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The world of communication & computing platform in research perspective: Opportunities and challenges
Computing paradigms are introduced for solving complex problems by analyzing, designing and implementing by complex systems. Computing can be defined as the effective use of computer or computer technology to solve tasks that are goal oriented. Computing is used in development of producing scientific studies, building intelligent systems, channeling different media for communication. Over the last few years, internet became so popular which lead to the increase in computer processing capacity, data storage and communication with one another. Computing has evolved from one technology to another in its field and formed a robust framework over the years. In this paper a survey on different computing paradigms like evergreen computing is cloud computing, to deal with basic scheduling is grid computing, for multi task handing is parallel computing, to handle smart phone data's that is mobile computing, cluster computing, and distributed computing is carried out. These technologies improved the way computing functions and made it easier to the computer world. The applications and research issues of the most of the computing paradigms are discussed in this article. The recent research issues in computing platform are scheduling and security. The scheduling is dealing with data processing from one computing platform to other computing device. Security is one of the important research issues. 2021 IEEE. -
The Women Leadership: A Catalytic Role of Digital Divide Through Digital Ecosystem
The digitalization of the macro environment of an organization and digital upskilling and digital capital formation in the micro level of human capital paves women an opportunity to ladder up in the organization in various job roles leading to women leadership. The sociodemographic, psychological, socioeconomic, and cultural factors to the digital divide predominantly determine digital capital formation. Every attempt of women to surpass the digital divide obstacle to digital capital formation enables women capital to leadership characteristics. The study proposes a conceptual framework by extricating the past scholarly works on digital divide, digital capital, technology leadership, and women leadership. The preferences and choices of women leading to leadership skills through technology by encapsulating digital capital formation are meritorious in the research inquiry. The individual factors and organization factors are taken to the moderating variables in the association of digital capital to the women leadership. The study finds the need of ICT and digital upskilling among the women professionals in industry and catalytic role of digital capital formation by surpassing the digital divide. The empirical study on the concept formulation is highly recommendable for the future study. The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2024. -
The Women in CBOs: A Resource-based Approach for COVID-19 Management in Kerala
In the fight against COVID-19-the global health emergency-the community-based organisations were an effective tool for planning and implementation of relief measures. This article is an examination of the various ways in which the community-based organisations extended their support in the fight against the pandemic. 2022 Economic and Political Weekly. All rights reserved. -
The whispers in the halls: Unveiling the moderating effect of employee reviews on organization selection
Online employee reviews, a hallmark of the digital age, significantly shape organizational image and influence job seeker choices. This research explores how the sentiment (positive or negative) of information in these reviews moderates how job seekers perceive organizations and make decisions during the selection process. By analyzing data from 213 Indian academics, the study aims to understand how job seekers utilize review information and uncover how the reviews' presence and sentiment affect the relationship between organizational image and candidate choices. This research contributes valuable insights into the complex interplay between employer brand, online feedback, and talent acquisition in the digital age, informing strategic recruitment practices and enhancing understanding of contemporary talent acquisition strategies. 2024 by IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
The wellbeing van: A strength-based model for student engagement and promoting student wellbeing
This book chapter takes a proactive approach to address stress by introducing a preventive measure, a relatively new approach implemented on college students in Bangalore, India called the "wellbeing van." The chapter emphasizes the importance of not only managing and coping with stress, but also implementing strategies that promote overall well-being by tapping into the intrinsic factors of the student. The well-being van has shown promising results in reducing stress levels among students in academic institutions. Additionally, the chapter delves into the difficulties students face in maintaining social relationships, conforming to societal expectations, and finding their place. It provides valuable insights on how to foster healthy social dynamics and create supportive environments for students. 2024, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
The vision of kuriakose elias chavara on family wellbeing and its actualization in the family apostolate of congregation of the mother of carmel
Family is the abode where the society takes birth and it is the pillar where the nation finds its strength. Kuriakose Elias Chavara a man of immense astuteness and novel thoughts had lofty apparition and great concern for the families. He was born on 10th February 1805, in the village of Kainakary in Kerala, India. At the age of 24 he was ordained as a religious priest. His being was highly committed for people and for the welfare of the society. He believed that strengthening of the individual can lead to formation of stable families which in turn can empower the society. He was a social reformer who stood for the marginalized, an innovative educationist who opened the school for low caste, an eminent spiritual leader who renewed the face of the church, popularized the press, media and founded two religious congregations for men and women. At the age of 66, 1871 January 3rd he left for his heavenly abode. On 23rd November 2014 he was canonized as saint by the Catholic Church. The present study The vision of Kuriakose Elias Chavara on family wellbeing and its actualization in the family apostolate of Congregation of the Mother of Carmel is an attempt to explore the vision of Chavara on family wellbeing and its relevance in the present era. Qualitative approach is employed and the data is collected through key informant interview and interview methods. The different aspect of Chavara s family wellbeing is explored mainly by reviewing the literature. Hermeneutic approach is used to interpret the literature. By analyzing the official documents of the congregation the actualization of his vision in the family apostolate is explored. The relevance of his views is explored through an interview with nine families from three different parts of Kerala. The influence of Chavara vision on family apostolate of Chavara and its implementation are investigated through the document analysis and key informant interview with members of the congregation. -
The visibility challenge: digital platforms giving a face to Indian small and medium enterprises
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have an important role in the economy of any country and have even remarkable influence on the countries with developing economies. The current study sketches the importance of social media, integrated marketing communication (IMC), and social customer relationship management and their transformation in small and medium business front which results in increased interaction and communication with their customers. The research uses a mix-method approach to elaborate on how small and medium businesses can increase visibility and reachability by gaining value through the usage of social media. The aim of this research is to highlight the challenges faced by SMEs, examine the usage of different digital platforms by Indian SMEs to resolve these difficulties and determine its impact on the business for improved visibility of small and medium businesses when competition is hitting hard on all businesses. Copyright 2022 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. -
Background: Body shaming leads to much insecurity that is often overlooked. Its impact results in many ways, either in the form of some mental disorder, non-acceptance of oneself, low self-esteem, decreased life satisfaction, etc. The Media adds to it by portraying perceived perfectionism in terms of appearance which at times acts as a trigger to people already suffering or going through these. Purpose: The purpose of the study was to explore the psychological effects of body shaming on young people, and to analyze the role and impact of media in the portrayal of body image issues. Design/Methodology/Approach: A Semi-structured interview of 20 participants was carried forward (10 males & 10 females belonging). All Participants belonged to the age bracket of 20-30 years. Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis was conducted thereafter. Findings: All the participants mentioned that body shaming has affected their well-being and self-esteem and it led them to body shame others as well. It was also found that media has been marketing body image issues in many ways which created both positive and negative impacts. The following themes were generated based on analysis: age-appropriate body, rituals to fit in, marketing by accepting, after effects, the vicious loop, confusion to/and acceptance. Conclusion: The psychological impact of body shaming is often overlooked and that creates more damage. Similarly, the marketing of body image issues is so popular that often it is used in the form of humour. All of these experiences create a deep impact on people and lead them to the vicious loop of body shaming. 2022, RJ4All Publications. All rights reserved. -
The vertex distance complement spectrum of subdivision vertex join and subdivision edge join of two regular graphs
The vertex distance complement (VDC) matrix C, of a connected graph G with vertex set consisting of n vertices, is a real symmetric matrix [cij ] that takes the value n ? dij where dij is the distance between the vertices vi and vj of G for i ? j and 0 otherwise. The vertex distance complement spectrum of the subdivision vertex join, G1 ??G 2 and the subdivision edge join G1 ?G2 of regular graphs G1 and G2 in terms of the adjacency spectrum are determined in this paper. 2021, Krasovskii Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics. All rights reserved. -
The Various Challenges Involved in Sensor Based Cloud System to Protect the Data and to Avoid Attacks: A Technical Review
In these studies, we introduce a unique protection framework for the integration of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) with cloud computing, aimed closer to enhancing statistics-centric programs consisting of far-flung healthcare structures. The framework's cornerstone is a robust, bendy safety version that ensures immoderate-degree information confidentiality, integrity, and terrific-grained get proper of access to control, addressing the important protection demanding situations in WSN-Cloud integration. By the use of a hybrid encryption mechanism that mixes the strengths of symmetric and uneven encryption techniques, our method gives a entire safety answer that protects information during transmission and garage. Furthermore, the version includes an efficient key manipulate gadget, facilitating the dynamic era and relaxed distribution of encryption keys. This contemporary framework is designed to mitigate common safety threats, such as Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) and Denial of Service (DoS) attacks, even as preserving the overall performance and standard performance of the blanketed gadget. Our research offers a massive contribution to securing statistics-centric packages in WSN-Cloud ecosystems, making sure dependable and comfortable facts verbal exchange and get right of entry to for a way off healthcare programs and past. 2024 IEEE. -
The Utilization of Artificial Intelligence in the Health Care Sector: A Review
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming an integral part of almost all the sectors of the economy and healthcare is not an exception. Artificial intelligence (AI) applications have transformed the healthcare industry. The aim of this chapter is to review the application of AI in healthcare sector and also explores the challenges in the adoption of artificial intelligence on the same. The authors conducted a thorough review of literature available and also used other secondary sources of data. It was found that, clinical choices, patient information and testing, predictive medical practice and health management of services are the key areas of interest in this AI era. Privacy and data protection was amongst the important challenges of AI in healthcare sector. It is suggested that, there is a need of certificate programs and courses on artificial intelligence, regulations pertaining to AI in healthcare should be implemented so that the challenges of privacy and confidentiality would be resolved. 2024 by IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
The use of self-protective measures to prevent COVID-19 spread: an application of the health belief model
This study uses a health belief model to examine the preventive behavioral orientation or self-protective measures adopted by people in the face of the current COVID-19 pandemic. A total of 603 participants were selected from the city of Bangalore, India. The data was collected through an online survey with participants age varying between 17 and 54 and mean as 23 years (SD = 4.32). The findings revealed that perceived barrier has significant negative impact, while perceived threat, perceived consequences, perceived benefits, community and individual self-efficacy, and general health cues have a positive influence on an individuals intention to follow self-protective measures against COVID-19. Based on the constructs of the health belief model, this study proposes multiple health-related interventions to reduce the spread of COVID-19. 2022 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. -
The use of augmented reality in assessing and training children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a serious issue that must be addressed in the modern world. Treatment for ADHD is challenging because it is costly, has adverse effects, might not be successful, and is not considered an emergency. The reason that ADHD is hard to manage is because it causes people-especially children-to make impulsive decisions that hinder their ability to succeed in school, the workplace, and other areas of life. As an alternative approach, neurofeedback therapy or play therapy, which relies on real-time feedback of an individual's brainwave activity typically collected through electroencephalogram (EEG), has demonstrated promising outcomes in the treatment of mental disorders and enhancing cognitive capabilities. On the other hand, prolonged exposure to repetitive feedback might result in lower engagement since people may become disinterested in the process and find it difficult to continue participating. An extensive assessment on the use of augmented reality (AR) in the context of pediatric ADHD has been carried out, with an emphasis on the benefits of creating games specifically for kids with ADHD. By using AR technology in a group of children, the goal of this study was to investigate the basic characteristics of AR systems that aid in the identification and treatment of ADHD in children. 2024, Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science. All rights reserved. -
The usage of gold and the investment analysis based on gold rate in India
Gold is one of the main commodities where the customers invest their money comparatively with bank for better interest. In the Indian context people purchase gold for their children's marriages for later period. The investment in gold is better suits for easy conversion into money with quickest possible time from the bank and gold merchants. The appreciation or depreciation of gold based on other investment options like fixed deposit, provident fund, international crude oil price, stock market, mutual fund etc. The comparative analysis of gold with other investment options give an edge to the customer to clearly understand the investment pattern for their hard-earned money expected to give good returns in the future. Copyright 2019 Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science. All rights reserved. -
The upper domatic number of powers of graphs
Let A and B be two disjoint subsets of the vertex set V of a graph G. The set A is said to dominate B, denoted by A ? B, if for every vertex u ? B there exists a vertex v ? A such that uv ? E(G). For any graph G, a partition ? = fV1; V2; : : : ; Vpg of the vertex set V is an upper domatic partition if Vi ? Vj or Vj ? Vi or both for every Vi; Vj ? ?, whenever i ? j. The upper domatic number D(G) is the maximum order of an upper domatic partition. In this paper, we study the upper domatic number of powers of graphs and examine the special case when power is 2. We also show that the upper domatic number of kth power of a graph can be viewed as its k-upper domatic number. 2021 Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University. -
The unseen dilemma of AI in mental healthcare
[No abstract available] -
The Universal Dimensions of Change: A Systematic Review of Couple Techniques
One can find a rich set of empirically evaluated techniques across different schools in couple therapy over its evolution of five decades. Though there are multiple systematic reviews and analyses of couple intervention studies, none focus on reviewing the universal dimensions of change across therapeutic techniques. Understanding the common areas of change would enable integrated learning across therapy modalities for novice therapists. Therefore, the aim is to identify the techniques employed in couple intervention research and categorize their change dimensions. We examined 40 articles on couple interventions published across 16 journals and identified 111 techniques. The five therapeutic change dimensions, namely behavior, cognition, emotion, attachment, and holistic, were categorized based on the common factor integration of techniques. The identified techniques were further classified under the five dimensions using the voting procedure to validate the universality of change dimensions. 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. -
The unique risk factor profile of triple-negative breast cancer: a comprehensive meta-analysis
Background: Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) has a poor prognosis compared with other breast cancer subtypes. This systematic review and meta-analysis examines whether known risk factors for breast cancer are also associated with TNBC in adult women. Methods: EMBASE, Medline, SCOPUS, and gray literature were queried with no limit on the date or language of publication. The exposures of interest included parity, breastfeeding, duration of breastfeeding, age at menarche, age at first live birth, oral contraceptive (OC) use, duration of OC use, use of menopausal hormone therapy (MHT), family history, body mass index (BMI), alcohol use, smoking, and breast density. The main outcome of interest was TNBC. Study quality was determined using the Newcastle-Ottawa scale for case control studies and cohort studies. We estimated weighted odds ratios from random effects models to study the exposureoutcome associations. Protocol was registered under the number: PROSPERO 2021 CRD42021254594. Results: Thirty-three studies were included. Family history, longer duration of OC use, and higher breast density were significantly associated with increased risk for TNBC, whereas later age at menarche, later age at first birth, and breastfeeding were protective against TNBC. Parity, MHT, alcohol, smoking, and BMI were not significantly associated with TNBC overall, but higher parity was associated with higher risk among Black women. Conclusion: Our findings highlight that TNBC has a distinct risk factor profile compared with overall breast cancer. This can be the foundational work in identification of actionable TNBC risk factors to improve prevention and early detection of these poor prognosis breast tumors. The Author(s) 2024. -
The Un-Human Beings: The Denial of Muslim Migrants Bodies in India and Poland
This essay traces the political and legal discourses around migrants and refugees in two distinct conditions: the postcolonial and the postsocialist of India and Poland, respectively. The two countries have recently turned to nationalist right-wing politics with an increasingly hostile focus on foreign Others, particularly Muslims. In the context of increased global surveillance and criminalization of Muslims, we show how the bodies of Muslim migrants are dehumanized and constructed as threats, denying their humanity in the process. We do this through the two cases of Ayub and Ameer, two Muslim men navigating their illegality in two different contexts in India and Poland. This essay is a contribution to the literature on postcolonial and postsocialist theories and critical debates about the possibilities of dialogue between postsocialist and postcolonial geographies. The examples we use demonstrate that the postcolonial and postsocialist nation-states respond to global phenomena such as migration and Islamophobia in ways that have discernible traces of their histories and are constituted distinctively from the western metropoles. 2022 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.