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Text-Based Sentimental Analysis to Understand User Experience Using Machine Learning Approaches
Data Analysis is turning into a driving force in every industry. It is a process in which data is analyzed in multiple ways to come to certain conclusions for the given situation. Sentiment analysis can be said to be a sub-section of data analysis where analysis is carried out on the emotions and opinions of the text. Social media has a plethora of sentiment data in various forms such as tweets, updates on the status, and so forth. Sentiment analysis on the huge volume of data can help in identifying the opinions of the general mass.The primary goal is to find the opinion of customers on the services of the Bangalore airport and to enhance the nature of these services according to the feedback provided. In this paper, we aim to measure customer opinion on services provided by Bangalore Airport through sentiment. Data is collected by a python-based scraper. The tweets are processed to determine whether they are of positive or negative opinion. These opinions are then analyzed to determine the factors which cause the negative opinions and the airport staff are alerted about the same. Various algorithms were used as part of the experimental analysis. LSTM produces more accuracy compared with existing approaches. 2023 IEEE. -
Automated Contactless Continuous Temperature Monitoring System for Pandemic Disease Controlling Infrastructures
People are being thermally screened in hospitals and in such facilities, all the data collected must be stored and displayed. The person responsible for keeping track of people's body temperatures must put in more time and effort. This approach is a tedious task, especially during times of dealing with the pandemic diseases like Covid-19. Hence, in this paper, an automated contactless continuous temperature monitoring system is designed to eliminate this time-consuming process. If a person's temperature is too high, that is, higher than the usual temperature range, the system records it and monitors it continuously via a mobile application. In this paper, we present the development of an Automated contactless continuous body temperature monitoring system using a Raspberry Pi camera and mobile application. 2023 IEEE. -
Effect of VR Technological Development in the Age of AI on Business Human Resource Management
Human resource management (HRM) strategies are increasingly using AI and other AI-based technologies for managing employees in both local and foreign enterprises. An exciting new field of study has emerged in the last decade on topics like the media interaction of AI and robotics, the possessions of AI acceptance on independence and consequences, and the evaluation of AI-enabled HRM practices due to the proliferation of AI-based implementations in the HRM function. The use of these technologies has influenced the way work is organized in both domestic and global corporations, presenting new possibilities for better resource management, faster decision-making, and more creative issue resolution. Research on AI-based solutions for HRM is scarce and dispersed, despite a growing interest in academia. Human resource management (HRM) roles and human-AI interactions in major multinational corporations disseminating such advances need more study. As computing and networking infrastructure has advanced rapidly, so has the era of artificial intelligence. Now that in the age of AI, virtual reality technology has found many applications beyond gaming. Human resource management has emerged as a hot topic, with interest coming from both large businesses and government agencies. Many studies have been conducted on HRM in the business world, but in order to stay up with the trends, HRM must be constantly updated. This article does a demand analysis, and sets up and tests a fully-featured VR business human resource management system, all against the backdrop of the age of artificial intelligence and the present popularity of VR technology. 2023 IEEE. -
Hybrid Convolutional Neural Network and Extreme Learning Machine for Kidney Stone Detection
When it comes to diagnosing structural abnormalities including cysts, stones, cancer, congenital malformations, swelling, blocking of urine flow, etc., ultrasound imaging plays a key role in the medical sector. Kidney detection is tough due to the presence of speckle noise and low contrast in ultrasound pictures. This study presents the design and implementation of a system for extracting kidney structures from ultrasound pictures for use in medical procedures such as punctures. To begin, a restored input image is used as a starting point. After that, a Gabor filter is used to lessen the impact of the speckle noise and refine the final image. Improving image quality with histogram equalization. Cell segmentation and area based segmentation were chosen as the two segmentation methods to compare in this investigation. When extracting renal regions, the region-based segmentation is applied to obtain optimal results. Finally, this study refines the segmentation and clip off just the kidney area and training the model by using CNN-ELM model. This method produces an accuracy of about 98.5%, which outperforms CNN and ELM models. 2023 IEEE. -
Impact ofFeature Selection Techniques forEEG-Based Seizure Classification
A neurological condition called epilepsy can result in a variety of seizures. Seizures differ from person to person. It is frequently diagnosed with fMRI, magnetic resonance imaging and electroencephalography (EEG). Visually evaluating the EEG activity requires a lot of time and effort, which is the usual way of analysis. As a result, an automated diagnosis approach based on machine learning was created. To effectively categorize epileptic seizure episodes using binary classification from brain-based EEG recordings, this study develops feature selection techniques using a machine learning (ML)-based random forest classification model. Ten (10) feature selection algorithms were utilized in this proposed work. The suggested method reduces the number of features by selecting only the relevant features needed to classify seizures. So to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed model, random forest classifier is utilized. The Bonn Epilepsy dataset derived from UCI repository of Bonn University, Germany, the CHB-MIT dataset collected from the Childrens Hospital Boston and a real-time EEG dataset collected from EEG clinic Bangalore is accustomed to the proposed approach in order to determine the best feature selection method. In this case, the relief feature selection approach outperforms others, achieving the most remarkable accuracy of 90% for UCI data and 100% for both the CHB-MIT and real-time EEG datasets with a fast computing rate. According to the results, the reduction in the number of feature characteristics significantly impacts the classifiers performance metrics, which helps to effectively categorize epileptic seizures from the brain-based EEG signals into binary classification. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
A Pre-trained YOLO-v5 model and an Image Subtraction Approach for Printed Circuit Board Defect Detection
Almost every electronic product used regularly contains printed circuit boards, which in addition to being used for business purposes are also used for security applications. Manual visual inspection of anomalies and faults in circuit boards during manufacture and usage is extremely challenging. Due to a shortage of training data and the uncertainty of new abnormalities, identifying undiscovered flaws continues to be complicated. The YOLO-v5 technique on a customized PCB dataset is used in the study to incorporate computer vision to detect six potential PCB defects. The algorithm is designed to be feasible, deliver precise findings, and operate at a considerable pace to be effective. A technique of image subtraction is also implemented to detect flaws in printed circuit boards. The structural similarity index, a perception-based method, gauges how similar non-defective and defective PCB images are to one another. 2023 IEEE. -
Predicting Graduate Admissions using Ensemble Machine Learning Techniques: A Comparative Study of Classifiers and Regressors
The goal of this research is to apply machine learning techniques to forecast a student's probability of being accepted into a graduate program. Applicants' GRE and TOEFL grades, university rankings, letters of recommendation, statements of purpose, cumulative grade point averages, and prior research experience are all included in the dataset utilized for this analysis. The goal is to calculate an applicant's expected acceptance rate. This study uses a combination of Classifiers and regressors. Different prediction models are contrasted in this study: Random Forest Classifier (RFC), Decision Tree Classifier (DTC), K-Neighbors Classifier (KNC), Support Vector Classifier (SVC), Gradient Boosting Classifier (GBC), Logistic regression (LR), Support vector Regressor (SVR), Random Forest Regressor(RFR), Gradient Boosting Regressor(GBR) and Decision Tree Regressor(DTR). Using these characteristics, the models are trained and evaluated. Evaluation criteria such as accuracy, kappa value, AUC-ROC, and confusion matrix are used to find the models' effectiveness. In order to determine which model performed the best, the assessment results are compared with one another. Based on study findings, the Gradient Boosting Classifier outperforms the other models tested by a significant margin (96 per cent). This model's AUC-ROC of 0.97 indicates it does a decent job at separating the positive and negative categories. 2023 IEEE. -
Classification of Breast Invasive Ductal Carcinomas Using Histopathological Images Based on Deep Learning Techniques
Women suffer from cancer, which is the main reason for death for females around the world. With the use of artificial intelligence, it is possible to predict and detect all types of cancers in the near future. It is not just women who can heal, and most breast cancers are caused by the most vulnerable type of breast. Eighty percent of all diagnoses of carcinoma are invasive ductal carcinomas (IDCs). In this paper, deep learning techniques are extended to support visible semantic evaluation of tumor areas, using convolutional neural networks (CNNs).A CNN is skilled ended a large number of photo covers (tissue areas) after Whole Slide Images (WSI) to study ranked part-based total image. About 600 normal image patches and 200 breast invasive ductal carcinomas are selected for the experiment. It was intended to amount classifier correctness in the detection of IDC tissue areas in Whole Slide Images. We achieved excellent measurable outcomes for an automated finding of IDC areas with our technique. The results are evaluated based on performance measures and compared with a different number of neurons, and the results are highlighted. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Imposter detection with canvas and WebGL using Machine learning.
Authentication offers a way to confirm the legitimacy of a user attempting to access any protected information that is hosted on the web as organizations are moving their applications online. It has long been believed that IP addresses and Cookies are the most reliable digital fingerprints used to authenticate and track people online. But after a while, things got out of hand when modern web technologies allowed interested organizations to use new ways to identify and track users. There are many new reliable digital fingerprints that can be used such as canvas and WebGL. The canvas and WebGL render the image which is dependent on the software and hardware of the system. In our work with the generated hash value value from canvas and WebGL we create a model using KNN to identify the imposters. The model has proved to be accurate in authentication of user with an accuracy of 89%. 2023 IEEE. -
Profit function Optimization for Growing Items Industry
The economy of a country depends on many industries; growing item industries are one of them. Growing items also exhibit mortality in the growth period, which creates a complex environment for the procurement decision. A practical inventory model is required to overcome this situation, which provides the optimum solution. This work describes an economics ordering quantity model for growing items with constant demand and mortality. We also take into consideration that one of the real-life management practices for businesses is the allowance of a delay in payment. There is a solution procedure with a numerical example. We have discussed analytical results to verify the concavity of the profit function. Sensitivity analysis provides us with some very useful information. . 2023 IEEE. -
Preventing Data Leakage and Traffic Optimization in Software-Defined Programmable Networks
The first widely used communication infrastructure was the telephone network, often known as a connection-oriented or circuit-switched network. While making a phone call, these networks will first set up a connection, and then tear it down after the call has ended. The connection made during the call would not be used again. Thus, connectionless or packet-switched networks have been introduced, with an aim to send voice signals as data packets. When compared to conventional network architecture, SDN's separation of the data plane and control plane of networking devices makes the management of these devices directly programmable via a centralised controller. It uses a MAS-based distributed architecture to categorise network flows, and it's called the Traffic Classification Module. Each host or server's high-priority application traffic is isolated via Deep Packet Inspection (DPI). The time consumed for a packet to travel from one endpoint to another is referred to as the average packet delay, whereas the controller's reaction time is twice the average packet delay. Few works existed that utilised routing strategies to decrease the typical packet delay in SDN. To reduce the controller's response time, Software-Defined Networks (SDNs) need a routing algorithm that reduces the average packet delay. Each of the proposed modules and the whole combined SDN-MASTE framework were put through their paces in a series of experiments and emulation-based tests to see how well they performed. 2023 IEEE. -
Post Covid Scenario Effective E-Mentoring System in Higher Education
During Covid-19 pandemic many people and institutions preferred online coaching instead of in person education. The problem with online is that it will be difficult to carry on interconnections between students and professors in that environment. The main constraint for conducting online session is that the people in remote areas may find a difficulty to connect to online sessions having network issues. Electronic mentoring (e-mentoring) is implemented like a website in which the mentor and mentee can communicate with each other. With the help of this mentoring the project can provide a best solution for both the mentor and mentee. They can communicate with each other with the help of online platform and even with the help of emails.This proposed method will help them to keep the track of their academic progress and achievements of students. This article mainly focus on the mentoring through physical and virtual environment in which the mentee will be interacting with the mentor to know the progress of their academics. This article discusses about the website which is developed to fulfill the needs of the student and it discusses about the various stages of development that helped in building the website. Students can share their difficulties and their achievements with the mentor who are assigned for them particularly. In future planning to implement artificial intelligence technique to online mentoring process, this is for the betterment of student's growth. 2023 IEEE. -
Wheat Yield Prediction using Temporal Fusion Transformers
In precision framing, Machine Learning models are an essential decision-making tool for crop yield prediction. They aid farmers with decisions like which crop to grow and when to grow certain crops during the sowing season. Many Machine Learning algorithms have been used to support agriculture yield prediction research, but it is observed that Deep Learning models outperform the benchmark Machine Learning algorithms with a significant difference in accuracy. However, though these Deep Learning models perform better, they are not preferred or widely used in place of Machine Learning models. This is because Deep Learning methods are black box methods and are not interpretable, i.e., they fail to explain the magnitude of the impact of the features on the output, and this is unsuitable for our use case.In this paper, we propose using Temporal Fusion Transformer (TFT), a novel approach published by Google researchers for wheat yield prediction viewed as a Time Series Forecasting problem statement. TFT is the state-of-the-art attention-based Deep Learning architecture, which combines high-performance forecasting with interpretable insights and feature importance. We have used TFT to perform wheat yield prediction and compare its performance with various Machine Learning and Deep Learning algorithms. 2023 IEEE. -
Hand Sign Recognition to Structured Sentences
Computer vision is not just a concept of deep learning; it has wide applications such as motion recognition, object recognition, video indexing, video media understanding, and recognition-based intelligence. -However, vision-based systems are a challenging field for research and accurate results. Recent areas of interest are human action recognition or human hands gesture recognition techniques using video data set, still, an image data set, spatiotemporal methods, features in RGB, deep learning methods. Hand action recognition has applications such as communication systems to shorten the bridge gap for people with speech disabilities by using a vision-based system to recognize hand sign language and convert it to text, forming structured sentences which will be easy to understand and communicate. 2023 IEEE. -
Melanoma Skin Cancer Detection using a CNN-Regularized Extreme Learning Machine (RELM) based Model
Recent years have brought a heightened awareness of skin cancer as a potentially fatal type of human disease. While all three forms of skin cancer - Melanoma, Basal, and Squamous are terrifying, Melanoma is the most erratic. Melanoma cancer is curable if caught at an early stage. Multiple current systems have demonstrated that computer vision can play a significant role in medical image diagnosis. This study suggests a new approach to picture categorization that can help convolutional neural networks train more quickly (CNN). CNN has seen widespread use in multiclass image classification datasets, but its poor learning performance for huge volumes of data has limited its usefulness. On the other hand, whereas Regularized Extreme Learning Machine (RELM) are capable of rapid learning and have strong generalizability to improve their recognized accuracy quickly. This study introduces a novel CNN-RELM, a novel classifier that integrates convolutional neural networks with regularized extreme learning machines. CNN-RELM begins by training a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) through the gradient descent technique until the desired learning and target accuracy is achieved. This approach outperforms the CNN and RELM model with an accuracy of around 98.6%. 2023 IEEE. -
Crime Analysis and Forecasting using Twitter Data in the Indian Context
Since the late 1990s, social media has added more features and users. Due to the rise of social media, blogs and posts by common people are now a part of mainstream journalism. Twitter is a place where people can share their ideas about culture, society, the economy, and politics. India's large population and rising crime rate make it hard for law enforcement to find and stop illegal activities. This article shows the use of Twitter data to analyse, forecast, and visualise criminal activity using statistical and machine learning models and geospatial visualisation techniques. This helps law enforcement agencies make the best use of their limited resources and put them in the right places. The research aims to present a spatial and temporal picture of crime in India and is split into three parts: Classification, Visualisation, and Forecasting. Crime tweets are identified using a hashtag query argument in the tweepy python package's search_tweets function, followed by substring-keyword classification. The visualisation uses gmaps and bokeh python packages for geospatial and matplotlib for analytical applications. The forecasting portion compares AR, ARIMA, and LSTM to determine the best model for time series forecasting of crime tweet count. 2023 IEEE. -
Categorizing Disaster Tweets Using Learning Based Models for Emergency Crisis Management
Social media communication is essential to the crisis response aftermath of a massive tragedy. Facebook, Twitter, and other social media network platforms are effective instruments for connecting and fostering collaboration among catastrophe victims and other groups. As a result, numerous research publications on tweet analysis have been released. Tweet analysis during a crisis helps in understanding the nuances of the incident. Existing works primarily focused on tweet sentiment analysis and binary categorization of tweets into catastrophe relevant or not. Our work mainly categorizes catastrophe tweets into seven categories: Blizzard, earthquake, flood, hurricane, tornado, wildfire, and not-relevant tweets. Deep learning and machine learning methods were employed to categorize the tweets. The annotated data is subjected to classification using Support Vector Machine (SVM) utilizing Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) Vectorizer and Word2Vec Vectorizer and compares the accuracy of different kernel functions. Bidirectional Long Short Term Memory (Bi-LSTM) is used on the labeled data as a deep learning technique. SVM exhibited 88% accuracy compared to 87% for Bi-LSTM. Empirical evidence shows that our methodology is more productive and efficient than previous approaches. From this knowledge of the incident, emergency aid organizations may draw conclusions and act immediately. 2023 IEEE. -
Performance Analysis of Logical Structures Using Ternary Quantum Dot Cellular Automata (TQCA)-Based Nanotechnology
Ternary Quantum-Dot Cellular Automata (TQCA) is a developing nanotechnology that guarantees lower power utilization and littler size, with quicker speed contrasted with innovative transistor. In this article, we are going to propose a novel architecture of level-sensitive scan design (LSSD) in TQCA. These circuits are helpful for the structure of numerous legitimate and useful circuits. Recreation consequences of proposed TQCA circuits are developed by utilizing such QCA designer tool. In realization to particular specification, we need to find the parameter values by using Schrodinger equation. Here, we have optimized the different parameter in the equation of Schrodinger. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
A Comprehensive Investigation of Blockchain Technology's Role in Cyber Security
In recent years, blockchain has become an extremely trending technology, capable of solving a variety of problems. One of these domains is cybersecurity, where blockchain technology has a huge scope. To dive deeper into this topic, we first need to understand the cybersecurity domain, the need for this field, and how it has become crucial to the current Information-Technology industry. Once we have a good understanding of the field of cybersecurity, we next focus on blockchain technology, its basic working process, and what makes it a trending infrastructural technology in today's world. The basic idea about the field of cybersecurity and blockchain technology can help us understand how the two different fields can be integrated to solve several problems in the cybersecurity domain. Eventually, we discuss the pros and cons of blockchain technology in cybersecurity and how the integration of the two different fields can make a difference. This study aims to explore various possibilities where blockchain technology can be utilized in several applications to solve a variety of problems in the field of cybersecurity. 2023 IEEE. -
Performance Analysis of Various Machine Learning Classification Models Using Twitter Data: National Education Policy
With the exponential growth of social networking sites, people are using these platforms to express their sentiments on everyday issues. Collection and analysis of people's reactions to purchases of products, public services, etc. are important from a marketing and innovation perspective. Sentiment analysis also called opinion mining or emotion extraction is the classification of emotions in text. This technique has been widely used over the years to determine sentiment within given text data. Twitter is a social media platform primarily used by people to express their feelings about specific events. In this paper, collected tweets about National Education Policy which has been a hot topic for a while; and analyzed them using various machine learning algorithms such as Random Forest classifier, Logistic Regression, SVM, Decision Tree, XGBoost, Naive Bayes. This study shows that the Decision tree algorithm is performing best, compare to all the other algorithms. 2023 IEEE.