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The smart system and method for inventory management of warehouse /
Patent Number: 202211009457, Applicant: Poornima G.
Energy is the essential utility needed. Thus, the management of energy use is a significant priority, as the enormous growth changes are sweeping the globe, and doing so is the best answer, beginning domestically. There are numerous difficulties in the existing home
energy meter reading systems, such as construction problems, too little bandwidth, poor real-time, no fast two-way communication, etc. -
The Shame of Ageing During Fourth Industrial Revolution: A Thematic Analysis of Indian Adults
The Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR), a term popularised by Klaus Schwab in 2016, connected the physical-biological and the digital world. This is an era of artificial intelligence and computational technologies suited to satiate the needs of the human race. The emphasis is also on a digital identity we have developed alongside our physical and psychological entities. Millennials and Gen Z have a cognizant grip on their digital identity and are known to use the fruits of 4IR in their everyday livelihood. However, with the advent of Industry 4.0, the generation of Baby Boomers and Gen X have had to undergo much re-learning and accommodate the newer ways of integrating digitalization in their lives. The process has brought about occupational threats and shaming related to failure to upgradation and flexibility. This article explores the influences of these social experiences on the identity and self-concept of the quinquagenarians and the sexagenarians. The article follows a qualitative method where using a thematic approach, the emerging themes from the in-depth interviews will be analyzed in detail to form a theoretical framework for shaming among the Indian Baby Boomers and Gen X. The variables in focus are adjustment, coping styles, resilience, the purpose of life, and Self-Image. The study explores the themes of Indian adults, which emerge from interviewing 46 participants, who have been associated with full-time employment and are between 77 and 59 years of age, representing the Baby Boomers, and those between 43 and 58 years of age, representing Gen X. The analysis adopts a psychoanalytic approach, where the data is interpreted using an Eriksonian lens. The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2024. -
The shadow of truth: Ethical Concerns in the Writings of Alexander Solzhenitsyn
"One word of truth will outweigh the entire world." These were the words of Alexander Solzhenitsyn while accepting the Nobel Prize in 1974. The twentieth century was the bloodiest century in human history, thanks largely to two ideologies - Fascism and Marxism. While there have been numerous studies on Nazi Germany, there have been relatively few on what transpired in Soviet Russia. This paper examines the contributions of the Russian writer and philosopher Alexander Solzhenitsyn to the understanding of the workings of totalitarianism. Solzhenitsyn wrote numerous works like The First Circle, Cancer Ward and The Gulag Archipalego. This paper will be examining his major work called One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich. The main intention is to probe the ethical concerns that the writer raises in this work, along with his deep understanding of human nature. This paper also seeks to compare Solzhenitsyn's views with that of thinkers like Jean Paul Sartre and Vaclav Havel. The key query here will be the essence-existence debate that Sartre initiated in his seminal work 'Existentialism Is a Humanism' and an attempt will be made to show how Havel and Solzhenitsyn would differ from Sartre. Finally there will be an attempt to establish how Solzhenitsyn reaffirms Lev Tolstoy's theory of history, according to which history is a process where 'great individuals' play a minimal role. 2013 Journal of Dharma: Dharmaram Journal of Religions and Philosophies (Dharmaram Vidya Kshetram, Bangalore). -
The secured data provenance: Background and application oriented analysis
It is with the advancement of overwhelming wireless internet access in mobile environments, users and usage data has become huge and voluminous on regular basis. For instance, the financial transactions performed via online by users are unsecure and unauthenticated in many contexts. Methods and algorithms exist for secure data transmission over different channels, perhaps lacks to achieve high performance with respect to the basic goals of security; confidentiality, integrity, availability at a considerable level. The origin of the data i.e., by whom the original transaction thread have been started, is the critical question to be answered while finalizing with the financial transaction. This concept of 'history of data' have attained good attention by the researchers from many decades at different application domains and is named as Data Provenance. However, provenance with security has got a little progress with research in the recent times especially in cyber security. This study focuses on the security aspects of data provenance with a unique approach in cryptography. The blend of these two technologies could provide an indigenous solution for securing the provenance of the related data. 2016 IEEE. -
The Search for Universal Values
IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science Vol. 2, Issue 1, pp 69-72, ISSN No. 2279-0837 -
The SDG conundrum in India: navigating economic development and environmental preservation
The paper explores the complex interplay between economic development and environmental sustainability in the context of Indias pursuit of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It examines the inherent contradictions and trade-offs involved, particularly in agriculture, industrialisation, and infrastructure sectors. The paper highlights how economic growth, essential for improving living standards, often conflicts with environmental objectives. The paper underscores the importance of integrating economic, environmental, and social objectives to achieve a sustainable and inclusive future for India. 2024 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. -
The Role of Women in the Formation of Organizational Climates in Various Workspaces in Bengaluru, India
This study examined the influence of women in the formation of organizational climates and their effectiveness in this competitive era. Favorable climates and working conditions enhance work quality and increase organizational cohesion that develops interpersonal bonds to accomplish workplace goals. Women have faced multiple challenges in the banking industry. To address gender disparity, women leaders created initiatives to empower women and encourage society to pay attention to gender equality. Bank Presidents and Senior Managers have the responsibility of creating an organizational culture that is safer for women to participate in; organizations should be designed with women in mind. It is true that women employees appear to have a higher level of organizational commitment. They are often considered to be a key talent pool for industries. This study aimed to investigate the engagement of women in their organizational culture and to determine how this correlates with workplace conditions. The present study explored the challenges women face in maintaining positive working conditions and effective operative strategies. We collected data through a structured questionnaire with the help of convenience sampling from 124 working women of commercial, public, and foreign banks situated in Bengaluru. We analyzed the data quantitatively with the Likert scale, ranking analysis, and percentage analysis to identify antecedents of organizational climate and the role of women in building a professional environment. Results revealed that the significant problems faced by women to sustain a healthy climate in the workplace are lack of supervisor encouragement and the disparity in rewards and benefits. We further inferred that women employees shape their attitudes both in their personal and professional lives to accomplish their personal and organizational goals. They prioritize their jobs more than their personal needs to balance their personal and organizational requirements; however, they feel a lack of teamwork and require a better conflict management system. 2021. Journal of International Womens Studies. -
The Role of the Gut Microbiota in Neurodegenerative Diseases
The human gut has a rich and dynamic microbial population that plays an important role in many physiological activities. This review explores the complex interaction between the gut microbiota and human health, with an emphasis on its effect on neurodegenerative illnesses. The makeup of the gut microbiome and its impact on brain function through the gutbrain axis is highlighted. Dysbiosis, characterized by changes in the gut microbiotas composition, has been linked to the development of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimers, Parkinsons, Huntingtons, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. A Bidirectional communication between the stomach and the brain takes place via a variety of channels, including neurotransmitters and metabolites generated by gut bacteria. We investigate the processes through which dysbiosis causes neuroinflammation, oxidative stress, and neuronal damage, which drive disease development. Potential therapeutic approaches that focus on the gut microbiota, such as antibiotics, probiotics, prebiotics, and fecal microbiota transplantation, are reviewed, with promising preclinical and clinical findings. Overall, this study emphasizes the relevance of gut microbiota to neurodegenerative illnesses, as well as the need to understand and target the gut-brain axis for future treatment options. 2024 by the authors. -
The role of Syzygium samarangense in nutrition and economy: An overview
Syzygium samarangense (Blume) Merr & Perry is a tropical evergreen fruit tree from the family Myrtaceae majorly cultivated in South East Asia. The crispy and juicy fruits are highly nutritious and range from deep red to white color. This underutilized fruit is eaten raw or used in making jams, jelly, juice, salad, wine making and also used in garnishing. The cultivation of this fruit has been extended to a larger area with the improvement of technology. The fruit is rich in secondary metabolites like alkaloids, terpenes, and, tannins; minerals like calcium, copper, chlorine, iron, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, zinc, and vitamins such as niacin, riboflavin, thiamin, and vitamin C. The bark, fruit, and flower have pharmacological properties such as antibacterial, anticancer, antidiabetic, anti-inflammation, anti mutation, antinociceptive activity, antioxidation activities, antiulcerogenic effect, and wound healing activity. The present review discusses the biology, the improved varieties of fruit, and geographic distribution of S samarangense, the cultivation and harvesting practices, pharmacological activities, the industrial applications, and the economic importance of fruit. The review also emphasizes the future outlook and strategies that can be adopted to transform this underutilized fruit into a fruit of commercial importance. 2022 SAAB -
The role of switching cost in the e-service recovery framework among banking customers
Purpose: The emergence of tech-driven initiatives in retail banking has created a vast spectrum of system-related service failures; hence, e-service recovery quality is of prime importance to banks to ensure e-service recovery satisfaction. However, e-service satisfaction is dependent on the ease of moving from one service provider to the other; thus, switching costs assume great significance. This study aims to probe the moderating role of switching cost on e-service recovery satisfaction by exploring e-service recovery quality antecedents. Design/methodology/approach: A measurement model is suggested in the contextual settings of the Indian banking scenario and is estimated using structural equation modeling. Responses from 399 e-banking customers, who had experienced a service failure, were sought using a five-point Likert scale. Findings: The result affirms that recovery expectation is the most significant predictor of e-service recovery satisfaction, and that switching cost moderates the relation between e-service recovery quality and e-service recovery satisfaction. Practical implications: The study highlights the high relevance of switching costs in the e-banking context and emphasizes investment in marketing strategies and campaigns to do away with switching intentions. It also highlights the relevance of recovery expectations as an antecedent of e-service recovery quality and thus stresses the need to satisfactorily address the same in the e-service recovery process. Originality/value: This study contributes to the e-service recovery satisfaction literature in the banking context by empirically validating the moderating role of switching cost. It also identifies the critical antecedents of banking e-service recovery quality. 2021, Emerald Publishing Limited. -
Taking the road less travelled is one of the more interesting ways to travel as it allows a true glimpse into the truths of a culture. Fortunately for the travellers of today taking the road less travelled is a lot easier than strapping on a backpack and venturing, with only a prayer and hope, into the great unknown with all its variables and discomforts. Rural Tourism is a concept that has revolutionized the tourism industry and for the tourists it has opened a world of new possibilities. Rural Tourism is the cultural equivalent of ecotourism; while the latter is concerned with the preservation of the environment, the former is concerned with preserving and showcasing a ??slice of life- glimpse of a traditional way of life. A National Tourism Policy was introduced in 2002, with rural tourism identified as a focus area to generate employment and promote sustainable livelihoods in the rural areas. While in the initial two years of the scheme, only physical infrastructure (hardware) development activities were taken up under the scheme, from the year 2004-2005 capacity building (software) activities were also taken up. Kumbalangi, a small fishing hamlet based in Kerala was selected by the Government of India to launch its rural tourism project in the year 2003. As of today, there are 36 rural tourism destinations recognised by the Government of India. This study is an attempt to analyse the impacts and measure the perceptions of some of the principle stakeholders involved in the rural tourism project at Kumbalangi. This study focuses on the prime stakeholders namely the local community, local establishments and the Village Panchayat at Kumbalangi to understand the impacts of practising tourism alongside their traditional occupations and the benefits that rural tourism offers to them. It also studies the perception and attitude of tourists regarding the facilities and amenities available at the destination. Both primary as well as secondary tools for data collection were used. Four sets of questionnaires were used for the study. Two structured five point scale questionnaires were administered to the local community and owners of local establishments of Kumbalangi. A semi-structured questionnaire was administered to the tourists. The Panchayat officials were administered an unstructured questionnaire. The data obtained from the questionnaire was analysed by using various statistical tools such as correlation and ANOVA. The findings indicated that most of the stakeholders involved in the rural tourism project had a positive approach towards the project. -
The role of social media in empowering digital financial literacy
This systematic review examined the role of social media in enhancing financial literacy among individuals by collecting and reviewing 60 articles published from 2021 to 2023. The findings revealed that social media has a positive impact on financial literacy through the dissemination of financial education, promotion of financial awareness, and sharing of financial experiences. The review also identified digital financial literacy, entrepreneurial learning, and financial knowledge as significant determinants of financial literacy, while demographic characteristics, social media usage behavior, risk attitude, and overconfidence played a role in determining financial literacy. The study recommends that financial institutions, policymakers, and educators leverage social media for promoting financial literacy, and social media usage skills to improve financial literacy among individuals. Overall, the study suggests that the use of social media can democratize financial literacy and enable individuals from diverse backgrounds to access financial education and information. Copyright 2023, IGI Global. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited. 2023 by IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
The role of religious and financial factors in eudaimonic well-being among Indian adults
Purpose: The available literature has explored the various psychosocial determinants of well-being to some extent. The earlier works have focused primarily on hedonic well-being with little focus on eudaimonic aspects. Therefore, this study aims to understand the role of parentchild religious attendance during childhood, religious connectedness, and financial-material stability on eudaimonic well-being among adults in India. Design/methodology/approach: The authors used the India data from Global Flourishing Study Wave 1 that addressed flourishing among adults above 18 years. The authors considered 9,076 Indian adults and used descriptive and correlation statistics. In addition, the authors conducted path analysis and t-test. Findings: The likelihood of eudaimonic well-being increased with parentchild religious attendance during childhood (= ?0.044, p < 0.01) along with religious connectedness (= ?0.112, p < 0.01) and financial-material stability (= 0.145, p < 0.01) as an adult. In addition, a significant difference existed in terms of religious connectedness and eudaimonic well-being with income and perceived feelings about income. Originality/value: This study emphasizes financial stabilitys relevance in well-being and suggests the importance of considering religious factors during childhood and adulthood. Emphasizing factors influencing eudaimonic well-being is relevant due to its influence on mental health and quality of life. 2024, Emerald Publishing Limited. -
The Role of Real Exchange Rate in Indias Service Export: Do Remittances Inflows Matter in Post Liberalization-Era?
This study assesses the effects of real exchange rate and remittance inflows on India's total service exports, comprising traditional and modern service exports, spanning the annual data from 1990 to 2020. The control variables for the service export function include developments in the banking sector and the stock market and net inflows of foreign direct investment. The ARDL model is the estimating technique of the present study. The real exchange rate has an adverse effect on total, traditional, and modern service exports, according to the long-run outcomes of the ARDL model. Remittance inflows are interestingly shown to support modern service exports while impeding total and traditional service exports. The growth of the banking sector is beneficial for traditional and total service exports, but it has a negative impact on modern service exports. All service exports are benefited by stock market development; however, net FDI inflows negatively impact all forms of service exports. Based on these results, thepolicymakers in India are advised to maximize the effective utilization of remittance inflows in traditional service exports. Additionally, proactive intervention by the central bank is recommended to mitigate the adverse effects of the real exchange rate on traditional and modernservice exports. This study also provides valuable insights for thepolicymakers and practitioners seeking to enhance India's service export performance while navigating the complexities of real exchange rates, remittance inflows, and financial factors. 2024, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Japan KK, part of Springer Nature. -
The role of personal harmony and organisational citizenship behaviour in enhancing job satisfaction of teachers working in Indian higher educational institutions during the COVID-19 catastrophe in the VUCA world
Purpose: The COVID-19 pandemic has been a good example of a Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity (VUCA) world. Higher educational institutions (HEIs) have faced a massive hit because the jobs in this industry have become unexpected. Considering the most valuable assets 'Teachers' crunched in the VUCA crisis, the study intends to determine if personal harmony (PH) and organisational citizenship behaviour (OCB) would enhance teachersjob satisfaction (JS). Design/methodology/approach: Data are collected from the teachers of Indian HEIs and teachers who have experienced the impact of the COVID-19 catastrophe (VUCA). Considering the pandemic restrictions, data have been collected through an online survey (N = 364). Practical Implications: PH is an individual's internal quality and attribute that cannot be developed on force or situational need. Even in an uncertain situation, teachers have tried their best to contribute through professional service. Hence, people who possess PH contribute their best even though unsatisfied with their jobs. Originality/value: This study has focused on finding the relationship between two different variables, PH and OCB (which has not been explored in Asian countries, majorly in India, where it has a vast cultural diversity and structure influencing the educational policies) that hinders the factors influencing JS, where these two variables are highly influenced by hygiene factors such as values, culture, ethical standards, personal belief, leadership styles, and fair treatment showcased by the organisations/institutions. 2024 The authors. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited. All rights reserved. -
The role of perception in recruitment processes
Perception is a crucial factor in recruitment processes that can significantly impact candidate selection, interviewer biases, and the recruitment experience. This chapter explores the role of perception in recruitment by discussing the perception process, factors that influence perception, and the effects of perception on recruitment. It offers strategies for overcoming biases and improving perception in recruitment practices, such as training and education, structured interviews, transparent communication, and positive candidate experience. By understanding the impact of perception on recruitment, recruiters and human resource professionals can design effective recruitment processes that attract suitable candidates and promote a diverse and inclusive workforce. Recognizing the role of perception has broader implications for organizations, as it can foster a culture of inclusivity where individuals feel valued, respected, and supported. This chapter provides insights into how perception affects recruitment and offers practical strategies for improving recruitment practices. 2023, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
The Role of Perceived Organisational Support in Predicting Organisational Commitment and Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Professional Organizations
The study examined the "role of perceived organisational support in predicting organisational commitment and organisational citizenship behaviour in professional organisations". The primary data was acquired through a questionnaire from 200 respondents (employees from the finance and technology sectors) via a stratified random sampling technique. Excel and SPSS 26 were utilised for data analysis, and Statistical tools such as Anova, regression and correlation were used. The results demonstrated that perceived organisational support (POS) positively influences organisational commitment. Moreover, it has been found that perceived organisational support (POS) and organisational citizenship behaviour (OCB) in professional organisations have a substantial correlation, and there are significant differences in the perception of organisational support, commitment, and OCB among professionals working in the technology and finance sectors. This study can assist decision-makers and managers in the finance and technology sector in creating a comprehensive plan for organisational support and development programs that effectively include employees in their job responsibilities. The study provides valuable insights into the importance of perceived organisational support in fostering organisational commitment and citizenship behaviour. 2024, Creative Publishing House. All rights reserved.