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A Study of fractal properties of turbulent functions
The studies have been mainly done in the discrete dynamical systems in topological spaces, we study the various types of relationships between chaotic functions and turbulent functions, a study of turbulent newlinefunctions in metric spaces, and the fractal nature of turbulent functions. In connection with this we study the relationship between turbulent function and chaos, also the relation between fractals and chaos. First newlinepart of the work gives a holistic outlook over the concepts like Turbulent Functions, Chaos and Fractals.Viewing the relevance of studying the irregular sets in the present and future scenario, we started our work newlinefocusing on the fractal nature of turbulent functions. The study incorporates the concepts like turbulent function, chaos and fractals along with rapid fluctuations. According to Robert Devaney, the three ingredients of chaos are sensitivity, density and transitivity. Rapid fluctuations newlineare very much connected with sensitive functions and turbulent functions. We could not and any implied relation between turbulence and sensitive functions. So we study the other two ingredients of chaos, newlinetransitivity and density. We answer a series of questions like whether the iterated function system can be chaotic. Will the contractions are Devaney chaotic. If we can find such a chaotic contraction, will it generate a self similar set? If there is such a self similar set, will it be a fractal? In order to answer the question, we have gone for generalization with continuous maps and homeomorphisms. Hence we study the fractal properties of turbulent function in a topological view point.The question that we have faced during the discussion and study of fractal properties of turbulent function is that whether a given turbulent function newlinef in a compact metric space provides an attractor and if there is an attractor, will it be a fractal. -
Apparel shopping styles of young adult consumers in Bangalore
Apparels are one of the most frequently purchased product categories where young adults have the authority to make independent buying decisions, and they also become trendsetters and opinion leaders. Understanding this large segment appropriately is crucial for apparel manufacturers and marketers as they promise longevity of market and exert substantial influence on their parents, peers, as well as their own spending. The present study segmented young adult consumers based on their shopping styles towards purchase of apparels and explored the differences in the shopping styles across demographics such as gender, educational levels, and regional background. The respondents for the study were young adults who belonged to the age group of 18 - 25 years residing in Bangalore, India. The variables under study were eight shopping styles adapted from Sproles and Kendall Consumer Style Inventory- CSI (1986). The study revealed that all the eight shopping styles of the CSI were manifested among young adults in Bangalore; however, the predominant shopping style was the Perfectionist/ High Quality Conscious shopping style. Furthermore, significant differences in the shopping styles of young adults across gender, educational levels, and regional background were found. -
Automated segmentation and classification of nuclei in histopathological images
Various kinds of cancer are detected and diagnosed using histopathological analysis. Recent advances in whole slide scanner technology and the shift towards digitisation of whole slides have inspired the application of computational methods on histological data. Digital analysis of histopathological images has the potential to tackle issues accompanying conventional histological techniques, like the lack of objectivity and high variability. In this paper, we present a framework for the automated segmentation of nuclei from human histopathological whole slide images, and their classification using morphological and colour characteristics of the nuclei. The segmentation stage consists of two methods, thresholding and the watershed transform. The features of the segmented regions are recorded for the classification stage. Experimental results show that the knowledge from the selected features is capable of classifying a segmented object as a candidate nucleus and filtering out the incorrectly identified segments. Copyright 2022 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. -
Enhancing Industrial Equipment Reliability: Advanced Predictive Maintenance Strategies Using Data Analytics and Machine Learning
In today's dynamic industrial landscape, optimizing machinery performance and minimizing downtime are paramount for sustained operational excellence. This paper presents advanced predictive maintenance strategies, with a focus on leveraging machine learning and data analytics to enhance the reliability and efficiency of industrial equipment. The study explores the key components of predictive maintenance, including data collection, condition monitoring, predictive models, failure prediction, optimized maintenance scheduling and the extension of equipment longevity. The paper discusses how predictive maintenance aligns with modern industrial paradigms. The study evaluated the performance of five popular forecasting models like Random Forest, Linear Regression, Exponential Smoothing, ARIMA, and LSTM, to estimate maintenance for industrial equipment. The effectiveness of each model was evaluated using a number of performance metrics. The percentage of the variation in the real data that the model can explain is shown by the R-squared number. The lowest MSE, RMSE, and greatest R-squared values indicate a model's accuracy. The study highlights practical implications across diverse industries, showcasing the transformative impact of predictive maintenance on minimizing unplanned downtime, reducing maintenance costs, and maximizing the lifespan of critical machinery. When it comes to predictive maintenance for industrial machinery, the LSTM model has been shown to be the most accurate and efficient model with the highest R-squared value, indicating a better fit and higher predictive ability. As technology continues to evolve, the paper discusses future directions, including the integration of artificial intelligence and advanced analytics, and emphasizes the importance of continuous improvement in refining predictive maintenance strategies for the evolving needs of industries worldwide. 2024 IEEE. -
Systematic Review on Decentralised Artificial Intelligence and Its Applications
Initially, Artificial Intelligence (AI) models were centralized. This resulted in various challenges. To overcome this challenge, the decentralized or distributed frameworks were developed. Recent advancements in blockchain technology and cryptography have accelerated the decentralization process. Decentralized Artificial Intelligence (DAI) is gaining a significant research attention in recent times. This study reviews various DAI techniques such as Decentralized machine learning frameworks, Federated Learning and Distributed AI marketplaces. In particular, this study focuses on reviewing the recent developments in DAI by analyzing its potential advantages and challenges. 2023 IEEE. -
Changing Structure of Consumer Buying Behaviour and Expectation in the Digital Era
The growing digital landscape has made a fundamental impact on consumer behaviour. The digital era has totally transformed the buyers and shifted them from the traditional approach to the digital technologies. Todays digitally literate consumers have grown out of the TV advertisement experience to a wide range of digital marketing communications on their smartphone, tabs and laptops and on various social media. Marketers are geared up to identify, reach and engage these latest species of consumers who are agile and active in this new digital ecosystem having multiple devices and multiple channels. This new digital savvy customers give the marketers biggest challenges and rewards over their traditional counterparts. Today customers have some indispensable hopes and demands while they are shopping. The customers expect their needs of products and services should be met at their own time and at their own place, and at reasonable price. Digital era has empowered todays customers by providing them with easy and quick access to voluminous information, compare and contrast between brands and their offerings, facility to purchase the brand offerings from diverse devices and gadgets and also giving them the opportunity to dispense their post-purchase knowledge and experiences. Customer shopping habits have evolved with technology, and companies continue to adapt to maintain relevance. This study examines the consumer behaviour during the digital era. This paper also attempts to understand consumer sentiments and new buying behaviours in this digital era. The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2023. -
Financial inclusion in IndiaA progress and challenges
The term Financial Inclusion means the process of access to appropriate financial products and services needed by all sections of society including vulnerable groups such as weaker section and low-income at an affordable cost. It has been a very big challenge for the developing countries for including the people into the financial system. Financial inclusion is emerging as a new paradigm of economic growth that plays major role in driving away the poverty from the country. Financial inclusion is important priority of the country in terms of economic growth and advancement of society. Globally, the financial inclusion is on the rise and from 2014-2017, 515 million adults opened an account with bank and there has been a significant increase in the use of mobile Phones and internet to conduct financial transaction. There was a commendable increase in the financial inclusion and this is predominantly driven by India. Through government initiatives and indicatives taken by the RBI, weaker sections of society and economically poor people were able to access to financial products, services, credit etc. The basic variables for measuring the financial inclusion are bank penetration, credit penetration, number of accounts opened etc. So the present study aims to investigate the progress of financial Inclusion in India through the initiatives taken by the Government of India(GOI) and Reserve Bank of India (RBI). 2019 SERSC. -
Optimizing operational cost and delivery of online food delivery apps using high-tech vending machines
Consider the present scenario of placing online food orders while traveling, waiting for them, and struggling to collect them on time. This issue can be addressed by creating and deploying a fully functional high-tech vending machine. With the evolution of technology and the necessity for constant improvement in service quality, customers are thriving for a better customer experience. This article aims to design and methodologically assess the importance of installing vending machines around the most crowded public transportation hubs by dispensing purchased food or beverages online. It focuses on providing a convenient delivery mode for online-ordered food at travel boarding points and public gatherings. Vending machines at these locations gather and distribute food to consumers based on orders from online food delivery apps such as Swiggy, and Zomato, thus optimizing and improving the delivery experience. It focuses on optimizing the operational cost associated with online food delivery platforms and reducing the carbon emissions contributed by multiple deliveries that happen towards the common drop-off points. 2024 Srinesh Thakur, Anvita Electronics, 16-11-762, Vijetha Golden Empire, Hyderabad. -
A Conception of Blockchain Platform for Milk and Dairy Products Supply Chain in an Indian Context
The potential for adulteration in the Indian dairy supply chain process is immense. The possibility of incorrect information recorded by middlemen cannot be ruled out and found to be rampant. The reality is that the data required to assess the safety and quality of milk produced is inadequate in the existing setup. The current set of checks and balances to fight adulteration of milk and dairy products in India is studied and articulated. An elaborate and daunting set of procedures marks these checks and is still significantly found wanting. To increase the product's safety and traceability of the product an alternate pathway to deploy Blockchain technology in the milk and dairy product supply chain has been proposed. Despite the proposal requiring drastic changes in the milk and dairy industry, the authors believe the benefits of implementing a Blockchain platform far outweigh the challenges involved. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Ideological preferences versus national integration of India
[No abstract available] -
Variations in andrographolide content, phytochemical constituents and antioxidant activity of leaves of andrographis paniculata (L.) nees collected from different locations of Southern India
In present study, the samples collected from different locations of Southern India viz., Yellapur Beltargadde, Siddapur, Joida, Ankola, Sirsi Kangod, Yellapur Shalabail, Sirsi Bairumbe, Karwar of Karnataka and Kasaragod from Kerala were analyzed for the andrographolide content, total phenolic and flavonoid content and screened for their antioxidant potential. The A. paniculata leaves were extracted with three different solvents (chloroform, methanol and water) and methanolic extract of Siddapur showed highest (8.82 0.25 mg/g DW) amount of phenolic content whereas, aqueous extract of Ankola (3.00 1.18 mg/g DW) showed the least amount. Chloroform extract of Yellapur Beltargadde village showed highest quantity i.e. 1.87 0.50 mg/g DW of flavonoid content and aqueous extract of Yellapur Beltargadde showed 0.30 0.20 mg/g DW which was least among all the tested samples. The sample collected from Karwar was found to have highest andrographolide content (9.36 0.02 mg/g DW) followed by Yellapur Beltargadde sample with 7.29 0.01 mg/g DW and Sirsi Kasaragod has the lowest contents of 1.54 0.1 mg/g DW when analyzed through HPLC. Among the nine locations, methanol extract from Joida showed highest percentage of scavenging activity (91.95%) followed by methanol extract of Ankola (90.42%) and chloroform extract of Siddapur (77.31%) which was the lowest value of all samples tested. 2021 Chemical Publishing Co.. All rights reserved. -
Relationship between competencies and performance of management teachers of B-schools in Bengaluru city /
The concept of competency mapping is an established practice in the corporate world for ages. It has been successful in contributing for performance management. The study was aimed to find out whether similar efforts can be made in management education. Researcher aimed to develop a competency mapping tool and to study the relationship between competencies and performance of B School faculty members in the city of Bengaluru. As an outcome of the study a competency mapping tool was developed with five key competency clusters namely Teaching Learning, Assessment Evaluation, Research Publication, Student Development and Administration Coordination. -
Relationship beetween competencies and performance of management teachers of B-school in Bengaluru city
The concept of competency mapping is an established practice in the corporate world for ages. It has been successful in contributing for performance management. The study was aimed to find out whether newlinesimilar efforts can be made in management education. Researcher aimed to develop a competency mapping tool and to study the relationship between competencies and performance of B School faculty members in newlinethe city of Bengaluru. As an outcome of the study a competencymapping tool was developed with five key competency clusters namely Teaching Learning, Assessment Evaluation, Research Publication, Student Development and Administration Coordination. The heads of departments were also part of the study to suggest the desired level of competency levels. Faculty members were asked to rate newlinethe existing level of competencies which they feel they possess. Later the gaps were identified between existing and desired level of competencies in all clusters. Significant differences were found in the assistant professor level with respect to research and publication competency where in Heads newlineof departments expectations were more than the actual level of perceptions. In most other category faculty perception was higher than the Heads perception about competency levels. In case of associate professor newlineand professor category, the overall expected competency level was higher than the faculty perception hence making a strong case of competency gap. While analysing the relationship between competencies and newlineperformance Teaching Learning competencies had the highest relation with overall dimensions followed by Assessment Evaluation newlinecompetencies Study also aimed at exploring the relationship between demographic factors and competencies. Significant difference in the perception did not exist in the gender but in the significant difference was newlineexisting in experience, type of B-Schools belongs to and Courses taught. -
Evolution, Trends, and Future Developments of Business Intelligence
A decision-making process backed by the integration and evaluation of an organization's data resources is referred to as business intelligence. Since information has been recognized as a business's most valuable asset, it is a crucial resource for its growth and plays an increasingly important role in a variety of organization kinds. This research article examines the history of business intelligence technologies, their relevance in current times, and all the future developments that seem possible. Organizations are transforming into various approaches based on the information and networking in the twenty-first century in response to a chaotic and ambiguous environment marked by hazy organizational boundaries and rapid change. Knowledge-based assets become apparent to be the core of long-term strategic edge and the cornerstone of success in the twenty-first century in such situations. The primary characteristics of business intelligence are determined by data analysis, processing, and visualization. Relational tables are used by business intelligence technologies to store and display a lot of organized and unstructured data. They utilize specialized tools and mathematics to produce intricate visual reports. This research has been aggravated to focus on the upcoming strategic revolution in the market with numerous cutting-edge business intelligence technologies. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Probing the Role of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Enhancing Research: An Epilogue of Accessible Research Tools
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has revolutionized the way researchers conduct their work. It has enabled them to access a wealth of information through online databases, collaborate with colleagues across the globe, and analyze vast amounts of data quickly and accurately. This paper explores the role of ICT in enhancing research tools, highlighting the benefits it provides to researchers in terms of increased efficiency, improved accuracy, and greater access to resources. It also discusses some of the challenges associated with using ICT in research, such as data security and privacy concerns, and offers potential solutions. Overall, the paper concludes that ICT is an essential tool for researchers and will continue to play an increasingly important role in advancing scientific knowledge and innovation. The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd 2023. -
Intelligent Course Recommendation for Higher Education based on Learner Proficiency
A course recommendation provides valuable guidance and support to learners navigating their educational and career journeys. Artificial Intelligence paves the way for recommending higher education courses. In this article, a framework is proposed that uses different features like learners' interest, their past performance and mainly their family talent history. This framework emphasizes the Intelligence Robotic Course Recommendation System. The system is very helpful for the learner who don't have that much of an explorer of the current trends happening in the world. When the learners similarity knowledge interest is known with respect to real-world needs, the perfect higher education is suggested for them. This paper shows that the framework gives better results when using with artificial intelligence algorithms. 2023 IEEE. -
Unraveling Women's Involvement in the Digital Realm: An Empirical Investigation
A virtual world in which communication is done through the electronic medium using the computer. This world allows the user to gain knowledge in the form of information. Even though it has a lot of advantages, there are enormous issues when an individual exists in cyberspace. At hand are several challenges to be overcome by individuals to protectively survive cyberspace. Such as various attacks, financial risks, online crimes, and more. In cyberspace, the targeted audience is womanhood of all eons. Educating and promoting awareness about the risk in cyberspace for women in society is the need of the hour. Each individual is facing risk while they are in a digital world. Stakeholders are not given alertness of the threat and its consequences. The paper analyzes the risk and consequences of women's society, as most victims are from that environment. In this, different risks faced and the consequences affected by women's civilization, are discussed. Also remedial measures are taken and should be taken are also deliberated. Supporting this, an online survey is taken from various groups of common people to know the status of women's civilization in the current era. 2023 IEEE. -
Artificial Intelligence-Based L&E-Refiner forBlind Learners
An Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based scribe known as L &E Refiner for blind learners is a technology that utilizes natural language processing and machine learning techniques to automatically transcribe lectures, books, and other written materials into audio format. This system is designed to provide an accessible learning experience for blind students, allowing them to easily access and interact with educational content. The AI scribe is able to recognize and understand various forms of text, including handwriting, printed text, and digital documents, and convert them into speech output that blind learners easily comprehend. This technology has the potential to significantly improve the accessibility and inclusion of education for blind individuals. The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2024. -
Dual strategy for enhanced photocatalytic degradation of tetracycline: Phosphorus doping and cobalt boride co-catalyst loading on g-C3N4
Despite being promising for the removal of ever-growing pharmaceutical contamination from water, the g-C3N4 photocatalyst still faces roadblocks to implementation due to its intrinsic properties, for example, the limited visible light absorption, reduced charge separation capacity, and low mobility of photo-excited electrons. Doping with non-metals and loading with the co-catalyst is an effective approach to overcome the abovementioned limitations for the g-C3N4 photocatalyst. Herein, both these strategies are integrated in cobalt-boride loaded on phosphorous-doped g-C3N4 (CoB/P-g-C3N4) by facile chemical fabrication routes. Detailed morphological, structural, chemical, and spectroscopic analyses demonstrated that phosphorus doping effectively reduces the bandgap of g-C3N4 to absorb more visible light. Uniformly distributed CoB-nanoparticles create local Schottky barriers that trap photo-generated electrons from g-C3N4 to suppress charge carrier recombination. The optimized CoB/P-g-C3N4 photocatalyst produces ~35 times higher degradation rate constant than the pristine g-C3N4 for the photocatalytic removal of tetracycline antibiotics from water under visible light irradiation. Combining these advantageous features with cost-effective and stable elements, CoB/P-g-C3N4 offers an optimal solution for tuning the intrinsic electronic structure and surface reactivity of g-C3N4, making it highly effective for various photocatalytic applications. 2025 Elsevier Ltd -
Cadmium as an Endocrine Disruptor That Hinders the Reproductive and Developmental Pathways in Freshwater Fish: A Review
Cadmium (Cd) is a non-essential element with sub-lethal effects even at low concentrations. The persistent nature of Cd and its tendency to bioaccumulate eventually create harmful effects on water biota, including fish. Cd affects various aspects of hormonal action in fish since it bioaccumulates in the endocrine system and hinders the synthesis, secretion, and metabolic activity of hormones, causing severe damage along the hypothalamuspituitarygonadal axis. Linking reproductive and developmental impairments in fish with ecologically relevant concentrations of individual metals can be challenging due to the complexity of aquatic ecosystems. This review deliberated the significant and novel trends of toxicological difficulties and approaches, including elucidating environmental sources bioavailability and Cd-induced toxic effects in freshwater fish. Both acute and chronic exposure to Cd can cause a range of adverse effects, such as growth inhibition, impaired reproductive capacity, endocrine disruption, and developmental abnormalities in freshwater fish, as evidenced by the present review. These investigations support the concept of Cd as a naturally available pollutant that causes irreversible damage in fish. These findings will help to understand the etiology of environmental circumstances that pose substantial dangers to fish health and are also crucial for preventing and treating exposure-related reproductive disturbances in freshwater fish due to environmental pollution. 2023 by the authors.