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Upper domatic number of regular graphs
A partition ? = {V1, V2, , Vk } of the vertex set V (G) of a graph G = (V, E) is an upper domatic partition if Vi dominates Vj or Vj dominates Vi or both for all Vi, Vj ? ?. The maximum order of an upper domatic partition of G is called the upper domatic number D(G) of G. In this article, we determine the upper domatic number of 4-regular graphs. We also find the upper domatic number of 5-regular graphs with girth at least five and determine the upper domatic number of the complements of cycles. 2021 the authors. -
Upper Bounds of Zagreb Radio Indices
Let G= (V, E) be a simple connected graph with vertex set V and edge set E. This chapter consists of several bounds of the Zagreb radio indices of graphs such as the Primary Zagreb Radio Index, the First Zagreb Radio Index, the Second Zagreb Radio Index and the Third Zagreb Radio Index. The indices are defined for graphs after administering a radio labelling. In radio labelling, vertices are labelled with the positive integers such that the absolute difference of two vertex labels added to their distance should be at least one more than the diameter of the graph. In radio labelling, every vertex gets distinct labels. The least possible labels given to the vertices are used to create the radio indices. 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Uplifting and Uncanny Conversations Around Death and Dying: Qualitative Study Among Indian Adolescents and Emerging Adults
This study explores perspectives of adolescents and emerging adults on having conversations around death and dying, if there is a value in discussing death early in life, and to explore the views on likelihood of introducing death education in Indian curriculum. Using constructivist grounded theory of qualitative research, the study inquired the perspectives of adolescents and emerging adults employing semi-structured interviews. All participants showed interest in discussing the topic; they actively participated in sharing their views, something that they heard, and inquiring about cultural practices. In analyzing the interview data, mainly three themes emerged: 1. Understanding death in relation to shadow and spirit stories; 2. Existential view on death and managing grief and anxiety; 3. Social and cultural narratives into death education. This study sets out to address a gap in research among adolescents and emerging adult attitudes and opinions toward death. However, there is a need to understand barriers in normalizing conversations around death and dying in wider communities in India and further research is essential. The Author(s) 2024. -
Upgradation of business applications with autonomic computing
Autonomic computing has come a long way since its inception a decade ago and has been positioned as a venerable and value-adding technology for producing and sustaining self-managing, real-time, and resilient systems for the future. A series of concerted efforts by multiple IT companies and academic research laboratories across the world have brought in a number of advancements in this discipline with vigorous study and research. A variety of proven and potential mathematical and computational concepts have been selected and synchronized to arrive at noteworthy improvements in the autonomic systems design, development, deployment, and delivery methods. Having understood the unique value-proposition and the significant achievements in the autonomic computing space, business executives and IT experts are consciously embracing the autonomic idea, which is very generic to be easily embedded in any kind of business and IT systems. However, the penetration of this technology into both IT and business applications has not been as originally envisaged by its creators due to various reasons. The business environment is still filled and saturated with large-scale packaged and monolithic applications. If the autonomic capabilities are innately squeezed into business and IT applications, then there can be major differentiators in how those applications function in seamlessly and spontaneously automating business operations. Both, existing as well as emerging applications can be targeted to become autonomic in their operations, outputs, and outlooks. In this paper, we have described how the leading enterprise packages (ERP, CRM, SCM, and so on.) can be enabled to be adaptive, highly available, secure, and scalable in their actions and reactions. The well-known enterprise applications such as CRM, Online Retail, and Marketing with focus on self-optimization characteristics are described here. A detailed analysis of a Discount Manager in an online retail scenario is also explained. The simulation results obtained clearly show how embedded autonomic capability is very close to human thinking and decision-making ability. 2013 ACM. -
Updated aspects of alpha-Solanine as a potential anticancer agent: Mechanistic insights and future directions
Cancer remains a critical global health challenge, with limited progress in reducing mortality despite advancements in diagnosis and treatment. The growing resistance of tumors to existing chemotherapy exacerbates this burden. In response, the search for new anticancer compounds from plants has intensified, given their historical success in yielding effective treatments. This review focuses on ?-solanine, a glycoalkaloid primarily derived from potato tubers and nightshade family plants, recognized for its diverse biological activities, including anti-allergic, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic, and antibiotic properties. Recently, ?-solanine has gained attention as a potential anticancer agent. Utilizing resources like PubMed/MedLine, ScienceDirect, Web of Science, Scopus, the American Chemical Society, Google Scholar, Springer Link, Wiley, and various commercial websites, this review consolidates two decades of research on ?-solanine's anticancer effects and mechanisms against nine different cancers, highlighting its role in modulating various signaling pathways. It also discusses ?-solanine's potential as a lead compound in cancer therapy. The abundant availability of potato peel, often discarded as waste or sold cheaply, is suggested as a sustainable source for large-scale ?-solanine extraction. The study concludes that ?-solanine holds promise as a standalone or adjunctive cancer treatment. However, further research is necessary to optimize this lead compound and mitigate its toxicity through various strategies. 2024 The Authors. Food Science & Nutrition published by Wiley Periodicals LLC. -
Unveiling virtual interactive marketplaces: Shopping motivations in the Metaverse through the lens of uses and gratifications theory
The emergence of Metaverse has transformed the consumer shopping experience. This novel e-commerce platform offers a fresh approach to shopping, with Generation Z primarily exploring this innovative technology. Our research examines shopping within the Metaverse by developing a model based on the Uses and Gratifications Theory and Metaverse-related factors. A total of 1220 Gen Z consumers were surveyed, and data was collected using a structured questionnaire. Further, analysis of collected data was done using PLS-SEM. The results reveal that information seeking, perceived enjoyment, escapism, social interaction, sense of immersion, and personalization influence the shopping intention in the Metaverse, and perceived risk negatively influences the shopping intention of consumers. Further, shopping intention influences the potential use of Metaverse for shopping, and this relationship is moderated by technological innovativeness. This investigation into the adoption of the Metaverse for retail purposes augments the current Metaverse research and enhances the uses and gratifications theory within the Metaverse domain. Metaverse e-commerce professionals, including managers and developers, can acquire valuable perspectives on consumer shopping tendencies in the Metaverse from this study. 2025 The Author(s) -
Unveiling the therapeutic potential of azopyridine derivatives for trypsin inhibition: a DFT and In-Vitro approach
Heterocyclic azo derivatives have emerged as promising scaffolds for drug development. This study focused on the synthesis, computational analysis, and biological evaluation of a series of azopyridine derivatives (1a, 1d, 1 g, 1 h, 1 m, 1p, and 1s) as potential trypsin inhibitors. Density Functional Theory calculations indicated that derivative 1 h exhibited the lowest HOMO-LUMO energy gap 3.167 eV and was characterised as a soft molecule, suggesting strong binding capabilities. Molecular docking studies confirmed that 1 h binds favourably to the active site of trypsin with a glide score of ?6.581 kcal/mol and binding energy of ?29.95 kcal/mol. Along with docking studies, the stability of the trypsin-1 h complex was further analyzed using molecular dynamic simulations at 200 ns. The results showed that the ligand molecule 1 h bound strongly at the active site of trypsin. In-vitro enzyme assays determined the IC50 value of the molecule as 100 M, demonstrating enhanced potency. These results indicate that AzPy derivatives, particularly 1 h, hold considerable promise as therapeutic agents for inflammatory disorders and cancer, paving the way for further exploration in drug development and targeted therapies. Further research is warranted to explore 1hs efficacy, safety, and structure-activity relationships. Highlights: DFT studies were used to classify molecules based on their softness and hardness. Molecular docking, simulation, and in-vitro studies have identified potential anti-trypsin activity of candidate molecules. Experimental and computational calculations were in close agreement. 2024 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. -
Unveiling the Temporal Properties of MAXI J1820+070 through AstroSat Observations
We present here the results of the first broadband simultaneous spectral and temporal studies of the newly detected black hole binary MAXI J1820+070 as seen by Soft X-ray Telescope and Large Area X-ray Proportional Counter (LAXPC) on board AstroSat. The observed combined spectra in the energy range 0.7-80 keV were well modeled using disk blackbody emission, thermal Comptonization, and a reflection component. The spectral analysis revealed that the source was in its hard spectral state (? = 1.61) with a cool disk (kT in = 0.22 keV). We report the energy dependent time-lag and root mean squared (rms) variability at different frequencies in the energy range 3-80 keV using LAXPC data. We also modeled the flux variability using a single-zone stochastic propagation model to quantify the observed energy dependence of time lag and fractional rms variability, and then compared the results with that of Cygnus X-1. Additionally, we confirm the detection of a quasi-periodic oscillation with the centroid frequency at 47.7 mHz. 2020. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.. -
Unveiling the synergistic effect of amorphous CoW-phospho-borides for overall alkaline water electrolysis
Amorphous transition-metal-phospho-borides (TMPBs) are emerging as a new class of hybrid bifunctional catalysts for water-splitting. The present work reports the discovery of CoWPB as a new promising material that adds to the smaller family of TMPBs. The optimized compositions, namely Co4WPB5 and Co2WPB1 could achieve 10 mA/cm2 at just 72 mV and 262 mV of overpotentials for hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) and oxygen evolution reaction (OER), respectively, in 1 M KOH. Furthermore, the catalyst showed good performance in a 2-electrode assembly (1.59 V for 10 mA/cm2) with considerable stability (70 h stability, 10,000 operating cycles). Detailed morphological and electrochemical characterizations unveiled insights into the role of all elements in catalyst's improved performance. The presence of W was found to be crucial in improving the electronic conductivity and charge redistribution, making CoWPB suitable for both HER and OER. In computational simulation analysis, two configurations with different atomic environments, namely, CoWPBH and CoWPBO were found to have the lowest calculated overpotentials for HER and OER, respectively. It was found that the surface P-sites in CoWPBH were HER-active while the Co-sites in CoWPBO were OER-active sites. The study presents new knowledge about active sites in such multi-component catalysts that will foster more advancement in the area of water electrolysis. 2024 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC -
Unveiling the Role of Psychological Pain within Informal Institutions in Addressing Intimate Partner Violence
This study redefines the exploration of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) by emphasizing psychological pain as the pivotal element of trauma, shifting away from focusing solely on aftermath experiences. Psychological pain has been considered as a core area for this research through the lens of biopsychosocial model and unbearable psychache. These theoretical approaches examine psychological pain as the foundational factor in subsequent victim experiences and reactions involved in intimate partner violences (IPV). Utilizing an in-depth case study method, it rigorously analyzes a victim's narrative within the IPV realm, detailing the intricate connection between psychological pain and resulting trauma. The participant of this study is visually impaired and the perceived pain and its intensity in the context of disability have also been analyzed. This pain significantly influences victimization and exacerbates physical suffering. IPV, trauma, and visual impairment intersect, creating complex challenges for individuals and communities. The paper discusses pain and IPV in the context of informal institutions and their complementary or challenging roles. By emphasizing psychological pain as the core of trauma dynamics, this research redefines the understanding of pain involved in IPV. The insights gained can contribute to the crucial implications for interventions among survivors in the realm of intimate partner violence. 2024 by authors, all rights reserved. -
Unveiling the Redox Characteristics of Rutin Trihydrate-Canvas-Based Sensor for Hydrazine Sensing in Water Samples
The inclusion of redox mediators into electrocatalytic systems facilitates rapid electron shuttling kinetics and boosts the overall catalytic performance of the electrode. This approach overcomes the sluggish reaction dynamics associated with direct electron transfer, which may be impeded by restricted analyte access to the electrodes active sites. In contrast to conventional synthetic redox mediators, naturally sourced phytomolecule rutin trihydrate (RT), extracted from apple juice, offers potential ecological advantages. This bands with green chemistry principles and sustainability in electroanalytical approaches. The current work presents an eco-friendly and direct electrochemical approach to fabricate a redox-active RT-immobilized MWCNT-infused PEDOT hybrid material-modified glassy carbon electrode (GCE/MWCNT + PEDOT@RT). The developed electrode showcased a sharp and stable redox signal at E0 = 0.63 V vs Ag/AgCl with no surface-fouling characteristics. The efficacious functionalization of RT onto MWCNT + PEDOT was corroborated by a remarkable increase in the surface characteristics, enhanced electrochemical current responses, and low charge transfer resistance. The GCE/MWCNT + PEDOT@RT exhibited highly selective and sensitive sensing responses toward the toxic and potentially carcinogenic hydrazine (HZ) via cyclic voltammetry and differential pulse voltammetry techniques, yielding a low detection limit (DL) of 1.02 ?M and a sensitivity of 0.032 ?A ?M-1 in a linear dynamic range between 0 and 1350 ?M. In addition, the method was highly efficient for HZ detection in real samples of tanker, tap, and wastewater samples, producing a good recovery of ?98%. 2025 American Chemical Society. -
Unveiling the realm of AI governance in outer space and its importance in national space policy
This article explores the notable legal concerns that may arise from the growing utilisation of artificial intelligence and machine learning in outer space. Whether it is conducting space exploration, clearing orbital debris, or extracting resources from specific areas in space, these activities are becoming more popular. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a regulatory framework to ensure consistency and objective standards. In order for national space legislation to effectively address the challenges presented by activities involving robots with different levels of autonomy and numerous objectives, it is essential to appraise the nature of these challenges. The article aims to investigate the relationship between the Montreal Declaration for a Responsible Development of Artificial Intelligence, 2017, and outer space laws and principles. It also examines the legal status of autonomous space objects, such as planetary rovers that are currently in operation or will be in the near future. Ultimately, the article highlights the importance of national space policy in addressing the appropriate regulation of artificial intelligence in outer space. In conclusion, this article has also discussed the potential effectiveness of utilising artificial intelligence-based methodologies and strategies to enhance current space policy. 2024 IAA -
Unveiling the potential: iodide-infused nickel-enhanced MXene composite for high-performance sodium ion hybrid capacitors
2D-MXenes have gained much popularity for energy storage applications such as hybrid capacitors, and they have shown very competitive performance, especially as electrode materials for sodium ion hybrid capacitors. However, they suffer from various problems, such as morphology distortion and fast capacity fading, which results in the poor performance of the battery. As a result, researchers have focused more on MXene-based composite materials to address these issues. In this work, we report a sodium iodide and nickel-decorated MXene-based composite (Ti2C/Ni/NaI) material as an electrode for a sodium ion hybrid capacitor. Ti2C MXene and Ni were able to provide physical and mechanical strength, and iodine was able to produce redox activity. The composite had a rough surface with readily aggregated 2D-MXene sheets and was uniformly covered with Ni, Na, and I atoms. Several vibrational bands and peaks associated with Ti, Ni, Na, C and O in the Raman while XPS spectra confirmed the effective incorporation of dopants into the MXene sheets and successful synthesis of the Ti2C/Ni/NaI composite. The fabricated hybrid capacitor exhibited good capacity retention of 59% after 10,000 cycles at a current density of 0.5 mA g?1; thus, the Ti2C/Ni/NaI composite can be a promising electrode material for sodium-based hybrid capacitors. 2025 The Author(s). Published by IOP Publishing Ltd. -
Unveiling the potential of large language models: Redefining learning in the age of generative AI
Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) and Large Language Models (LLMs) are transforming industries by fostering innovation, automating tasks, and enhancing creativity. By enabling personalized user interactions, sophisticated content creation, and advanced data analytics, they are revolutionizing industries such as healthcare, education, and customer service. As these technologies evolve, they can fundamentally change communication and decision-making processes and incorporate AI into everyday life. The objective of this book chapter is to examine the architecture and components, features, functionality, domain-specific applications, recent advances, and future developments of LLMs. Ongoing research aims to reduce biases, increase energy efficiency, and facilitate interpretation. As LLMs continue to evolve, they have the potential to transform many industries, including education, customer service, content creation, and more. As a result, they will be essential for the development of future AI-powered applications. 2024, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Unveiling the Potential of Bacillus paramycoides, a Halotolerant Endophytic Bacterium with Heavy Metal Tolerance and Plant Growth Promotion Properties
The use of heavy metal resistant plant growth promoting endophytes is an effective method for improving crop yield and cleaning up contaminated sites. In our study, we have isolated thirteen bacterial endophytes from the shoots of Alternanthera philoxeroides, an aquatic plant from Bellandur lake, Bangalore, India. Among the isolates, Bacillus paramycoides showed significant plant growth promotion properties including an extortionate amount of indole acetic acid (IAA) production (144.69 1.01 g/mL) along with other plant growth promoting attributes like ammonia production, nitrogen fixation, phosphate, potassium solubilization, 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) deaminase and siderophore production. The isolate also demonstrated the ability to resist pathogen attacks by producing extracellular enzymes, which could have potential industrial uses. Furthermore, it displayed resistance to multiple heavy metals like chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), lead (Pb), zinc (Zn) and cadmium (Cd) as well as the ability to tolerate high salt concentrations (up to 7% NaCl). These characteristics make it an ideal candidate for promoting plant growth in stressful environments and as an effective bioremediation agent. 2024 World Researchers Associations. All rights reserved. -
Unveiling the pattern of PhishingAttacks using the Machine Learning approach
This study introduces a unique approach to strengthening cybersecurity by combining advanced models for real-time detection of phishing websites. A classifier is trained to discern patterns associated with legitimate and phishing URLs, leveraging a carefully organized labeled dataset. The model in this paper forms the foundation for a real-time detection system, providing users with real-time information on potential phishing threats. Integrating an adaptive decision-making algorithm improves decision-making adaptability, particularly in scenarios challenging the model's confidence. A user feedback loop ensures the continuous learning and refinement of the system, aligning it more closely with user expectations. The future scope of this research involves exploring advanced models, improving explainability, and incorporating dynamic features for enhanced detection. Adaptive policies, large-scale deployment, and ethical implications are pivotal for real-world applicability. In conclusion, this study contributes to advancing phishing detection methodologies and lays the groundwork for future innovations in cybersecurity. The collaborative efforts of academia, industry, and cybersecurity stakeholders arenecessaryfor realizing the full potential of this paper and ensuring a safer online platform for users. 2024 IEEE. -
Unveiling the Necropolitics of Oil on Migrant Bodies in Deepak Unnikrishnans Birds
Oil played a significant role in fuelling the sociopolitical and economic development of Middle Eastern nations, attracting mass migration from South Asian nations. The article draws a nexus between the energy dynamics and labour exploitation within these petroleum-rich nations. It undertakes a close reading of the text Birds from Deepak Unnikrishnans novel Temporary People as it depicts the lives of migrant labourers who navigate an exploitative petro-capitalist system. The fictional text employs a narrative strategy juxtaposing elements of magic and realism, opening up a space for multilayered marginalised voices. The article engages with energy theories and interweaves Mbembes theory on necropolitics to grasp oils sovereign influence in delineating the boundaries between life and death in migrant lives. The surplus energy generated through fossil fuel extraction contributes to notions of boundless growth, coupled with technical and economic progress, which conceals the intensive manual labour underpinning these petrocultures. The magical property alluded to oil and the spectral absence of labour in the socio-cultural imagination co-constructs an exploitative and dehumanising labour regime for migrants. The migrant body is kept alive, and their existence is contingent upon the instrumental value of their labouring body, which constructs them as easily disposable and expendable as they are positioned outside the formal boundaries of citizenship. 2024 South Asian University. -
Unveiling the Motivation Drivers in Start-Up Workspace
This article delves into the relationship between workplace happiness and productivity in startup settings. Its primary objective is to dissect the multifaceted factors impacting employee well-being, aiming to enhance overall efficiency by customizing the work environment in myriad ways. For this study, a descriptive causal methodology was employed to investigate the impact of workplace happiness on productivity within start-up companies. A carefully structured questionnaire was administered to 256 employees within well-established organisations in Bangalore, India. Participants were selected through a Judgement sampling process to ensure impartial and unbiased representation. Survey respondents preferred the pre-COVID working conditions, acknowledging their advantages. However, the increased autonomy and flexibility in work arrangements have led to enhanced productivity under the new hybrid model. Notably, when employees are entrusted with greater responsibility, their job satisfaction rises, resulting in increased work output. organizations are now tasked with offering additional incentives to remote employees, thereby elevating the satisfaction and job fulfilment experienced by these individuals. Effectively tackling challenges necessitates the alignment of learning and development objectives with the internal business processes that maximize each employee's abilities and potential. This involves meeting the criteria outlined in the balanced scorecard components. 2024, Iquz Galaxy Publisher. All rights reserved. -
Unveiling the Landscape: A Comparative Study of U-Net Models for Geographical Features Segmentation
Geographical features segmentation is a critical task in remote sensing and earth observation applications, enabling the extraction of valuable information from satellite imagery and aiding in environmental analysis, urban planning, and disaster management. The U-Net model, a deep learning architecture, has proven its efficacy in image segmentation tasks, including geographical feature analysis. In this research paper, a comparative study of various U-Net models customized explicitly for geographical features segmentation is presented. The study aimed to evaluate the performance of these U-Net variants under diverse geographical contexts and datasets. Their strengths and limitations were assessed, considering factors such as accuracy, robustness, and generalization capabilities. The efficacy of integrated components, such as skip connections, attention mechanisms, and multi-scale features, in enhancing the models performance was analyzed. The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2024. -
Unveiling the kinetics of oxygen evolution reaction in defect-engineered B/P-incorporated cobalt-oxide electrocatalysts
Defect-rich transition-metal oxide electrocatalysts hold great promise for alkaline water electrolysis due to their enhanced activity and stability. This study presents a new strategy that significantly improve the OER activity of Co-oxide nanosheets through incorporation of B and P (B/P-CoOx NS), eventually leading to abundant surface defects and oxygen vacancies. The B/P-CoOx NS demonstrates low overpotential of 220 mV to achieve 10 mA/cm2. The electrochemical and kinetic studies coupled with conventional morphological and structural characterizations, reveal that various crystalline defects like vacancies, dislocations, twin planes, and grain boundaries play crucial roles in promoting the OH? ion adsorption, the formation of intermediates, and the desorption of oxygen molecules. The industrial viability of the developed electrocatalyst is substantiated through assessments under harsh industrial conditions of 6 M KOH at 60 C in a zero-gap single-cell alkaline electrolyzer which achieves 1 A/cm2 at 1.95 V. Chronoamperometry tests (100 h) highlight remarkable robustness of the electrocatalyst. This work establishes a new strategy to fabricate defect-rich OER electrocatalysts, setting a precedent to achieve better OER rates with non-noble materials. 2024