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Recommendations from teachers on schools' roles in identifying problems and building awareness among students
Students develop skills, gain knowledge, and achieve greater wellbeing by creating a positive school environment. Through the years, schools have realized the importance of mental health services for adolescents. Research on the role of schools in mental health awareness building and preventing mental health problems is meager, and focuses on students in the western context. This chapter focuses on the recommendations given by teachers on what role schools can play in identifying, preventing, and building awareness among adolescents. These recommendations are based on the themes obtained through semi-structured interviews with 24 teachers teaching 10th, 11th, and 12th graders in private high schools and colleges in Bangalore. Consequently, it aims to provide an overview of incorporating techniques and strategies to enhance mental health among school students in the Indian Scenario. 2024, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Radio pulsar sub-populations (II): The mysterious RRATs
Several conjectures have been put forward to explain rotating radio transients (RRATs), the newest subclass of neutron stars, and their connections to other radio pulsars. This work discusses these conjectures in the context of the characteristic properties of the RRAT population. Contrary to expectations, it is seen that: (a) the RRAT population is statistically un-correlated with the nulling pulsars and (b) the RRAT phenomenon is unlikely to be related to old age or death-line proximity. It is perhaps more likely that the special emission property of RRATs is a signature of them being later evolutionary phases of other types of neutron stars which may have resulted in restructuring their magnetic fields. 2022, Indian Academy of Sciences. -
Social group work intervention for adolescents with learning difficulty
School social workers have a significant role in imparting holistic education in schools. Life skill training program in schools is an appropriate intervention strategy. Specialized skills and intervention methods like social group work, learnt by school social workers help in proper assessment and implementation of required services in school settings. Adolescents with learning difficulty have trouble expressing their feelings, claiming themselves down and reading non-verbal cues which can lead to difficulty in the classroom and with their peers. The aim of current research is to study the efficacy of life skill training program through social group work intervention in enhancing the self-esteem, interpersonal relationship and coping newlinebehavior of adolescents with learning difficulty in Hindupur, Andhra Pradesh. newlineAdolescents studying in Hindupur were selected for the intervention study which has newlinea quasi experimental design. The study results advocate several hypotheses for the newlinepossible causes and prevalence of learning difficulty. The results highlights that newlinelearning difficulty is associated with low income families and education of the parents. The pre test and post test scores of the group revealed that the self esteem of newlineadolescents with learning difficulty improved significantly after the group work intervention, Indicating that the intervention may have contributed to the change in self-esteem of adolescents with learning difficulty. The empathic concern domain showed significant improvement in post test scores with regard to interpersonal newlinerelationship. Other domains like perspective taking, fantasy and personal distress newlinedidn t show significant change in the post test indicating that the intervention may newlinehave to be modified accordingly. This is even seen with the results of coping newlinebehavior. -
Beyond Binary: Exploring the Dynamics of Bi-Curiosity Propulsion and Persistence Among Young Women
Sexual identity fails to adhere to the dichotomous models, transcending to a more fluid quality than normative compulsory heterosexuality. The present study investigates the experience of bi-curiosity, focusing on its initiation among young women residing in urban India. Bi-curiosity, a sexual orientation questioning marked by exploratory experiences, is a possible but not a necessary precursor to bisexuality. This qualitative study explores on the psychological and social factors contributing to a bi-curious orientation. It focuses on the subjective processes of development and maintenance of sexual identity questioning. Three organizing themes emerged from the Reflective Thematic Analysis: (a.) Affective Indicators, (b.) Social Experiences, and (c.) Intimacy in friendships. While sexual identity questioning was propelled by more psychological factors, like physical attraction, fantasy, experienced jealousy toward men, and comfort with the same sex, social and environmental factors contribute significantly. Individual experiences with patriarchy, social attitudes toward same-sex relationships, and their representation on media platforms often reinforce the process. Another important contributor was womens close friendships with the same sex, which are sites for physical closeness, emotional intimacy, and personal growth, and share these characteristics with romantic relationships. These factors emerged as important reinforcers to the development and maintenance of sexual identity questioning. 2024 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. -
The concept of 'Recreation' justifies the human need for satisfaction, leisure, and a state of pleasure. The elements involved in a recreational space impact the activities of the user in that space. Recreational spaces act as the in-between sojourns for formal pedagogy or andragogy. Spaces of recreation are essential, especially in educational institutions, where students spend most of their time. Public, semi-public, and private spaces are all included in the institutional design, with a large percentage used by students. Open public spaces, including recreational places, are measured in terms of their physical characteristics and connections to nature. The components of a recreational area influence the activities that users engage in there. This paper seeks to list and assess the many components that are present in a recreational space. This study will evaluate those elements and their types. Informal outdoor areas or other breakout areas promote interaction and provide the students with refreshments and leisure. The focus of this paper is to draw out the quality of leisure space synonymous with a productive environment for the student, where they feel rejuvenated. Five recreational spaces of CHRIST University were studied, and the elements that combine to form this place were also observed. A survey among the students who are frequent users of these spaces was conducted, and their responses were evaluated. The elements that majorly help students go to a place were assessed, and the element's significant role was concluded. The result of this study to design professionals is to understand the need to incorporate recreational spaces while designing an educational institution and design a student-oriented space. ZEMCH Network. -
Structural and morphological characterization of hydrothermally synthesized N-Carbon Dot @ Fe3O4 composites for heavy metal ion detection
Heavy Metal-ion contamination is one of the most serious issues facing day-to-day life. To address this issue, sensing and removal of heavy metal ions in contaminated water become indispensable. Carbon Dots are hydrophilic in nature with magnificent electron acceptor and electron donator and hence it has been used as fluorescent probes for sensing applications. The present study deals with the synthesis of N-Carbon Dot (N-CD) @ Fe3O4 composite which was successfully fabricated via the hydrothermal method. The surface structure and morphology of the synthesized composite were characterized using X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The elemental analysis of a sample was characterized using Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS). Further, the phase occurrence and the molecular vibration were analysed using XRD and Fourier Transform Infra-Red Spectroscopy (FTIR). Finally, the optical studies were measured using Ultravioletvisible Spectroscopy (UV Vis) and Photoluminescence Spectroscopy (PL). The prepared composite exhibited noticeable fluorescence properties and has promising potential for the detection and removal of toxic heavy metal ions in water. 2022 -
Streamlined Deployment and Monitoring of Cloud-Native Applications on AWS with Kubernetes Prometheus Grafana
As organizations increasingly move their applications to the cloud, it becomes essential to have an efficient and cost-effective method for deploying and managing those applications. Manual deployment can be time-consuming, error-prone, and expensive. Additionally, managing logs and monitoring resources for each deployment can lead to even greater costs. To address these challenges, we propose implementing an automation strategy for deployment in the cloud. With automation, the deployment process can be streamlined and standardized across different cloud providers, reducing the potential for errors and saving time and resources. Furthermore, a central log system can be implemented to manage logs from different deployments in one location. This provides a unified view of all logs and allows for easier troubleshooting and analysis. Automation can also be used to set up monitoring resources, such as alerts and dashboards, across different deployments. Overall, implementing an automation strategy for deployment in the cloud can help organizations save time and resources while improving their ability to manage and monitor their applications. A centralized log management system can further enhance these benefits by providing a unified view of logs from all deployments 2023 IEEE. -
Predictors of emotional and behavioral problems among Indian adolescents: A clinic-based study
Background: Emotional and behavioral problems place a heavy burden on the adolescents and their families. Many factors are known to influence adolescent mental health. The current study was designed to determine the predictors of emotional and behavioral problems among Indian adolescents. Methods: The parents of adolescents in the age group of 10 to 18 (N = 81) were recruited from the National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences, Bangalore, Karnataka, India. Alabama Parenting Questionnaire (Parent version), Strength and Difficulty Questionnaire (Parent version) and, the Parent Interview Schedule (PIS) were used to assess the parental practices, emotional and behavioral problems and abnormal psychosocial environment of the adolescents. The data were analyzed with stepwise multiple linear and Quantile regression to find out significant predictors of emotional and behavioral problems among adolescents. Results: Adolescent's age, parental involvement, and paternal age are the significant predictors of emotional problems. Parental mental disorder or deviance, gender, and inconsistent discipline are the significant predictors for conduct problems. Poor monitoring and supervision, paternal and maternal age are statistically significant predictors of prosocial skills among the adolescents. Inadequate or distorted intrafamilial communication and parental mental disorder are the significant predictors of total difficulties among the adolescents. Conclusion: The study validates the role of abnormal psychosocial environments and negative parenting practices as risk factors for emotional and behavioral problems among the adolescents. A comprehensive analysis which covers all possible variables related to adolescent mental health is mandatory for the health professionals before planning the intervention. 2018 Elsevier B.V. -
Media and Urban Governance: The Quest for Sustainable Cities and Communities
Connectivity becomes the hallmark of network society facilitated by digital technologies. Cities are fundamentally well-connected, fast-growing, communicative, and global in outlook. Cities are also known for media concentration, as the structures and people there extensively create and exchange messages - social, political, economic, and cultural. The urban communication landscape is very complex, and therefore, a robust media and communication infrastructure is required to form, reform, and transform urban communities from a sustainable development perspective. Media not only perform the responsibilities of information dissemination and community building but also facilitate urban governance and public discourses on policies. The policy-making process that consists of policy inputs, policy processes, and policy outputs - is heavily influenced by the public discourses triggered by the media. Media can establish a policy issue at the center of the public sphere, set the policy agenda, and create public opinion. It inevitably leads to the mediatization of public policy. Media can effectively place SDGs at the center of the policy discourse and serve as a tool for urban governance by enhancing citizens' participation and helping to solve complex urban problems. This research paper explores various aspects of the governance-media interface in an urban landscape to create sustainable cities and communities. The Electrochemical Society -
A Particle Swarm Optimization-Backpropagation (PSO-BP) Model for the Prediction of Earthquake in Japan
Japan is a country that suffers a lot of earthquakes and disasters because it lies across four major tectonic plates. Subduction zones at the Japanese island curves are geologically complex and create various earthquakes from various sources. Earthquake prediction helps in evacuating areas, which are suspected and could save the lives of people. Artificial neural network is a computing model inspired by biological neurons, which learn from examples and can be able to do predictions. In this paper, we present an artificial neural network with PSO-BP model for the prediction of an earthquake in Japan. In PSO-BP model, particle swarm optimization method is used to optimize the input parameters of backpropagation neural network. Information regarding all major, minor and aftershock earthquake is taken into account for the input of backpropagation neural network. These parameters are taken from Japan seismic catalogue provided by USGS (United States Geological Survey) such as latitude, longitude, magnitude, depth, etc., of earthquake. 2019, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Real time conversion of sign language to speech and prediction of gestures using artificial neural network
Sign language is generally used by the people who are unable to speak, for communication. Most people will not be able to understand the Universal Sign Language (unless they have learnt it) and due to this lack of knowledge about the language, it is very difficult for them to communicate with mute people. A device that helps to bridge a gap between mute persons and other people forms the crux of this paper. This device makes use of an Arduino Uno board, a few flex sensors and an Android application to enable effective communication amongst the users. Using the flex sensors, gestures made by the wearer is detected and then according to various pre-defined conditions for the numerous values generated by the flex sensors, corresponding messages are sent using a Global System for Mobile(GSM) module to the wearer?s android device, which houses the application that has been designed to convert text messages into speech. The GSM module is also used to send the sensor inputs to a cloud server and these values are taken as input parameters into the neural network for a time series based prediction of gestures. The system is designed to be a continually learning device and improve reliability by monitoring every individual?s behaviour at all times. 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. -
MOF derived cobalt-phospho-boride for rapid hydrogen generation via NaBH4 hydrolysis
Developing effective transition metal catalysts that can replace precious metal-based catalysts for hydrogen generation from the hydrolysis of chemical hydride has attracted extensive interest. This study focuses on synthesizing cobalt phospho-boride (CoPB) within a metal-organic framework (MOF) framework using hydrothermal and chemical reduction methodologies. Incorporating boron and phosphorous into Co-MOF enhances the hydrogen generation rate, reaching 1.8 L/min/g and 3.6 L/min/g for CoB-MOF and CoPB-MOF, respectively, during NaBH4 hydrolysis. Along with the nanostructured morphology of MOF, the electron modulation around Co-sites due to the presence of P and B creates a synergic effect to produce this high H2 generation rate and very low activation energy of 20.7 kJ/mol. The kinetic studies on NaBH4 hydrolysis reaction revealed zero-order kinetics with respect to NaBH4 concentration for CoPB-MOF, where porous morphology renders facile movement of BH4? ions to the active sites. The heat treatment at 773 K in the N2 atmosphere did not show any significant fall in the activity of CoPB-MOF, thus showcasing its robust nature. Moreover, the present catalyst also displayed recycling behavior with no signs of deactivation. 2024 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC -
Lignin nanoparticles from Ayurvedic industry spent materials: Applications in Pickering emulsions for curcumin and vitamin D3 encapsulation
Lignin nanoparticles (LNP), extracted from spent materials of Dashamoola Arishta (Ayurvedic formulation), shared a molecular weight of 14.42 kDa with commercial lignin. Processed into LNPs (496.43 0.54 nm) via planetary ball milling, they demonstrated stability at pH 8.0 with a zeta potential of ?32 0.27 mV. Operating as Pickering particles, LNP encapsulated curcumin and vitamin D3 in sunflower oil, forming LnE + Cu + vD3 nanoemulsions (particle size: 347.40 0.71 nm, zeta potential: ?42.27 0.72 mV) with high encapsulation efficiencies (curcumin: 87.95 0.21%, vitamin D3: 72.66 0.11%). The LnE + Cu + vD3 emulsion exhibited stability without phase separation over 90 days at room (27 2 C) and refrigeration (4 1 C) temperatures. Remarkably, LnE + Cu + vD3 exhibited reduced toxicity, causing 29.32% and 34.99% cell death in L6 and RAW264.7 cells respectively, at the highest concentration (50 ?g/mL). This underscores the potential valorization of Ayurvedic industry spent materials for diverse industrial applications. 2024 Elsevier Ltd -
Lignin-based nanomaterials for food and pharmaceutical applications: Recent trends and future outlook
Small particles of size ranging from 1 to 100 nm are referred to as nanoparticles. Nanoparticles have tremendous applications in various sectors, including the areas of food and pharmaceutics. They are being prepared from multiple natural sources widely. Lignin is one such source that deserves special mention due to its ecological compatibility, accessibility, abundance, and low cost. This amorphous heterogeneous phenolic polymer is the second most abundant molecule in nature after cellulose. Apart from being used as a biofuel source, lignin is less explored for its potential at a nano-level. In plants, lignin exhibits cross-linking structures with cellulose and hemicellulose. Numerous advancements have taken place in synthesizing nanolignins for manufacturing lignin-based materials to benefit from the untapped potential of lignin in high-value-added applications. Lignin and lignin-based nanoparticles have numerous applications, but in this review, we are mainly focusing on the applications in the food and pharmaceutical sectors. The exercise we undertake has great relevance as it helps scientists and industries gain valuable insights into lignin's capabilities and exploit its physical and chemical properties to facilitate the development of future lignin-based materials. We have summarized the available lignin resources and their potential in the food and pharmaceutical industries at various levels. This review attempts to understand various methods adopted for the preparation of nanolignin. Furthermore, the unique properties of nano-lignin-based materials and their applications in fields including the packaging industry, emulsions, nutrient delivery, drug delivery hydrogels, tissue engineering, and biomedical applications were well-discussed. 2023 Elsevier B.V. -
A Methodological Framework for Descriptive Phenomenological Research
Background: Descriptive phenomenological research is crucial in nursing for understanding individuals experiences, perceptions, and relationships, which are essential for person-centered healthcare. However, a common critique is that researchers often use phenomenological methods without fully comprehending their historical and philosophical foundations. Existing literature highlights discrepancies in the application of phenomenological principles by nurse researchers, particularly in their presentation of philosophical underpinnings and methodological details. Aim: This article aims to provide a comprehensive methodological framework for descriptive phenomenological research in nursing, addressing both theoretical and practical aspects to guide novice researchers. Data Sources: This framework synthesizes existing scholarship on descriptive phenomenology. Discussion: Starting from Husserl, this article provides a detailed overview of the history, foundations, and philosophical assumptions of the methodology. It also includes key terms and a comprehensive detailing of all aspects of the research process. Conclusion: This framework enriches existing scholarship by offering a streamlined, step-by-step methodological guide for researchers embarking on descriptive phenomenological studies. It emphasizes the importance of establishing minimum, yet critical criteria for publishing research employing this methodology. Implications for Research: Future nurse researchers are encouraged to enhance methodological transparency in their descriptive phenomenological studies to facilitate rigorous evaluation of method effectiveness and study quality. This framework aims to alleviate potential apprehensions and provide clarity and structure to novice researchers in the field. The Author(s) 2024. -
Systematic Review on Humanizing Machine Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence
In this era, Machine Learning is transforming human lives in a very different way. The need to give machines the power to make decisions or giving the moral compass is a big dilemma when humanity is more divided than it has ever been. There are two main ways in which law and AI interact. AI may be subject to legal restrictions and be employed in courtroom procedures. The world around us is being significantly and swiftly changed by AI in all of its manifestations. Public law includes important facets such as nondiscrimination law and labor law. In a manner similar to this when artificial intelligence (AI) is applied to tangible technology like robots. In certain cases, artificial intelligence (AI) might be hardly noticeable to customers but evident to those who built and are using it. The behavior research offers suggestions for how to build enduring and beneficial interactions between intelligent robots and people. The human improvement is main obstacles in the development and implementation of artificial intelligence. Best practices in this area are not governed by any one strategy that is generally acknowledged. Machine learning is about to revolutionize society as it is know it. It is crucial to give intelligent computers a moral compass now more than ever before because of how divided mankind is. Although machine learning has limitless potential, inappropriate usage might have detrimental long-term implications. It will think about how, for instance, earlier cultures built trust and improved social interactions via creative answers to many of the ethical issues that machine learning is posing now. 2023 IEEE. -
Fluorescent Mechanism in Zero-Dimensional Carbon Nanomaterials: A Review
Fluorescent carbon dots (CDs) have acquired growing interest from different areas over decades. Their fascinating property of tunable fluorescence by changing the excitation wavelength has attracted researchers worldwide. Understanding the mechanisms behind fluorescence is of great importance, as they help with the synthesis and applications, significantly when narrowed down to applications with color-tunable mechanisms. But, due to a lack of practical and theoretical information, the fluorescence mechanisms of CDs remain unknown, preventing the production of CDs with desired optical qualities. This review focuses on the PL mechanisms of carbon dots. The quantum confinement effect determined the carbon core, the surface and edge states determined by various surface defects and the connected functional/chemical groups on the surface/edges, the molecular state solely determined the fluorophores in the interior or surface of the CDs, and the Crosslink Enhanced Emission Effect are the currently confirmed PL mechanisms. Graphic Abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.]. 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. -
Synthesis of emeraldine PANI polymer-reduced graphene and its use as polyelectrolyte
Abstract: Reduced graphene oxide (rGO)/polyaniline (PANI) composites grabbed the interest of researcher towards the development of electrolyte material. In present research work, we have focused on the synthesis of rGO and PANI by chemical method. The composites are prepared using different amounts of rGO/PANI and lithium carbonate. The main objective is to enhance structural and electrochemical properties of polymer composites. It is observed that proper interface of polymer composites leads towards the desired chargedischarge capacity and cyclic stability with the diffusion of electrons and electrolyte ions. This particular study can be further used for the development of electrochemical device applications. Graphic abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.]. 2019, Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature.