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Intrinsic betterness and reason based extrinsic preference towards social shopping: A study among college students in Bangalore
The main purpose of this study is to analyze the Intrinsic and Extrinsic factors and its impact on the social shopping of student community in the city of Bangalore. Bangalore is one of the most popular cities in the down south. This city attracts a mix of various cultures from various countries of the world. Thus, this city and population would be apt to study the social shopping pattern considering the Intrinsic and Extrinsic factors. The data was collected from the student community, perusing their college education in the city of Bangalore. Using convenient sampling method, a sample size of 225 was drawn from educational institutions in the city of Bangalore. The research work makes use of both first hand and second-hand data. The reliability of the data is acceptable as the Cronbach's alphas value is more than. 6. The drafted questionnaire was subjected to expert opinion before the data collection process. The study results make it clear that both intrinsic and extrinsic values motivate the consumers to get involved in the social shopping. But comparatively consumers are more influenced by those factors present in the external environment. It can be concluded by saying that, youngsters are quite smart before putting themselves into the purchase behavior, as they are in a group of friends, they get influenced by various experiences and comments shared by many. In a way social shopping is better, as too many minds generate ideas for a single purchase. 2018 Transilvanian Association for the Literarure and Culture of Romanian People (ASTRA). All rights reserved. -
Omics based approach for biodiscovery of microbial natural products in antibiotic resistance era
The need for a new antibiotic pipeline to confront threat imposed by resistant pathogens has become a major global concern for human health. To confront the challenge there is a need for discovery and development of new class of antibiotics. Nature which is considered treasure trove, there is re-emerged interest in exploring untapped microbial to yield novel molecules, due to their wide array of negative effects associated with synthetic drugs. Natural product researchers have developed many new techniques over the past few years for developing diverse compounds of biopotential. Taking edge in the advancement of genomics, genetic engineering, in silico drug design, surface modification, scaffolds, pharmacophores and target-based approach is necessary. These techniques have been economically sustainable and also proven efficient in natural product discovery. This review will focus on recent advances in diverse discipline approach from integrated Bioinformatics predictions, genetic engineering and medicinal chemistry for the synthesis of natural products vital for the discovery of novel antibiotics having potential application. 2018 -
Eye-Tracking Measures in Aviation: A Selective Literature Review
Objective: The aim of this article is to present a comprehensive review of eye-tracking measures and discuss different application areas of the method of eye tracking in the field of aviation. Background: Psychophysiological measures such as eye tracking in pilots are useful for detecting fatigue or high-workload conditions, for investigating motion sickness and hypoxia, or for assessing display improvements and expertise. Method: We review the uses of eye tracking on pilots and include eye-tracking studies published in aviation journals, with both a historical and contemporary view. We include 79 papers and assign the results to the following three categories: Human performance, aircraft design, health and physiological factors affecting performance. We then summarize the different uses of eye tracking in each category and highlight metrics which turned out to be useful in each area. Our review is complementary to that of Ziv (2016). Results: On the basis of these analyses, we propose useful application areas for the measurement of eye tracking. Eye tracking has the potential to be effective in terms of preventing errors or injuries by detecting, for example, fatigue or performance decrements. Applied in an appropriate manner in simulated or real flight it can help to ensure optimal functioning of manmachine systems. Conclusion: Further aviation psychology and aerospace medicine research will benefit from measurement of eye movements. 2018, 2018 The Author(s). Published with license by Taylor and Francis Group, LLC. -
The Effect of Short-Term Training of Vipassanas Body-Scan on Select Cognitive Functions
This experiment examined the effect of a short-term body-scan meditation technique of vipassana practice on select cognitive functions. Participants (n = 77) were randomly divided into an experimental group (n = 37) and an active control group (n = 40). The average age of participants in the experimental group and the active control group was 21.67 1.16 and 21.40 3.14years, respectively. The experimental group practiced body-scan mindfulness, one session per day for 6 days with each session lasting for 25min. Participants in the active control group spent an equal amount of time reading fiction of their choice and listening to soothing music. Variables that were studied included five cognitive functions, namely reaction time, attention, learning, working memory, and social-emotional cognition. Results showed that short-term mindfulness meditation decreased reaction time and increased attention, with mild effect size. It may be concluded that short-term mindfulness practice might be an alternative for individuals who, due to various reasons, cannot practice long-term courses. 2018, National Academy of Psychology (NAOP) India. -
In-Depth Review of Microeconomic Analysis of Business Tourist Spending
Most prior research used tourist arrivals to examine international tourism demand. However, tourist arrival is not an accurate factor to determine international tourism demand as it does not show the actual spending pattern of tourists which includes goods and services purchased. Literature has proven that business tourists always spend more than leisure tourists; thus, tourist expenditure is an essential measure of international tourism demand. For the current research, we summarised 31 studies to review several variables that could affect tourism demand and expenditure. The current research concludes that microeconomic modelling should be the focus and given priority for studying tourism demand and the factors that affect business tourist expenditure. The Author(s) 2018. -
Self in schizophrenia: Current issues and future directions
Background: The objective of this review is to discuss the current advancements, and critical issues, in the area of studying disturbances of self in schizophrenia. The critical and systematic review of the self in schizophrenia is significant because it has been regarded as a prodrome and a predictor of the development of future psychosis. In addition, it has been found to be over and above clinical symptoms and is common in people with schizophrenia. Methodology: A systematic electronic literature search was done using PubMed, MEDLINE, and PMC (PubMed Central) databases were searched systematically, and relevant articles published in English peer-reviewed journals were selected. Results: The findings were discussed, and critical analysis of the studies revealed methodological and conceptual issues in the literature studying self in schizophrenia. Conclusion: The review has concluded with the discussion on future directions in terms of research and clinical applications. 2018 Archives of Mental Health | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow. -
Multifractal analysis of volatility for detection of herding and bubble: Evidence from CNX Nifty HFT
This study delves into the herding and bubble detection in the volatility domain of a capital market underlying. Furthermore, it focuses on creating heuristics, so that common investors find it relatively easy to understand the state of the market volatility. Hence, it can be termed that this study is focused on the specific financial innovation regarding bubble and herding detection coupled with investor awareness. The traces of possible volatility bubble emerge when it is positioned against its own lags (both lag1 and lag2). The volatility trigger indicated clear traces of herding and an embedded parabola function. Continuous and repetitive parabola function hinted at a subtle presence of "fractals". Firstly, the detrended fluctuation analysis has been used with its multifractal variant. Secondly, the regularized form of Hurst calculation and analysis have been used. Both tests reveal the traces of nascent bubble formation owing to prominent herding in CNX Nifty HFT environment. They also indicate a clear link with Hausdorff topological patterns. These patterns would help to create heuristics, enabling investors to be aware of possible bubble and herd situations. Bikramaditya Ghosh, Emira Kozarevic, 2019. -
Mindfulness-based relapse preventionA meta-analysis
Addiction is of varied types and over the years the focus has not only been on the growing issues of addiction but also on how to prevent relapse on recovering clients. According to Buddhist teaching craving is the cause of suffering and suffering festers itself due to attachment. Once an individual is enlightened he will be able to find a path that ceases such suffering. Mindfulness helps bring about such enlightenment through being conscious and reflective of every moments experience. Mindfulness does not stop at being aware alone but extends its teaching to accepting such experiences as they are and letting go. Relapse prevention has long been researched on and new therapies developed to facilitate the same. This conceptual paper looks at how Mindfulness-based relapse prevention therapy works to prevent relapses. The paper focuses on understanding each of the eight-week therapy process and how it progresses in changing thoughts and reducing stress. The paper shows how Mindfulness-based relapse prevention helps clients understand their craving and how to change thoughts in order to deal with a craving thus preventing relapse. 2019, 2019 The Author(s). This open access article is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 license. -
A clinical study of hepatitis B
The spread of Hepatitis B, which is a severe and enduring disease that origins from its virus is a vital universal issue. It is assessed that about 70 crore people around the globe are enduring HBV transporters. The medical range of HBV virus series starting with subclinical to severe suggestive hepatitis or, hardly, hazardous hepatitis during the severe point and from the quiet hepatitis B external antigen (HBsAg) transporter state, enduring hepatitis of numerous grades of histologic sternness to cirrhosis and its difficulties during the enduring point. In this research paper, we witness medication, signs, and consequence of Hepatitis B. 2019 by Advance Scientific Research. -
Recent developments in bandwidth improvement of dielectric resonator antennas
This article shows a compressed chronological overview of dielectric resonator antennas (DRAs) emphasizing the developments targeting to bandwidth performance characteristics in last three and half decades. The research articles available in open literature give strong information about the innovation and rapid developments of DRAs since 1980s. The sole intention of this review article is to, (a) highlight the novel researchers and to analyze their effective and innovative research carried out on DRA for the furtherance of its performance in terms of only bandwidth and bandwidth with other characteristics, (b) give a practical prediction of future of DRA as per the past and current state-of-art condition, and (c) provide a conceptual support to the antenna modelers for further innovations as well as miniaturization of the existing ones. In addition some of the significant observations made during the review can be noted as follows; (a) hybrid shape DRAs with Sierpinski and Minkowski fractal DRAs seems comfortable in obtaining wideband as well as multiband, (b) combination of multiple resonant modes (preferably lower modes) can lead to wider impedance bandwidth, (c) at proper matching wider patch with slotted dielectric resonator can exhibit better bandwidth. 2019 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. -
Review of recent progress in the development and properties of aluminum metal matrix composites reinforced with multiwalled carbon nanotube by powder metallurgy route
Aluminum and its alloys are finding increasing applications in every sphere of industry with various reinforcements. New reinforcements like graphene and carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are in focus on account of its contribution in mechanical, thermal, and electrical properties. Achieving uniform distribution and selecting the right manufacturing process still remain a challenge. Hence, this review takes into account the contributions by many researchers and attempts to consolidate the findings that may close the gap and identify the scope for future research. In spite of the advantages of aluminum, it requires improvement in strength, wear resistance, heat resistance, conductivity, and thermal expansion. Among the available reinforcements, CNT stands out because of its unique features of thermal conductivity, expansion, and strength. The effect of multiwalled CNT reinforcement in metal on precipitation hardening is also discussed. Copyright 2019 by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959 -
A meta-analysis on the effects of haphazard motion of tiny/nano-sized particles on the dynamics and other physical properties of some fluids
Decline in the theoretical and empirical review of Brownian motion is worth noticing, not just because its relevance lies in the field of mathematical physics but due to unavailability of statistical technique. The ongoing debate on transport phenomenon and thermal performance of various fluids in the presence of haphazard motion of tiny particles as explained by Albert Einstein using kinetic theory and Robert Brown is further clinched in this report. This report presents the outcome of detailed inspections of the significance of Brownian motion on the flow of various fluids as reported in forty-three (43) published articles using the method of slope linear regression through the data point. The technique of slope regression through the data points of each physical property of the flow and Brownian motion parameter was established and used to generate four forest plots. The outcome of the study indicates that an increase in Brownian motion corresponds to an enhancement of haphazard motion of tiny particles. In view of this, there would always be a significant difference between the corresponding effects when Brownian motion is small and large in magnitude. Maximum heat transfer rate can be achieved due to Brownian motion in the presence of thermal radiation, thermal convective and mass convective at the wall in three-dimensional flow. In the presence of heat convective and mass convective at the wall, and thermal radiation, a significant increase in Nusselt number due to Brownian motion is guaranteed. A decrease in the concentration of fluid substance due to an increase in Brownian motion is bound to occur. This is not achievable in the case of high entropy generation and homogeneous-heterogeneous quartic autocatalytic kind of chemical reaction. 2019 The Physical Society of the Republic of China (Taiwan) -
Progress in psycho-oncology with special reference to developing countries
Purpose of reviewPsycho-oncology has completed 25 years. There is growing recognition of the psychosocial needs of persons living with cancer and the role of sociocultural factors in addressing the needs. This review addresses the research in developing countries relating to distress associated with living with cancer and psychosocial care.Recent findingsThere is growing recognition of the emotional needs, understanding of the sociocultural aspects of the emotional responses of persons, caregivers, role of resilience and posttraumatic growth and spirituality in cancer care. Psychosocial aspects of cancer are largely influenced by social, economic, cultural, religious and health systems. A number of innovative approaches to care like use of yoga, financial and material support and involvement of caregivers have been implemented. A positive development is the increasing professional attention to document and develop innovative care programmes.SummaryA significant proportion of the general population are living with cancer. There are significant psychosocial needs largely influenced by social, economic, cultural, religious aspects of the communities. There are a wide range of interventions from self-care to professional care to address the needs. In developing countries, there is need for longitudinal studies of psycho-social experiences, develop interventions that are culturally appropriate, along with enhanced use of information technology along with evaluation of interventions. 2019 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. -
A review of challenges and solutions in the preparation and use of magnetorheological fluids
This review of MRF (magnetorheological fluids or MR fluids) brings out the challenges in methods of preparation, difficulties encountered in storage and use, and possible solutions to overcome the challenges. Magnetorheological fluid in the rheological fluid domain has found use due to its ability to change its shear strength based on the applied magnetic field. Magnetorheological fluids are composed of magnetizable micron-sized iron particles and a non-magnetizable base or carrier fluid along with additives to counter sedimentation and agglomeration. Magnetorheological fluids can respond to external stimuli by undergoing changes in physical properties thus enabling several improved modifications in the existing technology enhancing their application versatility and utility. Thus, magnetorheological fluid, a rheological material whose viscosity undergoes apparent changes on application of magnetic field, is considered as a smart material. Such materials can be used for active and semi-active control of engineering systems. Many studies on the designs of systems incorporating MR fluids, mainly for vibration control and also for other applications including brakes, clutches, dynamometers, aircraft landing gears, and helicopter lag dampers, have emerged over last couple of decades. However, the preparation as well as the maintenance of magnetorheological fluids involves several challenges. Sedimentation is a major challenge, even when stored for moderate periods of time. A comprehensive review is made on the problems confronted in the preparation of magnetorheological fluids as well as sustenance of the properties, for use, over a long period of time. Other problems encountered include agglomeration and in-use thickening (IUT) as well as rusting and crusting. Of interest is the mitigation of these problems so as to prepare fluids with satisfactory properties, and such solutions are reviewed here. The control of magnetorheological fluids and the applications of interest are also reviewed. The review covers additives for overcoming challenges in the preparation and use of magnetorheological fluids that include incrustation, sedimentation, agglomeration, and also oxidation of the particles. The methodology to prepare the fluid along with the process for adding selected additives was reviewed. The results showed an improvement in the reduction of sedimentation and other problems decreasing comparatively. A set of additives for addressing the specific challenges has been summarized. Experiments were carried out to establish the sedimentation rates for compositions with varying fractions of additives. The review also analyzes briefly the gaps in studies on MR fluids and covers present developments and future application areas such as haptic devices. 2019, The Author(s). -
Feature extraction and classification techniques of modi script character recognition
Machine simulation of human reading has caught the attention of computer science researchers since the introduction of digital computers. Character recognition is the process of recognizing either printed or handwritten text from document images and converting it into machine-readable form. Character recognition is successfully implemented for various foreign language scripts like English, Chinese and Latin. In the case of Indian language scripts, the character recognition process is comparatively difficult due to the complex nature of scripts. MODI script-an ancient Indian script, is the shorthand form for the Devanagari script in which Marathi was written. Though at present, the script is not used officially, it has historical importance. MODI character recognition is a very complex task due to its variations in the writing style of individuals, shape similarity of characters and the absence of word stopping symbol in documents. The advances in various machine learning techniques have greatly contributed to the success of various character recognition processes. The proposed work provides an overview of various feature extraction and classification techniques used in the recognition of MODI script till date and also provides evaluation and comparison of these techniques. 2019, Universiti Putra Malaysia Press. All rights reserved. -
Role of spiritual intelligence and occupational stress on organizational commitment: Evidence from outsourcing industry
As the world passes through uncertainty, researchers contemplate the future of work. While trying times highlight the importance of spiritual intelligence and commitment towards the organization, change brings with it large amounts of stress. Even before the pandemic, a large portion of the working population was moving towards the 'gig' style of working. The freedom of choice and the level of control that the option brought with it, made it a rather attractive option. However, for organizations the question remains on how to instil the same level of commitment in an employee who is not directly linked to the organization. In an attempt to understand the same, the current study looks at the drivers of organizational commitment for employees of the outsourcing industry. Similar to gig employees, these employees remain outside the organization they currently work for. Additionally, they are expected to balance the expectations of the parent and the host organization. The findings of the study suggest that the individual's spiritual intelligence levels and the level of perceived stress in the role would be significant in determining their levels of commitment. These findings are of significance for organizations dealing with outsourced employees and especially for those attempting to create alternate employment opportunities within their organization. 2019 by Advance Scientific Research. This is an open-access article under the CC BY license ( -
Beyond numbers - Recent understanding of emotional needs of persons diagnosed with cancer 2007-2018
Epidemiology is a vital tool of public health. The usefulness of epidemiology is not only about numbers of persons' ill in the community but also to understand the associations, the presentation, identification of new syndromes, to map the historical trends, and calculate morbid risk. The emotional impact of the diagnosis of cancer is well-recognized. Indian cancer research relating to the psychosocial aspects has been largely limited to counting the numbers with psychiatric syndromes. The review covers 12 years of the Indian research in psycho-oncology to understand the different aspects of epidemiology. During the review period, there are growing number of epidemiological studies (29); psychiatric morbidity ranges from 41.7% to 46%; and prevalence rate ranges from 4.4% to 97.8% for anxiety and 1.2%-89.9% for depression; majority of the studies have used one-stage screening for assessment, which is not the ideal method of identifying mental disorders. The severity of the disorders is presented only in nine studies. Quality of life is the most common associated dimension of the studies. There is the absence of studies of posttraumatic growth, resilience, and spirituality. This review calls for greater rigor in the planning of studies of emotional impact, especially the use of two-stage method, longitudinal studies, studies of different types of cancer and in different stages, include additional measures such as disease burden, coping, resilience, spirituality, and the family/social factors to understand the emotional aspects of living with cancer. There is a need for describing the emotional aspects of living with cancer (lived-in experiences) beyond the clinical syndromes. 2020 Indian Journal of Palliative Care. -
A study on the impact of brand preference and furniture on consumer preference of coffee houses
The food and beverage industry in India is developing at a rapid pace. These changes need to be met by the various sectors and runners in the business to be able to satisfy their customers. This statement applies most importantly for the coffee house industry, as today consumers are looking to use these spaces for different purposes. The study revolves around the coffee houses in Bangalore, India. The social aspects of the food and beverage industry, inclined towards coffee houses will be studied with various elements. It aims at studying the impact of elements including music, brand preference, taste preference, furniture, lighting and crown, on consumer preference to visit a coffee house. A total of 371 responses were collected, which included corporate and students residing in Bangalore. 2019 by Advance Scientific Research. -
Arithmetic integer additive set-valued graphs: A creative review
For a non-empty ground set X, finite or infinite, the set-valuation or set-labeling of a given graph G is an injective function f: V (G) ? P(X), where P(X) is the power set of the set X. A set-indexer of a graph G is an injective set-valued function f: V (G) ? P(X) such that the function f?: E(G) ? P(X) ? { defined by f? (uv) = f (u)? f (v) for every uv?E(G) is also injective, where ? is a binary operation on sets. Let N0 be the set of all non-negative integers and P(N0) is its power set. An integer additive set-labeling (IASL) of a graph G is an injective function f: V (G) ? P(N0) such that the induced function f+: E(G) ? P(N0) is defined by f+ (uv) = f (u) + f (v), where f (u) + f (v) is the sumset of the sets f (u) and f (v). An IASL f of a graph G is said to be an integer additive set-indexer (IASI) of G if the induced function f+ is also injective. In this paper, we critically and creatively review the concepts and properties of a particular type integer additive set-valuation, called arithmetic integer additive set-valuation of graphs. 2020 the author(s). -
Artificial immune system based frameworks and its application in cyber immune system: A comprehensive review
Computer science has always mixed the concepts of biology and computers to enhance the way in which systems are designed. Artificial Immune System (AIS) is a Computational Intelligence strategy dependent on an organically enlivened computational system that can be utilized for taking care of complex computational issues. It tends to be seen that AIS is an incredibly various locale of research, going from the modeling immune systems to complex algorithms for specific applications. This paper exhibits an exhaustive survey of different frameworks developed in the artificial immune system and its application. Reviews of frameworks in AIS are uncommon and henceforth this paper gives an inside out audit of progressing research and challenges in AIS. We start by presenting AIS and give a thorough survey of different systems in AIS and its application in anomaly detection. We investigate the utilization of AIS in the Intrusion Detection System named the Cyber Immune System(CIS) and compares various AIS works applied to CIS. We conclude with various future extensions in the area of AIS research. 2019 by Advance Scientific Research. This is an open-access article under the CC BY license (