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Simultaneous first order derivative spectrophotometric determination of Vanadium and Zirchonium in alloy steels and minerals
Spectrochimica Acta Part A : Molecular and Bio molecular Spectroscopy, Vol.95,pp.46-52, ISSN No. 1386-1425 -
A comparison of algorithms for controller replacement in software defined networking
Software Defined Network (SDN) partitions the control plane and the information plane to decrease the cost and for increasing the capacity for upgrading, and this will be helpful for the network administrators to manage the network services. It's the location where the controller exists. One of the main issue in Software Defined Networking is the location of the controllers as this could affect network execution and cost. In this paper, we have done an analysis on some algorithms that have been used for minimizing the number of controllers to reduce the latency, delay, etc. while placing a controller with the consideration of communication among the controller and the nodes. 2018 Authors. -
Spanning graph topology of graphs
The collection of subgraphs of a graph G containing G and the null graph K0, which is closed under union and intersection, is said to be a graph topology defined on G. In this paper, we investigate the idea of spanning graph topology of a graph G, where we consider the collection of spanning subgraphs of G satisfying the axioms analogous to the axioms of graph topology. We begin with the basic concepts of spanning graph topological space and later and introduce two spanning subgraph complements to define closed graphs in spanning graph topological spaces. 2023 World Scientific Publishing Company. -
Subspace graph topological space of graphs
A graph topology defined on a graph G is a collection T of subgraphs of G which satisfies the properties such as K0, G ? T and T is closed under arbitrary union and finite intersection. Let (X, T ) be a topological space and Y ? X then, TY = {U ? Y: U ? T } is a topological space called a subspace topology or relative topology defined by T on Y. In this P1 we discusses the subspace or the relative graph topology defined by the graph topology T on a subgraph H of G. We also study the properties of subspace graph topologies, open graphs, d-closed graphs and nbd-closed graphs of subspace graph topologies. 2023, Proyecciones. All Rights Reserved. -
Subspace spanning graph topological spaces of graphs
A collection of spanning subgraphs TS, of a graph G is said to be a spanning graph topology if it satisfies the three axioms: (Formula Presented) where, n = |V (G)|, the collection is closed under any union and finite intersection. Let (X, T ) be a topological space in point set topology and Y ? X then, TY = {U ? Y: U ? T } is a topological space called a subspace topology or relative topology defined by T on Y. In this paper we discusses the subspace spanning graph topology defined by the graph topology TS on a spanning subgraph H of G. 2023, Proyecciones. All Rights Reserved. -
A study on graph topology
The concept of topology defined on a set can be extended to the field of graph theory by defining the notion of graph topologies on graphs where we consider a collection of subgraphs of a graph G in such a way that this collection satisfies the three conditions stated similarly to that of the three axioms of point-set topology. This paper discusses an introduction and basic concepts to the graph topology. A subgraph of G is said to be open if it is in the graph topology TG. The paper also introduces the concept of the closed graph and the closure of graph topology in graph topological space using the ideas of decomposition-complement and neighborhood-complement. 2023 Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University. -
Induced signed graphs of some classes of graphs
A signed graph is a graph with positive or negative signs assigned to edges. An induced signed graph is a signed graph constructed from a given graph according to some pre-defined protocols. An induced signed graph of a graph G is a signed graph in which each edge uv re ceives a sign where : V(G) Z. In this paper, we discuss two types of induced signed graphs and determine the structural properties of these signed graphs such as balancing, clustering, regular-ity and co-regularity. 2020 Jangjeon Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences and Physics. All rights reserved. -
On degree product induced signed graphs of graphs
A signed graph is a graph with positive or negative signs assigned to edges. An induced signed graph is a signed graph constructed from a given graph according to some pre-defined protocols. An induced signed graph of a graph G is a signed graph in which each edge uv receives a sign (-1)|?(v)-?(u)|, where ?: V(G) ? ?. In this paper, we discuss degree product induced signed graphs and determine the structural properties of these signed graphs such as balancing, clustering, regularity and co-regularity. 2020 Author(s). -
Topologies Emanating From Graphs
A topology on a set is a collection of its subsets, including the set itself and the empty set, which is closed under union and fnite intersections. This dissertation introduces the notions such as graph topology, spanning graph topology, generalised graph topology, and generalised spanning graph topology by considering subgraphs and spanning subgraphs of a graph. Analogous to the set-theoretic notion, a graph topology is a collection of subgraphs of a given graph, including the null graph K0 and the graph itself, that is closed under newlineany union and any intersection. At the same time, a spanning graph topology of a graph is a collection of spanning subgraphs, including the spanning empty graph Nn, where n is the order of the graph and the graph G, which is closed under any union and any intersection. The topological concepts such as open sets, closed sets, base, subbase, neighbourhood, interior, subspace, and connectedness of spaces are extended to graph topology and spanning graph topology. In order to study the closed graphs in the above-mentioned graph topologies, two new graph complements are introduced in these graph topologies, such as decomposition and neighbourhood complements, to defne decomposition closed newlineand neighbourhood closed graphs. The decomposition complement is defned with respect to the edge set and the neighbourhood complement with respect to the vertex set. Since all the members of a spanning graph topology have the same vertex set, the neighbourhood closed graphs are described in terms of the edge set. The notion and characteristics of subspaces of both these graph topologies are defned, and the properties of closed graphs in these subspaces are also studied. Connectedness in topology holds a prominent role and applications in various felds of mathematics. The idea of connectedness is extended newlineto these graph topologies, and the same is characterised in the context of graph newlinetopology. -
Media organizations have an immense role to play in disseminating informa-tion and shaping perspectives across borders. Though the information revolution pro-vides us with many new opportunities, it also helps in establishing a single narrative through the cultural cultivation of popular media over time. Orientalism, in this manner, presents an image that the West created of the Near East centuries ago and these second-hand experiences are enhanced over the years by the powerful states and media organi-zations to maintain the established hegemony. This current study focuses on understanding the British Broadcasting Corporation's narrative and its ability to include and exclude certain historical facts while reporting on the Taliban's takeover of Afghanistan through Instagram posts. The study found BBC portraying a favorable image for the role played by the NATO allies in Afghanistan and described the Taliban as a sheer group of terror, barbaric, and inhumane organization, following extreme Sharia laws. 2022 Pluto Journals. All rights reserved. -
An efficient hybrid digital architecture for space vector PWM method for multilevel VSI
This paper presents an efficient, cost effective design implementation of a hybrid digital architecture for space vector pulse width modulation (SVPWM) method for multilevel inverters (MLIs). The SVPWM method is one of the most popular real time PWM method for three phase voltage source inverter (VSI). The implementation of SVPWM method becomes complex with an increase in the number of levels in a multilevel inverter. The SVPWM method for multilevel inverter is a multitask system. The main constraint when it comes to implementing SVPWM for multilevel inverters is the processing of dwell time computation and the generation of PWM gate signals for all of the switches with an accurate delay. A hybrid hardware structure consisting of a simple low-cost, low-power dsPIC micro controller (dsPIC 30F4011) and a state of the art Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) (Cyclone V 5CGXFC5C6F27C7N) is used to implement SVPWM. The proposed hybrid digital architecture utilizes the advantages and resources of the dsPIC and FPGA. The hybrid digital architecture meets the timing constraints of multitasking through synchronization and parallelism. A communication interface between the dsPIC and the FPGA reduces the design complexity. The software overhead for the communication interface remains fixed for any number of levels. The hybrid structure of the digital architecture provides scalability for the SVPWM method with more number of levels in multilevel inverter. The operation of the proposed hybrid digital architecture is experimentally validated with an optimized SVPWM method for a five level VSI. An optimized region identification algorithm and simple dwell time expressions are described for a five level SVPWM. The input DC of the five level VSI is obtained from a differential power processing (DPP) based PV system. Experimental results under different operating conditions are presented. 2020, The Korean Institute of Power Electronics. -
Modified Carbon-Based Composites and Their Electrochemical Studies
Energy storage has emerged as the world's most important issue, attracting the focus of researchers and commercial developers due to the economy's rapid growth and the rise in the usage of portable electronics and electronic vehicles. These devices make it possible to efficiently capture and store the excess energy produced during times of high generation, so that it can be used when there is little or no generation. Devices for storing renewable energy contribute to grid stability and lessen the reliance on fossil fuel-based power plants. Moreover, they contribute to the decarbonization of the energy industry, mitigating climate change, and promoting a sustainable future. This thesis explores the potential of modified carbon-based composites as advanced materials for energy storage applications particularly supercapacitors and solar thermal fuels. The research focuses on the careful design and synthesis of ternary composites, incorporating carbonaceous materials such as carbon nanotubes, graphene oxide, and graphitic carbon nitrides, metal sulphides, nitrogen rich moieties, and conductive additives like polyaniline and polypyrrole. A wide variety of methodologies were used to describe the structural and morphological characteristics of the composite materials. Thermogravimetric analysis, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and other techniques were used. These methods gave important information about the composite materials' chemical structure, type of bonding and arrangements, surface morphology, and thermal stability. Electrochemical techniques, such as cyclic voltammetry, galvanostatic charge-discharge, and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, have been extensively employed to investigate the performance and behaviour of supercapacitor electrodes and devices. The results demonstrate significant improvements in electrochemical performance, including enhanced specific capacitance, excellent cycling stability, and remarkable rate capability. These findings indicate that the modified carbon-based ternary composites hold promise for high-performance energy storage devices. Ultimately, this research contributes to the development of next-generation energy storage technologies, offering more efficient and sustainable solutions for storing energy. -
Studey of different types of modulations on double diffusive convection in lodroyd-b liquids
The problem aims to find the effects of temperature modulation in viscoelastic newlinefluids namely Oldroyd B liquids subjected to double diffusive convection. Both linear as well as a non-linear study has been carried out. A regular perturbation technique has been employed to determine the correction Rayleigh number. The results show that the Lewis number and strain retardation parameter induces stability to the system whereas stress relaxation parameter destabilizes the system for synchronous modulation. Truncated Fourier series represents the non-linear newlineanalysis. Mean Nusselt number and mean Sherwood number are used to quantify the newlineheat and mass transfer respectively. Strain retardation parameter and the Lewis number decrease the heat and mass transfer for synchronous modulation while stress relaxation parameter increases them. The opposite results are obtained for newlineasynchronous and lower wall modulations. Modulation is shown mostly to give rise newlineto super critical motion. -
Parent Adolescent Communication in relation to Personality Type and Suicidal Ideation among Adolescents
he purpose of the current study is to investigate parent adolescent communication in relation to personality type and suicidal ideation among adolescents. In step with World health organisation (2012), suicide is currently amongst the third leading reason of death among adolescents. The objective of the research is (a) To analyze if there is any relationship between parent-adolescent communication, big five personality trait, and suicidal ideation; (b) To analyze how the mother-adolescent communication moderates the big five personality trait and suicidal ideation in adolescents; (c) To analyze how the father-adolescent communication moderates the big five personality trait and suicidal ideation in adolescents; (d) To analyze if there is any significant gender difference on suicidal ideation. The study was quantitative in nature; with correlational research design. The target population were adolescents from various academic institutes in Kerala. The sample consists of 300 adolescents. Convenience sampling method was used to select participants. The tools used were Parent Adolescent Communication Scale (Olson, 1985), Big Five Personality Inventory (Cattell, 1960) and Beck???s Suicidal Ideation Scale (Beck, 1979). Data analysis used were Spearman???s rank order correlation, moderation analysis and Mann Whitney U test. The results were as follows: there was significant relationship between parent adolescent communication, personality type and suicidal ideation. Problems in mother adolescent communication shows a moderating role on extraversion. Openness of mother adolescent communication has a moderating role on openness to experience. Family or communication between mother and father plays a totally essential position in shaping the personality and mental health among adolescents -
Unveiling the Dual Potential of the MoS2@VS2 Nanocomposite as an Efficient Electrocatalyst for Hydrogen and Oxygen Evolution Reactions
Clean and reliable energy sources are essential amidst growing environmental concerns and impending energy shortages. Creating efficient and affordable catalysts for water splitting is a challenging yet viable option for renewable energy storage. Traditional platinum-based catalysts, while highly active, are quite expensive. Our study introduces two-dimensional (2D) MoS2@VS2 nanocomposites, developed using hydrothermal technique, as a bifunctional catalyst for the electrolysis of water into valuable products. Structural studies revealed the formation of MoS2@VS2 nanocomposites with a nanoflake-like structure, where MoS2 nanosheets grow on the VS2 surface. This 2D-based electrocatalyst demonstrated exceptional reaction kinetics, with low overpotentials of 265 mV for the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) and 300 mV for the oxygen evolution reaction (OER) at 10 mA/cm2. Furthermore, the electrocatalyst displayed small Tafel slopes of 65 mV/dec and 103 mV/dec for HER and OER, respectively, along with excellent stability. The unprecedented catalytic activity stems from the synergistic effect between semiconducting MoS2 and metallic VS2. Density functional theory calculations confirmed that this synergy enhances the electrical conductivity, facilitating efficient electron transfer during the reaction and providing an abundance of exposed active sites. These results mold MoS2@VS2 nanocomposites as promising electrocatalysts for overall water splitting, paving the way for sustainable energy future. 2024 American Chemical Society. -
Review of Geopolymer Composites Synthesized Using Different Industrial By-products
Managing the substantial volume of industrial waste is challenging due to diminishing landfill capacity and associated risks to people and the environment. The optimal approach is to repurpose or find alternative applications for these waste products. Previous studies have investigated using industrial waste and chemicals to enhance soil stability. Common binders like cement, while offering significant stabilization potential, raise concerns about economic feasibility and environmental impact. Recently, theres a growing interest in low carbon emission cementing agents. This trend leads to using waste by-products for geopolymer binder production, potentially strengthening soft soil in an eco-friendly way. Unconfined compressive strength, vital in construction foundation design, has been a focus of extensive research to enhance soil strength over the years. This paper provides a brief overview of several studies that highlight the utilization of various industrial waste products in the synthesis of geopolymers. Also, this comprehensive review centers on investigations related to the application of geopolymers derived from industrial solid waste as a soil stabilizer. The review delves into the impact of various parameters, including different percentage mixes (%), molarity (M), temperature (T), curing time (days), on the unconfined compressive strength of the soil. It has been observed that, a variety of industrial by-products like Bagasse ash (BA), Blast furnace slag (BFS), Egg shell powder (ESP), Fly ash (FA), Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBS), Iron Ore Tailings (IOT), Metakaolin (MK), Palm Oil Fuel Ash (POFA), Recycled Asphalt Pavement (RAP), Rice husk ash (RHA), Red Mud (RM), etc. can serve as valuable source materials for geopolymerization. In most of the studies, the commonly utilized alkaline activator consists of a blend of sodium hydroxide and sodium silicate solution. The unconfined compressive strength of geopolymerized industrial waste products relies on specific parameters, including optimal alkaline concentration, activator liquid to raw material mass ratio, and sodium silicate to sodium hydroxide solution ratio. Diverse curing conditions are also necessary, varying with raw materials and activators. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Chinese Society of Pavement Engineering 2024. -
Template-based classification of SDSS-GALEX point sources
We have classified a sample of 37,492 objects from SDSS into QSOs, galaxies and stars using photometric data over five wave bands (u, g, r, i and z) and UV GALEX data over two wave bands (near-UV and far-UV) based on a template fitting method. The advantage of this method of classification is that it does not require any spectroscopic data and hence the objects for which spectroscopic data is not available can also be studied using this technique. In this study, we have found that our method is consistent by spectroscopic methods given that their UV information is available. Our study shows that the UV colours are especially important for separating quasars and stars, as well as spiral and starburst galaxies. Thus it is evident that the UV bands play a crucial role in the classification and characterization of astronomical objects that emit over a wide range of wavelengths, but especially for those that are bright at UV. We have achieved the efficiency of 89% for the QSOs, 63% for the galaxies and 84% for the stars. This classification is also found to be in agreement with the emission line diagnostic diagrams. 2018, Indian Academy of Sciences.