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Vessel turnaround time reduction in ports: An automated lean approach
Vessel turnround time is a vital factor that determines the efficiency of ports and consequently the trade competitiveness of a country. The goal of this research is to identify the factors leading to vessel turnaround time and suggest methods to increase the operational effectiveness. The research involves gathering data, analysis of the procedures for documentation and cargo handling, analysing the historical turnaround time, the reasons or causes contributing to idle time, identifying the root causes and proposing a solution that could contribute to the reduction of turnaround time of vessel so as to improve the efficiency of port operations. Some identified factors that contribute to the idle time include inefficient cargo handling and loading and unloading process, delays in documentation and customs clearance procedures, unplanned maintenance or repairs of vessels, harsh weather conditions, insufficient coordination and communication between stakeholders involved. 2024 by IGI Global. -
Vertex neighborhood restricted edge achromatic sums of graphs
The vertex induced 2-edge coloring number ?vi2?(G) of a graph G is the highest number of colors that can occur in an edge coloring of a graph G such that not more than two colors can be used to color the edges in the induced subgraph (N[v]) generated by the closed neighborhood N[v] of a vertex v in V (G). The vertex induced 2-edge coloring sum of a graph G denoted as vi2?(G), is the greatest sum among all the vertex induced 2-edge coloring of a graph G which concedes ?vi2?(G) colors. The vertex incident 2-edge coloring number of a graph G is the highest number of colors required to color the edges of a graph G such that not more than two colors can be ceded to the edges incident at the vertex v of G. The vertex incident 2-edge coloring sum of a graph G denoted as vi2?(G), is the maximum sum among all the vertex incident 2-edge coloring of graph G which receives maximum ?vin2?(G) colors. In this paper, we initiate a study on the vertex induced 2-edge coloring sum and vertex incident 2-edge coloring sum concepts and apply the same to some graph classes. Besides finding the exact values of these parameters, we also obtain some bounds and a few comparative results. 2023 World Scientific Publishing Company. -
Let k ? 2 be a natural number. Then the vertex induced k-edge coloring number ? vik(G) of a simple connected graph G = (V,E) is the highest number of colors needed to color the edges of a graph G such that the edges of the subgraph induced by the closed neighborhood N[v] of the vertex v ? V (G) receives not more than k colors. The vertex incident k-edge coloring number ? vink(G) of a simple connected graph G = (V,E) is the highest number of colors required to color the edges of a graph G such that the edges incident to a vertex v in graph G receives not more than k colors. In this paper, we initiate the study on ? vik(G) and ? vink(G). We also determine the exact values of ? vik(G) and ? vink(G) for k = 2 for some special graphs. 2023 Yarmouk University. All rights reserved. -
Let G = (V, E) be a simple connected graph with vertex set V and edge set E. The vertex induced 2-edge coloring number ?vi2? (G) is the maximum number of colors used in coloring the edges of a graph G such that for each vertex v ? V, at most two edges in the induced subgraph ?N[v]?, generated by the closed neighborhood N[v], receive different colors. The vertex incident 2-edge coloring number ?vin2? (G) of graph G is the maximum number of colors required to color the edges of G such that at most two edges incident to a vertex v in G receive different colors. In this paper, the vertex induced 2-edge coloring number and vertex incident 2-edge coloring number of some graph products such as Cartesian product and strong product are discussed. The ?vi2?(G) and??vin2(G) number in the rooted product of a general connected graphs with some graph classes are also discussed in this paper. Palestine Polytechnic University-PPU 2022. -
Verification and validation of Parallel Support Vector Machine algorithm based on MapReduce Program model on Hadoop cluster
From the recent years the large volume of data is growing bigger and bigger. It is difficult to measure the total volume of structured and unstructured data that require machine-based systems and technologies in order to be fully analyzed. Efficient implementation techniques are the key to meeting the scalability and performance requirements entailed in such scientific data analysis. So for the same in this paper the Sequential Support Vector Machine in WEKA and various MapReduce Programs including Parallel Support Vector Machine on Hadoop cluster is analyzed and thus, in this way Algorithms are Verified and Validated on Hadoop Cluster using the Concept of MapReduce. In this paper, the performance of above applications has been shown with respect to execution time/training time and number of nodes. Experimental Results shows that as the number of nodes increases the execution time decreases. This experiment is basically a research study of above MapReduce applications. 2013 IEEE. -
Verification and validation of MapReduce program model for parallel K-means algorithm on Hadoop cluster
With the development of information technology, a large volume of data is growing and getting stored electronically. Thus, the data volumes processing by many applications will routinely cross the petabyte threshold range, in that case it would increase the computational requirements. Efficient processing algorithms and implementation techniques are the key in meeting the scalability and performance requirements in such scientific data analyses. So for the same here, we have p analyzed the various MapReduce Programs and a parallel clustering algorithm (PKMeans) on Hadoop cluster, using the Concept of MapReduce. Here, in this experiment we have verified and validated various MapReduce applications like wordcount, grep, terasort and parallel K-Means Clustering Algorithm. We have found that as the number of nodes increases the execution time decreases, but also some of the interesting cases has been found during the experiment and recorded the various performance change and drawn different performance graphs. This experiment is basically a research study of above MapReduce applications and also to verify and validate the MapReduce Program model for Parallel K-Means algorithm on Hadoop Cluster having four nodes. 2013 IEEE. -
Vehicular Propagation Velocity Forecasting Using Open CV
This work presents a predictive learning driven methodology for recognizing the vehicular velocity. The developed model uses machine vision models to trace and detect vehicular movement in timely manner. It further deploys a machine tested framework for estimation of its velocity on basis of the accumulated information. The technique depends upon a CNN model that is validated with a standardized instances of vehicular scans and corresponding velocity parameters. The proposed model generates good efficiency and robustness in determining velocities across test conditions which encompass various kinds of vehicles and lighting scenarios. An optimal vehicular frequency is noted with heavy-weight vehicles in place in comparison to other vehicles. A mean latency period of 1.25 seconds and an error rate of 0.05 is observed with less road traffic in place. The suggested approach can be of great help in transportation systems, traffic monitoring and enhancing road safety. 2023 IEEE. -
Variations in the l-dopa content, phytochemical constituents and antioxidant activity of different germlines of mucuna pruriens (l.) dc.
In this study a 'wonder plant' Mucuna pruriens (L.) DC., which is commercially important medicinal plant of the Fabaceae family known for its treatment in Central Nervous System disorders like Dementia, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, etc. have been selected. Different germplasms have been collected to analyze the phytochemical variations between them and quantify the L-DOPA in root, stem, leaves and seeds of all the five germlines using HPLC. Along with the biochemical assays, antioxidant activity by DPPH, phosphomolybdneum method, the metal chelating and reductive potential activity of all the germplasms were studied. All parts of the plant have shown the presence of L-DOPA but, seeds have the highest quantity followed by the roots, stem and leaves. Arka Shubra seeds showed high L-DOPA content (51.9 mg/g) while the other germplasms showed L-DOPA ranging from 43-45 mg/g. Highest content of carbohydrates (258.8 mg/g) and phenolics (157.0 mg/g) was seen in the seeds of Arka Aswini. While the seeds and leaves of Arka Charaka showed high protein (332.2 mg/g) and flavonoid (10.2 mg/g) content, respectively. High proline (1.74 mg/g) was observed in the seeds of Arka Shubra. Antioxidant studies revealed that Arka Charaka and Arka Daksha to be having high reductive power and free radical scavenging activity by phosphomolybdate method while high metal chelating activity was observed in Arka Aswini (88.7%) and high antioxidant activity by DPPH method was seen in Arka Shubra (86.5%). 2021 Chemical Publishing Co.. All rights reserved. -
Variations in andrographolide content, phytochemical constituents and antioxidant activity of leaves of andrographis paniculata (L.) nees collected from different locations of Southern India
In present study, the samples collected from different locations of Southern India viz., Yellapur Beltargadde, Siddapur, Joida, Ankola, Sirsi Kangod, Yellapur Shalabail, Sirsi Bairumbe, Karwar of Karnataka and Kasaragod from Kerala were analyzed for the andrographolide content, total phenolic and flavonoid content and screened for their antioxidant potential. The A. paniculata leaves were extracted with three different solvents (chloroform, methanol and water) and methanolic extract of Siddapur showed highest (8.82 0.25 mg/g DW) amount of phenolic content whereas, aqueous extract of Ankola (3.00 1.18 mg/g DW) showed the least amount. Chloroform extract of Yellapur Beltargadde village showed highest quantity i.e. 1.87 0.50 mg/g DW of flavonoid content and aqueous extract of Yellapur Beltargadde showed 0.30 0.20 mg/g DW which was least among all the tested samples. The sample collected from Karwar was found to have highest andrographolide content (9.36 0.02 mg/g DW) followed by Yellapur Beltargadde sample with 7.29 0.01 mg/g DW and Sirsi Kasaragod has the lowest contents of 1.54 0.1 mg/g DW when analyzed through HPLC. Among the nine locations, methanol extract from Joida showed highest percentage of scavenging activity (91.95%) followed by methanol extract of Ankola (90.42%) and chloroform extract of Siddapur (77.31%) which was the lowest value of all samples tested. 2021 Chemical Publishing Co.. All rights reserved. -
Variable viscosity effects on third-grade liquid flow in post-treatment analysis of wire coating in the presence of nanoparticles /
International Journal of Numerical Methods For Heat & Fluid Flow, Vol.28, Issue 10, pp.2425-2441, ISSN No: 0961-5539. -
Variable viscosity effects on third-grade liquid flow in post-treatment analysis of wire coating in the presence of nanoparticles
Purpose: The features of coated wire product are measured by the flow and heat transport occurring in the interior of dies. Therefore, an understanding of characteristics of polymers momentum, heat mass transfer and wall shear stress is of great interest. Enhancement of heat transfer rate is fundamental need of wire coating process. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the effect of suspended nanoparticles in heat and mass transport phenomena of third-grade liquid in post-treatment of wire coating process. Buongiorno model for nanofluid is adopted. Two cases of temperature dependent viscosity are considered. Design/methodology/approach: The governing equations are modelled with the help of steady-state conservation equations of mass, momentum, energy and nanoparticle concentration. Some appropriate dimensionless variables are introduced. Numerical solutions for the nonlinear problem are developed through RungeKuttaFehlberg technique. The outcome of sundry variables for dimensionless flow, thermal and nanoparticle volume fraction fields are scrutinised through graphical illustrations. Findings: The studys numerical results disclose that the force on the total wire surface and shear stress at the surface in case of Reynolds Model dominate Vogels Model case. Impact of nanoparticles is constructive for force on the total wire surface and shear stress at the surface. The velocity of the coating material can be enhanced by the non-Newtonian property. Practical implications: This study may provide useful information to improve the wire coating technology. Originality/value: Effect of nanoparticles in wire coating analysis by using Brownian motion and thermophoresis slip mechanisms is investigated for the first time. Two different models for variable viscosity are used. 2018, Emerald Publishing Limited. -
Variable parametric test to improve the machinability of Inconel-718 using Tungsten Carbide tool
The Inconel-718 is a nickel based super alloy containing an old age hardening alloy of nickel-chromium as addition which provides increased strength without its decrease in ductility. It is known as a difficult to cut material due to certain properties like high thermal resistance, high creep, corrosion resistance having the capability of retaining toughness and strength at high temperatures. Inconel-718 has a large number of applications in the world of manufacturing such as aircraft gas turbines, steam turbine power plants, reheaters and reciprocating engines. Due to such superior quality functions, its machining becomes more challenging for which Tungsten Carbide is one of the tools to improve the machinability to 2.64%. In this paper, parametric tests has been carried out in CNC machining to determine the tool performance and improve the machining conditions. 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. -
Variable initial energy and unequal clustering (VEUC) based multicasting in WSN
Multicast Communication plays an important role in most of the resource constrained networking environments such as Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN), Internet of Things (IOT). Communication in WSN is restricted by energy, computation and memory capabilities of sensor nodes. Designing an efficient routing algorithm to achieve communication between Stationary Base station (BS) and a cluster of sensor nodes in a specific region requires the base station to send individual messages to all sensor nodes. This approach consumes a large amount of energy and bandwidth. A variety of algorithms exist to address this issue by dividing the sensor nodes into clusters. Each cluster is monitored by a Cluster Head (CH), responsible for gathering and aggregating data to send the same to the BS. In this paper, we reviewed existing clustering techniques and propose an unequal clustering based scheme. This allows the BS to communicate a multicast message to cluster members as well as a cluster head to communicate with other cluster members. The results show that our approach improves network lifetime. 2017 IEEE. -
Vappav /
Patent Number: 202241028305, Applicant: Sashi Kumar D.
The primary objective and the motto behind this invention of the device Vappav is for the safety of food items and food parcels which needs to have a minimum contact from people and to make sure that the delivery of these parcels are safe without many people touching it, which further ensures the safety and hygienic of the food items. -
Vappav /
Patent Number: 202241028305, Applicant: Sashi Kumar D.
The primary objective and the motto behind this invention of the device Vappav is for the safety of food items and food parcels which needs to have a minimum contact from people and to make sure that the delivery of these parcels are safe without many people touching it, which further ensures the safety and hygienic of the food items. -
Vappav /
Patent Number: 202241028305, Applicant: Sashi Kumar D.
The primary objective and the motto behind this invention of the device Vappav is for the safety of food items and food parcels which needs to have a minimum contact from people and to make sure that the delivery of these parcels are safe without many people touching it, which further ensures the safety and hygienic of the food items. -
Vapour growth and characterization of beta indium sesquitelluride crystals
Physical Vapour Deposition (PVD) provides stoichiometric crystals of different morphology, depending upon the materials, geometry of ampoules, temperature profiles, growth parameters and kinetics of crystallization. The crystal forms such as needles, platelets and spherulites of beta indium sesquitelluride (?-In2Te3) were produced by controlling the temperature of source and growth zones. The X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and chemical analysis of the spherulitic crystals confirmed zinc blende structure with beta phase. Their resistivity (135.16 ? cm) at room temperature (300 K) was determined by van der Pauw method. The temperature dependence of DC conductivity was investigated using the conventional two-probe technique. The variation of dielectric constant (?1) and dielectric loss (tan ?) with temperature has been studied for different frequencies (1 kHz-1 MHz). The AC conductivity, ?ac(?) was found to vary with angular frequency as ?s, where s is the frequency exponent. The values of s lie very close to unity and show a slight decrease with increase in temperature, which indicate a Correlated Barrier Hopping (CBH) between centres forming Intimate Valence Alternation Pairs (IVAP). The activation energy for conduction ranges from 0.187 eV to 0.095 eV. The microhardness of ?-In2Te3 spherulites is found to be 353.5 kg/mm2, which is higher than that of other semiconducting chalcogenides. The results thus obtained on crystals grown from vapour phase open up ample possibilities for radiation detector applications. 2014 Elsevier B.V. -
Vapour Growth and Characterization of Beta Indium Sesquitelluride Crystals
Journal of Crystal Growth, Vol-394, pp. 1-6. ISSN-0022-0248 -
Vapor growth and optimization of supersaturation for tailoring the physical properties of stoichiometric Sb2Se3 crystalline habits
The evolution of different morphologies (fibers, whiskers, needles, and spherulites) of antimony selenide (Sb2Se3), devoid of foreign chemical elements, was explored by the physical vapor deposition (PVD) method, employing an indigenously assembled tubular furnace, which showed layer growth mode as per the metallurgical and scanning electron micrographs. Supersaturation for crystallization was optimized by precisely controlling the difference in temperatures of nutrient and growth zones, ?T = TN ? TG, where ?T = 125 to 350C. The strain and dislocation density of the crystals were evaluated from the crystallographic data. Monophase nature has been confirmed by Rietveld refinement analysis of the PXRD findings, using Full Proof software. UVVis-NIR and PL spectra of the morphologies revealed band gap, Eg in the range, 1.151.18eV. Among these habits, good-quality whiskers bearing flat faces of appreciable crystallinity, stoichiometry, thermal stability and mechanical strength were produced due to the periodic deposition of atoms associated with the progression of smooth vaporsolid (v?) interface as evident from PXRD, EDAX, XPS, TGA and microindentation analyses. Hall effect measurements resulted in obtaining appreciable values of electrical parameters, ? = 145.36 ? cm and n = 7.39 1018cm?3 for PV applications. Moreover, optical studies justified direct transition with adequate photon absorption which promises the suitability of whiskers as absorbers in the energy conversion process. 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. -
Vanet Framework for Optimal Target Selection in Handoff using machine Learning
The impact of mobile networking has been far-reaching and has transformed many technologies for the better. Among the more pioneering technologies of recent times, autonomous vehicles (AV) are being touted as the future of transportation. AVs are featured prominently due to their ability to provide services across the implementations concerning smart-city applications. Since the newlinenodes (AV) involved are highly mobile, it is important to keep the device connected and adapt the dynamic topology change. The network should be capable of switching AV between access points (AP s) dynamic and must take place without much delay. Handoff is the process where a node switches between APs depending on the changes in the network topology. Various studies have claims that the use of Machine Learning or Deep Learning improves the efficiency of decision making in mobile networks. In this research work a dynamic handoff framework, inspired by the traditional Indian game of Kho-Kho is proposed. It selects the most optimal AP for newlinecommunication in a mobile environment. Initially the nodes within an AP are newlinecategorized as sticking and steering nodes. Identifying the nodes list for executing newlinethe Kho-Kho based handoff for the steering nodes. The framework makes use of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) to perform the operation of handoff and selects the most optimal AP once the handoff trigger occurs. ANN is designed for multiple parameters, including signal strength, noise, and direction to make its decisions regarding handoff. The proposed Kho-Kho model has been newlineimplemented and analyzed using the NS3 simulator. Simulation results have indicated a higher performance of the proposed Kho-Kho approach when compared to the existing standard implemented for vehicular ad hoc newlinecommunications in IEEE