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Impact of blended education system on outcome-based learning and sector skills development
An effective education system transforms the teaching and learning process into innovative idea generation and independent working ability. A blended education system is the representation of effective education that connects the teachers, students, and educational institutions for content development, delivery of effective teaching methods, and choice-based learning. The motive for initiating the research work was to address the demand for outcome-based learning in society that can fulfill the sector-wise human resource requirements and sector skill development. A blended education system helps to design effective courses and degrees with the capacity of choosing subjects, lectures, and teachers either in online or offline mode of education. The system may also assist in preparing the learning pattern like classroom-based learning, internship-based learning, or learning through project works. The researchers identified the dependent and independent variables with the help of expert opinion. The questionnaire was designed with all relevant questions based on the variables and refined through a pilot study. The research outcomes are described by understanding the nature of quantitative data using statistical tools like frequency distribution, t-test, and ANOVA test with the connectivity of qualitative data and the reality of social issues. 2023 IEEE. -
3D Modelling and Rendering Using Autodesk 3ds Max
This is outlined how to create a 3D custom kitchen design, including how to set up the sources, details, work with managing various modifiers like edit poly, slice, mesh select, turbo smooth, lattice, bend, shell modifier, so to provide the kitchen an authentic appearance. The method materials are fitted to the model output, together with illuminating the environment leveraging Arnold lights that are intended to be utilized with this renderer only. It has features that are optimised for rendering with Arnold. Procedures and methods regarding rendering are indeed specified. The final rendering was made out of several drawings. Our report's intention is to develop a kitchen design that enriches models with materials and ample shapes from standard extended primitive along with the mostly utilization of pro-boolean. Finally, a material editor was used to improve the model. target illumination, too. 2023 IEEE. -
Deploying Fact-Checking Tools to Alleviate Misinformation Promulgation in Twitter Using Machine Learning Techniques
In the present era, the rising portion of our lives is spending interactions online with social media platforms. Thanks to the latest technology adoption as well as smartphones proliferation. Gaining news from the platforms of social media is quicker, easier as well as cheaper in comparison with other traditional media platforms such as T.V and newspapers. Hence, social media is being exploited in order to spread misinformation. The study tends to construct fake corpus that comprises tweets for a product advertisement. The FakeAds corpus objective is to explore the misinformation impact on the advertising and marketing materials for a particular product as well as what kinds of products are targeted mostly on Twitter to draw the consumers attention. Products include cosmetics, fashions, health, electronics, etc. The corpus is varied and novel to the topic (i.e., Twitter role in spreading misinformation in relation to production promotion and advertising) as well as in terms of fine-grained annotations. The guidelines of the annotations were framed through the guidance of domain experts as well as the annotation is done with two domain experts, which results in higher quality annotation, through the agreement rate F-scores as higher as 0.976 using text classification. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Performance Analysis of User Behavior Pattern Mining Using Web Log Database for User Identification
User behavior analytics is a progressive research domain. Understanding the users behavior patterns and identifying their behavior patterns will provide solutions to many issues like identity theft and user authentication. So many research works are done in analyzing the frequent access patterns of the users by pre-processing access logs and applying various algorithms to understand the frequent access behavior of the user. From the literature, it founds that the frequent user access pattern identification needs improvement on prediction accuracy and the minimal false positives. To accomplish these, three different approaches were proposed to overcome the existing issues and intended to reduce false positives and improve the frequent pattern mining accuracy based on web access logs. Proposed methods were found to be good while compared with the existing works. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Creation of Bookshelf Using Autodesk 3ds Max: 3D Modelling and Rendering
The step-by-step process of creating a bookshelf design is specified, including the ProBoolean compound primitive, applying edit poly modifier, using detach option, making use of lattice modifier, using bend modifier, using twist modifier. The manner in which materials are added to the model, together with environment lighting and renderer configuration, is defined. Procedures and methods for rendering are also defined. What we aim to achieve through our research is to create a Bookshelf design that uses materials to enhance the models. The shapes used in the model were Box, Teapot, sphere, chamfercyl, Oiltank, ProBoolean compound. The modifiers used were edit poly, bend, twist, lattice. Afterwards we used the Arnold light and material editor to enhance and glorify the model. 2023 IEEE. -
An Improved Artificial Intelligence based Service Quality to Increase Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty in Banking Sector
This study clarifies and determines how service quality affects customer loyalty and reliability. The support of quality in the open and private financial sphere and understanding of its connection to customer loyalty and conduct goal Utilizing an upgraded SERVQUAL (BANQUAL) tool with 26 items, the review was conducted among 802 bank customers. The social goal battery was used to estimate the clients' expected conduct. The expert used a seven-point Likert scale to assess the standard and saw service quality (implementation), as well as the social expectations of the clients. The most reliable tool to quantify the conceptualization of the differentiation score is the BANQUAL instrument. It is used to evaluate gaps in service between assumptions and perceptions of service quality. The SERVQUAL instrument is modified to make it suitable in the banking industry. Questions on parking at the bank, the variety of things and programmes available, and the banks' genuine efforts to address customer grievances are added to the instrument (Responsiveness). The writing audit was sufficiently compiled from many sources, reflecting both an Indian and foreign environment. The postulation included several hypotheses then examined using structural equation modelling. To meet the exploration goals, the views were tested using the products AMOS and SISS. The data were analysed using corroborative and explorative element research to confirm the BANQUAL instrument's dependability and legitimacy of the financial business execution and service quality aspects. The resulting CFA model value exhibits excellent psychometric qualities. Professional businesses and clients increasingly use artificial intelligence support specialists (AISA) for management. However, no measure measuring the support quality can fully capture the essential factors affecting AISA service quality. By developing a scale for evaluating the quality of AISA service, this study seeks to solve this deficiency(AISAQUAL). 2023 IEEE. -
Systematic Review on Humanizing Machine Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence
In this era, Machine Learning is transforming human lives in a very different way. The need to give machines the power to make decisions or giving the moral compass is a big dilemma when humanity is more divided than it has ever been. There are two main ways in which law and AI interact. AI may be subject to legal restrictions and be employed in courtroom procedures. The world around us is being significantly and swiftly changed by AI in all of its manifestations. Public law includes important facets such as nondiscrimination law and labor law. In a manner similar to this when artificial intelligence (AI) is applied to tangible technology like robots. In certain cases, artificial intelligence (AI) might be hardly noticeable to customers but evident to those who built and are using it. The behavior research offers suggestions for how to build enduring and beneficial interactions between intelligent robots and people. The human improvement is main obstacles in the development and implementation of artificial intelligence. Best practices in this area are not governed by any one strategy that is generally acknowledged. Machine learning is about to revolutionize society as it is know it. It is crucial to give intelligent computers a moral compass now more than ever before because of how divided mankind is. Although machine learning has limitless potential, inappropriate usage might have detrimental long-term implications. It will think about how, for instance, earlier cultures built trust and improved social interactions via creative answers to many of the ethical issues that machine learning is posing now. 2023 IEEE. -
Dynamic Load Scheduling Using Clustering for Increasing Efficiency of Warehouse Order Fulfillment Done Through Pick and Place Bots
The domain of warehouse automation has been picking up due to the vast developments in e-commerce owing to growing demand and the need to improve customer satisfaction. The one crucial component that needs to be integrated into large warehouses is automated pick and place of orders from the storage facility using automated vehicles integrated with a forklift (Pick and Place bots). Even with automation being employed, there is a lot of room for improvement with the current technology being used as the loading of the bots is inefficient and not dynamic. This paper discusses a method to dynamically allocate load between the Pick and Place BOTs in a warehouse during order fulfillment. This dynamic allocation is done using clustering,an unsupervised Machine Learning algorithm. This paper discusses using fuzzy C-means clustering to improve the efficiency of warehouse automation. The discussed algorithm improves the efficiency of order fulfillment significantly and is demonstrated in this paper using multiple simulations to see around 35% reduction in order fulfillment time and around 55% increase in efficiency. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
A Novel Steganographic Approach for Image Encryption Using Watermarking
Steganography is a technique for obfuscating secret information by enclosing it in a regular, non-secret file or communication; the information is subsequently extracted at the intended location. Steganography can be used in addition to encryption to further conceal or safeguard data. Watermarking is one such technique practiced in the area of steganography. Watermarking can be practiced via multiple algorithmic techniques like Discrete Wavelength Transform (DWT), Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT), Singular Value Decomposition (SVD), Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT). In this study, a combination of such approaches along with AES encrypted watermarked images has been implemented. Validation of these techniques has been achieved by evaluating the Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR). 2023 IEEE. -
Adopting Metaverse as a Pedagogy in Problem-Based Learning
Pedagogical practices vary from time to time based on the requirement of various academic disciplines. Course instructors are constantly searching for inclusive and innovative pedagogies to enhance learning experiences. The introduction of Metaverse can be observed as an opportunity to enable the course instructors to combine virtual reality with augmented reality to enable immersive learning. The scope of immersive learning experience with Metaverse attracted many major universities in the world to try Metaverse as a pedagogy in fields such as management studies, medical education, and architecture. Adopting Metaverse as a pedagogy for problem-based learning enables the course instructors to create an active learning space that tackles the physical barriers of traditional pedagogical practices of case-based learning facilitating collaborative learning. Metaverse, as an established virtual learning platform, is provided by Meta Inc., providing the company a monopoly over the VR-based pedagogy. Entry of other tech firms into similar or collaborative ventures would open up a wide array of virtual reality-based platforms, eliminating the monopoly and subsequent dependency on a singular platform. The findings of the study indicate that, currently, the engagements on Metaverse are limited to tier 1 educational institutions worldwide due to the initial investment requirements. The wide adoption of the Metaverse platform in future depends on the ability of the platform providers to bridge the digital gap and facilitate curricula development. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG. -
Implementation of Supervised Pre-Training Methods for Univariate Time Series Forecasting
There has been a recent deep learning revolution in Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing. One of the biggest reasons for this has been the availability of large-scale datasets to pre-train on. One can argue that the Time Series domain has been left out of the aforementioned revolution. The lack of large scale pretrained models could be one of the reasons for this.While there have been prior experiments using pre-trained models for time series forecasting, the scale of the dataset has been relatively small. One of the few time series problems with large scale data available for pre-training is the financial domain. Therefore, this paper takes advantage of this and pretrains a ID CNN using a dataset of 728 US Stock Daily Closing Price Data in total, 2,533,901 rows. Then, we fine-tune and evaluate a dataset of the NIFTY 200 stocks' Closing Prices, in total 166,379 rows. Our results show a 32% improvement in RMSE and a 36% improvement in convergence speed when compared to a baseline non pre trained model. 2023 IEEE. -
Comparative Analysis of CPI prediction for India using Statistical methods and Neural Networks
Inflation is one of the main issues affecting the world economy right now, necessitating the accurate inflation prediction for the development of tools and policies by the monetary authorities to prevent extreme price volatility. Expectations of inflation influence many financial and economic actions, and this dependence motivates economists to develop techniques for precise inflation forecasting. Nearly everyone in the economy is impacted by inflation, including lending institutions, stock brokers, and corporate financial officials. In many cases, inflation determines whether a firm will accept a particular project or if banks will make a particular loan. These different economic actors can modify their financial portfolios, strategic goals, and upcoming investments if they are able to forecast changes in inflation rates. The multiple interaction economic components that depend on inflation will be better understood by economic agents operating in a business context if inflation forecasting accuracy is improved. There are numerous techniques to forecast inflation ranging from basic statistical methods to complex neural network methods. Therefore, this paper employs LSTM model to train and analyze the Consumer Price Index (CPI) indicators to obtain inflation-related prediction results. The experimental results on historical data show that the statistical model has good performance in predicting India's inflation rate compared to deep learning methods in case of smaller dataset. 2023 IEEE. -
Exploring Machine Learning Models to Predict the Diamond Price: A Data Mining Utility Using Weka
In contrast to gold and platinum, whose values may be fairly determined, determining a diamond's worth involves a far more complex set of considerations. The appropriate rate is based on many factors, not just one of the stones. Diamonds are graded based on their appearance, carat weight, cut quality, and how well they have presented dimensions like a table's surface, depth, and breadth. In order to accurately forecast diamond prices, this study seeks to develop the most effective approaches possible. Different machine learning classifiers are trained on the diamond dataset to forecast diamond prices based on the features. This article shows how to analyze diamond prices using WEKA's data mining software. Diamond data have been utilized for this study. These methods include M5P, Random Forest, Multilayer perceptron, Decision Stump, REP Trees, and M5Rules. For the purpose of estimating the cost of a diamond, different Machine Learning classifiers are compared and contrasted. Performance measures and analysis showed that Random Forest was the best-performing classifier. Experimental findings show, as shown by the coefficient of correlation that Random Forest is better than other classification methods. 2023 IEEE. -
Computational Modelling of Complex Systems for Democratizing Higher Education: A Tutorial on SAR Simulation
Engineering systems like Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) are complex systems and require multi-domain knowledge to understand. Teaching and learning SAR processing is intensive in terms of time and resources. It also requires software tools and computational power for preprocessing and image analysis. Extensive literature exists on computational models of SAR in MATLAB and other commercial platforms. Availability of computational models in open-source reproducible platforms like Python kernel in Jupyter notebooks running on Google Colaboratory democratizes such difficult topics and facilitates student learning. The model, discussed here, generates SAR data for a point scatterer using SAR geometry, antenna pattern, and range equation and processes the data in range and azimuth with an aim to generate SAR image. The model demonstrates the generation of synthetic aperture and the echo signal qualities as also how the pulse-to-pulse fluctuating range of a target requires resampling to align the energy with a regular grid. The model allows for changing parameters to alter for resolution, squint, geometry, radar elements such as antenna dimensions, and other factors. A successful learning outcome would be to understand where parameters need to be changed, to affect the model in a specific way. Factors affecting Range Doppler processing are demonstrated. Use of the discussed model nullifies use of commercial software and democratizes SAR topic in higher education. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Identifying a Range of Important Issues to Improve Crop Production
Crop yield production value update has a beneficial practical impact on directing agricultural production and informing farmers of changes in crop market prices. The main objective of the suggested method is to put the crop selection technique into practise so that it may be used to address a variety of issues facing farmers and the agricultural industry. As a result, the yield rate of crop production is maximised, which benefits our Indian economy. land conditions of several kinds. So, using a ranking system, the quality of the crops are determined. This procedure also alerts farmers to the rate of crops of low and high quality. Due to the use of multiple classifiers, using an ensemble of classifiers paves the way for better prediction decisions. The decision-making process for selecting the output of the classifiers also incorporates a rating system. The price of a crop that will produce more is predicted using this method. 2023 IEEE. -
Advancements in Cyber Security and Information Systems in Healthcare from 2004 to 2022: A Bibliometric Analysis
The main goals of the multifaceted healthcare system were to prevent, identify, and treat illnesses or conditions that affect human health. As the usage of IT in healthcare increased, the complexities in managing the IT infrastructure also increase, emphasizing the need of robust cyber security systems. The study aims to emphasize the advancements made in cyber security and information systems in healthcare, based on bibliometric analysis. 5,487 document's metadata was obtained from Scopus and data was analyzed using Vos Viewer. Ranking of articles was done with average yearly citations of the publications. Bibliometric analysis was performed based on 'bibliographic coupling of countries', 'co-occurrence of all keywords', 'author-based co-authorship', and 'term co-occurrence based on text data'. It was found that United States had the maximum publications (1337). 'Department of Information Systems and Cyber Security, The University of Texas at San Antonio, United States' is the most influential organization with 159 publications. IEEE Access is the most preferred platform for publication related to cyber security and information systems in healthcare (231 publications). 167 publications have received more than 100 citations. Choo K. K.R. is the most influential author with 185 publications. 2023 IEEE. -
A Comprehensive Study on E-learning Environments for Deaf or Hard of Hearing Learners
Quality education is the fundamental right of every individual regardless of the disabilities they have. For the Deaf or Hard of Hearing (d/DHH) people, e-learning is the most promising way to access the educational materials referred to as digital learning objects (LO) at any time and space which increase their autonomous learning skills. This form of instruction delivery was widely accepted during the outbreak of Covid-19. Hence a background study has been conducted to investigate the challenges in teaching the d/DHH learners during the pandemic. This research work aims at providing a personalized e-learning environment to the d/DHH student community belonging to St. Clare Oral Higher Secondary School for The Deaf, situated in Kerala. To build personalized systems, the primary step is to review the existing e-learning solutions available in the literature and the adaptation techniques implemented by them to offer personalization in line with the components of traditional adaptive e-learning systems. The study carried out in this paper illuminates the need of personalized e-learning platforms that adapt the basic needs, abilities and disabilities of deaf learners which will find the 'best learning solutions' in the form of learning objects. 2023 IEEE. -
ByWalk: Unriddling Blind Overtake Scenario with Frugal Safety System
Safety is crucial, and the truth is ineluctable with its practicality. We strive forward to rev up the safety protocols even more in the field of Road Safety in particular. Countries like India face around 5,00,000 accidents, which lead to 1,80,000 demises each year. The two-lane one-way roads present a risk of the overtaking vehicle crashing onto an incoming car (from the opposite direction) that the overtaking vehicle is unaware of. We seek to achieve two equivocal milestones with our idea in the blind overtake issue, namely, technological aid and economic feasibility. This makes our concept equally impactful in all situations. The technological precision and advancement will help anyone with enough resources to use them tangibly, and economic feasibility ensures a threshold of safety levels that must be put into action. In fact, we are slightly inclined toward the frugality of the architecture paradigm of our idea because safety is everyones right. On the economic side, we propose an LED board-based solution that presents enough information about the incoming vehicle with which a blind overtake condition can be avoided. Besides, we put forward the idea of vehicle-to-vehicle communication for streaming the video content to the trailing cars with smarter selection and added ease to the drivers. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Systematic Review on Decentralised Artificial Intelligence and Its Applications
Initially, Artificial Intelligence (AI) models were centralized. This resulted in various challenges. To overcome this challenge, the decentralized or distributed frameworks were developed. Recent advancements in blockchain technology and cryptography have accelerated the decentralization process. Decentralized Artificial Intelligence (DAI) is gaining a significant research attention in recent times. This study reviews various DAI techniques such as Decentralized machine learning frameworks, Federated Learning and Distributed AI marketplaces. In particular, this study focuses on reviewing the recent developments in DAI by analyzing its potential advantages and challenges. 2023 IEEE. -
Identification of Driver Drowsiness Detection using a Regularized Extreme Learning Machine
In the field of accident avoidance systems, figuring out how to keep drivers from getting sleepy is a major challenge. The only way to prevent dozing off behind the wheel is to have a system in place that can accurately detect when a driver's attention has drifted and then alert and revive them. This paper presents a method for detection that makes use of image processing software to examine video camera stills of the driver's face. Driver inattention is measured by how much the eyes are open or closed. This paper introduces Regularized Extreme Learning Machine, a novel approach based on the structural risk reduction principle and weighted least squares, which is applied following preprocessing, binarization, and noise removal. Generalization performance was significantly improved in most cases using the proposed algorithm without requiring additional training time. This approach outperforms both the CNN and ELM models, with an accuracy of around 99% being achieved. 2023 IEEE.