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Synthesis and characterization of Chitosan-CuO-MgO polymer nanocomposites
In the present work, we have synthesized Chitosan-CuO-MgO nanocomposites by incorporating CuO and MgO nanoparticles in chitosan matrix. Copper oxide and magnesium oxide nanoparticles synthesized by precipitation method were characterized by X-ray diffraction and the diffraction patterns confirmed the monoclinic and cubic crystalline structures of CuO and MgO nanoparticles respectively. Chitosan-CuO-MgO composite films were prepared using solution- cast method with different concentrations of CuO and MgO nanoparticles (15 - 50 wt % with respect to chitosan) and characterized by XRD, FTIR and UV-Vis spectroscopy. The X-ray diffraction pattern shows that the crystallinity of the chitosan composite increases with increase in nanoparticle concentration. FTIR spectra confirm the chemical interaction between chitosan and metal oxide nanoparticles (CuO and MgO). UV absorbance of chitosan nanocomposites were up to 17% better than pure chitosan, thus confirming its UV shielding properties. The mechanical and electrical properties of the prepared composites are in progress. 2018 Author(s). -
Spectroscopic analysis of lead borate systems
Oxide glass systems are interesting because of their bonding like bridging and non-bridging oxygens. Depending on the modifier, the B2O3 glass system can have various Boron-Oxygen network. It is found that, PbO modifies the borate network and increases the formation of penta and diborate groups. In this work, we investigated optical properties of Lead Borate glass systems (x PbO: (1-x) B2O3) with x varying from 30-85 mol % using UV-VIS Spectra and the corresponding band gap was estimated using Tauc relation and these systems behave like direct allowed band gap systems. These results show that, Eg decreases with the addition of lead content. Further the refractive index measurements also have been carried out at various wavelengths. Many correlation is found between the band gap and refractive index for different compositions. Using different theoretical models a best fit has been tried and Ravindra's relation is found to match with our experimental results. 2018 Author(s). -
Performance and Steady State Heat Transfer Analysis of Functionally Graded Thermal Barrier Coatings Systems
Thermal barrier coatings (TBCfs), typically 8 wt.% Yttria Stabilized Zirconia (8YSZ), in single layered configuration have been traditionally used in aerospace components to protect them from degradation at high temperatures and to improve the thermal efficiency of the system. This paper compares the performance of two types of TBC configurations: Single layered and multilayered functionally graded materials (FGM). Aerospace alloy, Inconel 718 substrates, NiCrAlY bond coat (BC) and 8YPSZ top coat (TC) were the materials used. FGM configuration was used to improve the durability and life of the conventional TBC system by reducing the coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) mismatch. The TBCs were subjected to thermal fatigue (thermal shock and thermal barrier test) in laboratory scale burner rig test and oxidation stability test in high temperature furnace upto 1000. The as-sprayed and thermal fatigue tested specimen were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis and Scanning Electron Microscope (micro-structure). Results are discussed in the light of suitability of coating configuration, thermal fatigue and spalling characteristics with reference to aerospace applications at temperatures in the 9000C to 15000C range. Computational work was carried out comprising a simulation model involving the developed TBCs. 2018 Elsevier Ltd. -
Dynamic vibrational analysis on areca sheath fibre reinforced bio composites by fast fourier analysis
Natural fibre reinforced bio composites [6] are good alternative for conventional materials. Natural fibres are cheaper in cost, environmental friendly and biodegradable. In this project work the effect of varying fibre length is studied and Fast Fourier Technique is used for the analysis of dynamic frequency response. The naturally extracted areca sheath fibres are used as a reinforcement and epoxy L - 12 is used as polymer matrix. Fabrication is done by using hand lay-up method and compression molding technique at 100 - 110 bar pressure and 140 - 150C temperature. Each specimen is cured for 24 h and then test specimens were cut according to ASTM standards i.e., 150 X 150 mm in length and breadth. The dynamic frequency response of specimens with varying fibre length of 29, 27 and 25 mm and thickness 4, 3.5 and 2 mm is obtained by modal analysis. Finite Element Analysis for all specimens is carried out by ANSYS 14.5 and results are compared with the experimental values. These natural areca fibre reinforced polymer matrix composites are defined for particular applications based up on the mechanical and vibrational characteristics obtain from the experimental results. 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. -
Evaluation of Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of Polyester and Epoxy Resin Matrices Reinforced with Jute, E-glass and coconut Fiber
Composite manufacturing is a novel branch of science and often finds numerous applications in several industries. Some of them are sport, automobile, aerospace and marine industries. Some of the properties that can be highlighted are good mechanical properties along with stiffness and comparatively lighter weight. There is a continuous research in this area is as the constant pursuit to achieve greater performance by changing various materials and the combinations of those with various resins are experimented. In the current work, polyester and epoxy resins were reinforced with coconut, E-glass and jute fibers of 5-6mm length and were prepared by hand layup method. The fiber and resin were taken in 18:82 weight percentages. Post production of the composites they were subjected to various physical mechanical and microstructural studies to determine various properties. The morphological features were analyzed through the microstructural study done through scanning electron microscope. In comparison with the composites manufactured, The artificial fiber reinforced composite, E-glass fiber reinforced epoxy composites exhibited superior tensile strength, flexural strength, impact toughness and hardness values. Among the natural fiber reinforced composite, coconut fiber reinforced composites exhibited better tensile, impact and hardness than its counterpart jute reinforced composites. Thus the resins reinforced with E-glass fiber had the highest mechanical properties when compared with jute fiber reinforced composites (JFRC) and coconut fiber reinforced composites (CFRC). The cost effectiveness of the natural fiber reinforced composites is also an added advantage over the artificial fiber reinforced composites. 2018 Elsevier Ltd. -
Influence of manufacturing process on distribution of MWCNT in aluminium alloy matrix and its effect on microhardness
Nano composites are finding increased focus and their influence on improving the matrix properties are very attractive. But the success is fully dependent on the uniform distribution and dispersion of nano reinforcements in the matrix. Manufacturing process was found to have greater role in distribution of the reinforcements. The liquid processing and solid processing like SPS and hot coining found to have different effect on the matrix due to the nature of reinforcements. Current study focussed on the microstructure study using Back scattered images and the microhardness with and without reinforcements. MWCNT was occupying the particle boundary. Hot coining was found to distribute MWCNT on the particle surface as well as on the particle boundary. Clustering was absent and resulted in improved hardness in comparison with casting as well as spark plasma sintering. 2018 Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland. -
Challenges in Plasma Spraying of 8%Y2O3-ZrO2 Thermal Barrier Coatings on Al Alloy Automotive Piston and Influence of Vibration and Thermal Fatigue on Coating Characteristics
Although Thermal Barrier Coatings (TBCs) have found extensive application in automotive engines to enhance performance and to reduce fuel consumption and pollution, challenges of obtaining uniform and consistent coatings on non-uniform and irregularly shaped components are overcome only when the coatings are deposited via robot controlled APS or EBPVD. Atmospheric Plasma Spraying (APS) is the most commonly used and relatively cost-effective method to make TBCs: but not all APS facilities are equipped with comprehensive coating accessories. In a reciprocating diesel engine, the bowl at the piston crown forms one side of the combustion chamber and includes the space between piston crown (generally 9% Si-Al alloy in light - medium duty diesel fuel vehicle) and cylinder head. To achieve maximum effective fuel spray distribution and combustion, normally the crown of the piston has complex contours. One of the many service related parameters to be monitored to reduce the innumerable faults contributing to the performance of the engine is vibration. This paper addresses the issue related with the challenges associated with the plasma spraying of consistent and adherent TBC on Al-9% Si research pistons and its complex contours by APS, subjecting the coated pistons to thermal fatigue tests and evaluation of the coating characteristics after subjecting to vibration. 2018 Elsevier Ltd. -
Serverless Architecture - A Revolution in Cloud Computing
Emergence of cloud computing as the inevitable IT computing paradigm, the perception of the compute reference model and building of services has evolved into new dimensions. Serverless computing is an execution model in which the cloud service provider dynamically manages the allocation of compute resources of the server. The consumer is billed for the actual volume of resources consumed by them, instead paying for the pre-purchased units of compute capacity. This model evolved as a way to achieve optimum cost, minimum configuration overheads, and increases the application's ability to scale in the cloud. The prospective of the serverless compute model is well conceived by the major cloud service providers and reflected in the adoption of serverless computing paradigm. This review paper presents a comprehensive study on serverless computing architecture and also extends an experimentation of the working principle of serverless computing reference model adapted by AWS Lambda. The various research avenues in serverless computing are identified and presented. 2018 IEEE. -
Impact of Learning Functions on Prediction of Stock Data in Neural Network
Digitization has made a vast impact on the modern society. Financial sector is one field where a huge revolution has been experienced because of digitization. Financial data especially time series data is being stored in the digital repositories where it can be used for prediction and analysis. One such data is a stock market data which is a time series data and is generated in a huge amount every second. The stock market data is of great importance as the proper analysis and prediction of data can transform the fate of the global market. Thus the companies and the individuals are looking forward for the development of the automated techniques that can predict stock market data accurately in a real time. In this regard, many researchers developed machine learning techniques such as use of neural network for prediction of stock data. The most common learning function used in neural network is sigmoid function. However, we found that there are many learning functions are available for building neural network. In this paper we are studying the impact of four different learning functions in estimating/predicting the stock value. From the experimental study we found that unipolar sigmoid learning function produced an accuracy of 95.65%, bipolar sigmoid produced an accuracy of 91.34%, tan hyperbolic equation produced an accuracy of 91.02%, and radial base equation produced an accuracy of 87.53%. Clearly, unipolar sigmoid function emerged as the best learning function to build stock data prediction model. The main reason behind its out-performance of unipolar sigmoid is its less complex structure and the 0 to 1 range. 2018 IEEE. -
Voltage stability analyis of radial distribution systems by considering load models
Generally, the distribution systems have served for different types of loads like commercial, industrial, residential, agriculture and municipality etc. and diverse changes in consumption pattern occur at any part of the network at any time of the day. During light loading condition, the voltage profile can increase and vice versa for peak loading condition. Under these circumstances, it is worthwhile to understand the voltage stability for planning of any Volt/VAr controls. This paper has presented the voltage stability analysis of 12-bus and 85-bus standard radial distribution systems using line stability index. Different load models have been taken and under each model, the system performance as well as its stability discussed. The focal points are suitable for planning studies like Volt/VAr controls, optimal location of Distribution Generation (DG) or load shedding etc. 2018 IEEE. -
Experimental Augmentation of Heat Transfer in a Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger using Twisted Tape with baffles and hiTrain Wire Matrix Inserts - A Comparative Study
Heat transfer, a mere process of exchange of heat due to a temperature gradient, plays a vital role in industries and domestic applications. Among all the heat exchangers, Shell and Tube Exchanger are used predominantly due to their compact and robust design. For a given design to increase the heat transfer characteristics needs a research investigation. Among all augmentation techniques, a passive method found widely used as it avoids mechanical modification of the existing heat exchanger and addresses only on flow geometry. Twisted tape inserts are extensively used to change the flow geometry of fluid on the tube side. The present research work intended on utilising twisted tape, twisted tape with baffles and hiTrain wire matrix inserts. Experimental investigation reveals that inserts efficiently disturb the tube side fluid flow, in turn, increases pressure drop which increases the fluid wall shear and hence enhances the substantial increase in tube side heat transfer rate. At lower Reynolds number twisted tape with baffles has comparatively higher heat transfer coefficient, and at higher Reynolds, number hiTrain wire has comparatively higher heat transfer coefficient. Friction factor decreases linearly from twisted tape with baffles to hiTrain wire matrix as Reynolds number increases. Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. -
Radar Cross Section (RCS) of HIS-based Microstrip Patch Array: Parametric Analysis
Low profile structures such as High Impedance Surfaces (HIS) are capable of modifying the scattering properties of a radiating structure. This paper presents the novel design of patch antenna/array with non-uniform HIS based ground plane. Two FSS elements of different dimensions are designed with different resonant frequencies. The performance of the high impedance surfaces has been carried out by varying the HIS dimensions and height of the substrate. Using the analyses, patch antenna/array with ground plane based on non-uniform configurations of HIS elements are designed. The radiation and scattering characteristics of microstrip patch antenna/array with HIS- based ground plane are compared to those with conventional PEC-based ground plane. A maximum of 8 dB RCS reduction has been achieved for patch array with non-uniform HIS layer. 2018 IEEE. -
Low cost energy management for demand side integration
Numerous batteries are outfitted with a state ofcharge (SoC) demonstrating the relaxation about the charge. Building a beneficial BMS is to check while thinking about, to that amount regardless we work now not holds a reliable method in imitation of study condition state of-charge, the nearly imperative measurement concerning a battery. Perusing the relaxation about the vigour of a battery is more unpredictable than administering thin fuel as in automobiles. An electrochemical cell diminishes its greatness and the in-and-streaming coulombs are counted for SOC. The BMS together which offers commitment while charging yet releasing; that detaches the battery if the SOC is below certain percentage. Various laws like Peukerts Law for battery capacity have been employed to determine the discharge rate of the battery. Arduino Uno is used for the input parameters required for Peukerts Law and various other calculations for significant monitoring. To address the existing complicated BMS, a new approach has been provided using IoT platform and making the understanding of BMS in much similar perspective. 2018 IEEE. -
Solar Mapping of India using Support Vector Machine
Accurate knowledge of global solar radiation (GSR) data is necessary for various solar energy based applications. However, in spite of its importance, the number of solar radiation measuring stations is comparatively rare throughout the world due to financial cost and difficulties in measurement techniques. The objective of this current study is to assess the solar energy potential and to develop solar resource mapping of India without utilizing the direct measurement techniques. GSR is predicted with commonly available meteorological parameters like minimum and maximum temperature as its inputs by using Support Vector Machine (SVM) based solar radiation model. The SVM model is validated with measured data from India Meteorological Department (IMD). This study simplifies the major challenge of preparing GSR data for various solar energy applications in a big country like India. Also the life cycle cost of Solar PV is analyzed in India. The payback period will be around 3 years for an annually solar radiation of range from 3.5 to 6 kWh/m 2 /day. This work eliminates the requirement of costly pyranometer to get GSR data. Solar resource mapping of India is developed without direct measurement technique thus avoids GSR data recording, daily maintenance and subsequently the increasing cost of GSR data collection. 2018 Web Portal IOP. All rights reserved. -
Ryu controller's scalability experiment on software defined networks
Software defined networks is the future of Computer networks which claims that traditional networks are getting replaced by SDN. Considering the number of nodes everyday connecting to the global village of internet, it becomes inevitable to adapt to any new technology before testing its scalability in presence of dynamic circumstances. While a lot of research is going on to provide solution as SDN to overcome the limitations of the traditional network, it gives a call to research community to test the applicability and caliber to withstand the fault tolerance of the provided solution in the form of SDN Controllers. Out of the existing multiple controllers providing the SDN functionalities to the network, one of the basic controllers is Ryu Controller. This paper is a contribution towards performance evaluation of scalability of the Ryu Controller by implementing multiple scenarios experimented on the simulation tool of Mininet, Ryu Controller and iPerf. Ryu Controller is tested in the simulation environment by observing throughput of the controller and checked its performance in dynamic networking conditions over Mesh topology by exponentially increasing the number of nodes until it supported tested on high end devices. 2018 IEEE. -
Design and Analysis of Vertical Pressure Vessel using ASME Code and FEA Technique
In this project we are designing a pressure vessel using ASME section VIII and Division 2, designing a closed container to find the required thickness of the shell, head, nozzle and leg support. Uniform thickness assigned to the entire vessel, Modelling of the pressure vessel is carried out using Pro-e 2.0; meshing is carried out using Hypermesh 6.1. Here we used 2D Quad element for the meshing, Analysis is carried out using ANSYS Software 11 for two different cases, working pressure and Maximum operating pressure, fatigue analysis is carried out, and the result is 106. Finally, theoretical validation is carried out for the entire model, And the results are within the limit. Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. -
Miniaturized Band Stop Frequency Selective Surface for Stable Resonance Characteristics
In this paper, miniaturized 7.45 GHz resonant frequency band stop frequency selective surface (FSS) is designed. The unit cell dimensions of designed FSS is only about 0.1?0 at the 7.45 GHz. Proposed design involves a crossed dipole metallic element together with meander shape on the substrate. Simulation results provide about 800 MHz bandwidth (7.1 GHz-7.9 GHz) with-20 dB insertion loss. The FSS properties are studied on a unit cell using electromagnetic (EM) solver to observe the characteristics. Proposed FSS demonstrates a stable resonance frequency behavior for the arbitrary angle of incidences in both the polarizations such as TM and TE modes. Thus, the design holds a polarization independent characteristic for all incident angles and polarizations. Finally, the FSS properties are validated by a fabricated array of 311 mm2. 2018 IEEE. -
Smart detection of rice purity and its grading
The main food in India is Rice. Be it the breakfast, lunch, dinner or some snacks, for everything the most preferred ingredient in Rice. In compared with north Indians, Rice is most used by South Indians. Today's youngsters from villages are migrating to cities in search of jobs after their education. Even farmers have stopped their cultivation and are working towards different business. So, the yield of rice is reduced in India. One more reason for this is because of the poor monsoon. Government is finding it challenging to supply rice to all its consumers. It is expected, because for Rice the consumers are more compared to its production. Government has decided to import the rice from the neighboring countries. This neighboring country knows the demand of rice in India and started supplying contaminated rice. Currently our Government has no technology to check the quality of the rice which they are getting imported, so the result is plastic rice arrived in India. Indirectly, India is in huge loss in terms of money and damages for its citizens health. So, there is a need of automated system to detect the quality of the rice that are imported. Another use of such automated system is that most of the people are not able to identify the type of the rice and the quality of the rice. This system helps even common man a facility in identifying the type and quality of rice. 2017 IEEE. -
A new trained ECG signal Classification method using Modified Spline Activated Neural Network
An ECG (Electrocardiogram) records the electrical activity of the heart and assess heart arrhythmia. Cardiac arrhythmia is an irregular heartbeat caused by unbalanced rhythm. In the past, several works were developed to produce automatic ECG-based heartbeat classification methods. In this work, a modified spline activated neural network, a new approach for cardiac arrhythmia classification by presenting the ECG signal preprocessing, the heartbeat segmentation techniques, the feature description methods and the learning algorithms used. The MIT-BIH arrhythmia database was used and experimented for testing and training. 2018 IEEE. -
Segmentation technique for medical image processing: A survey
Segmentation is one of the popular and efficient technique in context to medical image analysis. The purpose of the segmentation is to clearly extract the Region of Interest from the medical images. The main focus of this paper is to review and summarize an efficient segmentation method. While doing the comparison study on segmentation methods using the Support Vector Machine, K-Nearest Neighbors, Random Forest and the Convolutional Neural Network for medical image analysis identifies that Convolutional Neural Network works efficiently for doing in-depth analysis. The Convolutional Neural Network can be used as segmentation technique for achieving the high accuracy on medical image analysis. 2017 IEEE.