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Human Resource Management in the Power Industry Using Fuzzy Data Mining Algorithm
Currently, database and information technology's frontier study area is data mining. It is acknowledged as one of the essential technologies with the greatest potential. Numerous technologies with a comparatively high level of technical substance are used in data mining, including artificial intelligence, neural networks, fuzzy theory, and mathematical statistics. The realization is challenging as well. Job satisfaction is one of several factors that cause employees to leave or switch jobs, and it is also closely tied to the organization's human resource management (HRM) procedures. It is continuously difficult and at times beyond the HR office's control to keep their profoundly qualified and talented specialists, yet data mining can assume a part in recognizing those labourers who are probably going to leave an association, permitting the HR division to plan a mediation methodology or search for options. We have analysed the major thoughts, techniques, and calculations of affiliation rule mining innovation in this article. They effectively finished affiliation broadcasting, acknowledged perception, and eventually revealed valuable data when they were coordinated into the human resource management arrangement of schools and colleges. 2023 IEEE. -
Portraying the Other in Textbooks and Movies: The Mental Borders and Their Implications for IndiaPakistan Relations
Borders have been traditionally known just as physical cartographic boundaries on maps. However, the epistemological and ontological underpinnings of Border Studies have witnessed constant evolution in the past century. This has brought to the fore the importance of mental borders along with the physical borders. When it comes to a region like South Asia, the lack of regional integration is conspicuous. One of the reasons for this is the existence of mental borders along with rigid physical borders. The paper seeks to understand the process of creation of mental borders between the two South Asian neighbours by probing it from the point of view of school textbooks and cinematic narrative. School textbooks are the most fundamental building blocks of knowledge in any society. Analysis of these texts brings forward the metaphysical construction of mental borders at a very early stage. Subsequently, cinema as a mode of popular culture is an effective tool in order to understand social phenomena from peoples perspective. Here, the process of meaning creation is largely embedded in linguistics and is derived from peoples experiences. The deconstruction of these data sources leads to the understanding of the process of mental border formation. 2019, 2019 Association for Borderlands Studies. -
Young adult consumers perception of value proposition towards organic foods: a tweet based analysis using NVivo
Given the increasing focus on sustainable food production, the present study investigates consumer perceptions of organic food and its value proposition. Twenty thousand tweets between May 7, 2020, and May 7, 2021, from Indian consumers concerning organic food were analyzed using the text analytics program (Nvivo) to find an ongoing conversational theme. The study demonstrates that value propositions highlighting personal health attributes (such as being nutritious, dairy-free, and gluten-free) and consumption benefits (like taste and deliciousness) significantly convince people to eat more organic food. Despite the documented environmental benefits associated with organic food consumption, our analysis of customer interactions revealed a limited focus on sustainability or ecological considerations. The study highlights the significance of creating covered messaging tactics targeting various clientele groups. Moreover, it underscores the consequence of employing complex value propositions that emphasize various advantages that promote sustainable consumption practices among clients. Future studies could look into more inclusive platforms and demographic representations to understand peoples perceptions of organic food. Moreover, the implications extend to managerial strategies that support businesses in aligning product offerings with consumer preferences to create a more sustainable food environment. The Author(s) under exclusive licence to The Society for Reliability Engineering, Quality and Operations Management (SREQOM), India and The Division of Operation and Maintenance, Lulea University of Technology, Sweden 2024. -
Improving Consumer Engagement with AI Chatbots: Exploring Perceived Humanness, Social Presence, and Interactivity Factors
In many consumer industries, AI robots are becoming more and more popular because they let businesses communicate with their customers in a cheap and quick way. However, how well these measures work rests on how real and present people think they are in social situations. The main things that affect how customers deal with AI chatbots are looked into in this research. These are interaction, social presence, and perceived humanity.A wide range of users will be asked to fill out quantitative polls that will be used to judge how humanlike AI chatbots are, how well they can interact with others, and how much they interact with people. Additionally, performing qualitative interviews will give you a fuller picture of what customers want and how they interact with AI chatbots. Companies can make their chatbot exchanges with customers better by figuring out what makes the bots act like humans: friendly, interested, and sociable. This will allow them to make chatbots that are very specific to their customers' needs and tastes. The goal of this researchprogramme is to make customers happier, more loyal to brands, and have better experiences by creating AI chatbots that can have conversations with people like real people. 2024 IEEE. -
Multi-objective ANT lion optimization algorithm based mutant test case selection for regression testing
The regression testing is principally carried out on modified parts of the programs. The quality of programs is the only concern of regression testing in the case of produced software. Main challenges to select mutant test cases are related to the affected classes. In software regression testing, the identification of optimal mutant test case is another challenge. In this research work, an evolutionary approach multi objective ant-lion optimization (MOALO) is proposed to identify optimal mutant test cases. The selection of mutant test cases is processed as multi objective enhancement problem and these will solve through MOALO algorithm. Optimal identification of mutant test cases is carried out by using the above algorithm which also enhances the regression testing efficiency. The proposed MOALO methods are implemented and tested using the Mat Lab software platform. On considering the populace size of 100, at that point the fitness estimation of the proposed framework, NSGA, MPSO, and GA are 3, 2.4, 1, and 0.3 respectively. The benefits and efficiencies of proposed methods are compared with random testing and existing works utilizing NSGA-II, MPSO, genetic algorithms in considerations of test effort, mutation score, fitness value, and time of execution. It is found that the execution times of MOALO, NSGA, MPSO, and GA are 2.8, 5, 6.5, and 7.8 respectively. Finally, it is observed that MOALO has higher fitness estimation with least execution time which indicates that MOALO methods provide better results in regression testing. 2021 Scientific Publishers. All rights reserved. -
Water dispute in Central Asia: Conflict potential
The Central Asian republics (CARs), which emerged as independent states in the post-Soviet phase, faced several challenges. During the Soviet era, the CARs were agriculturally oriented towards the Soviet economy and, accordingly, river water management was also centralized under the command economic model. However, with the collapse of the Soviet Union, the CARs had to review the existing water management arrangements. This is where the absence of a Moscow-centric central authority has proven detrimental to the region endowed with two major rivers and their several subsidiaries. In this context, the paper suggests an emphasis on multilateralism, rather than bilateralism, as a more feasible approach to river water management. Clearly, multilateralism would promote a more equitable solution compared to bilateralism, which does not adopt a holistic approach to the region. Considering the fact that the region is characterized by a water crisis in addition to the fragility of the environment makes a multilateral arrangement significantly more appropriate for the region in the long term. 2019, CA and C Press AB. All rights reserved. -
The Paradox of Messiah States
[No abstract available] -
The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is increasingly turning out to become a global endeavor and has recently been extended to Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) region. The diversity in the makeup of the nation-states in the region poses several challenges concerning the regions association with the BRI. For instance, Venezuela has borrowed heavily from China while being mired in economic troubles. The Venezuelan example serves as a caution to others as well as China on the intricacies of debt management and lending. This paper aims to study the challenges and risks arising from the Belt and Road Initiative extending to Latin America and the Caribbean region. This paper also tries to analyze as to whether a win-win outcome can be achieved for both China and the LAC nation-states and as to what China seeks from the region. An attempt has been made to evaluate the role that the global environment might play in this evolving relationship between China and the LAC nation-states. The paper also analyzes the post pandemic BRI investment in the LAC region 2022, Austral: Brazilian Journal of Strategy and International Relations.All Rights Reserved. -
A longitudinal examination of the relation between academic stress and anxiety symptoms among adolescents in India: The role of physiological hyperarousal and social acceptance
Academic stress is a critical aspect of adolescent experience around the world, but particularly in countries with dense populations that lead to highly competitive college admissions. With a population of over one billion people, the competition for higher education in India is significantly high. Although research has shown that academic pressures are associated with anxiety in adolescents, this work is primarily cross-sectional. The current study examined academic stress and anxiety symptoms over time and assessed physiological hyperarousal as a mediator and social acceptance as a moderator of this relation in a sample of adolescents from India (N= 282, 1318 years, 84% female). Adolescents completed measures of academic stress, physiological hyperarousal, social acceptance and anxiety symptoms at two-time points, 5 months apart. Findings demonstrate direct effects of academic stress on changes in symptoms of generalised anxiety and panic, as well as indirect effects through physiological hyperarousal. Social acceptance did not moderate the relation, although it uniquely predicted changes in panic disorder symptoms over time. The findings of this study contribute to the scientific understanding of a potential mechanism through which academic stress leads to anxiety among adolescents in India. 2021 International Union of Psychological Science. -
Performance evaluation of artificial neural networks in sustainable modelling biodiesel synthesis
Biodiesel is a characteristic and inexhaustible homegrown fuel removed from creature fats or vegetable oil and liquor through a transesterification response. The exploration work means to assess the exhibition of biodiesel blend. In this paper, biodiesel was displayed and improved by utilizing a hereditary calculation and Artificial Neural Network (ANN). In AI, hereditary calculations and counterfeit neural organizations assume a significant part in displaying biodiesel blend. To upgrade an excellent arrangement hereditary calculation was created. The mix of ANN and Genetic Algorithm gives the ideal condition as the temperature of methanol molar proportion, impetus fixation. It tentatively decides the exhibition trademark like the Coefficient of determination and Absolute Average deviation (AAD). It predicts the Fatty Acid Methyl Ester (FAME) model productively than Response Surface Methodology (RSM). The exhibition examination is reenacted and hypothetical outcomes are recorded then it is contrasted with constant information to decide the exactness of ANN. 2022 Elsevier Ltd -
Association Between Emotional Intelligence and Marital Quality of Married Couples
International Journal of Physical and Social Sciences, Vol-2 (12), pp. 222-235. ISSN-2249-5894 -
Exploration of Personal Identity Among Individuals with Multiple Inter-state Migration Experiences
Migration is an increasingly common phenomenon for various reasons like economic betterment and educational purposes. Migration is also considered a life-event causing psychological distress. Individuals who migrate multiple times, are faced with a challenge of adapting to a new environment multiple times, thus having to give up and incorporate certain elements from the environment into the self, in turn altering their personal identity. This research is focused on exploring the personal identity of individuals who have undergone multiple interstate migrations within India. Life histories of 12 individuals were taken and analysed using thematic analysis. The findings indicate that there are changes in various components of personal identity like certain changes within the family, development of a multicultural perspective, certain cognitive elements like divergent thinking and development of certain personal traits like acceptance. These individuals are highly adaptable to different kinds of environments. They do not have strong attachments with peers. Keywords: personal identity, multiple interstate migrations -
Light weight authentication protocol for WSN using ECC and hexagonal numbers
Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is a spatially distributed network. It contains many numbers of distributed, self-directed, small, battery powered devices called sensor nodes or motes. In recent years the deployment of WSN in various application domains are growing in a rapid pace as with the upcoming boom of Internet of Things (IoT) and Internet of Everything (IoE). However, the effectiveness of the WSN deployment is restricted due to the constrained computation and power source. Hence, many researchers have been proposing new approaches and models to improve the efficiency of the domain specific WSN deployment procedures. Though, many research communities addressing various issues in WSN deployment, still the privacy and security of such networks are susceptible to various network attacks. Thus, it is necessary to practice different models for authentication and privacy preservation in a highly dynamic resource constrained WSN environment to realize the effectiveness and efficiency of the deployment. Hence, this paper addressing an authentication scheme that can reduce energy consumption without compromising on security and privacy. In order to provide a light weight authentication mechanism, this paper proposing an authentication mechanism for WSN deployment by combining the features of Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) and Hexagonal numbers. The feature of ECC is used to reduce the key size and the effectiveness of generating hexagonal numbers is used for minimizing the energy consumption in a resource constrained WSN environment. The results of the proposed approach are evaluated with the different authentication models and the results were indicating that the proposed approach can perform better than the other approaches. 2019 Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science. -
SARS-CoV-2 Footprints in the Placenta: What We Know after Three Years of the Pandemic
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues into its third year, there is accumulating evidence on the consequences of maternal infection. Emerging data indicate increased obstetrics risks, including maternal complications, preterm births, impaired intrauterine fetal growth, hypertensive disorders, stillbirth, gestational diabetes, and a risk of developmental defects in neonates. Overall, controversial concerns still exist regarding the potential for vertical transmission. Histopathological examination of the placenta can represent a useful instrument for investigation and can contribute significant information regarding the possible immunohistopathological mechanisms involved in developing unfavorable perinatal outcomes. Based on current evidence, SARS-CoV-2 infection can affect placental tissue by inducing several specific changes. The level of placental involvement is considered one of the determining factors for unfavorable outcomes during pregnancy due to inflammation and vascular injuries contributing to complex cascade immunological and biological events; however, available evidence does not indicate a strong and absolute correlation between maternal infection, placental lesions, and obstetric outcomes. As existing studies are still limited, we further explore the placenta at three different levels, using histology, immunohistochemistry, and molecular genetics to understand the epidemiological and virological changes observed in the ongoing pandemic. 2023 by the authors. -
Machine Learning Insights into Predicting Crude Oil Prices
This research paper delves into the complexities of crude oil, highlighting its extraction, composition, and transformation into valuable derivatives. Examining the pricing dynamics, it explores the intricate interplay of social and economic factors that shape crude oil's value, emphasizing its critical role in global energy and industrial sectors. A forecasting model is introduced, focusing on key factors - heating oil, SPX, GPNY, and EU DOL EX - utilizing five machine learning models. Historical data reveals the efficacy of conventional models, particularly Random Forest, in predicting crude oil prices, enhanced by feature engineering techniques. The paper concludes by suggesting avenues for further exploration, offering valuable insights for readers in this dynamic research domain. 2024 IEEE. -
Integrating spiritual disposition intervention into behavioral medicine: A case report on systemic lupus erythematosus from India
Background: Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic inflammatory systemic autoimmune disease. The disease manifests as the bodys immune cells start attacking healthy connective tissue, which affects the skin, kidneys, blood vessels, brain, and other vital organs. As with any other chronic illness, the disease has psychological implications. Purpose: Literature suggests patients with SLE experience anxiety, depression, anger, and stress along with physiological symptoms. There is a strong association between the occurrence of stress and the onset of the disease. These psychological symptoms can be ameliorated through spiritual activities such as meditation, mindfulness, journaling, and reading. Mehtod: This case report is based on the importance of spirituality in the healthcare system. The study focuses on the concept of a whole-person-centered approach to the medical care industry. Spirituality has been proven to have a positive effect on health and illness. Hence, a 10-week intervention with 30 sessions focusing on spiritual dispositions was provided to the patient for this study, along with regular pharmacological treatment. The present case report is of a 56-year-old woman from New Delhi, India, who was diagnosed with SLE 2years ago. Results: The results reveal the positive effect of the intervention, as it led to a significant decrease in stress levels and depressive symptoms; it also resulted in improved quality of life, an enhanced coping style, and bolstered health hardiness. There was an increase in the score of a spiritual personality. Conlcusion: Spiritual Disposition as an intervention was sucessfull in reducing psychological implications of the disease thus leading to overall positve growth in the patient. The Author(s) 2024. -
Spiritual Dispositional Coping and Health Hardiness on Stress and Related Illnesses: Aftermath COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused an array of challenges that have taken a significant toll on psychological well-being and health. Public fear-mongering, hopelessness, and uncertainty have contributed to many negative emotions during the pandemic. The psychological ramifications of these emotions include stress, anxiety, and depression. The extreme stress that people experienced caused mental conditions like post-pandemic stress disorder. Literature suggests there is also an increased susceptibility to stress-related chronic illness. Another major concern post-coronavirus contraction is long COVID (post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection, or PASC), which further leads to complications impacting physical, cognitive, and mental health dimensions and multiple organ system syndromes. As a result of this predicament, there is an increased reliance on various complementary and alternative approaches and interventions for engaging in health-promoting behaviours. The chapter focuses on how spiritual dispositional coping and health hardiness can be used as health protective measures. It also focuses on various strategies that spiritual dispositional coping and health hardiness offer for overall well-being and better adaptation to post-pandemic complications. Therefore, this chapter aims to understand the pandemics stress-related health consequences, re-affirm the relationship between health hardiness and spiritual dispositions, and demonstrate how combining these strategies will provide effective coping methods. 2025 selection and editorial matter, Dr Uzaina, Dr Rajesh Verma with Dr Ruchi Pandey; individual chapters, the contributors. -
Relationship between Emotional Intelligence andWork - Life Balance among Academicians in Pre University colleges
Emotional Intelligence has always been an encouraging topic for the researchers to dwell on. For a very long time, it was always assessed that Intelligence Quotient (IQ) was a key factor for the determination of success in life. Emotional Intelligence also involves acknowledging the emotions of another individual and how effectively it does coincide with traditional intelligence. The research work is dealt to look at employees and the effects of emotional intelligence and thus looking at the ways in which effective channels are used to channelize the emotions that people go through. Work life balance is a perception with various significances in the current world and implications in the professional and personal life. Work life balance is defined as the stability that the individual requires between period assigned for work and other personal aspects of life. Basis of the study is to develop modules or techniques for training programmes to enhance emotional intelligence and work life balance since there are very few literatures and limited studies conducted before. The study aims at relationship between emotional intelligence and work life balance among academicians in PU colleges. The research study also looks into how experience of the academicians relates to their emotional intelligence and work life balance. Descriptive research design was applied for the study. The essential data for the research was gathered through the standardized questionnaires. A sample of 200 academicians participated in the research. The emotional intelligence test result shows the academicians from different backgrounds and were high on regulation of emotion in the self, acknowledging the emotions of another individual thus providing and shaping the students with more knowledge and insights. From the statistical result from Pearson???s correlation reveals, there is increase in work life balance with the increase in emotional intelligence. The statistical result also accepts the hypothesis and found, there is a moderate positive correlation between emotional intelligence and work life balance. From the statistical result from ANOVA, results showed that there was no significant effect of total years of experience on work life balance. It has been also found from the ANOVA test that, there was an analysis conducted to compare the influence of total years of experience in the current organization on emotional intelligence and found there was a significant effect of total years of experience in the current organization on emotional intelligence. Outcome defines about the emotional intelligence and work life balance among academicians need more attention since they are catering, managing and shaping the students.