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Models for Social Responsibility Action by Higher Education Institutions
This book offers 18 chapters on replicable models for social responsibility actions for universities and other academic institutions. The chapters are broadly classified under two major areas: sustainable development models and social sensitisation programmes. The chapters capture the efficient and successful models of social responsibility practiced by Indian and foreign universities. The models are proposed based on the evidence from a rigorous research process. Universities across the world can benefit from the best practices and implement the same successfully. The models will be helpful to universities in achieving the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and rank higher on the Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System (STARS). The research-based chapters will have significant benefits to researchers in expanding the domain of social responsibility of higher education institutions. As a text, this book will serve students of higher education in sustainability and social responsibility related courses. 2024 by Nova Science Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved. -
Inclusive innovation in tourism sector: Gap analysis through impact assessment
The travel and tourism industry is a major catalyst for global economic growth. Inclusivity and equity are indeed significant challenges faced by the service sector. The present study attempts to analyze the attributes of achieving true inclusivity and equity. This requires addressing systemic barriers and biases that can perpetuate unequal opportunities and outcomes towards building a pro-active tourism community. The chapter identifies the inequities already in place as well as untapped prospects for inclusive innovation in the tourism industry by performing an extensive gap analysis and impact assessment. A comprehensive and multi-faceted approach in practicing inclusiveness in the tourism sector demands an innovative pedagogy and unconventional business practices. The chapter highlights the bigger picture of inclusive innovation in tourism, which clarifies how business, society, and technology interact. A smart tourism approach with an integrated technological effort and socially-driven innovation builds the competency of the destinations. The study aims to assess the existing level of inclusion in tourism innovation, which determines significant representational and access gaps while assessing the potential economic and cultural effects of introducing more inclusive practices. As we navigate complex global challenges, from social inequality to environmental sustainability, inclusive innovation offers a path forward. The implications indicated in this chapter benefits the stakeholders with socially driven inclusive innovation. Towards inclusive innovation, equity takes center stage. An inclusive setting ensures collaboration and co-creation and integrating people from diverse backgrounds, including entrepreneurs, researchers, policymakers, and community members. Socially engaged stakeholders are aligned with inclusive innovation with insights and experiences, resulting in high relevance and sustainable orientation, thereby fostering growth and development. 2024 Nova Science Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved. -
Social tourism and sustainability spectrum: A theoretical evaluation of marginalized community and partnership
The economic and development policies that ignore marginalized communities make the rural front of the society more vulnerable. This chapter examines social engagement and sustainable outlook by emphasizing the linkage between tourism partnership and community engagement through tourism business. This chapter engages research paradigms to integrate varied discourses by assessing tourism with promarginalized community growth paradigm. The chapter is indicative on proactive community empowerment to appreciate an inclusive engagement from a sustainable outlook which aims to pinpoint the tourism business ventures within that aid business and support smallholders in improving their standard of living. The analogy of social inclusive ideology ideates a strategic consideration towards ecologically viable measures and responsible tourism approaches while integrating social inclusivity based on sustainable consciousness. 2024 Nova Science Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved. -
Volunteering-based student engagement: A model for student well-being in higher education institutions
Student well-being issues are rising alarmingly, and addressing these well-being concerns takes the predominant focus of higher education institutions, together with competency building. Understanding the importance of student engagement in student well-being, Christ University, Bengaluru, India, adopted a student engagement model based on volunteering. The current paper tries to understand the dynamics between volunteering and student well-being. It explores the relationship between volunteering and personal responsibility, social responsibility, meaning in life, and a helping attitude. It also tries to check whether the relationship between a helping attitude and student well-being is mediated by personal responsibility and social responsibility. Further, it explores whether volunteers and non-volunteers differ in their social responsibility, personal responsibility, and student well-being. A group of 350 students, of which 175 volunteers and 175 non-volunteers, were approached to participate in the study. Post data cleaning procedure, 327 data points qualified for analysis, and it was found that there exists a relationship between volunteering and personal responsibility, social responsibility and helping attitude, and personal responsibility and social responsibility mediated the relationship between helping attitude and student well-being. Results also revealed that volunteers and nonvolunteers differed in their helping attitude, personal responsibility, and student well-being. These findings point towards the fact that the student engagement model based on volunteering has a positive impact on student well-being. A detailed discussion of the application of these findings is provided in the full paper. 2024 Nova Science Publishers, Inc. -
Pandemic recovery strategies: A disaster management tourism framework
Purpose: The leisure industry is colossally impacted by varied types of crisis. Assessing the volatility; an attempt is made towards disaster planning and a response system. This chapter indicates an all-inclusive integrated approach to deal with disasters and narrates conceptual and latest factual findings in the space of disaster management. An efficient and self-equipped attraction demands a competent and efficient disaster management system in place. Methodology: This chapter devises measures to deal with the capacity of a destination during pandemic and proposes recovering strategies for the leisure business. Destination governance and disaster management techniques are well explored in the proposed chapter. Findings: An imperative study of this nature will determine the role of cultural perceptions of varied risk and threats in a pandemic scenario. Innovative practices of disaster governance and Post-disaster recovery strategies are crucial mechanisms for the sustenance of tourism and hospitality sector. Originality-Value: The conceptual ideas and outcomes obtained in this chapter helps policy makers not only to find new strategies to placate the negative impacts of COVID-19 on the organic image of tourist destinations but also assists in accelerating the recovery timeframe just after the pandemic. 2022 Joseph Chacko Chennattuserry, Bindi Varghese, N Elangovan and H Sandhya. -
Clan Culture in Organizational Leadership and Strategic Emphases: Expectations Among School Teachers in India
Understanding the current and preferred organizational culture among school teachers in India is a primary requirement, particularly when the National Educational Policy (NEP) is being implemented. Measuring the competing values using the Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI) provides information about the dominant characteristics of the organizational culture and the school teachers' preferences. We surveyed school teachers and received 273 responses. Research revealed that clan culture is the overall current and preferred organizational culture type. Many of the results are not a surprise. However, we found that organizational leadership is currently in the hierarchy culture and strategic emphasis is on adhocracy, whereas teachers prefer a clan culture on these dimensions. Teachers expect school leaders to be the ones who facilitate the path to achieve, provide mentoring, and are instrumental in team building. They prefer a culture that provides for the development of human capital, promotes high trust and transparency among teachers, and offers an opportunity to participate in decision-making. This study is unique as it measures schools' organizational culture that has not been done earlier in the Indian context. The results suggest implications on the leadership practices and the strategic emphasis that need to change, in order to facilitate the implementation of the National Education Policy (NEP). 2022. All Rights Reserved. -
Background: Body shaming leads to much insecurity that is often overlooked. Its impact results in many ways, either in the form of some mental disorder, non-acceptance of oneself, low self-esteem, decreased life satisfaction, etc. The Media adds to it by portraying perceived perfectionism in terms of appearance which at times acts as a trigger to people already suffering or going through these. Purpose: The purpose of the study was to explore the psychological effects of body shaming on young people, and to analyze the role and impact of media in the portrayal of body image issues. Design/Methodology/Approach: A Semi-structured interview of 20 participants was carried forward (10 males & 10 females belonging). All Participants belonged to the age bracket of 20-30 years. Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis was conducted thereafter. Findings: All the participants mentioned that body shaming has affected their well-being and self-esteem and it led them to body shame others as well. It was also found that media has been marketing body image issues in many ways which created both positive and negative impacts. The following themes were generated based on analysis: age-appropriate body, rituals to fit in, marketing by accepting, after effects, the vicious loop, confusion to/and acceptance. Conclusion: The psychological impact of body shaming is often overlooked and that creates more damage. Similarly, the marketing of body image issues is so popular that often it is used in the form of humour. All of these experiences create a deep impact on people and lead them to the vicious loop of body shaming. 2022, RJ4All Publications. All rights reserved. -
Electro fabrication of molecularly imprinted sensor based on Pd nanoparticles decorated poly-(3 thiophene acetic acid) for progesterone detection
In recent years, scientific community has witnessed substantial interest in the design and engineering of electrodes as sensing platforms towards sensitive and selective detection of hormones. An electrochemical strategy for the detection of progesterone was proposed by generating a composite film comprising of palladium nanoparticles with 3-thiophene acetic acid (3-TAA) coupled with molecular imprinting technology. Progesterone molecule was employed as the template while generating molecular imprints by electropolymerization on the surface of the Carbon Fibre Paper (CFP) electrode. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and cyclic voltammetry were used to analyse the various modified working electrodes (CV). Characterization methods included field emission scanning microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry, optical profilometry, and X-ray photon electron spectroscopy. Pd nanoparticles resulted in enhanced sensitivity and molecular imprinting technology contributed to its specificity. Because of the molecular cavities created on the removal of the template molecule, Nyquist plots data showed that the MIP/Pd/CFP electrode had the lowest charge transfer resistance compared to other control electrodes. 2022 Elsevier Ltd -
Recent advances in functionalization of carbon nanosurface structures for electrochemical sensing applications: tuning and turning
Carbon nanomaterial has garnered interest in the research fraternity owing to the multiple advantages which includes its earth abundance, good electronic conductivity, excellent tolerance to acidic/alkaline media, and very good biocompatibility. Because of the above-mentioned advantages, they have found their way through applications in catalysis, sensing environmental remediation, and biological application. Heteroatom doping and organo-functionalization of carbon materials greatly extends the arsenal of these materials and their potential for a spectrum of application particularly in the field of electrochemical sensing. This review focusses on the creation and development in the design of electrochemical sensors based on the usage of doped and organo-functionalized carbon materials. Emphasis is given on the distinct properties and synergistic effects resulting from functionalization and doping. We hope that this review would throw light into the minds of researchers who would like to tune and turn their work, such that it promotes further activities in this particular field of research. 2021, Islamic Azad University. -
Molecularly Imprinted Scaffold Based on poly (3-aminobenzoic acid) for Electrochemical Sensing of Vitamin B6
Inadequate or excess consumption of Vitamin B6 (Vit B6) can have ill effects on the overall well-being of humans, thereby making it necessary to control their content and composition in the food we consume. A simple sensor is fabricated in this work for Vit B6 detection based on employing an electropolymerized molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP) of 3-amino benzoic acid. The poly (3- aminobenzoic acid) (P-(3ABA)) film was electrodeposited by potentiodynamic cycling of potential with and without Vit B6 (template) on carbon fiber paper electrode (CFP). The modified working electrodes were characterized by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and cyclic voltammetry (CV). Field emission scanning microscopy, Energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry, Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy, Optical profilometry and X-ray photon electron spectroscopy were used for characterization. Nyquist plots revealed least charge transfer resistance at MIP/CFP than other control electrodes due to the molecularly imprinted sites. Under the optimized experimental conditions the developed MIP sensor showed a linear range 0.6 ?M to 700 ?M, with a detection limit of 0.010 ?M. Also a value of the imprinting factor (? = 3.50) indicates very good selectivity of the prepared sensor towards Vit B6 detection over its structurally similar analogues in the analysis of real sample matrices. 2021 The Electrochemical Society ("ECS"). Published on behalf of ECS by IOP Publishing Limited. -
Biomass- or Biowaste-Derived Carbon Nanoparticles as Promising Materials for Electrochemical Sensing Applications
Modern human lifestyle incorporates the use of sensors to a great extent. Electrochemical sensors are the oldest and most commonly studied type of sensor with a wide commercial usage and numerous possibilities. Porous carbons are an important class of electrode materials and have a number of benefits compared to other materials in terms of sensor fabrications. Biomass pyrolysis and hydrothermal carbonization are important techniques to synthesize cost-effective, cheap, and more environmentally friendly porous carbon nanomaterials with higher electrocatalytic efficiency, selectivity, and sensitivity and better detection limits. The surface area of hierarchical porous architecture along with the graphitic nature of bio-derived carbon materials greatly affects the performance of electrochemical sensors. Numerous techniques are performed to improve the surface properties such as activation, doping, etc., in order to enhance the electrocatalytic behavior of working electrodes. The carbon materials discussed here are promising candidates as an effective alternative to many commercial electrochemical sensors. 2022 WILEY-VCH GmbH, Boschstra 12, 69469 Weinheim, Germany. All rights reserved -
Label free electrochemical detection of stress hormone cortisol using sulphur doped graphitic carbon nitride on carbon fiber paper electrode
Sulphur doped graphitic carbon nitride (SGCN) was effectively prepared and comprehensively described. A straightforward synthetic process based on thermal condensation was reported for the synthesis of SGCN using thiourea as a precursor. Cyclic voltammetry (CV) and differential pulse voltammetry were used to evaluate the electrochemical performance of cortisol. SGCN sheets were used to boost the electro-catalytic activity, exhibiting very exceptional electrochemical behaviour towards cortisol. As a result, we obtained a broad linear response range of 0.1-100 ?M, as well as a comparatively low detection limit (15.8 10?8 M). Furthermore, the fabricated SGCN/CFP electrode shows excellent selectivity in the presence of a large number of possible interfering species. SGCN comprises (C with N and S) heteroatoms, which most likely would have led to a better current response towards cortisol detection. Furthermore, the structural defects that generate additional active sites on the surface of SGCN may enhance the quick electron transfer that occurs during the oxidation of cortisol. 2022 The Royal Society of Chemistry. -
Nanomaterial- Based Electrochemical Sensors for Vitamins and Hormones
Women and adolescent girls around the globe have fallen prey to, or rather have become vulnerable to, infections and poor health conditions due to the deficiencies caused by their deprivation of vitamins and proteins along with hormonal imbalance resulting in a snowballing effect causing declining well-being among women. The methods currently available in assessing vital hormones and vitamins are time-consuming and expensive, thereby making them inaccessible to economically weaker sections of society. The work carried out so far in determining and quantifying these biomolecules has mostly employed immunosensing techniques on screen-printed electrodes. Glassy carbon electrodes or carbon paste electrodes modified with metal nanoparticles, graphene, and various polymerized films are also being used for the sensing of these biomolecules. In this chapter, the authors navigate a path through, and give a concise outlook on, various nanomaterial-based electrodes and their comparative efficiency for electrochemical sensing of vitamins and hormones. 2023 selection and editorial matter, Anitha Varghese and Gurumurthy Hegde; individual chapters, the contributors. -
Multimedia Enhanced Teaching and Learning with Special Reference to Developing Cognitive Skills
Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol-3 (7), pp. 25-28. ISSN-2230-7850 -
Developing Critical Thinking Skills Among Secondary School Students: Need of the Hour
Golden Research Thoughts, Vol-3 (2), pp. 1-3. ISSN-2231-5063 -
Job Involvement of Degree College Teachers in Relation to Their Work Ethics
Golden Research Thoughts, Vol-1 (9), pp. 1-4. -
DeepBBBP: High Accuracy Blood-brain-barrier Permeability Prediction with a Mixed Deep Learning Model
Blood-brain-barrier permeability (BBBP) is an important property that is used to establish the drug-likeness of a molecule, as it establishes whether the molecule can cross the BBB when desired. It also eliminates those molecules which are not supposed to cross the barrier, as doing so would lead to toxicity. BBBP can be measured in vivo, in vitro or in silico. With the advent and subsequent rise of in silico methods for virtual drug screening, quite a bit of work has been done to predict this feature using statistical machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) based methods. In this work a mixed DL-based model, consisting of a Multi-layer Perceptron (MLP) and Convolutional Neural Network layers, has been paired with Mol2vec. Mol2vec is a convenient and unsupervised machine learning technique which produces high-dimensional vector representations of molecules and its molecular substructures. These succinct vector representations are utilized as inputs to the mixed DL model that is used for BBBP predictions. Several well-known benchmarks incorporating BBBP data have been used for supervised training and prediction by our mixed DL model which demonstrates superior results when compared to existing ML and DL techniques used for predicting BBBP. 2022 Wiley-VCH GmbH. -
Solvent polarity, structural and electronic properties with different solvents and biological studies of 3,3,5-triphenylfuran-2(3H)-one- cancers of the blood cells
The current work comprises synthesis, characterization and computational evaluation on 3,3,5-triphenylfuran-2(3H)-one with density functional theory (DFT) as the underlying principle. The theoretical optimized structure and corresponding geometrical parameters were obtained. Multiwfn 3. 8 was employed to conduct topological investigations such as R D G, E L F, L O L, and charge transfer analyses, which are used to identify the excited states, non-covalent interactions and important bonding regions in the molecule. Effect of solvents on the variation in molecular properties were studied with different polar solvents, with the IEFPCM model, as furanones interact with more polar solvents. The solvation studies were shown to impact on F M O, UV, M E P, and NLO analysis and thus between gas and solvent phases, a variation is observed in the properties under study. N B O studies were analysed to identify the natural bond orbitals within the molecule that contribute the maximum to the stabilization energy of the title compound. Pharmacological evaluation using readily available online tools that include SwissADME, Pre-ADMET, GUSAR, and ADMETLab 2.0 to determine the medicinal chemistry properties of the molecule was done. Furthermore, molecular docking onto chosen anticancer protein targets is performed utilising the softwares AutoDock Suite. PyMOL,and Discovery Studio Visualizer, is used to determine the best docked conformations that suggest potential capability of the compound to inhibit these proteins and protect the body from cancerous growths. 2022 Elsevier B.V. -
The odd one is Out: Voices from virtual classrooms
This article is a response to the online classrooms initiated from April 2020 onwards in schools across the country after the declaration of the lockdown. As classes went live in some parts of the country and several schools prepped towards the new medium, voices and experiences emerged from the field to throw light on the odds. The article collects the voices of students, educators and parents largely from the cities of Delhi and Bengaluru. The narratives are to be seen against the background of the critique of auto-modernism and emergent technology-intensive social institutions in the wake of COVID-19. This perspective pieces together the issues of infrastructure inadequacy in technology and the exclusiveness of pedagogy, and charts the inability of the marginalised sections in exercising the fundamental right to education. This article also highlights that internet classrooms are temporary make-shift arrangements. 2021 Economic and Political Weekly. All rights reserved.