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Optical and Infrared Photometric Study of Pre-Main Sequence Stars in Young Open Cluster NGC 7419 Young Open Cluster NGC 7419
The embryonic stage of development of stars has been a field of astrophysics which still pose many unresolved queries. The problem is largely due to the solitary nature of embryonic stars. Even the largest optical telescopes were not able to reveal many details about such stars as they are formed deep inside molecular cloud thorough which optical wavelength cannot pass through. Forbidding distances to such stars is an added problem. However, recently, this field is slowly turning into observational science. Even though optical radiations fail to reach the destination, longer wavelength infrared (IR) radiations can penetrate through such dusty region. These infrared radiations have been known for decades. But it is only during very recent times that infrared telescopes that have very high sensitivity and resolution came in to scenario. So now the astronomers are able to observe these stellar embryos. Studies about this stage of star formation can help us to solve many questions like how the birth of a star takes place, how these stars accrete matter into it from surroundings, when will this accretion stops, why do some stars have planetary systems around them etc. Current study is an attempt to look for the presence of these embryonic stars in an open cluster using infrared data and to get more details on nature of those stellar embryos. We investigate the properties of young stars and their circumstellar disks in young open cluster NGC 7419. The pre-determined V magnitude and B magnitude of these stars are combined with infrared data from 2MASS J,H, K and 4 band WISE data. The color-color diagrams are made using these 9 bands to identify young stellar objects. The individual SED fitting is done for these identified stars and parameters like their age, mass, temperature, disk radius and disk mass are estimated. These are used to comment on the evolutionary stage of the pre-main sequence stars and their circumstellar disk. Dissertation has been divided into five chapters. Chapter 1 gives a general introduction to the work done. Literatures referred are explained in Chapter 2. Data used in the current study and methodology adopted is described in chapter 3. Current work done on the young stellar objects in cluster NGC 7419 and results obtained from the study are explained in Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 respectively. -
The Experience of Flow among Kathak Dancers
Flow is a state of optimal experience proposed by Mihalyi Csikszentmihalyi (1975). Flow is the holistic experience that people feel when they act with total involvement and is characterized by intense engagement and enjoyment. The flow state has been explored diverse contexts such as art, music, theater, education and sports. The main contribution of flow studies to positive psychology involves adding value, purpose and enjoyment to subjective experience, thereby leading to a richer and intentional life existence. Dance is one such activity that increases enjoyment by integrating ones awareness with oneself and the surroundings. Kathak is a form of North Indian Classical dancing that lays emphasis on speed and rhythm. The present study aims to analyze the experience of flow in the context of Kathak performance. It also seeks to describe the experience of flow by linking challenge in the performance and skill of the dancer, the importance of feedback in performance and the unique competencies that enable a person to enter and maintain the state of flow. Seven Kathak dancers from Bangalore were interviewed in order to analyze how they experience flow. The research paradigm employed was phenomenology and in-depth interviews were used to gather data. Thematic analysis was the technique used in the study to generate themes. The findings of the study state that the dancers perceive Kathak as a challenging dance. The dancers perception of their skills influences their flow experience during performance. The Guru was seen to be an influential person whose feedback was considered valuable. The response from the audience and the dancers own self reflection were also important sources of feedback. The dancers had identified different purposes for performing Kathak. They were all motivated by their inner drives. The dancers also experienced a transformation from their personal selves when they were immersed in the dance. Self-confidence was seen to be an important facilitator of flow whereas anxiety was seen to be a major inhibitor. The results will be able to help dancers understand the importance of optimal experiences during dancing. An awareness of the what facilitates and inhibits flow can lead dancers to intentionally work on having clearer goals, better concentration, less self consciousness and raising the challenge level for themselves. The findings can be applied to dance therapy and also contributes to both research of dance and the relationship between dance and psychology in India. Keywords: Flow, experience, Kathak, challenge, feedback. -
A comparative analysis of KFC video advertisements and the impact on its customers of Bengaluru /
In India, today fast food being one of the most successful businesses and also all over the world because of the economic development, increase in per capita income, people having less time to cook, people having no time to wait in restaurants and people are ready to spend. One popular fast food chain in India is KFC and one of the tools of KFC to reach its customers is through visual advertisements. -
Influence of media messages on voters behaviour, a study on people's perception of the Loksabha election 2014 /
Including, all private, public, regional and national news media there are more than 100 news, channels are available in India. Compare to previous Loksabha elections; on the 16thLoksabha election the role of media was exceptional. On Loksabha election 2014, the effect of media messages and the news representation was very much visible. -
Perception of paid news among media students in Bangalore /
Gone are the days when advertising were among the major source of revenue for media organizations. The recent past has witnessed the rise of paid news in media organizations where they get paid to publish favourable news about a person or organization. This practice is s serious blow to the journalistic ethics of the country. -
Analysis of dystopian films 'Book of Eli' and 'V for Vendetta' using Randal Marlin's theory of propaganda /
Visual media, namely films, is one of the greatest mediums for the conveyance of propaganda. Dystopian films contain strong persuasive content in them and are used by filmmakers to spread propaganda. Unlike the filmmakers of the past, dystopian filmmakers focus on the future and their films are usually set in a futuristic environment. The environement is usually shown as being completely destryed by neglect or the overtake by technology. -
Perception of students and teachers on E-learning modules /
Studies suggest that e-learning has not been successful in India yet, the scope is wide given threshold of change that the country stands at and the high percentage of youth population. With E-learning Students have flexibility and an enormous range of courses at their fingertips. Also, today an important aim of institutions today is to create a knowledge base, data in the form of courses that can be accessed globally. -
Use of social media applications in Indian governing policies /
New media is prevalent tool and a mass medium since it became associated with social networking. Apart from public relation companies and executives, Government agencies are also using new media like YouTube, Facebook and Twitter extensively. The study aims to depict of how social media and mobile applications are being used by governments to inform, engage and serve people. -
Northeast and its portrayal in broadcast media - A picture beyond terrorism and insurgency /
Northeast India is a rich home of natural beauty and magnificence surrounding the seven sister states of Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland, Tripura and the nearby hilly state of Sikkim. In any case it is a bizarre reality that such an inconceivable region of the nation stays inadequately spoken and noticed in the national cognizance. -
A prospective study on portrayal of rural theme in selected Tamil films /
Tamil film industry is popularly known as Kollywood. It has its own unique elements which makes it different from other film industry in Indian cinema. The researcher has tried to find out if there is any kind of rural element in the films which she has chosen in chronological manner. The researcher has analyzed based on certain concrete parameters. -
Portrayal of Latin American culture and characters in hollywood /
Latin American culture is known to be rich in terms of literature, art, music and history, but is also famous for its conservative attitude. There are however, a few aspects of the Latin American culture that are stereotyped in Hollywood films like their family system, drugs, mafia, religion and society and their economic status. -
Feminism in belly dance and its portrayal in the media /
Bellydance is an art form that has gained tremendous popularity in the world today. There are different kinds of bellydance such as folk, tribal fusion, cabaret etc. In a world and time where women‟s rights and respect has been the foremost of most people‟s concerns, bellydance with its barrier breaking techniques and methods have created controversies yet have also resulted in a form of dance that is beautiful and helps a woman celebrate herself. -
A study on social media influence on people's obsession with food /
With the coming in of various social media platforms which allow the public to share things about themselves in online forum, there is an increasing need among people to disclose to everyone from what they are doing to what they are eating. The phenomenon of food pornography has existed for a long time; however it has gained popularity because of social media. -
Malayalam biopics: From books to films /
This article talks about the difficulties that emerge when considering biographical films that are focused around biographical or autobiographical works of writing utilizing careful investigations of three Malayalam films. The films are an adjustment from their individual books. -
Understanding magic realism in regional cinema: A content analysis of selected Malayalam films /
Magic Realism, was introduced in Latin America as an expression of the blend of realist and magical views of life in the perspective of the conflicting cultures of Latin America expressed through its art and literature, but later it was adopted as a term used to refer to all narrative fiction that includes magical events in a realistic matter-of-fact narrative, where, the unordinary or supernatural is not a plain or evident matter, but it is an ordinary matter, which can happen every day. -
Jabbar Patel filmmaking - An auteur theory approach /
Films are a product of the director‟s mind. Through films we convey and understand certain messages by the use of certain symbols and metaphors that reoccur in our surrounding. Studies show that directors have their own individual style or pattern in which they prefer to portray certain elements in the movie. -
Contribution of media towards body image dissatisfaction in men /
The thesis tries to explore and find out how media has been a contributing factor in the phenomenon of body image dissatisfaction prevalent amongst the male population. With the advent of technology, advertising and promotion of male grooming products has become aggressive and relentless. The phenomenon of body image dissatisfaction has existed for a long time amongst the female population but with passing time it has caught onto the men also. -
Coverage of Kasthurirangan report by Major Kerala newspapers: A study based on two national and regional newspapers /
This paper tries to evaluate the phenomenon of news-views coverageon Kasthurirangan Report in Print Media considering its peak discussed period that is, from November 2013 to January 2014. The time constraint made the researcher to restrict only to print media coverage in Kerala rather considering the other forms of media platform‟s coverage.