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Survey on Microwave frequency v Band: Characteristics and challenges
This paper presents the characteristics of V band frequency range of Microwave band in electromagnetic spectrum. The paper also identifies the challenges using this band in applications. The lower microwave frequency band of 2-3 GHz is used in wireless applications. Wi-Fi, Wi-Max and cellular frequencies are quite familiar using in the lower band of microwave frequency band. However, the congestion of the frequency band in this lower frequency band invoked researchers to think a higher frequency microwave band lies between 57 GHz-64 GHz band. The wireless application can utilize this unlicensed frequency band. However signal absorption, fast fading of signals in long range communication, also transceiver design architectures complexity pose great challenges in this higher band. Applications of short range such as military applications utilize this band. However, thinking a new dimension of characteristic features of microwave upper band is the focus of this paper. This paper tells the V Band, that is upper band of microwave range frequencies (57 - 64 GHz). 2016 IEEE. -
Wavelet packet transform based fusion of misaligned images
This paper proposes an image fusion method based on wavelet packet transform (WPT) for images with misaligned region of interest, which finds wide application in target recognition and feature extraction. The region of interest of the images are first aligned and then fused in the transform domain. The various no-reference parameters such as standard deviation (SD), spatial frequency (SF) are measured for the fused image. The result obtained from this method is compared with the other methods such as image fusion using discrete wavelet transform (DWT), stationary wavelet transform and guided filtering. It is evident from the simulation results that the two parameters are high for the fused image using wavelet packet transform. 2016 IEEE. -
An enhanced framework to design intelligent course advisory systems using learning analytics
Education for a person plays an anchor role in shaping an individuals career. In order to achieve success in the academic path, care should be taken in choosing an appropriate course for the learners. This research work is based on the framework to design a course advisory system in an efficient way. The design approach is based on overlapping of learning analytics, academic analytics, and personalized systems. This approach provides an efficient way to build course advisory system. Also, mapping of course advisory systems into the reference model of learning analytics is discussed in this paper. Course advisory system is considered as enhanced personalized system. The challenges involved in the implementation of course advisory system is also elaborated in this paper. Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2017. -
Secure framework of authentication mechanism over cloud environment
Cloud computing offers a cost effective virtual infrastructure management along with storage and application-oriented services to its customers. This innovation quickly turns into a generally very widely accepted worldview for conveying administrations through web. In this way, this administration expert provider must be offer the trust and information security, on the grounds that there is a most vital and profitable and most delicate information in extremely secure using cryptographic techniques to secure the data in cloud. So for ensure the privacy of essential information, it must be secured utilizing encryptions algorithms and afterward transferring to cloud. This paper presents a novel technique for electronic distributed computing administrations utilizing two-variable validation (2FA) access control framework. The prime target of the projected framework is to guarantee a optimal security for all the actors involved in the component design of proposed authentication system. Furthermore, property based control in the framework likewise authorize cloud servers to maximum the access to those clients with the same arrangement of properties while saving client privacy. At long last, we additionally do a reproduction to show the practicability of our proposed framework. The assessment work is done by utilizing expense of communication, data transfer capacity and proficiency of the framework as an execution metric. Springer International Publishing AG 2017. -
Detection of faces from video files with different file formats
Face detection is the primary approach of all fundamental problems of human computer interaction system (HCIS). This paper evaluates the performance of detection system on single face from stored videos that are stored in different file formats. Stored videos contain raw homemade datasets as well as ready-made datasets. This proposed work concludes detection percentage of face detection system in different video formats. The implementation is done in two phases. The raw homemade dataset is tested on.3gp,.avi,.mov,.mp4 and a ready-made dataset is tested on.wmv,.m4v,.asf,.mpg file formats. The coding part for face detection has been done in MATLAB R2013a. The detection of faces from video file was 72.79 % for homemade dataset and 82.78% for ready-made dataset. 2016 IEEE. -
Polynomial time algorithm for inferring subclasses of parallel internal column contextual array languages
In [2,16] a new method of description of pictures of digitized rectangular arrays is introduced based on contextual grammars, called parallel internal contextual array grammars. In this paper, we pay our attention on parallel internal column contextual array grammars and observe that the languages generated by these grammars are not inferable from positive data only. We define two subclasses of parallel internal column contextual array languages, namely, k-uniform and strictly parallel internal column contextual languages which are incomparable and not disjoint classes and provide identification algorithms to learn these classes. Springer International Publishing AG 2017. -
VNPR system using artificial neural network
Vehicle number plate recognition (VNPR) is a technique used to extract the license plate from a sequence of images. The extracted information in the database can be used in the applications like electronic payment systems such as toll payment, parking lots etc. An effective VNPR can be implemented based on the quality of the acquired images. It is used for real time application and it has to recognize the number plates of all types under different environmental conditions. Different algorithms has been used which depends on the features present in the images. It should be generalised to extract different types of license plate from the images. In this paper we propose a new method which is robust enough to recognize the characters from the number plates with help of artificial neural network. This algorithm is practical for the front view and rear view of orientation of the vehicle. 2016 IEEE. -
A novel launch power determination strategy for physical layer impairment-aware (PLI-A) lightpath provisioning in mixed-line-rate (MLR) optical networks
In mixed-line-rate (MLR) networks, various data rates, on varied wavelengths, exist on a fiber. In MLR networks, end-to-end lightpaths can be established with the desired line rate; requiring advanced modulation formats for higher data rates. However, along the route, the signals experience different physical layer impairments (PLIs), and their quality also worsens. The transmission signal quality is affected by the launch power, which must be high for lesser noise at the receiver, and must also be low, such that the PLIs do not start to distort the signal. Further, higher launch power also disrupts the existing lightpath and its neighbours. We propose a weighted strategy for provisioning PLI-aware (PLI-A) lightpaths in MLR networks. Through the simulations, we compare and demonstrate that the proposed strategy demonstrates better performances than our previously proposed algorithm (i.e. PLI-Average (PLI-A)), and existing approaches. 2016 IEEE. -
Comparative study of recommender systems
Recommendation System is a quickly progressing study area. Many new approaches are offered so far. In this particular paper we have researched on various applications of recommender system and various techniques used in recommender system like collaborative filtering, content-based filtering and hybrid filtering. Collaborative filtering is amongst the common methods utilized in recommending process. So comparative study on various collaborative filtering is done and the results are plotted graphically. 2016 IEEE. -
Voltage stability analysis using L-index under various transformer tap changer settings
Voltage stability is a major problem in power system which depended on many factors like improper load forecasting, generator outage, line fault and shortage of reactive power supply etc. For a secure and economic power system operation voltage stability should be maintained within permissible limit. Voltage stability is a measure of whole power system quality. Voltage stability studies can done by analyzing reactive power production, transmission of power and consumption. In this paper voltage stability analysis of an IEEE 14 bus system is done by calculating L-index of the buses. From load flow studies optimized voltage is chosen, and by using these voltage values L-index is calculated. From the calculated L-index values we can find out vulnerable buses. How the transformer tap changing effect the voltage stability is also calculated here. 2016 IEEE. -
Power quality improvement strategy for non-linear load in single phase system
Widespread use of non-linear loads in today's world scenario, increased the harmonic current injection into the grid. The harmonic current play a vital role in deteriorating the power quality of the grid. The non-linear loads may be either, single phase or a Three phase loads. In this paper, a control strategy for single phase shunt active filter is discussed, in mitigating the harmonics flowing into the grid. The extraction of reference signal of shunt active filter is designed, using instantaneous reactive power theory. Here load is considered as diode rectifier which is feeding a resistive inductive load. A complete control strategy and analysis is done in MATLAB/Simulink environment. 2016 IEEE. -
Hidden Markov Model: Application towards genomic analysis
Hidden Markov Model (HMM) has become one of the interesting methods for the researchers, especially in bioinformatics where different analysis are carried out. These are widely used in science, engineering and many other areas such as bioinformatics, genomic mapping, computer vision, finance and economics, and in social science. HMMs require much smaller training sets, and that the examination of the inner structure of the model provides often a deeper understanding of the phenomenon. In this survey, we first describe the important algorithms for the HMMs, and provide useful comparisons, aiming at their advantages and shortcomings. We then consider the major g applications, such as annotations, gene alignment and profiling of sequences, DNA structure prediction, and pattern recognition. We also list some analysis on how to use HMM for DNA genomes. Finally, we conclude use and perspectives of HMMs in bioinformatics and provide a critical appraisal for the same. 2016 IEEE. -
Computer simulation of diesel fueled engine processes using matlab and experimental investigations on research engine
The depletion of conventional fuel source at a fast rate and increasing environmental pollution have motivated extensive research in combustion modeling and energy efficient engine design. In the present work, a computer simulation incorporating progressive combustion model using thermodynamic equations has been carried out using MATLAB to evaluate the performance of a diesel engine. Simulations at constant speed and variable load have been carried out for the experimental engine available in the laboratory. For simulation, speed and Air/Fuel ratios, which are measured during the experiment, have been used as input apart from other geometrical details. A state-of-the-art experimental facility has been developed in-house. The facility comprises of a hundred horsepower water cooled eddy current dynamometer with appropriate electronic controllers. A normal load test has been carried out and the required parameters were measured. A six gas analyzer was used for the measurement of NOx, HC, CO2, O2, CO and SOx. and a smoke meter was used for smoke opacity. The predicted Pressure-Volume (PV) diagram was compared with measurements and found to match closely. It is concluded that the developed simulation software could be used to get quick results for parametric studies. Copyright 2017 ASME. -
A Compact Workflow Model for Cloud Computing
Scheduling tasks in the cloud computing environment, particularly for data intensive applications is of great importance and interest. In this paper, we propose a new workflow model presented in a rigorous graph-Theoretic setting. In this new model, we would like to incorporate possible similarities between requisite files which are needed to complete the given set of tasks. We show that it is NP-Complete to compute the make span in this model even with oracle access to the cost of retrieving a file. 2015 IEEE. -
Data linearity using Kernel PCA with Performance Evaluation of Random Forest for training data: A machine learning approach
In this study, Kernel Principal Component Analysis is applied to understand and visualize non-linear variation patterns by inverse mapping the projected data from a high-dimensional feature space back to the original input space. Performance Evaluation of Random Forest on various data sets has been compared to understand accuracy and various statistical measures of interest. 2016 IEEE. -
Adaptive algorithms in smart antenna beamformation for wireless communication
The challenges for today's wireless communication technology are increased data rates, channel capacity and spectrum efficiency with reduced interference. The adaptive antenna array is capable of adapting to the varying signal environments automatically and forms beams in the directions of the desired signals by steering nulls in the directions of interfering signals. Therefore smart antenna is the best solution to overcome the above mentioned challenges. Smart antennas uses advanced digital signal processing algorithms to enhance the detection of desired users in an interfering environment through spatial filtering. In this paper we will discuss the influence of Least Mean Squares (LMS), Recursive Least Squares (RLS) and Normalized Least Mean Square (NLMS) algorithms in adaptive beamforming. The simulations used for the study are carried out using MATLAB R2013a. 2016 IEEE. -
Performance improvement of triple band truncated spiked triangular patch antenna
In this paper, the design of a novel triple band triangular microstrip patch antenna with inset feed is proposed. The triangular patch is designed for a resonant frequency of 2 GHz. The inset feed is placed at a depth of 1/3rd of height from the bottom of the patch for improved return loss. The insertion of two slots and two tabs causes the antenna to resonate at multiple frequencies. The proposed antenna resonates at three frequencies: 1.939 GHz, 2.515 GHz and 3.212 GHz. The truncation of the edges of the patch and the tabs improves the gain and directivity of the antenna. 2016 IEEE. -
Available Transfer Capability (ATC) enhancement & optimization of UPFC shunt converter location with GSF in deregulated power system
Available Transfer Capability (ATC) is a measure for transmission system security margin in open access electricity market. Determining the Available Transfer Capability (ATC) of the transmission networks, Repeated Power Flow (RPF) approach have been used since it can satisfy voltage, thermal and stability constraints among all other methods available. The main objectives include identification of best location for UPFC to get maximum ATC enhancement and to propose a novel method for optimizing the UPFC PV bus location using Generation Shift Factor (GSF) so that power system transmission network can deliver more number of power trades. 2016 IEEE. -
Islanding detection technique of distribution generation system
Islanding is a condition in which the micro grid is disconnected from the main grid which consists of loads and distribution generation. Islanding is required whenever there is a fault and whenever the maintenance is required. Under normal condition or stable condition, the system works under constant current control mode. After islanding the system switched to voltage controlled mode. There are different methods that can be used to detect islanding situation such as active and passive methods. In this paper DQ-PLL detection technique used for detecting islanding condition is carried out. This paper also explains in detail the advantages of DQ-PLL method for islanding detection The implementation is validated by using MATLAB/SIMULINK software. 2016 IEEE. -
An integration of big data and cloud computing
In this era, Big data and Cloud computing are the most important topics for organizations across the globe amongst the plethora of softwares. Big data is the most rapidly expanding research tool in understanding and solving complex problems in different interdisciplinary fields such as engineering, management health care, e-commerce, social network marketing finance and others. Cloud computing is a virtual service which is used for computation, data storage, data mining by creating flexibility and at minimum cost. It is pay & use model which is the next generation platform to analyse the various data which comes along with different services and applications without physically acquiring them. In this paper, we try to understand and work on the integration model of both Cloud Computing and Big Data to achieve efficiency and faster outcome. It is a qualitative paper to determine the synergy. Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2017.