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Is there spill-over effect among metals?
This paper was aimed at examining the existence of volatility spill-over between precious and industrial metals by estimating Multi-variate GARCH model. Metals chosen for this study were aluminium, copper, gold and silver. Data from 1st march 2004 to 31st March 2018 were used for the analysis. Significant clustering effect was found in the variance of all the metals studied. Significantly strong volatility spill-over was found between aluminium and copper when compared to other metals. It was also noted that the persistence of volatility spill-over between copper and aluminium is the least among other metals. Since there is significant spill-over between aluminium and copper, portfolio managers are advised to avoid investing in them together in their portfolios. 2019 SERSC. -
Simulation of the Electrical Control Unit (ECU) in Automated Electric Vehicles for Reliability and Safety Using On-Board Sensors and Internet of Things
The adaptation of the energy storage system (ESS) with high power and energy density remains a difficulty for electric vehicles (EVs), despite the increasing demand they are experiencing around the world. A lightweight, compact ESS is necessary to deliver the responsive performance and driving range that modern vehicles need. When planning for widespread use of EVs, it's important to give careful attention to the factors of ESS selection, sizing, and administration. One of the most promising future mobility alternatives is the hybrid electric vehicle (HEV), which offers improved fuel economy and lower pollution levels. As a result, one of the most pressing needs is for automakers to develop new technologies for vehicle design that might help lessen emissions and boost economy. The environmental impact of emissions from light-duty cars is growing in tandem with the annual increase in the number of such vehicles on the road. The usage of other modes of transportation, such as ships and planes, is on the rise, but road transportation will always be the most common. Electronic Control Units, or ECUs, have been increasingly commonplace in cars during the past few decades. Vehicle network multicore CPU scheduling is notoriously difficult. This study's findings consist of a straightforward power-sharing control approach for the HESS based on battery and UC, with the goal of extending the battery's useful life in a city environment. 2023 IEEE. -
Evaluation of Photoswitching Properties for Hockey Stick-Shaped Mesogens Bearing Azo Benzene Moieties
In this paper, we report the photoresponsive behavior of hockey stick-shaped mesogens bearing azo wing with different terminal alkoxy chains at one terminal end. Except for the compound E16, which exhibits SmC along with nematic phase, all other mentioned compounds exhibit nematic phase alone. Influence of chain length on the photophysical properties were investigated using UV-Vis spectroscopy. It is observed here that influence of chain length is negligible on thermal back relaxation time. Spectroscopic investigation with variable intensities of UV light studies reveals that reverse cis-trans isomerization process was inversely proportional to the intensity of illuminated light. The present study also reveals that the structure-property relationship plays a dominant role on shape anisotropic structures. A spectroscopic study of the solid sample using guest-host mixture was also carried out and the compilation of results forecast these mesogens as ideal candidates for optical storage devices. Copyright 2021 Sunil, Monika, Shanker, Hegde and Prasad. -
Use of colour in Indian movie poster design Analysis of four genres /
Colour is a very important element when it comes to designing posters. Colour is a very strong tool in a poster, which helps conveying ones message to the audience/viewer. In this paper the researcher tries to understand similarities and differences in colours used in posters within a genre as well as between the genres of Indian movies. -
A study on sexual harassment of women garment workers
Sexual harassment at work place is a manifestation of deep rooted patriarchy prevailing in the larger society encouraging power based discriminatory practices and in turn creating hostile work environments where women workers are vulnerable to experience harassment and abuse. In Karnataka, majority of the garment factories are located in Bangalore and they employ around five lakh women . Economic dependence on the job for their livelihood, social perception of obeying the superiors, job insecurity and spilt over patriarchal biases into the work environment make the women garment workers more vulnerable to become victims of sexual harassment. There is a lack of empirical studies which measures the working conditions and how it is related to the concept of sexual harassment and coping behaviours of the victims in the garment factories in India. The aim of the current research study is to analyze the nature and frequency of sexual harassment experienced by the victim, organizational mechanisms to deal with sexual harassment, and consequences of sexual harassment on the victim-vocational, psychological, interpersonal and physical strain, the strategies (whether external or internal coping strategies) used by the victim to cope with sexual harassment and develop a training manual based on the findings of the study to help victims effectively deal with sexual harassment at workplace. The research study has adopted a descriptive and quantitative research design. Data has been collected from a sample of 312 victims of sexual harassment (women garment workers) who have approached two unions for support through structured interview method using structured, close ended, standardized interview schedules. -
Job related stress is one of the highest health risks influencing employees, regardless of the size of the organization or the work sector. Most of the researchers view stress as an interaction between the person and some environmental event or stressor. Job stressors are defined as job demands, constraints, and or opportunities and job related events or situations that might affect the individuals feelings of stress. The fact that employee stress is an increasing problem in almost all organizations has indeed been the driving force for a variety of researches on occupational stress. The literature on occupational stress recognizes its inevitability in many jobs where pressures of work begin to build up and cause adverse strain on the emotion of employees, their thought process and their physical condition. Stress vulnerability has also been major focus to determine how stress effects differently across similar jobs. During the 1980s, personality[Type A/ Type B, locus of control] was found to be related to job stressors[ work load, role conflict, lack of autonomy], job strains[ job dissatisfaction, anxiety, health complaints]. The research aims to investigate the relationship between Work locus of control and occupational stress of team leaders working in IT companies in Bangalore. The purpose of research is to study whether the team leaders have an internal or external locus of control, which in turn determines how they perceive situations and life events, and how stressed they are due to this. It was hypothesized that the higher the internal locus of control of the team leader, the lower level of occupational stress they experience and the higher the external locus of control of the team leader, the higher the level of occupational stress. A sample of 100 team leaders working in three different IT companies were examined by administering the Occupational stress index by AP Singh and AK Srivastava and Work locus of control scale by Paul E Spector. The extent of work stress was examined on its twelve sub-scales, i.e. role overload, role ambiguity, role conflict, unreasonable group and political pressure, responsibility for persons,under participation, powerlessness,poor peer relations,intrinsic impoverishment, low status, strenuous working condition and unprofitability of Occupational stress index. A structured questionnaire was designed to gather information on the socio demographic profile of the respond -
The correlation between work locus of control and occupational stress among team leaders working in it companies in Bangalore
Job related stress is one of the highest health risks influencing employees, regardless of the size of the organization or the work sector. Most of the researchers view stress as an interaction between the person and some environmental event or stressor. Job stressors are defined as job demands, constraints, and or opportunities and job related events or situations that might affect the individuals feelings of stress. The fact that employee stress is an increasing problem in almost all organizations has indeed been the driving force for a variety of researches on occupational stress. The literature on occupational stress recognizes its inevitability in many jobs where pressures of work begin to build up and cause adverse strain on the emotion of employees, their thought process and their physical condition. Stress vulnerability has also been major focus to determine how stress effects differently across similar jobs. During the 1980s, personality[Type A/ Type B, locus of control] was found to be related to job stressors[ work load, role conflict, lack of autonomy], job strains[ job dissatisfaction, anxiety, health complaints]. The research aims to investigate the relationship between Work locus of control and occupational stress of team leaders working in IT companies in Bangalore. The purpose of research is to study whether the team leaders have an internal or external locus of control, which in turn determines how they perceive situations and life events, and how stressed they are due to this. It was hypothesized that the higher the internal locus of control of the team leader, the lower level of occupational stress they experience and the higher the external locus of control of the team leader, the higher the level of occupational stress. A sample of 100 team leaders working in three different IT companies were examined by administering the Occupational stress index by AP Singh and AK Srivastava and Work locus of control scale by Paul E Spector. The extent of work stress was examined on its twelve sub-scales, i.e. role overload, role ambiguity, role conflict, unreasonable group and political pressure, responsibility for persons, under participation, powerlessness, poor peer relations, intrinsic impoverishment, low status, strenuous working condition and unprofitability of Occupational stress index. A structured questionnaire was designed to gather information on the socio demographic profile of the respondents. The statistical analysis was done using SPSS. The level of significance was fixed at 0.005(p<0.005). Correlational analysis reveals that team leaders with external locus of control score high on all twelve sub scales of occupational stress and team leaders with internal locus of control have low scores on all twelve sub scales of occupational stress i.e. role overload, role ambiguity, role conflict, unreasonable group and political pressure, responsibility for persons, under participation, powerlessness, poor peer relations, intrinsic impoverishment, low status, strenuous working condition and unprofitability. There is a significant difference with regard to occupational stress between team leaders with external locus of control and team leaders with internal locus of control. The correlation between occupational stress and external control was found to be positive and significant as predicted (p=<0.001). The correlation between occupational stress and internal control was found to be positive and significant as predicted (p=<0.001). -
Emotional Intelligence and Cross-Cultural Adaptation of Indian Students in the Context of Interstate Education
India is known for its cultural diversity based on several factors, such as language, religion, race, and customs. In India, people used to move from one place to another for various purposes, and this was particularly the case with students in pursuit of education. In such situations, cross-cultural adaptation is one of the factors that facilitate their adjustment to new cultures and surroundings. Cross-cultural adaptation is needed when a person has to live in a different cultural setting than their own native place. Being sensitive to others emotions is essential when one lives in a new place. Emotional intelligence helps in that way and influences cross-cultural adaptation. Therefore, the present study was intended to explore the influence of emotional intelligence on cross-cultural adaptation. As many as 332 students, aged 17 to 29, who moved to another state for education, participated in the study. Emotional Intelligence Scale and Cross-Cultural Adjustment Scale were used for data collection. The components of emotional intelligence, such as self-emotional appraisal (SEA) and others emotional appraisal (OEA), were found to significantly influence expatriate adjustment. Furthermore, SEA and OEA have also influenced cultural novelty and the use of emotions (UOE). Students from rural areas were found to have more cross-cultural adaptation in the presence of their friends company compared to urban dwellers. In summary, the current study emphasizes the importance of higher emotional intelligence for better cross-cultural adaptation. 2025 Common Ground Research Networks. All rights reserved. -
An exploration of python libraries in machine learning models for data science
Python libraries are used in this chapter to create data science models. Data science is the construction of models that can predict and act on data, which is a subset of machine learning. Data science is an essential component of a number of fields because of the exponential growth of data. Python is a popular programming language for implementing machine learning models. The chapter discusses machine learning's role in data science, Python's role in this field, as well as how Python can be utilized. A breast cancer dataset is used as a data source for building machine learning models using Python libraries. Pandas, numpy, matplotlib, seaborn, scikitlearn, and tensorflow are some Python libraries discussed in this chapter, in addition to data preprocessing methods. A number of machine learning models for breast cancer treatment are discussed using this dataset and Python libraries. A discussion of machine learning's future in data science is provided at the conclusion of the chapter. Python libraries for machine learning are very useful for data scientists and researchers in general. 2023, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Social cognition, person perception, and social categorisation as building blocks of the theory of mind
Day-to-day life presents us with numerous new experiences and exposure to different people, with social functioning being a major portion of one's living days. The theory of mind, a mental map of an individual in automating behaviour, is a process and product of one's social cognitions. There are evident changes across generations in terms of these cognitions and social processing, hence showing need for understanding the theory of mind of different generations, breaking it down into its component parts. The present study was conducted to understand the components of the theory of mind in relation to social functioning. Sixty-three participants across three different generations, Generation X, Millennials, and Generation Z, were subjected to focused group discussions and the collected data analysed using a grounded theory approach. The analysis identified five components of the theory of mind applicable to all generations: social perception, social judgment, people perception, people preference, and social categorisation. 2024, IGI Global. -
A Translator for Indian Sign Boards to English using Tesseract and SEQ2SEQ Model
Language translator for Indian language to English have been developed and it have proven to a challenging domain due to large combination of character in Indic scripts such as Tamil, Kannada and Hindi. In this paper we propose a system which captures Indian printed character and translates it into English, we have discussed the various method and machine learning model that was used to build this system with an accuracy of 87%. 2021 IEEE. -
Response surface optimization and process design for glycidol synthesis using potassium modified rice husk silica
Glycerol, an inexpensive by-product from biodiesel production can be converted into many useful products notably glycidol, which has a wide range of uses. In this study, glycidol synthesis has been done using a biowaste mediated catalyst in a single step process. Silica and potassium incorporated silica were synthesized from biowaste rice husk. These catalysts were characterized by different spectroscopic techniques. Basic sites in the catalysts were estimated using temperature-programmed desorption study. Four operational parameters were optimized using Box Behnken Design (BBD) of response surface methodology (RSM). Potassium incorporated rice husk was found to be one of the best catalysts for glycidol production with 60.8% glycerol conversion and 62.9% selectivity within one hour of reaction time. 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. -
Investigation on the phase transformation and lattice parameters of Sn 2+ , Cu 2+ , La 3+ and Ce 4+ ions doped titania: characterization and solar light activity study
Nanocrystalline titania and metal ion doped titania systems were prepared by combustion method. Titania exhibited bicrystalline phase consisting of both anatase and rutile. The bicrystalline framework in TiO 2 powders can be conveniently altered by the incorporation of various bivalent/trivalent/tetravalent metal ions like Sn 2+ , Cu 2+ , La 3+ and Ce 4+ . The microstructure development and the influence of small amount of dopants on the resulting structural change have been investigated. p-XRD results confirms the stabilization of anatase phase in the case of Cu 2+ and Sn 2+ doped titania, while the polymorphic interfaces were retained in La 3+ and Ce 4+ doped titania samples. The efficacy of the modified titania was studied on the degradation of Congo Red dye by harvesting solar light. Sn 2+ /TiO 2 shows almost same photodegradation ability as that of pristine TiO 2. Subsistence of catalytic hot spots at the interface of anatase-rutile and the synergistic effect of polymorphic phases explains the enhanced activity of La 3+ /TiO 2 and Ce 4+ /TiO 2 . But the activity of Cu 2+ /TiO 2 was found to be less due to high electron-hole recombination rate. 2019 Elsevier GmbH -
Biogenic synthesis of g-C3N4/Bi2O3 heterojunction with enhanced photocatalytic activity and statistical optimization of reaction parameters
A facile and efficient biogenic method was adopted to synthesize Bi2O3 and g-C3N4/Bi2O3 nanocomposites using Eichhornia crassipes plant extract. These composites were characterized by various analytical tools such as XRD, FTIR, SEM, TEM and UV-DRS. Bismuth oxide and g-C3N4/Bi2O3 show varied optical and photocatalytic properties due to the differences in their band gap. Here, Box-Behnken design (BBD) combined with Response Surface Methodology (RSM) has been used to optimize the coupled effect of independent parameters for the dye degradation. The synthesized g-C3N4/Bi2O3 nanocomposite exhibit excellent photocatalytic activity for the degradation of malachite green (MG) dye. Total Organic Carbon (TOC) analysis unveiled 78% photomineralization of MG over g-C3N4/Bi2O3 in 5 h. The p-n junction of g-C3N4/Bi2O3 with better oxidative ability and effective charge separation is the primary reason for its improved photocatalytic activity. The modified photocatalyst shows satisfactory catalytic activity and reusability towards photodegradation of common water pollutant MG up to 4 cycles. They offer great potential in the field of photocatalysis due to their superior efficiency and applications in environmental remediation. 2019 Elsevier B.V. -
Modified ceria as a substitute for sulfuric acid in the liquid phase nitration of toluene
Ceria, sulfated ceria, ceria-zirconia and sulfated ceria-zirconia catalysts were prepared via the co-precipitation method and calcined at 823 K. The catalysts were characterized by XRD, BET surface area, FTIR, TGA and EDAX. The acidity of the catalysts was studied by pyridine adsorbed FTIR. All the peaks in XRD correspond to the cubic fluorite structure of ceria. The crystallite size of the catalysts was found to be 4-8 nm. Incorporation of zirconia stabilizes the surface sulfate species and thus increases the sulfate content. Sulfation decreases the surface area, but increases the acidity, leading to enhanced catalytic activity. All the catalysts were found to be stable up to 923 K. Catalytic activities were tested towards the liquid phase nitration of toluene. A maximum conversion of about 34 % is achievable for the nitration of toluene to dinitrotoluene. Solid acids effectively play the role of sulfuric acid in the reaction, assisting the formation of nitronium species. 2012 Akadiai Kiad Budapest, Hungary. -
Eco Friendly Nitration of Toluene using Modified Zirconia
Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis Vol. 7, No.3, pp.205-214 ISSN No. 1978-2993 -
Effect of different base isolation techniques in multistoried rc regular and irregular building
Base confinement system for a structure is acquainted to decouple the building structure from possible movement incited by the movement of the seismic tremor, keeping the building superstructures from retaining the quake vitality. Base isolator increases the regular time period of the general structure and diminishes its shear increasing speed reaction to the seismic movement. In this explanatory examination, a ten-storey reinforced concrete (RC) building with lead elastic bearing, high damping elastic bearing and triple-contact pendulum framework bearing is acquainted with the structures, and correlation is made between fixed base and the base-secluded structures. Demonstrating and investigation are conveyed utilizing ETABS 2015 v15.2.2. The investigation examination is performed to check the ampleness of the working against the lateral displacement, inter-storey drift, story shear and story acceleration. It is found from the investigation that reaction of working to lateral load diminishes, while modular period is expanded in both X and Y bearings. Furthermore, it was reasoned that triple grating pendulum bearing is increasingly compelling in examination of different direction utilized in this investigation. Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd 2021. -
Sustainability Concepts in the Design of Tall Structures
Construction industry is a rapid growing industry with various new technologies coming into practice. Sustainability concept is also a call for the present generation as many natural resources are getting exhausted. Thus the new era of development of Tall Structures with respect to Sustainability concept is being studied by concentrating on the Structural systems that can be adopted for construction of the same. In the present study we have considered two different 3D RC frame structural systems i.e., normal Beam-Column structural system and Outrigger structural system. The following two systems were modelled in ETABS 15.2 software in seismic zone V with three different heights that is 150m (50 storeys), 240m (80 storeys) and 300m (100 storeys). Response spectrum analysis is carried out considering Earthquake forces and the results are tabulated for maximum storey displacement and maximum storey drift. Then finally the structural system which is sustainable in construction of Tall structures is identified. 2020, Springer Nature Switzerland AG. -
Blast resistance of steel plate shear walls designed for seismic loading
Since a blast loading or explosion can create nonlinear wave action and impact pressure on a structure, it necessary to construct a structure to resist blast loading as like other loads. In this study the nonlinear behaviour of a blast loading is simulated by calculating the pressure diagram with respect to time under the guidance of IS 4991-1968, code for "Criteria for Blast Resistant Design of Structures for Explosions above Ground". The study carried out for different charge weight (100kg TNT, 200kg TNT and 400kg TNT) and standoff distances of 20metre. Nonlinear behaviour of a Blast loading to steel structures with shear plates of thickness 6 mm, 8 mm and 10 mm are modelled in ETABS and the analysis is carried out to obtain base shear, story displacement, story deformation pattern, column forces, etc. Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. -
Predicting energy source diversification in emerging Asia: The role of global supply chain pressure
This study investigates energy diversification trends in six Emerging Asian countries from 1998 to 2021 while exploring the predicting effects of the global supply chain pressure, total investment, innovation, economic growth, and globalisation on energy diversification. This study considers the Kernel-Based Regularized Least Squares (KRLS) estimations and prediction models (Adam and Stochastic Gradient Descent optimisers). The impacts of global supply chain pressure and total investment on energy diversification are positive. Innovation also emerges as crucial factor to enhance energy diversification. Deeper integration into the global economy (globalisation) and economic growth strengthen energy diversification. The study underscores the importance of tailored policies, advocating for investments in innovation, targeted total investment, and inclusive growth strategies to address energy diversification in emerging Asian countries. 2024 Elsevier B.V.