FO-DPSO Algorithm for Segmentation and Detection of Diabetic Mellitus for Ulcers
- Title
- FO-DPSO Algorithm for Segmentation and Detection of Diabetic Mellitus for Ulcers
- Creator
- Naveen J.; Selvam S.; Selvam B.
- Description
- In recent days, the major concern for diabetic patients is foot ulcers. According to the survey, among 15 people among 100 are suffering from this foot ulcer. The wound or ulcer found which is found in diabetic patients consumes more time to heal, also required more conscious treatment. Foot ulcers may lead to deleterious danger condition and also may be the cause for loss of limb. By understanding this grim condition, this paper proposes Fractional-Order Darwinian Particle Swarm Optimization (FO-DPSO) technique for analyzing foot ulcer 2D color images. This paper deals with standard image processing, i.e. efficient segmentation using FO-DPSO algorithm and extracting textural features using Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) technique. The whole effort projected results as accuracy of 91.2%, sensitivity of 100% and specificity as 96.7% for Nae Bayes classifier and accuracy of 91.2%, sensitivity of 100% and sensitivity of 79.6% for Hoeffding tree classifier. 2023 World Scientific Publishing Company.
- Source
- International Journal of Image and Graphics, Vol-23, No. 3
- Date
- 2023-01-01
- Publisher
- World Scientific
- Subject
- diabetic wound; FO-DPSO; Foot ulcer; GLCM; Hoeffding tree; Nae Bayes
- Coverage
- Naveen J., CHRIST (Deemed to Be University), Karnataka, Bangalore, India; Selvam S., BNM Institute of Technology, Karnataka, Bangalore, India; Selvam B., Anna University (BIT Campus), Tamil Nadu, Tiruchirappalli, India
- Rights
- Restricted Access
- Relation
- ISSN: 2194678
- Format
- Online
- Language
- English
- Type
- Article
Naveen J.; Selvam S.; Selvam B., “FO-DPSO Algorithm for Segmentation and Detection of Diabetic Mellitus for Ulcers,” CHRIST (Deemed To Be University) Institutional Repository, accessed March 4, 2025,