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Spanning graph topology of graphs
The collection of subgraphs of a graph G containing G and the null graph K0, which is closed under union and intersection, is said to be a graph topology defined on G. In this paper, we investigate the idea of spanning graph topology of a graph G, where we consider the collection of spanning subgraphs of G satisfying the axioms analogous to the axioms of graph topology. We begin with the basic concepts of spanning graph topological space and later and introduce two spanning subgraph complements to define closed graphs in spanning graph topological spaces. 2023 World Scientific Publishing Company. -
Space taxonomy: Need for a progressive tax regime
Konstantin Tsiolkovsky famously stated that while the Earth serves as the birthplace of humanity, it is not a place where mankind can indefinitely remain. Perhaps during that period, the prospect of exploring the mysteries of outer space appeared to be an unattainable aspiration. However, in the present day, there are no longer any limitations, not even the sky, since human ingenuity has facilitated access to outer space for humanity. This access is not just for the purposes of research and exploration but also for economic endeavours. Until now, the commercial utilisation of outer space has advanced at a very sluggish rate. However, firms including SpaceX, Orion Span, Virgin Galactic, and Blue Origin have achieved significant advancements in the growth of the space industry. The revenue generated by various space-related endeavours has experienced a significant 73% increase over the last ten years. The global space economy, estimated to be valued at USD one trillion in the coming years, is primarily driven by commercial activities. This presents a formidable challenge to the existing national and international taxation systems. Similar to the open seas, space is also considered res communis omnium, meaning it belongs to the entire community, and presents comparable taxing challenges with potentially uncertain solutions. The three fundamental elements of every taxation regulation, such as the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development or the United Nations Model Double Taxation Convention, are the taxpayer's place of residence, the origin of their income, and the methods by which they generate their money. The current tax system does not have the necessary concepts and provisions to adapt to the rapid advancements in commercial space technology. This paper examines the legal issues surrounding commercial activities conducted in space, including the nature and handling of the income generated in various legal systems. It also addresses concerns such as tax avoidance and excessive taxation, emphasising the necessity for a globally coordinated approach to effectively tax commercial activities in space. 2024 -
Occupational Stress in workplace occurs when the job demands that are required by the individual cannot be fulfilled at a given time, which in turn leads to adverse effect on individual. Teaching has been identified as one of the most stressful occupations in many countries. The Purpose of this research was to measure the Sources of Occupational Stress and its Consequences among Private and Government Teachers of Pre- University College of Shillong, Meghalaya. The sample of the study consisted of 60 participants from Shillong city, Meghalaya, where 16 male and 44 female teachers and the participants between the age group of 20-51 years and above who are working in Private and Government institutions were considered for the study. The data was collected using structured, open and close ended questionnaire which was mailed to some participants and personally distributed to 70 participants out of which only 60 participants responded from Private and Government institution using Purposive Sampling. The Objectives of the study were, to study the demographic details of the teachers, to identify the sources of occupational stress, to study the consequences among teachers; to compare government and private teachers in terms of sources of occupational stress and its consequences. The Tools used were demographic details, Teacher Stress Inventory (Fimian & Fastenau, 1990). The collected data were analyzed using Statistical Package for social sciences (SPSS) 17.0 version. Frequency and Percentage: was used to interpret the demographic characteristics, sources of occupational stress and its consequences. T-test: was used for the comparison between two groups. Pearson's chi-square test was used to discover if relationship exist between two categorical variables. One way ANOVA was used for the comparison between three groups. The results shows that there were no significant differences found between private teachers and government teachers on sources of occupational stress and its consequences. Significant differences were found between male and female teachers on sources of occupational stress and its consequences. Keywords: Occupational Stress, Higher Secondary Teachers, Consequences of Stress -
Source-load-variable voltage regulated cascaded DC/DC converter for a DC microgrid system
Solar energy is available abundantly, the utilization of solar energy is developing rapidly and the photovoltaic based direct current (DC) microgrid system design is under demand but the stability of the DC voltage is of most important issue, as the variation of the output DC voltage is a common problem when the load or source voltage varies, hence a regulated DC output voltage converter is proposed. This paper presents source-load-variable (SLV) voltage regulated cascaded DC/DC converter which is used to obtain regulated output voltage of 203.1 V DC at 0.4 duty ratio with 2% voltage fluctuations for the variation in the input source voltage and 1.5% voltage fluctuations for the variation in load resistance of the nominal value with lower output voltage ripple and without use of sub circuits. A simulation model of SLV voltage regulated cascaded DC/DC converter in LTspice XVII software environment for the assessment of converter performance at different input source voltages and load resistances are verified. 2023 Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science. All rights reserved. -
Sonochemical assisted impregnation of Bi2WO6 on TiO2 nanorod to form Z-scheme heterojunction for enhanced photocatalytic H2 production
In this work, Bi2WO6/TiO2 nanorod heterojunction was prepared by sonochemical assisted impregnation method. After loading 2 wt% Bi2WO6 on TiO2 nanorods, the photocatalytic hydrogen production rate of 2026 mol/h/g was achieved. Compared to commercial P25 and TiO2 nanorods, ?13 and ?3 folds enhanced activity was observed. The excellent photocatalytic performance of Bi2WO6/TiO2 nanorod photocatalyst was mainly attributed to i) reduction of bandgap due to heterojunction formation, ii) quick transport of photogenerated charge carriers, and iii) efficient charge carrier separation supported by UV-DRS, photocurrent measurement, Impedance study, and photoluminescence spectra analysis. The Z-scheme band alignment for Bi2WO6/TiO2 nanorod heterojunction was proposed based on the Mott-Schottky measurement. This result demonstrated the effective utilization of Z-scheme heterojunction of Bi2WO6/TiO2 for photocatalytic reduction application. 2021 The Society of Powder Technology Japan -
Some Variations of Domination in Order Sum Graphs
An order sum graph of a group G, denoted by ? os(G), is a graph with vertex set consisting of elements of G and two vertices say a, b? ? os(G) are adjacent if o(a) + o(b) > o(G). In this paper, we extend the study of order sum graphs of groups to domination. We determine different types of domination such as connected, global, strong, secure, restrained domination and so on for order sum graphs, their complement and line graphs of order sum graphs. 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Graph coloring is an assignment of colors, labels or weights to the elements of graphs subject to certain conditions. Coloring the vertices of a graph G such that adjacent vertices possessing different colors is the notion of proper coloring. A proper coloring C of a graph G is called an injective coloring of G if any two vertices of G having the same neighbouring vertex have different colors in C. As a coloring analogue to Zagreb indices and irregularity indices in the literature, chromatic Zagreb and irregularity indices have been introduced very recently. In this paper, we introduce the notion of injective chromatic Zagreb indices and injective chromatic irregularity indices and determine these indices for some standard classes of graphs. 2019, RAMANUJAN SOCIETY OF MATHEMATICS AND MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES. All rights reserved. -
Some results on b-chromatic topological indices of some graphs
Graph coloring is assigning weights, integers, or colors to edges, vertices, or both in a graph subject to certain conditions. Proper coloring C of graph G refers to assigning weights, integers, or colors to the vertices, edges, or both so that adjacent vertices or adjacent edges get a different color. A b-coloring follows proper vertex coloring with subject to an additional property that each color class should have at least one vertex with a neighbor in all the other color classes. The notion of Chromatic Zagreb index and irregularity index was introduced recently. This paper introduces the concept of b-Chromatic Zagreb indices and b-Chromatic irregularity indices. Also, we compute these indices for certain standard classes of graphs. 2023 Author(s). -
Some pointers on one way ANOVA in spss /
International journal For Research In Applied Science And engineering Technology, Vol.3, Issue 9, pp.298-301, ISSN No: 2321-9653. -
Some notes on z-scores and t-scores /
International Journal Of Scientific Research And Management, Vol.3, Issue 4, pp.2608-2610, ISSN No: 2321-3418. -
Some New Results on the Rainbow Neighbourhood Number of Graphs
A rainbow neighbourhood of a graph G is the closed neighbourhood N[v] of a vertex v? V(G) which contains at least one coloured vertex of each colour in the chromatic colouring C of G. Let G be a graph with a chromatic colouring C defined on it. The number of vertices in G yielding rainbow neighbourhoods is called the rainbow neighbourhood number of the graph G, denoted by r?(G). Rainbow neighbourhood number of the complements and products of certain fundamental graph classes are discussed in this paper. 2018, The National Academy of Sciences, India. -
Some new results on proper colouring of edge-set graphs
In this paper, we present a foundation study for proper colouring of edge-set graphs. The authors consider that a detailed study of the colouring of edge-set graphs corresponding to the family of paths is best suitable for such foundation study. The main result is deriving the chromatic number of the edge-set graph of a path, Pn+1, n ? 1. It is also shown that edge-set graphs for paths are perfect graphs. 2020 the author(s). -
Some New Results on Non-zero Component Graphs of Vector Spaces Over Finite Fields
The non-zero component graph of a vector space with finite dimension over a finite field F is the graph G=(V,E), where vertices of G are the non-zero vectors in V, two of which are adjacent if they have at least one basis vector with non-zero coefficient common in their basic representation. In this paper, we discuss certain properties of the non-zero component graphs of vector spaces with finite dimension over finite fields and their graph invariants. 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Some New Results on Non-inverse Graph of a Group
The non-inverse graph corresponding to a group G, is a simple graph with vertices being elements of the group G and there is an edge between two vertices if they are not mutual inverses. In the current paper, we study few properties of the non-inverse graphs of groups. We also discuss the parameters related different types of domination no.s of the non-inverse graph. We further obtain the Laplacian spectra and signless Laplacian spectra of the non-inverse graphs. 2022 American Institute of Physics Inc.. All rights reserved. -
Some new results on equitable coloring parameters of graphs
An equitable coloring of a graph G is a proper vertex coloring C of G such that the cardinalities of any two color classes in G with respect to C differ by at most one. Coloring the vertices of a graph G subject to given conditions can be considered as a random experiment. In this context, a discrete random variable X can be defined as the color of a vertex chosen at random, with respect to the given type of coloring of G and a probability mass function for this random variable can be defined accordingly. In this paper, we discuss two statistical parameters of the powers of certain graph classes with respect to their equitable colorings. 2019, Univerzita Komenskeho. All rights reserved. -
Some New Results on ?(k) -Coloring of Graphs
Let ? be the minimum number of distinct resources or equipment such as channels, transmitters, antennas and surveillance equipment required for a system's stability. These resources are placed on a system. The system is stable only if the resources of the same type are placed far away from each other or, in other words, they are not adjacent to each other. Let these distinct resources represent different colors assigned on the vertices of a graph G. Suppose the available resources, denoted by k, are less than ?. In that case, placing k resources on the vertices of G will make at least one equipment of the same type adjacent to each other, which thereby make the system unstable. In ?(k)-coloring, the adjacency between the resources of a single resource type is tolerated. The remaining resources are placed on the vertices so that no two resources of the same type are adjacent to each other. In this paper, we discuss some general results on the ?(k)-coloring and the number of bad edges obtained from the same for a graph G. Also, we determine the minimum number of bad edges obtained from ?(k)-coloring of few derived graph of graphs. The number of bad edges which result from a ?(k)-coloring of G is denoted by bk(G). 2023 World Scientific Publishing Company. -
Some interesting case studies using bayes theorem /
International Journal Of Scientific Research, Vol.4, Issue 4, pp.522-523, ISSN No: 2277-8179. -
Some graphs with super vertex sum number 2
In this paper we give optimal super vertex sum labeling scheme for super subdivision of bi-star, path union of spider and algorithm to construct super vertex sum labeling of super subdivision of Caterpillar. 2018 Academic Publications. -
Some examples in usage of parametric tests /
International Journal of Research In Commerce IT And Management., Vol.5, Issue 11, ISSN No: 2231-5736. -
Some characterizations of Gallai graphs
Gallai graph of a graph G is a graph whose vertices are the edges of G and the adjacency of the vertices depends on whether they are part of a triangle or not in G. We find some forbidden subgraph characterization of graphs for which Gallai graph is either a trivially perfect graph or a 3-sun-free graph or an interval graph. 2020 Author(s).