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A comparative study of text mining algorithms for anomaly detection in online social networks
Text mining is a process by which information and patterns are extracted from textual data. Online Social Networks, which have attracted immense attention in recent years, produces enormous text data related to the human behaviours based on their interactions with each other. This data is intrinsically unstructured and ambiguous in nature. The data involves incorrect spellings and inaccurate grammars leading to lexical, syntactic and semantic ambiguities. This causes wrong analysis and inappropriate pattern identification. Various Text Mining approaches are being used by researchers which can help in Anomaly Detection through Topic Modeling, identification of Trending Topics, Hate Speeches and evolution of the communities in Online Social Networks. In this paper, a comparative analysis of the performance of four classification algorithms, Support Vector Machine (SVM), Rocchio, Decision Trees and K-Nearest Neighbour (KNN) for a Twitter data set is presented. The experimental study revealed that SVM outperforms better than other classifiers, and also classifies the dataset into anomalous and non-anomalous users opinions. The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd 2021. -
A comparative study of the impact of thermal indices on Indian coral ecosystem
Coral reefs have been the diversified ecosystem in the planet. Advantages are opportunities in tourism, coastal protection and fisheries production. Corals, as key ingredient is sourced got drug manufacturing. Its distribution is evident in locations of where sea water temperature ranges between 16C to 30C. Their presence is >0.2% of ocean area and supports >25% of marine species. India has five reef formations. Globally, last two decades have seen an increase in reporting reef deterioration. The reason significantly attributed to be climate change, apart other challenges such as pollution, sedimentation, oil spillage, etc. Such events lead to widespread mortality of corals. Mortality during bleaching events are inevitable and varied; depends on intensity of such events. The primary reason is due to significant rise in average sea surface temperature (SST). Recovery takes time after such events, and it becomes worse with recurring events. The reefs of Indian seas have reported events of severe bleaching during 1998, 2010 and 2016. IPCC reviews show mass bleaching will be prominent in future due to elevated SST. This work tries to compare the HS values of a few regions. The data collected is from 2001 to 2017. A few significant observations are drawn which could further help us to extend the work to take help from Artificial Intelligence to make predictions for the future. This study uses the indices derived out of SST to look at relative risk faced by Indian reefs. The need for comprehensive and localized actions will be discussed. 2021 Author(s). -
A Comparative Study of the Nonlinear Optical Properties of CaO Nanoparticles and rGO-CaO Nanocomposites
Recently, graphene-based materials decorated with metal/metal oxide nanoparticles have gained significant interest among researchers owing to their wide range of technological applications. In this study, we synthesized reduced graphene oxide-calcium oxide nanocomposites (rGO-CaO) using a one-pot solvothermal technique. The third-order nonlinear optical (NLO) properties of CaO nanoparticles and (rGO-CaO) nanocomposites were explored by performing a single-beam Z-scan experiment. Since the samples exhibited reverse saturation absorption behavior (RSA) and a negative nonlinear index of refraction, CaO nanoparticles are promising candidates for nonlinear optical limiting and optical switching applications. Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science 2024. -
A Comparative Study of Thermoconvective Flows of a Newtonian Fluid Over Three Horizontal Undulated Surfaces in a Porous Medium
This paper presents a comparison between the results of three thermoconvective flows of a Newtonian fluid over uniformly heated, undulated horizontal surfaces in a porous medium against the background of the results of a flat plate. The undulations are assumed to have sinusoidal, sawtooth, and triangular waveforms. A system of nonlinear coupled partial differential equations arising in the study is solved using the KellerBox method. Streamlines and isotherms have been plotted and analyzed to examine the effect of parameters on the fluid dynamics and heat transfer. At large surface amplitudes, secondary flow is observed in the cases of sinusoidal and triangular waveforms, but not in the cases of a sawtooth surface and a flat plate. The magnitude of the slip velocity at the horizontal surface is greatest for the sine waveform, while it is least in the case of triangular. The flat plate does not support slip in the velocity to the extent seen in the case of undulated surfaces. The variation of the mean Nusselt number and mean skin friction with surface amplitude and the Rayleigh number indicate that heat transfer and viscous friction at the boundary increase with individual and collective increases in the values of the amplitude and the Rayleigh number. Further, the mean Nusselt number and mean skin friction are found to be maximum for the sinusoidal surface and minimum for the triangular one. The heat transfer and skin friction by the flat surface are much less than that of all three undulated surfaces. Copyright VC 2022 by ASME. -
A Comparative Study on Customer??s Expectations and Perceptions on Credit Card Services in Old and New Generation Banks
Card usages have been drastically increasing in India due to the convenience and safety provided by the issuers. At the same time, these issuers are finding it very hard to maintain and gain the market share for this particular service product. In the present scenario credit cards are playing a vital role in every one??s life. Thus, the study has attempted to find out the customer??s expectations and perceptions on credit card services in old and new generation banks. A sample of 225 respondents, who were the users of credit cards in the Bangalore city, was concentrated upon for the study. This was analyzed and tested using Factor analysis, ANOVA and Multiple Linear Regressions. The paper has found the factor the people are expecting more on card services and as well the factor where the users have perceived more. The gap was also analyzed between the expectations and perceptions of the users. The results from the study pointed out the factors the banks have to concentrate upon in order to delight its users and maintain its market share. Hence, businesses should focus on the factors analyzed so as to improve the quality of services provided on cards and to retain the customer base. Keywords: Credit Cards, Customer Expectations, Customer Perceptions,New Generation Banks and Old Generation Bank. -
A comparative study on decision tree and random forest using konstanz information miner (KNIME)
With vast amounts of data floating around everywhere, it is imperative to comprehend and draw meaningful insights from the same. With the proliferation of Internet and Information Technology, data has been increasing exponentially. The 5 Vs of data i.e. Value, volume, Velocity, variety and veracity will only make sense if we are able to examine the data and uncover the hidden, yet meaningful insights. With large data becoming a norm, a lot of data mining algorithms are available that help in data mining. We have tried to compare two classification algorithms, primarily Decision trees and Random forest. A total of 10 datasets have been taken from UCI Repository and Kaggle and with the help of Konstanz Information Miner (KNIME) workflows, a comparative performance has been made pertaining to the accuracy statistics of Random Forest and decision Tree. The results show that Random Forest gives better and accurate results for a dataset as compared to decision trees. 2020 SERSC. -
A comparative study on e-waste management systems in developed and developing countries: Legislative compliances and initiatives
E-waste is an ongoing issue that still lacks a suitable solution, particularly in developing nations. The environment and human health have suffered dramatically as a result of poor recycling practices of waste of electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), transboundary movement, improper management of e-waste, the lack of environmentally sound management (ESM) programs, and the ineffective EPR (extended producer responsibility) schemes. Although developed nations have implemented efficient legislative frameworks and regulations, emerging nations suffer due to their plans. E-waste management systems differ in developed and developing countries; thus, this study evaluates the differences between the management systems and outlines the areas where the developing nations lack effective e-waste management and the advantages developed countries enjoy. Therefore, the current study results are crucial for comprehending the severe hazard posed by improper management of e-waste and the viability of future research into creating strategies to address these problems of developing nations. 2023, IGI Global. -
A Comparative Study on Indian Sign Language Representation
Communication among people can happen with the help of verbal or nonverbal language. Nonverbal communication is shared only among the hearing and speech impaired and is not common among others. Non-verbal communication is also different for different countries around the world. A solution to remove the gap between verbal and non-verbal communicators is to create an automated language translation model that can effortlessly convert sign language to text or audio. This area has been under research for a long time, but an economical and robust system that can efficiently convert signs into speech still does not exist. This paper focuses on different approaches that were put forward to turn Indian sign language into audio signals. The Sign Language Recognition (SLR) system is classified as isolated and continuous sign language models based on its input. 2021 IEEE. -
A comparative study on Personality Traits and Optimism among Women Employees and Women Entrepreneurs
This study is an attempt to contribute afresh with a perspective to the field of organization behaviour and psychological resource development with special reference to optimism (success/ lack of success) factors and big five personality traits among women employees and women entrepreneurs. This study provides more insight into the psychological profiles of female employees and entrepreneurs. Success/ lack of success factors and big five traits affects work choices, career choices, retirement choices, and marital choices. Women can be prepared and trained to be successful employees for both large and small organizations. The future policy making agencies can learn lessons to make meaningful plans and policies to prepare future generations for the future challenges of entrepreneurship. Policy makers can promote entrepreneurship through SMEs to strengthen future economy of the nation. This would help to increase the awareness of both educationists and students to follow entrepreneurial careers in the times to come. This study will help to understand entrepreneurial personality traits to carve and trained future entrepreneurs. The pedagogy institutions can train and carve leadership style and success factors amongst future women entrepreneurs. Short training interventions can be designed to develop positive psychological resource capacities which involves training the employees in set goals and engage in contingency planning to overcome potential obstacles. This training will lead to optimistic style and pessimism can be avoided.These activities and exercises also trigger self confidence among these employees. This also facilitates their emotional and behavioural adaptation at workplace. Hence the level of employees psychological capacities will increase.. 100 women employees from 5 employment sectors and 100 women entrepreneurs from 5 different sectors were the surveyed for the study. The sectors used for the study were manufacturing, IT services, services, trading and professionals.For employees sample was drawn from executive, sr.executive, assistant managers and manager??s level.The type of the organization studied were proprietorship, partnership, private limited and public limited. The tools used for the study are: 1. Optimism: Attribution of success and failure inventory- ASUFA-G. This is the inventory developed by Uday Paareek. It has got eight dimensions developed by Weiner 1974 and Seligman 1991. 2. Big Five Personality tool developed by psychologists John, Donahue and Kentle in 1991. It has got five dimensions. Major findings of the study 1. The study found that there was no relationship between big five personality traits and success and lack of factors among women employees. 2. The research revealed that there was significant relationship between big five personality traits and success and lack of success factors among women entrepreneurs. Extraversion was positively correlated with self directedness, self confidence and group directedness and negatively correlated with compliance. However the highest significance being compliance which is negatively correlated and the lowest being group directedness It was found that agreeableness was positively correlated with optimism and hope . The highest relationship being optimism and lowest positive relationship being hope. It was found that conscientiousness was positively correlated with self directedness optimism self confidence and hope and negatively correlated with fatalism. The highest significance being self directedness and lowest being fatalism which is negatively correlated. 3. The study conducted revealed that among big five personality traits it was found that extroversion and conscientiousness significantly influenced the lack of success factors among women entrepreneurs however the significance is negative. 4. It was found that the big five personality traits significantly influenced success factors among women entrepreneurs. Among these extraversion and conscientiousness positively influenced the success factors. The highest influence was conscientiousness followed by extroversion. 5. Very interesting observation was that there was no significant influence of big five personality traits on success factors and lack of success factors among women employees. 6. The findings revealed that no significant difference was found with the success factor self directedness, optimism, hope and lack of success factor fatalism, pessimism, among women employees vs. women entrepreneurs. 7. It was found that women entrepreneurs have higher group directedness and compliance compared to women employees. Whereas, in self confidence, women entrepreneurs are more confident when compared to women employees. 8. The study revealed an interesting facet that there was significant difference with neuroticism, extraversion and openness to experience between women employees and women entrepreneurs. Extraversion and openness to experience was more with women entrepreneurs compared to women employees and neuroticism was more with women employees compared to entrepreneurs. -
A comparative study on the adaptability of the different varieties of solanum lycopersicum L. (tomato) in salt stress condition
The objective of the present study was to study the levels of antioxidant and oxidant metabolites such as total protein, proline, peroxidase, lipid peroxidase, catalase,and anthocyanin and phenol contents in nine varieties of tomato plants (Cerasiforme (Cherry tomato), Indamrohini, Marglobe, Ns 538, Sacchariya, San Marzano 3, Suhyana, Tomato Oblate Yellow, Vanda) treated under various NaCl concentrations (50, 100, 200 and 250 Mm). Salinity is one of the significant abiotic stresses, which affects plant cell metabolism and reduces plant productivity. Plants tolerant to NaCl implement a series of adaptations to acclimate to salinity, including morphological, physiological and biochemical changes. Under saline conditions, plants have to activate different physiological and biochemical mechanisms in order to cope with the resulting stress. Such mechanisms inclu de changes in morphology, anatomy, water relations, photosynthesis, the hormonal profile, toxic ion distribution and biochemical adaptation (such as the antioxidative metabolism response). An updated discussion on salt-induced oxidative stress and its effect on the antioxidant machinery in both salt-tolerant and salt-sensitive plants is the major part of this study. The aim of the present study is to extend our understanding of how salinity may affect the physiological characteristics of plants. 2020 IJSTR. -
A comparative study on the effect of HNT and nano-alumina particles on the mechanical properties of vacuum bag moulded glass-epoxy nanocomposites
In the present work, the mechanical properties of the Halloysite nanotube (HNT) and Nano-Alumina particle additions in glass-epoxy nanocomposites are investigated experimentally. The composite specimens for tensile, flexural, interlaminar shear strength (ILSS) and impact tests are prepared by vacuum bag moulding process and tested in accordance with the ASTM standards. HNT/Nano-Alumina particle contents are varied from 0 to 4 wt. %, while the weight fraction of glass fiber is kept constant at 60%. The strength values of the respective tests are obtained and compared graphically to study the effect of nanoparticle type and content on the mechanical properties. From the experimentation and subsequent result analysis, considerable improvements in the mechanical properties are observed with the addition of nanoparticles as compared to neat composites. The 3 wt.% addition of HNT in the nanocomposites resulted in increase in tensile strength, elastic modulus, flexural strength, flexural modulus, ILSS and impact energy values by 12.7%, 6.96%, 5.46%, 4.49%, 7.44% and 119.3% respectively in comparison with the same weight percentage of Nano-Alumina. HNT modified composites reveal an improvement in mechanical properties, hence qualifying it as a most promising cost-effective reinforcing filler for glass-epoxy composites. Further, the SEM micrographs of fractured surfaces are analyzed to study the failure mechanisms and fracture morphologies of higher loaded composites (4 wt.%) and understand the reason for decline in mechanical properties. 2021 Published by Semnan University Press. All rights reserved. -
A comparative study on the moderating impact of renewable energy and innovation on environmental quality
This study explores the complex interactions between renewable energy production, innovation, economic growth, institutional quality, economic globalization, and CO2 emissions in OECD countries and emerging economies from 1996 to 2021. Results from DriscollKraay standard error and feasible generalized least square reveal distinct trends: renewable energy production leads to increased CO2 emissions in emerging economies but significantly reduces emissions in OECD countries. Besides, residential and non-residential innovation, along with total innovation, show similar effects. Notably, technology-moderated renewable energy production effectively lowers CO2 emissions in both country groups. Similarly, economic growth enhances environmental quality in both sets of countries. However, institutional quality needs improvement in emerging economies, while current levels suffice in OECD nations to maintain environmental quality. Moreover, the study emphasizes the importance of considering globalization's impact on CO2 emissions, advocating for international agreements to leverage globalization for environmental benefits. Overall, these findings provide valuable insights for shaping renewable energy policies, fostering innovation, promoting economic growth, enhancing institutional quality, and harnessing globalization efforts to reduce CO2 emissions and enhance environmental quality. 2024 United Nations. -
A Comparative Study on Work Engagement in Relation to Leadership in Private and Public sector Undertakings in Bangalore
Employee contribution becomes a critical business issue because in trying to produce superior output, companies have no choice but to try and engage not only the body but the mind and soul of every employee. Most organizations today realize that a satisfied employee is not necessarily the best employee in terms of loyalty and productivity. The best employee is really an engaged employee, one who is intellectually and emotionally bound with the organization, who feels passionate about its goals and committed towards its values. This employee goes the extra mile beyond the basic job requirements. Leadership in organizations ought to be authentic in order to be effective and successful over the long term. Philosophers, religious leaders, and thinkers from ancient times have given emphasis on the importance of authenticity and ethicality for leaders, if they are to attain effective governance in any circumstances. Leaders are obliged to demonstrate the highest moral standards and ethical demeanour in their everyday talk, actions, decision, and behaviours, so that others in their organizations can follow suit. The most recent financial crisis has originated from failed corporate leaders who believed in manipulations of accounts and indulged into obvious unethical corporate practices. Engaging employees of an organization is critical to the organizations success. Work Engagement is often the most significant differentiator between private and public organizations. This is true particularly for service based companies as revenues are directly proportional to number of workforce engagement in the organization. Based on the review of literatures and identified the gap, the investigator felt an imperative need to pursue with the current research. The sample consisted of 240 employees from both private and public sector organizations. The judgmental sampling technique was adopted for selecting the respondents. Two standard tools were used to measure the variables of the study- 1.The measuring instrument used for the independent variable (Leadership) is the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) (Form 5X) (Bass & Avolio, 1997). The reliability of the scale was 0.701 2.The measuring instrument used for the dependent variable (Work engagement) is the Schaufeli & Bakker (2003). The Utrecht Work Engagement Scale. The reliability of the scale was 0.783 The major findings of the study were- 1. The dimensions of work engagement viz. vigor, absorption, dedication are found to have no significant relations with participative and democratic leadership style. 2. The dimensions of work engagement viz. vigor, absorption, dedication are found to have significant relations with autocratic leadership style. 3. For the dimension of Vigor, the difference between private and public organization on Vigor is statistically significant. It was found that the private sector employee scored high value(5.51) than the public sector employees(5.12) on the dimension of vigor. -
A Comparison of 2 Step Classification with 3-Class Classification for Webpage Classification
The content over internet increasing significantly each year and the web page classification is an essential areas of work upon for web-based information management, content retrieval, data scrapping, content filtering, advertisement removal, contextual advertising, expanding web directories etc. Multiclass classification methods is more popular and commonly use to classify web pages, and 2 step classification is our proposed system. In 2 step classifier, we use 2 primary model which works serially and perform binary classification at each level. The primary source of dataset contain thousands of URL(Uniform Resource Locator) of web pages. The content on webpage is extracted and stored on system to avoid the loss of data sue to the change in URL. The comparison between the two methods validated the system improvement and improved in different metric such as precision and recall using 2 step classification technique. 2 step classification technique is faster while training and also shows performance improvement. There proposed system shows improvement in the performance of the results but not something significant. 2022 IEEE. -
A comparison of algorithms for controller replacement in software defined networking
Software Defined Network (SDN) partitions the control plane and the information plane to decrease the cost and for increasing the capacity for upgrading, and this will be helpful for the network administrators to manage the network services. It's the location where the controller exists. One of the main issue in Software Defined Networking is the location of the controllers as this could affect network execution and cost. In this paper, we have done an analysis on some algorithms that have been used for minimizing the number of controllers to reduce the latency, delay, etc. while placing a controller with the consideration of communication among the controller and the nodes. 2018 Authors. -
A comparison of distressed and non distressed married couples on marital quality emotional intelligence and conflict resolution styles
Aim: To compare and study the marital quality, emotional intelligence newlineand conflict resolution styles of distressed and non-distressed married couples; and to examine the interrelationships between these variables. Method: The study utilized a cross sectional, between group, mixed method research design. The sample consisted of 43 heterosexual married couples (N=86) in non-clinical settings, in the age range of 20-60 years, living in Bangalore, who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria, were newlinerecruited through purposive/ snowball sampling. The participants were administered a demographic data sheet, the Marital Quality Scale (Shah, 1995), the Emotional Intelligence Scale (Schutte, Malouff, Hall, newlineHaggerty, Cooper, and Golden, 1998), the Conflict Resolution Scale (Kurdek, 1994) and a Semi-structured Interview Schedule for qualitative data (prepared by the researcher). Quantitative and Qualitative analysis was carried out. The MQS cutoff score of 80 was used to divide the sample into distressed and nondistressed couples. newlineResults: The two groups significantly differed on the conflict resolution styles. A significant relationship was found between marital quality and conflict resolution styles of distressed as well as non distressed group. There was a significant positive relationship between withdrawal as a newlineconflict resolution style and marital quality among distressed wives. Correlations between marital quality and conflict resolution styles among non-distressed couples showed that withdrawal had a significant positive newlinerelationship with the marital quality of the husband. From the correlation between the emotional intelligence and conflict resolution styles of distressed couples, compliance had a significant positive relationship with the wife s emotional intelligence. Among non-distressed wives conflict engagement was negatively correlated and positive problem solving was positively correlated with their emotional intelligence. -
A comparison of distressed and non distressed married couples on marital quality emotional intelligence and conflict resolution styles /
Aim: To compare and study the marital quality, emotional intelligence and conflict resolution styles of distressed and non-distressed married couples; and to examine the interrelationships between these variables. Method: The study utilized a cross sectional, between group, mixed method research design. The sample consisted of 43 heterosexual married couples (N=86) in non-clinical settings, in the age range of 20-60 years, living in Bangalore, who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria, were
recruited through purposive/ snowball sampling. The participants were administered a demographic data sheet, the Marital Quality Scale (Shah, 1995), the Emotional Intelligence Scale (Schutte, Malouff, Hall, Haggerty, Cooper, & Golden, 1998), the Conflict Resolution Scale (Kurdek, 1994) and a Semi-structured Interview Schedule for qualitative data (prepared by the researcher). Quantitative and Qualitative analysis was carried out. The MQS cutoff score of 80 was used to divide the sample into distressed and nondistressed couples. Results: The two groups significantly differed on the conflict resolution styles. A significant relationship was found between marital quality and conflict resolution styles of distressed as well as non distressed group. There was a significant positive relationship between withdrawal as a
conflict resolution style and marital quality among distressed wives. Correlations between marital quality and conflict resolution styles among non-distressed couples showed that withdrawal had a significant positive relationship with the marital quality of the husband. From the correlation between the emotional intelligence and conflict resolution styles of
distressed couples, compliance had a significant positive relationship with the wife’s emotional intelligence. Among non-distressed wives conflictxii engagement was negatively correlated and positive problem solving was positively correlated with their emotional intelligence. Through the thematic analysis, multiple themes were identified as factors that are fundamental for a happy and long-term marriage and at the same time reveal the factors that can be detrimental to a successful marital
relationship. These themes, including the importance of emotional intelligence in marital quality and ways of conflict resolution were classified. The study has implications for clinical practice and marital research. The study findings can be used by counsellors and therapists in helping distressed couples, and for premarital counselling work with individuals and dating couples to improve the chances of their marital quality. The primary limitation of the study was its small sample size that limits the
ability to generalize the findings of the study. For future research a larger sample size can be considered to study the influence and impact in depth. The variables can be studied in different cultures to understand the cultural differences. -
A comparison of in vitro cytotoxicity of undoped and doped surface modified CaS nanoparticles
In the present study we compare the cytotoxicity of undoped and doped surface modified CaS nanoparticles synthesized by wet chemical co-precipitation technique using L929 human fibroblasts cell lines. The toxicity was determined by evaluating the cell viability and changes in cell morphology. In addition, the half-maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) values for all the samples were also compared. This analysis shows that undoped and terbium doped TEOA capped CaS nanoparticles are more biocompatible and will be better candidates for various applications in the biomedical field. 2021 Elsevier B.V. -
A comparison of recommendation algorithms based on use of linked data and cloud
Recommendation generation is a critical need in today's time. With the advent of big data and the increasing number of users, generation of most suitable recommendation is essential. There are many issues already associated with recommendations such as data acquisition, scalability, etc.. Moreover, the users today look to get best recommendations at the minimum effort on their side. Thus it becomes difficult to manage such huge amount of information, extract the needed data and present it to the user with least user involvemen t. In this research, we surveyed some recommendation algorithms and analyze their applications on an open cloud server which uses linked data to generate automated recommendations. 2018 Authors.