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Optimized Handoff Strategy for Vehicular Ad-hoc Network based Communication
The dissertation titled ???Optimized Handoff Strategy for Vehicular Ad-hoc Network based Communication??? is the compilation of all efforts taken and tasks completed in order to implement an optimal handoff method in Vehicular Ad-hoc Network communication.Wireless communication technologies have been improving exponentially. Ad-hoc networks can form a network of wireless nodes anywhere and they are not bound by the limitations of a static infrastructure. This enhances the ability of mobile nodes to communicate with each other even in situations where a defined architecture is absent. Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs) has its applications in dynamic environments that involve nodes with high mobility. The nodes frequently move between the coverage areas of different access points. This increases the chance of link breakage and new link formation in communication network. Handoff is a process that helps in transferring the session details between one access point to another whenever the node is about to move away from a currently serving access point. Many handoff methods have been proposed but a majority of them utilize just a particular attribute of a network to employ the channel selection process. This process of network selection would be skewed as other attributes of a network play important roles in improving its overall efficiency. Multiple Attributes Decision Making (MADM) methods make use of different attributes in order to perform the network selection process. Use of MADM methods help in selecting optimal access points that can provide services to the nodes for a longer duration. In the proposed system, MADM methods have been utilized to modify existing protocols in order to optimize their approach for handoff operations. Various scenarios involving vehicular nodes and different access points have been considered in order to improve the efficiency of the proposed system across applications. The proposed handoff mechanism follows a proactive approach where the target access points are selected before the mobile node reaches the edge of its coverage area. This leads to a seamless transition of the communication channels. Based on the client/access point information stored in the data log, optimal access points which are situated along the direction of the node???s movement can be selected. NS2 and SUMO have been implemented to simulate mobile environments that accommodate handoff operations. -
A Study on Popular Naga Cuisine and Its Representation on Instagram
Food is a very sensitive topic as it is the representation of culture that shapes identity such that any flaw in representation could result in identity confusion or identity clashes. Food culture and its meaning varies from one culture to another. Also, very often one will notice that a cuisine which is a delicacy for a community could be a taboo or unacceptable for the other. India is known for its rich diverse culture, which includes geography, lifestyle, food habits, biodiversity and more. It is commonly seen that dominant food are often presented as the national cuisine while relegating others to the margins or erasing them altogether. A society is dynamic in nature, which goes through constant social issues too. But while the society strives to solve or seek for a solution to the conventionally defined social problem it fails to count in the misrepresentation of food culture as an issue that results in identity crisis. The dependency on media has increased tremendously such that a personal opinion and views about a subject are shaped by the sources that are readily available at their convenience in the form of social media. Today the concept of food gram that is the combination of Food and Instagram is a very popular trend among netizen. Instagram is an online photo-video sharing application where popularly in these context users post food images of what they eat, with whom and where. Whereas for professional based account it is seen as a marketing forum. The representation of food culture on social media is seen as an advantage and a challenge. The food culture of the Naga Tribes of Nagaland, Northeast, is the core of the study. It aims to understand the dominant tribal representation of Naga food and seek to understand how these representations on Instagram shape perceptions about the Naga population. The researcher has adopted a theoretical framework of Representation and Semiotics. A triangulation method approach has been applied for the study in analyzing Instagram post that is hash tagged, #nagacuisine from the month of July and August 2018. How Instagram as a medium represent Naga food and how it shapes an identity for the Naga population is what this study will seek to understand. -
Determinants of Charitable Giving of Employees in the Organized Sector: A Case Study in Bengaluru Urban District.
The study aims at identifying the determinants of charitable giving among working professionals who are into white collar jobs in the organized sector in Bengaluru urban district. The study also tries to understand the effect of Income and Non-Income factors that could affect decisions made by individuals towards charitable donations. The study captures charity donations in terms of money, time and gifts, based on its objectives; the focus is on monetary donations. Thus, based on the various available models based on demographic variables and attitudinal factors, the study has developed a comprehensive function that that includes both demographic and attitude related factors that could predict the charity behavior of an individual and in this case it is the working professional. The population includes all the white collar jobs and the sample size was 132 respondents. This includes both charity givers and non-givers. The sampling technique used was purposive random sampling and data was collected through questionnaire method and the questionnaire begins with an introductory question seeking if the respondent have made any donations in the last 12 months and based on their answer they are directed towards the three sections such as section A, B and C for those who said yes to the question and B and c for those who said no to the question. Section A is about the charity activities of the respondents, B is about the demographic details and C measures altruism, prestige, care and other attitude related factors using a 5 point Liker scale. Factor analysis was made used for the purpose of model testing. However, prior to the model testing, bi-variate and multi-variate exploratory analysis was done using cross tabulation in SPSS and python to understand the association between variables used in the study. To further clarify and conclude the relationship and strength of association between variables, Pearson???s Chi square was conducted. Based on these results most of the demographic variables seem to have positive relationship with charitable giving and few had partially negative relation with the incidence of giving. For example Gender, where being male have less chance of making charitable donations. Religion has no impact on the likelihood of making donations. viii Certain other variables such as age, education level and income have a positive relationship with charity giving. In other words as age, income, level of education are higher, the chances of making monetary donations increases. From the results of exploratory bi -variate analysis, certain variables were removed and were not part of factor analysis towards testing the model. The results of factor analysis shows that charitable giving (monetary) is the function of three factors namely benevolence, socioeconomic status and warm glow giving and thus it proves the model developed by the study. Thus the major determinants or predictors of charitable giving (monetary) are benevolent behaviour, socioeconomic status and warm glow giving. -
Perceived organizational support, employee engagement and organizational commitment among millennials
Millennials (born between 1981-2000) are drastically different from any other generational cohorts, with their high education level, technological skills, social networking, self-confidence and always teeming with energy, which makes them excellent team players, unlike the previous generations who preferred to work on their own for long hours. Millennials, having grown to constitute a considerable proportion of the workforce and will continue to grow to represent more over the next 20 years, desire for immediate result and speedy advancement, which has led to perceiving them to be impatient and inconsistent. Hence, retaining them has become one of the top managerial priorities. Millennials are prone to frequent switching of jobs which is why they are attributed with the character of job-hopping. Of all the generations in the work force, Millennials are found to be less consistent in their workplace relationships which calls for the purposeful need for cultivating positive relationships with them at workplace. Organizational commitment is evidently one such gesture of an employee, towards positive and long-term relationship with the organization, as a committed employee stays with the organization and this can be brought about if the employees realize that they are being supported well by the organization. Hence, the perceived organizational support plays a pivotal role in work place relations. Another construct in the employeeorganization relationship is, which has a decisive role to play, is Employee engagement. Thus, this study intents to examine how perceived organizational support is related to organizational commitment where employee engagement mediates the relation between the two variables. An empirical study has been done, whereby carrying out a survey among 402 millennial employees across various companies in the information technology sector, as this sector experiences the rush of millennials more, compared to other traditional industries. And it was found that there is a vi significant relation that existed among perceived organization support and organizational commitment and employee engagement and organizational commitment as well. Employee engagement also turned out to be partially mediating the relationship between POS and OC. This study, done to find the relation between the three important constructs in organizational behavior and human resource management, and also to find out the difference in the variation of these three constructs based on the demographical factors, is the first of its kind to be done, among Millennials -
Preparation and Application of Nanoparticles and Core-Shell Nanoparticles of Transition Metals
There is an increasing need for the development of environmentally viable, economically effective, highly active and renewable catalytic systems for the various applications in the industrial field. The demand for the decolorisaion of synthetic dyes using bioremediation methods has been in a decreased mode due to its lower decomposition rates. Hence in recent years the decomposition of these organic colorants considered to be a worldwide need. The term nanocatalysis has gained huge importance in recent years due to its selectivity, higher activity, and productivity compared to their bulk materials. The nanosize, shape, and large surface to volume ratio provide unique properties to the nanomaterials. The principles of green chemistry are mainly relies on the development of catalytic systems that work similar to nature. Nanocatalyst combines both homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis and provides rapid and selective chemical transformations with high yield and easier separation of catalyst at the end of reaction. In this work we have synthesized various metal doped magnetite nanoparticles (Ferrite nanoparticles-NdMxFe3-xO4 where M (Mn, Co, Cu, Ni)) by precipitation and hydrothermal method. The one objective of this work was to check the photocatalytic application of prepared ferrite nanoparticles for the heterogeneous photo-Fenton degradation of MB and Rh B dyes. Each dye was degraded separately under visible light and dark with the assistance of neutral pH and H2O2, in order to shows the improved activity of catalysts under visible light. The degradation experiments using the photo-Fenton systems (Fe2+/H2O2/Visible light) suggested that, the highest degradation rate was 97% for MB and 81% for Rh B within 4h and the used catalyst was NdFe3-xCuxO4, a good photo-Fenton catalyst. . We have also tried the synthesis of core- shell nanoparticles using NdFe3O4 nanoparticles with the help of polyethylene glycol as dispersing agent. The synthesized samples were characterized by various techniques like, XRD, XPS, SEM and TEM. -
Exploring the Dream Pattern among the Nightshift Workers
Globalisation led to the increase in technology and development of multinational companies in the developing countries. This development has caused the increased need for working round the clock and the only option for such a need is different shifts in the companies. Nightshift workers are increasing day by day, but many times, people forget the health and sleep effects caused by the nightshift. One such impact is the altered circadian rhythm, which is very important for proper functioning of the body and a good sleep. Freud put forward that dreams occurring during sleep serve as the guardian of sleep. Dreams are the reflections of the waking life. This altered circadian rhythm can have an impact on waking and sleep life of the nightshift workers. This qualitative study is to find the dream pattern among the nightshift workers and to find the frequency in dreaming among this group. This study is conducted with nine nightshift and nine dayshift workers, dream journal was used to collect the dreams from the participants. Also, semistructured interview was done among the nightshift workers for in-depth understanding on their sleep habits and dream pattern. The dream patterns among both the groups are similar but there are dreams that make the nightshift group different from the dayshift. The frequency of dreaming is seen more among the nightshift workers. The study shows that sexual dreams are seen majorly among the nightshift group. This finding can be further used to conduct researches on the impact of nightshift on the sexual health and overall well being of nightshift workers and the reflection of the same in their dreams. -
Assessing Opportunities and Constraints of Community Engagement in Tourism Development at Hampi
Community Based Tourism will create a momentous milestone in improving the participation level of local communities in the arena of Heritage tourism as well as all the various branches of the travel and expedition industry. Whose heritage is being preserved, by whom, and for what purposes? (Shepherd 2006). This study particularly gives due emphasis on evaluating the level of participation from the resident???s part by assessing various development strategies offered by the respective authorities. The study also tries to address all the possible streams where the community can easily thrive and it also addresses the major obstacles which restricts their entry, indicating an inclusive approach towards community participation through community based tourism (CBT). Lack of cooperation among stakeholders was identified as challenges of CBT, (Tamir 2015). Tourism market of Hampi is developing year by year but the standard of living of the underprivileged community is always remains the same without any improvement and this is the core problem mentioned in the study. Quantitative research technique was used for the study with the help of a structured questionnaire which was used for collecting data. The collected data was analyzed with the help of quantitative data analysis software, SPSS. This research tries to bring out the various reasons behind the low level of community involvement in tourism industry with relevant evidence from the analyzed data. The study indicates the hopelessness of the community towards the major development strategies forwarded by the authorities especially Hampi Master Plan. It also addresses the poor level of education and lack of information about the potential of tourism employability and its scope in the field of community development. A unique relic of medieval commerce and religious faith into a lifeless ruin, (John and Michell2012) this study pinpoints the inefficiency of the tourism boards and poor functioning of other responsible authorities too. It VII also invokes the possibilities of promoting Agro-Tourism along with the existing Heritage tourism. There is enough scope for further study in the light of execution of CBT model as well as assessing the scope of Agro tourism in Hampi. This suggestion is propounded mainly because of the structural phase of the economy that is more than 70% of the working population is involved in agriculture and its allied sectors. There is a noticeable gap between the expectations of the local residents and what they are actually receiving from the authorities moreover, these entire gaps may hamper the idea of inclusive approach. If effective training and regular awareness creation program is initiated by the responsible authorities, it will create a better platform for inclusive approach. -
Rehabilitation and Reintegration of Children in Conflict with Law: An Exploratory Study of Karnataka and Telangana
The current study analyses the effect that rehabilitation and reintegration of children in conflict with law has on the life of the children. It traces the history of deviant behavior of the child and the causes that lead to deviancy. For the purpose of this study, two institutions were selected from Karnataka and Telangana, because of geographical and social-economic similarities. A sample of 10 (5 from each state) children who had undergone rehabilitation and reintegration process were selected between the age of 12-18 years and interview was conducted. The interview shed light on the rehabilitation and reintegration process that exists in the two states and their institutions from the perspective of the participants and their struggles and challenges was also recorded. Thematic analysis by Braun was loosely followed. The analysis brought out major themes in the experience of the participants and their changes that they had undergone. The research concludes by listing out the characteristics of the respective institutions in the state of Karnataka and Telangana and their impact on the participant in the aspect of rehabilitation and reintegration. -
Children's Well-Being in Traditional Vs. Montessori Schools. A test of Self-Determination Theory
The present study is a test of Self -Determination theory, which is well established in the field of education with a huge body of empirical evidence to support its assumptions that when the three universal psychological needs (Autonomy, Competence & Relatedness) of a child are met they will grow and function optimally leading to enhanced well-being. It is evident that Montessori philosophy is overlapping with the components of SDT. This study was conducted to examine the extent to which the three psychological needs are satisfied in Montessori schools in comparison to the Traditional schools. A purposive sample size of 80 children in elementary grades was selected from both Montessori and Traditional schools. Perceived support experienced by the children and their Well-Being was determined to establish the assumption of the SDT. The results showed that children in Montessori schools experienced greater satisfaction of needs when compared to traditional school children. However, the well-being of children from both school types didn???t vary much and the causes can be attributed to factors outside classroom. These findings have some strong implications for policy makers, educators and parents. -
A Different Humour: A Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of the Nature of Participation of Select Indian Female Stand-Up Comedians on YouTube
In recent times, Stand-up Comedy space in India has been registering itself as an alternative public sphere. As comedy has always been understood to be a masculine domain in any given society, it becomes imperative to examine if this aspect of the ????implied??? public sphere of the Stand-up Comedy space changes the dimension of comedy. This dissertation studied the nature of participation of both the male and female stand-up comics on YouTube using descriptive surveys which reported the default nature of the stand-up comedy space in India. Furthermore, the thesis studied the implications of the performances by select few female comics with specific reference to the audience reception of their comedic routines. In addition, this dissertation studied how female stand-up comics negotiate their citizenship and gender in a stand-up comedy space in India. Thematic and Critical Discourse Analysis were used to examine the theme, style, and nature of humour pervasive throughout their comedic routines. The style of humour presentation by the select female comics included subversion which was articulated in varied ways, often by marking it explicitly through themes, narratives and humour, and in other times, using it covertly. The thesis explored the dimensions of ???unladylike??? or ???unfunny??? which were used as markers to identify their routines by both themselves and their YouTube audience/commentators, the thesis also attempted to explain how these comedians found a balance between ????doing gender??? and ????undoing gender??? in these comedy spaces. The thesis concluded with an argument that the stand-up comedy space as negotiated by the select comics provides us a glimpse of an emergent feminist public sphere. -
The Effect of Lyrical Music on Hopelessness in College Students
Hopelessness is a product of negative future expectations, negative feelings toward the future and feeling a lack of control over future improvements. One of the major factors that play a role in hopelessness are Negative Life Events (NLE) along with the interaction of negative inferential styles. College students are seen to experience both NLE and engage in negative inferential styles which is seen in their portrayal of hopelessness. The aim of the study was to reduce levels of hopelessness in college students through an intervention that involved listening to songs having hopeful lyrics. The study strived to answer the following question: Can hopeful lyrics in songs can have an effect on hopelessness? The sample consisted of college students (N=66), who were randomly assigned to three groups, namely the lyrical music group (hopeful lyrics and music), music group (only music) and the control group (no intervention). The Beck???s hopelessness scale was used to measure their levels of hopelessness before the intervention and at the end of 4 weeks. The lyrical music group and the music group participants were exposed to songs and instrumental tracks twice a week, for a duration of 4 weeks. The Wilcoxon Signed Rank test for related samples was used to analyse the effect of the intervention or lack of, on levels of hopelessness. The Kruskal-Wallis was used to analyse the difference score between the three groups. Results indicated that the lyrical music group (p = .001) had a significant difference in levels of hopelessness after the intervention, however the music group (p = .072) and the control group (p = .402) showed no significant difference. There was a significant difference between the three groups with regard to the difference obtained from their pre-test and post-test scores (p = .03). Pairwise comparisons have helped to see where that difference lies. Thus it can be concluded that hopeful lyrical music does have an effect on hopelessness and can be seen as differing from the functions of music alone. -
Role of Marital Status of Parents on Self-esteem, Happiness and Academic-achievement among Adolescents
Adolescence is that development period of human life where the adolescent learns the knowledge of reasoning, critical thinking, problem solving behavior, emotional intelligence, and managing relationships. In today???s society, divorce has become a common affair. A child perception of divorce will be largely determined by age and gender. The purpose of the current study was to find out the role of marital status of parents and gender in self-esteem, happiness and academic achievement of adolescents. Four CBSE schools from Bhubanseswar, Odisha were contacted for the data collection. Total number of samples was 60 students of separated family and 60 students from intact family were selected randomly for the study of happiness, selfesteem and academic achievement. Among each 60 sample 30 were female and 30 were male to check the effect of gender on happiness, self-esteem and academic achievement of adolescents. The result of the study shown that adolescents with divorced parents has less happiness score, low self-esteem and less academic achievement in comparison to adolescents with both parents. On gender basis it was found out that female adolescents have less happiness score and low selfesteem in comparison to male adolescents. But female adolescents have shown high academic achievement in comparison to male adolescents. Adolescence is the vulnerable time period of a human???s life span. The adolescents need to get proper love, affection, attention from parents and society. Parents play a vital role in adolescents??? life. According to the current study the adolescents with divorced parents need to get proper support, love and counseling if necessary. -
Impact of values and psychographic traits on compulsive buying behaviour in fast fashion brands
The Fast Fashion is emerging as a rapidly growing category in the Indian garment retailsector. Fast Fashion provides the latest trendy fashionable affordable clothing to consumersmultiple times in a year. The pressure of fast fashion influences the buying behavior ofconsumers resulting in compulsive purchasing tendencies (Johnson & Attmann, 2009). Theresearch study focuses on the compulsive buying behavior of Fast Fashion brand consumers.In India, Fast Fashion is emerging as an important and growing category in the garment retail. Because of rapid fashion cycles, what is ???in??? is always changing, causing consumers to feel pressure to continually update their wardrobes (Cwerner, 2001).Compulsive buying consumers buy more frequrntly without controlling their the urge to purchase(Muller, et al., 2015). The significant percentage of fast fashion buyers qulify as ???excessive shoppers??? and this international phenomenon is spreading around the world. (Greenpeace International, 2017). Shopping for clothes reflect broader values (Tatzel, 1982) and for the retailers to be successful the knowledge of consumers about culturally-defined values is important (Hyllegard et al., 2005).The extensive review of literature shows that there is a lack of research both in academic and marketing aspects regarding Compulsive buying behaviours of Fast Fashion consumer with respect to value psychographic traits. The objective of the research study is to understand the effect of Values on Compulsive Buying Behaviour of Fast Fashion Brands and to analyse the mediating vi effect of Psychographic Traits (Fast Fashion involvement, Fashion???Consciousness and Innovativeness) on Compulsive Buying Behaviour.The study used List of value (LOV) Scale to find the impact of consumer values on compulsive buying behaviour. The psychographic traits are used as intervening variable. The survey is conducted for participants aged 18-25 yrs. Analysis of data is done using Factor analysis, Anova, Multiple Regression. The study will help marketer of Fast Fashion clothing to frame their product and communication strategy in such a way that it appeals to the consumers with required psychographic traits and values. -
Relationship between Emotional Intelligence andWork - Life Balance among Academicians in Pre University colleges
Emotional Intelligence has always been an encouraging topic for the researchers to dwell on. For a very long time, it was always assessed that Intelligence Quotient (IQ) was a key factor for the determination of success in life. Emotional Intelligence also involves acknowledging the emotions of another individual and how effectively it does coincide with traditional intelligence. The research work is dealt to look at employees and the effects of emotional intelligence and thus looking at the ways in which effective channels are used to channelize the emotions that people go through. Work life balance is a perception with various significances in the current world and implications in the professional and personal life. Work life balance is defined as the stability that the individual requires between period assigned for work and other personal aspects of life. Basis of the study is to develop modules or techniques for training programmes to enhance emotional intelligence and work life balance since there are very few literatures and limited studies conducted before. The study aims at relationship between emotional intelligence and work life balance among academicians in PU colleges. The research study also looks into how experience of the academicians relates to their emotional intelligence and work life balance. Descriptive research design was applied for the study. The essential data for the research was gathered through the standardized questionnaires. A sample of 200 academicians participated in the research. The emotional intelligence test result shows the academicians from different backgrounds and were high on regulation of emotion in the self, acknowledging the emotions of another individual thus providing and shaping the students with more knowledge and insights. From the statistical result from Pearson???s correlation reveals, there is increase in work life balance with the increase in emotional intelligence. The statistical result also accepts the hypothesis and found, there is a moderate positive correlation between emotional intelligence and work life balance. From the statistical result from ANOVA, results showed that there was no significant effect of total years of experience on work life balance. It has been also found from the ANOVA test that, there was an analysis conducted to compare the influence of total years of experience in the current organization on emotional intelligence and found there was a significant effect of total years of experience in the current organization on emotional intelligence. Outcome defines about the emotional intelligence and work life balance among academicians need more attention since they are catering, managing and shaping the students. -
Work Tasks Motivation in Relation to Occupational Self-Efficacy and Thinking Skills of Secondary School Teachers
Education is a dynamic enterprise which is centred on the processes of teaching and learning. All the systems that are connected with the education of an individual should be taken care of for the betterment of the teaching-learning process. Teachers are one of the important sources of inspiration for the students. Every aspect of the teaching-learning process such as the instructional strategies, assessments, student management, the environment etc. has been changing due to the technological innovations and social advancements. The teachers have to be equipped with new technologies that will lead to innovations in education methodologies. The development of necessary skills and belief in their profession is essential for motivating teachers to adapt and adjust to the challenges, the changing attitudes and habits of children. Also, the teachers are expected to perform multiple tasks rather than a particular one. The present study aimed at assessing the types of motivation towards specific work tasks, efficacy towards their occupation and thinking skills of secondary school teachers of Bengaluru. The study reported that Intrinsic Motivation and Identified Regulation led to positive outcomes whereas Introjected, External Regulations and Amotivation led to negative results. The demographic variable, gender had no significant effect on the variables under the study. A significant difference was found for the types of motivation for specific tasks with respect to subject specialisations, types of management, and years of experience. The study thus gives an insight into the motivational processes of a teacher which will be helpful in creating a positive work environment. -
Identifying the Existing Oral Proficiency Testing Patterns
The research aims to identify the different activities or patterns used for the teaching and testing of oral proficiency. Furthermore, the issues in the assessment of oral proficiency are also analyzed. The data was collected from the English teachers teaching in the selected Aided Kerala State Syllabus Schools in Trivandrum, Kottayam and Pathanamthitta districts from the grades 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th. The present study incorporated an exploratory research design based on a qualitative approach. The sample size consists of eleven teacher participants that were selected based on purposive sampling. The research study was divided into three phases. The phase 1, consists of open-ended questionnaire which were distributed to eleven teachers and the data obtained was categorized into different themes based on the responses from the teacher participants. Phase 2 consists of classroom observations of eleven teachers in which three teaching sessions per teacher and a total number of one thousand two hundred eighty-seven students were observed based on the classroom observation checklist. Moreover, phase 3 consists of interviews among the eleven teacher participants to gain further insights. The findings of the present research based on the analysis of the phase1, phase 2 and phase 3, indicates that the Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) approach is an effective approach to enhance the oral proficiency of the students. Moreover, the teaching and the testing patterns implemented by the school teachers are considered effective as it enables them to teach and to assess the oral proficiency of the students in a systematic manner. The research findings based on the triangulation prove that the use of reading, role play and storytelling are found to be consistent across the three phases and are commonly used by the teachers to enhance the oral proficiency of the students in the English language viii classrooms. Moreover, in the triangulation of assessment of oral proficiency, it has been observed that the activities such as reading and role play are found to be consistent across the three phases and are commonly used by the teachers. Furthermore, regarding the issues in the assessment of oral proficiency, lack of time is considered as one of the issues that is consistent across the three phases. The overall analysis of this research indicates that there is a positive or a parallel impact between the CLT approach and Theory of Knowledge (TOK) on the development of the oral proficiency of the students. The researcher suggests that there should be a standardized assessment tool to test the oral proficiency of the students in order to ensure grading consistency among the test assessors in the Kerala State Syllabus Schools. -
Responsible Service of Alcohol: An Evaluation of Policies and Practices of Five Star Hotels in Karnataka
Networking and socializing has been a human practice since ancient times and alcohol has been the social lubricant ??yesterday, today and also tomorrow. While we cannot trace its origin to a particular culture or civilization, its role and impact has been recorded in ancient texts and literature across cultures. A person can get drunk for a few rupees or spend a few lakhs for the same. It is consumed across social classes- by a daily wage worker to a business tycoon. The only thing differentiating the two being the price he has paid for the drink and the glass he is having it from. Even though the price and glass differs the effect it has on a person is more or less the same. This research and study is based on the belief that alcohol in itself is not the major cause of all the issues and troubles it is blamed for, but it is the nature and manner in which it is treated, consumed and served. This study is based on the latter aspect, ????the service of alcohol???. As mentioned in the previous paragraph, alcohol is a social lubricant and bars and restaurants have always been a popular place for socializing. The people who deal with the sale and service of alcoholic beverages along with the management and owners have a moral responsibility to ensure that alcohol is both served and consumed responsibly. This practice of Responsible Beverage Service or Responsible Service of Alcohol might look simple and easy on paper but to practice it, is a different story! It involves the support and approval of all the stakeholders. The owner and management on their part have to compromise on the earnings from the extra sale alcohol. The server has the additional responsibility of checking that his customers are not getting intoxicated and that he is following all the rules and regulations associated with alcohol service and above all the consumers too have to support and accept responsible service practices by the establishment. This study has looked into the practice of Responsible Beverage Service followed in the bars and restaurants in five star hotels, in the state of Karnataka. The initial study involved a review on early research and study on Responsible Beverage Service, Its impact on controlling alcohol abuse and intoxication, Responsible Beverage Service practices and various other dimensions and issues associated with Responsible Service of Alcohol. VII This research has focused on both the consumer as well as the server???s perspective on Responsible Beverage Service. The primary data for the study was collected from both consumers and hotels through a structured questionnaire, followed by data analysis using the appropriate tool. The findings give an insight and understanding into the acceptance of responsible beverage service in the state. What works and what needs to be improved? The practices which has the most impact in controlling alcohol abuse and answers to other questions associated with the study. -
Generalized Vertex Induced Connected Subsets of a Graph
Vol.2 (May), 61-68