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Trends in Terahertz Biomedical Applications
Terahertz radiation has drawn enormous attention in recent times due to its various application possibilities. This chapter reviews various emerging trends and well-established technologies in Terahertz biomedical. Due to its extraordinary sensing capabilities, non-invasive, non-ionizing properties, sensitive instrumentations for spectroscopy and imaging, Terahertz has found various biomedical sensing applications from biomolecules, proteins to cells and tissues. This chapter highlights terahertz device engineering, system technologies, range of materials, aiming at various biomedical applications. It also includes emerging topics such as terahertz biomedical imaging, pattern recognition and tomographic reconstruction by machine learning and artificial intelligence, for possible biomedical imaging applications. 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Trends and patterns in fintech research: A bibliometric perspective
The traditional financial industry landscape has changed dramatically due to the quick development of financial technology, or Fintech, which has raised interest in academic study. In order to examine trends and patterns in Fintech research during the given time frame of 1980-2023, this study uses a bibliometric approach. Through a thorough analysis of an extensive library of academic publications, this study seeks to offer a complete grasp of the major topics, significant writers, and developing fields in the Fintech industry. Utilizing bibliometric methods and techniques, the methodology aims to derive meaningful insights from co- authorship patterns, citation networks, and metadata. By identifying the most cited papers, most contributing countries, and prolific writers, the study uses advanced data analytics to illuminate the intellectual framework of Fintech research. The findings of this research contribute to the identification of pivotal research clusters, highlighting the evolution of Fintech themes over time. 2024 by IGI Global. -
Treexpan instantiation of xpattern framework
Most of the data generated from social media, Internet of Things, etc. are semi-structured or unstructured. XML is a leading semi-structured data commonly used over cross-platforms. XML clustering is an active research area. Because of the complexity of XML clustering, it remains a challenging area in data analytics, especially when Big Data is considered. In this paper, we focus on clustering of XML based on structure. A novel method for representing XML documents, Compressed Representation of XML Tree, is proposed following the concept of frequent pattern tree structure. From the proposed structure, clustering is carried out with a new algorithm, TreeXP, which follows the XPattern framework. The performances of the proposed representation and clustering algorithm are compared with a well-established PathXP algorithm and found to give the same performance, but require very less time. The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd 2021. -
Treating troubled families: Therapeutic scenario in India
India, a country of diverse cultures, languages, life styles, and ethnicities, is becoming a land of economic change, political stability, technological advancement, and changing traditional structures of relationships as well as health consciousness. Being known for its ancient traditions, rituals, religious orientation, spiritual outlook and folk beliefs, Indian families attempt to continue certain healthy and traditional elements such as warmth, strong bond, hierarchy, extended support, cultural orientation, shared values and time, tolerance, respect for the aged and inculcation of religious teachings and traditions in families. These factors, or practices, in fact have strong therapeutic value in supplementing the growth and development of individuals in the family system in spite of its transitional position. This paper deals with the review of family-based mental health services and focuses on the changing trends of those practices in India and the advancement of Indian families in their engaging ability with mentally ill members as well as with the treating team. 2012 Institute of Psychiatry. -
Travellers attitude towards online purchase of travel products: An empirical study of online travel portals
The exponential growth of the online purchases and a cyber war in the digital space among the service providers for grabbing the lions share in the online space requires an understanding of the effect of demographic features on the online purchase behaviour of the travellers. Such valuable information will help the service providers to understand and eventually segment their markets and implement effective marketing instruments. The empirical study was carried out amongst 450 travelers who booked their travel online through Online Travel Portals in Delhi National Capital Region out of which 400 questionnaires were found to be complete in all respects and can be used for data analysis. The data was collected from the departure lounge of Indira Gandhi International Airport, New Delhi. The study investigates the traveler`s attitude towards online purchase of travel products and investigates the factors influencing the online purchase of travel products by the travelers. The findings denote that income and age group influence the online purchase attitude of travellers. It also identifies whether a gap existed between expectation and satisfaction of online purchase of travel products using Online Travel Portals in Delhi National Capital Region. The largest positive gap (positive disconfirmation) came from reliability in financial transactions, pertinent information, flexible packages and location while completeness in terms of services, integration on social media, usefulness, accuracy, flexible payment, information quality had a negative gap (negative disconfirmation) between the higher level of importance and lower levels of satisfaction. No significant mean differences were observed between expectations and experiences of proficient Grievance redressal system and timeliness in refund. 2018 Editura Universitatii din Oradea. All Rights Reserved. -
Travel time activities Mobility and femininities in the ladies compartments of the Mumbai local trains
Activities undertaken during everyday commutes have often been studied to prove the inherent value of travel time to the commuters. Women commuters using the ladies compartments of the Mumbai local trains use this time to eat and share food, shop, chitchat, and watch sitcoms on their phones. Undertaken in a gender-segregated space, these activities make womens mobility an avenue for the performance of their femininities. Thus, while the association between masculinity and mobility stands questioned, what merits enquiry is whether mobility for women is premised on their effective performance of hegemonic femininities. 2022 The Society for Ethnographic Theory. All rights reserved. -
Travails of New Mothers Returning to Work in Corporate India: A Phenomenological Study
A womans life is a myriad of experiences and none, perhaps, leaves a more lasting impression on her than motherhood. The child-birth event along with all its highs and lows not only has a deep psychological impact on her as a person but also impacts her career in many ways. Using interpretive phenomenological analysis, we have studied the lived experience of women who returned to work in corporate settings after maternity leave. Our study found that not only do they go through an emotional upheaval during this phase, but they also see a marked shift in the way they approach their careers. A womans natural instinct to mother her child comes in conflict with another natural (and equally important) desire to succeed in the workplace. Most women in our study experienced a stalling/break in their careers after childbirth and wished they had a mentor to assist them in transitioning back to office life. Besides trying to evaluate if childbirth was perceived as a threat or potential impediment to a high-flying career, we also explored how women were treated in their work environments, and whether their coworkers helped the women to cope during this phase. While the women in our study wanted to achieve success and satisfaction both within their families and careers, they found it most challenging to do so. 2022 Journal of International Womens Studies. -
Trap of Race to the Bottom? Evidence from Pollution Intensive Products Trade in India and China
This article compares China and India, the two biggest emerging market economies in the world, with respect to their trade in pollution-intensive industries and tries to discuss the policy environment supporting such growth. The analysis is carried out for 13 categories of pollution-intensive products based on the Standard International Trade Classification Revision 3 classification. Our analysis reveals significant growth in trade in these products in both countries, with a higher intra-industry trade and a significant correlation with environmental stringency. Between the two, India seems to be enjoying a better comparative advantage. Findings suggest a need for adopting cleaner production processes and a cautious approach towards industrial promotion. 2023 Institute of Chinese Studies, New Delhi. -
Transport Vehicle Demand Prediction Using Context-Aware Neural Networks
Transport is an important aspect of trade. The more efficient the transport system, the more trade will flourish. However, sometimes it is the case that vehicles are not available for transport. This necessitates a system which could be able to keep an eye on the demand of transport vehicles. If the demand is fulfilled properly, then trade will flourish in a much better way. Thus, this project aims to keep an eye on the demand of transport vehicles and fulfill it. The study used MLP and LSTM models to work. The project also shows a comparison between the gradual changes and improvements in MLP and LSTM and the type of data used. The study focus was to predict the demand accurately in an area. 2024 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. -
Transport studies of ionic solutes through chitosan/chondroitin sulfate A (CHI/CS) polyelectrolyte multilayer membranes
Nano scale assembling has led to the capability to directly control and enhance the capabilities and properties of a material through change of its structural makeup at the nano scale. A novel class of functional layers in which various properties can be tunable via in situ modifications of nanostructure through stimuli such as pH, capping, and salt addition provides a promising strategy to develop polyion responsive polyelectrolyte multilayer membranes (PEM's). The concentration (diffusion dialysis) and pressure dependent (ultrafiltration) studies of solution containing polyvalent ions through the chitosan/chondroitin sulfate A (CHI/CS) multilayers fabricated on ultipore membrane have been studied. The characterization of the bilayer pair was done with analytical instruments like ATR-FTIR, spectroscopic ellipsometry, SEM, AFM and finally TGA for water holding capacity. The characterization of bilayer pairs demonstrated the stability and integrity of bilayer pair. An important bilayer property such as water holding capacity and ion permeability across it was examined and a positive correlation was found with increase in number of bilayers. The possibility of capping a fabricated bilayer with another polyelectrolyte, polyethylene glycol (PEG) was used to examine the extend of efficiency. The permeation rate of ions across bilayers increased with makeup salt concentration was observed with capping. An increase in selectivity was observed with increase in the number of bilayers for Na+/Cu2+, Na+/Ag+ and Na+/Mn3+. 12.5 hybrid CHI/CS-PEG membranes shows a selectivity of 38.52 for Cl-/PO43- with a permeation rate of 37.54 10-5 cms-1 and 4.23 10-5 cms-1 respectively for Cl- and PO43-. The transport profile of a model vitamin, ascorbic acid (AA) through CHI/CS multilayers showed the capability of bilayer membrane for selective solute transport. 2020 The Author(s). Published by IOP Publishing Ltd -
Transparent Data Encryption: Comparative Analysis and Performance Evaluation of Oracle Databases
This Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) can provide enormous benefits to the Relational Databases in the aspects of Data Security, Cryptographic Encryption, and Compliances. For every transaction, the stored data must be decrypted before applying the updates as well as should be encrypted before permanently storing back at the storage level. By adding this extra functionality to the database, the general thinking denotes that the Database (DB) going to hit some performance overhead at the CPU and storage level. However, The Oracle Corporation has adversely claimed that their latest Oracle DB version 19c TDE feature can provide significant improvement in the optimization of CPU and no overhead at the storage level for data processing. Impressively, it is true. the results of this paper prove too. Most interestingly the results also revealed about highly impacted components in the servers which are not yet disclosed in any of the previous research work. This paper completely concentrates on CPU, IO, and RAM performance analysis and identifying the bottlenecks along with possible solutions. 2020 IEEE. -
Transparent and lead-free Dy3+ doped lithium borate glasses for photon and neutron shielding applications
The exploration of trivalent rare-earth ion-doped lithium calcium borate glasses has surged recently due to their potential applications in solid-state lasers, medical imaging, and radiation shielding. This study focuses on transparent and lead-free Dy3+ doped lithium borate glasses for their efficacy as versatile radiation shields. Glasses with the chemical composition 50(Li2O): 20(CaO): 30?x(B2O3): x(Dy2O3) (x = 0.0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5 and 1.0 mol% Dy2O3) were investigated. The structural changes in the lithium calcium borate glasses with Dy2O3 were investigated using Fourier transform infrared spectra of the synthesized glass samples. Experimental mass attenuation coefficients (?/?) of the glasses have been determined using NaI(Tl) detector spectrometer in the energy range of 0.356-1.332 MeV. Photon interaction parameters were computed using PAGEX software in the energy range of 0.015-15 MeV. Relative dose distribution (RDD) and specific absorbed fraction of energy (SAFE) were also investigated. Additionally, macroscopic fast neutron removal cross-sections ( ? R ) were computed to estimate neutron shielding efficiencies. The sample with 1 mol% Dy2O3(LBD1), displayed superior photon and neutron attenuation properties. Glasses with lower Dy2O3 doping concentrations (?1 mol%) showed comparable half-value layer and effective atomic number to reference materials with higher doping concentrations. Increasing Dy2O3 doping concentration improved photon shielding parameters, with ? R values ranging from 0.1460 to 0.1475 cm?1, higher than those of ordinary concrete, RS-360, and other reference materials. The results highlight the potential of Dy3+ doped lithium borate glasses as effective radiation shields. Further investigations on chemical combinations and Dy2O3 doping concentrations are warranted to fabricate glasses with enhanced properties. 2024 IOP Publishing Ltd. All rights, including for text and data mining, AI training, and similar technologies, are reserved. -
Transparency in Translation: A Deep Dive into Explainable AI Techniques for Bias Mitigation
In an era dominated by artificial intelligence (AI), concerns about bias and discrimination loom large. The quest for fairness and equity in AI-driven decision-making has led to the exploration of Explainable AI (XAI) as a viable solution. This paper undertakes a thorough examination of the bias ingrained within AI systems and posits XAI as a potent antidote. Beginning with an exploration of the origins and aftermath of bias in AI, the analysis traverses the evolution of XAI techniques, including SHAP, LIME, and counterfactual explanations, clearly stating their advantages and drawbacks. With each XAI method thoroughly inspected, the study unravels their applicability across diverse AI models and domains. Furthermore, a compelling case study is presented, showcasing XAI's practical application in a language translation app, where it guarantees transparency and equity in the translation process. This tangible example serves as a testament to XAI's efficacy in mitigating bias within real-world applications. As the analysis concludes, it underscores the pivotal role XAI plays in fostering accountability and trustworthiness in AI systems. By shedding light on how XAI mitigates bias and offering concrete examples of its utility, the paper advocates for its widespread adoption as an imperative step towards the development of ethically robust AI systems. In a landscape filled with concerns about bias, XAI emerges as a beacon of hope, promising a future where AI decisions are transparent, fair, and equitable for all. 2024 IEEE. -
Transparency in governance: A comparative study of right-to-information legislation in India, Indonesia and Nigeria
This article discusses how the Right to Information Act in India, Nigeria and Indonesia can have an influence on ensuring transparency and accountability in the government system. The acts pertaining to the right to information in these three countries were implemented after long proceedings and deep struggles. The article looks at the legislation on the right to information in these three countries, the factors that motivated each of them to adopt the legislation, the implementation of the Right to Information Act, the challenges faced during the passage of the Act, the scope of coverage of the provisions of the Acts of all three countries, exceptions to the information disclosed to the public and problems faced during implementation from the government's side and the user's side. The article concludes with a summary of the arguments and key policy recommendations. The Author(s) 2022. -
Transparency and effective e-governance: A case of telecentres in the Indian state of Karnataka /
Transforming Government : People, Process And Policy, Vol.11, Issue 4, pp.506-522, ISSN: 1750-6166. -
Transparency and effective e-Governance: a case of telecentres in the Indian State of Karnataka
Purpose: It is the responsibility of any government to ensure efficient, transparent and reliable services to the common man through telecentres. The purpose of this study is to take into account the influence of people and process on transparency that leads to effective e-governance. Design/methodology/approach: This study involved collecting data through questionnaire method from 400 citizens who visited the telecentres. Data were analysed by conducting chi-square test and independent sample t-test, and it was found that there exists significant influence of location on transparency. Findings: The current study reiterates the fact from literature that transparency in transactions enables effective e-governance. Beneficiaries perceive that people and processes have influence on transparency. Research limitations/implications: The research adds up to the literature in establishing that there exist differentials among the rural and urban population with respect to transparency. Results could be skewed, as there could be an impact of population density across urban and rural areas. Practical implications: This study brings out a framework and an action plan for the government to implement and ensure transparency in processes leading to effective e-governance. Social implications: The action plan ensures transparency in service delivery leading to effective e-governance. Increased transparency empowers citizens with increased trustworthiness towards services delivered through telecentres. Originality/value: This paper fulfils the need for an action plan to assure citizens to use deliveries through telecentres with better transparency. The aspect of transparency is not being studied in the present context of service delivery by the government authorities in India. Moreover, the influence of transparency on e-governance is also under-explored. 2017, Emerald Publishing Limited. -
Transmit Range Adjustment Using Artificial Intelligence for Enhancement of Location Privacy and Data Security in Service Location Protocol of VANET
IoT or the internet of things is the talk of the town topic being researched in the field of information technology for more than decade. It is being in deployment stage in various developing economics, to enable driverless automobiles in the field of VANET. It helps in preventing crashes and provides urgent medical assistance in emergency case. Data security and location privacy are becoming of most importance in present IT scenario. Unauthorized access to location information of vehicles may pose a significant security threat. So, it is necessary to secure the location information of the vehicle. The proposed work aims at enhancement of location privacy data security in service location protocol of VANET'S. The primary techniques to be employed include artificial intelligence-based RF range approximation for transmission range adjustment and receive RF strength based distance estimation for trusted node location perimeters approximation, dynamic adjustment of silence period of OBU (on based unit) in conjunction with radio/RF interrupt. The unauthorized access to location information of vehicles and need of its privacy is the motivation for this work. 2022 Shivkant Kaushik et al. -
Transmission Jeopardy of Adenomatosis Polyposis Coli and Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase in Colorectal Cancer
Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the globally prevalent and virulent types of cancer with a distinct alteration in chromosomes. Often, any alterations in the adenomatosis polyposis coli (APC), a tumor suppressor gene, and methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) gene are related to surmise colorectal cancer significantly. In this study, we have investigated chromosomal and gene variants to discern a new-fangled gene and its expression in the southern populations of India by primarily spotting the screened APC and MTHFR variants in CRC patients. An equal number of CRC patients and healthy control subjects ((Formula presented.)) were evaluated to observe a chromosomal alteration in the concerted and singular manner for APC and MTHFR genotypes using standard protocols. The increasing prognosis was observed in persons with higher alcoholism and smoking ((Formula presented.)) with frequent alterations in chromosomes 1, 5, 12, 13, 15, 17, 18, 21, and 22. The APC Asp 1822Val and MTHFR C677T genotypes provided significant results, while the variant alleles of this polymorphism were linked with an elevated risk of CRC. Chromosomal alterations can be the major cause in inducing carcinogenic outcomes in CRCs and can drive to extreme pathological states. 2021, SAGE Publications Ltd. All rights reserved. -
Translation of supercapacitor technology from laboratory scale to commercialization
This overview chapter discusses the critical process of transforming supercapacitor technology from the laboratory scale to successful commercialization. Supercapacitors possess remarkable energy storage capacity and fast discharge cycles, making them highly promising for diverse applications, including electric vehicles and renewable energy systems. However, transitioning from small-scale prototyping to mass production presents significant challenges, such as scalability, cost-effectiveness, and maintaining consistent performance. The primary objective of this study is to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the main obstacles in the commercialization process and propose strategies and solutions to expedite the market introduction of supercapacitors. By identifying and addressing these hurdles, this research aims to facilitate the rapid and efficient transition of supercapacitor technology into commercial applications. To achieve this goal, the present chapter examines several aspects, including increasing production output, optimizing manufacturing processes, and reducing costs while upholding performance standards. Additionally, this chapter explores methods to ensure the scalability and reliability of supercapacitors, enabling seamless integration into existing energy storage systems. By bridging the gap between laboratory innovation and large-scale production, this study seeks to make a significant contribution to the realization of efficient and sustainable energy storage technologies across various industries. The successful commercialization of supercapacitors holds the potential to revolutionize the field of energy storage and provide viable solutions to global challenges, such as climate change and the transition to cleaner and more sustainable energy sources. In summary, this chapter addresses the challenges involved in transitioning supercapacitor technology from the laboratory scale to commercialization. 2024 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. -
Translation and validation of the Tamil version of depression anxiety stress scales-21
The Depression Anxiety Stress Scales-21 (DASS-21) is a well-established scale designed to measure the negative emotional states of depression, anxiety, and stress. DASS-21 has been translated into various languages, and findings conclude that it is psychometrically sound, with good reliability and validity. This study adapts and validates the psychometric properties of DASS-21 in the Tamil language. The instrument was administered to 511 Tamil speaking students ranging between 18 and 35 of age with an average age of 21 years. Results reaffirm that DASS-21 three-factor model shows excellent validity and reliability on the entire sample and groups based on age, gender, and residential area. They also find support in different hierarchical variance measurement models (metric, scalar, strict models). This study concludes that Tamil DASS-21 can be used as a universal measure to map symptoms and screen for depression, anxiety, and stress in any circumstances. Our findings provide roadmap for future research on the Tamil version of DASS-21 with specific focus on its clinical use. 2022