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A Study of Learning Organization in Relation to Organizational Culture and Motivators in Medical Transcription Industry
In a world driven by knowledge, skilled human resources constitute a key success factor for the growth and development of any country. The concept of the learning organization has gained increasing currency in the management literature. Medical Transcription Industry being a major sector which not only demands knowledgeable workers but also applicability of knowledge, this concept has not received much attention in Medical Transcription Industry. Since Medical Transcription Industry is one of the entities designed to create, utilize, retain and disseminate knowledge, the concept of learning organization has to be explored in the context. This research firstly examines which dimension of learning organization influences more in successful implementation of learning organization. Secondly, this study examines the relationship between learning organization and organizational culture as well as between learning organization and motivators. Finally, study examines the influence of each dimension of organizational culture as well as motivators on learning organization This study was conducted in the Medical Transcription Industry with 200 respondents using convenient sampling. A reliable and valid instrument was used to collect data. Results of Pearson Correlation and linear regression showed that shared vision dimension of the learning organization influences more in successful implementation of learning organization followed by information flow. Study also shows that there is significant relationship between learning organization as well as organizational culture and also between learning organization and motivators. Research also shows that there is more influence of entrepreneurial culture on learning organization than any other cultures. It also signifies that intrinsic motivators have more influence on learning organization as compared with extrinsic motivators. KEY WORDS: Learning Organization, Organizational culture, Autocratic culture, Bureaucratic culture, Technocratic culture, Entrepreneurial culture, Intrinsic Motivators, Extrinsic Motivators, Medical Transcription Industry. -
In this dissertation, we study the condition required for a graph of semi-prime size to have a Sn decomposition. We have considered the simplest cases with the semi-prime value as 15, which is the product of 3 and 5; graph being a tree; and S4 decomposition is considered. Any graph can be decomposed into subgraphs, but the subgraphs obtained after decomposition need not be isomorphic to each other. We discuss, under what conditions can a tree of size 15 be decomposed such that all the subgraphs obtained is isomorphic to S4. -
Children grow up watching cartoons. Animated characters live in our minds, entertaining us as well as creating a fictional world in our minds. Various cartoons have been made in India based on Indian cultural background such as Amar Chitra Katha, Shri Krishna, Vikram Betal and so on. The aim of this study is to find out whether it is possible to educate children regarding culture through the medium of cartoons. This study also attempts to find out which cartoon based on Indian culture is most preferred by children and why. In addition, this study tries to analyze the benefits that children gain by watching cartoons based on Indian culture, the effects they create on children studying in second, third and fourth standard and also tries the kind of image of Indian culture generated through these cartoons. The preferred method for research is Quantitative analysis including questionnaires and the preferred sample size is 120 children from Bangalore. -
Brand Identities and Facebook: A Content Analysis of Photographs and Comments on Brand Pages on Facebook
Construction of a brand image using different forms of media has become one of the crucial factors of branding today. The social media is a promising tool to promote ideas to a wider audience, thus it becomes vital for advertising bodies to understand the petite nuances of the medium. This study looks at the role, the profile photos and the cover photos play in the process of identity construction of a brand on Facebook. The Facebook comments are designed in such a way that there are multiple access options to them. The study was conducted on leading brand pages to look for the ways in which the message was decoded in the form of comments. These comments were categorized into different positions of the encoding and decoding theory and were also analyzed for the appeals of rhetoric. The study showed the balance in the comments that are for and against the brand ideology. The study also shows the presence of too much noise in the comments which have no role to play in the brands identities. -
Film depicts various instances and situations pertaining to reality. The particular dissertation is a study to know about the representation of friendship in Hindi movies. The content of the film have been studied and analysed to the portrayal of friendship in the movies and also how it is associated with the people in reality. The study has also analysed the social and other issues prevailing in the society with relation to the friendship shown in the film. It tries to analyse different situations and issues which affects friends and their friendship, shown in the films -
Indian telecom market is one of the fastest growing markets and is forecasted to reach 9.2 million users by mid of 2012. India has seen rapid increase in the number of players which has caused the tariff rates to hit an all time low and with the introduction of MNP, the mobile users has an option of changing the service provider without changing the number. The availability of Mobile Number Portability to subscriber has intensified the competition among service providers in order to retain the existing customer base and to gain from other operators, which has led to attractive schemes or offers or packages to the end users. This shows satisfaction has become a major influence on switching behavior and only those mobile operators who satisfy the needs of the users at affordable cost can prevail. The study examines the impact of MNP on customer demographics in determining the switching behavior. The data gathered was through a survey and the sample size was 203. The variables considered for the study were customer demographics, satisfaction, tariff, customer care. Independent students t test and chi-square were used to analyze the data to examine the impact of switch propensity for each demographic variable. Research findings suggest that different groups have different switching behavior. Age, gender, marital status and brand have significant dependency on those who switch and there is significant difference on age with regard to VAS, network quality; education and monthly income on low international tariff; marital status on network quality. The study also reveals that call rates play the most important role in switching the service provider followed by network coverage and value added service respectively. It is found that there is a relation between switching the demographic variables. More number of young mobile users prefers mobile number portability. Airtel and Idea Cellular emerged as most preferred mobile service operators in terms of MNP. Both continue to gain customers from other service providers. As per the study BSNL was the biggest loser in terms of MNP. It was also observed that post paid customer prefer MNP over prepaid. Keywords ?? MNP, Prepaid, Postpaid, Switching Behavior, Demographics, VAS, Tariff. -
The Role of Gender in the Experience of Intimacy: Narratives of Young Married Couples
Intimacy is a phenomenon in human relationships that usually develops in the context most love relationships. Gender refers to the social categories of men and women. The two are interwoven with each other and influence each other. Gender roles dictate how men and women should experience and express intimacy. This research study focuses on the gender differences in the experience of intimacy. Data was collected using a semi-structured interview and the narratives of were analysed to identify themes that indicated commonalities in the experience of intimacy for men and women. However, differences in the experience of intimacy for men and women were also identified. Another focus of the study on the experience of intimacy is the gender differences after the birth of children. Gender differences were identified in the experience of intimacy after the birth of children. The findings also indicated that with the progression of time, marital relationships change from an emphasis on physical experience and expression of intimacy during the initial stages to an emotional emphasis with increase in familiarity between them and the birth of children. Keywords: Intimacy, Parenthood, Gender -
Measuring Student Satisfaction: Services Provided by Higher Educational Institutions
The changing scenario in education has started to consider student as a customer (Zaiiri, 1995; Hill, 1995; Elliot & Healy 2001; Rowley, 2003; Sakthivel et al, 2005). As the students are the major customer of educational institution, it is important to consider students (customers) satisfaction. This study aims to contribute to the literature by indentifying the components of students` satisfaction with service provided by educational institutions. The components of student satisfaction were identified by conducting interviews with subject matter experts (N=10) and students (N=15) studying bachelor degree in arts, science and commerce in various public and private college in Bangalore. Based on the result of explorative study, the student satisfaction scale was developed with 76 items. This scale was used to collect data from 800 college students. The explorative factor analysis was used to explore factors of student satisfaction and was found that all the items measured single construct ?? student satisfaction. The reliability and validity of the scale was developed. The paper concludes discussing theoretical and academic implications, limitation and future research direction. Keywords: students` satisfaction, expectation disconfirmation theory, scale development and validation -
An Empirical Study on the psychographic factors influencing financial decisions of informed individual investors, with special reference to Bangalore financial market
Behavioural finance has been emerging as a significant discipline in academia as it speaks about the irrational behaviour of investors. Behavioural finance is the combination of classic economics and finance with psychology and decision making sciences. It is the study of how investors systematically make errors in judgment, or mental mistakes.Specifically, behavioral finance has two blocks: cognitive psychology and the limits to arbitrage. Cognitive refers to how people think. There is a huge psychology literature documenting that people make systematic errors in the way they think: they are over confident they put too much weight on recent experience etc. Their preference may also create distortions. Behavioural finance uses this body of knowledge, rather than taking arrogant approach that it should be ignored. Limits to arbitrage refer to in what circumstances arbitrage force will be effective, and they wont be. An Empirical Study on the psychographic factors influencing financial decisions of informed individual investors, with special reference to Bangalore financial market, has done with the objective of identifying the effect of three major anomalies namely over confidence, fear of loss, and effect of information and media and relationship of age and fear of loss on the investment decisions. Primary Data collection has been done with the help of questionnaire and had a sample size of 242. The above three aspects have studied and proved using various statistical tools like chi square, one sample t test, ANOVA and correlation. From the study it was proved that investors are overconfident but at the same time there is high fear of loss as well. Study shows that effect of information and news stories plays a major role in investment decisions. Age and fear of loss also have a significant relationship. Only 3 Anomalies has been considered for the study, considering the remaining will give further scope of research. -
A Study on Index Futures and Index Options in India with Special Reference to NSE S&P CNX NIFTY
The surfacing and growth of derivative market in India is a recent observable fact. Since the introduction, the derivative market has been showing a dramatic growth in terms of both trading volume and number of contracts. This market helps different participants or economic agents to hedge themselves alongside uncertainties arise out of highly volatile market conditions. It is evident that the growth of trading on indices is massive for the last 5 years i.e, from 2008 to till date. This study tries to make an in-depth revise on Index Derivatives -Index Futures and Index Options, market in India and the reason behind the growing popularity of trading on indices with special reference to NSE S&P CNX Nifty. Since volatility is a part of derivative market and has a major effect in derivative market fluctuations, this paper attempts to study the volatility of Index derivatives over a period of time in NSE India. This study also aims to understand the historical background and growth of Index derivative market in India. The study covers the period of eleven years spread over from 2000 to 2011. Lastly, for the better understanding of the trend, future prospects and latest innovations in this market, different participants of Indian index derivative market are interviewed. In chapter one, the study presents an overview of Indian derivative market, the history of Index derivative market, various participants of derivative market, types and application of derivative products and theories and principles associated with these financial instruments. It also talks about the economic benefits of derivatives to the nation. Chapter two consists of literature related to the current study. It talks about various views about derivative market, the impact of derivative products especially index futures and index options to the market and economy. It also points out the volatility aspect of the derivative market, suggestions to improve the market etc Chapter three discusses about the research methodology for the study. It consists of statement of the problem, objectives of the study, data collection analysis and interpretation and limitations of the study. Chapter four discusses the research problem with different statistical analysis and measurement. It also talks about the findings of the study. Various statistical tools were used for the study like One Sample t-test, GARCH, EGARCH etc this chapter also does a historical and trend analysis of the derivative market in India for period ranging from 2000 to 2012. Chapter five is about the findings, suggestions and conclusion of this study. Keywords: Index Futures, Index Options, Volatility, Trading Volume, Open Interest -
Antecedents and Consequences of Green Marketing Orientation in Automobile Industry : A Customer-Based Corporate Reputation Mediation Model
This dissertation presents a study that explores the influence of social cost and green innovation on environmental justice and their impact on green marketing. It also examines the role of customer-based corporate reputation as a mediator between customer cost-benefit (CCB) and customer loyalty. The research was conducted using a sample of 382 hybrid and electric vehicle owners in three major cities in India. The findings indicate that green innovation, social cost, and environmental justice significantly contribute to green marketing orientation. Moreover, green marketing orientation positively affects corporate reputation, which subsequently enhances customer loyalty and purchase intention. The study underscores the significance of implementing newlinesustainable and responsible business practices and developing effective green marketing strategies to gain a competitive edge in environmentally conscious markets. newlineThe outcomes of this study have practical implications for automobile companies, newlineoffering insights on how to enhance corporate reputation and customer loyalty through green newlinemarketing strategies. Additionally, future research may explore the moderating effects of cultural and contextual factors on the relationship between antecedents, green marketing orientation, and desired outcomes. newlineOverall, this research contributes to the existing body of knowledge on green newlinemarketing and corporate reputation. It emphasizes the need for automobile companies to adopt a more sustainable and responsible approach in their business practices, aligning with the growing environmental concerns and expectations of consumers. -
Newspapers have been the primary source of information in the Indian sub-continent for decades. They often reflect how the nation is progressing and the information carried by them educates the readers. India and China are emerging super-powers and being neighbours neither of them can afford to ignore the other. A newspaper is expected to report objectively, regardless of the political relationship a nation shares with its neighbour. The research aims to see how Indo-China relations are reflected in the largest selling English daily newspaper in India, The Times of India. -
This work investigates the price discovery, causality, conditional volatility and forecasting in S&P CNX Nifty spot Market returns and S&P CNX Nifty Future Market Returns. The overall data study is classified into In-sample and Out-sample observations and the research work has been carried out by using the daily data from 1st January 2001 to Dec 31st 2011. The Out-sample analysis is carried on from 1st Jan 2011 to 31st Dec 2011. The dataset for the above analysis was retrieved from The research also refines down with long term and short term dynamics of prices between spot and futures market by using various forecasting models such as Root Mean Square Error, Mean Absolute Error, Theil??s Inequality U test etc for Out- sample observation. Apart from this, the In-sample analysis has been carried out by Market Model, Johansen Cointegration test, Granger Causality test, Vector Error Correlation Model and GARCH Model. The results of the above tests indicate futures become the base for building up the spot, the causality tests and response analysis function indicate that future prices tend to discover new information more rapidly than spot, and the hence this will indicate more accurate forecasts of spot prices but not the spot to future and this price discovery function of futures prices has strengthened of homogenous structure of Index over recent years and it is disseminated in price discovery and risk management functions Keywords: Price Discovery, NSE, Volatility, GARCH, Cointegration, VECM JEL Classification: C22, C32, F47, G11 -
Influence of Parenting Style on Loneliness in Young Children
This study aimed to understand the influence of parenting style on loneliness in young children. The sample consisted of 60 children among which 30 are lonely and 30 nonlonely children. 30 parents and 15 teachers of the lonely children were also selected for the in-depth interview. Purposive sampling technique was used to obtain the sample. The study uses Childrens loneliness questionnaire to identify children who are lonely and a structured interview to gather data from parents and teachers regarding their perception of childs loneliness. Chi square was used to identify the parenting style of the lonely children. Following an exploratory analysis of the data obtained, it was found that a considerable number of children feel lonely at very young age. The present study also found positive relationship between parenting style and childs feelings of loneliness. The result shows the evidence that loneliness is prevalent among children in this generation but the amount of awareness parents and teachers have about this issue is very low. This could be because of perception among parents and teachers that children of younger age do not experience loneliness. -
The concept of Self-esteem appeals are considerably new in advertising, they are used in the advertisement to increase the buying and selling for products that are meant for women. The advertisers increase the demand of their products, with a particular target audience they pioneer ideas that will psychologically stimulate a strong feeling which will lead to a strong emotion that make them purchase the product or least take a good notice of the product addressed. The study aims to analyse the effectiveness of the advertisements that are made for products that are specially meant for the women, to find how these products affect the attitude towards looking at the product and themselves. And also to look into how the consumers recall the brand that uses a lot of self esteem appeal in them. -
In most of the developing countries education among women has been accorded a low priority. The norms of gender behaviour and the perceived domestic and reproductive role of women which was remarkable stable over a period of time have adversely affected the womens education. In addition, forces like negative social attitude, prejudices, restrictions and beliefs also contributed to keep women out of education field. The only goal placed before a woman was to train themselves to be good housewives. It was only after Independence that female education gained importance and led to changing traditional attitudes within family and the society. However, the fact that one amongst the major and fundamental problem for women in India is the high percentage (75%) of illiteracy. A considerable literacy gap still exists between men and women even after 65 years from Independence. As a result, women have been exploited and deprived of their rights and prevented from the process of empowerment. In Indian society, gender bias is compounded by discrimination and prevents women from receiving the education, access to training, health services and so on. Hence, it is imperative to study the educational status of women with respect to the factors contributing and to assess the level of empowerment on some selected domains as a result of education that they pursued. The present study is one amongst such modest attempts to understand the interrelationship between education and empowerment among women, particularly in rural areas. A total of 170 women from Dimbala of Kolar District in Karnataka were selected. All they were approached with the help of a Structured Interview Schedule. Generalization arrived through the study has been discussed in this Dissertation along with some important findings to find the possible means to empower women through education. -
The study is in motivation in relation to work engagement of sales personnel in telecom industry. Motivation is the Internal and external factors that stimulate desire and energy in people to be continually interested in and committed to a job, role, or subject, and to exert persistent effort in attaining a goal. Workengagement is defined as a positive, fulfilling, work-related state of mind that is characterized by vigor, dedication, and absorption. Vigor is characterized by high levels of energy and mental resilience while working, the willingness to invest effort in one??s work, and persistence even in the face of difficulties; dedication by being strongly involved in one's work, and experiencing a sense of significance, enthusiasm, inspiration, pride, and challenge; and absorption by being fully concentrated and happily engrossed in one??s work, whereby time passes quickly and one has difficulties with detaching oneself from work. When you don't have the motivation to do your work, you will either eventually get fired or you will not likely get promoted and will stay where you are for a long time. If you are the supervisor or the owner, a lack of motivation throughout your company can create a rather unproductive workplace. This will lead to loss of sales, profits, and market share. In this case, it's important to do what it takes to create an environment where people naturally want to do their work. The importance of employee motivation shouldn't be taken lightly here. The company's survival depends on it. Modern organizations need energetic and dedicated employees: people who are engaged with their work. These organizations expect proactively, initiative and responsibility for personal development from their employees. Overall, engaged employees are fully involved in, and enthusiastic about their work. The hypotheses of the study were (a) The interaction effect between MPS and CPS does not significantly influence the personnel outcomes of sales professionals in telecom industry. (b) The interaction effect between work engagement and CPS does not significantly moderate the personnel outcomes of sales professionals in telecom industry.(c) There is no significant difference in demographics in work engagement across demographics. The review of related literature in the area of motivation and work engagement provided the researcher valuable inputs, perspective, insights and direction in understanding these factors and designing this study. The researcher has attempted to seriously and systematically undertake the present investigation. There are two research models; these two models were tested using the statistical technique hierarchical regression model. These two models were framed based on the job diagnostic model of Hackman and Oldham (1974) and Job resource model of Bakker and Demerouti (2010). The research methodology adopted for the study was surveying of 359 sales employees in different telecom industries using structured questionnaires. The independent variable of this study were Motivation(core job dimensions, critical psychological states, personnel outcomes).The dependent variable is work engagement(vigor, dedication, absorption) and the demographic variables are, age, work experience, marital status, and gender. The major findings of the study were: 1.There is a positive significant correlation between critical psychological states and motivation potential score. Critical psychological states promote high performance motivation and satisfaction at work. 2.The interaction effect between MPS and CPS significantly moderate the personnel outcomes of sales professionals in telecom industry. 3.The interaction effect between work engagement and Critical Psychological State significantly moderate the personnel outcomes of sales professionals in telecom industry. 4.Work engagement significantly influences the outcomes. 5.Age and marital status has a significant influence on work engagement. The concept of motivation and work engagement is gaining importance across every organization. This study aims at helping Telecom organizations to build more effective policies with respect to motivation and work engagement .By offering effective policies and encouraging employees to make use of available policies and programmes the organization will in turn be increasing the employee??s level of satisfaction and also commitment towards the organization. This will help the organization retain its best people or talent. -
Narration of Self in the Autobiographies of Augustine of Hippo and Teresa of Avila
This dissertation is a study of narration of self in the autobiographies of Augustine of Hippo and Teresa of Avila. Confessions, the autobiography of Augustine of Hippo, is considered the first organized spiritual autobiography in the Western Europe and The Life of Teresa of Jesus measured as the first spiritual autobiography among women. In the main argument I propose that the self narrated in Confessions is a confessional self and the self narrated in The Life of Teresa of Jesus is an inquisitional self. According to Christian tradition confession is the disclosure of sins to a priest and acknowledging and praising the Holiness of God for his mercy towards a sinful man. In Confessions, Augustine makes a confession to God, to himself, and to the human kind. Augustine narrates a confessional self because all throughout the text we observe a total surrendering of his sins and flaws to God without any justification or argument similar to a confession. The self narrated by Teresa in The Life of Teresa of Jesus, I argue, is an inquisitional self. It is because Teresa has written the autobiography by the command of her confessors. Teresas vision and spiritual ecstasies made a contradiction in the church and predicted that it was from devil. In order to prove the reality and truth it was necessary to submit her life history to the judicial court, which was established as an inquisitional court. Therefore her confessors asked her to write her life story only with the explanation of spiritual favours she received. She was forced to write a life story with many restrictions. Consequently the self narrated in The Life of Teresa of Jesus became an inquisitional self where she hides many incidents of the real life.