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A critical look on transformation on text into visuals - Martin scorsese's wolf of wall street /
Adaptations of texts to movies have always been a genre of their own in the world of cinema, where there have been many adaptations of which a few are successful while some have failed to convince the audience. This particular paper talks about how Martin Scorsese has adopted the art of making biographies where he has chosen his story lines from existing texts on biographies and his ability to make these biographies on personalities who are still alive. -
A critical review focussing on the synthesis and applications of monoclinic yttrium oxide nanophosphor
Research on monoclinic Y2O3 has been limited, not because of a lack of potential applications, but rather due to challenges associated with synthesizing phase-pure material. The limited understanding of the material and its properties has hindered researchers from further exploring this compound. Some studies suggest that the B-type polymorph of Y2O3 exhibits superior performance compared to its cubic counterpart. Additionally, there are reports indicating the existence of simple synthesis techniques that could potentially overcome the material's significant disadvantage highlighted by many researchers, namely, complex synthesis routes. To date, no comprehensive reports have summarized the key findings related to B-type Y2O3. In this effort, we aim to provide an exhaustive overview of research conducted on this polymorph. This includes an examination of diverse synthesis techniques employed by researchers, theoretical studies conducted on the material, an exploration of its luminescence properties, and an overview of various applications studied thus far. 2024 Elsevier Ltd -
A critical review of anticancer properties of Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal with respect to the biochemical mechanisms of its phytochemical constituents
Cancer is a leading cause of mortality worldwide, the conventional chemotherapeutic drugs have been known for their toxicity and numerous side effects. A new approach to treat cancer involves phytochemical drugs. In the present review, anti-cancer activity of a class of steroidal lactones called withanolides obtained from Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal is discussed. The commonly studied bioactive compounds namely withaferin-A, withanoside IV, withanoside VI and withanolide-A among others obtained from methanolic and chloroform extract of the leaves and various alcoholic, aqueous and chloroform extract of roots have shown inhibition to various human cancer cell lines including skin, breast, colon, prostate, liver, ovary, cervical and lung. Prominent mechanisms of action include induction of apoptosis by NOS upregulation, ROS production and NBS2 or COX-2 inhibition; cytotoxicity by humoral and cell mediated immune response, activation of p53 and pRB and inhibition of various viral oncoproteins; cell cycle arrest by Cdc2 facilitated mitotic catastrophe, cyclin-D1 down-regulation and inhibition of transcription factors. Cancers are also controlled by inhibition of angiogenesis and metastasis of the tumor cells. In addition to anti-tumorogenic properties, W. somnifera also holds properties that make it a potential adjuvant in integrated cancer therapeutics and in enhancing the effectiveness of ongoing radiation therapy. Surya et al (2021). -
A Critical Review of Applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its Powered Technologies in the Financial Industry
The present research shed light on the applications of AI technologies for the financial industry of the UK. The research has also investigated the different types of powered technologies of AI and their impact on finance operations and activities. This research possesses the tools and techniques used by the researcher in gathering the research evidence for the proper completion of the research work. 2022 IEEE. -
A critical review of Cr(VI) ion effect on mankind and its amputation through adsorption by activated carbon
A toxic heavy metal is a one which is plausibly dense metal or metalloid that is eminent for its prospective toxicity, particularly in environmental context. Heavy metal poisoning may crop up as an upshot of air or water contamination, exposure to industrial activities, foodstuffs, medicines, coarsely coated food containers, etc. The present review highlights various issues related to the effects of Cr (VI) heavy metal toxicity to human health and its adsorption from wastewater using low cost adsorbents. Many researchers have lay their endeavor to ascertain low-priced adsorbents that are effortlessly available and have power over the sensible adsorption capacity. It is perceptible from the literature survey that the revealed adsorbents have established stupendous removal capabilities for Cr (VI) metal ions. As the convention of heavy metal Cr (VI) is increased, it is implicit that there is a strong need for research to remove Cr (VI) heavy metal ions from wastewater to trim down the problem of soaring anthropogenic pressure and burly tendency to mount up in living organisms. 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. -
A critical review of determinants of financial innovation in global perspective
Financial innovation is the widely accepted process across the globe. 'What forces drive the financial innovation?' is the research question since long. Many studies were conducted in the past to answer and each study identified some or other factors that prominently driving financial innovation landscape in their respective economy. The present study critically review existing Literatures to suggest a comprehensive list of determinants. The study uses descriptive research design. A sample of 54 literatures focusing on financial innovation and it's determinants during the time period 1983 to 2018 is included in the study. Further, content analysis and descriptive statistics are used to explore the determinants. The study identified 23 different determinants of financial innovation and classify those under two bases. First, on the basis of influencing power and second on the basis of nature of the determinant. The study found that technological development, competition, firm size and regulations are the major sources of financial innovation from different categories. The study also raised the research agenda to study determinants of financial innovation in Asian context, as there are scanty literature covering Asian economies. 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. -
A Critical Study in ADR Mechanism in India with Reference to Court Annexed Mediation in Family Disputes
Mediation has been in vogue in India since time immemorial. Sadly, it is yet to evolve into a major dispute resolution mechanism. Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) mechanisms like arbitration, mediation, conciliation, courtannexed ADR, and summary jury trial would help in resolving all types of disputes, including those of a civil, commercial, industrial and family nature. newlineGenerally, ADR mechanisms would use a neutral third party that help the parties to communicate, discuss their differences and resolve the dispute. With matrimonial dispute numbers rising and the significance attaching to matrimonial bond in our country, the researcher set out to examine the country s court-annexed mediation mechanism to ascertain how the flaws, if any, that obtain in the mechanism can be addressed. It should lead the researcher to recommend a strategy for a seamless and hassle-free implementation of the relevant regulatory provisions. The researcher embarked on descriptive research, employing the survey method, in the newlinecircumstances. She collected data from primary and secondary sources for the newlinepurpose. The ensure bias minimisation and accuracy of findings, she interviewed two categories of respondents, namely, litigants numbering 100 and mediators numbering 100. She used a 4-point Likert scale to elicit the newlinerespondents replies to the queries raised in the Interview Schedule. Since the two variables used in the study were categorical and nonordinal, she used the Chi-square test to examine the relationship. The researcher s analysis of the data led her to conclude that there obtains a certain degree of lack of clarity in terms of the enforceability of the outcomes of mediation. For example, in court-annexed mediation, a settlement reached newlineby the parties is not enforceable automatically. It is unfortunately assumed in newlineour country that mediation is resorted to by litigants who do not have a strong newlinecase. It is also assumed that the litigant that chooses mediation is the one that newlineblinks first. -
Failure to innovate in this era of rapid IT growth is a significant obstacle to the modernization and growth of industries and increases the competitiveness of such organizations in the market. Strong innovation and competence are more than necessary to turn innovative ideas into reality, gain new competitive advantages and achieve sustainable long-term growth. Innovation is not only an important tool for companies to increase their competitiveness, it is also an important driver of long-term economic growth for a country. Regular engagement in high-quality innovation activities should be mandatory for organizations that intend to successfully adapt to today's fast-paced digital economy. If companies want to improve their chances of survival in the coming years and continue to grow, they need to invest in their innovation capabilities. Many companies now operate under the assumption that updating their accounting systems with advanced software will provide better results than relying on old, time-honored methods. Concrete steps are needed, such as developing powerful data-driven tools to improve how individuals, organizations and governments spend their money. Beginners still have to put in the effort to learn new skills because they often have trouble imagining using a device they've never used before to accomplish a task. Due to the increased automation of this financial system, the risk of error has increased; So it is very important. In fact, you can manage your needs exactly with this tool. 2024 Published by Faculty of Engineering. -
A critical study on acetylene as an alternative fuel for transportation
With the traditional power sector hindered by fuel shortage and climate changes, the promotion of green energy becomes the most prioritized objective of the government. The ministry's move becomes significant because conversion to cleaner energy sources is the best way to minimize global warming and to reenergize the global economy. Among the available alternative gaseous fuels, acetylene caters to these needs because of its property similarities with hydrogen. In this research, the suitability of acetylene as an engine fuel is analyzed. Also, the production methods, combustion properties, abnormal combustion, and safety issues were discussed. This review paper describes about the various possible modes of fuel induction techniques to be adopted. The research establishes the utility of acetylene as a commercial fuel for internal combustion engines in the future years by the adoption of suitable methodologies. 2021 Author(s). -
A critical study on role of social media in Delhi state elections 2013 & 2015 /
Social media is often hailed as an instrument of digital democracy and social change. This perception is deeply rooted in the well acknowledged potential of ICT’s as ‘agents for development and empowerment .It has liberated people from the tyranny of the free flow of information and ideas. The Delhi elections held in 2013 and 2015 made a revolutionary change in India’s political equations. It shows the emergence of a new party Aam AadmiPart, Aam Aadmi Party and its victory. -
A Critical Study: The Transactional Concept of Coping through Electronic Media during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Introduction: Numerous individuals worldwide experienced grief during the COVID-19 pandemic. Due to the imposed isolation and limited accessibility of external resources, media was used extensively as a coping mechanism in several forms. Purpose: In the fast-moving world with the emergence of technology, this chapter articulates the emerging trends of media and its impact. The study aims to explore how grief is handled and resolved with the help of electronic media. Methodology: The study reviews existing literature to explore media-related coping strategies by applying the Lazarus-Folkman transactional coping theory as a lens. Results: During the COVID-19 pandemic, there was an increase in media usage among individuals. Based on a review of existing research, media-based coping was used for a range of stressors, including isolation, misinformation and time wastage, work-life disruption, and personal loss. Media is a potential source of readily available, accessible, and effective coping. It can be harnessed to support the rising number of individuals whose mental health needs cannot be catered to by the limited number of qualified mental health professionals. Conclusion: Grief can be handled and resolved in different ways with the assistance of the media. The media can also be used to override the taboo that prevents individuals from seeking support to cope with their grief. Researchers and practising mental health professionals can explore the utility of media-based coping mechanisms and formulate plans to use them effectively. 2025 selection and editorial matter, Dr Uzaina, Dr Rajesh Verma with Dr Ruchi Pandey; individual chapters, the contributors. -
A cross-country analysis of the relationship between human capital and foreign direct investment
Purpose: The ZhangMarkusen (Z-M) inverse U-shape theory uses education as a human capital variable to investigate the impact of educational attainment on foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows to a country. The objective of this research is to empirically test this theory in a cross-country framework. Design/methodology/approach: Fixed effect panel regression has been used to test the Z-M hypothesis for 172 countries for the period 19902015. For the purpose of this study, countries were divided into four groups as per the World Bank classification: Low-income economies, lower middle-income countries, upper middle-income economies and high-income economies. Findings: The findings of this study reinforce the proposition that macroeconomic factors are the major determinants of FDI inflows into various countries. The authors find that the size of the market measured by gross domestic product (GDP), the growth potential of the market measured by real GDP growth rate and the availability of infrastructure are the major factors that enhance the attractiveness of a country as an FDI destination. Originality/value: Though the Z-M theory has been empirically tested in cross-country frameworks, no consensus has been reached. Thus, it is interesting to look again at the validity of the Z-M hypothesis using data covering longer and more recent periods. The study includes both macroeconomic and human capital determinants of FDI, so as to arrive at a comprehensive model explaining the FDI flows into various countries. 2021, Emerald Publishing Limited. -
A Cross-sectional Study for Examining Catastrophic Healthcare Expenditure Across Socio-demographic Variables among Employees in a Sedentary Occupation
Health expenditure above a certain threshold level can result in a financial catastrophe by reducing the expenses on necessities. Certain socio-demographic variables have been observed to play a role in influencing catastrophic healthcare expenditure, guiding the present study to examine this scenario for employees in sedentary occupations. A cross-sectional study has been conducted among 370 employees recruited through a random sampling technique. Multinomial logistic regression was used to test the main objective of the study. The factors associated with a higher probability of catastrophic healthcare expenditure were males with increasing age. Years of work experience tend to be associated with a lower likelihood of catastrophic healthcare expenditure. No conclusive evidence could be drawn for BMI, income, marital status and education. 2024 Indian Journal of Community Medicine. -
A Cross-Sectional Study on Mental Health of School Students during the COVID-19 Pandemic in India
The broad objective of the present study is to assess the levels of anxiety and depression of school students during the COVID-19 lockdown phase and their association with students background, stress, concerns and social support. In this regard, the present study follows a novel two stage approach. In the first phase, an empirical survey was carried out, based on multivariate statistical analysis, wherein a group of 273 school students participated in the study voluntarily. In the second phase, a novel Picture Fuzzy FFA (PF-FFA) method was applied for understanding the dynamics of facilitating and prohibiting factors for three categories of focus groups (FG), formulated on the basis of attendance in online classes. Findings revealed a significant impact of anxiety and depression on mental health. Further, PF-FFA examinedthe impact of the driving forces that steered children to attend class as contrasted to the the impact of the restricting forces. 2022 by the authors. -
A Cryptocurrency Price Prediction Study Using Deep Learning and Machine Learning
A cryptocurrency is a network-based computerized exchange that makes imitation and double-spending pretty much impossible. Many cryptocurrencies are built on distributed networks based on blockchain technology, which is a distributed ledger enforced by a network of computers. Thanks to blockchain technology, transactions are secure, transparent, traceable, and immutable. As a result of these traits, cryptocurrency has increased in popularity, especially in the financial industry. This research looks at a few of the most popular and successful deep learning algorithms for predicting bitcoin prices. LSTM and Random Forest outperform our generalized regression neural architecture benchmarking system in terms of prediction. Bitcoin and Ethereum are the only cryptocurrencies supported. The approach can be used to calculate the value of a number of different cryptocurrencies. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
A cultural analysis of "Newshour" in shaping the image of Times now news channel /
Television is medium which has the power to influence the people. With the advancement in technology and innovation, this medium became pervasive in nature. This particular study tires to explore how a particular television programme helps in shaping the image of television channel. -
A Data Mining approach on the Performance of Machine Learning Methods for Share Price Forecasting using the Weka Environment
It is widely agreed that the share price is too volatile to be reliably predicted. Several experts have worked to improve the likelihood of generating a profit from share investing using various approaches and methods. When used in reality, these methods and algorithms often have too low of a success rate to be helpful. The extreme volatility of the marketplace is a significant contributor. This article demonstrates the use of data mining methods like WEKA to study share prices. For this research's sake, we have selected a HCL Tech share. Multilayer perceptron's, Gaussian Process and Sequential minimal optimization have been employed as the three prediction methods. These algorithms that develop optimal rules for share market analysis have been incorporated into Weka. We have transformed the attributes of open, high, low, close and adj-close prices forecasted share for the next 30 days. Compare actual and predicted values of three models' side by side. We have visualized 1step ahead and the future forecast of three models. The Evaluation metrics of RMSE, MAPE, MSE, and MAE are calculated. The outcomes achieved by the three methods have been contrasted. Our experimental findings show that Sequential minimal optimization provided more precise results than the other method on this dataset. 2023 IEEE. -
A data/document management system and method /
Patent Number: 202111047326, Applicant: Anil Kumar.
A data/document management system and method comprising a user device (101); internet (102); a server (103); an authentication module (104); a code generation module (105); record management system (106); a processing module (107); a database (108). The method comprises following steps of A) Data /document storing mode and B) data / document fetching mode. The invention provides a high efficient and low, user friendly data / document management system and method. The invention provides a record management system (106) which is connected to the database system (108).