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A Fog-Based Retrieval of Real-Time Data for Health Applications
Fog computing is an emerging technology that offers high-quality cloud services by providing high bandwidth, low latency, and efficient computational power and storage capacity. Although cloud computing is an efficient solution so far to store and retrieve the huge data of IoT devices, it is expected to limit its performance due to low latency and storage capacity. Fog computing addresses these limitations by extending its services to the cloud at the edge of the network. In this paper, we use a fog computing network approach for efficiently retrieving the real-time patient data. The performance of our proposed approach has been compared with the cloud computing approach in terms of retrieval time of real-time data. 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
A formative measurement model and development of quality of work-life scale based on two-factor theory: evidence from Indian private industries
Purpose: This study examines the quality of work-life (QoWL) as a formative construct and validates the scale in an Indian context. Taking a cue from the two-factor (Herzberg) theory, the study developed and validated a formative assessment model of QoWL in the current scenario. Design/methodology/approach: Cross-sectional data and a self-administered questionnaire were used to analyze the QoWL scale based on a sample of 841 respondents from IT/ITES, BFSI, CPG and manufacturing sectors. Indicators/items of QoWL were considered a first-order reflective construct, and factors of QoWL were considered second-order formative construct in the study. Embedded two-stage approach was used to assess the antecedent construct in the model in which QoWL was measured with seven formative indicators in stage one, and all the constructs of the QoWL are measured with a single item (Global_QWL, i.e. the essence of all constructs) in stage two. Findings: The study found QoWL as a formative construct with seven significant dimensions; namely, hygiene factors included fairness in compensation (FC), job security (JS), interpersonal relationship (IR), health and wellbeing (HWB), where motivational factors had rewards and career growth (RG), work-life balance (WLB) and learning and development (LD). The study also indicated the strong association of a single item (global_QWL) with all constructs of QoWL. The study findings conceptualize a QoWL as a formative construct within the mentioned sector and can be generalized and extended to other sectors of the economy as well. Research limitations/implications: Future researchers can take guidance to deal with the formative construct in the development and validation of scale in various topics in the field of HRM. Future researchers can extend the study across cities and different sectors. Practical implications: In this VUCA world, employees have to be constantly on their toes to ensure their organization remains relevant. In this context, the least organization can do for their employees is to offer a conducive environment and favorable QoWL. This study aims to assist the key decision-makers in applying the QoWL index as a formative construct and aiding them in improving the quality of their decisions. Social implications: Researcher believes that applying the QoWL index as a formative construct can aid decision-makers in improving the quality of their decisions by equipping them with relevant inputs and knowledge. Government can focus on the employees' welfare and introduce the current motivational and hygiene factors in the area of quality of life of the Indians. Originality/value: Formative assessment measurement of QoWL model was validated with the two-factor theory to understand the work environment of India in the private sector across different sectors. The unique finding of the study was a single item (global_QWL) to conclude the QoWL index as a formative construct by redundancy analysis. 2022, Emerald Publishing Limited. -
A Fractional Atmospheric Circulation System under the Influence of a Sliding Mode Controller
The earths surface is heated by the large-scale movement of air known as atmospheric circulation, which works in conjunction with ocean circulation. More than (Formula presented.) variables are involved in the complexity of the weather system. In this work, we analyze the dynamical behavior and chaos control of an atmospheric circulation model known as the Hadley circulation model, in the frame of Caputo and CaputoFabrizio fractional derivatives. The fundamental novelty of this paper is the application of the Caputo derivative with equal dimensionality to models that includes memory. A sliding mode controller (SMC) is developed to control chaos in this fractional-order atmospheric circulation system with uncertain dynamics. The proposed controller is applied to both commensurate and non-commensurate fractional-order systems. To demonstrate the intricacy of the models, we plot some graphs of various fractional orders with appropriate parameter values. We have observed the influence of thermal forcing on the dynamics of the system. The outcome of the analytical exercises is validated using numerical simulations. 2022 by the authors. -
A Frame Work For Continous Indian Sign Language Recognition Using Computer Vision
Sign language is a non-vocal, visually oriented natural language used by the hearing newlineimpaired and the hard-for-hearing part of society. It combines multiple modalities newlinelike hand movements, facial expressions and body poses. Static gestures involve basic finger movements such as numbers and alphabets, dynamic signs include words, and a sign sentence consists of grammatically connected and meaningful dynamic words. Sign Language Translation (SLT) models have been an actively evolving research topic under computer vision. One of the most challenging aspects in earlier iterations of SLTs was accurately capturing the intricate and constantly changing hand movements and facial expressions characteristic of sign language. newlineHowever, the advent of deep learning models has facilitated significant advancements in the field, particularly in the realm of continuous sign language translation. newlineThe research endeavours to develop a lightweight deep-learning framework newlinespecifically tailored for the translation of Indian Sign Language (ISL) into text and newlineaudio. The proposed framework introduces two collaborative deep-learning components that extract and classify features synergistically. The ISL video sequence serves as the input, which undergoes feature extraction utilizing the Inception V3 architecture, enabling the extraction of features from each frame. Classification models tend to be bulky and intricate, consuming substantial memory space and requiring extended training periods. This challenge has been addressed by introducing a lightweight LSTM model, which effectively utilizes the feature map generated by the Inception model for accurate classification. It is important to note that each sign possesses unique characteristics yet exhibits similar feature maps. The performance of the framework is assessed based on the speed and accuracy achieved in converting the input video into text and audio formats. -
A Framework for Digital Forensics Using Blockchain to Secure Digital Data
Digital forensics (DF) requires evidence integrity and provenance across boundaries of jurisdiction, and blockchain technology is ideal for ensuring that. As part of this paper, we discussed a digital forensic framework designed to help prevent duplication of data and secure digital data. In order to accomplish such forensic capabilities, we provide a block-based forensics framework. Using it, examinations are validated, irreversible, traceable, robust, and demonstrate high levels of confidence among examiners and evidence entities. 2022 IEEE. -
A Framework for Dress Code Monitoring System using Transfer Learning from Pre-Trained YOLOv4 Model
Maintaining a proper dress code in organizations or any environment is very important. It not only imbibes a sense of discipline but also reflects the personality and qualities of people as individuals. To follow this practice, some organizations like educational institutions and a few corporations have made it mandatory for the personnel to maintain proper attire as per their regulations. Manual checks are performed to adhere to the organizations' regulations which becomes tedious and erroneous most of the times. Having an automated system not only saves time but also there is very little scope of mistakes and errors. Taking this into context, the main aim and idea behind the project is to propose a model for detecting the dress code in such workplaces and educational institutions where the attire needs to be regularly monitored. The model detects Business Formals (Blazer, Shirt & Pants) worn by the personnel, for which CNN has been considered, along with YOLOv4, for performing the detection, due to its nature of giving the highest accuracy in comparison to the other object-detection models. Providing the Mean Average Precision of around 81%, it becomes evident that the model performs quite well in performing the detections. 2023 IEEE. -
A Framework for Enhancing Classification in BrainComputer Interface
Over the past twenty years, the various merits of braincomputer interface (BCI) have garnered much recognition in the industry and scientific institutes. An increase in the quality of life is the key benefit of BCI utilization. The majority of the published works are associated with the examination and assessment of classification algorithms due to the ever-increasing interest in electroencephalography-based (EEG) BCIs. Yet, another objective is to offer guidelines that aid the reader in picking the best-suited classification algorithm for a given BCI experiment. For a given BCI system, selecting the best-suited classifier essentially requires an understanding of the features to be utilized, their properties, and their practical uses. As a feature extraction method, the common spatial pattern (CSP) will project multichannel EEG signals into a subspace to highlight the variations between the classes and minimize the similarities. This work has evaluated the efficacy of various classification algorithms like Naive Bayes, k-nearest neighbor classifier, classification and regression tree (CART), and AdaBoost for the BCI framework. Furthermore, the work has offered the proposal for channel selection with recursive feature elimination. 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
A framework for information security assurance using DNA cryptography
Molecular biology is a branch of life science which plays a pivot role in improving the quality of life whereas Information security is another aspect for social edification, which human beings will never compromise. Both are subjects of high relevance and inevitable for humanity. Thus, an amalgamation of these subjects turns up as an innovation which is beneficial for Information security and storage. The secure transfer of information was of significant concern from ancient civilizations. Various techniques have been proposed from time immemorial to maintain the security of data so that only intended recipient should be able to receive the message other than the sender. newlineThe Information security aspects became prominent with the introduction of the newlineInternet. Regardless of the type of information which varies from a single newlinecharacter to the much-discussed Big Data , it is necessary to ensure secure storage and protection which is a matter of concern.Cryptography is an art by newlineitself and the science of secrecy which protects information from unauthorized newlineaccess. Various techniques have evolved through years of information protection newlinewhich includes Ciphers, Cryptography, Steganography, Biometrics and the most newlinerecent Nano-Cryptography comprising of Quantum Cryptography and DNA Cryptography. newlineDNA cryptography is an emerging and promising field of Information security. Dr. Leonard Adleman s experiment to solve the Hamiltonian Path Problem, which is an NP-complete problem using computational properties of DNA, has newlineredefined the word computing. The emergence of DNA computing marked the beginning of DNA Cryptography.It was a leap forward in the field of security to use biomolecular concepts and the later research followed on DNA encryption gives us new hope of unbreakable algorithms. DNA based encryption schemes work on the principles of DNA computing techniques.Cryptosystems based on DNA got relevance due to bio-computational properties of DNA. -
A framework for integrating nested queries in natural language interfaces to databases
To translate Natural Language (NL) statements into Structured Query Language
(SQL) queries, different methods and systems were proposed in the past. This work presents a framework for automating the translation of Data Requirement
Specifications (DRS) given by enterprise Business Users in NL into SQL queries,
focusing on requirements that result in the generation of nested SQLs. The framework takes the business user’s DRS given in English as input and generates an initial query sketch by employing semantic parsing. This initial sketch is further refined and completed into a well-formed SQL by consulting the Database Schema. It performs the translation by combining NL processing techniques with Query Sketch generation methods and refines it by employing Repair techniques or extends it further. The framework suggests using Lambda expressions for intermediate representation and employs standard operations of Lambda Calculus for performing the required transformations needed for translation. Lambda Context Calculus (LCC) provides the operational semantics and the relevant methods needed in transforming NL statements into SQL, preserving the integrity and compositionality24 of expressions in every step of the translation. Though Lambda Calculus is found to be effective in representing the intermediate expressions and assists in performing the transformations that are needed for translating specific predicates into SQL, its inflexibility in combining parallel computations is a constraint. To represent clauses that are in parallel or are in
pipeline, and to perform the required transformations on the intermediate expressions involving these, more advanced programming constructs are needed. It also adopts functional programming techniques to deal with complex scenarios involving nested queries. This work recommends the use of some advanced language constructs, the Fixed-point Combinators11 and Monad Comprehensions20 for performing the required transformation at the intermediate language level and adopts functional programming techniques for the required syntactic sugar. -
A Framework for Integrating Nested Queries in Natural Language Interfaces to Databases
To translate Natural Language (NL) statements into Structured Query Language (SQL) queries, different methods and systems were proposed in the past. This work presents a framework for automating the translation of Data Requirement Specifications (DRS) given by enterprise Business Users in NL into SQL queries, focusing on requirements that result in the generation of nested SQLs. The framework takes the business user s DRS given in English as input and generates an initial query sketch by employing semantic parsing. This initial sketch is further refined and newlinecompleted into a well-formed SQL by consulting the Database Schema. It performs newlinethe translation by combining NL processing techniques with Query Sketch generation newlinemethods and refines it by employing Repair techniques or extends it further. The newlineframework suggests using Lambda expressions for intermediate representation and newlineemploys standard operations of Lambda Calculus for performing the required newlinetransformations needed for translation. Lambda Context Calculus (LCC) provides the newlineoperational semantics and the relevant methods needed in transforming NL statements newlineinto SQL, preserving the integrity and compositionality24 of expressions in every step of the translation. Though Lambda Calculus is found to be effective in representing the intermediate expressions and assists in performing the transformations that are needed for translating specific predicates into SQL, its inflexibility in combining parallel computations is a constraint. To represent clauses that are in parallel or are in pipeline, and to perform the required transformations on the intermediate expressions involving these, more advanced programming constructs are needed. It also adopts functional programming techniques to deal with complex scenarios involving nested queries. -
A Framework for Integrating the Distributed Hash Table (DHT) with an Enhanced Blooms Filter in MANET
MANET, a self-organizing, infrastructure-less, wireless network is a fast-growing technology in day-to-day life. There is a rapid growth in the area of mobile computing due to the extent of economical and huge availability of wireless devices which leads to the extensive analysis of the mobile ad-hoc network. It consists of the collection of wireless dynamic nodes. Due to this dynamic nature, the routing of packets in the MANET is a complex one. The integration of distributed hash table (DHT) in MANET is performed to enhance the overlay of routing. The node status updating in the centralized hash table creates the storage overhead. The bloom filter is a data structure that is a space-effective randomized one but it allows the false-positive rates. However, this can be able to compensate for the issue of storage overhead in DHT (Distributed hash table). Hence, to overcome the storage overhead occurring in DHT, and reduce the false positives, the Bloom's filter is integrated with the DHT initially. Furthermore, the link stability is measured by the distance among mobile nodes. The optimal node selection should be done for the transmission of packets which is the lacking factor. If it fails to select the optimal path then the removal of malicious nodes may lead to the unwanted entry of nodes into the other clustering groups. Therefore, to solve this problem, the bloom's filter is modified for enhancing the link stability. The novelty of this proposed work is the integration of Bloom's filter with the Distributed Hash Table which provides good security on transmission data by removing false-positive errors and storage overhead 2022,International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications.All Rights Reserved -
A framework for national-level prevention initiatives in Indian schools: A risk reduction approach
India's mental health policies predominantly prioritize treatment and rehabilitation. While acknowledging the significance of youth well-being, the initiatives undertaken are fragmented, lacking comprehensive data on reach and utilization. Mounting evidence supports the preventability of mental illnesses, highlighting the cost-effectiveness of prevention initiatives, particularly within school-based programs. This paper aims to delineate a preventive framework centered on schools, employing the six-step OrigAMI (Origins of Adult Mental Illnesses) model. This model targets modifiable risk factors to stop the development of mental illnesses. Each step of this model is dissected and examined within the context of the school environment, elucidating the unique and influential role that educational institutions can undertake in preventive initiatives in India. In the initial step, the paper identifies modifiable risk factors in children and adolescents that can be addressed within the school environment. The second and third steps involve pinpointing the target demographic and utilizing data from comprehensive reviews of mental health initiatives. The fourth and fifth steps delineate the workforce structure, advocating for task shifting to non-specialists, engaging school stakeholders and parents, and establishing a systematic workforce framework. The final step delves into policy implications, exploring the potential to reduce the prevalence of mental illness by focusing on risk factors with a high Population Attributable Fraction. This section also contrasts the proposed approach in terms of expenditure against the current budget allocations. The paper culminates with a recommendation to integrate these preventive programs into existing healthcare policies, positioning schools as central to these prevention efforts. The integration of prevention programs into healthcare policies aims to reduce prevalence rates and alleviate the burden on the healthcare system. 2024 Elsevier GmbH -
A framework for natural resource management with geospatial machine learning: a case study of the 2021 Almora forest fires
Background: Wildfires have a substantial impact on air quality and ecosystems by releasing greenhouse gases (GHGs), trace gases, and aerosols into the atmosphere. These wildfires produce both light-absorbing and merely scattering aerosols that can act as cloud condensation nuclei, altering cloud reflectivity, cloud lifetime, and precipitation frequency. Uttarakhand province in India experiences frequent wildfires that affect its protected ecosystems. Thus, a natural resource management system is needed in this region to assess the impact of wildfire hazards on land and atmosphere. We conducted an analysis of a severe fire event that occurred between January and April 2021 in the Kumaun region of Uttarakhand, by utilizing open-source geospatial data. Near-real-time satellite observations of pre- and post-fire conditions within the study area were used to detect changes in land and atmosphere. Supervised machine learning algorithm was also implemented to estimate burned above ground biomass (AGB) to monitor biomass stock. Results: The study found that 21.75% of the total burned area burned with moderate to high severity, resulting in a decreased Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index value (> 0.3), a reduced Normalized Differential Moisture Index value (> 0.4), and a lowered Normalized Differential Vegetation Index (> 0.5). The AGB estimate demonstrated a significant simple determination (r2 = 0.001702) and probability (P < 2.2 10?16), along with a positive correlation (r ? 0.24) with vegetation and soil indices. The algorithm predicted that 17.56 tonnes of biomass per hectare burned in the Kumaun forests. This fire incident resulted in increased emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2; ~ 0.8 10?4kgcarbonh?1), methane (CH4; ~ 200 10?9mol fraction in dry air), carbon monoxide (CO; 2000 1015moleculescm?2 total column), and formaldehyde (HCHO; 3500 1013moleculescm?2 total column), along with increased aerosol optical thickness (varying from 0.2 to 0.5). Conclusions: We believe that our proposed operational framework for managing natural resources and assessing the impact of natural hazards can be used to efficiently monitor near-real-time forest-fire-caused changes in land and atmosphere. This method makes use of openly accessible geospatial data that can be employed for several objectives, including monitoring carbon stocks, greenhouse gas emissions, criterion air pollution, and radiative forcing of the climate, among many others. Our proposed framework will assist policymakers and the scientific community in mitigating climate change problems and in developing adaptation policies. The Author(s) 2024. -
A framework for smart transportation using Big Data
In the current era of information technology, data driven decision is widely recognized. It leads to involvement of the term 'Big Data'. The use of IOT and ICT deployment is a key player of the smart city project in India. It leads to smart transportation systems with huge amounts of real time data that needs to be communicated, aggregated, interpreted, analyzed and maintained. These technologies enhance the effective usage of smart transportation systems, which is economical and has a high social impact. Social applications like transportation can be benefited by using IOT, ICT and big data analytics to give better prediction. In this paper, we present how big data analytics can be used to build a smart transportation system. Increasing traffic and frequent jams in today's scenario are becoming a routine, citizens are facing various health issues due to the bad transportation systems such as high blood pressure, stress, asthma due to air and noise pollution. In smart transportation mobility can be easily implemented as most of the citizens use smartphones. It can be easily linked to smart traffic signals to achieve the objective of smart transportation. Smart transportation is a key component to attract companies as it leads to better services, business planning, support beneficial environment and social behavior. 2016 IEEE. -
A Fundamental Study on Electric Vehicle Model for Longitudinal Control
Stricter emission norms need to drift toward being environment friendly have shifted the concentration in the automobile sector toward electric vehicles. This research article highlights the fundamental modeling steps required for an electric vehicle control system design following a simulation approach using MATLAB/Simulink software. From an electric vehicle design perspective, this approach offers an excellent solution to give insights into EV research involving multidisciplinary engineering aspects. The study presents longitudinal control technique, relevant observations and results to bring out the differences in open-loop and closed-loop case studies. It also intends to provide better understanding toward the need for a feedback, realization of an expected path profile for students and researchers in this field of interest. The steps involved in transforming the mathematical model into a simulation model and analysis of the simulation results are detailed in this article. 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
A Fusion Based Approach for Blood Vessel Segmentation from Fundus Images by Separating Brighter Optic Disc
Abstract: In ophthalmology, blood vessel segmentation from fundus images plays a significant role in automated retinal disease screening systems. Several research papers on blood vessel segmentation suggest enhancing fundus images before segmentation significantly to improve performance. The brightness of the optic disc region in a fundus image negatively influences the enhancement of relatively darker vessel pixels. Segregation of brighter optic disc from fundus images before its enhancement is the fundamental idea behind developing the proposed framework. Initially, the optic disc is extracted from the input fundus image to form two images, one containing optical disc and the other, fundus image without optical disk. In the second stage, both the images are enhanced independently, followed by blood vessel segmentation. Finally, the segmented blood vessels from the images are fused to obtain a single image. Experiments conducted with fundus images from DRIVE, STARE, and CHASE_DB1 databases show improvement in the identification of blood vessel pixels. 2021, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. -
A fuzzy approach to project team selection
Project team selection is a complex process in software engineering. The study uses a multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) approach for the selection of a project team under fuzzy environment. In this paper a FRI, FSS approaches are developed to the selection of project team. 2019, International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research. All rights reserved. -
A fuzzy computing software quality model
Expectation of the quality of a software varies from user to user. A fuzzy approach to measure the quality of a software is very appropriate so that it can deal with non-crisp aspects of the various parameters. In the proposed model, ordered intuitionistic fuzzy soft sets (OIFSS) and relative similarity measures of OIFSS are considered in the backdrop of fuzzy multiple criteria decision making (FMCDM) approach. 2019 Author(s). -
A fuzzy soft coronavirus alarm model
The entire world experienced a rampant outbreak of Covid-19 beginning in December 2019. The spread of this disease was so rapid and aggressive that many developed countries struggled to control it. However, some countries such as China and Australia have done a commendable job of controlling this virus. Various studies have been done in parallel to analyze strategies to curb the spread of the virus. In many locations, people displayed swarm intelligence. The collective behavior of people was mixed. Some people followed the instructions of the health authorities. In addition to the instructions, people in some localities developed self-organization to resist the spreading of the virus. This research work mainly focuses on the prediction of coronavirus spread in different districts of Kerala by use of a fuzzy approach as the fuzzy approach is considered the best tool that would not show imprecise data in any situation. The PRONE (Predicted Risk of New Event) indexing algorithm was used for finding the intensity of the spread in five districts of Kerala (Trivandrum, Ernakulam, Kozhikode, Kannur, and Kasargod) and was evaluated under the input parameters of immunity of person, food habits, financial factors, and age with the total number of infected people as the output variable. An eight-step algorithm is provided to determine the PRONE index. Kasargod is more vulnerable to the virus. The final results show that this proposed model better predicts virus spread. 2024 Elsevier Inc. All rights are reserved including those for text and data mining AI training and similar technologies. -
A Gated Recurrent Unit Based Continual Normalization Model for Arrythmia Classification Using ECG Signals
In this world, around 31% of the deaths are commonly caused because of cardiovascular diseases. Around 80% of sudden deaths occur due to cardiac arrhythmias and heart diseases. The mortality rate has increased for cardiac disease and therefore early heart disease detection is significant to preclude patients from dying. At the initial phase, the heart disease is detected by analyzing abnormal heartbeats. The existing models failed to select the features before performing the extraction of features. The developed model examined MIT-BIB database to surpass the overfitting issue. Therefore, in the present research work, the Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) based Continual Normalization (CN) classifier is used to speed up the training to a higher learning rate to enable simpler learning for the standard deviation of the neurons' output. The extracted features were used to classify Electrocardiogram (ECG) signals into 5 important classes named as N, S, V, F & Q which denote the kinds of arrhythmia. The findings revealed that the proposed GRU based Continual Normalization technique obtained an accuracy of 99.41% which is better when compared with the existing researches. 2023 IEEE.