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Theoretical performance evaluation of linear impairments in optical WDM networks with ITU-T defined fibers
This article investigates the performance degradation, in terms of Quality-factor (Q-factor), due to the combined effect of linear impairments, in an optical Wavelength Division Multiplexed (WDM) star network using various ITU-T compliant fibers (G.652, G. 652D, G. 653, G. 654 and G.655), based on the optical frequency grid defined by the ITU-T Recommendation G.692. The simulation results obtained through the developed mathematical model show that in presence of the deleterious effects of the combined linear impairments, compared to other fiber types, Q-factor performance of a G.653 and G.654 fiber is the 'best' and 'worst'. The results also verify that with the use of a fiber having high value of dispersion and attenuation, it may not be possible to obtain the desired performance. 2016 IEEE. -
Fusion of medical image using STSVD
The process of uniting medical images which are taken from different types of images to make them as one image is a Medical Image Fusion. This is performed to increase the image information content and also to reduce the randomness and redundancy which is used for clinical applicability. In this paper a new method called Shearlet Transform (ST) is applied on image by using the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) to improve the information content of the images. Here two different images Positron Emission Tomography (PET) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) are taken for fusing. Initially the ST is applied on the two input images, then for low frequency coefficients the SVD method is applied for fusing purpose and for high frequency coefficients different method is applied. Then fuse the low and high frequency coefficients. Then the Inverse Shearlet Transform (IST) is applied to rebuild the fused image. To carry out the experiments three benchmark images are used and are compared with the progressive techniques. The results show that the proposed method exceeds many progressive techniques. Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2017. -
Microstructure and Mechanical Behaviour of Al6061-ZrB2 In-situ Metal Matrix Composites
Aluminium matrix composites processed through in-situ molten reaction has emerged as an alternative for eliminating defects existing in ex-situ reinforced metal matrix composites. Development of composites through in-situ method using inorganic salts via liquid metallurgy route is the most widely accepted technique. In the present work, Al6061-ZrB2 in-situ composites have been developed through in-situ reaction of Al-10%Zr and Al-3%B master alloys in Al6061 alloy. Study of microstructure and mechanical properties of in-situ reinforced ZrB2 in Al6061 alloy have been carried out. Composite exhibited grain refinement and improved the mechanical properties of Al6061 alloy. Ductility of composite is reduced with increase in content of ZrB2. Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. -
Application of demand response programs for residential loads to minimize energy cost
Demand response (DR) programs generally is a domineering strength reserve in the upcoming electric power methods. Professional clients, industrial customers, received the key consideration on the precise demand response programs. On the other hand, little clients, like residential customers, provides more the variable answer in most of these functions. The primary purpose of this paper is usually to check out recent demand response programs, and examine various benefits along with significance connected with demand response on residential customers. 2016 IEEE. -
Design of pseudo stator generator
In today's energy generation scenario, the extensive use of conventional sources are causing lot of environmental issues. It is necessary that humankind should come up with a strategy to produce clean energy. Even though we cannot completely stop relying on non-renewable sources of energy, lot of research is happening to find the ideal substitute for conventional sources of energy and also for migrating towards renewable energy sources from conventional sources. Its gaining popularity because of the fact that availability of fossil fuels are reducing at an alarming rate. Thus, these research works will aid in producing clean energy and also make the existing systems more efficient. A better substitution would be to design a machine which would use less conventional sources of energy and gives required output. Thus it is necessary to come up with a new technology which would suffice the above stated requirements. The proposed project is an novel idea aimed at designing an alternator which has higher power output at lower RPM when compared to conventional alternators. This model finds application in automobiles, WECS, Aerospace, hybrid vehicles in the near future. 2016 IEEE. -
Template based speech enhancement of disordered speech
In this paper, we have taken Electro-Larynx (EL) speech and have improved the speech quality, electro-larynx speech was improved in terms of naturalness and intelligibility by introducing variations in the F0-contour and template matching with correlation coefficient. Initially, we introduced two different speech signals, the first speech signal introduced was healthy speech signal and the second speech signal introduced was disordered speech signal. Here, the second speech signal, the disordered speech is taken as the EL speech. The fundamental frequency or pitch was extracted first from the two inputed speech signals, then the contour of each fundamental frequency was extracted from the two input speech signals. Using these extracted features of fundamental frequency the gender classification by K-means algorithm was instigated. The same process was implemented with F0 contour features which was extracted using K-NN algorithm. EL speech contains directly radiated electrolarynx noise (DREL). The noise was filtered out using spectral subtraction algorithm. Once DREL noise is removed from EL speech, the quality of the speech was greatly improved. Then EL enhanced speech signal is compared and mapped with healthy speech signal using template matching algorithm with the help of correlation coefficient, this improves the overall quality, that is the naturalness and intelligibity of the introduced disordered speech signal. This technique helps solve the major problem of speech faced by differently abled persons with larynx disorder. 2016 IEEE. -
ANN based pattern generation, design and simulation of broadband fractal antenna for wireless applications
The synthesis of microstrip antenna(MSA) remains complex and time consuming from convenient design point of view. The Artificial Neural Network (ANN) on the other hand provides quicker and accurate solutions while multiple parameters controlling MSA designs. This paper proposes a new type of square fractal antenna (SFA) structure iterated and optimized by ANN developed using Advanced C and simulated using HFSS for optimum resonance characteristics covering 1.6-6.6 GHz frequency range. The motivation behind this work is size reduction of MSAs through FA concept with broadband resonance. It is suggested that the proposed antenna can be a right choice for various wireless applications because of its broadband functionality. 2016 IEEE. -
Person re-identification using part based hybrid descriptor
Real time person re-identification systems require robust descriptors for useful feature extraction. This paper focuses on a novel descriptor which can efficiently re-identify persons in varied views and change in illumination. The descriptors detect the features by dividing the person image into multiple parts. We use a combination of local and global feature descriptors to form a reliable descriptor. Performance evaluation is done on a benchmarking dataset. 2016 IEEE. -
Performance analysis of Flyash with Bentonite in grounding pit
In modern era of power systems, generation, transmission and distribution is well operated and maintained to satisfy the demand and supply management. Various problems are faced every day in all the power system areas. One among the problems faced in all the high voltage electrical equipment's is grounding. Natural grounding is done using charcoal and salt to maintain the less resistance in the grounding pit but the less resistance grounding pit becomes high resistive area due to various reasons like improper maintenance, charcoal and salt getting dissolved in soil after some period of time. In this paper a new method of grounding which uses Flyash and Bentonite is proposed and the performance is been analyzed by various standard methods. 2016 IEEE. -
Dielectric performance of solid dielectric immersed in vegetable oil with antioxidant
Transformers are the most vital part of the power transmission and distribution system. Protecting them from all possible abnormalities is of very high priority. The insulation levels in the transformers need to be of very high grade as the power and voltage levels of a transformer are very high. Transformers are generally filled with petroleum based mineral oil as an insulator and also as a coolant inside them. These oils are highly inflammable and also highly toxic. They are also non-biodegradable, causing major harm to the environment. Vegetable oils which are abundant in nature unlike the mineral oil is being studied as a suitable substitute for mineral oils as transformer oil. The availability of vegetable oils differ from place to place. The work here focusses on the commercially available vegetable oils in India. Seven different samples of oil are tested for their dielectric properties and viscosity and the best one among them is tested with a solid dielectric (epoxy) immersed within it in order to simulate more appropriate conditions of a practical transformer. The tests are conducted based on Indian Standards (IS6792). 2016 IEEE. -
Overall system performance analysis with distributed generation
Transmission system loadability enhancement using modern techniques are one of the interesting research areas under power system planning studies. This paper address the location of Distributed Generation (DG) in the network not only loadability enhancement but also for transmission loss minimization and voltage stability enhancement. We have proposed a novel strategic approach for DG location and size by considering (N-1) line contingency criterion. The approach is analyzed with IEEE 14-bus and IEEE 30-bus test systems. The results are validating the proposed approach for real-time applications. 2016 IEEE. -
Survey study on the methods of bird vocalization classification
The technologies holds the ability to change the world. Current digital era is a product of the evolutionary technologies. It created the necessity to increase the Human Computer Interaction (HCI) and it became one of the most emerging research areas of the decade. HCI is an interface between the users and the system to improve the interaction. HCI concept came into existence in early 1980's. One of the emerging new research area in HCI is Context Aware System (CAS). The technological advancements in HCI created a new outlook in the research of CAS. CAS is a system which understand the user, their surroundings, and location. CAS make this possible by processing the environmental and bio-acoustic. Sound is one of the important media for both humans and animals to communicate and understand information. Bird sound, vehicle sound, wind sound etc. are some of the environmental and bio acoustics. Processing these sounds or signals will help us to create a better performing CAS. This paper profiles a survey study on bird sound classification and identification. Automatic identification of bird sound is one among the difficult task in signal processing. Also, the paper will profile the previous research works on various phases in bird vocalization processing; such as preprocessing, feature selection and classification. 2016 IEEE. -
Diagnosis of compromised accounts for online social performance profile network
Proliferation of internet technologies has changed the way content is created and exchanged through the Internet, prompting expansion of online networking applications and administrations. Online networking empower creation and exchanged the clients produced content and design of a scope of Internet-based applications. This development is fueled by more administrations as well as by the rate of their adoption by the users. While determined spammers misuse the built up trust connections between account proprietors and their companions to proficiently spread malignant spam, auspicious discovery of traded off records is quite challenge, because of the fixed trust association among the administration suppliers, account proprietors, and their companions. The proposed paper depicts a novel method to notice the cooperated user account in systems like Facebook and twitter. Our novel scheme consists of statistical method of modelling and detected to identity accounts that behaves a sudden change along with detected the compromised accounts. This paper gives validation of these behavioral elements by gathering and dissecting genuine client clickstreams to an OSN site. Taking into account our estimation study, further devise every client's social behavioral profile (SBP) by joining its separate behavioral element measurements. We assess the capacity of social behavioral profiles in recognizing distinctive OSN clients, and the simulation results demonstrate the social behavioral profiles precisely separate every OSN clients and distinguish traded off records. 2016 IEEE. -
1-Normal DRA for insertion languages
Restarting automaton is a type of regulated rewriting system, introduced as a model for analysis by reduction. It is a linguistically motivated method for checking the correctness of a sentence. In this paper, we introduce a new definition of normal restarting automaton in which only one substring is removed using the DEL operation in a cycle. This DEL operation is applied to reverse the insertion operation in an insertion grammar. We use this 1-normal restarting automaton to solve the membership problem of insertion languages. Further, we introduce some interesting closure properties of 1-normal restarting automata. 2017, Springer International Publishing AG. -
Optimized gateway oriented unicast and multicast routing for multi hop communication network
Networking and communication in an infrastructure less environment had brought interest in the development of mobile ad hoc networks (MANET). Growth of technologies in years has increased the size of the network and its applications. In larger MANET, it becomes important to maintain the quality of performance for increased overhead scenarios. Grouping of network optimizes the workload with reduced overhead for routing and maintenance in larger MANET. Mobile nodes are grouped by the use of clustering algorithms. Once the MANET environment is formed, the network needs appropriate architecture and methods to have efficient and effective transactions. Mobility, energy, selection of cluster head and gateway are parallel related with efficiency metrics of the network optimizing these parameter helps to increase performance of network in terms of higher packet delivery ratio, less energy consumption and jitter. This work proposes a routing architectural algorithm especially for very large network to get high-quality performance. The proposed method uses unicasting and multicasting approaches in an optimized way for routing and maintenance of the network. Analysis results prove that the proposed model has performed with higher packet delivery ration of 1.17% with a reduced jitter of 0.0014 s. Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd 2017. -
Experimenting with scalability of floodlight controller in software defined networks
Software Defined Network is the booming area of research in the domain of networking. With growing number of devices connecting to the global village of internet, it becomes inevitable to adapt to any new technology before testing its scalability in presence of dynamic circumstances. While a lot of research is going on to provide solution to overcome the limitations of the traditional network, it gives a call to research community to test the applicability and caliber to withstand the fault tolerance of the provided solution in the form of SDN Controllers. Out of existing multiple controllers providing the SDN functionalities to the network, one of the stellar controllers is Floodlight Controller. This paper is a contribution towards performance evaluation of scalability of the Floodlight Controller by implementing multiple scenarios experimented on the simulation tool of Mininet, Floodlight Controller and iPerf. Floodlight Controller is tested in the simulation environment by observing throughput and latency parameters of the controller and checked its performance in dynamic networking conditions over Mesh topology by exponentially increasing the number of nodes. 2017 IEEE. -
An online signature method using DNA based bio-hash for positive identification and non-repudiation
This work focuses on using biological data as a unique feature to generate e-Signature. DNA, the blue print of life is of unique nature. The signature created using biological data will be difficult to repudiate in the scenario of a legal dispute. Applications of human DNA are not limited to molecular biology, with the advents of fast growing technologies it is possible to inject DNA into e-Signature for positive identification. The proposed methodology uses Signature DNA as a unique biological feature for the registrant. This work has various phases, the first phase includes creating the Signature DNA using hybridized unique DNA segments of the individual (Registrant) which is the unique identification of the user and difficult to duplicate and repudiate. It generates a Bio-Hash of the Signature DNA. The DNA-Hash generated serves for positive identification of the user which computed with the hash of the e-Document and a random value serve as a Bio-Sign (e-Signature) for the e-Document in the second phase. Bio-Sign converted into QR code with a link to the e-Sign service providers website will ensure usability for verification. In the verification phase the verifier scans the QR code which connects to the e-Service provider's web link. The service provider computes and verifies the document and ensures the e-Signature is valid or not to the verifier. If the signer repudiates the signature, positive identification using DNA helps to achieve Non-Repudiation, the last phase. In the scenario of a legal dispute, the registrant cannot repudiate as the authorities can provide positive identification using the DNA Signature for greater assurance. The proposed technique ensures authentication, integrity and Non-Repudiation with Zero knowledge scenario to the verifier. 2017 IEEE. -
Information extraction and text mining of Ancient Vattezhuthu characters in historical documents using image zoning
The aim of this paper is to develop a system that involves character recognition of Brahmi, Grantha and Vattezuthu characters from palm manuscripts of historical Tamil ancient documents, analyzed the text and machine translated the present Tamil digital text format. Though many researchers have implemented various algorithms and techniques for character recognition in different languages, ancient characters conversion still poses a big challenge. Because image recognition technology has reached near-perfection when it comes to scanning English and other language text. But optical character recognition (OCR) software capable of digitizing printed Tamil text with high levels of accuracy is still elusive. Only a few people are familiar with the ancient characters and make attempts to convert them into written documents manually. The proposed system overcomes such a situation by converting all the ancient historical documents from inscriptions and palm manuscripts into Tamil digital text format. It converts the digital text format using Tamil unicode. Our algorithm comprises different stages: i) image preprocessing, ii) feature extraction, iii) character recognition and iv) digital text conversion. The first phase conversion accuracy of the Brahmi script rate of our algorithm is 91.57% using the neural network and image zoning method. The second phase of the Vattezhuthu character set is to be implemented. Conversion accuracy of Vattezhuthu is 89.75%. 2016 IEEE. -
Scalability of software defined network on floodlight controller using OFNet
Software Defined Network is the thriving area of research in the realm of networking. With growing number of devices connecting to the global village of internet, it becomes inevitable to adapt to any new technology before testing its scalability in presence of dynamic circumstances. While a lot of research is going on to provide solution to overcome the limitations of the traditional network, it gives a call to research community to test the competence and applicability to hold up the fault tolerance of the solution offered in the form of SDN Controllers. Out of the accessible multiple controllers with enabled the SDN functionalities to the network infrastructure, one of the best choice in controllers is Floodlight Controller. This research article is a contribution towards performance evaluation of scalability of the Floodlight Controller by implementing dual scenarios implemented, experimented and analyzed on the emulation tool of OFNet. Floodlight Controller is tested in the emulation environment by observing eight different parameters of the controller and checked its performance in scalable networking conditions over linear topology by gradually increasing the number of nodes. 2017 IEEE. -
Evalutionary compting model for QoS provisioning in WiMAX
In recent time wireless technology is adopted widely for connecting remote user over network. WiMAX is an attractive technology for provisioning high data rate connectivity and coverage. QoS is a required parameter for analyzing the system performance. Before allocation of the bandwidth in the network, physical layer information is required for improving QoS performance. Many modulation techniques are used in WiMAX network. An adaptive approach is required for selection of modulation scheme to maximize network performance. Physical layer information is used for selection of modulation scheme. An adaptive genetic based scheduling is proposed in this paper for improved QoS. Experiments are conducted to evaluate performance of proposed approach in term of throughput, successful transmission and packet collision over existing approach. The outcome shows significant performance over existing approach. 2017 IEEE.