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A new numerical investigation of fractional order susceptible-infected-recovered epidemic model of childhood disease
The susceptible-infected-recovered (SIR) epidemic model of childhood disease is analyzed in the present framework with the help of q-homotopy analysis transform method (q-HATM). The considered model consists the system of three differential equations having fractional derivative, and the non-linear system exemplifies the evolution of childhood disease in a population and its influence on the community with susceptible, infected and recovered compartment. The projected method is a mixture of q-homotopy analysis method and Laplace transform. Two distinct explanatory cases are considered, and corresponding simulations have been demonstrated in terms of plots for different value of the order. The present investigation elucidates that the projected both derivative and technique play a vital role in the analysis and illustrate the behaviour of diverse mathematical models described with differential equations in human disease. 2021 THE AUTHORS -
Fractional approach for analysis of the model describing wind-influenced projectile motion
In this paper, we find the solution for coupled equations describing the projectile motion with wind-influence using q-homotopy analysis transform method (q-HATM). The projectedmethod is elegant amalgamations of q-homotopy analysis scheme and Laplace transform, and fractional derivativedefined withCaputo-Fabrizio (CF) operator. Moreover, the physical natures of the obtained results have been captured in terms of plots for diverse mass, external force and fractional order. The achievedconsequences elucidate that, the hiredsolution procedure is easy to implement, highly methodical as well as accurate to analyse the behaviour of system of nonlinear differential equations of both integer and fractional order describing connected areas of science and engineering. 2021 IOP Publishing Ltd. -
New dynamical behaviour of the coronavirus (2019-ncov) infection system with non-local operator from reservoirs to people
The mathematical accepts while analysing the evolution of real word problems magnetizes the attention of many scholars. In this connection, we analysed and find the solution for nonlinear system exemplifying the most dangerous and deadly virus called coronavirus. The six ordinary differential equations of fractional order nurtured the projected mathematical model and they are analysed using q-homotopy analysis transform method (q-HATM). Further, most considered fractional operator is applied to study and capture the more corresponding consequences of the system, known as Caputo operator. For different fractional order, the natures of the achieved results are illustrated in plots. Lastly, the present investigation may aid us analyse the distinct and diverse classes of models exemplifying real-world problems and helps to envisage their corresponding nature with parameters associated with the models. 2021 NSP Natural Sciences Publishing Cor. -
A unifying computational framework for fractional Gross-Pitaevskii equations
This paper concerns investigating the complex behaviour of the special case of Schringer equation called Gross-Pitaevskii (GP) equations using -homotopy analysis transform method (-HATM) with fractional order. Based on denticity function and different initial conditions, we consider three different examples to demonstrate the proficiency of -HATM. We consider different initial conditions for the hired system and the projected method is elegant unification of -homotopy analysis algorithm and Laplace transform. Further, the physical natures of the achieved results have been captured for change in space, time, homotopy parameter and fractional order in terms of contour and surface plots, and the accuracy is presented with the numerical study. The obtained results conclude that, the hired technique is highly methodical, easy to implement and accurate to examine the behaviour of the nonlinear equations of both fractional and integer order describing allied areas of science. 2021 IOP Publishing Ltd. -
Numerical surfaces of fractional Zika virus model with diffusion effect of mosquito-borne and sexually transmitted disease
This paper analyzes the dynamics of fractional partial differential equation (FPDE) model of Zika virus that incorporates diffusion using AtanganaBaleanu (AB) fractional derivative. Zika virus disease is an infection transmitted predominantly by the bite of an infected Aedes species mosquito and may be a severe epidemic if not contained in its premature stages. The q-homotopy analysis transform method is employed to analyze and compute the solutions for this nonlinear partial differential model, and the fractional derivative is defined in AtanganaBaleanu sense. We determine some new approximate numerical results for different values of parameters of alpha. Numerical models focused on various distributions of the population help to explain how the spread of humans and mosquitoes influences the disease's transmission. With the utilization fixed-point hypothesis, the existence and uniqueness of the solutions obtained for the proposed model are presented. 2021 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. -
Fractional approach for mathematical model of phytoplankton-toxic phytoplankton-zooplankton system with Mittag-Leffler kernel
The solution for phytoplankton-toxic phytoplankton-zooplankton system with q-homotopy analysis transform method (q-HATM) is discussed. The projected system exemplifies three components (namely, zooplankton, toxic-phytoplankton as well as phytoplankton) and the corresponding nonlinear ordinary differential equations exemplify the zooplankton feeds on phytoplankton. The projected method is an amalgamation of q-homotopy analysis algorithm and Laplace transform and the derivative associated with the Atangana-Baleanu (AB) operator. The equilibrium points and stability have been discussed with the assistance of the Routh-Hurwitz rule in this work within the frame of generalized calculus. The fixed-point theorem is employed to present the existence and uniqueness of the attained result for the considered model, and we consider five different initial conditions for the projected system. Further, the physical nature of the achieved solution has been captured for fractional order, external force and diverse mass. The achieved consequences explicate that the proposed solution method is highly methodical, easy to implement and accurate to analyze the behavior of the nonlinear system relating to allied areas of science and technology. 2023 World Scientific Publishing Company. -
Analysis of the spread of infectious diseases with the effects of consciousness programs by media using three fractional operators
In this chapter, the mathematical model spread of infectious diseases exemplifying the effects of awareness programs by media is studied with the help of newly proposed fractional operators. The solution for the system of equations exemplifying the model is obtained with the help of the q-homotopy analysis transform technique (q-HATT). The projected method is an elegant amalgamation of the q-homotopy analysis scheme and the Laplace transform. Three fractional operators are employed in this study to show their essence in generalizing the models associated with power-law distribution: kernel singular, nonlocal, and nonsingular. The fixed-point theorem employed to present the existence and uniqueness for the hired arbitrary-order model and converges for the solution is derived with Banach space. The projected scheme springs the series solution rapidly convergent, and it can guarantee the convergence associated with the homotopy parameter. Moreover, for diverse fractional-order, the physical nature has been captured in plots. 2022 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. -
A numerical approach to the coupled atmospheric ocean model using a fractional operator
In the present framework, the coupled mathematical model of the atmosphere-ocean system called El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is analyzed with the aid Adams-Bashforth numerical scheme. The fundamental aim of the present work is to demonstrate the chaotic behaviour of the coupled fractional-order system. The existence and uniqueness are demonstrated within the frame of the fixed-point hypothesis with the CaputoFabrizio fractional operator. Moreover, we captured the chaotic behaviour for the attained results with diverse order. The effect of the perturbation parameter and others associated with the model is captured. The obtained results elucidate that, the present study helps to understand the importance of fractional order and also initial conditions for the nonlinear models to analyze and capture the corresponding consequence of the fractional-order dynamical systems. 2021 by the authors. -
The efficient fractional order based approach to analyze chemical reaction associated with pattern formation
The investigation of the nonlinear models and their complex nature with generalized theory associated to material and history-based properties is a motivation for the present work. The mathematical model describing the chemical reaction, namely BelousovZhabotinsky (BZ) reaction is examined in the present work using the efficient numerical method. For the obtained numerical results, the change of color and patterns formation is presented in a different order. The impact of the rate change is presented for the diverse associated parameters. For the considered system, the boundedness, stability, existence, and other dynamical conditions are derived. The consequences of generalizing the model within the fractional order are derived. The present study helps researchers to investigate complex real world problems and predict the corresponding plans to be made using the efficient approach. 2022 Elsevier Ltd -
Design and Implementation of Active Clamp Flyback Converter for High-Power Applications
This paper proposes a solar-powered isolated DCDC converter for high-power applications. The main aim of this paper is to achieve voltage regulation in the output side of the converter and to integrate a lossless active clamp flyback circuit (LACF) to compensate for the high-voltage issues that arise from one-stage DCDC converters. Hardware is developed with a power rating of 2 kW to test the performance of the proposed circuit. The circuit is designed using low-voltage devices and features such as soft switching and regeneration due to the LACF, which enhances efficiency. A novel luminous control algorithm is presented to improve the converter performance. The proposed circuits performance and feasibility are compared with existing converter parameters, such as the number of components in the circuit, voltage rating, and regeneration. 2023 by the authors. -
Total Harmonic Distortion Analysis of a Seven-Level Inverter for Fuel Cell Applications
This paper focuses on the total harmonic distortion (THD) analysis of a multi-level inverter (MLI) for fuel cell applications. Furthermore, a 50 kW 625 V proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) stack was employed for this analysis. The various modes of operation of the suggested inverter are presented accordingly, along with its switching combinations. Also, a sinusoidal pulse-width modulation (SPWM) controller was employed to drive the power electronic switches in the suggested topology. The suggested inverter can produce sinusoidal voltage with only fundamental frequency switching. Moreover, the number of components and voltage stress of the suggested topology are compared with the conventional topologies presented. In addition, the THD was analyzed with and without the LC filter. Finally, the validity of the system was verified through MATLAB/Simulink software R2022b. 2023 by the authors. -
Healthcare cloud services in image processing
Technology has been fundamental in defining, advancing, and reinventing medicalpractises, equipment, and drugs during the last century. Although cloud computing is quite a newer concept, it is now one of the most often discussed issues in academic and therapeutic contexts. Many academics and healthcare persons are focused in providing vast, conveniently obtainable, and reconstruct assets like virtual frameworks, platforms, and implementations having lesser business expenditures. As they need enough assets to operate, store, share, and utilise huge quantity of healthcare data, specialists in the field of medicine are transferring their operations in the cloud. Major issues about the application of cutting-edge cloud computing in medical imaging are covered in this chapter. The research also takes into account the ethical and security concerns related to cloud computing. 2023, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Monitoring and Controlling Data Through the Internet of Things (IOT) System: A Framework to Measure the Public Health
Associating and sharing information by means of the web between actual things, or 'things,' coordinated with sensors, programming, and different advances are known as the Internet of Things (IoT). In order to improve technology through IoT, there have been a number of important studies and investigations. This study exhibits how the Internet of Things might be utilized to screen wellbeing. In this research work, with the help of IoT based human wellbeing checking framework the information circulatory strain, beat rate, internal heat level, pulse, and other crucial signs are providing to the internet. The use of IoT for the human health monitoring system in later on future, need a very accurate assessment of risk and this is required to provide a long term information to the device. 2022 IEEE. -
Does robotic service quality determine robotic restaurant diners engagement behaviors? Role of customer engagement andattachment to the restaurant
Purpose: Robotic restaurants are very novel, and service robots in these restaurants are identified as offering unique advantages in terms of efficiency, tireless service and potentially lower operational costs. However, studying customer engagement with the robots can reveal aspects of robotic service that resonate with diners. Understanding how diners interact with robots can help create a more engaging and enjoyable atmosphere, bringing more business to restaurants. Building on the stimulus-organism-response (SOR) theory and place attachment theory, the purpose of this paper is to study the impact of the robotic service quality (RSQ) on the customer attachment to the robotic restaurant with the mediating role of the different dimensions of the customer engagement, like the Absorptive Attention, Enthusiastic Participation and Social Connection. Subsequently, the impact of the customer attachment to the robotic restaurant on different dimensions of customer engagement behaviors like augmenting, co-developing, influencing and mobilizing behaviors was also studied. Design/methodology/approach: The cross-sectional data from 786 robotic restaurant diners in India who answered the self-administered structured questionnaires is utilized for this descriptive study. The study employed a purposive sampling strategy. The SMART-PLS 4.0 program was used to run structural equation modeling and analyze the data. Findings: The results indicate that customer engagement dimensions like Absorptive Attention, Enthusiastic Participation and Social Connection differentially mediate the relationship between RSQ and customer attachment with the robotic restaurant. Customer attachment to the restaurant and the robotic services subsequently positively impact customer engagement behaviors. Research limitations/implications: The study relied upon cross-sectional data from the Indian population above 18years to test the proposed model. Further studies could test the model across different populations to generalize the study results. Originality/value: This study addresses the need to investigate robotic restaurant diners engagement behaviors. By testing place attachment theory and the SOR framework, this study is the first to show that RSQ will impact the customer attachment with the robotic restaurant and that different dimensions of customer engagement mediate the relationship. It also validates the previous research findings that customer engagement is not a single global construct, and different sub-dimensions are to be explored. This study is also the first to show customer attachment to the robotic restaurant will impact customer engagement behaviors differently. 2024, Emerald Publishing Limited. -
Linear and non-linear stability analyses of Rayleigh-Bard convection in watercopper and wateralloy nanoliquids
In this paper, we perform linear and non-linear stability analyses of Rayleigh-Bard convection in a horizontal layer of watercopper and wateralloy nanoliquids. The corresponding eigen values for the problems involving the two nanoliquids are obtained and compared. The thermophysical properties of nanoliquids have been modelled as a function of the properties of water as base liquid, copper and alloy as nanoparticles. A non-linear analysis is performed using the energy method. The subcritical instability does not exist. As a limiting case the results of water are discussed with results of previous investigations, and a good agreement is found. The effect of nanoparticles is to destabilise the system. The results are depicted graphically. 2022 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. -
Prioritizing evaluation criteria of IoT-driven warehousing startups: asilver lining to the unorganized sector in food supply chain
Purpose: This research is designed to meet two research objectives: firstly, to weigh up the criteria of Internet of Things (IoT) adoption in warehousing startups; secondly, to rank warehousing startups on the basis of benefits they derive from IoT adoption catering to an unorganized sector in the food supply chain. Design/methodology/approach: A blend of analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and complex proportional assessment (COPRAS) methods of multi-criteria decision-making techniques were applied. AHP determined the weights of various criteria using pairwise comparison, and COPRAS technique ranked the 10 warehousing startups on account of performance indicators. The study has been conducted at the warehousing startups of Bangalore, a hub of food warehousing startups. Findings: The critical findings of the study revealed that these food warehouse startups attain improved productivity in terms of enhancing efficiency when implemented with IoT adoption. When evaluated using both AHP and COPRAS techniques, the combined results show WH5 as the best performing and WH10 as the least performing warehouse startups. Practical implications: Warehouses that are embarking on their business opportunity in food storage can strategize to leverage the benefits of IoT in terms of food safety and security, capacity planning, layout design, space utilization and resilience. Originality/value: Despite the numerous research works on food supply chain, the research on IoT in warehousing startups is limited. The rankings for the 10 food warehousing startups integrated with IoT using AHP-COPRAS approaches are the novelty of this work. 2024, Emerald Publishing Limited. -
Algorithm trading and its application in stock broking services
Purpose: Algorithmic trading provides a more systematic approach to active trading than methods based on trader intuition or instinct. The aim of the study is to examine the level of awareness among the brokers when integrated with technology for the purpose of executing the trades. Design/Methodology: A self-administered and structured 350 questionnaires were designed and circulated to collect the preliminary information from the stock brokers operating in NSE and BSE within the geographical limits of Bangalore district using the Systematic Sampling method to obtain a sample size of 235. Awareness, Automated trading, Elimination of human error, portfolio management, tracking order, order placement were the critical variables observed to validate the hypothesis using Simple Percentage Analysis & Chi-Square Analysis using Statistical Analysis Software (SAS). Findings: It was found that there is robust association between the level of awareness of the mentioned technology in its application by the stock brokers of NSE and BSE operating in Bangalore. Portfolio management and automated trading are the highly associated application of Algorithmic trading among the stock brokerage services. Originality: Algorithmic trading makes use of complex formulas, combined with mathematical models and human oversight, to make decisions to buy or sell financial securities on an exchange. It can be used in a wide variety of situations including order execution, arbitrage, and trend trading strategies. Algorithmic traders often make use of high-frequency trading technology, which can enable a firm to make tens of thousands of trades per second. The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. -
Talent acquisition-artificial intelligence to manage recruitment
The research aims to examine the awareness of Artificial Intelligence among the HR managers and Talent Acquisition managers in the process of Talent Acquisition, Investigating the factors influencing the adoption and usage of Assisted Intelligence, and evaluating the impact of Artificial Intelligence on Talent Management. Multi-Stage sampling method was adopted to collect the responses from the 384 customers across the HR and TA managers working across the IT companies situated in Bangalore, Mysore, Pune, and Chennai & Hyderabad. SAS was applied to perform the Simple Percentage Analysis, Correlation Analysis, Multiple Linear Regression Analysis to validate the hypothesis. The demographic & construct variables considered were Adoption, Actual usage, Perceived usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, & Talent Management. Awareness of the Artificial Intelligence technology and its adoption in managing Talent Acquisition has the positive and high correlation and followed by its actual usage. Candidate experience is the most influencing variable from the first factor, Competency and Easy to use is the most influencing variable from the second factor, Effectiveness in the adoption and actual usage of Artificial Intelligence in Talent Acquisition. Talent Management is the highest predictor of using the technology and its adoption is the most influencing predictor in the effective implementation of the technology among the Information Technology Companies. The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. -
Wireless Sensor Networks in Precision Monitoring of Crops
The sensor-based breadboard is rapidly covering almost every application from human health monitoring to prediction of diseases in accordance with the weather change. This paper presents a sensor based precision crop monitoring system for agriculture application and estimates the energy consumption of the sensor nodes. This high accuracy energy efficient system drastically reduces the damages to the crops and investment made to it. The main focus of the proposed research work is to reduce the energy consumption and minimize the traffic between the nodes of the sensor during the transmission of sensor information. The qualitative metrics has been carried to evaluate the performance of the proposed system which outperform the existing scenario. 2022 IEEE. -
The Factors Impacting Parental Choice in Picking Non-public Schools for Their Children
The purpose of the study was to investigate the school related factors influencing parental choice of private schools in the city of Bangalore. The study intended to analyze factors affecting parents choice of private schools in Bangalore, to discuss the extent to which various factors influence parents choice of private schools. The study used descriptive survey design. The target population of this study consisted of all parents of students studying in private primary schools in the city of Bangalore. A total sample of 180 parents was drawn purposively from Bangalore. The tool used for collecting the data was a self-constructed questionnaire which included 32 statements were prepared on the basis of a 5-point Likert scale. The study identified seven distinct factors affecting the parents decision of choosing a private school. Among these the factor that was seen to have most significant influence on parents decision to choose a private was school environment. The second most important factor that parents considered was the School quality. Third, parents considered curricular activities offered by school. Next, parents considered Quality of instruction while choosing a school. However, student welfare, parental involvement and proximity to the area of residence were considered less important by parents when choosing a school. The Author(s) 2021.