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Representation of print media in films /
This research is a study on Representation of print media in films. Creating awareness about the representation is one of the objectives of the study. Before forming an opinion about the representation of print media in films it is important to know what those representations represent. Today there are online newspapers and it co-exists with the traditional print media. Thus the researcher has found it more important to study the portrayal of the print media in films in the context of todays time and space. The researcher is not trying to appeal that print media should be potrayed in a certain way. The research contains analysis some films to study the representation. Researcher is not being judgemental about the representations but only investigating what is the depiction of print media, journalists and professions in films as films are a different medium from print. -
Impact of photographs and its placement in news articles on readers /
The research is carried out to study the impact of photographs and its placement on readers in newspapers. The photographs and headline are the heavyweights, more than any other element they attract attention. This study tries to focus on the role of photographs in newspaper articles on its readers. It evaluates on the terms of its placement as well. Photographs in newspapers are researched through semiotics analysis, content analysis and other qualitative techniques. This study is undertaken in both qualitative and quantitative techniques. The researcher has used the random sampling technique with a sample size of 108. The analysis is also made on the basis of in-depth interview with experienced and seasoned members of print organisations. -
Comparative analysis of original movies and its remakes in India /
The remake is a phenomenon both well-known and immediately recognizable but in India it is not theoretically analyzed. However, by analyzing these remakes, we can understand how these films reflect some specific cultural differences between one state and other State in India. Here researcher has taken four original and its remake films to understand the phenomena of remake. The highly intensed watching the films has helped researcher to understand the difference of films original and remakes. Researcher took one Tamil Movie and its remake in Hindi and also a Malayalam Movie and its remake in Tamil. Films are Tamil Singam to Hindi Singam and Malayalam Manichithrathazhu to Tamil Chandramukhi. -
Preferences of 24 hours news channel viewers in Kerala /
Keeping the demand of Infotainment programs, the media houses started producing news magazines, entertainment magazines and news programs for different channels. Within a short span of time news journalism became so popular in Kerala and now more and more media houses were planning to setup their news channels in the state. By several measures news channels has come to realize the potential for news broadcasting. Each network has dramatically expanded their news programming over the decades and TV news producers take great pains to make their stories visually appealing to present news instantaneously and to make viewers feel they are a part of the events shown. New computerized graphical techniques present technical and statistical data in compelling formats. -
Influence of social issues potrayed in commercial movies on the youth audience /
The dissertation titled Influence of social issues portrayed in commercial movies on the youth audience speaks about the effectiveness of the film as a means of communication to the large audience especially to the youth. As in the recent times the film industry is growing tremendously and many films are Bourne to experimentation, and commercial films also changing. In this regard this research paper analyses the implication of the commercial films on the youth audience as they are more prone to the changes of the media. The researcher analysis in this research paper the effectiveness of the commercial films on the youth audience, For this purpose the researcher conducted survey analysis taking 100 respondents as the sample size of youth group ranging from 15 -30 age group. In the literature review the researcher have used few theories to explain the phenomenon and also have collected few previously done researches related to the area of the subject. -
A study on strategic use of language in newspapers headlines /
The language we use to communicate with one another is like a knife. In the hands of a careful and skilled surgeon, a knife can work to do great good. But in the hands of a careless or ignorant person, a knife can cause great harm. Exactly as it is with our words- Anonymous. For the news media, particularly the newspaper, the greatest weapon is the power of words. The success or failure of a newspaper depends largely on the way its headlines appear to the readers. A well thought out headline does half the job of conveying the message. And consequently, a poorly written one can lead to misinterpretation. This research is an effort to delve into a complete understanding of the structuring of headlines in English newspapers and analyzing it against the use of phrases and words that are misleading and ambiguous. -
Importance of political cartoons to newspapers /
Political cartoons are an important part in any newspaper. Political cartoons adorn a small part of a newspaper, often in a corner. The position of this piece although small the impact is huge. A cartoon conveys a lot of information in very few words. The emotions behind the political cartoons are genuine and although harsh, are taken with a sense of humour. While incomparison editorials are, firstly for the elite masses who understand the highly intellectual content of the piece, also editorials have a tendency to be politically correct and hold back, unlike cartoons. Cartoons are generally blatant about their stand on the issue. There have been controversial cartoons like JyllandsPostenthe Mohammad cartoon and the effective yet less controversial R.K.Laxman. -
Effectiveness of films in propagating environmental issues - A comparison between live action and animation films /
The thesis aims at finding out which is a better medium to communicate environmental issues. For the purpose of the research, four films were selected, two live action films and two animation films. 2012 and 8 Below are the two live action films and Wall-E and Madagascar are the two animation films. The study had a sample of 86 people, 45 females and 41 males respectively between the age group of 18 to 28 years. A survey was conducted, consisting of four questions each for the four films. The questions were devised to find out the theme of the films, whether or not the film has scientific grounding and if yes as to the reason why. After tabulating and analysing the results it can be seen that animation films are more popular as 76% of the sample has seen the animation films and majority of the sample believes the films have scientific grounding and that the issues and rendered in a comic fashion. 2012 and Madagascar have been watched equally by the sample, both of them have 80 percent.