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A simple and efficient synthesis of imidazoquinoxalines and spiroquinoxalinones via pictect-spengler reaction using Wang resin
An efficient approach for the synthesis of various imidazoquinoxalines and spiroquinoxalinones has been reported from 2-(1H-imidazol-1-yl) aniline and different aldehydes using Wang-OSO3H as a reusable catalyst to get in good yields. The reaction condition has been optimized by screening in various solvents and a gram scale experiment has also demonstrated. Further, the substrate scope of the reaction has also been well demonstrated. 2021 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. -
A simple software for swift computation of photon and charged particle interaction parameters: PAGEX
PAGEX is a compact and user-friendly cross-platform software developed for swift computation of photon (X-ray and ?-ray) and charged particle interaction parameters for various applications. It is designed based on well-established theoretical formulations and computational techniques integrating various Python packages to effectively calculate parameters such as partial/total photon interaction cross-sections and mass attenuation coefficients, charged particle mass stopping powers and cross-sections, effective atomic number and electron density, mass-energy absorption coefficient, KERMA and build-up factors over a wide energy range. This tool is capable of generating both tabular and graphical outputs which can be saved in any user desired format. PAGEX has been verified against other widely employed software and databases, demonstrating good agreement. This software which facilitates robust computation is freely available from the authors. 2021 Elsevier Ltd -
A simulation model to estimate the amount of waste collected in a common bin after compulsory segregation /
Mathematics Applied In Science And Technology, Vol.7, Issue 1, pp.314-318, ISSN No: 0973-6344. -
A Single Sign on based secure remote user authentication scheme for Multi-Server Environments
A Multi-Server Architecture comprises of a server environment having many different servers which provides the user the flexibility of accessing resources from multiple Service Providing Servers using the same credential. The primary objective of a Multi Server Environment (MSE) is to provide services of different Service Providers (SPs) without repeating registration at each SP server, and to get a unique single credential for all the servers in MSE. However, the conventional MSEs, proposed by various researchers, proposes the individual authentication service by each SP on their respective server using the credential issued by the Registration Authority of MSE. The mechanism requires the user to access each SP by keying the same credentials for every SP separately. Single Sign On (SSO) is an authentication mechanism that enables a user to sign-on once and access the services of various SPs in the same session. SAML is generally used as a Single Sign-On protocol. This work analyzes the smart card based authentication scheme for Multi-Server Environment proposed by Li et al.'s and discuss various security attacks on the said scheme. The paper also proposes a Secure Dynamic-ID based scheme using smart cards or crypto cards which do not require a verifier table and implements Single Sign On feature using SAML protocol, thus allowing the user to enjoy all the features of an MSE along with SSO. 2014 IEEE. -
A site-isolated Lewis acidic aluminium and Brsted basic amine sites in the dimeric silsesquioxane cage as a reusable homogeneous bifunctional catalyst for one-pot tandem deacetalization/deketalization-Knoevenagel condensation reactions
The development of multifunctional catalysts for one-pot tandem reactions is significantly required to attain multiple sequential transformations in a single reactor, which would considerably decrease the number of manipulations demanded for chemical manufacturing in industries. Herein, dimeric silsesquioxane Al-POSS-NH2 (2), a homogenous bifunctional acid-base catalyst containing environmentally friendly robust silica and high chemical and thermal stabilities, permanent catalytic activity, and reusability, was synthesized by the reaction of trisilanol aminopropyl hexaisobutyl-POSS (1) with trimethylaluminium. Al-POSS-NH2 was successfully used as a bifunctional catalyst for one-pot tandem reactions because of the synergism and effective compartmentalization between Lewis acidic aluminium and Brsted basic amine sites (>10.0 in the dimeric silsesquioxane cage, which was confirmed by DFT and QTAIM studies. Subsequently, different acetals were tested to obtain their corresponding benzylidene malononitrile derivatives using Al-POSS-NH2 for the one-pot tandem deacetalization-Knoevenagel condensation reactions and showed high efficiency (>90%) under optimized conditions (DMF, 0.3 mol% catalyst loading and 80 C) with different reaction times. Furthermore, the bifunctional Al-POSS-NH2 catalyst was separated from the reaction mixture via the precipitation method by adding acetonitrile into the reaction mixture and reusing it for five consecutive cycles without losing activity considerably, thus providing the inherent advantage over traditional homogeneous catalysts. In a one-pot tandem deketalization-Knoevenagel condensation reaction for various ketals, the reaction condition was slightly modified by increasing the catalyst loading (0.6 mol%) and reaction time (16 to 24 hours) to acquire better conversion and yield of their desired products. Finally, the present study suggests that the bifunctional POSS might facilitate the rapid development of environmentally friendly and economically feasible catalysts for multistep reactions. 2023 The Royal Society of Chemistry. -
A skip list based remodelled system for LRU based page replacement algorithms and its virtual layer /
Patent Number: 202141012144, Applicant: Hitha Paulson.
The locality of reference property exhibited by the referenced pages in virtual memory environment led to page replacement algorithms based on page reference recency. Among the various algorithms proposed and implemented, the Least Recently Used (LRU) based page replacement algorithms in the virtual memory environment led to hopeful research outcomes. The improvised versions of LRU algorithms are still dominating the prominent operating systems like Windows, Linux and Flash memory based operating systems of mobile environment. -
A Slotted Circular Patch Antenna with Defected Ground for Sub 6 GHz 5G Communications
In this paper, a slotted circular patch antenna with Defected Ground Structure (DGS) is presented. The slots created on radiating element and the defect introduced on the ground plane shifted the resonance frequency from 2.49 GHz to 1.17 GHz. This corresponds to 53% reduction in size at 1.17 GHz. The proposed antenna is designed on FR-4 substrate (r=4.4) with thickness of 1.6 mm. Simulations are carried out using HFSS Ver. 18.2. The simulated reflection coefficient of Circular Patch Antenna (CPA) at 2.49 GHz, Slotted Circular Patch antenna (SCPA) at 2.34 GHz and Slotted Circular Patch antenna with Defected Ground Structure (SCPA-DGS) at 1.17 GHz are - 28.7 dB, -31.33 dB and -11.03 dB respectively. For validating the simulated design, SCPA-DGS is fabricated and measured its reflection coefficient and VSWR using Vector Network Analyzer (Anritrsu S820E). The measured and simulated values are very well matched with each other. Therefore the proposed antennas may be used in sub 6 GHz 5G communication applications. 2022 IEEE. -
A smart attendance system and method for permission inventory during the class /
Patent Number: 202111060922, Applicant: Shivani Chaudhry.A smart attendance system (1). The system (1) comprises a smart lecture stand (2), which having an electronic unit (2A) which is connected to the other smart door, smart bench, and smart chair of the system; a smart bench (3), which having an electronic unit (3A), which is connected to the other smart door, smart stand, and smart chair of the system; a smart chair (4) comprises which having an electronic unit (4A); which is connected to the other smart door, smart bench, and smart stand of the system; a smart door (5) comprises a electronic unit (5A), which is connected to the other smart door, smart bench, and smart chair of the system. -
A smart attendance system and method for permission inventory during the class /
Patent Number: 202111060922, Applicant: Shivani Chaudhry.
A smart attendance system (1). The system (1) comprises a smart lecture stand (2), which having an electronic unit (2A) which is connected to the other smart door, smart bench, and smart chair of the system; a smart bench (3), which having an electronic unit (3A), which is connected to the other smart door, smart stand, and smart chair of the system; a smart chair (4) comprises which having an electronic unit (4A); which is connected to the other smart door, smart bench, and smart stand of the system; a smart door (5) comprises a electronic unit (5A), which is connected to the other smart door, smart bench, and smart chair of the system. -
A smart attendance system and method for permission inventory during the class /
Patent Number: 202111060922, Applicant: Shivani Chaudhry.
A smart attendance system (1). The system (1) comprises a smart lecture stand (2), which having an electronic unit (2A) which is connected to the other smart door, smart bench, and smart chair of the system; a smart bench (3), which having an electronic unit (3A), which is connected to the other smart door, smart stand, and smart chair of the system; a smart chair (4) comprises which having an electronic unit (4A); which is connected to the other smart door, smart bench, and smart stand of the system; a smart door (5) comprises a electronic unit (5A), which is connected to the other smart door, smart bench, and smart chair of the system. -
A smart attendance system and method for permission inventory during the class /
Patent Number: 202111060922, Applicant: Shivani Chaudhry.
A smart attendance system (1). The system (1) comprises a smart lecture stand (2), which having an electronic unit (2A) which is connected to the other smart door, smart bench, and smart chair of the system; a smart bench (3), which having an electronic unit (3A), which is connected to the other smart door, smart stand, and smart chair of the system; a smart chair (4) comprises which having an electronic unit (4A); which is connected to the other smart door, smart bench, and smart stand of the system; a smart door (5) comprises a electronic unit (5A), which is connected to the other smart door, smart bench, and smart chair of the system. -
A smart attendance system and method for permission inventory during the class /
Patent Number: 202111060922, Applicant: Shivani Chaudhry.
A smart attendance system (1). The system (1) comprises a smart lecture stand (2), which having an electronic unit (2A) which is connected to the other smart door, smart bench, and smart chair of the system; a smart bench (3), which having an electronic unit (3A), which is connected to the other smart door, smart stand, and smart chair of the system; a smart chair (4) comprises which having an electronic unit (4A); which is connected to the other smart door, smart bench, and smart stand of the system; a smart door (5) comprises a electronic unit (5A), which is connected to the other smart door, smart bench, and smart chair of the system. -
A smart attendance system and method for permission inventory during the class /
Patent Number: 202111060922, Applicant: Shivani Chaudhry.
A smart attendance system (1). The system (1) comprises a smart lecture stand (2), which having an electronic unit (2A) which is connected to the other smart door, smart bench, and smart chair of the system; a smart bench (3), which having an electronic unit (3A), which is connected to the other smart door, smart stand, and smart chair of the system; a smart chair (4) comprises which having an electronic unit (4A); which is connected to the other smart door, smart bench, and smart stand of the system; a smart door (5) comprises a electronic unit (5A), which is connected to the other smart door, smart bench, and smart chair of the system. -
A smart attendance system and method for permission inventory during the class /
Patent Number: 202111060922, Applicant: Shivani Chaudhry.
A smart attendance system (1). The system (1) comprises a smart lecture stand (2), which having an electronic unit (2A) which is connected to the other smart door, smart bench, and smart chair of the system; a smart bench (3), which having an electronic unit (3A), which is connected to the other smart door, smart stand, and smart chair of the system; a smart chair (4) comprises which having an electronic unit (4A); which is connected to the other smart door, smart bench, and smart stand of the system; a smart door (5) comprises a electronic unit (5A), which is connected to the other smart door, smart bench, and smart chair of the system. -
A smart attendance system and method for permission inventory during the class /
Patent Number: 202111060922, Applicant: Shivani Chaudhry.
A smart attendance system (1). The system (1) comprises a smart lecture stand (2), which having an electronic unit (2A) which is connected to the other smart door, smart bench, and smart chair of the system; a smart bench (3), which having an electronic unit (3A), which is connected to the other smart door, smart stand, and smart chair of the system; a smart chair (4) comprises which having an electronic unit (4A); which is connected to the other smart door, smart bench, and smart stand of the system; a smart door (5) comprises a electronic unit (5A), which is connected to the other smart door, smart bench, and smart chair of the system. -
A Smart Internet of Things (IoT) Enabled Agricultural Farming System
Industry 4.0 has brought about a profound revolution in recent times. This advancement profoundly impacted technology usage in every aspect and has significantly improved businesses. Agriculture is one of the evergreen economic contributors to Indias GDP. With improvements in adaptability in this sector, the time is ripe for instituting IoT (Internet of Things)-based smart agriculture. Water scarcity and drastic climate change are real issues affecting crop yields, leading to the failure in the timely fulfillment of market demand (Nawandar 2019). The authors have collaborated to address these concerns by creating a system comprising a functional hardware prototype and an android application for regulating irrigation and temperature. The introduction of IoT (Internet of Things) automates crop monitoring and reduces labor costs. By using IoT, (Internet of Things) an earmarked agricultural field is covered with sensors. The sensors are concealed so as not to be affected by the bleakness of the external environment. These sensors work in tandem with drip irrigation following the sensed climatic conditions. The water is pumped directly to the root zone in an optimally sensed manner. The authors developed and tested the system successfully in a greenhouse system. The process initially aims to extract the values of soil parameters by using IoT (Internet of Things) sensors and appropriately control the watering of crops, thus enabling the cultivation of crops even in a hot and dry climate. Crops can be irrigated from a remote location and their temperature can be meticulously regulated to ensure they remain within an optimal range. Water utilization for agricultural crops is optimized with the use of automated irrigation systems that use W.S.N (Wireless - Sensor-Networks) and G.P.R.S (General-Packet-Radio-Service) modules. The algorithm employed in the system to control water usage is based on the needs of the crop and the terrain. The entire system is powered by photovoltaic panels, which are useful in rural and isolated areas without electricity (Raut and Shere 2014). A cellular network is used for duplex communication. Continuous monitoring and irrigation schedule programming are used by web apps to manage irrigation. This is also possible using a browser and web pages. A system with three identical automatic irrigation systems can save water use by up to 90%. 2024 by Nova Science Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved. -
A smart road cleaning sweeper machine driven by artificial intelligence and technique /
Patent Number: 202241012016, Applicant: Dr. C. Shanthi.
The smart road cleaning sweeper machine driven by artificial intelligence and technique comprising to the road cleaning sweeper machine. The present invention more relates to the smart cleaning sweeper machine, which is run by artificial intelligence and technique parameters and particular to a kind of Intelligent cleaning robot based on advanced Path Planning Technique and its clean method., also driven by machine learning techniques and image processing sources. -
A Smartphone Coupled Freshness Indicator Prepared by Rub-coating of Hibiscus Flowers on Paper substrates for Visual Monitoring of the Spoilage of Milk
This study developed an inexpensive and easy-to-use milk freshness indicator (H-Paper) by rub-coating hibiscus flowers onto paper. As per the best of our knowledge, this is the first example of a food quality indicator prepared by direct hand-rubbing of a natural halochromic material onto paper substrates. Unlike the previously reported colorimetric indicators from natural sources, our indicator does not require the extraction of anthocyanins from the natural product. The H-Paper undergoes a quantifiable color change from green to purple to pink corresponding to fresh, spoiling, and spoiled milk samples. Digital photographs of H-Paper treated with milk samples were acquired using a smartphone, and RGB indices were analyzed using a free application. The red chromatic shift was used as a parameter to quantify color change of H-Paper to follow the spoilage of milk. Anthocyanins present in the hibiscus flowers are responsible for this colorimetric response. This work demonstrates a proof-of-concept for directly rub-coating halochromic materials onto a substrate to fabricate food freshness indicators. The H-Paper indicator has advantages of naked-eye analysis, consumer-friendliness, and instrument-free operation. This requires neither any laboratory accessories nor the expertise of a trained analyst for its preparation and operation, which is appropriate for use in resource-limited settings. 2022 Wiley-VCH GmbH. -
A social psychological investigation of Anti-nationalism in contemporary India A media analysis
The paper aims to explore the consensual and dissident social representations of anti-national that has re-entered the media lexicon in India post an alleged anti-national student protest in Jawaharlal Nehru University in the capital city of Delhi, India on February 9, 2016. The Social Representation Theory (SRT) is used to analyze the selected media reports of six daily newspapers, three each in English and Hindi language for a period of one year subsequent to the event. Results of thematic anchoring and anchoring by antinomy, a methodology used by Birgitta Hjer, are reported. The results reveal how the intergroup tensions and ideological differences in the polity constitute the conflicting social thinking on the referent. The paper has global implication for opening the possibilities of negotiation and transformation of social meanings related to nationalism and anti-nationalism. The Author(s) 2025. -
A Sociopolitical Study of Contemporary Ideological Discourse on Ethnic Nationalism From Tamil Nadu
The discourse on nation-building is primarily ideological and differs according to context. The present research intends to study the newlinecontemporary discourse on Ethnic nationalism produced within Tamil Nadu. It specifically focuses on the ideological discourse of Seeman and engages with the ideological discourse analysis model of Teun A van Dijk. The present research traces the emergence of Tamil nationalism in the Dravidian political terrain and the rise of Seeman s Tamil nationalism among various notions of Tamil nationalism. In this context, Dijk s ideological discourse analysis model contributes to finding the position that Seeman s Tamil nationalism occupies. Further, the research seeks to locate its position within the sociopolitical milieu of Tamil Nadu by critically analysing three cases: newlinethe pro-Jallikattu protest (2017), the Salem-Chennai Greenfield Highway protest (2018) and the Language Issue over the Consecration of Thanjavur Brihadeeswara Temple (2020), and the Assembly election results of 2016 newlineand 2021. These cases foster to explore how Seemanism is turning out to be an influential ideological discourse. Besides, the research intends to determine how far Seemanism fits within the theoretical framework of Anthony D. Smith s three processes of ethnonational transformation. The three processes are vernacular mobilisation, cultural politicisation of vernacular heritage and ethnic purification. Vernacular mobilisation works to protect the ethnic sources such as indigenous traditions, customs, language, symbols and memories. This process has underpinned to figure out how the ideological discourse is striving to disseminate the knowledge of ethnic symbols such as Murugan, Jallikattu, and Parai. Further, it has newlineassisted to find that the ideological discourse is rediscovering the position of Tamil by claiming it is an ancient language.