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Effect of Temperature on Electrical Properties of Reduced Graphene Oxide (rGO)/Li-ion Embedded Flexible Solid Polymer Electrolyte Films
Reduced graphene oxide (rGO) was synthesized from graphite powder by modified Hummers method. The rGO is emerged with Polystyrene sulfonic acid/Lithium phosphate to prepare PL-rGO solid polymer electrolyte films. The electrical properties of Polystyrene sulfonic acid/Lithium phosphate/reduced graphene oxide composites were analyzed, which is an essential property to obtain the performance, reliability and lifetime of battery with respect to temperature. The mass and charge transfer process that takes place at the interface of electrode and electrolyte was obtained by Impedance analyzer. The Nyquist plots were plotted in the frequency range 1 Hz-35 MHz at different temperatures (30-100OC). The ionic conductivity of PL-rGO polymer electrolyte is 1.4x10-3 S/c.m has been observed for the composition PSSA/Li3PO4/rGO::50:45:05 wt%. The conductivity of PL-rGO composites is directly related to temperature. The hopping of the ions in the PL-rGO is observed by using dc conductivity which follows the Arrhenius relationship. 2019 Elsevier Ltd. -
An insight into the superior performance of ZnO@PEG nanocatalyst for the synthesis of 1,4-dihydropyrano[2,3-c]pyrazoles under ultrasound
The investigation presents a straightforward synthesis of fifteen 1,4-dihydropyrano[2,3-c]pyrazoles using ZnO@PEG nanocatalyst in ethanol via Multicomponent approach under the influence of ultrasound. The present methodology successively tolerates a variety of functional groups and offers several advantages such as excellent yields without chromatographic purification, milder reaction conditions, shorter reaction times, and the use of an environmentally benign reusable catalyst. Ecstatically, the reaction was successfully scaled to gram level ascertaining the wider applicability of ZnO@PEG nanoparticles in multicomponent reactions. 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. -
Narrowband and Wideband Directional Beamformer with Reduced Side Lobe Level
In this paper, the synthesis of narrow and wideband beamformers with reduced side lobe level and wide beam steering capability is presented. A closed form expression with slope equalization technique is derived for array factor of the beamformer to meet the desired beam-pattern specifications of Half Power Beam-Width (HPBW)and Side Lobe Level (SLL). The proposed beamformer design is adaptable to any bandwidth and null placement in the desired direction. The slope equalization method improves the SLL of the beamformer. Compared to Kaiser, Chebyshev, DPSS and Taylor beamformers, the proposed narrowband and wideband beamformers exhibit lower and tapered side lobes, hence improved First Null to Last Null (FNLN)ratio. The proposed wideband beamformer exhibits superior performance in the wideband frequency range of 1-3GHz. 2019 IEEE. -
Detection and Classification of Potholes in Indian Roads Using Wavelet Based Energy Modules
Maintenance of roads is one the major challenge in the developed countries. The well maintained roads always indicates the economy of the whole country. The heavy use of roads, environmental conditions and maintenance is not performed regularly that leads the formation of potholes which causes the accidents and unwanted traffics. The paper discuss about the detection of potholes based on wavelet energy field. The proposed method mainly includes three phases (A)Wavelet energy filed is constructed in order to detect the image by using geometric criteria and morphological processing (B)Extracting Region of intersect by edge based segmentation technique (C)Classifying the potholes using Neural Network. 2019 IEEE. -
Synthesis and Characterization of Carbon Nanomaterial Derived from Anthracite
Among various storage devices, carbon based supercapacitors grabs the recent trends in the electronic devices. The present research work describes the synthesis of carbon nanomaterials derived from anthracite by using staudenmaier method. Anthracite was used as a precursor because of its high carbon content. The structural and chemical complex formation carried out by using XRD and FTIR confirms the formation of CNT's. The calculated value obtained from the XRD peaks confirms the formation of multilayer carbon nano-materials. The electrode was prepared by coating synthesized CNT on copper rod. The electrochemical performance of prepared working electrode was carried out by using cyclic voltammetric performance. Electrode characterization was performed for different scan rates 10, 20, 30 and 50 mV/sec in a potential window from-0.08 to 0.2V. The CV curves represents symmetric nature which imply that electrode material have stable capacitive process. 2019 Elsevier Ltd. -
Performance Evaluation of Area-Based Segmentation Technique on Ambient Sensor Data for Smart Home Assisted Living
Activity recognition(AR) is a popular subject of research in the recent past. Recognition of activities performed by human beings, enables the addressing of challenges posed by many real-world applications such as health monitoring, providing security etc. Segmentation plays a vital role in AR. This paper evaluates the efficiency of Area-Based Segmentation using different performance measures. Area-Based segmentation was proposed in our earlier research work. The evaluation of the Area-Based segmentation technique is conducted on four real world datasets viz. Aruba17, Shib010, HH102, and HH113 comprising of data pertaining to an individual, living in the test bed home. Machine learning classifiers, SVM-R, SVM-P, NB and KNN are adopted to validate the performance of Area-Based segmentation. Amongst the four chosen classification algorithms SVM-R exhibits better in all the four datasets. Area-Based segmentation recognise the four test bed activities with accuracies of 0.74, 0.98, 0.66, and 0.99 respectively. The results reveal that Area based segmentation can efficiently segment sensor data stream which aids in accurate recognition of smart home activities. 2019 Procedia Computer Science. All rights reserved. -
Synthesis of high temperature (1150 C) resistant materials after extraction of oxides of Al and Mg from Aluminum dross
Aluminum Dross (Al-dross) is a well-known Industrial waste generated in an Aluminium industry from the melting of the metal itself. It gets made yearly in hundreds of thousands of tons worldwide, due to the wide use and demand of Aluminum in almost every industry. However, Al-dross is not completely a waste as it contains two compounds of interest, namely Aluminum Oxide (Al2O3) and Magnesium Aluminate (MgAl2O4). They are the basic compounds present in any refractory which are products featuring low thermal conductivity and high temperature shock characteristics in the order of 1000 C+. Thus, Aluminum Dross becomes a vital candidate to be considered for the extraction of the two of the aforementioned compounds. Recent studies have shown that Al-dross indeed can be used to extract Al2O3 and MgAl2O4. However, Al-dross also contains Aluminum Nitride (AlN) a compound that exhibits the exact opposite properties demonstrated by refractories. In addition to being technically unsuitable for use as refractory material, AlN also possesses another huge issue. When Al-dross is dumped into landfills, the AlN present in the dross combines with the moisture in the soil and is energized by geothermal heat which leads into an exothermic reaction, thereby releases highly toxic and health hazardous gases. Keeping the above techno-environment challenges in mind, prior to utilizing the beneficiated Al-dross in any industrial application, it is important to leach out the AlN from the dross in an environment friendly manner. This paper deals with the successive leaching of AlN from the Al-dross using two laboratory procedures. Sintered (to be added) pellets made out of the processed powder in the lab were subjected to analysis of structural phases and chemical constituents by employing XRD and EDS. Cyclic thermal shock test cycles were also carried out by subjecting the pellets to 1150 C and quenching in air alternately, to study the refractory characteristics. 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. -
Adhesion strength studies on zirconia based pyrochlore and functionally gradient thermal barrier coatings
Thermal Barrier Coating (TBC) plays a major role in the improvement of gas turbine and engine components in terms of their service life and performance. Generally, all coatings must possess certain primary properties to perform in the intended applications. However, regardless of applications, suitable adhesion strength is one major characteristic they must have to adequately protect the basic components on which they are applied upon. In TBCs, adhesion (or Bond) strength is a parameter that helps to illustrate the resistance of the ceramic top coat against spallation either from the bond coat (and component) or within the TBC layers itself. The performance of TBCs are reliant upon the adhesion between the coating and the metal substrate and also adhesion (or cohesion) between the bond coat and the overlying ceramic top coat layer. The de-bonding of the top coat layer or the inter-metallic bond coat layers are the main reasons of the failure of the overall TBC system. Some of the prominent problems associated with coatings applications are residual stresses, micro-cracks and pores etc. These and many other factors influence the adhesion of the coatings in addition to service environment conditions and pre coating substrate preparations such as substrate cleaning, grit blasting and very importantly plasma spray parameters. In the present work, results obtained from adhesion strength measurements carried out by following the ASTM C 633 standard test method, on various types of TBCs are being shared. Thermal barrier coatings (TBCs) were synthesized with NiCrAlY bond coat deposited on SS 304L substrate by using air plasma spray and different ceramic top coats (a) commercial 8%Yttria Stabilized Zirconia (8YSZ) (b) lab synthesized plasma spray powders of (i) Lanthanum Zirconate (La2Zr2O7) (ii) Lanthanum Ceria Zirconate (La2 (Zr0.7Ce0.3)2O7) and (iii) Lanthanum cerate (La2Ce2O7). The coating depositions were carried out in different configurations i.e. two layers, three layers and gradient layers (Functionally gradient materials). The evaluation of properties includes the studies of morphology of the strength (adhesive/cohesive failure mode) tested specimen as well. General conclusions drawn from the studies on several specimen in various configurations are that cohesive failures (between the ceramic top coat layers) is the predominant mechanisms followed by few adhesive failures in bond coat coat/ceramic interface. 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. -
Plasma Sprayed Refractory Coatings from Aluminium Dross
Refractory coatings on metals offer a unique blend of chemical inertness, stability and mechanical properties at temperatures higher than what the metal can normally withstand. However, a balance must be struck with many factors: Thickness, adhesion, performance, durability, economy and suitability for specific end use requirements. The present-day technology requires the coating to give effective service under extreme temperatures while being environmentally friendly and be easily available. One application of refractory coating is in steel industry-pipe linings. This research works highlights the potential to use aluminum dross, an industrial waste material to generate refractory coatings, comprised of Al2O3 and MgAl2O4 after suitable processing. Al dross is a byproduct of the Aluminium smelting process which can be recycled mechanically to separate the residual Aluminium metal from the Aluminium oxide. These are usually produced in tones every year and are found to be dumped in landfills and other empty spaces which generate toxic fumes like methane and other gases when reacted with moisture. The Aluminium dross used in this work was analyzed and found to comprise of its usual constituents such as metallic Al, MgAl2O4, Al2O3, AlN and other oxides and nitrides in minute quantities. Manual procedures were conducted to synthesize plasma spray-able dross which was further introduced to standard laboratory tests for the removal of undesirable constituents like AlN and other nitrides which led to the optimization of quality of powders. Atmospheric plasma spray (APS) coating methodology was used to deposit 250?m thick coatings of re-processed Al dross, involving the spraying of the processed powder onto a bond coated (NiCrAlY) steel substrate. The raw, reprocessed and the plasma sprayed coated Al dross were evaluated for their material characteristics by employing X-ray Diffractometry (XRD) for crystal structural phases, microstructure and chemical composition by employing sophisticated microscopy (SEM) technique and EDS associated with the SEM. The paper is presented keeping in in view the aptness of reprocessed Al dross, an industrial waste material to be utilized as refractories for use in engineering industries. 2019 Elsevier Ltd. -
REMAP: Determination of the inner edge of the dust torus in AGN by measuring time delays
Active galactic nuclei (AGN) are high luminosity sources powered by accretion of matter onto super-massive black holes (SMBHs) located at the centres of galaxies. According to the Unification model of AGN, the SMBH is surrounded by a broad emission line region (BLR) and a dusty torus. It is difficult to study the extent of the dusty torus as the central region of AGN is not resolvable using any conventional imaging techniques available today. Though, current IR interferometric techniques could in principle resolve the torus in nearby AGN, it is very expensive and limited to few bright and nearby AGN. A more feasible alternative to the interferometric technique to find the extent of the dusty torus in AGN is the technique of reverberation mapping (RM). REMAP (REverberation Mapping of AGN Program) is a long term photometric monitoring program being carried out using the 2 m Himalayan Chandra Telescope (HCT) operated by the Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore, aimed at measuring the torus size in many AGN using the technique of RM. It involves accumulation of suitably long and well sampled light curves in the optical and near-infrared bands to measure the time delays between the light curves in different wavebands. These delays are used to determine the radius of the inner edge of the dust torus. REMAP was initiated in the year 2016 and since then about one hour of observing time once every five days (weather permitting) has been allocated at the HCT. Our initial sample carefully selected for this program consists of a total of 8 sources observable using the HCT. REMAP has resulted in the determination of the extent of the inner edge of the dusty torus in one AGN namely H0507+164. Data accumulation for the second source is completed and observations on the third source are going on. We will outline the motivation of this observational program, the observational strategy that is followed, the analysis procedures adopted for this work and the results obtained from this program till now. 2019 Societe Royale des Sciences de Liege. All rights reserved. -
Synthesis of Value Added Refractories from Aluminium Dross and Zirconia Composites
Results of a developmental study on the potential to synthesize industrial grade refractories from aluminum dross with un-stabilized zirconia are reported. The merit of the developed product to perform as refractories suitable for use at or above 1000C was assessed by studying the thermo-physical behavior as per guidelines of ASTM and IS. Aluminum dross, an industrial waste (slag) is generated in several millions of tons in the production of Aluminum and is dumped into landfills, which releases poisonous gases like methane and ammonia upon contact with moisture present in the land and the heat generated by the earth, warranting stringent mitigation efforts. Rich in aluminum metal (?15%), ?-Al2O3 (7-15%), MgAl2O4 (10-15%) and AlN (20-30%), the general prime dross composition draws interest due to its abundance and presence of ?-Al2O3 and MgAl2O4, for the production of refractories with insulating, shock resistance and stability at high temperature (?1000C and above) characteristics. Nevertheless, presence of AlN, a good thermal conductor acts as a deterrent in the production of refractories. Aluminium dross (after leaching out AlN) was processed with un-stabilized zirconia (monoclinic ZrO2) to synthesize the refractory composites. Conventional process (calcination, ball milling, compaction and sintering (1550C/6 hrs)) was employed. Characterization involved thermal shock cycling (air quench at furnace ambient of 1000C and room temperature) to determine the number of shock cycles endured before failure. Structural phase analyses at various stages of processing were carried out by via XRD. Magnesia present in dross did not appear to stabilize either the tetragonal or cubic ZrO2. Microstructural and chemical composition studies were carried out via SEM and EDS. The favourable results confirm the viability of the process methodology. 2019 Elsevier Ltd. -
Synthesis of Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia Nano Powders for Plasma Sprayed Nano Coatings
Plasma sprayed Yttria Stabilized Zirconia (YSZ) coatings, with few microns sized microstructure/grain morphology has been well researched, reported and established as an industrial Thermal Barrier Coatings (TBC) material/system. However, nano structured YSZ coatings possess improved characteristics when compared with their micron sized counterparts. However, due to their nano sizes, light weight, and low density, plasma spray coating process of nano powders suffers from flowability issues due to lack of nano powder inertia/momentum, leading to poor deposition/uneven coating thickness. In this research work, nano structured YSZ coatings were synthesized by using an Atmospheric Spray Coating (APS) facility. Nano powders of YSZ were used as the starting materials to prepare micron sized plasma sprayable powders. 80?m thick NiCrAlY bond coat (commercial) and 200?m thick YSZ top coat with nano microstructure (lab synthesized) were built on steel substrates. The starting nano crystalline (YSZ) powders, measuring 30-70 nanometers (nm) were synthesized in the laboratory via chemical method (sol-gel) by employing zirconium oxy chloride hexa-hydrate and yttrium nitrate as precursors, citric acid as chelating agent and ethylene glycol for the diversification reaction followed by calcination @ 1000C. They were then re-constituted into micron sized (53-106 ?m) plasma sprayable powders by agglomerating with polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) binders. The nano crystallite morphology of powders and coatings were analyzed by Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), chemical composition by Energy Dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and crystal structural phase by X-ray diffraction (XRD). The influence of calcination temperature of 1150C on nano crystallite morphology was also studied. 2019 Elsevier Ltd. -
Miniaturization of Microstrip Antenna with Enhanced Gain Using Defected Ground Structures
The rapid advancement and growth in the wireless technology demands miniaturized communication equipment's. Microstrip antennas attracted many researchers over the past decades because of its various features like small in size, light weight, low cost and conformability. These antennas can operate at high frequencies and multiple bands with high gain and larger bandwidths if suitably designed. This work presents a Rectangular Microstrip Antenna (RMSA)performance improvement using defected Ground Structures (DGS). The simulation results revealed that the creation of Complementary Split Ring Resonator (CSRR)and Phi as a defect in the ground of proposed antenna has improved its gain. Introduction of DGS improved the gain by 27% and reduced the size by approximately 3.35%. Proposed Rectangular Microstrip Antenna with Defected Ground (RMSA-DGS)exhibits gain of 3 dB at 2.4 GHz with S11 response of -30.44 dB. In addition to this the antenna also shows one more resonance at 4.66 GHz with S11 of -14.29 dB and gain of -1.24 dB. RMSA-DGS has an overall dimension of 37.2 47.23 mm2. 2019 IEEE. -
Electrochemical behavior of cast and forged aluminum based in-situ metal matrix composites
The present work focuses on the electrochemical behaviour of Al6061 alloy and Al6061-TiB 2 in-situ metal matrix composites. Al6061-TiB 2 in-situ Composites were synthesized by a stir casting route at a temperature of 860C using potassium hexafluorotitanate (K 2 TiF 6 ) and potassium tetrafluoroborate (KBF 4 ) halide salts. Percentage of TiB 2 was kept at 0 wt% and 10wt%. The cast Al6061 alloy and Al6061-TiB 2 composites (0wt% &10wt %) were subjected to open die hot forging process at a temperature of 500C. Both cast and forged Al6061 alloy and its composites were subjected to micro-structural and electrochemical characterization. Corrosion behaviour of alloy and composites in both cast and forged conditions were evaluated using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and the results were backed up by a potentiodynamic polarization test. Results indicate that addition of TiB 2 particles increases the corrosion rate and reduces the polarization resistance of aluminium alloy in both cast and forged condition owing to galvanic coupling between the reinforcements and base metal. Further, when compared with cast alloy and its composites, forged alloy and its composites exhibited poor corrosion resistance under identical test conditions. 2019 Author(s). -
Detection of fake opinions on online products using decision tree and information gain
Online reviews are one of the major factors for the customers to purchase any product or to get service from many sources of information that can be used to determine the public opinion on the products. Fake reviews will be published intentionally to drive the web traffic towards the particular products. These fake reviewers mislead the customers to distract the purchasers mind. Reviewers behaviors are extracted based the semantical analysis of his review content for the purpose of identifying the review as fake or not. In this work the reviews are extracted from the web for a particular product, along with the reviews of several other information related to the reviewers also been extracted to identify the fake reviewers using decision tree classifier and Information Gain.Significance of the features on the decision is validated using information gain. Experiments are conducted on exhaustive set of reviews extracted from the web and demonstrated the efficacy of the proposed approach. 2019 IEEE -
Deformation Diagnostic Methods for Transformer Winding through System Identification
Transformers play a critical role in the power system. Dynamics of the power system changes if the transformers are out of service for scheduled and unscheduled maintenance work under contingency situations. Faults, overloading, and mechanical abnormalities causes the incipient and critical damages to the transformer. The isolation of transformers leads to the voltage profile change, load curtailments, high compensation, economic loss, and many more problems. It is very important to know the problems occurred in the transformer parts to repair and restore it into the system to attain better stability, reliability, and economics. The transformer health monitoring system consisting of prediction, identification, and diagnostics in online as well as offline mode that will provide sufficient content to the managerial utility to take actions against the problem anticipated or occurred. The heuristic survey inks, the probability of damage in the transformer winding is more compared to the other parts. A novel method using system identification is proposed for the diagnosis of transformer winding. The location and extent of mechanical deformations can be ascertained along with specifically detecting radial and axial deformations in the transformer windings. A system identification approach in frequency and time domain were employed in the diagnostic algorithms for the sweep frequency response dataset. For both transfer function and state space model, a reference table called deformation information tableau has been synthesized for lumped parameter transformer model by varying series and shunt circuit elements systematically. The details of deformation are extracted from the tableau for actual frequency response data for a specified frequency range and winding type. The crosscorrelation of two-dimensional frequency response arrays, one being a signature array and other being deformation array, is used to represent relativity as a singleton. A toolbox is developed for the generation of heuristic deformation information tableau and to diagnose using the diagnostics algorithm developed. The proposed algorithms were verified and simulated for continuous disk type winding. 2019 IEEE. -
Estimation of Vehicle Distance Based on Feature Points Using Monocular Vision
In this digital era safety and security have the highest precedence, the advanced driver assistance system is the latest trend and where many challenges are open for researchers. Vehicle to vehicle distance estimation is one of the most important challenges to provide the security and safety alerts for the driver. In order to achieve this, image of the front vehicle is captured using the single camera under monocular vision to estimate the vehicle distance. Then three key steps are designed to estimate the vehicle distance: extracting and locating the key features of the vehicle, characteristic triangle is drawn between those features to calculate pixel area and develop the measuring formula to calculate the distance. For efficient feature extraction and localizing of the feature position, conventional AdaBoost algorithm is utilized to find the strong features for scalable samples. Distance measurement formulation is used to derive the correlation between the pixel area and distance by considering the different parameters from the prototype of pinhole camera, camera standardization and plotting of area. Formula is developed to estimate the optimum moving distance between vehicles to vehicle. After the experimental analysis, the accuracy rate is improved and time complexity satisfies the precision. 2019 IEEE. -
An Effective Time Series Analysis for Equity Market Prediction Using Deep Learning Model
A stock Exchange is a market where securities are traded. Every day, billions are traded at various stock exchanges across the world. In recent years prediction of movement of stock market is regarded as fascinating and has created a demand in financial market time series prediction. A precise forecasting of equity market is needed to provide higher returns for investors. Since there is high complexity in predicting stock market profits, developing models for it becomes difficult. The data mining and machine learning techniques has played an important role in Prediction of stock market movement. This study attempted to develop a deep learning model using Recurrent Neural Network for forecasting movement in the National Stock Exchange of India's benchmark broad based stock market index(NIFTY 50) for the Indian equity market. In this paper the NIFTY 50 index and INFYOSYS Ltd historical data from Yahoo finance companies has been selected for forecasting and analysis. 2019 IEEE. -
Compact out-of-phase wideband substrate integrated waveguide based power divider loaded by slots for Ku and K band applications
In this paper a novel Substrate Integrated Waveguide (SIW) based single layer ground-loaded compact wideband out-of phase equal power divider is proposed . The wide-band and out-of-phase operation of the proposed power divider is obtained by creating defects in the ground plane with rectangular slots. The Defected Ground Structure (DGS) allows the power divider to exhibit a wide passband. The obtained passband is 11.5 GHz wide considering the return loss better than -10dB. Compactness in the proposed design is attributed to the dispersion characteristic of the slow-wave. The proposed design working in the passband from 14.5 GHz to 26 GHz is fabricated and tested. The size of the proposed design is 0.57 ?2g excluding feed lines. Here ?g is the guided wavelength at free space. The measured amplitude imbalance of (01) dB is obtained within the passband. The measured and simulated results are compared and found with in good agreement. 2019 IEEE. -
Feature Based Fuzzy Framework for Sentimental Analysis of Web Data
Social mass media has emerged as a projectile platform for the evolution of web data. The sentimental Analysis where the huge textual online reviews are analyzed to extract the actual sentiment or emotions hidden in the reviews. In this paper an effective approach for sentimental analysis of web data is proposed which deploys the fuzzy based machine learning algorithm to accomplish fine-level sentiment analysis of huge online opinions by assimilating the fuzzy linguistic hedges influence on opinion descriptors. The seven layered categories are designed that uses SentiWordNet which has three stages: Pre-processing phase, Feature Selection Phase and Fuzzy based Sentiment Analysis phase. Various machine learning algorithms like AdaBoost, (IBK) K-Nearest Neighbour, (NB) Nae Bayes and (SVM)/SMO Support Vector Machine are used for classification. Jsoup is implemented for gathering web opinions which are subjected to initial processing task later applied with stemming and tagging. This fuzzy based methodology is investigated for Mobile, Laptops dataset, also compared with state-of-the-art approaches which demonstrate upper indication of 94.37% accurateness through Kappa indicators showcasing lesser error rates. The investigational outcomes are tested on training data using Ten-Fold cross validation which concludes that this approach can be efficaciously used in Sentimental analysis as an aid for online decision. 2019 IEEE.