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Smart toll collection through GPS /
Patent Number: 202141032100, Applicant: Manohar Madgi.
In this approach no toll plaza and no card at all. As soon as the vehicle comes on the toll road, information is captured through GPS (Referring Google Map). At the starting point, the driver gets a welcome message as Welcome, your toll starts now•. Once the vehicle leaves the toll road and takes the service road, the driver gets another message like, Thank you for traveling these many kilometers, and the toll collected is Rs. -
Covid monitoring system based on sensed health parameters /
Patent Number: 202141032212, Applicant: Dr. Nimson Rio R.
A covid monitoring system (100), the system (100) comprising: a wearable (102) to be worn by a primary user, wherein the wearable (102) comprises: sensors (122a-122n) configured to sense signals representing health parameters of the primary user; a location detector (124) configured to detect real-time coordinates of the primary user; a controller (130) configured to. -
An apparatus for a predetermined language transliteration and method thereof /
Patent Number: 202121024080, Applicant: Solley Joseph.
The present invention discloses an apparatus for a predetermined language transliteration and method thereof. The system includes, but not limited to, a processing unit with one or more processors connected with one or more storage devices, and wherein the processing unit is to: acquire scripts or alphabets of the predetermined language through an OCR scanning unit or through any input device. -
An apparatus for a predetermined language transliteration and method thereof /
Patent Number: 202121024080, Applicant: Solley Joseph.
The present invention discloses an apparatus for a predetermined language transliteration and method thereof. The system includes, but not limited to, a processing unit with one or more processors connected with one or more storage devices, and wherein the processing unit is to: acquire scripts or alphabets of the predetermined language through an OCR scanning unit or through any input device. -
A system for human face detection and recognition using feature fusion and a method thereof /
Patent Number: 202141031566, Applicant: Manjunatha Hiremath.
Biometric systems have become a vital role in the process of authenticating an individual based on physical or behavioral features/ traits of human beings. Biometric systems are categorized into two types namely Physiological and Behavioral systems. Face recognition, Fingerprint, Iris recognition, Hand geometry, and DNA fingerprint traits are considered as physiological biometrics which are essentially fixed and are relatively stable whereas voice recognition, signature and keystroke recognition are considered behavioral biometrics that can vary over a period of time due to some factors like aging, mood and behavior of the person. -
A system for human face detection and recognition using feature fusion and a method thereof /
Patent Number: 202141031566, Applicant: Manjunatha Hiremath.
Biometric systems have become a vital role in the process of authenticating an individual based on physical or behavioral features/ traits of human beings. Biometric systems are categorized into two types namely Physiological and Behavioral systems. Face recognition, Fingerprint, Iris recognition, Hand geometry, and DNA fingerprint traits are considered as physiological biometrics which are essentially fixed and are relatively stable whereas voice recognition, signature and keystroke recognition are considered behavioral biometrics that can vary over a period of time due to some factors like aging, mood and behavior of the person. -
Creativity and innovation in quality education and sustainability /
Patent Number: 202141034649, Applicant: Suplab Podder.
Quality education and sustainability is the interconnected aspiration for the modern society that can ensure the development of employability skills and create a sustainable society. The economists, scientists, management experts and research initiators are putting their efforts to develop a certain sustainable system in quality education through education 4.0. This is about digital equity, customised education, borderless classrooms, where the human mind is in synchronising with the technology to explore new possibilities of learning and accomplishment. -
Creativity and innovation in quality education and sustainability /
Patent Number: 202141034649, Applicant: Suplab Podder.
Quality education and sustainability is the interconnected aspiration for the modern society that can ensure the development of employability skills and create a sustainable society. The economists, scientists, management experts and research initiators are putting their efforts to develop a certain sustainable system in quality education through education 4.0. This is about digital equity, customised education, borderless classrooms, where the human mind is in synchronising with the technology to explore new possibilities of learning and accomplishment. -
Coach berth with foot assembly to climb onto the berths /
Patent Number: 337454-001, Applicant: Gyan Ganga Institute of Technology and Sciences. -
Modeling, optimizing and diagnosis of chiller systems using machine learning /
Patent Number: 202141035122, Applicant: Dr B S Praveen Kumar.
Modeling, Optimizing and diagnosis of Chiller Systems using Machine Learning The invention aims to create an energy use model for a chiller in heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system using the artificial neural network learning method. Input layers that included several input variables, quantity (percentage) of training data and number of neurons were measured for accuracy by the suggested chiller energy consumption model. -
Electrochemical synthesis of ribonolactone-A precursor for anti-covid drug remdesivir /
Patent Number: 202141035480, Applicant: Dr B S Praveen Kumar.
The invention aims to create an energy use model for a chiller in heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system using the artificial neural network learning method. Input layers that included several input variables, quantity (percentage) of training data and number of neurons were measured for accuracy by the suggested chiller energy consumption model. A standard reference structure was also designed to provide operating data for the chiller system during long refrigeration periods (warm weather months). -
Covid 19 impact assessment index for manufacturing MSMES /
Patent Number: 202141035478, Applicant: Theresa Nithila Vincent.
The COV1D 19 pandemic disrupted the functioning of enterprises and posed a significant effect on the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) sector. The level of impact was varying depending on the type of business. This study aims to develop an index to assess the impact of COVTD 19 on the manufacturing MSMEs by studying the impact on the Key Performance Indicators, namely; Labour, Supply Chain, Production and Revenue. -
Covid 19 impact assessment index for manufacturing MSMES /
Patent Number: 202141035478, Applicant: Theresa Nithila Vincent.
The COV1D 19 pandemic disrupted the functioning of enterprises and posed a significant effect on the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) sector. The level of impact was varying depending on the type of business. This study aims to develop an index to assess the impact of COVTD 19 on the manufacturing MSMEs by studying the impact on the Key Performance Indicators, namely; Labour, Supply Chain, Production and Revenue. -
Nano A-AL203 particles agglomerated by spray dying to produce free following powders suitable for /
Patent Number: 202141035836, Applicant: Gowtham Sanjai.
This invention discloses a method to produce free flowing plasma sprayable powders comprised of nano a-Alumina grains, suitable for injection into the high temperature plasma stream of an atmospheric plasma spray system. The plasma sprayable powder particles will be in the range of 30-90 microns, but the grains within the powder particles will only be about 50 nanometers. This micron sized powder, when flowing through the high temperature plasma will dissociate to release the nano grains, resulting in 12 to 15 microns thick coatings, deposited on the substrate per individual pass. -
Nano A-AL203 particles agglomerated by spray dying to produce free following powders suitable for /
Patent Number: 202141035836, Applicant: Gowtham Sanjai.
This invention discloses a method to produce free flowing plasma sprayable powders comprised of nano a-Alumina grains, suitable for injection into the high temperature plasma stream of an atmospheric plasma spray system. The plasma sprayable powder particles will be in the range of 30-90 microns, but the grains within the powder particles will only be about 50 nanometers. This micron sized powder, when flowing through the high temperature plasma will dissociate to release the nano grains, resulting in 12 to 15 microns thick coatings, deposited on the substrate per individual pass. -
A process to beneficiate A-Alumina and magnesium aluminate composite powder /
Patent Number: 202141035837, Applicant: Parvati Ramaswany.
An environmentally friendly process to beneficiate a-alumina (AI2O3 - corundum) and magnesium aluminate (MgAbOj - spinel, linear formula: MgOAbOj) ceramic composite powder, from black aluminum dross (an industrial waste), has been disclosed. The process involves grinding of the Al-Dross, leaching of the undesirable compounds (A1N) by using hot carbonated water, dehydration and calcination, wherein the ammonia gas (whenever it was evolved) was scrubbed through dilute H2SO4. -
Development of empirical formulas to determine the shear planes /
Patent Number: 202141033078, Applicant: Nanjunda K N.
The determination of shear planes is very essential in order to determine the design capacity of bolted joint due to single shear force or double shear force acted in either in lap joint or but joint. The shear plane is the plane between two or more pieces under the load where the pieces tend to move parallel from each other, but in opposite directions. The shear planes for lap joint and but joint with double cover plates with numbers of bolts are analysed. From this result empirical formulas are developed. -
Identity verification in heterogeneous alliance network using blockchain and cryptography techniques /
Patent Number: 202141035794, Applicant: Abolfazl Mehbodniya.
There is a serious issue for the wireless transmission research community when it comes to data transfer under a scalable networking architecture. Data integrity, data quality, and originality must be maintained along the transmission chain. As a result, the relationships between data inside interference are a significant obstacle. Due to insufficient infrastructure for resource allocation and mapping the target address efficiently, in P2P transmission lines, the efficiency of the system is hampered. -
Machine learning and image processing based smart prediction of human emotions and character /
Patent Number: 202141035789, Applicant: Ingeniouz.
Feelings are a major piece of human correspondence. Detecting and recognizing human emotion is a big challenge in computer vision and artificial intelligence. Though there are methods to identify expressions using machine learning and Artificial Intelligence techniques, here we use deep learning and image classification method to recognize expressions and classify the expressions according to the images. With the remarkable success of Deep Learning the different types of architecture techniques are exploited to achieve a better performance. -
IOT based smart energy theft detection and power monitoring system for smart homes /
Patent Number: 202141035598, Applicant: Dr. Poornima G.
Energy is the essential utility needed. Thus, the management of energy use is a significant priority, as the enormous growth changes are sweeping the globe, and doing so is the best answer, beginning domestically. There are numerous difficulties in the existing home energy meter reading systems, such as construction problems, too little bandwidth, poor real-time, no fast two-way communication, etc. Therefore, based on wireless internet technology, a smart meter is suggested. An Arduino microcontroller and raspberry pi CPU are used for the suggested smart energy meters for house management.