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The effectiveness of ethics education in developing ethically sensitive corporate leaders is a much debated subject. In the absence of much documented research on this topic in the Indian context, this study explores the question can business schools make any impact in enhancing the ethical sensitivity of the budding management graduates. Along with this primary hypothesis, the impact of variables such as type of schooling, academic achievement and gender is also analysed. The study is conducted on 259 graduate students from 5 business schools in Bangalore. A 20 scenario questionnaire is used to measure the ethical sensitivity score. Statistical tools like ANOVA, t-test and Pearsons coefficient of correlation are used to analyse the data. To the question how effective business ethics education in enhancing ethical sensitivity, the study found that the impact is limited. The outcome of business ethics is limited to improvement in the awareness of certain ethical issues. It does not influence the personal value orientations or inclinations to compromise ethics for self- interests and monetary benefits. This finding goes along with some of the similar researches done in other countries. The research also found that the personal values of students were developed at a young age and had been influenced by the type of school of their primary education. Students who have studied in religious affiliated schools have expressed greater ethical sensitivity compared to students studied in private or government schools for their early education. Another finding of this research challenges some of the earlier observations that academically achieving students exhibit higher sensitivity to ethical issues. The present study revealed no correlation between students academic achievements and ethical sensitivity. It reiterates the importance of providing holistic education than single-minded pursuit of academic excellence. The question whether one gender is superior to the other in ethical orientations is a well-researched topic, though most of such studies are done in the west. The current study in Indian context reinforces the outcome of the majority of researches which state that women tend to be more ethical than men. This study challenges the business schools to rethink the content and process of teaching business ethics to make it effective in developing the ethical quotient of future business leaders. Pedagogy that integrates critical reflection of personal values and ethical choices is recommended to make a difference. A greater sense of responsibility from the part of primary education providers and a holistic approach to education than mere pursuit of academic excellence are some of the other suggestions for introspection emerging from this research. -
A Study On Employee Retention Practices and Its Effectiveness In IT Sector
This project is done on human resource management topic in the area of A study on employee retention practices and its effectiveness in IT sector. The most challenging job for any present manager is to retain their employees. Employee retention involves taking measures to encourage employees to remain in the organization for the maximum period of time. Corporate is facing a lot of problem in employee retention these days. Hiring knowledgeable people for the job is essential for an employer. Employee recruitment and retention are one of the major issues facing the IT Sector. But retention is even more important than hiring. There is no end of opportunities for talented person. There is ample number of choice around employees. In olden days salary was all that matters, but today its just one among the components. Some of the other elements are like work environment, relationship, freedom to work etc. Due to high level of attrition it is important to know whether the employees are satisfied with their job and organization, if not the reason for leaving. This project will specify the effectiveness of various retention practices used retain the employees. The study also include various trends of practice followed by the organizations and its effect on the problem of attrition. Retention is a top business priority for more than one third of the organizations. More than one third of HR professionals in IT Sector views retention as one of their pressing issues. It is not very often that the management would be aware of the true reason as to why an employee would be leaving their organization. To be successful in knowing the reason, an effective exit interview procedure is very essential. This would help the organization to an extent to get a clear picture of what is going wrong. -
A comparative study on Personality Traits and Optimism among Women Employees and Women Entrepreneurs
This study is an attempt to contribute afresh with a perspective to the field of organization behaviour and psychological resource development with special reference to optimism (success/ lack of success) factors and big five personality traits among women employees and women entrepreneurs. This study provides more insight into the psychological profiles of female employees and entrepreneurs. Success/ lack of success factors and big five traits affects work choices, career choices, retirement choices, and marital choices. Women can be prepared and trained to be successful employees for both large and small organizations. The future policy making agencies can learn lessons to make meaningful plans and policies to prepare future generations for the future challenges of entrepreneurship. Policy makers can promote entrepreneurship through SMEs to strengthen future economy of the nation. This would help to increase the awareness of both educationists and students to follow entrepreneurial careers in the times to come. This study will help to understand entrepreneurial personality traits to carve and trained future entrepreneurs. The pedagogy institutions can train and carve leadership style and success factors amongst future women entrepreneurs. Short training interventions can be designed to develop positive psychological resource capacities which involves training the employees in set goals and engage in contingency planning to overcome potential obstacles. This training will lead to optimistic style and pessimism can be avoided.These activities and exercises also trigger self confidence among these employees. This also facilitates their emotional and behavioural adaptation at workplace. Hence the level of employees psychological capacities will increase.. 100 women employees from 5 employment sectors and 100 women entrepreneurs from 5 different sectors were the surveyed for the study. The sectors used for the study were manufacturing, IT services, services, trading and professionals.For employees sample was drawn from executive, sr.executive, assistant managers and manager??s level.The type of the organization studied were proprietorship, partnership, private limited and public limited. The tools used for the study are: 1. Optimism: Attribution of success and failure inventory- ASUFA-G. This is the inventory developed by Uday Paareek. It has got eight dimensions developed by Weiner 1974 and Seligman 1991. 2. Big Five Personality tool developed by psychologists John, Donahue and Kentle in 1991. It has got five dimensions. Major findings of the study 1. The study found that there was no relationship between big five personality traits and success and lack of factors among women employees. 2. The research revealed that there was significant relationship between big five personality traits and success and lack of success factors among women entrepreneurs. Extraversion was positively correlated with self directedness, self confidence and group directedness and negatively correlated with compliance. However the highest significance being compliance which is negatively correlated and the lowest being group directedness It was found that agreeableness was positively correlated with optimism and hope . The highest relationship being optimism and lowest positive relationship being hope. It was found that conscientiousness was positively correlated with self directedness optimism self confidence and hope and negatively correlated with fatalism. The highest significance being self directedness and lowest being fatalism which is negatively correlated. 3. The study conducted revealed that among big five personality traits it was found that extroversion and conscientiousness significantly influenced the lack of success factors among women entrepreneurs however the significance is negative. 4. It was found that the big five personality traits significantly influenced success factors among women entrepreneurs. Among these extraversion and conscientiousness positively influenced the success factors. The highest influence was conscientiousness followed by extroversion. 5. Very interesting observation was that there was no significant influence of big five personality traits on success factors and lack of success factors among women employees. 6. The findings revealed that no significant difference was found with the success factor self directedness, optimism, hope and lack of success factor fatalism, pessimism, among women employees vs. women entrepreneurs. 7. It was found that women entrepreneurs have higher group directedness and compliance compared to women employees. Whereas, in self confidence, women entrepreneurs are more confident when compared to women employees. 8. The study revealed an interesting facet that there was significant difference with neuroticism, extraversion and openness to experience between women employees and women entrepreneurs. Extraversion and openness to experience was more with women entrepreneurs compared to women employees and neuroticism was more with women employees compared to entrepreneurs. -
A Study on Identifying Causes for Non Institutional Deliveries among Beneficiaries of National Rural Health Mission
With the aim of ??Health for all and Health everywhere??, several health programs have been launched in the country and worldwide. National Rural Health Mission has been started in the country as well as Karnataka in order to improve our health care delivery system with a strong focus on improving health outcomes especially among women, children and vulnerable population. Bringing healthcare to the door steps of the poor rural population is one of the criticisms under National Rural Health Mission. The main goal of National Rural Health Mission is to bring down maternal mortality and infant mortality by promoting 100% institutional deliveries, this is also above goals of millennium development goal 2015. To reach this goals holistic approach is necessary. In Karnataka under National Rural Health Mission, many programs implemented in order to improve the health status of women and children. The programmes are Janani Suraksha Yojana, Prasuthi Arike, Thayibagya, 108 ambulance services, asha workers for every 1000 population and 24/7 Primary Health Centers have been initiated to promote institutional deliveries and to reduce maternal and infant mortality. Apart from the above programmes mother and child tracking system has been introduced in National Rural Health Mission in order to ensure 100% registration of pregnant women and status to ensure institutional deliveries of pregnant. Taking this as a background the study on ??Identifying Causes for Non- Institutional Deliveries??, was taken of by the researcher for identifying the researcher for identifying the reasons for Non-utilization of benefits provided by Government. There is increase of health services in terms of infrastructure, man power, drugs and equipment increase of health institution and other resources. Even though all health facilities are provided, the community is yet to encash the same due to several socio-cultural factors.This study encompass on religious, cultural, economical, infrastructural, medical causes/reasons for non-acceptance of Institutional deliveries which is critical for safe motherhood and child survival. Keywords: Non-institutional delivery, National Rural Health Mission, Pregnancy. -
The effects of internal heat generation and magnetic field on the onset of Rayleigh-B??nard-Marangoni convection in electrically conducting Micropolar fluid are studied using the Galerkin technique. In the case of Rayleigh??B??nard convection, the eigenvalue is obtained for rigid-free velocity boundary combinations with isothermal and adiabatic on the spin- vanishing boundaries. A linear stability analysis is performed. The influence of various parameters on the onset of convection has been analyzed. In the case of Marangoni and Rayleigh-B??nard-Marangoni convection the eigenvalues are obtained for an upper free / adiabatic and a lower rigid / isothermal boundaries. The microrotation is assumed to vanish at the boundaries. A linear stability analysis is performed. The influence of various parameters on the onset of convection has been analyzed and their comparative influence on onset is discussed. The problem suggests an elegant method of external control of internal convection. -
The study analyses the Narration techniques that were used in the Hollywood movies, which were taken from the Tamizh cinema, which is known as Kollywood. The researcher used content analysis to find out the similarities and common similarities from the four films, two from Tamizh and two from English. Through the content analysis and qualitative research we can find out that the plot or the ways of stories were moving in the same direction and the techniques in the narrative that makes the plot looks same. -
Organisation blogs have been used by organisations constantly at present times with the evolution of the digital world taking place. Every organisation involves various mediums through which they are constantly kept in the minds of the people. The researcher aims to find out the patterns and strategies used in organisation blogs as a Public relations tool. There are many public relations tools like in house publications, press conferences, Press releases, PR campaigns have been used by organisations since decades. The researcher aims to find out the growing importance of organisation blogs in the current scenario. The researcher would adopt qualitative method for the study. The researcher would analyse the blogs of top brands and conduct expert interviews. -
Virtual tourism is known to evoke experiences of moving through 3D space. It is also known that several virtual projects have been useful for various purposes. Google is a hub for several applications, projects and internet based features. One of them is the Google Art Project, established by Google in February, 2011. Although there has been research on several topics related to virtual tourism, there is still a gap when it comes to awareness created about Art Museums through Google, which has come about very recently. This study aims n o t o n l y at filling this gap but also understand the impact that this art project has created among its audiences. The research is an effort to understand how Google has promoted virtual tourism as well as art and if it has taken an effect into reality. This study will help recognize the dynamics and dimensions of the medium better. It is an attempt to understand if the project can transform the computer-arbitrated communication through Google Art Project. Another objective of the study is to find out people??s perception of the art pieces being as reliable as that, which is there in real time. The method employed to obtain findings is by means of survey, using questionnaire. The study establishes a relationship between those who are associated with art and paintings and those who are inspired to take a real-time tour. The findings of the survey have been interesting, where respondents preferred to take a real time tour after visiting the online version of the museum. -
Influence of Emotional Labour on General Health of Cabin Crew and Airline Ground Employees
The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of emotional labour and its two forms ?? deep acting and surface acting on the general health of airline employees. Further, the study aims to find if there is any influence of emotional labour and its two forms deep acting and surface acting across demographics. The demographics that are included in the study are gender, age, marital status, and work tenure. This study adopts a quantitative research design. Survey forms are distributed among airline employees. A total of 295 airline employees participated in this study. Out of the 295 participants, 190 works as cabin crew and 105 as airline ground employees. The study finds that emotional labour does not significantly influence the general health of airline employees. Also, deep and surface acting do not show any significant influence on the general health of employees. The study reveals that emotional labour-deep and surface acting vary across demographics. The female employees experience more emotional labour than the male employees. Also the female employees engage in deep acting than their counterparts. The employees belonging to the age group of 31 to 35 years and with 11 to 15 years of work experience are seen to experience more emotional labour than their respective counterparts. This study has major implications in the HRM department of industries and also in Aviation Psychology in India. However, the study is not free from limitations. One of the major limitations is that the study only included airline cabin crew and airline ground employees and hence cannot be generalized to other population. Keywords: emotional labour, deep acting, surface acting, general health -
Coverage of Northeast India in the Indian Mainstream Media: A Study of the Perception of Northeast Indians Living in Bangalore
The research is on Coverage of Northeast India in the Indian Mainstream Media: A Study of the Perception of Northeast Indians Living in Bangalore. Northeast refers to the eastern most region of India consisting of Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Tripura and Sikkim. The motivation to conduct this research has come from a viewable communication gap about the Northeast public in the mainstream or the national media. The hypothesis for this paper is media is not successful in giving the right picture of Northeast India to the rest of the country thereby making people from Northeast unsatisfied with the amount of media coverage or the kind of media coverage they receive. This study uses a quantitative method and data was collected with the help of the research tool, questionnaire. This study was conducted in Bangalore in the year 2009 - 2010. Through this research it has been found that Northeast Indians think that they are not given adequate space and time by the Indian mainstream media and they are covered mainly during insurgencies thereby giving a wrong image of their region. Northeast Indians are also using alternative media options like social networking sites and blogs to reach out to the masses in the absence of mainstream media interest. It has also been found that Northeast Indians feel that fellow Indians do not know much about them and their region and they are treated as foreigners in their own country. -
In India the ICT trend is in boom and as seen as hugely beneficial, and India is also been considered as the most preferred global destination foe outsourcing of IT and IT related activities after having said so it becomes important to use the benefits of IT to solve the prominent problem of India that is Rural development. Will the application of IT on this sector have the similar results? This study is based on the growing trend of information communication technology (ICT) based projects for development which is popularly known as ITCD. India being the hub for ICTD projects this paper attempts to evaluate the pros and cons of this developing system. It has been stated by many authors that most of the ICT projects are non-sustainable. This paper tries to examine the reasons for adopting this technology for rural development which is largely illiterate and the risks and reasons which lead to failure of such projects. Various organization like the government of India, International organizations and non-profit organizations have been investing largely in terms of finance as well as human resource. Is this investment worth the outcome is one major issue which the study looks into. In order to conduct this research qualitative tools have been employed. Interviews with experts were conducted and a case study was deeply analyzed. This paper presents a brief review of the technologies, the rural ICT projects and the issues associated with the use of ICT for rural development. -
For the past few words, newspaper campaigns have become the buzz word in the field of print media, which major media houses starting various campaigns targeting social issues. The campaigns of The Times of India, especially Lead India, Teach India and Aman Ki Asha, are some of the most prominent among them. These campaigns dealt with pertinent issues in today??s society like illiteracy, corruption, accountability among citizens and Indo-Pak relations. However, in the light of recent controversies involving the media and excessive importance being given by them to advertising, the role of newspapers as watchdogs of the society is being questioned. The researcher, thus, seeks to understand whether these campaigns are genuine initiatives for social changes or a tool by the newspaper to increase readership. This study will analyze the impact of the campaigns on the readers of The Times of India. Through quantitative research using questionnaire, this study will also gauge the opinion of the readers on whether newspapers of today are capable of being agents of social change. The methods of research will include quantitative analysis by questionnaire method to understand how people perceive the newspaper campaigns of The Times of India and in general, the potential of newspapers to bring about social change. A sample size of 100 Times of India readers was selected using the stratified random sampling technique. The study revealed the intentions of the campaigns of The Times of India as well as potential of newspapers in bringing about social change as perceived by the readers of The Times of India. -
A Study on the Dual Role of Working Women in the Information Technology Sector in Bangalore
This study is conducted among married working women in the Information Technology sector in Bangalore. It is an effort to understand the marginalized position of married working women in terms of decision making power and pay scale parity at the workplace. It also tries to study the challenges married women face while dealing with both spheres of life i.e. domestic and place of work. This study is also an attempt to understand those factors that affect womens work participation in the Information Technology sector. In a patriarchal society, socialization differs for men and women. Women are socialized to be feminine, family and household work is considered their main priority; while men are always socialized to be the head of the family and are considered the primary breadwinners. The study looks at the aspect of dual roles of women and tries to explain how the dual roles affect their work. The topic of the study has been formulated after conducting informal conversations with married women in the Information Technology sector. The data revealed that despite having good educational degrees ?? equivalent to men ?? they face differential treatment while getting opportunities at the workplace such as onsite opportunities. They also do not enjoy the status of being the primary earner in their family and household work is still considered their primary work. The title clearly reflects the impact of dual roles of married women on work participation in the Information Technology sector. The Information Technology sector has been chosen for the present study in order to understand the position of women in this sector, to understand their level of work participation and how the dual role affects their work participation. Snowball sampling method has been used to select the samples. The total sample size was 120. Five companies were selected among the top 100 companies in the south area of Bangalore. The primary data has been collected using questionnaires and unstructured interviews. This dissertation is divided into five chapters. The first chapter is the introduction to the study which includes the Information Technology industry in India and Bangalore, and the dual role of women. It discusses how the Information Technology industry has boomed in India. It also describes the two roles i.e. domestic and professional roles in the lives of working women. The second chapter discusses review of literatures. It includes journal articles and books on the dual role of women and the Information Technology industry. The third chapter explains the methodology used for the study. This has offered guidance to the researcher in framing objectives and described the population and sampling technique for the study. The analysis and interpretation of the data have been discussed in chapter four. The data was analysed and graphic representation has been done using SPSS (Statistical Package of Social Sciences). Chapter five explains the summary and conclusion of the study. The findings of the study have been categorized on the basis of the research objectives. -
Cloud computing and mobile computing has become a big revolutionary stage in computer science communities. Both has become intertwined and facilitating end users in various fields. Cloud system administrators begin to enhance the cloud system with additional servers to help mobile devices, example is C2DM launched by Google. It is a PaaS model of cloud. It has enhanced the Smartphones limited battery power and low bandwidth using push technology. In some situations server need to push some short messages to mobile client like notification regarding new app update or event. For these kinds of features, polling or push mechanism can be used. In polling mechanism, mobile app pings server periodically and checks if any new data is available for download. Polling can make data on device stale and polling frequently can create stress on server and network. This approach is not suitable for mobile devices as it uses precious network bandwidth more and so battery consumption will be more. To overcome these Google has been introduced push technology known as C2DM which is enhancing the short comings of smart phone using the powerful computational resources of cloud. The thesis mainly concentrating on the working of C2DM, its architectural overview, life cycle overflow, enabling C2DM, sending and receiving message. Push messaging provides the possibility for mobile devices to receive messages from a content publisher via a cloud application, which is a fair example of Smartphone and cloud integration efficiency. Keywords - Intent, server ADV, client AVD, SDK, APNS, GSM, C2DM, BPS, MPNS -
A Study on Organizational Performance related to Employee Attitude and Behavior in the Information Technology Industry, in Bangalore City
The integral part of any management process is to manage the people at work. A well managed organization sees worker as the root cause of quality and productivity. Attitude is a mental position consisting of a feeling, emotion, or opinion evolved in response to an external situation. It can be momentary or can develop into a habitual position that has a long- term influence on an individual's behavior. Employee attitude is the behavior pattern, manners, body language of an employee towards his/her co-workers, colleagues, sub-ordinates, boss etc. It is very much important to keep a good relation between an employee and his/her boss as well as his/her sub-ordinates and co-workers. A good relationship enables an employee to succeed in his/her work field and helps the company to reach up to its goals and maximizes its benefit. In order to be an ideal employee, he/she should be attentive to his/her work. The nature of IT employees job is very time bound, client oriented and technology intensive. The studies have revealed that poor employee attitude and behavior results in poor organizational performance and low outcome also. The study explores the meaning and relationship between employee attitude & behavior and organizational performance of IT employees. The study was carried out with survey instrument, consists of 27 items and completed by 310 employees in the IT industry. The data was gathered and analyzed using Descriptive, Karl Pearsons correlation and ANOVA which revealed interesting factors with organizational performance related to employee attitude and behavior of IT employees across the variables. The review on the related literature in the area of organizational performance and employee attitude and behavior of IT employees studied has provided many insights for the study. It also provided direction in designing the present study. A number of researchers have established the relationship between organizational performance and employee attitude and behavior across various professions mainly in developed countries. Since Bangalore is known as Silicon Valley of India, the attitude and behavior was a major concern among IT employees. Though there were various studies undertaken in the field of employee attitude and behavior, very few researchers have attempted to focus in detail the variables such as job satisfaction, HRM policies, organizational change, and organizational commitment and also with productivity, well being, and absenteeism etc., Having reviewed several studies and having identified the gap, the investigator felt an imperative need to undertake the present investigation. The sample consisted of 310 IT employees from various IT companies in Bangalore respectively. The sample was given representation to both male and female IT employees. Judgment Sampling has been adopted in this study. The purpose of choosing judgment sampling is to exercise judgment or expertise, in choosing the elements to be included in sample because researchers believed that they are representative of the population of interest. Two standard tools were used to measure the variables of the study. The survey questions were drawn from employee attitude and behavior, including Gallie, D, White, M, Cheng, Y and Tomlinson, M (1998); Appelbaum, E., Bailey T., Berg P., and Kalleberg A. 2000 and Wright P.M., and Gardner, T. (2003).and suganya sengupta and her colleagues, 2006. The overall reliability of employee attitude survey was satisfactory. These results suggested that the employee attitude survey is a handy tool for the goal the organization wants to use it for its performance. The major findings of the study were: 1. There is a significant relationship between employee attitude and behavior and organizational performance of IT industry. 2. The employee attitudes are positively related with discretion effort and loyalty negatively related with intention to quit job and job stress. 3. There is a significant difference between gender and the employee attitudes and behavior. The implications of the study will help the organizations to understand the impact of organizational performance related to employee attitude and behavior and its outcome. A famous statement is that a happy worker is a productive worker. This assumes a relation between employees attitude & behavior and organizational performance. -
Feluda or Prodosh Chandra Mitra is a fictional private investigator starring in a series of Bengali novels and short stories written by Indian Bengali film director and writer Satyajit Ray. Feluda first made his appearance in a Bengali children's magazine called Sandesh Subhas Mukhopadhyayin 1965, under the editorialship of Satyajit Ray and . His first adventure was Feludar Goendagiri. The researcher seeks to find out whether or not the books on Feluda have been done justice to when adapted into films by Satyajit Ray himself and his son Sandip Ray. This research will also throw light on the characters of Feluda series -whether they are lost or not. The researcher will conduct a qualitative research which includes an extensive study of the novels and the adapted films. -
Varied news themes are always in demand. What better platform than Bangalore Times which does not have a specific pattern of news themes yet caters to all the requirements of todays generation. The main newspaper is the most popular one, but today many supplements are catching up with the popularity of their main newspapers. One of the classic examples of such a supplement is the Bangalore Times. On close observation, one will notice that many people actually pick up this supplement and browse through it even before the main paper. It is very interesting to find out why this is so. Audiences have varied requirements and The Times of India caters to exactly this. It makes a good topic of study to find out whether Bangalore Times can actually be considered a parallel publication or not. Not enough research has been done in this area and many people are still not aware of this sector of the print industry yet. This study aims at a better understanding of the nuances of Print journalism and how exactly is its popularity determined. This study will also help understand audience choices, readership and how different people respond to print journalism.