demonstrates stable radiation patterns across the operating bandwidth. The proposed radiator has a high gain of 3.1 dBi, and an efficiency of 87%. Therefore, it is useful for X-band, and Ku-band, including Radar, Space, Terrestrial, and Satellite microwave communication. 2022 IEEE. -
IRIS Data Classification using Genetic Algorithm Tuned Random Forest Classification
Optimising hyper-parameters in Random Forest is a time-consuming undertaking for several academics as well as professionals. To acquire greater performance hyper-parameters, specialists should explicitly customize a series of hyper-parameter settings. The best outcomes from this manual setting are then modelled and implemented in a random forest algorithm. Several datasets, on the other side, need various prototypes or hyper-parameter combinations, which may be time-consuming. To solve this, we offered various machine learning models and classifiers for correctly optimising hyper-parameters. Both genetic algorithm-based random forest and randomised CV random forest were assessed on performance measures such as sensitivity, accuracy, specificity, and F1-score. Finally, when compared to randomised CV random forest, our suggested model genetic algorithm-based random forest delivers more incredible accuracy. 2022 IEEE. -
Scalable, Cost Effective IoT Based Medical Oxygen Monitoring System for Resource Constrained Hospital Environment
Oxygen therapy is one of the critical treatments employed in epidemics, pandemics, and natural calamities. Recent covid pandemic worldwide witnessed many deaths due to improper management, delayed delivery, and wastage of medical oxygen. Therefore, efficient utilization of available oxygen is very important. To monitor and manage oxygen, several hospitals employ IoT-based systems. Scalability is an essential feature in such monitoring systems in order to cater to the needs of a sudden surge in the number of patients requiring oxygen. The most commonly employed technique to monitor and manage an oxygen cylinder uses a pressure sensor where scaling up is an issue. Therefore, in this paper, a scalable solution that efficiently measures and monitors the available oxygen in the cylinder is proposed. The approach measures oxygen level using a weight sensor module and raises alerts during critical conditions such as low oxygen level and blockage or leakage of oxygen. The proposed system is a cost-effective, plug-and-play system that aids rapid deployment thereby providing timely care to the patients. Also, it does not require any change in the existing infrastructure making it suitable for a resource-constrained environment. The proposed system supports a web-based dashboard and mobile app that can be remotely accessed. 2022 IEEE. -
Quantum Information Processing for Legal Applications through Bloch Sphere of Law
The objective of the research work is to propose a quantum information processing model (QIP) for legal applications including litigation and investigation phases. The quantum information processing and quantum computing concepts can be visualized within a Bloch Sphere of Law (BSL) as legal Bloch vectors (LBV) as quantum computing entities. This quantum approach is needed since the complexity of legalities and the legal objects involved in the final judgement are to be reversible with a lot of uncertainties. The reasoning and prosecution through various trials and investigations are to be considered as mathematical matrix or unitary operations in this muti dimensional legal space. The mapping of legal information into technical and then vectorial representations are deployed through a glossary of legal terms in this quantum paradigm. As a forerunning study and application in the quantum paradigm, mathematical and computational models have been proposed in the work with a case study of a recent civil case. 2022 IEEE. -
A Slotted Circular Patch Antenna with Defected Ground for Sub 6 GHz 5G Communications
In this paper, a slotted circular patch antenna with Defected Ground Structure (DGS) is presented. The slots created on radiating element and the defect introduced on the ground plane shifted the resonance frequency from 2.49 GHz to 1.17 GHz. This corresponds to 53% reduction in size at 1.17 GHz. The proposed antenna is designed on FR-4 substrate (r=4.4) with thickness of 1.6 mm. Simulations are carried out using HFSS Ver. 18.2. The simulated reflection coefficient of Circular Patch Antenna (CPA) at 2.49 GHz, Slotted Circular Patch antenna (SCPA) at 2.34 GHz and Slotted Circular Patch antenna with Defected Ground Structure (SCPA-DGS) at 1.17 GHz are - 28.7 dB, -31.33 dB and -11.03 dB respectively. For validating the simulated design, SCPA-DGS is fabricated and measured its reflection coefficient and VSWR using Vector Network Analyzer (Anritrsu S820E). The measured and simulated values are very well matched with each other. Therefore the proposed antennas may be used in sub 6 GHz 5G communication applications. 2022 IEEE. -
Efficiency Enhancement using Least Significant Bits Method in Image Steganography
Over the years, there has been a tremendous growth in the field of steganography. Steganography is a technique of hidden message passing i.e. transferring a message which is not visible to human eyes, through some media such as an image, music, games etc. In this particular article we focus on Image steganography which has its own advantages and has undergone a lot of improvements in the past years. The most basic image steganography can be achieved by changing the LSBs (Least Significant Bits) of the image pixels. These bits can usually be called the redundant bits. However, changing a large numbers of LSBs of an image can distort the image to an extent where it would be easily noticeable that the image maybe carrying a hidden message rendering it useless. These LSBs are changed according to the message bits allowing the person to hide their data which can be decoded later by reading the LSBs of image pixels. This paper introduces and explains a method to improve the efficiency of LSB method. 2022 IEEE -
Descriptive Answer Evaluation using NLP Processes Integrated with Strategically Constructed Semantic Skill Ontologies
The world is moving towards an online methodology of education. One of the key challenges is the assessment of questions which do not have a definite answer and have several correct answers. To solve this problem, and for quality evaluation of descriptive answers online, an automatic evaluation methodology is proposed in this work. A language model is modelled from the expected answer key, and entity graphs are generated from the ontology modelled using the input answer to be evaluated. Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques like Stemming, Summarization, and Polarity Analysis are integrated in this work with Ontologies for the efficient evaluation of descriptive answers. Several challenges which come across evaluating descriptive answers are discussed in this chapter, and they have been solved in order to obtain a dynamic and robust evaluating system. Finally, the system is evaluated using a user-feedback methodology comprising a panel of 100 students and 100 professors. 2022 Copyright for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) -
Kidney Abnormalities Detection and Classification Using CNN-based Feature Extraction
The presents of noises degrade the quality of ultrasound images and diminishes the disease diagnosis accuracy. Thus, an effective automatic stone and cyst detection system is beneficial to both the medical practitioners and patients. In this paper, an automatic detection and classification system for kidney stone and cyst image is proposed. The Gaussian filtering and Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization (CLHE) techniques are applied to improve the quality of the images. In the next step, segmentation has been done based on the entropy of the image. The gamma correction technique has been applied to improve the overall brightness and an optimal global threshold value is selected to extract the region. The CNN model has attained much attention in medical image recognition and classification. In this paper, the pre-trained model ResNet-50 is utilized as a feature-extractor and Support Vector Machine as classifier to categorize the normal, cyst and stone images. The CNN model is analyzed with various other classification models such as k-nearest neighbor, decision tree and Nae Bayes. The results demonstrate that the ResNet-50 with supervised classification algorithm SVM is an optimal solution for analyzing kidney diseases. 2022 IEEE. -
Automatic Resume Parsing using Greywolf Algorithm Integrated with Strategically Constructed Semantic Skill Ontologies
The quest for finding the right candidate for their post has made the recruiters employ several methods since the beginning of corporate job recruitment. Apart from the skills and the quality of interview, a thing that matters the most and forms the basis of selection is the candidate's resume. Recruiters and companies have a tough time dealing with the several thousands resumes of the candidates which apply, as manually scanning them and finding the right selection can be tough most of the time. In this paper, Natural Language Processing(NLP) methods have been integrated with ontologies to improve the pace and quality of the recruitment process by proposing an automatic resume parser model. The resume of a candidate, along with his LinkedIn and GitHub profiles are weighted and using the Greywolf algorithm, the global maxima of the most deserving and qualified candidate are found and are recommended with a high accuracy of 96.13%. 2020 Copyright for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)