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A Conceptual Framework for Agile as HR Operational Strategy
Purpose: This paper examined Agile human resource (HR) as an operational strategy, emphasizing the relationships between operational, HR, and organizational strategies. It develops a collaborative culture, establishes learning organizations, supports agile team design, and improves agile strategic behavior. Agile HR has been underutilized in academic literature despite its potential, highlighting the disconnect between practitioner objectives and HR research. Methodology: A conceptual framework for Agile HR was developed using qualitative secondary research methods. Secondary sources included books, journal articles, research papers, reports, and whitepapers. A thematic analysis was used to code the data and identify themes relevant to Agile HR, and concept mapping was used to illustrate the relationships between the key concepts. Findings: A conceptual framework for Agile HR strategies was developed to foster an agile organizational culture and equip employees with agile strategic behaviors. Organizations will be able to establish and preserve a durable competitive edge in quickly changing marketplaces by using these tactics. Practical Implications: This paper provided insights into implementing agile HR operational strategies. Continuous iteration was used to enhance processes, boost employee experiences, and improve organizational agility to implement these strategies. Originality: While existing literature explored the relationship between organizational agility and dynamic capabilities, it largely overlooked the concept of agile behavior. This research addressed this gap by proposing a framework for flexible adjustments to human and organizational capabilities. It was a targeted approach for agile management aligned with organizational, HR, and agile strategies, emphasizing scalability. 2024, Associated Management Consultants Pvt. Ltd.. All rights reserved. -
Agile HR "lite": Adapting agile principles to HR
This chapter explores how agile practices, called agile "Lite, " are evolving within human resources (HR) departments and how they may affect organizational agility. In addition to highlighting the benefits of agile HR principles, the study offers organizations self-assessment questions to gauge their readiness for implementing agile HR practices. The insights provided are designed to help leaders foster dialogue, address concerns, and facilitate a smooth transition to agile HR practices. The chapter examines gaps in the understanding of agile implementation in HR, raises critical questions, and provides organizations with a self-assessment tool to assist in the process. It emphasizes the importance of agile principles for transforming human resources and provides valuable insight for organizations grappling with agile approaches. Overall, it contributes to a better understanding of agile principles and offers a readiness assessment for implementing them in HR. 2024, IGI Global. -
Agile HR-Based Employee Management Practices for Improving Hospital Service Delivery
The effective management of the human resources of a hospital is essential for the delivery of high-quality healthcare services, a task that has become incredibly challenging in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic in India. The efficient management of employees is a top priority in healthcare organisations, which is why human resources (HR) plays a pivotal role in their functioning. It includes strategies for improving employee engagement, productivity, motivation, adaptability to change, welfare, and overall health in addition to traditional HR concerns. As part of this process, conducive working conditions must be created, talent management practices must be implemented, and flexibility must be provided to meet the evolving needs of healthcare professionals. The adoption of Agile HR practices is gaining momentum among hospitals in response to the dynamic challenges they face. In the Agile approach, the development cycle of 'Plan, Do, Check, and Act (PDCA)' enables real-time responsiveness. Through a qualitative research design with in-depth interviews conducted through purposive sampling, this study explores the implementation of Agile HR practices in hospitals located in Kerala and Karnataka. The research presents a novel human resources operating model, termed the 'Agile HR Model,' which advocates the integration of Agile principles into the management of healthcare employees. A key objective of this model is to enhance hospital service delivery by embracing agility and adaptability. The study provides HR managers and healthcare professionals with insights into enhancing the delivery of healthcare services. 2024, Iquz Galaxy Publisher. All rights reserved. -
Traffic Management in Forest and Ecosystem Conservation. A Study on NH 766 Through Bandipore National Park and Proposing a Traffic Management Plan with Alternate Route Consideration
Transportation network is inevitable in the developing world. In India where we have a rich forest cover, many of the roads are passing through eco-sensitive areas such as national parks and wildlife sanctuaries. There are issues being reported due to these roads passing through the eco-sensitive areas such as animal deaths due to road accidents, loss of habitats, fragmentation of ecosystems, and loss of forest cover. The CalicutKollegal national highway, NH766 is passing through Bandipore national park on the stretch which connects Sultan Bathery and Gundelpette. Recently, a conflict had risen between environmental activists and the public for imposing a complete traffic ban along the NH766 passing through the Bandipore NP. A baseline study had conducted on the NH766, and the impact of the same on the ecosystem existing is analyzed through the data collected. A network analysis is performed on the alternate route available for bypassing the traffic. Traffic management plan and policies are derived out of the analysis on the baseline data collected and the inferences drawn from the network analysis performed on the alternate routes. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Mediating role of self-concept on character strengths and well-being among adolescents with specific learning disorder in India
Background: Adolescents with Specific Learning Disorder (SLD) are at higher risk of academic underachievement, stigmatization, and mental health issues. However, the complete elimination of disorder-related deficits and external challenges is an impracticable solution for enhancing their well-being. Aim: The study adopts a strength-based approach to understand the role of an innate factor, i.e., self-concept, in the association between character strengths and well-being of adolescents with SLD. Methods: A correlational research design following a mediation analysis was adopted to examine the association between the study variables on a sample of 115 adolescents with SLD from India. Results: Self-concept functioned as a partial mediator between the life-satisfaction construct of well-being and six character strengths: Appreciation of beauty and excellence, Perseverance, Judgment, Leadership, Perspective, and Zest. Gender differences were identified with regard to the study variables. Conclusions and implications: Self-concept of adolescents with SLD could partly contribute to enhanced character strengths awareness to protect well-being. Further, the crucial role of internal factors like self-concept and character strengths in improving the well-being of this population was highlighted. Thereby encouraging future research on SLD to adopt approaches that focus on innate strengths rather than deficits and external sources of well-being. 2022 Elsevier Ltd -
Production of bio-diesel from non-edible dried fruits of lagerstroemia speciosa
Rapi d urbani zat i on and i ncr ease i n population have evoked tremendous attention for biofuelsproduction to combatshortage of fuels, environmental concerns, foreign exchange savingsand socioeconomic issues.In recent years bi odi esel product i on f rom agro-i ndust ri al feedstocks such as waste vegetable oil, animal fat, grease, non-edible fruit oils etc.,acquired prominent place to fulfil the gap between production and demand. The present investigation has been undertaken to explore a noveland environmentally friendly process for developing biodiesel production t echnol ogy by subj ect i ng dr i ed f r ui t s of Lagerstroemia speciosa to mild ultrasonication at 33KHz for 20 min at 352Cfor obtaining high lipid yield, precursor for the production of biodiesel by transesterification.The biodiesel compounds 2,4-di-tert-butylphenol, hexadecanoic acid methyl ester, 9,12-octadecadienoic acid (Z, Z) methyl ester, 9-octadecenoic acid methyl ester, methyl stearate, cis-11,14-eicosadienoic acid methyl ester, 18-methylnonadecanoate were recognized as the main compounds in GC-MS analysis. 2020, Association of Biotechnology and Pharmacy. All rights reserved. -
Effect of heavy metals on the pigmentation and photosynthetic capability in Jacobaea maritima (L.) Pelser & Meijden
Photosynthesis is a fundamental process in plants that enables them to produce their own food. However, this process can be influenced by multiple factors including external factors such as sunlight, nutrients availability and gas concentrations. The present study aimed to investigate the effects of heavy metal stress on the plant Jacobaea maritima (L.) Pelser & Meijden. Three different heavy metals, namely cadmium, chromium, and lead, were applied to the plants at five concentrations ranging from 50-250 ppm (50, 100, 150, 200, and 250). The growth of the plants was observed, and several parameters including net photosynthetic rate (Pn), transpiration rate (E), leaf stomatal conductance (C), and the photosynthetic active radiation (PAR) were measured. The results revealed that the chlorophyll content was higher in the Cr150 concentration (5.470.4). The chlorophyll values for Pb-100 (9.40.35) and Pb-250 (9.80.26) were in close proximity to each other. The Cd-100 concentration showed the highest chlorophyll content. The net photosynthetic rate was least affected in Pb-150 (30.980.75), while Cr-100 (4.050.09) exhibited the greatest impact. Transpiration rate increased slightly in plants treated with Pb, but significantly decreased in Cd-treated plants. The Cr-50 concentration (0.190.02) showed the lowest transpiration rate. Leaf stomatal conductance was reduced significantly in all treated plants, with Cr-100 showing the least variation (2298.251.85). The photosynthetic active radiation capability was reduced in all treated plants, with Pb-treated plants exhibiting nominal reduction and Cd- and Cr-treated plants experiencing substantial reduction. Statistical analysis confirmed significant variations in the measured parameters following heavy metal treatment. 2023 The Author(s) -
Interventions to help students find a deeper purpose during their academic journey
This comprehensive exploration delves deeply into academic interventions aimed at guiding students toward a more profound sense of purpose throughout their educational journeys. It emphasizes that education offers a unique opportunity for students to discover their passions, interests, and aspirations beyond textbooks and exams. The interventions discussed, including mentorship, career counseling, experiential learning, and self-discovery exercises, are meticulously designed to empower students to recognize their distinct strengths and interests. These interventions not only aim to facilitate academic excellence but also enable students to pursue careers aligned with their core values and aspirations. The exploration scrutinizes effective strategies, programs, and support mechanisms, addressing challenges students face when making career choices, and culminates in recommendations for educators, career counselors, and policymakers interested in enriching students' educational experiences and fostering purpose-driven learners. 2024, IGI Global. -
Challenging the dichotomy: Examining parent socialization goals and behaviors regarding positive affect in Bengaluru, India
Parents' responses to youth positive affect (PA) have been dichotomized as enhancing and dampening. This dichotomy may not fit with cultural scripts about emotion in communities where a balance between positive and negative emotions is preferred. To assess parents' PA socialization in a culturally relevant manner for urban, middle-class families in India, we developed a new measure of parental goals about happiness and adapted the Responses to Adolescent Happy Affect Scale (RAHAS). We tested the psychometric properties of these measures and assessed relations among parental socialization goals and behaviors across 5 months. Our sample included 377 adolescent (84.4% girls; Mage = 14.47) and parent (63.9% mothers) dyads, primarily Hindu, in Bengaluru, India. Two parental goals factors emerged: Balancing and Controlling and Maximizing and Sharing happiness. Three factors emerged for the adapted RAHAS. Two factors were the same as the original RAHAS: (a) Enhancing strategies to upregulate PA and (b) Dampening strategies to downregulate PA. A third factor emerged: (c) Balancing strategies, which were culturally salient for families in India and aimed for moderation. Among socialization behaviors, Enhancing and Dampening were inversely related, while Balancing related positively to each. Balancing and Controlling goals were only correlated to Balancing behaviors. Maximizing and Sharing goals were correlated positively with Enhancing and inversely with Dampening. Longitudinally, Maximizing and Sharing and Balancing and Controlling goals were related to a significant increase and marginal decrease in Dampening, respectively. Challenging the dichotomy, our findings highlight the relevance of balancing to theories of PA socialization. 2024 The Author(s). Journal of Research on Adolescence published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of Society for Research on Adolescence. -
Interepisodic functioning in patients with bipolar disorder in remission
Background and Objectives: Patients with bipolar disorder (BD), despite recovering symptomatically, suffer from several functional impairments even in remission. The actual causes of impaired functioning are less known. Materials and Methods: The study aimed to examine the clinical and psychosocial determinants of functioning in patients with BD in remission. A cross-sectional single-group design was adopted (n = 150). Participants meeting the study criteria were screened with Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview Scale. The selected participants were administered various tools to assess the level of functioning and the clinical, psychosocial determinants of functioning. Results: The clinical characteristics of the sample included early age of onset of illness, presence of precipitating factors, fewer episodes, minimal comorbidities, history of psychotic episodes, family history of mental illness, good medication adherence, and low depression and mania scores. Psychosocial factors included higher stress and moderate social support and self-esteem in the sample. Poor functioning patients had a history of longer hospital stay and had greater scores on depression, mania, stress, and maladaptive coping styles than better functioning patients. Conclusion: Higher depression, mania, stress, and maladaptive coping strategies were related to poor functioning, while higher medication adherence, self-esteem, and social support were related to better functioning. 2018 Indian Psychiatric Society - South Zonal Branch Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow. -
The role of energy efficiency in income inequality dynamics in developing Asia: Evidence from artificial neural networks
This study investigates the drivers of income inequality trends in seven developing Asian countries between 1990 and 2022, exploring the effects of energy efficiency, government spending, economic growth, globalization, and human development. The study investigates how these variables affect income inequality using various statistical methods, including long-run machine learning and prediction models. The findings indicate a negative impact of energy efficiency on income inequality, highlighting the potential of energy-saving measures in narrowing the income gaps between the rich and poor. Government spending, economic growth, globalization, and human development are also crucial in alleviating income inequality in developing Asian countries. This study underscores the importance of tailored policies, advocating for investments in energy efficiency, targeted government spending, larger economic integration, and inclusive growth strategies to address income inequality in developing Asia. 2024 -
In this paper, we study the concept of fuzzy modularity in fuzzy lattices. We also define a fuzzy Birkhoff lattice and study fuzzy complements in fuzzy lattices. We prove that the notions of a right and a left complement coincide in a fuzzy lattice I??k University, Department of Mathematics, 2022; all rights reserved -
Highly Efficient Photocatalytic Conversion of Amine to Amide and Degradation of Methylene Blue Using BiOClTiO2 Nano Heterostructures
Abstract: Facile green synthesis of BiOClTiO2 was done using combustion technique by Ixora coccinea leaf extract as fuel source. The said material was characterized using XRD, SEM, EDX, HRTEM, SAED, FTIR, and UV-DRS. The particle size was found to be approximately 60nm and a crystallite size of 0.3nm from TEM. The photocatalytic activity of the material was found out using photoluminescence studies, dye degradation and photocatalytic organic conversion. The material showed excellent dye degradation capacity for methylene blue with 80% of the dye degraded under 3hrs. The stabilisation of electronhole pair by the heterostructure gave it the ability to perform easy degradation. The degradation kinetics have also been studied. It also showed an excellent organic conversion property with formylation yield reaching up to 96% and total conversion of the reactant molecule. The material is a potent photocatalyst due to its great efficiency and can have a remarkable role in the synthesis of important organic molecules and detoxification of environment. Graphical Abstract: The heterostructure catalyses the conversion of amine to amides and mineralizes methylene blue under visible light condition. [Figure not available: see fulltext.]. 2020, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. -
Facile combustion synthesis of highly active Mo doped BiVO4 for photocatalytic dye degradation, photo-oxidation of alcohols, antifungal and antioxidant activities
This work represents the facile and green synthesis of Molybdenum (Mo)-doped bismuth vanadate (BiVO4). Green synthesis of Mo-doped BiVO4 was done using combustion technique using Mangifera indica (Mango) leaf extract as the fuel for combustion. The material synthesised was pure and characterised using X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, high resolution transmission electron microscopy, ultravioletvisible diffuse reflectance spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and photoluminescence (PL). It was found that Mo-doped BiVO4 had monoclinic scheelite phase, with a bandgap of 3.71eV. Various application was possible from the synthesised material like photodegradation of Malachite Green, a typical organic which showed excellent degradation efficiency of 99% under 120minutes. The catalyst also gave up to 95% yields in the light-assisted oxidation of aromatic alcohols to corresponding aldehydes. The material also showed excellent antioxidant properties showing 6.7g of ascorbic acid equivalence (AAE). It gave an excellent minimum lethal dosage (MLD) of 500g against Penicillium and Trichoderma fungal strains and showed maximum of 32 mm zone of inhibition. These applications show the versatility of the material to be used in various fields. 2022 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. -
Development of Guidelines for Spouses Engaged in Home-Based Care of Persons With Motor Neuron Disease From Indian Context
Background: The caregivers of persons with motor neuron disease (MND) have several needs that are usually not voiced on any platform. Aim: To explore the lived experience of spouses of persons with MND, identify their needs and develop guidelines for better home-based care. Method: An exploratory study with 3-point in-depth interviews among 13 participants was conducted. Participants were the spouses of persons with MND under treatment at a national quaternary referral center. The interpretative phenomenological analysis identified participants needs. These needs, with literature review synthesis, guided the drafting of guidelines, which was validated by experts. Results: The needs were emotional, social, care systems, and skills. The guidelines developed contained 2 sections (1) Information for the spouses: understanding MND, communication, symptom management, marital relationship, palliative care, and everyday life made easier. (2) Well-being of the spouse caregivers: well-being of the spouse caregivers, self-care, mental health, supporting carers in palliative care, where to find help. Conclusion: The guidelines can be developed as a manual for the caregivers and for training healthcare professionals working with neurodegenerative conditions. The Author(s) 2022. -
Integrated Home-Based Palliative Care in Motor Neuron Disease: A Case Report from Low- Middle Income Country
In many international care guidelines, multidisciplinary palliative care forms a key to optimum management in Motor Neuron Disease (MND). We describe the home-based palliative care interventions for a client with MND and his family from a Low and Middle-income country context. This report also discusses the advantages and challenges of the same with suggestions for sustaining the quality of care for neuro palliative conditions. 2021 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. -
A meta-ethnographic synthesis of lived experience of spouse caregivers in chronic illness
Social workers routinely work with chronically ill, providing support for long term care. Several qualitative studies describe the experiences of the person and carer in a chronic illness. There is a limited synthesis of these experiences to aid practice. The current review aims to present a synthesis of the experiences of the spouses of chronically ill persons reported in the literature. A comprehensive search of electronic databases was done, and the studies were selected using PRISMA guidelines. The selected studies were subjected to quality check using CASP guidelines and a score was assigned to each of those studies. Later, qualitative synthesis of the results of the selected studies was done using the principles of meta-ethnography. 2407 studies published between 19992019 were identified and 22 studies were included in the final synthesis. The number of participants in the studies reviewed was 309, with more representation of females. The reciprocal synthesis of these studies identified loss, change, caregiving and exhaustion, barriers in providing care, illness experience, coping, socio-cultural norms and support as common themes from the accounts of the participants. Continuity of change was identified as the core concept in the lived experience of the spouses of chronically ill persons. Illness, loss and Lived experience is proposed as a model of the lived experience of the spouses. Through this synthesis, the factors influencing the lived experience of spouse caregivers is understood, which can help social work professionals in the health sector in planning interventions for the spouses of chronically ill persons. The Author(s) 2021. -
An Improved Combined Adaptive Outline for Contrast Enhancement of Blood Vessels
Appropriate vascular segmentation is dependent on effective picture pre-processing techniques that improve the contrast of the blood vessels, reduce noise, eliminate non-uniform illumination, highlight thin vessels, and retain background texture. These techniques are necessary for accurate vessel segmentation. Here, both the edge- and texture-smoothed data from the vessel probability map are used in the derivation of the adaptive optimal q-order in the G-L mask. The smooth information is not affected, the textures are maintained, and the contrast of the blood vessels is enhanced, thanks to the proposed filter. In addition to sharpening the focus on the vessels themselves, a Gaussian curve fitting is used to contrast stretch the entire image. Retinal fundus images processed with cerebral DSA are subjected to both qualitative and quantitative assessments of contrast enhancement. Quantitative performance indicators are tabulated and compared to other approaches to show how well this technique works for improving medical images everywhere. The suggested filter is easy to implement, flexible enough to adapt to different images, and effective at increasing both vessel contrast and overall image contrast. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.