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A Phenomenological Investigation of Mens Experiences of Depression and Gender Role Socialization in Early Family Relationships in urban South India
With the overwhelming suicide rate among men over women, and family problems and illness being the major causes of suicide in India, it is vitally important that we have a better understanding of how men struggle with depression in the context of family. Based on increasing studies on depression and family in the last two decades, a number of researchers have suggested that male depression is associated with early family life experiences. As few studies on the experiences of depression and gender role socialization in early family relationships are reported in India, the present study adds credence to the concept of male depression that may relate to early family life experiences. The aim of this study is to understand the subjective experiences of depression and gender role socialization in early family relationships among Indian men. A non-clinical sample of 9 men was selected using purposive sampling from a human service organization. Theoretical sampling of biographical accounts of a clinical group (1 male client with history of clinical depression) was used for triangulation of data. Consensual Qualitative Research methodology is adopted. The subjective experiences of participants are examined by open-ended, in-depth interviews. The interviews are taped and transcribed. Identification of domains and core ideas, and cross-analyses are conducted on transcripts. A research team of three and an external auditor are employed for data analysis. The findings have contributed to new understandings of depression in the light of gender role socialization in early family relationships among Indian men. Implications suggest further studies of male depression in the family context, the challenge of family life education in India, and the importance of gender sensitivity in counseling with men. Keywords: men, depression, gender role socialization, early family relationships, consensual qualitative research. -
A Pilot Feasibility Study of Reconnecting to Internal Sensations and Experiences (RISE), a Mindfulness-Informed Intervention to Reduce Interoceptive Dysfunction and Suicidal Ideation, among University Students in India
Although 20% of the worlds suicides occur in India, suicide prevention efforts in India are lagging (Vijayakumar et al., 2021). Identification of risk factors for suicide in India, as well as the development of accessible interventions to treat these risk factors, could help reduce suicide in India. Interoceptive dysfunctionor an inability to recognize internal sensations in the body has emerged as a robust correlate of suicidality among studies conducted in the United States. Additionally, a mindfulness-informed intervention designed to reduce interoceptive dysfunction, and thereby suicidality, has yielded promising initial effects in pilot testing (Smith et al., 2021). The current studies sought to replicate these findings in an Indian context. Study 1 (n = 276) found that specific aspects of interoceptive dysfunction were related to current, past, and future likelihood of suicidal ideation. Study 2 (n = 40) was a small, uncontrolled pre-post online pilot of the intervention, Reconnecting to Internal Sensations and Experiences (RISE). The intervention was rated as highly acceptable and demonstrated good retention. Additionally, the intervention was associated with improvements in certain aspects of interoceptive dysfunction and reductions in suicidal ideation and eating pathology. These preliminary results suggest further testing of the intervention among Indian samples is warranted. 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. -
A Pilot Study of the DREAMS Program: A Community Collaborative Intervention for the Psychosocial Development of Middle School Students
The purpose of this study was to pilot the DREAMS (Desire, Readiness, Empowerment, Action, and Mastery for Success) program, a community-collaborative, after-school intervention program designed specifically to address the holistic developmental needs of students at school. The author originally developed and implemented the program in Kerala, India, and later redesigned it for American school students. Combining the theories of Vygotsky and Erikson, the DREAMS model emphasizes the impact of the community on the development of children. This study evaluates the effects of a summer camp, the primary intervention of a three-year program, on the self-worth, self-esteem, and self-concept of 20 middle school students in Northeast Louisiana. After students attended the week-long program, the most significant improvements were observed in self-esteem and self-worth. Further longitudinal or comparative experimental research on the complete design would provide stronger evidence to draw more substantive conclusions. (2024), (California State University). All rights reserved. -
A Pilot Study on Detection of Microplastics for Environmental Monitoring Using Inland Lakes as Ecological Indicators
The waterbodies of a city play a major role in its biodiversity and ecological well-being. The main aspect of this study was to select lakes close to urban areas that are affected due to garbage dumping or have wastewater treatment plants inlets in them and check for microplastics (MPs) presence in them. Seetharampalya and Puttenahalli lakes in Bangalore both showed the presence of microplastics in their water and bank sediment soil samples, which were segregated by the wet peroxide oxidation process. In scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis, the microplastics segregated from the water of Seetharampalya lake were found to be clumped and in clusters of uneven form and shape. Microplastics extracted from the soil of Seetharampalya lake were found to have sheet, like structures with occasional dumps or clusters. The microplastics sorted out from Puttenahalli lake water were uneven and had roughly rectangular structures. The soil microplastics recovered from Puttenahalli lake were found to be sheaths of globular masses. The energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) analysis majorly showed presence of carbon and oxygen. In Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) analysis, characteristic peaks at 719/cm and 1469/cm were observed. Similarly, in x-ray diffraction (XRD), the 26 values around 20 could be seen in all four samples. This is the first reported study of microplastics in these lakes of Bangalore. 2024 - Kalpana Corporation. -
A post covid machine learning approach in teaching and learning methodology to alleviate drawbacks of the e-whiteboards
Deep learning has paved the way for critical and revolutionary applications in almost every field of life in general. Ranging from engineering to healthcare, machine learning and deep learning has left its mark as the state-of-the-art technology application which holds the epitome of a reasonable high benchmarked solution. Incorporating neural network architectures into applications has become a common part of any software development process. In this paper, we perform a comparative analysis on the different transfer learning approaches in the domain of hand-written digit recognition. We use two performance measures, loss and accuracy. We later visualize the different results for the training and validation datasets and reach to a unison conclusion. This paper aims to target the drawbacks of the electronic whiteboard with simultaneous focus on the suitable model selection procedure for the digit recognition problem. 2021 Tamkang University. All Rights Reserved. -
A Posthuman Analysis of Human - Machine Relationship in Select American Science Fiction Films
The research A Posthuman Analysis of Human Machine Relationship in Select American Science Fiction Films attempts to foreground the emerging posthuman scenario brought about by the explosion of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in contemporary life by analysing the posthuman representations achieved by depicting AI characters and their relationship with humans in the select American science fiction films. The primary texts for the study are Stephen Spielberg s AI: Artificial Intelligence (2001), Spike Jonze s Her (2013), Mathew Leutwyler s Uncanny (2015), and Drake Doremus Zoe (2018). The research analyses the posthuman newlinerepresentations in the select films using the methodological framework of philosophical posthumanism of Francesca Ferrando with its constituent elements of post-humanism, post-anthropocentrism, and post-dualism. The term posthuman in philosophical posthumanism refers to the critique of the notion of human preserved by the Western humanistic traditions. The three constitutive elements of philosophical posthumanism, namely, post-humanism, postanthropocentrism, and post-dualism, offer a revisit of the notion of human propagated by Western humanistic traditions and offer a renewed worldview of being human in the contemporary technocentric society where nonhuman agency is being widely newlinerecognized. From an epistemological perspective, this research adds to the evolving posthuman discussions, providing a new dimension to what it means to be a human and challenging the age-old assumptions about the human condition. -
A Potential Review on Self-healing Material Bacterial Concrete Methods and Its Benefits
Building plays an important role for survival of human being in a safe place to live and store basic requirements. The building can be constructed for any purpose and the architecture of each building (official, residential) differs according to the plan. Beyond the plan for a building, it is also significant in designing plans for the construction of bridges, dams, canals, etc. In all the construction, the key goal is the strength of a building which completely depends on the materials that are chosen for each work. Hence, it is essential to prefer high quality materials for the construction of a building and the major materials are such as cement, concrete, steel, bricks, and sand. Among these materials, the concrete is often used for construction which enables to harden the building by combining cement, sand, and water. The concrete looks like a paste that reinforce to prolong life of the building. In this paper, we discuss a review on the use of bacteria in concrete that has the ability of self-healing cracks in the building. The procedural process behind the activation and reaction of bacteria into concrete is studied with the benefits of this process. This bacterial concrete usage assures to enhance the property of durability and but still it is yet to be introduced in the industries. Hereby, we review the recent research works undergone in concrete using bacteria. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG. -
A power quality and demand side management system for a smart grid using machine learning for providing efficient resource utilization and the method thereof /
Patent Number: 202141022163, Applicant: Mallikarjunaswamy S.
A Power quality and demand side management System for a smart grid Using Machine Learning for providing efficient resource utilization and the method thereof Electricity plays a crucial role in different sectors of the nation including national security, economy, agriculture and healthcare. The design of the power system has been revolutionized by the incorporation of communication technology. This makes the grid smart. Several issues have been addressed in order to make the utility grid smart. -
The study of nonlinear phenomena associated with physical phenomena is a hot topic in the present era. The fundamental aim of this paper is to find the iterative solution for generalized quintic complex Ginzburg-Landau (GCGL) equation using fractional natural decomposition method (FNDM) within the frame of fractional calculus. We consider the projected equations by incorporating the Caputo fractional operator and investigate two examples for different initial values to present the efficiency and applicability of the FNDM. We presented the nature of the obtained results defined in three distinct cases and illustrated with the help of surfaces and contour plots for the particular value with respect to fractional order. Moreover, to present the accuracy and capture the nature of the obtained results, we present plots with different fractional order, and these plots show the essence of incorporating the fractional concept into the system exemplifying nonlinear complex phenomena. The present investigation confirms the efficiency and applicability of the considered method and fractional operators while analyzing phenomena in science and technology. 2021 The Author(s). -
A pragmatic study on heuristic algorithms for prediction and analysis of crime using social media data
Advancement in technology and Social media has grown to become one amongst the foremost powerful communication channels in human history and this is where individuals are sharing their perspectives, thoughts, suppositions, and feelings. Law enforcement units are having hard time fighting crime with evergrowing population, regional issues and political con-sequences. The adoption of social media data for crime analysis is increasing day by day. Crime analysis can help use the resources wisely. A crime prediction alerts the department at the right time to focus their staff with better equipment in suspected areas. Crime analysis prevents threats to life and money loss in terms of damage. In recent days, the collection of crime data from different heterogeneous sources becomes a primary step for the crime analysis and prediction. In this paper Overview of Heuristic Based Crime Prediction and Analysis algorithms identified by different authors. Also, various sources of social media used for analysis and prediction are also reviewed in detail. This information can be considered for one of the prominent asset for crime investigation through social media data procedure and also, we had identified the different algorithms and research gaps of that algorithms with related to crime analysis and prediction. 2019, Institute of Advanced Scientific Research, Inc. All rights reserved. -
A Pragmatic Study on Movie Recommender Systems Using Hybrid Collaborative Filtering
The Movie Recommendation System (MRS) is part of a comprehensive class of recommendation systems, which categorizes information to predict user preferences. The sum of movies is increasing tremendously day by day, and a reliable recommender system should be developed to increase the user satisfaction. Most of the approaches are made to prevent cold-start, first-rater drawbacks, and gray sheep user problems, nevertheless, in order to recommend the related items, various methods are available in the literature. Firstly, content-based method has some drawbacks like data of similar user could not be achieved, and what category of these items the user likes or dislikes are also not known. Secondly, this paper discusses about collaborative filtering to find both user and item attributes that have been considered. Since there exist some issues pictured with collaborative filtering, so this paper further aims into hybrid collaborative filtering and deep learning with KNN algorithm of ratings of top K-nearest neighbors. 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
A Pre-trained YOLO-v5 model and an Image Subtraction Approach for Printed Circuit Board Defect Detection
Almost every electronic product used regularly contains printed circuit boards, which in addition to being used for business purposes are also used for security applications. Manual visual inspection of anomalies and faults in circuit boards during manufacture and usage is extremely challenging. Due to a shortage of training data and the uncertainty of new abnormalities, identifying undiscovered flaws continues to be complicated. The YOLO-v5 technique on a customized PCB dataset is used in the study to incorporate computer vision to detect six potential PCB defects. The algorithm is designed to be feasible, deliver precise findings, and operate at a considerable pace to be effective. A technique of image subtraction is also implemented to detect flaws in printed circuit boards. The structural similarity index, a perception-based method, gauges how similar non-defective and defective PCB images are to one another. 2023 IEEE. -
A Precise Computational Method for Hippocampus Segmentation from MRI of Brain to Assist Physicians in the Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease
Hippocampus segmentation on magnetic resonance imaging is more significant for diagnosis, treatment and analyzing of neuropsychiatric disorders. Automatic segmentation is an active research field. Previous state-of-the-art hippocampus segmentation methods train their methods on healthy or Alzheimer's disease patients from public datasets. It arises the question whether these methods are capable for recognizing the hippocampus in a different domain. Therefore, this study proposes a precise computational method for hippocampus segmentation from MRI of brain to assist physicians in the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease (HCS-MRI-DAD-LBP). Initially, the input images are pre-processed by Trimmed mean filter for image quality enhancement. Then the pre-processed images are given to ROI detection, ROI detection utilizes Weber's law which determines the luminance factor of the image. In the region extraction process, Chan-Vese active contour model (ACM) and level sets are used (UACM). Finally, local binary pattern (LBP) is utilized to remove the erroneous pixel that maximizes the segmentation accuracy. The proposed model is implemented in MATLAB, and its performance is analyzed with performance metrics, like precision, recall, mean, variance, standard deviation and disc similarity coefficient. The proposed HCS-MRI-DAD-LBP method attains in OASIS dataset provides high disc similarity coefficient of 12.64%, 10.11% and 1.03% compared with the existing methods, like HCS-DAS-MLT, HCS-DAS-RNN and HCS-DAS-GMM and in ADNI dataset provides high precision of 20%, 9.09% and 1.05% compared with existing methods like HCS-MRI-DAD-CNN-ADNI, HCS-MRI-DAD-MCNN-ADNI and HCS-MRI-DAD-CNN-RNN-ADNI, respectively. 2022 World Scientific Publishing Europe Ltd. -
A precise method for gender cataloguing using a minimum distance classifier /
The International Journal of Engineering and Science, Vol-3 (2), pp. 1-4. ISSN (p)-2319-1805 ISSN (e)-2319-1813 -
A prediction technique for heart disease based on long short term memory recurrent neural network
In recent years, heart disease is one of the leading cause of death for both women and men. So, heart disease prediction is considered as a significant part in the clinical data analysis. Standard data mining techniques like Support Vector Machine (SVM), Naive Bayes and other machine learning techniques used in the earlier research for heart disease prediction. These methods are not sufficient for effective heart disease prediction due to insufficient test data. In this research, Bi-directional Long Short Term Memory with Conditional Random Field (BiLSTM-CRF) has been proposed to increase the efficiency of heart disease prediction. The input medical data were analyzed in a bidirectional manner for effective analysis, and CRF provided the linear relationship between the features. The BiLSTMCRF method has been tested on the Cleveland dataset to analyze the performance and compared with existing methods. The results showed that the proposed BiLSTM-CRF outperformed the existing methods in heart disease prediction. The average accuracy of the proposed BiLSTM-CRF is 90.04%, which is higher than the existing methods. 2020 by the authors. -
A predictive model on post-earthquake infrastructure damage
Disaster management initiatives are employed to mitigate the effects of catastrophic events such as earthquakes. However, post-disaster expenses raise concern for both the government and the insurance companies. The paper provides insights about the key factors that add to the building damage such as the structural and building usage properties. It also sheds light on the best model that can be adopted in terms of both accuracy and ethical principles such as transparency and accountability. From the performance perspective, random forest model has been suggested. From the perspective of models with ethical principles, the decision tree model has been highlighted. Thus, the paper fulfills to propose the best predictive model to accurately predict the building damage caused by earthquake for incorporation by the insurance companies or government agency to minimize the post-disaster expenses involved in such catastrophic event. The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd 2021. -
A Predictive Modelling of Factors Influencing Job Satisfaction Through a CNN-BiGRU Algorithm
The fields of humanities, psychology, and sociology are where the word 'job satisfaction' originated. According to psychology, it is a condition in which a worker experiences his circumstances emotionally and responds by experiencing either pleasure or suffering. It is regarded as a variable in various sociological categories pertaining to how each employee assesses and thinks about his work. Because a satisfied employee contributes to and builds upon an organization's success, job satisfaction is intimately tied to an employee's performance and the quality of the work they do. As a result, job satisfaction directly correlates to an organization's success. The proposed strategy incorporates data preprocessing, feature selection, and model training. The missing value is a common feature of data preparation. Feature selection is chosen using the ANOVA F-Test Filter, the Chi-Square Filter, and the full Data Set Construction procedure. The model's efficacy can be evaluated with the help of CNN-BiGRU. The proposed technique is compared to two more models: BiGRU and CNN. It has been shown that our proposed technique outperforms two other models. 2023 IEEE. -
A predictive system for determining the probability of transfer of viruses from animals to humans /
"Patent Number: 202141012175, Applicant: Rajesh R.
The study of viruses transmission from animal to human beings is vital since more outbreaks are happing frequently and from a veterinary viewpoint these viruses causes diseases that are economically devastating. The emergence of animal virus in the human population seeks the importance of animals in harbouring infectious agents. Zoonosis is the scientific term referring to any diseases that are transmitted to people by animals. -
A predictive system for determining the probability of transfer of viruses from animals to humans /
Patent Number: 202141012175, Applicant: Rajesh R.
The study of viruses transmission from animal to human beings is vital since more outbreaks are happing frequently and from a veterinary viewpoint these viruses causes diseases that are economically devastating. The emergence of animal virus in the human population seeks the importance of animals in harbouring infectious agents. Zoonosis is the scientific term referring to any diseases that are transmitted to people by animals. -
A predictive system for determining the probability of transfer of viruses from animals to humans /
Patent Number: 202141012175, Applicant: Rajesh R.
The study of viruses transmission from animal to human beings is vital since more outbreaks are happing frequently and from a veterinary viewpoint these viruses causes diseases that are economically devastating. The emergence of animal virus in the human population seeks the importance of animals in harbouring infectious agents. Zoonosis is the scientific term referring to any diseases that are transmitted to people by animals.