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The role of social media in changing the perception of wedding photography-A study on coimbatore district /
Wedding photography is one of the booming industry in India. Wedding photography has witnessed a great change when compared to the last decade. And on other side social media plays a vital role in all industry both to change the perception and as well boost the market for the industry. This study looks at how social media is helping to change the perception of wedding photography and as well and what are the other styles that social media users got to know. -
Pressure ulcer risk assessment device /
Patent Number: 202141043299, Applicant: Vijayalakshmi A.
A pressure ulcer is a localized injury to the skin or underlying tissue as a result of unrelieved pressure which can be intrinsic or extrinsic in nature. Prevention of pressure ulcer is a prime requisite for any immobile patients as it can worsen the health situations and can even lead to mortality. In the context of Indian scenario, this issue is quite ignored either due to the lack of awareness of its implications or because of the absence of adequate preventive measures. Pressure ulcer often called as bed sores is a common issue prevalent in the immobile bed ridden, especially the old age people and the vulnerable patients with chronic medical conditions. -
Size-dependent analysis of surface wave in irregular fractured porous seabed subjected to fractional-order derivative
This study focuses on the investigation of the dispersive and damping characteristics of surface waves through an irregular boundary of ocean bed composed of a fluid-saturated dual porosity/dual permeability material. The nonlocal fluid-saturated dual porosity/dual permeability layer (NFSDP2L) is confined by a nonlocal viscous liquid layer (NVLL) and a nonlocal viscous sandy substrate (NVSS) having fractional viscoelastic properties. The governing equations for the proposed model are derived using Eringens nonlocal theory. The complex frequency relation is obtained by applying the variable separation technique and enforcing appropriate boundary conditions. By dissociating the frequency relation into real (dispersion equation) and imaginary (attenuation equation) parts, graphs are generated to illustrate the influence of several key parameters., viz. nonlocality, porosity, sandiness, fractional-order, fluctuation, flatness, and position on the fundamental and higher modes of propagating waves. The effects of various parameters are also depicted through the graphical illustration of shear wave speed in NFSDP2L and NVSS. Furthermore, the surface response of shear stress against depth within the layered structure has been graphically illustrated. The validity of our mathematical model has been assessed by examining multiple relevant scenarios. 2025 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. -
Imperative of revisiting the operational risk control architecture in public sector banks (PSBs) in India: A qualitative analysis /
Banks And Bank Systems, Vol.14, Issue 14, Part 1, pp.137-146 -
Effects of supply chain integration on firm's performance: A study on micro, small and medium enterprises in India /
Uncertain Supply Chain Management, Vol.8, Issue 1, pp.231-240, ISSN No: 2291-6830. -
Peers, Parents and Families as agents of influence on adolescents perspectives towards people with Mental Health Problems: Mental Health Professionals Views
Purpose: This study aims to explore mental health professionals views on adolescent attitudes towards their peers with mental health problems and the influence of parental, familial and societal environments on these attitudes. Design/methodology/approach: A qualitative research design was used. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with seventeen mental health professionals in Bangalore, India, with at least two years of experience working with adolescents. Thematic analysis was used to analyze the interview data. Findings: Mental health professionals reported diverse adolescent attitudes towards peers with mental health issues, ranging from support to bullying and exclusion. Family dynamics, peer influence and societal stigma were identified as significant factors shaping these attitudes. Research limitations/implications: The remote interviews during the pandemic limited access to non-verbal cues and work settings. The study focused on professionals' views from Bangalore, not capturing the diverse needs of adolescents across India. Additionally, practitioners from urban settings might not represent the challenges of their rural counterparts. The high concentration of female participants hinders generalisability. Variable interview lengths and participant openness might introduce bias, likely influenced by experience and views on mental health awareness. Practical implications: The findings underscore that adolescents' views on peer mental health are crucial for mental health professionals to design targeted interventions and support systems. Implementing programs that raise mental health awareness and reduce stigma can benefit schools and communities. Social implications: This study highlights the necessity of a holistic strategy to tackle adolescent mental health. Creating supportive peer environments, encouraging open family communication, and combating societal stigma can foster a more inclusive and mentally healthy society for adolescents. Originality/value: This study contributes to the growing body of research on adolescent mental health by providing insights into professionals views of peer attitudes. It highlights the need for interventions addressing family stigma, promoting open communication and using social media for awareness. 2024, Emerald Publishing Limited. -
A Study on Foreign Direct Investment in Multi-Brand Retail to Develop a Business Model for Domestic Supermarkets in the Convenience Stores Format.
The main focus of this research is in the area of organised retail specifically in the convenience stores format in India. The Indian organised retail is growing rapidly but is still in the nascent stage. There are many challenges in terms of infrastructure, supply chain efficiencies, cost structure and customer adaptability to the emerging retail formats. India is perceived to be a lucrative destination for retail and with opening up of foreign direct investment imminent many multinational giants are eyeing India. Indian companies are grappling with many challenges and experimenting with many formats in retail. This study attempts to understand the present scenario and the preparedness of domestic companies in consolidating their existing position to evolve a business frame work model for domestic companies to not only consolidate their existing position but also counter threats from multinationals entering into India. The research revealed that there are not many integrated business models, though there are models on different components of supply chain and retail, Indian companies will certainly benefit from creation of integrated business model which can assist them in taking strategic decisions in terms of managing cost and revenue structure and expansion plans. Scope of this study is Grocery and staples and fruits and vegetables business as food contributes to almost 63% in the organised retail business and was bifurcated into back end and front end operations. This study is intended to understand the drivers and factors influencing the back end operations in the area of supply chain efficiencies and the front end operations particularly in respect of costs, revenues and key drivers to create an integrated business model frame work to drive optimisations at all levels. Sample of this study was two major organised retail companies in Bangalore catering to about seventy outlets in Bangalore and having distribution centres. Tools used in this study was data observation sheets for all the key parameters for both back end and front end operations, in addition to unstructured in depth interview with expert group. However the protocol for the interview was predetermined to capture all key data and elements and involved some qualitative aspect and Linear programming for simulation and trying out various permutation combinations. Some of the major findings were: Stock keeping units, cost of procurement and secondary freight emerged as significant drivers to be controlled for efficiency and optimisation link in the back end grocery and staples. Cost of procurement, net sales value and operations cost emerged as the key drivers of efficiency and optimisation link in the back end Fruits and Vegetables. Rentals, Sales, Cost of goods sold, Total personnel cost and Total facilities cost had significant influence on EBIDTA in the front end super market. Break even point for same size stores differed depending upon the location and other cost drivers. Sensitivity analysis revealed that manpower, rent and total facilities cost had significant impact on EBIDTA in the front end. Limitations and future areas of research have also been discussed. -
A study of factors of internet addiction and its impact on online compulsive buying behaviour: Indian millennial perspective /
Global Business Review, Vol.21, Issue 6, pp.1-18 -
A study of interrelation of psychological factors and demographic variables and its impact on compulsive buying behavior: A marketing perspective /
Journal of Business And Retail Management Research, Vol.13, Issue 3, pp.58-69, ISSN No: 1751-8202. -
A Comparative Study of ML and DL Approaches for Twitter Sentiment Classification
This research made use of various machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) methods - such as support vector machines, random forests, logistic regression, naive Bayes, and XGBoost, convolutional neural networks (CNNs), and feedforward neural networks (FNNs) - for tweet analysis to investigate public sentiment towards Ola and Uber. The objective is to determine the most effective method for distinguishing between good and negative tweets. Feature engineering techniques improve the algorithms interpretation of tweet content. To balance out the disparity between positive and negative tweets. The project aims to uncover customer wants and concerns on Twitter to help Ola and Uber, in addition to improving Algorithms Accuracy. The study intends to help these ride-hailing businesses make educated modifications to boost customer happiness by closely examining tweets. Essentially, the study assesses how well various ML and DL algorithms comprehend user feedback on Uber and Ola. The overarching goal is to not only enhance computational methods but also contribute to the improvement of these ride-hailing services, ultimately fostering a more positive online environment for Ola and Uber enthusiasts. In summary, the study investigates sentiment analysis techniques on Twitter to optimize understanding of Ola and Uber-related tweets, aiming to facilitate positive changes for the ride-hailing services and their customers, promoting a friendlier Twitter community. 2024 IEEE. -
Effects of variable viscosity and rotation modulation on ferroconvection
We theoretically explore the dynamics of a ferrofluid with temperature and magnetic field-dependent viscosity, which is in a RayleighBard situation and is subjected to rotation. The problem considers both sinusoidal and non-sinusoidal time-periodic variations of rotation to study the onset and post-onset regimes of RayleighBard ferroconvection. We perform a weakly nonlinear stability analysis using a truncated Fourier series representation and arrive at the third-order Lorenz system for ferrofluid convection with variable viscosity. By using the linearized form of the Lorenz system for ferrofluid convection with variable viscosity, we arrive at the critical Rayleigh number to study the onset of rotating ferroconvection. The heat transport is quantified in terms of the time-averaged Nusselt number and the effects of various parameters on it are studied. The effect of modulated rotation is found to have a stabilizing effect on the onset of ferroconvection while that of variable viscosity has a destabilizing effect. The effects of magnetorheological and thermorheological effects are antagonistic in nature. It is found that the square waveform modulation facilitates maximum heat transport in the system due to advanced onset of ferroconvection. 2021, Akadiai Kiad Budapest, Hungary. -
Thermoconvective instability in a vertically oscillating horizontal ferrofluid layer with variable viscosity
The paper sheds light on the linear and nonlinear stability of a ferrofluid with the temperature and magnetic-field-dependent viscosity subjected to an imposed time-periodic gravity modulation. The perturbations in the system due to external reasons are expanded in terms of the amplitude of modulation in the case of linear stability and a truncated representation of the Fourier series in the case of nonlinear stability. A nonautonomous Lorenz model for the problem is first obtained, and both linear and nonlinear analyses of the system are performed using this. The expression for the critical Rayleigh number, (Formula presented.), and the correction Rayleigh number, (Formula presented.), is found from the linearized Lorenz model. The Lorenz system of equations is solved for the amplitude to arrive at the Nusselt number (Nu), which quantifies the heat transport. In the study we find that the thermorheological effect and the magnetization effect work in unison to destabilize the system, while the magnetorheological effect and the effect of vertical oscillations stabilize the system. The influence of the parameters on the heat transport is the opposite to their effect on the critical Rayleigh number. The results of the paper agree quite well with those of limiting cases. 2020 Wiley Periodicals LLC -
Instabilities in ferrofluids with temperature and magnetic field dependent viscosity under different modulations
There has been a vigorous effort by researchers to study and characterize Rayleigh Be and#769;nard convection in ferrofluids owing to their interesting applications. From the survey of the literature pertinent to the problems under consideration in our study we realize the importance of using variable viscosity and thus explore the dynamics of a ferrofluid with temperature and magnetic field dependent viscosity which is in a Rayleigh- Be and#769;nard situation. The system under consideration is subjected to external constarints viz., an imposed time-periodic body force, rotation speed modulation, temperature modulation and magnetic field modulation. The problem considers both sinusoidal and non-sinusoidal time-periodic variations of these modulations to study the onset and post-onset regimes of Rayleigh-Be and#769;nard ferroconvection. We perform a weakly non-linear stability analysis using a truncated Fourier series representation and arrive at the Lorenz system for ferrofluid convection with variable viscosity. By using the linearized form of the Lorenz system we arrive at the critical Rayleigh There has been a vigorous effort by researchers to study and characterize Rayleigh Be and#769;nard convection in ferrofluids owing to their interesting applications. From the survey of the literature pertinent to the problems under consideration in our study we realize the importance of using variable viscosity and thus explore the dynamics of a ferrofluid with temperature and magnetic field dependent viscosity which is in a Rayleigh- Be and#769;nard situation. The system under consideration is subjected to external constarints viz., an imposed time-periodic body force, rotation speed modulation, temperature modulation and magnetic field modulation. The problem considers both sinusoidal and non-sinusoidal time-periodic variations of these modulations to study the onset and post-onset regimes of Rayleigh-Be and#769;nard ferroconvection. -
An outlook in blockchain technology- Architecture, applications and challenges
Blockchain is mechanism which stores and exchange data in a peer-peer network serving as an immutable ledger allowing transactions to take place in decentralized method which neglects the role of intermediaries. The technology reduces greater complexity by combining three key features; security, decentralization and transparency. This paper is an attempt explaining the concepts, structure, applications and challenges the technology has. The paper introduces blockchain taxonomy, reviews applications and discussed technical challenges and way of handling these challenges. Blockchain technology is springing up with promising applications in various fields and the authors have explored about three emerging field of blockchain say; Education, Government and Healthcare. Finally the paper concludes by stating other emerging fields of applications where further research can be explored. International Research Publication House. -
Gulaab gang: Is it about the battle of sexes or women empowerment or cliches? /
Indian Research Journal, Vol.1, Issue 7, pp.40-45, ISSN No: 2347-7695. -
Dynamical analysis of a model of social behavior: Criminal vs non-criminal population
In this paper, we construct a model motivated by the well known predator-prey model to study the interaction between criminal population and non-criminal population. Our aim is to study various possibilities of interactions between them. First we model it using simple predator-prey model, then we modify it by considering the logistic growth of non-criminal population. We clearly deduce that the model with logistic growth is better than classical one. More precisely, the role of carrying capacity on the dynamics of criminal minded population is discussed. Further, we incorporate law enforcement term in the model and study its effect. The result obtained suggest that by incorporating enforcement law, the criminal population reduces from the very beginning, which resembles with real life situation. Our result indicates that the criminal minded population exist as long as coefficient of enforcement lc does not cross a threshold value and after this value the criminal minded population extinct. In addition, we also discuss the occurrence of saddle-node bifurcation in case of model system with law enforcement. Numerical examples and simulations are presented to illustrate the obtained results. 2017 Elsevier Ltd -
An efficient inclusion complex based fluorescent sensor for mercury (II) and its application in live-cell imaging /
Journal of Fluorescence, Vol.32, pp.1109–1124, ISSN No: 1573-4994.
The formation of an inclusion complex between hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin (H-CD) and 4-acetylphenyl-4-(((6-chlorobenzo[d]thiazol-2-yl)-imino)-methyl)-benzoate (L) was investigated by FT-IR, 1H-NMR, X-ray diffraction (XRD), FT-Raman, scanning electron microscope (SEM) techniques in the solid-state, absorption and emission spectroscopy in the liquid state and the virtual state as molecular docking technique. The binding properties of the inclusion complex (H-CD: L) with cations in deionized water was observed via absorbance and photoluminescence (PL) emission spectroscopy. -
Innovative Method for Alzheimer Disease Prediction using GP-ELM-RNN
Brain illnesses are notoriously challenging because of their fragility, surgical complexity, and high treatment costs. Contrarily, it is not obligatory to carry out the operation, as the outcomes of the procedure may fall short of expectations. Adult-onset Alzheimer's disease, which causes memory loss and losing information to varied degrees, is one of the most common brain diseases. This will vary from person to person based on their current health situation. This highlights the need of using CT brain scans to classify the extent of memory loss and determine the patient's risk for Alzheimer's disease. The four main goals of Alzheimer's disease detection are preprocessing the data, extracting features, selecting features, and training the model with GP-ELM-RNN. The Replicator Neural Network has been utilized earlier for AD detection, however this study offers an improved version of the network, modified with ELM learning and the Garson algorithm. From this study, it is deduced that the proposed method is not only efficient, but also quite precise. In this research, GP-ELM-RNN network is built to four groups of images representing different stages of Alzheimer's disease: very mildly demented, mildly demented, averagely demented, and non-demented. The class of very mildly demented patients was found to have the highest accuracy (99.1%) and specificity (0.984%). As compared to the ELM and RNN models, this technique achieves superior accuracy (around 99.23%). 2023 IEEE.