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A Deep Convolutional Kernel Neural Network based Approach for Stock Market Prediction using Social Media Data
Several economists and social scientists have held a longstanding fascination with the practice of stock market prediction. As the stock market is essentially uncontrollable chaos, many experts believe that trying to predict it is futile. Due to the complexity of the numerous factors, accurate stock price predictions are notoriously difficult to achieve. While the market behaves more like a scale than a voting machine over the long run, its behavior may be predicted with some certainty. Information from Twitter is used into the algorithm. In this proposed method, a convolutional extreme learning machine model with kernel support was introduced (CKELM). To improve feature extraction and data classification, the CKELM model builds on the KELM's hidden layer by adding convolutional and subsampling layers. The convolutional layer and the subsampling layer do not employ the gradient technique to fine-tune their parameters because some designs worked well with random weights. When compared to popular models like CNN and KELM, The proposed model fares quite well, with an accuracy of around 98.3 percent. 2023 IEEE. -
Tumor Infiltration of Microrobot using Magnetic torque and AI Technique
Because of their surroundings and lifestyle alternatives, human beings, these days be afflicted by a huge style of illnesses. thus, early contamination prediction will become crucial. on the other hand, primarily based just on signs, docs warfare to make correct forecasts. The most challenging issue is accurately forecasting illnesses, which is why machine learning is essential to accomplish this task. To identify concealed patterns within vast amounts of medical data, disease information is processed using data mining techniques. We evolved a extensive contamination prediction primarily based on the affected person's signs. We rent the device getting to know techniques Convolutional Neural network (CNN) and ANFIS to exactly count on sickness (adaptive community-based totally fuzzy inference machine). For an correct forecast, this trendy illness prediction considers the character's way of life picks and fitness history. ANFIS outperforms CNN's set of rules in phrases of popular infection prediction, with an accuracy price of 96.7%. additionally, CNN consumes extra memory and processing energy than ANFIS because it trains and assessments on facts from the UCI repository. The Anaconda notebook is a suitable tool for implementing Python programming as it contains a range of libraries and header files that enhance the accuracy and precision of the process. 2023 IEEE. -
Financial Big Data Analysis Using Anti-tampering Blockchain-Based Deep Learning
This study recommends using blockchains to track and verify data in financial service chains. The financial industry may increase its core competitiveness and value by using a deep learning-based blockchain network to improve financial transaction security and capital flow stability. Future trading processes will benefit from blockchain knowledge. In this paper, we develop a blockchain model with a deep learning framework to prevent tampering with distributed databases by considering the limitations of current supply-chain finance research methodologies. The proposed model had 90.2% accuracy, 89.6% precision, 91.8% recall, 90.5% F1 Score, and 29% MAPE. Choosing distributed data properties and minimizing the process can improve accuracy. Using code merging and monitoring encryption, critical blockchain data can be obtained. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG. -
Characteristic Mode Analysis of Fashion Brands Conductive Logos as Potential Radiators
A few popular fashion brand logos, which can be employed as potential radiating elements, are investigated in this paper based on the theory of characteristic mode (TCM). Such an analysis would further help design multi-band wearable antennas within the frequency range from 1 to 6 GHz. The resonant behavior and bandwidth capability for various modes are presented and discussed. It is observed that all the studied logos demonstrate a first resonant frequency around 1.5 GHz, while both Lacoste and Louis Vuitton logos show wider modal bandwidths capabilities. 2023 IEEE. -
An Advanced and Ideal Method for Tumor Detection and Classification from MRI Image Using Gamma Distribution and Support Vector Machine
As indicated by a measurable report distributed by the registry of central brain tumor at United States (CBTRUS), roughly 59,550 individuals were recently diagnosed to have essential benign and essential harmful brain tumors in 2017. Besides, in excess of 91,000 individuals, in the United States alone, were living with an essential harmful cerebrum tumor and 367,000 were living with an essential kind brain tumor. The task of detecting the position of the tumor in the body of the patient is the starting point for a medical treatment in the diagnosis process. The main aim of this study is to design a computer system, which is able to detect the tumor presence in the digital images of the brain in the patient and to accurately define its borderline. In this proposed model, gamma distribution method is used for training, testing, and for the feature extraction process, while SVM, support vector machine is used for the classification process. Most of the algorithms find it difficult to segment the tumors that were present in the edges. But with the help of gamma distribution along with the use of edge analysis, it is easier to identify those tumor areas that are present in the edges, thus making it easier for the preprocessing process. Gamma distribution also provides us with high accuracy, and it can also point the exact location of the tumor than compared to other algorithms. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Tracking and Localization of Devices - An IoT Review
S everal IoT applications have immediate impacts on daily lives. The notion of "connected life, which includes IoT has been discussed. Apps that rely on localization are also featured. IoT is originally used to determine the precise position of things, animals, and people. The second tracks everyone and everything that's on the move, including pets, kids, and the elderly people. Localization and tracking are integral parts of security and surveillance systems in interconnected homes. This study reviews the state-of-the-art IoT-based localization and tracking approaches and outlines the key technical aspects, and contrast localization initiatives based on Internet of Things (IoT) with those that do not show how they might be used in a variety of contexts. It is now well established that localization and tracking methods based on the Internet of Things (IoT) are more pervasive and accurate than their predecessors. 2023 IEEE. -
ANN Based MPPT Using Boost Converter for Solar Water Pumping Using DC Motor
The solar DC pump system is simple to set up and run completely on its own without the need for human intervention. Solar DC pumps require fewer solar panels to operate than AC pumps. Solar PV Arrays, a solar DC regulator, and a DC pump make up the Solar DC Pump system. The nonlinear I-V characteristics of solar cells, PV modules have average efficiency compare to other forms of energy, and output power is affected by solar isolation and ambient temperature. The prominent factor to remember is that there will be a significant power loss owing to a failure to correspond between the source and the load. In order to get the most power to load from the PV panel, MPPT is implemented in the converter circuit using PWM and a microcontroller. In order to give the most power to load from the source, the solar power system should be designed to its full potential. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG. -
Building Robust FinTech Applications and Reducing Strain on Strategic Data Centers using the LoTus Model
Agile is a well-known project management approach that has been used for many years. It places a strong emphasis on client satisfaction, adaptability, and teamwork. Agile was first developed as a software development approach, but it has now been modified for application in other sectors including marketing and finance. The Agile Manifesto, which was released in 2001 and explains the principles and ideals of Agile development, is the foundation of the Agile ideology. One or more of the guiding principles is to adapt to change instead of following a plan, prioritize functional software over thorough documentation, and collaborate with customers over negotiating contracts. Agile has gained popularity over time as businesses try to be adaptable and responsive to their customers' constantly changing business demands. The lack of predictability in Agile is one of its key drawbacks. Agile stresses client cooperation and adaptation, therefore the finished product could differ somewhat from what was originally planned. For businesses that depend on meticulous planning and a rigid schedule, this lack of predictability can be problematic. It faced a serious problem during the process of building a finance application called JazzFinance. This has led to build another robust and systematic software development method called as LoTus model. The proposed LoTus is an acronym for two abbreviations. Those are lean optimization TypeFace for Unified Systems (LoTus) and Locate dependencies, optimize for reusability, Test-Driven environment, Unify Design and Scalability. This article goes through the development of LoTus and how it has helped us build a stable finance application within a small amount of stipulated time. 2023 IEEE. -
A study of CNN models for re-identification of vehicles
Vehicle Re-identification has evolved in recent times. Initially, clicking a single picture of a vehicle or a car was done manually, inviting the workforce to complete a specified task. With the growth in technology, the method and techniques in Vehicle Re-Id also have advanced, transforming from manual to automation. Surveillance cameras were used to capture vehicle images and retrieve information about a specific vehicle. Re-trieving and identifying the images of the vehicle is done using computer vision, the most important branch of computer science and artificial intelligence. Earlier, Vehicle Re-Id implemented a single algorithm on a dataset, making the corresponding result insufficient to determine its effects. This paper proposes a brief survey of multi-modal techniques and methods for vehicle re-identification and fingerprinting. The different attributes of the vehicle are considered for ANPR (Automatic number plate recognition) for identifying the number plate, focusing on the vehicle's details or features as the initial phase of identification, and then the vehicle number plate. 2023 IEEE. -
KMetaTagger: A Knowledge Centric Metadata Driven Hybrid Tag Recommendation Model Encompassing Machine Intelligence
The emergence of Web 3.0 has left very few tag recommendation structures compliant with its complex structure. There is a critical need for newer novel methods with improved accuracy and reduced complexity for tag recommendation, which complies with the Web 3.0 standard. In this paper, we propose KMetaTagger, a knowledge-centric metadata-driven hybrid tag recommendation framework. We consider the CISI dataset as the input, from which we identify the most informative terms by applying the Term Frequency - Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) model. Topic modeling is done by Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI). A heterogeneous information network is formalized. Apart from this, the Metadata generation quantifies the exponential aggregation of real-world knowledge and is classified using Gated recurrent units(GRU). The Color Harmony algorithm filters out the initial feasible solutions into optimal solutions. This advanced solution set is finalized into the tag space. These tags are recommended along with the document keywords. When the suggested KMetaTagger's performance is compared to that of baseline techniques and models, it is found to be far superior. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG. -
Application of Artificial Intelligence in the Supply Chain Finance
Artificial intelligence (AI) has numerous applications in supply chain finance, including the ability to streamline processes, improve decision-making, and reduce costs. This abstract will discuss some of the key ways in which AI is being used in supply chain finance. One major Using AI in the Supply Chain finance is in risk management. By analyzing data from a variety of sources, including historical transaction data and external market data, AI can identify potential risks and suggest strategies for managing them. For example, AI can be used to predict which suppliers are at the greatest risk of financial distress, allowing companies to take proactive measures to minimize the impact of any disruptions. Another key Using AI in the Supply Chain finance is in fraud detection. By analyzing large volumes of data in real-time, AI can spot deviations from the norm that may point to fraud. This can help companies to prevent fraud and minimize losses. AI can also be used to optimize working capital management. By analyzing data on inventory levels, order volumes, and payment terms, AI can help companies to optimize their cash flow and improve their working capital position. For example, AI can help companies to identify opportunities to negotiate more favorable payment terms with suppliers or to optimize their inventory levels to minimize the amount of cash tied up in inventory. Finally, AI can be used to improve supply chain efficiency and reduce costs. By analyzing data on order volumes, shipping times, and other factors, A.I. may aid businesses in identify opportunities to their supply network needs improvement processes and reduce costs. For example, AI can aid businesses in determining opportunities to consolidate shipments or to optimize their routes to reduce transportation costs. Now a days AI has numerous applications in supply chain finance, including risk management, fraud detection, working capital management, and supply chain optimization. By leveraging the power of AI, companies can improve their financial performance, reduce costs, and enhance their overall competitiveness. 2023 IEEE. -
An Efficient Deep Learning Framework FPR Detecting and Classifying Depression Using Electroencephalogram Signals
Depression is a common and real clinical disease that has a negative impact on how you feel, how you think, and how you behave. It is a significant burdensome problem. Fortunately, it can also be treated. Feelings of self-pity and a lack of interest in activities you once enjoyed are symptoms of depression. It can cause a variety of serious problems that are real, and it can make it harder for you to work both at home and at work. The main causes include family history, illness, medications, and personality, all of which are linked to electroencephalogram (EEG) signals, which are thought of as the most reliable tools for diagnosing depression because they reflect the state of the human cerebrum's functioning. Deep learning (DL), which has been extensively used in this field, is one of the new emerging technologies that is revolutionizing it. In order to classify depression using EEG signals, this paper presents an efficient deep learning model that allows for the following steps: (a) acquisition of data from the psychiatry department at the Government Medical College in Kozhikode, Kerala, India, totaling 4200 files; (b) preprocessing of these raw EEG signals to avoid line noise without committing filtering; (c) feature extraction using Stacked Denoising Autoevolution; and (d) reference of the signal to estimate true and all. According to experimental findings, The proposed model outperforms other cutting-edge models in a number of ways (accuracy: 0.96, sensitivity: 0.97, specificity: 0.97, detection rate: 0.94). 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG. -
TAMIL- NLP: Roles and Impact of Machine Learning and Deep Learning with Natural Language Processing for Tamil
Reading information in your mother tongue gives the feeling of enjoying juice of fruit. Researchers are working on regional languages to provide convenient and perfect automated tools to convert the content of knowledge from other languages. There exist many challenges based on the grammar of language. One of the classic regional languages, Tamil which is rich in Morphology, contains more processing challenges. The Natural Language Processing (NLP) technique along with Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) algorithms have been used to overcome those challenges. The accuracy of work is depending on the corpus provided to train the model. Among the reviewed papers using Support Vector Machine (SVM) of ML produced higher accuracy then other ML techniques. As DL techniques for NLP are booming one the researchers are working with different DL algorithms. Most of the NLP with Review Discussion in this paper will direct the researchers doing NLP in Tamil language to move further and to choose the right Machine Learning and Deep Learning algorithm to come out with accurate outcomes. 2023 IEEE. -
Innovative Method for Detecting Liver Cancer using Auto Encoder and Single Feed Forward Neural Network
Liver cancer ranks sixth among all cancers in frequency of incidence. A CT scan is the gold standard for diagnosis. These days, CT scan images of the liver and its tumor can be segmented using deep learning and Neural Network techniques. In this proposed approach to identifying cancer cells, it's focus on four important areas: To enhance a photo by taking out imperfections and unwanted details. An ostu method is used for this purpose. Specifically, this proposed approach to use the watershed segmentation technique for image segmentation, followed by feature extraction, in an effort to isolate the offending cancer cell. After finishing the model training with AE-ELM. To do this, Extreme Learning Machine incorporates an auto encoder. To achieve effective and supervised recognition, the network's strengths of Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) are thoroughly leveraged, including its few training parameters, quick learning speed, and robust generalization ability. The auto encoder-extreme learning machine (AE-ELM) network has been shown to have a respectable recognition impact when the sigmoid activation function is used and the number of hidden layer neurons is set to 1200. According to the results of this investigation, a method based on AE-ELM can be utilized to detect the liver tumor. As compared to the CNN and ELM models, this technique achieves superior accuracy (around 99.23%). 2023 IEEE. -
Weighted Mask Recurrent-Convolutional Neural Network based Plant Disease Detection using Leaf Images
Large losses in output, money, and quality/quantity of agricultural goods are incurred due to plant diseases. Seventy percent of India's GDP is tied to the agricultural sector, thus protecting plants from diseases is crucial. For this reason, it is important to keep an eye on plants from the moment they sprout. The usual approach for this omission is naked eye inspection, which is more time-consuming, costly, and requires significant skill. Thus, automating the method for detecting diseases is necessary to speed up this process. It is imperative that image processing methods be used in the creation of the illness detection system. Disease detection involves a number of processes, including Weighted Mask R-CNN, GLCM feature extraction, Multi-thresholding image pre-processing, and K means image segmentation classification. The weighted Mask R-CNN outperforms the standard RNN, the Mask R-CNN, and the CNN in terms of accuracy and recall in analytical trials by a significant margin. 2023 IEEE. -
Maximum Decision Support Regression-Based Advance Secure Data Encrypt Transmission for Healthcare Data Sharing in the Cloud Computing
The recent growth of cloud computing has led to most companies storing their data in the cloud and sharing it efficiently with authorized users. Health care is one of the initiatives to adopt cloud computing for services. Both patients and healthcare providers need to have access to patient health information. Healthcare data must be shared and maintained more securely. While transmitting health data from sender to receiver through intermediate nodes, intruders can create falsified data at intermediate nodes. Therefore, security is a primary concern when sharing sensitive medical data. It is thus challenging to share sensitive data in the cloud because of limitations in resource availability and concerns about data privacy. Healthcare records struggle to meet the needs of security, privacy, and other regulatory constraints. To address these difficulties, this novel proposes a machine learning-based Maximum Decision Support Regression (MDSR)-based Advanced Secure Data Encrypt Transmission (ASDET) approach for efficient data communication in cloud storage. Initially, the proposed method analyzed the node's trust, energy, delay, and mobility using Node Efficiency Hit Rate (NEHR) method. Then identify the efficient route using an Efficient Spider Optimization Scheme (ESOS) for healthcare data sharing. After that, MDSR analyzes the malicious node for efficient data transmission in the cloud. The proposed Advanced Secure Data Encrypt Transmission (ASDET) algorithm is used to encrypt the data. ASDET achieved 92% in security performance. The proposed simulation result produces better performance compared with PPDT and FAHP methods. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Secure IBS Scheme for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
Vehicular Ad hoc Networks (VANET) havedrastically grown in recent years since they provide a better and more secure driving experience. Due to its characteristics, it is vulnerable to many security attacks. Even though many authentication schemes are proposed, their overheads are high. Hence, this study proposes a new Identity-Based Signature (IBS) for authentication with privacy-preservation. It supports secure communications with additional security features. It requires less overhead since it uses XOR operations and one-way hash functions for the signing and verification process. When the proposed schemes performance is compared to the recent schemes, it is observed that the proposed approach is more efficient in computation and communication. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
PMFRO: Personalized Mens Fashion Recommendation Using Dynamic Ontological Models
There is a thriving need for an expert intelligent system for recommending fashion especially focusing on mens fashion. As it is an area which is neglected both in terms of fashion and modelling intelligent systems. So, in this paper the PMFRO framework for mens recommendation has been put forth which indicates the semantic similarity schemes with auxiliary knowledge and machine intelligence in a very systematic manner. The framework intelligently creates mapping of the preprocessed preferences and the user records and clicks with that of the items in the profile. So, this model aggregates community user profiles and also maps the mens fashion ontology using strategic semantic similarity schemes. Semantic similarity is evaluated using Lesk similarity and NPMI measures at several stages and instances with differential set thresholds and the dataset is classified using the feature control, machine learning bagging classifier which is an ensemble model in order to recommend the mens fashion. The PMFRO framework is an intelligent amalgamation and integration of auxiliary knowledge, strategic knowledge, user profile preferences as well as machine learning paradigms and semantic similarity models for recommending mens fashion and overall precision of 94.68% and FDR of 0.06 was achieved using the PMFRO model. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG. -
Machine Learning Methods for Online Education Case
Online education has become a popular choice for learners of all ages and backgrounds due to its accessibility and flexibility. However, providing personalized learning experiences for a diverse range of students in online education can be challenging. Machine learning methods can be used to provide personalized learning experiences and improve student engagement in online education. In this case study, We're going to do some research on machine learning. methods in an online education platform. The platform provides courses in various subjects and is designed to be accessible to students from all over the world. The platform collects data on student behavior, such as the courses they enroll in, the time they spend on each course, and their performance on assignments and quizzes. We will explore several machine learning methods that can be applied to this data, including clustering, classification, and recommendation systems. Clustering algorithms can be used to group students based on their learning behavior and preferences, allowing instructors to provide personalized feedback and course recommendations. Classification algorithms can be used to predict student success in a particular course, allowing instructors to intervene and provide additional support if needed. Recommendation systems can be used to suggest courses to students based on their interests and past behavior. We will also discuss the potential benefits and challenges of using machine learning methods in online education. Benefits include increased student engagement, improved learning outcomes, and more efficient use of resources. Challenges include ensuring data privacy and security, preventing algorithmic bias, and maintaining transparency and fairness in the decision-making process. Overall, machine learning methods have the potential to transform online education by providing personalized learning experiences and improving student outcomes. By leveraging the vast amounts of data generated by online education platforms, we can create more effective and efficient learning experiences that meet the needs of students from diverse backgrounds and learning styles. 2023 IEEE. -
A Framework for Dress Code Monitoring System using Transfer Learning from Pre-Trained YOLOv4 Model
Maintaining a proper dress code in organizations or any environment is very important. It not only imbibes a sense of discipline but also reflects the personality and qualities of people as individuals. To follow this practice, some organizations like educational institutions and a few corporations have made it mandatory for the personnel to maintain proper attire as per their regulations. Manual checks are performed to adhere to the organizations' regulations which becomes tedious and erroneous most of the times. Having an automated system not only saves time but also there is very little scope of mistakes and errors. Taking this into context, the main aim and idea behind the project is to propose a model for detecting the dress code in such workplaces and educational institutions where the attire needs to be regularly monitored. The model detects Business Formals (Blazer, Shirt & Pants) worn by the personnel, for which CNN has been considered, along with YOLOv4, for performing the detection, due to its nature of giving the highest accuracy in comparison to the other object-detection models. Providing the Mean Average Precision of around 81%, it becomes evident that the model performs quite well in performing the detections. 2023 IEEE.