Knowledge, preparedness, and resilience related to end of life decision making among family caregivers of ICU patients

- Title
- Knowledge, preparedness, and resilience related to end of life decision making among family caregivers of ICU patients
- Creator
- Description
- End-of-Life decision making is the process that is treating team, patients, and patients??? families go through when considering what treatments will or will not be used to treat a life-threatening illness. In India, End-of-Life Care is a new phenomenon and rarely investigated. The religious and societal attitudes and an absence of education in medical ethics can be seen as reasons for the underdevelopment of End-of-Life Care field. It seems that social workers, particularly who assist patients in Intensive care unit treatment have an important role to play in this regard. Social workers deliver assistance to the critically ill person and their family members as they get admission to the Intensive care unit, enhancing the conversation among treating group, patients and family members. The objective of this study is to assess the knowledge, preparedness and resilience among family caregivers related to End-of-Life decision making. This study utilizes a descriptive research design and purposive sampling method. The study includes 71 first degree relatives of patients who are significantly involved in caring of the patient and related to decision making. All the participants had their family members admitted to the Intensive Care Unit of St. John???s Medical College Hospital, Bengaluru. This study found that there is minimal knowledge among family caregivers and they had no high level of preparedness. There is ethical concern along with finance and they seem to be confused about the decisions taken. Due to lack of awareness among the family caregivers, they surrender the patient to the treating team. Religious conflict is another aspect which is an obstacle to family caregivers for an End-of-Life decision making. The study also found that as the duration of Intensive Care Unit hospitalization increases the resilience among family caregiver???s decreases. It is important that Medical Social workers identify ways to improve End-of-Life care process through interventions. This can be achieved through training in Master of Social Work programs and by educating social workers. The study concludes that there is an immense gap between the family caregivers and the patient with regard to their knowledge on End-of-Life decision making. Hence, this study highlights the importance of Medical Social Worker in Intensive Care Unit to facilitate patient autonomy and the family caregivers??? decisions on the patient.
- Source
- Social Work
ANVEERA MENDONCA, “Knowledge, preparedness, and resilience related to end of life decision making among family caregivers of ICU patients,” CHRIST (Deemed To Be University) Institutional Repository, accessed March 29, 2025,