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The future of business management with the power of distributed systems and computing
Distributed systems and computing have emerged as key technologies for businesses seeking to improve their operations, decision-making, and customer experience. In this chapter, we examine the potential of distributed systems and computing for the future of business management. We analyze the key characteristics and advantages of distributed systems and computing for business management, including improved scalability, flexibility, and availability, as well as increased efficiency and reduced costs. We also discuss the various applications of distributed systems and computing in business management, including inventory management, supply chain optimization, customer relationship management, financial management and accounting, data analytics, decision-making, and collaboration and communication. We also explore the emerging trends and technologies in distributed systems and computing, including edge computing, blockchain, and artificial intelligence, and their potential implications for the future of business management. Furthermore, we discuss the opportunities for research and innovation in the field of distributed systems and computing, including the development of new algorithms and protocols, the exploration of novel applications, and the investigation of the social and ethical implications of distributed systems and computing. In conclusion, distributed systems and computing offer a powerful set of tools for businesses seeking to enhance their performance and competitiveness in the digital age. However, the adoption of distributed systems and computing also entails a range of challenges and risks that must be addressed through careful planning and management. By embracing the potential of distributed systems and computing while also addressing its challenges, businesses can position themselves for success in the increasingly interconnected and digital world of the future. 2024 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. All rights reserved. -
The fractional-order marriagedivorce mathematical model: numerical investigations and dynamical analysis
In this research, we present a fractional-order mathematical model that simulates the ongoing phenomenon of marriage and divorce, which significantly impacts human lives. The model is defined within the LiouvilleCaputo framework and incorporates different states and parameter values. Specifically, the model consists of four state variables that describe the statuses of married, divorced, or troubled couples, as well as the interactions between these states. We conduct a stability analysis for the proposed model and calculate the equilibrium points, revealing the conditions for a stable solution. Moreover, we establish the existence, uniqueness, and boundedness of the models solution using the Banach fixed point theorem. The global stability of the obtained equilibrium points is investigated using the Lyapunov function, revealing a globally stable solution with specific conditions. To obtain the results, we employ a multi-domain collocation technique that utilizes orthogonal generalized Romanovski polynomials. These polynomials offer the advantage of achieving higher-order accuracy without requiring a large number of basis functions. We assess the accuracy of the proposed technique by calculating the residual error. Furthermore, we conduct simulations with various parameter values and fractional orders to demonstrate the techniques effectiveness under different scenarios. The results confirm the techniques ability to provide accurate outcomes across multiple scenarios. To enhance result validation, a comparison with real data from the USA is introduced for both married and divorced individuals. This elucidates the significance of the proposed fractional model in providing a deeper understanding of the dynamics and behavior of the solution and its impact on the populations lives. By introducing and analyzing this model, this research contributes to a deeper understanding of the dynamics and implications of marriage and divorce phenomena. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to SocietItaliana di Fisica and Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2024. -
The FPTC act, 2020 a blinkered vision
In the name of empowering farmers, the Farmers' Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Act, 2020 has displayed a blinkered vision of an integrated supply chain-by undermining the importance of Agricultural Produce Market Committee markets in a competitive and inclusive agri-food market system. By overlooking many important aspects, the law has taken a quantum leap in the wrong direction. 2021 Economic and Political Weekly. All rights reserved. -
The flow analysis of Williamson nanofluid considering the Thompson and Troian slip conditions at the boundary
In this article, the impact of Joule heating on the thermal performance of Williamson nanofluid is analyzed under the influence of viscous dissipation along with the Joule heating. Also, the flow is subjected to Thompson and Troian slip conditions that directly influence the velocity of the flow at the boundary. Meanwhile, to achieve the even distribution of nanoparticles in the nanofluid, gyrotactic microorganisms are dispersed whose motion is due to the virtue of density gradient. The heat conduction at the surface is governed by the convective condition which allows the interpretation of the Biot number. The mathematical model is constructed employing these presumptions using partial differential equations, which are then subsequently reduced using similarity transformations to get the ordinary differential equations (ODEs). The RKF-45 numerical approach is used to solve the nonlinear ODE system thus acquired, and the findings are validated by comparing them to the previously published works. The results of this study showed that the higher values of thermophoresis and Brownian motion parameters cause more heat conduction. Also, the rise in the Eckert number that relates to the internal friction enhances the temperature conducted by the nanofluid. Meanwhile, the Lorentz force helps in controlling the flow velocity. 2023 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. -
Participation of regional governments in foreign policy is a global phenomenon, which has been described as constituent diplomacy or Para diplomacy. It is a phenomenon that includes a cocktail of factors like globalisation, economic liberalisation, diffusion of technology and the decentralisation of political power. Dependence of coalition governments on regional parties in India has resulted in a subtle power shift when it comes to foreign policy prioritisation and perceptions. There is a new activism in the making and implementation of Indian foreign policy. The chapter analyses the domestic imperatives impacting on India's foreign policy. The assertion and expectations of regional parties have been contingent on the leverage they have within a coalition like the NDA and the UPA. States are now even bringing foreign and security issues to the bargaining table, thereby providing the regional parties a variety of participatory opportunities. Conduct of India's foreign policy is no longer the exclusive domain of the federal government in India. At any given time, domestic compulsions influence how states act and react to various foreign policy issues and events, and hence engaging state governments in foreign affairs can be a force multiplier for Indian foreign policy. 2024 selection and editorial matter, M.J. Vinod, Stefy V Joseph, Joseph Chacko Chennatuserry and Dimitris N. Chryssochoou; individual chapters, the contributors. -
The feasibility analysis of load based resource optimization algorithm for cooperative communication in 5G wireless ad-hoc networks
Efficient allocation of resources is crucial in wireless ad hoc networks (WANETs) as spectrum assets are costly. Cooperative communications were introduced as a solution to the problem of limited spectrum availability. In this approach, numerous nodes share their resources and increase the bandwidth available to end-users. This research investigates the practicality of a new algorithm that optimizes resources based on load for Cooperative Communications in 5 G WANETs. The algorithm consists of two components. Initially, a distributed algorithm for forming a topology is suggested. This algorithm employs a load-based approach to explore network conditions and efficiently choose the most suitable topology. An optimization algorithm that relies on a greedy strategy is suggested. In this approach, the chosen nodes send their bits to the receiver to maximize the attainable system throughput. A thorough simulation study is conducted to evaluate the overall performance of the proposed algorithm in assessing existing methods. The proposed model obtained 94.72 % energy efficiency, 91.69 % network throughput, 94.72 % spectrum utilization, 27.47 % network delay, 24.08 % packet loss rate, 94.38 % signal-to-noise ratio, 93.91 % data transfer rate, 95.87 % error detection rate, and 94.28 % link reliability rate. The results demonstrate that the suggested algorithm significantly enhances the system and the overall network performance compared to existing approaches. The proposed approach is feasible and environmentally friendly for optimizing bandwidth in 5 G wireless ad hoc Networks. 2024 The Authors -
The family strengths of the Lambhanis of Bellary district /
The study titled The Family Strengths of the Lambhanis of Bellary District aimed at identifying and exploring Family Strengths of the Lambhanis their perpetuation. The study was based on the Family Strengths Model using an Interpretivistic Research Philosophy and a Grounded Theory Research Paradigm within a Qualitative Framework. The sample of the study was taken through a key informant. The participants were from Dasarhalli Thanda, Bellary District, Karnataka. They were all adults both men and women. Three Focus Groups were conducted and the interviews were unstructured, data was collected until Data Saturation was reached. The data was recorded/taped, translated and transcripts written. The data gathered was then coded based on the Grounded Theory Method proposed by Strauss and Corbin (1998). -
The Factors Impacting Parental Choice in Picking Non-public Schools for Their Children
The purpose of the study was to investigate the school related factors influencing parental choice of private schools in the city of Bangalore. The study intended to analyze factors affecting parents choice of private schools in Bangalore, to discuss the extent to which various factors influence parents choice of private schools. The study used descriptive survey design. The target population of this study consisted of all parents of students studying in private primary schools in the city of Bangalore. A total sample of 180 parents was drawn purposively from Bangalore. The tool used for collecting the data was a self-constructed questionnaire which included 32 statements were prepared on the basis of a 5-point Likert scale. The study identified seven distinct factors affecting the parents decision of choosing a private school. Among these the factor that was seen to have most significant influence on parents decision to choose a private was school environment. The second most important factor that parents considered was the School quality. Third, parents considered curricular activities offered by school. Next, parents considered Quality of instruction while choosing a school. However, student welfare, parental involvement and proximity to the area of residence were considered less important by parents when choosing a school. The Author(s) 2021. -
The facile and efficient organocatalytic platform for accessing 1,2,4-selenadiazoles and thiadiazoles under aerobic conditions
The first organocatalytic approach towards synthesis of rarely explored 1,2,4-selenadiazole and thiadiazole scaffolds have been devised using corresponding carboxamides as substrates. The transformations were realized using two distinct conditions in the presence of catalytic vitamin B3 or thiourea under aerobic conditions. Developed methods overcome the associated limitations of previous reported approaches and the desired products were obtained in high yields and selectivity without the formation of toxic side-products. 2018 Elsevier Ltd -
The Experience of Transition From Being A Breast Cancer Patient to Survivor: Treatment Experience of Naturopathy/ Yoga
Women's experience of breast cancer and conventional treatment is challenging and demanding. The period after completion of first line of treatment for the removal of cancer, is known to be stressful. Women have to rebuild their life by accepting their illness and the limitations it brings on. They suffer from a wide range of psycho social issues such as low self esteem, body image concerns, difficulties in role functionality, added to which they must also deal with residual symptoms and a compromised state of health after undergoing invasive treatments such as surgery/ chemotherapy. The treatment plan does not adequately address these concerns which are critical for adjustment to life after treatment. Many women are increasingly looking for alternative treatments for support, which reflects their unmet needs. Naturopathy functions in a holistic domain that aims to help patients move towards a better state of health and treats every individual's experience as unique. Hence the present study aimed to understand the process of transition from being a patient to becoming a survivor, focussing on the treatment experience of Naturopathy. Six women participated in semi structured in-depth interviews and provided details about their life. Based on the phenomenological approach, data was analysed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. Themes that emerged have been organised into Life before diagnosis, Living with cancer and Surviving breast cancer, in order to understand the meaning participants' attached to their whole experience. Participants of the study found the treatment experience of Naturopathy to be helpful in enabling their transition towards becoming a survivor and regaining a sense of normalcy in their life. They associated positive feelings/ emotions during the process of therapy, and felt empowered through a greater sense of awareness and control over their body/mind Key words: Naturopathy, Breast cancer, Treatment experience, Cancer Survivorship -
The Experience of Meditation among Long Term Sahaja Yoga Practitioners and its Role in Facilitating Well Being and Managing Stress
Meditation is increasingly becoming a popular practice and is used as a strategy for stress management, coping with illness and spiritual growth. It is estimated that meditation is being practiced by a hundreds of millions worldwide (Deurr, 2004). However, results of the published studies on meditation have often been interpreted to be inconsistent (Shear, 2007). This could be attributed to the modification and westernisation of the original ancient meditation practice (Manocha,2008). Also, it is not clearly understood how the experience of meditation leads to stress management and well being. Hence, Sahaja yoga which is based on the classical understanding of meditation and begins with Self realization or Kundalini awakening was chosen for investigation for the present study. The present study aims to understand the experience of meditation among long term meditators and understand its role in facilitating well-being and management of stress. To achieve this 6 long term meditators were interviewed using a semi-structured interview guide and were also requested to make diary entries of their daily meditation experience. All the participants were full time working adults. Interpretative phenemonological analysis was used to analyse the interview transcripts. The results of the study indicate that Sahaja yoga meditation practice aids its practitioners to attain thoughtless awareness and experience ??Sahaja and ??witness states which is accompanied by experience of indescribable bliss and peace. These states were found to create a sense of well-being among the practitioners and also had a significant role in facilitating physical, psychological, social and spiritual well-being and helped in the management of stress as well. Since, participants found it easy to balance it with work and family responsibilities it can be recommended for working adults. Key words: meditation, Sahaja yoga, stress, well-being. -
The Experience of Flow among Kathak Dancers
Flow is a state of optimal experience proposed by Mihalyi Csikszentmihalyi (1975). Flow is the holistic experience that people feel when they act with total involvement and is characterized by intense engagement and enjoyment. The flow state has been explored diverse contexts such as art, music, theater, education and sports. The main contribution of flow studies to positive psychology involves adding value, purpose and enjoyment to subjective experience, thereby leading to a richer and intentional life existence. Dance is one such activity that increases enjoyment by integrating ones awareness with oneself and the surroundings. Kathak is a form of North Indian Classical dancing that lays emphasis on speed and rhythm. The present study aims to analyze the experience of flow in the context of Kathak performance. It also seeks to describe the experience of flow by linking challenge in the performance and skill of the dancer, the importance of feedback in performance and the unique competencies that enable a person to enter and maintain the state of flow. Seven Kathak dancers from Bangalore were interviewed in order to analyze how they experience flow. The research paradigm employed was phenomenology and in-depth interviews were used to gather data. Thematic analysis was the technique used in the study to generate themes. The findings of the study state that the dancers perceive Kathak as a challenging dance. The dancers perception of their skills influences their flow experience during performance. The Guru was seen to be an influential person whose feedback was considered valuable. The response from the audience and the dancers own self reflection were also important sources of feedback. The dancers had identified different purposes for performing Kathak. They were all motivated by their inner drives. The dancers also experienced a transformation from their personal selves when they were immersed in the dance. Self-confidence was seen to be an important facilitator of flow whereas anxiety was seen to be a major inhibitor. The results will be able to help dancers understand the importance of optimal experiences during dancing. An awareness of the what facilitates and inhibits flow can lead dancers to intentionally work on having clearer goals, better concentration, less self consciousness and raising the challenge level for themselves. The findings can be applied to dance therapy and also contributes to both research of dance and the relationship between dance and psychology in India. Keywords: Flow, experience, Kathak, challenge, feedback. -
The Experience of Divorce: The Emotional conflict and coping among divorced young adults
Divorce is the termination of marriage to a legally wedded marriage between a man and a woman. Divorce is fast becoming a common factor among young couples these days. Even though divorce is a way out for the struggling marriage, it is traumatic for most of the individuals who separate from their partners. This study is to capture the experience that every spouse goes through during and after divorce. The first two chapters explain divorce from the previous study undertaken to put into a perspective about the study on divorce. And the subsequent studies on coping and the consequences of coping by the divorcees. This study aims to focus on how they manage to cope and face their marital breakdown. Thereafter how they pick their lives and proceed with their new life after separation. The divorce experience of 12 males and females were recorded and explored through thematic analysis. The findings have indicated that the experience of divorce is traumatic and painful. It takes time for them to get over that bitter experience of divorce. The study highlights various coping strategies enabling the divorced to adapt to life after separation. Keywords: Emotional conflicts, Coping and consequences of coping -
The Evolving Prospects of Bharatanatyam: An Enquiry on Changing Religious Landscape
As cultural boundaries expand, symbols of cultural identity, like dance forms, evolve in terms of content and practice. Bharatanatyam, originally a temple dance, originated in the Hindu culture and had long been considered a religious art. However, the art form has gradually expanded its scope beyond its religious context. Contemporary evidence suggests that artists increasingly engage in performances addressing themes that are secular and even compositions based on other religious beliefs, but not without challenges. This article brings to light the evolving religious aspects of Bharatanatyam and investigates novel elements being introduced by cross-religious practices, such as thematic innovations, choreographic patterns and symbolic representations. By analysing data from in-depth interviews with twenty artists from diverse religious backgrounds, the authors argue that religious conservatism in society hinders the evolution of art forms such as Bharatanatyam that have the potential to adapt across and beyond religions. Edinburgh University Press. -
The Evolution of Interindustry Technology Linkage Topics and Its Analysis Framework in Three-Dimensional Printing Technology
The mutual influence and complementarity of technologies between different industries are becoming increasingly prominent. Revealing the topic evolution of technology linkages between industries is the foundation for understanding the technological development trend of the industry. Although numerous works have focused on technology topic mining and its evolution characteristics, these works have not accurately represented the interindustry technology linkage, analyze the related topics and even ignored the technological development characteristics hidden in the topic evolution pathway. Since the Lingo algorithm fully considers the time-series characteristics of the topics, and the knowledge evolution theory can reveal three inherent characteristics in the evolution of knowledge topics, namely, 'stability, heredity, and variability,' this article aims to combine the Lingo algorithm and the knowledge evolution theory to analyze the topic evolution of interindustry technology linkages. Additionally, because three-dimensional (3-D) printing technology has significant interdisciplinary and cross-industry characteristics, a wide range of application fields, and various interindustry technology linkages, 3-D printing technology is used for empirical analysis. The empirical results show that the key topics of interindustry technology linkages in 3-D printing include model design, manufacturing methods, manufacturing equipment, manufacturing material, and application. In addition, all these topics have the development feature of heredity. However, the topic of manufacturing materials presents significant variability, the topic of manufacturing methods has the strongest stability, and multiple subtopics of the five topics show variability and genetic intersection. 2023 IEEE. -
The Evolution of Forecasting Techniques: Traditional Versus Machine Learning Methods
Forecasting is used effectively and efficiently to support decision-making for the future. Over time, several methods have been created to conduct forecasting. Finding a forecasting technique with the ability to provide the best estimate of the system being modeled has always been a challenge. The selection and comparison criteria for forecasting methodologies can be organized in a variety of ways. Accurate forecasting has a great demand for various fields like weather prediction, economic condition, business forecasting, demand and supply forecasts and many more. When deciding whether to utilize a certain model to predict future events, accuracy is very important. In every field, machine learning (ML) algorithms are being used to forecast future events. These algorithms can handle more complex data and make predictions that are more accurate. Based on the least values of forecasting errors, forecasters create a model to determine the best strategy for prediction. For centuries, forecasting has been used to assist individuals in making future-related decisions. In the past, forecasts were based on intuition and experience, but as technology has advanced, so have forecasting methods. Currently, advanced ML models and methods for data analysis are used to provide forecasts. To forecast the future, these models incorporate a range of inputs, including historical data, present trends, and economic indicators. Forecasting is a vital tool for businesses to employ when making future plans. It is used in a wide range of industries, from finance to weather prediction. 2024 Sachi Nandan Mohanty, Preethi Nanjundan and Tejaswini Kar. -
The evolution of currency: A comparative study of the barter system and cryptocurrency
The barter system, the oldest form of exchange dating back to human civilization, involves directly exchanging goods and services without using money. However, it comes with limitations, such as the requirement for a double coincidence of wants, difficulties in valuing goods and services, and the absence of a store of value. Over time, various forms of money emerged to overcome these limitations. Commodity money, like gold and silver, gained value due to their rarity and intrinsic worth. Later, fiat currencies were introduced, backed by trust rather than physical commodities. In contrast, cryptocurrency, a new digital currency not issued by any central authority, relies on blockchain technology for secure and anonymous transactions. This paper traces the evolution of currency from medieval times to the present digital era and explores the differences between the barter system, fiat currency, and cryptocurrency. It also delves into the potential of cryptocurrency to revolutionize our perception of money. 2024, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
The evaluation of the electrochemical properties of Co3O4 nanopowders synthesized by autocombustion and solgel methods
The present investigation involves two synthesis methods, autocombustion (Co3O4-AC) and solgel (Co3O4-SG), for producing nearly spherical-shaped and polygonal shaped nanomaterials of spinel cobalt oxide (Co3O4) respectively as electrode materials. TEM image analysis unveiled distinct particle morphologies for the two samples. The Co3O4-AC particles exhibited a nearly spherical shape, whereas the Co3O4-SG particles displayed a polygonal shape. The phase purity of the Co3O4 samples were confirmed via XRD patterns analysis and the crystallite size was calculated to be 44nm for Co3O4-AC and 36nm for Co3O4-SG. The surface area, estimated via BET experiments, of Co3O4-AC was found to be 15m2/g, while Co3O4-SG exhibited a slightly lower surface area of 11m2/g. Co3O4-AC exhibited a higher specific capacitance (Cs) of 162F/g at 0.25A/g, indicating its superior energy storage capability. On the other hand, Co3O4-SG shows a Cs of 98F/g, indicating slightly lower performance compared to Co3O4-AC. Both nanomaterials exhibited better stability, with more than 85% capacity retention after 5000 chargedischarge cycles. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to the Institute of Chemistry, Slovak Academy of Sciences. -
The Evaluation of Security and Privacy Components in the Context of Peer-To-Peer Power Trading Methodologies using Network Intelligence
The widespread implementation of renewable energy sources, along with a more proactive approach to managing electricity use, is causing a shift in the way power systems operate and electricity is traded in the market. The P2P economy in particular is benefiting from this change. To efficiently handle the fast changes in renewable power generation at the distribution network level, a local market mechanism that can adapt is required. The efficient and safe operation of the distribution network is also bound to be affected by the extensive adoption of P2P energy trading. This study presents a new paradigm for P2P power trading that accounts for constraints imposed by distribution network security. Specifically, the design makes use of the generalised quick dual ascent method. The article lays out the groundwork for an event-based local peer-to-peer market, which would facilitate rapid and efficient energy swaps inside a certain region. The next step in making sure the distribution system is secure is to evaluate the impact of peer-to-peer transactions on the network using the nodal voltage and network loss in relation to nodal power injections. This allows for an internal determination of how to distribute the costs of P2P energy trading and the incorporation of the external operating constraints. Distributed market-clearing is also applied efficiently by means of a universal quick dual ascent technique. The numerical results show that the proposed model can implement P2P energy trading securely into the distribution system. Furthermore, the method for solving the problem shows remarkable efficiency in achieving convergence. 2024, Auricle Global Society of Education and Research. All rights reserved.