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Detection of X-ray polarization in the high synchrotron peaked blazar 1ES 1959+650
We report the measurement of X-ray polarization in the high synchrotron peaked blazar 1ES 1959+650. Of the four epochs of observations from the Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer, we detected polarization in the 28 keV band on two epochs. From the model-independent analysis of the observations on 28 October 2022, in the 28 keV band, we found the degree of polarization of ?X=9.01.6% and an electric vector position angle of ?X=535 deg. Similarly, from the observations on 14 August 2023, we found ?X and ?X values as 12.50.7% and 202 deg, respectively. These values are also in agreement with the values obtained from spectro-polarimetric analysis of the I, Q, and U spectra. The measured X-ray polarization is larger than the reported optical values, ranging between 2.5% and 9% when observed from 2008 to 2018. Broadband spectral energy distribution constructed for the two epochs is well described by the one-zone leptonic emission model with the bulk Lorentz factor (?) of the jet larger on 14 August 2023 compared to 28 October 2022. Our results favor the shock acceleration of the particles in the jet, with the difference in ?X between the two epochs being influenced by a change in the ? of the jet. Indian Academy of Sciences 2024. -
Multiwavelength spectral modelling of the candidate neutrino blazar PKS 0735+178
The BL Lac object PKS 0735+178 was in its historic ?-ray brightness state during 2021 December. This period also coincides with the detection of a neutrino event IC 211208A, which was localized close to the vicinity of PKS 0735+178. We carried out detailed ?-ray timing and spectral analysis of the source in three epochs: (a) quiescent state (E1), (b) moderate-activity state (E2), and (c) high-activity state (E3) coincident with the epoch of neutrino detection. During the epoch of neutrino detection (E3), we found the largest variability amplitude of 95 per cent. The ?-ray spectra corresponding to these three epochs are well fit by the power-law model and the source is found to show spectral variations with a softer when brighter trend. In epoch E3, we found the shortest flux doubling/halving time of 5.75 h. Even though the spectral energy distribution in the moderate-activity state and in the high-activity state could be modelled by the one-zone leptonic emission model, the spectral energy distribution in the quiescent state required an additional component of radiation over and above the leptonic component. Here, we show that a photomeson process was needed to explain the excess ?-ray emission in the hundreds of GeV that could not be accounted for by the synchrotron self-Compton process. 2024 The Author(s). Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Royal Astronomical Society. -
Simultaneous X-Ray and Optical Polarization Observations of the Blazar Mrk 421
We present near-simultaneous X-ray and optical polarization measurements in the high synchrotron peaked (HSP) blazar Mrk 421. The X-ray polarimetric observations were carried out using Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE) on 2023 December 6. During IXPE observations, we also carried out optical polarimetric observations using 104 cm Sampurnanand telescope at Nainital and multiband optical imaging observations using 2 m Himalayan Chandra Telescope at Hanle. From model-independent analysis of IXPE data, we detected X-ray polarization with degree of polarization (?X) of 8.5% 0.5% and an electric vector position angle (?X) of 10.6 1.7 in the 2?8 keV band. From optical polarimetry on 2023 December 6, in B, V, and R bands, we found values of ?B = 4.27% 0.32%, ?V = 3.57% 0.31%, and ?R = 3.13% 0.25%. The value of ?B is greater than that observed at longer optical wavelengths, with the degree of polarization suggesting an energy-dependent trend, gradually decreasing from higher to lower energies. This is consistent with that seen in other HSP blazars and favors a stratified emission region encompassing a shock front. The emission happening in the vicinity of the shock front will be more polarized due to the ordered magnetic field resulting from shock compression. The X-ray emission, involving high-energy electrons, originates closer to the shock front than the optical emission. The difference in the spatial extension could plausibly account for the observed variation in polarization between X-ray and optical wavelengths. This hypothesis is further supported by the broadband spectral energy distribution modeling of the X-ray and optical data. 2024. The Author(s). Published by the American Astronomical Society. -
Real-time human action prediction using pose estimation with attention-based LSTM network
Human action prediction in a live-streaming videos is a popular task in computer vision and pattern recognition. This attempts to identify activities in an image or video performed by a human. Artificial intelligence(AI)-based technologies are now required for the security and human behaviour analysis. Intricate motion patterns are involved in these actions. For the visual representation of video frames, conventional action identification approaches mostly rely on pre-trained weights of various AI architectures. This paper proposes a deep neural network called Attention-based long short-term memory (LSTM) network for skeletal based activity prediction from a video. The proposed model has been evaluated on the BerkeleyMHAD dataset having 11 action classes. Our experimental results are compared against the performance of the LSTM and Attention-based LSTM network for 6 action classes such as Jumping, Clapping, Stand-up, Sit-down, Waving one hand (Right) and Waving two hands. Also, the proposed method has been tested in a real-time environment unaffected by the pose, camera facing, and apparel. The proposed system has attained an accuracy of 95.94% on BerkeleyMHAD dataset. Hence, the proposed method is useful in an intelligent vision computing system for automatically identifying human activity in unpremeditated behaviour. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag London Ltd., part of Springer Nature 2024. -
Investigating MnSe@Y2O3 nanocomposite as an electrode for asymmetric hybrid supercapacitor
In this research work, manganese selenide (MnSe) and yttrium oxide (Y2O3) nanoparticles have been synthesized by facile melt diffusion and hydrothermal technique which are then composited by ultrasonication. The composite MnSe@Y2O3 has been analyzed as a supercapacitor electrode. The growth structure of the composite was scrutinized systematically by powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX), high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), and selected area diffraction pattern (SAED). The Trasatti and Dunn's plots have been also plotted to calculate the capacitive and diffusive contribution. The device is fabricated with PVA-KOH gel electrolyte. Also, the fabricated device MnSe@Y2O3||AC has exhibited a specific capacity of 48.39 C/g at 1 A/g through the potential window of 01.7 V. The wide potential window is evidence for high energy density. This also provides elevated energy density of 19 Wh/kg, at high power density of 1445 W/kg, and has shown brilliant cyclic stability of 70.16 % even after 5000 charge/discharge cycles. 2024 Elsevier B.V. -
Colouring of (P3? P2) -free graphs
The class of 2 K2-free graphs and its various subclasses have been studied in a variety of contexts. In this paper, we are concerned with the colouring of (P3? P2) -free graphs, a super class of 2 K2-free graphs. We derive a O(?3) upper bound for the chromatic number of (P3? P2) -free graphs, and sharper bounds for (P3? P2, diamond)-free graphs and for (2 K2, diamond)-free graphs, where ? denotes the clique number. The last two classes are perfect if ?? 5 and ? 4 respectively. 2017, Springer Japan KK, part of Springer Nature. -
Social media advertising: A dimensional change creator in consumer purchase intention
The chapter discusses the importance of social media platforms, especially Instagram and YouTube, in advertising for influencing the consumer purchase intention of Generation Z. Various methods of business expansion through social media advertising have been explored. The authors examine in detail several key characteristics of social media advertising that affect consumer purchase intentions, including emotional appeal, interactivity, trust, creativity, and the role of e-word of mouth. The impact of Web 2.0 technologies on the development and effectiveness of social media advertising is emphasized, highlighting the close relationship between the Web 2.0 systems to enable the delivery of advertisements based on usage and preferences to accurately target, increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of advertising campaigns mobile, Web 2.0. Implicit communication, mobile-related advertising, and mobile-specific content have become important parts of social media advertising. Researchers from various fields have drawn on rapidly evolving social media platforms, each with its own unique perspective. 2024, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Antecedents of visual merchandising decisions: An empirical evidence /
Researchers World, Vol.8, Issue 4, pp. 107-113, ISSN No. 2231-4172. -
A Legal Analysis of Cyber-Enabled Wildlife Offences in India: A Qualitative Case Study of Sea Fans (Gorgonia spp.) on YouTube
With the advent of the Internet, offences against threatened species have transitioned online. Such species are directly or indirectly traded on social media despite being protected under Indian wildlife law. A qualitative case study was undertaken to assess the preparedness of national law and policy in prohibiting such offences. Sixty-three YouTube links on sea fans in the Hindi language were accessed over 8 weeks, and the information generated by both content creators and audiences was gathered and categorized for analysis. The legal provisions were then interpreted and applied to assess the extent to which the parties involved could be held liable. Our investigation shows that of these video links, the content creators directly offered specimens for sale in 15.87% of instances, demonstrated physical possession of wild specimens in 23.81% of these posts, and were involved in both activities in 20.63% of the links, which in our analysis is explicitly prohibited under national law. The remaining 39.68% of video links merely disseminated information on the relevance or usage of species in occult or religious practices, for which no express legal provision currently exists. Certain indirect legal provisions were found to be relevant; however, there were challenges associated with their implementation. Even the liability of a social media company was found to be limited if it can be demonstrated that the company exercised due diligence. Therefore, there is a need to explicitly regulate online content that has the potential to drive an unlawful demand for protected species alongside the imposition of enhanced liability on social media companies. Such measures, coupled with community awareness, can reduce cyber-enabled wildlife offences committed through social media channels. 2024 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. -
Integration of Intelligent System and Big Data Environment to Find the Energy Utilization in Smart Public Buildings
Buildings are the leading consumer of energy in the setting of smart cities, and public structures such as hospitals, schools, government offices, and additional institutions have high energy needs owing to their frequent use. However, there needs to be adequate use of the latest innovations in machine learning inside the big data context in this field. Controlling the energy efficiency of public subdivisions is a crucial aspect of the smart city concept. This chapter aims to address the challenge of integrating big data platforms and machine learning algorithms into an intelligent system for this purpose to forecast how much energy various Croatian government buildings will consume, prediction models were constructed using deep learning neural networks, Rpart regression tree models, and random forests using variable reduction techniques. The evaluation of all three techniques considered critical aspects, and the random forest methodology yielded the most precise model. The MERIDA intelligent system aims to enhance energy efficiency in public buildings by integrating big data and predictive algorithms. This research examines the technological requirements for a platform that facilitates public administration in planning public building reconstruction, reducing energy consumption and expenses, and connecting intelligent public buildings in smart cities. Digitizing energy management may improve public administration efficiency, service quality, and environmental health. 2025 Scrivener Publishing LLC. All rights reserved. -
Development and Validation of the Multidimensional Psychosocial Risk Screen (MPRS): An Approach towards Primary Prevention
Background: The prevalence of mental health problems in adolescents has been identified as a global concern. Early screening and identification can offer benefits in terms of primary prevention and reduced healthcare costs. This study aimed to develop a tool to assess the risk of developing mental health problems in adolescents. Methods: The study followed an exploratory sequential design and was divided into five phases. The Multidimensional Psychosocial Risk Screen (MPRS) is a newly developed self-report measure. The various steps in its development and validation have been elaborated. The MPRS was evaluated with a sample of 934 adolescents aged 12-18, spread across the 8th-12th grade. Results: Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses revealed a robust factor structure. The extracted five factors were named as Parent-Child Relationship (PCR), Self-Concept (SC), Teacher-Student Dynamics (TSD), Social Media Use (SMU), and Peer Interaction (PI). The reliability of the subscales ranged from 0.60 to 0.80. The overall reliability of the scale was good (a = 0.87). Convergent validity of the scale was established using standard measures of risk factors and emotional and behavioural problems. Conclusions: The MPRS can be considered an effective tool with an adequate factor structure and good psychometric properties. It can be beneficial in the early detection of vulnerabilities to mental health problems in adolescents and, therefore, seen as a key element in primary prevention and fostering individualized interventions. 2023 The Author(s). -
Exploring perspectives on risks to mental health problems in adolescents: A dual method approach
This study explores different perspectives on the risk factors of mental health problems among adolescents using a dual method approach. 12 mental health professionals were interviewed using a semi-structured interview guide. Nine Focus Group Discussions were conducted with parents, teachers and school going adolescents (aged 12-18). Data were transcribed and analysed using content analysis. Common codes and categories were extracted from both the methodologies thus, representing triangulation and trustworthiness of findings. The results show seven major coding categories including self concept, coping mechanisms, parenting principles and family dynamics, teacher-student dynamics, peer interaction and media. Participants across the groups described the relevance of these categories in the mental health of adolescents. The findings were illustrated using Bronfenbrenners ecological systems theory framework. The findings have important implications in terms of identification and management of mental health difficulties in adolescents especially from a preventive perspective. The findings conclude that risk factors exist within the individual as well the contextual systems which make an adolescent vulnerable to a number of mental health problems. The findings can be included in the primary prevention framework by identifying and modifying these risk factors and therefore, delaying the progression of mental health difficulties into a major disorder. 2022 RESTORATIVE JUSTICE FOR ALL. -
Legal Aid Education in Karnataka: A Critical Analysis
Legal Education has witnessed major transformations since the last few decades. The Constitutional ideals of justice, have been the foundational philosophy of legal newlineeducation in India. Consequently, legal aid has been a crucial link in the entire gamut newlineof advancing the values of justice. However, these purposes and ideals have undergone newlinemutations over the years. Aligned to these ideals, the Bar Council of India, had newlineintroduced legal aid as an important pedagogic tool that can fulfil twin mandate of providing justice to the common man and at the same time, train the students of law in newlinethe necessary skills and imbibe values in their journey of professional and social newlinecommitments. The history of legal aid is not new, in India and in the global context, yet legal aid as an educational tool is undermined and least prioritized in institutions that impart legal education. This could be attributed to various reasons, priorities of the institutions, ambiguity in understanding and working towards these goals. With the emergence of National Law Universities and various types of institutions on one hand and the newlineproportional rise in the number of students pursuing legal education on the other hand, newlinecreates a vast arena for the institutions to augment the existing resources in contributing to the societal needs. There have been various studies that have been conducted which focus on certain newlineaspects of law school clinics, specifically in creating Access to Justice. But there have newlinebeen limited studies in considering legal aid as an educational tool in terms of Teaching, newlineLearning and Research. There has been lack of evidence based approach that are employed to understand impending issues that hamper the effective working of legal aid within an institutional set-up. Hence the current study focuses on how the internal and external pressures act on legal aid within four different types of institutions across the state of Karnataka. -
Punching Up in Stand-Up Comedy explores the new forms, voices and venues of stand-up comedy in different parts of the world and its potential role as a counterhegemonic tool for satire, commentary and expression of identity especially for the disempowered or marginalised. The title brings together essays and perspectives on stand-up and satire from different cultural and political contexts across the world which raise pertinent issues regarding its role in contemporary times, especially with the increased presence of OTT platforms and internet penetration that allows for easy access to this art form. It examines the theoretical understanding of the different aspects of the humour, aesthetics and politics of stand-up comedy, as well as the exploration of race, gender, politics and conflicts, urban culture and LGBTQ+ identities in countries such as Indonesia, Finland, France, Iran, Italy, Morocco, India and the USA. It also asks the question whether, along with contesting and destabilising existing discursive frameworks and identities, a stand-up comic can open up a space for envisaging a new social, cultural and political order? This book will appeal to people interested in performance studies, media, popular culture, digital culture, sociology, digital sociology and anthropology, and English literature. Chapter 9 of this book is freely available as a downloadable Open Access PDF at under a Creative Commons (CC-BY) 4.0 license. Funded by the University of Helsinki. 2023 selection and editorial matter, Rashi Bhargava and Richa Chilana; individual chapters, the contributors. -
[No abstract available] -
Stand-Up: The Comic Public Sphere in India
Comic performances might take a subversive form, especially in an autocratic regime where used as an instrument of expression by the oppressed, the silenced, the unseen, and the unheard, thereby offering a political critique of the state, economy, and systemic failures. This article discusses the ability of contemporary Indian stand-up comic performances to undermine hegemony. The article begins with a theoretical evaluation of the comic in the public sphere, moves to a brief survey of South Asian forms of comic performances, and links these concerns to performances by two contemporary comedy collectives, Aisi Taisi Democracy (ATD) and East India Comedy (EIC). The article then concludes with the possible complications of ATD and EICs contribution to a robust public sphere. Copyright 2023 (Rashi Bhargava and Samarth Singhal). Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial No Derivatives (by-nc-nd). Available at -
Computational study of charge transfer iso-surface in first three excited states, electron-hole transition effects, chemical nature and bond order analysis investigations of chrysogine
This work presents the theoretical DFT (Density Functional Theory) studies and the biological application of chrysogine, a marine alkaloid. Energy minimisation and additional DFT evaluations were performed for vacuum and solvent media. It has been observed that solvation with polar solvents has resulted in a slight variation in the molecule's properties. The Multiwfn software was employed to carry out various topological analyses. Among these, the charge transfer studies show that the second and third excited states are the most significant. From the reactivity analysis, the least energy gap (4.9624 eV) is obtained in water, indicating that chrysogine is most reactive in aqueous media. Theoretical UV studies show that the trends in ?max values correspond to n >?* and n >?* electronic transitions within the molecule. An increase in medium polarity has demonstrated in the MEP (Molecular Electrostatic Potential) maps an increase in the potential range from ?6.619 10?2 a.u. to 6.619 10?2 a.u. in the gas phase, to a sharp rise to ?8.036 10?2 a.u. to 8.036 10?2 a.u. in ethanol, ?8.098 10?2 a.u. to 8.098 10?2 a.u. in methanol, ?8.130 10?2 a.u. to 8.130 10?2 a.u. in DMSO, and ?8.127 10-2 a.u. to 8.127 10?2 a.u. in water. The most significant transition contributing to molecular stability from NBO (Natural Bond Orbital) analysis is: (O2-C9) ?* ? ?* (C7-C8) with the energy of 258.13 kcal mol?1. The ADMET profile for the molecule was assimilated with the help of online servers. The molecule was docked against lung cancer target proteins (PDB ID: 1NTK, 3QFB) using software such as AutoDock Tools and PyMOL. The respective illustrations and data were visualised using Discovery Studio Visualizer. Good binding affinities (?5.69 kcal mol?1 for 1NTK and ?6.64 kcal mol?1 for 3QFB proteins) and interactions were achieved with the selected targets. 2024 Elsevier B.V. -
Blockchain and Its Integration in IoT
IoT devices have become an integral part of our lives. The world has witnessed an exponential growth in the number of IoT devices. Managing these devices and the data generated by them has become very crucial. Data security and users privacy are becoming more difficult as the number of devices grows. Blockchain, the technology behind Bitcoin, is known for data security and managing and efficiently maintaining huge amounts of data. Blockchain stores data in a chronological manner and in an immutable way. Integration of blockchain in IoT infrastructure has many advantages. This paper discusses various applications and challenges in blockchain. It highlights the adoption of blockchain in IoT infrastructure and reviews recent papers in this field. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Sentiment analysis of impact of social platforms on the market share of a company
Sentimental analysis is also known as opinion mining or emotion AI. It refers to the use of natural language processing, text analysis, computational linguistics and biometrics to systematically identify, extract, and study affective states and subjective information. In this paper, Amazon reviews and blogs are analyzed to detect the sentiment using linguistic feature utility. Evaluation of the usefulness of existing lexical resources as well as capturing information about the informal and creative language used in online service platform is done. The goal of this research is to show the impact on the market-share of Vivo in comparison with that of Oppo and highlight the reason for the impact. BEIESP.