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A Study on Machine Learning Techniques for Internet of Things in Societal Applications
Until recent years, monitoring and analysing system inputs, responses were merely based on Sensor Systems. Gradually, Embedded Systems and other Data Resources including Remote Monitoring Units started gaining momentum. But, with advent of Internet of Things (IoT), the outlook and expectations are broadened. IoT introduced incredible volumes of structured and unstructured data of different formats. There is a need to investigate, the underlying concepts of Machine Learning, Internet of Things (IoT) and Embedded Systems. These domains grow and expand its frontiers at a very fast pace. This paper attempts to throw light on possibilities of combining different technological domains, for design and development of Smarter and Context Aware Intelligent Electronics Systems for Societal Utility. Effective implementation and realization of such systems by suitable fusion of essential inter-disciplinary concepts is expected to have considerable potential for societal impact in the years to come. 2019 IEEE. -
A Study on Measures of Central Tendency of Some Distance Parameters of Connected Graphs
This dissertation sets out to examine the implications of various mea- sures of central tendencies of graphs by introducing the unique concept of ?graphs. A ?graph is defined as a simple, finite, connected and undirected graph in which the basic centrality measures: mean, median and mode of eccentricities are equal. It takes a formal approach to the exploration of ?graphs by applying the principles of Graph Theory. Various graphs are looked into to compare the centrality measures, and the possibility of those being ?graphs. Earlier graph theoretical research in notions of centrality, distance and eccentricity are reviewed. It describes the development of a new elicitation tool that examines the effect of measures of central tenden- cies in graphs, by analyzing their eccentricity sequences. Using this new ap- proach the central values of certain graphs are obtained. The concept found would be helpful to develop a more complex interpretation of the notion of centrality measures in graph theory. Keywords: Eccentricity; Eccentricity sequence; Distance; Degree; Cen- trality; Mean; Mode; Median; ?graph; Central value -
A Study on Motivating Factors Determining the Reasons for Entering into Poultry Farming by Farmers with Special Reference to Suguna Broiler Contract Farms in Coimbatore District
The International Journal's Research Journal of Economics & Business Studies, Vol-3 (5), pp. 61-68. ISSN-2251-1555 -
A Study on Music Recognition Technology-Shazam
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering, Vol-4 (2), ISSN-2277-128X -
A study on nanoliquid flow with irregular heat source and realistic boundary conditions: A modified Buongiorno model for biomedical applications
Titanium dioxide plays a vital role in cancer therapy methods (including photothermal therapy and photodynamic therapy), skincare products, heat exchangers, and car radiators. Therefore, the dynamics of the TiO2 nanomaterial with H2O as basefluid over a nonlinearly stretched surface is investigated. For realistic nanoliquid modeling, the conventional Buongiorno model has been improvised (called modified Buongiorno model [MBM]) by incorporating the effective thermophysical properties of the nanoliquid. Experimentally derived correlations of the thermal conductivity and dynamic viscosity of the nanofluid are utilized. The significance of passive control of nanoparticles is also studied. The heat transfer analysis includes the mechanism of Rosseland heat flux and exponential heat source. Similarity theory is used to obtain nonlinear ordinary differential equations (ODEs) from the governing partial differential equations which are solved numerically using bvp5c, a finite difference-based routine in MATLAB. Further, the heat transfer rate is statistically scrutinized for the consequence of magnetic field (Formula presented.), thermal radiation (Formula presented.) and exponential heat source (Formula presented.) by employing Response Surface Methodology (RSM) and sensitivity analysis. The temperature of nanofluid ascends with the exponential heat source, thermal radiation, and thermophoresis aspects. Furthermore, when the MBM is utilised, the thermal field of the nanofluid is greater than when the classic Buongiorno model is used. The rate of heat transfer correlates positively with radiative heat flux. The exponential heat source exhibits a negative sensitivity towards the rate of heat transfer. 2021 Wiley-VCH GmbH -
A Study on Near Proper Coloring of Graphs
An equitable coloring of a graph G is a proper vertex coloring in which the number of vertices in any two color classes are equal or almost equal. In this graph coloring, there is a partition of tasks into subsets which perform at the same time. Equitable coloring play an important role when there is a requirement of dividing a system with binary conand#64258;ict free subsystems with equal or newlinenearly equal elements. The non-availability of sufcient number of colors leads to diand#64256;erent defective coloring problems. An equitable near proper coloring of a graph G is an improper coloring in which the vertex set can be partitioned into k color classes V1, V2, . . . , Vk ; (1 lt k lt and#967;e(G)) such that the number of vertices in any two color classes diand#64256;er by at most one and the resulting monochromatic edges are minimised by restricting the number of color classes that can have adjacency among their own elements. The minimum number of monochromatic newlineedges obtained from an equitable near proper coloring of G is called equitable defective number. This study introduces the notion of equitable near proper coloring of a graph G and investigates the equitable defective number for a few graph classes. In this study, the equitable near proper coloring of various graph classes and derived graphs are discussed, and the corresponding equitable newlinedefective number for any k where 2 and#8804; k and#8804; and#967;e(G) and#8722; 1 is obtained. -
A Study on Nutritional, Biochemical and Pharmacological Property of Punica grantum L.
Biologically active components present in different medicinal plants which protects the human from diseases and allow health benefits. In the present study, the nutritional, biochemical and newlinepharmacological analysis of the different parts of Punica granatum var Bhagwa was done. In the nutritional profiling, dry moisture content was found high in the flower (9.63%) followed by leaf, peel, root, stem and fruit. Ash content was recorded higher in the stem (30%/gm) followed by root, leaf, flower, fruit and peel. Also, the macro and microelements present in different parts of newlineP. granatum var Bhagwa were analyzed. The fruit recorded the highest amount of nitrogen and phosphorus whereas the peel was recorded with more potassium. The phytochemical newlinequantification showed the major content of carbohydrates in the flower (317.96 mg/g) and leaf (315.62 mg/g). The protein in fruit (69 mg/g) and proline in root (19.54 mg/g) were recorded. P. granatum peel was recorded with maximum phenolic and flavonoid content. It showed a high antioxidative response in comparison to other plant parts. This study also aims to explore the use of P. granatum seed oil as a reducing agent for the synthesis of cobalt nanoparticles. These cobalt particles showed a and#955;max at 279.88 nm for UV-visible spectrometry analysis. Furthermore, X-ray Diffraction, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy, Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope and Dynamic Light Scattering were performed to confirm the nature of these nanoparticles. The pharmacological potential of these cobalt oxide nanoparticles was tested against microbial pathogens. The results suggest that these nanoparticles exhibited significant newlineactivity against various human bacterial and fungal pathogens. Additionally, in vitro cytotoxicity analysis of CoONPs had targeted MCF-7 cancer cells with a significant IC50 value compared to non-cancerous cells (L929). This study concluded that Bhagwa variety of P. -
A study on operational efficiency of scheduled commercial banks in India
Banking institutions play an important role in the economic development of the entire nation. Financial services industry is dominated by banking sector. Performance of any economy largely depends on the efficiency of commercial banks. Efficiency of banks depends upon diversified banking system that attracts savings and channelizes them into productive investments to generate income. The strength of the bank depends on newlineefficiency of these operations. Banks need to convert its deposits into loans, advances and investments efficiently. Efficiency in operations results in productivity. Productivity brings in faster economic growth. The cost of these operations should be kept to the minimum in order that they are efficient. With stiff competition that characterises banking industry, the competitive advantage that one bank has over the other depends on various efficiencies. This research attempts to measure the various efficiencies of scheduled commercial banks in India and investigate the factors that influence the same. Review of related newlineLiterature has been carried out to identify the research gap. Scheduled commercial banks in India include public sector banks, private newlinesector banks, foreign banks and regional rural banks. Regional rural banks are excluded from the study. As per the RBI report, currently (as on 31 March 2014) there are 26 public sector banks, 22 private sector newlinebanks and 43 foreign banks. However, this study considers the banks which have existed before, during and after the study period in order to measure the technical and cost efficiency of each bank and compare those efficiencies within the group as well as across the group. Accordingly 25 PSBs, 18 PvSBs and 25 FBs have been considered for the present study. Operational efficiency in this study includes the banks with technical and newlinecost efficiency. Technical efficiency is measured using the primary operating variables like fixed assets, loanable funds, employees, loans and advances and investments. -
A study on optimal portfolio construction with special reference to NSE CNX Nifty pharma index
Portfolio is a process of blending together the broad asset classes so as to obtain optimum return with minimum risk is called portfolio construction. In order to reduce the risk, investors need to diversify, spread their portfolio across a broad mix of assets. Diversifying the portfolio can help smooth out market ups and downs and returns from better performing assets help to offset those that arent performing so well. The present study has empirically examined the portfolio construction with special reference to NSE CNX Nifty Pharma Index. The study applied the Sharpe Single Index model to generate an efficient combination of securities from sample Pharma companies and has come up with a subsequent pattern. The study found that out the sample Pharma companies, Aurobindo Pharma Ltd attracted high risk while Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Ltd experienced the least risk, on the basis of return earned by the companies in the Pharma Index; Aurobindo Pharma Ltd has high return while Lupin Ltd has lowest return. Experimental results have demonstrated the feasible of the investment strategy, portfolio idea and electiveness of the combination assets on the investment strategy. IAEME Publication. -
A study on Organizational Commitment in relation to Job Involvement in the Information Technology Industry
The research is entitled A Study on Organizational Commitment in relation to Job Involvement in the Information Technology Industry. Both Job Involvement and Organizational Commitment are areas of much interest to academicians, researchers, HR practitioners and the industry in its entirety. The last few decades has seen an increased interest in the study of both Organizational Commitment and Job Involvement by academicians and practitioners in a variety of work settings in the hope that it improves job performance and organizational effectiveness, and reduces tardiness, absenteeism and turnover. Organizations are realizing that it is critical to not just attract the right kind of talent but also ensure the retention of their key talent by addressing the problem of retention. Hence the increased focus on areas such as Job Satisfaction, Job Involvement, Organizational Commitment, Human Resource Development, Psychological Contract, Organizational Citizenship Behaviour or OCB, Organizational Development or OD initiatives, Retention strategies, Employee Engagement, etc. Each of these HR activities play a key role in achieving an organization??s strategy, goals, vision and mission. Both Job Involvement and Organizational Commitment have been studied because they are believed to affect and impact organizational performance and effectiveness in addition to clearly predicting other important variables such as absenteeism, turnover, organizational citizenship behaviour, etc. Several studies have indicated organizational commitment to be a better predictor of turnover than job satisfaction. This study, however, is intended to examine the impact of Job Involvement on Organizational Commitment specifically in the IT industry, and also understand the influence of several personal, situational, and organizational characteristics pertaining to Job Involvement on Commitment. The sample considered was 250 IT workers across various levels (right from industry freshers with no work experience whatsoever to Senior Managers with 12 to 15 years of IT experience) and functions in various IT organizations in Bangalore, India. It involved all employees working in IT organizations, including employees in functions such as HR & Training, Administration, Quality, Marketing/Sales and Finance in these organizations. The tools used for the study were (a) Organizational Commitment Questionnaire or OCQ developed by Meyer, Allen and Smith (1993); the internal reliability coefficient (Cronbach??s alpha) was found to be 0.95; and (b) the Lodahl and Kejner Job Involvement Scale (1965); Cronbach??s alpha for the 20-item Job Involvement scale was 0.79. Some of the key findings of this study were: 1. There is a significant relation between Job Involvement and Organizational Commitment of employees in the Indian IT industry 2. There is a significant influence of Job Involvement on Organizational Commitment of employees in the IT industry 3. There is a significant influence of Job Involvement on Affective Commitment of employees in the IT Industry. 4. There is a significant influence of Job Involvement on Normative Commitment of employees in the IT industry. 5. There is a significant influence of Job Involvement on Continuance Commitment of employees in the Indian IT industry 6. There is a significant difference between Organizational Commitment across demographics in the Indian IT industry. The researcher has also discussed the limitations and future research areas on the variables of this study. -
A Study on Organizational Performance related to Employee Attitude and Behavior in the Information Technology Industry, in Bangalore City
The integral part of any management process is to manage the people at work. A well managed organization sees worker as the root cause of quality and productivity. Attitude is a mental position consisting of a feeling, emotion, or opinion evolved in response to an external situation. It can be momentary or can develop into a habitual position that has a long- term influence on an individual's behavior. Employee attitude is the behavior pattern, manners, body language of an employee towards his/her co-workers, colleagues, sub-ordinates, boss etc. It is very much important to keep a good relation between an employee and his/her boss as well as his/her sub-ordinates and co-workers. A good relationship enables an employee to succeed in his/her work field and helps the company to reach up to its goals and maximizes its benefit. In order to be an ideal employee, he/she should be attentive to his/her work. The nature of IT employees job is very time bound, client oriented and technology intensive. The studies have revealed that poor employee attitude and behavior results in poor organizational performance and low outcome also. The study explores the meaning and relationship between employee attitude & behavior and organizational performance of IT employees. The study was carried out with survey instrument, consists of 27 items and completed by 310 employees in the IT industry. The data was gathered and analyzed using Descriptive, Karl Pearsons correlation and ANOVA which revealed interesting factors with organizational performance related to employee attitude and behavior of IT employees across the variables. The review on the related literature in the area of organizational performance and employee attitude and behavior of IT employees studied has provided many insights for the study. It also provided direction in designing the present study. A number of researchers have established the relationship between organizational performance and employee attitude and behavior across various professions mainly in developed countries. Since Bangalore is known as Silicon Valley of India, the attitude and behavior was a major concern among IT employees. Though there were various studies undertaken in the field of employee attitude and behavior, very few researchers have attempted to focus in detail the variables such as job satisfaction, HRM policies, organizational change, and organizational commitment and also with productivity, well being, and absenteeism etc., Having reviewed several studies and having identified the gap, the investigator felt an imperative need to undertake the present investigation. The sample consisted of 310 IT employees from various IT companies in Bangalore respectively. The sample was given representation to both male and female IT employees. Judgment Sampling has been adopted in this study. The purpose of choosing judgment sampling is to exercise judgment or expertise, in choosing the elements to be included in sample because researchers believed that they are representative of the population of interest. Two standard tools were used to measure the variables of the study. The survey questions were drawn from employee attitude and behavior, including Gallie, D, White, M, Cheng, Y and Tomlinson, M (1998); Appelbaum, E., Bailey T., Berg P., and Kalleberg A. 2000 and Wright P.M., and Gardner, T. (2003).and suganya sengupta and her colleagues, 2006. The overall reliability of employee attitude survey was satisfactory. These results suggested that the employee attitude survey is a handy tool for the goal the organization wants to use it for its performance. The major findings of the study were: 1. There is a significant relationship between employee attitude and behavior and organizational performance of IT industry. 2. The employee attitudes are positively related with discretion effort and loyalty negatively related with intention to quit job and job stress. 3. There is a significant difference between gender and the employee attitudes and behavior. The implications of the study will help the organizations to understand the impact of organizational performance related to employee attitude and behavior and its outcome. A famous statement is that a happy worker is a productive worker. This assumes a relation between employees attitude & behavior and organizational performance. -
A Study on Ornated Graphs
In this paper, we introduce the notion of a finite non-simple directed graph called, an ornated graph. An ornated graph is a directed graph on n vertices, denoted by On(sl), whose vertices are consecutively labeled clockwise on the circumference of a circle and constructed from an ordered string sl. Joining vertices is such that for an odd indexed entry at of the string, a tail vertex vi has clockwise heads vj if and only if (i + at) ? j. For an even indexed entry as of the string, a tail vertex vi has anticlockwise heads vj if and only if (i - as) ? j. Some interesting results for certain types of ornated graphs are presented. 2023 World Scientific Publishing Company. -
A Study on Parental and Peer Influence on Adolescent Health Risk Behavior
Adolescents are the future of the country. It is this period that they face several problems as it is a stage of exposure and experimentation. They get exposed to several practices like consumption of alcohol, Drugs, Tobacco and unsafe Sexual practice. These behaviours are often triggered by faulty parenting and bad peer influence. Hence this study is an attempt to know the proneness among adolescents to follow such health risk behaviours and how these behaviours are influenced by parent and peers. The study reveals that about 59% of the adolescents are into one or multiple health risk behaviours and it is parental monitoring and peer modelling which are significantly associated with the overall health risk behaviour.(p value <0.05). When it comes to specific health risk behaviour, we can see a significant association between peer modelling and health risk behaviour. Peer modelling is an influence proved to be there on all the health risk behaviours namely consumption of tobacco, alcohol, drugs and practice of unsafe sex. However it is evident from the study that it is boys who are significantly higher in number than girls with regard to the practice of health risk behaviours. Key Words: Adolescents, Health Risk Behaviour, Parental Influence, Peer Influence -
A study on partial domination in graphs
The theory of domination is one of the most studied fields in graph theory. Many new domination parameters have been defined and studied so far. One such parameter that was introduced in 2017 is partial domination number. For a graph G = (V,E) and for a p ∈ (0,1], a subset S of V(G) is said to partially dominate or p-dominate G if |N[S]| ≥ p|V(G)|. The cardinality of a smallest p-dominating set is called the p-domination number and it is denoted by γp(G). In scenarios wherein domination concepts are applied, partial domination concepts can also be applied with the added advantage of being able to dominate the underlying graph partially, when the need arises. This advantage makes this parameter appear unique amongst most other domination parameters. We present some basic properties of partial dominating sets, some properties related to particular values of p, some properties related to the eccentricity of a p-dominating set, some results in the line of classical domination and characterization of minimal and minimum p-dominating sets. Then we study partial domination in the context of prisms of graphs. We give some bounds for partial domination numbers of prisms of graphs G in terms of partial domination numbers of G for particular values of p. We define universal γp-fixers and universal γp-doublers and we characterize paths, cycles and complete bipartite graphs which are universal γ 1 2 - fixers and universal γ 1 2 - doublers. Then we concentrate on establishing a domination chain in the context of partial
domination, which we call as ‘partial domination chain’. -
A Study on Partial Domination in Graphs
The theory of domination is one of the most studied fields in graph theory. Many new domination parameters have been defined and studied so far. One such parame- ter that was introduced in 2017 is partial domination number. For a graph G = (V, E) and for a p and#8712; (0, 1], a subset S of V (G) is said to partially dominate or p-dominate G if |N[S]| and#8805; p|V (G)|. The cardinality of a smallest p-dominating set is called the p-domination number and it is denoted by and#947;p(G). In scenarios wherein domination con-cepts are applied, partial domination concepts can also be applied with the added ad-vantage of being able to dominate the underlying graph partially, when the need arises. This advantage makes this parameter appear unique amongst most other domination parameters. We present some basic properties of partial dominating sets, some prop- erties related to particular values of p, some properties related to the eccentricity of a p-dominating set, some results in the line of classical domination and characterization of minimal and minimum p-dominating sets. Then we study partial domination in the con-text of prisms of graphs. We give some bounds for partial domination numbers of prisms of graphs G in terms of partial domination numbers of G for particular values of p. We define universal and#947;p-fixers and universal and#947;p-doublers and we characterize paths, cycles and complete bipartite graphs which are universal and#947;1 2 - fixers and universal and#947;1 2 - dou- blers. Then we concentrate on establishing a domination chain in the context of partial domination, which we call as partial domination chain . For this, we defined indepen-dent partial domination number (IPD-number), found exact values of IPD-numbers for some classes of graphs, found bounds for IPD-numbers in terms of independent domi-nation number and some relations between the independent partial dominating sets and the independent dominating sets. -
A study on police personnels perception about causes for stress and frequency of stress occurrence
This paper states that Police Personnels Perception about causes for Occupational stress like organizational context (goals and objectives), organizational structure (size, degree of centralization), organizational processes (leadership style, decision making etc.), nature of work (shifts etc.) and physical environment (employee safety, rewards etc.) constitute the dimensions of the climate.This study is a descriptive one and it reveals the facts which are already exist. This report is about the policeconstables where it is in Tuticorin district, South part of Tamilnadu. This study focused on52 police stationswhichare divided into eight sub divisions and 600samples collected from three differentgrades of police constables. Police stress inventory (PSI) used to measure the level ofoccupational stress. Appropriate statistical tool was used for data analysis. According to theresults most of the police constables experienced more stress. Female constables facehigh stress compare with male police constables. This study concludes most of the constables areunder medium level stress group and results shows a significant difference between occupationalstressorganizational context (goals and objectives), organizational structure (size, degree of centralization), organizational processes (leadership style, decision making etc.), nature of work (shifts etc.) and physical environment (employee safety, rewards etc.). 2020 SERSC. -
A Study on Popular Naga Cuisine and Its Representation on Instagram
Food is a very sensitive topic as it is the representation of culture that shapes identity such that any flaw in representation could result in identity confusion or identity clashes. Food culture and its meaning varies from one culture to another. Also, very often one will notice that a cuisine which is a delicacy for a community could be a taboo or unacceptable for the other. India is known for its rich diverse culture, which includes geography, lifestyle, food habits, biodiversity and more. It is commonly seen that dominant food are often presented as the national cuisine while relegating others to the margins or erasing them altogether. A society is dynamic in nature, which goes through constant social issues too. But while the society strives to solve or seek for a solution to the conventionally defined social problem it fails to count in the misrepresentation of food culture as an issue that results in identity crisis. The dependency on media has increased tremendously such that a personal opinion and views about a subject are shaped by the sources that are readily available at their convenience in the form of social media. Today the concept of food gram that is the combination of Food and Instagram is a very popular trend among netizen. Instagram is an online photo-video sharing application where popularly in these context users post food images of what they eat, with whom and where. Whereas for professional based account it is seen as a marketing forum. The representation of food culture on social media is seen as an advantage and a challenge. The food culture of the Naga Tribes of Nagaland, Northeast, is the core of the study. It aims to understand the dominant tribal representation of Naga food and seek to understand how these representations on Instagram shape perceptions about the Naga population. The researcher has adopted a theoretical framework of Representation and Semiotics. A triangulation method approach has been applied for the study in analyzing Instagram post that is hash tagged, #nagacuisine from the month of July and August 2018. How Instagram as a medium represent Naga food and how it shapes an identity for the Naga population is what this study will seek to understand.