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The diffuse radiation field at high galactic latitudes /
The Astrophysical Journal, Vol.858, Issue 2, pp.1-9, ISSN No: 1538-4357. -
The Diffuse Radiation Field at High Galactic Latitudes
We have used GALEX observations of the north and south Galactic poles to study the diffuse ultraviolet background at locations where the Galactic light is expected to be at a minimum. We find offsets of 230-290 photon units in the far-UV (1531 and 480-580 photon units in the near-UV (2361 . Of this, approximately 120 photon units can be ascribed to dust-scattered light and another 110 photon units (190 in the near-UV) to extragalactic radiation. The remaining radiation is, as yet, unidentified and amounts to 120-180 photon units in the far-UV and 300-400 photon units in the near-UV. We find that molecular hydrogen fluorescence contributes to the far-UV when the 100 ?m surface brightness is greater than 1.08 MJy sr-1. 2018. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved. -
The Difference is in the Details: Attachment and Cross-Species Parenting in the United States and India
The purpose of the current research was to explore changes in Indian attitudes and practices with pet dogs and cats and compare them with responses from the United States. Pet parenting, defined as the investment of money, emotion, and time in companion animals, is a form of alloparental care (care given by someone other than the offsprings biological parents). Pet parenting appears to emerge in cultures that (1) demonstrate high rates of urbanization, (2) have declining total fertility rates (average births per woman), and (3) support life orientations beyond reproduction (collectively called the second demographic transition). A total of 1,417 respondents (US, n = 991; India, n = 426) completed online surveys (one in each country) to compare demographic profiles, attachment (as measured by the Lexington Attachment to Pets Scale [LAPS]), and companion animal caretaking behaviors in each culture. Mann-Whitney U tests were used to compare Indian and United States populations on the LAPS and caretaking behaviors (titled CARES in our study). Our findings document the emergence of pet parenting in India with many similarities to the United States. However, cultural variations in how these societies engage with nonhuman animals result in nuanced differences. For example, when reporting terms used to refer to themselves (e.g., Mom/Dad, friend, owner) and their companion animals (e.g., kids, pet, animal), United States respondents were more likely to code switch to less familial terms when speaking to coworkers and strangers. Additionally, Indian respondents reported higher agreement with all three LAPS scales, and they also reported higher frequency of behaviors related to Affective Responsiveness and General Care. Both cultures reported a moderately high frequency of Training and Play, with the United States respondents reporting slightly more training than Indians. These differences suggest that philosophical disparities exist between the United States and India, shaping the practice of pet parenting. We suggest continued, cross-cultural investigation of changing norms surrounding companion animals and the emergence of pet parenting. 2021 International Society for Anthrozoology (ISAZ). -
The dharma of Kama: Kamasra's morality of integrated Purusartha
[No abstract available] -
The Development of Structured Tele Based Medicine Concept Using Programmable System
In the medical field, clinics and hospitals frequently use dispersed applications like telediagnosis. These apps must nevertheless provide information security in order to properly transit security measures like firewalls and proxies. The User Datagram Protocol (UDP) is often recommended for videoconferencing applications because of its low latency; nevertheless, security problems occur when UDP tries to pass through firewalls and proxies without a specified set of fixed ports. In order to overcome these obstacles, this study presents a revolutionary platform that uses Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) rather of UDP: VAGABOND, which stands for 'Video Adaptation framework, across security gateways, based on transcription,' Adaptation Proxies (APs) that are designed to accommodate user preferences, device variations, and dynamic changes in network capacity comprise VAGABOND. This platform's versatility at the user and network levels guarantees seamless operation in a range of scenarios. VAGABOND uses a binomial probability distribution to start making adaptation decisions. This distribution is formed from the retention of video packets inside a certain time period. VAGABOND gets beyond firewall and proxy constraints by using ordinary TCP ports (like 80 or 443) to provide videoconferencing data via TCP. But even though TCP is a dependable transport protocol, it can occasionally have latency and socket timeout problems. VAGABOND has clever adaptation techniques to deal with these problems and ensure smooth data transfer. 2024 IEEE. -
The Development of ID System for Detecting Attacks in WSN Through Ontology Method and its Strategy
Cybercriminals are becoming increasingly targeted by the rapid expansion of the Internet of Things (IoT), leading to an increase in cyberattacks targeting IoT devices and their communication channels These attacks, if failure to detect may result in significant service disruption, financial loss or damage to sensitive data. Real-time intrusion detection is essential to ensure reliability, security and profitability of IoT applications. This study introduces a new intrusion detection system designed for IoT devices that uses deep learning (DL). Utilizing ontology in wireless sensor networks (WSN), this intelligent system detects suspicious activities that pose a threat to connected IoT devices with configuration-neutral design provides ease of use, while the test performance analysis is simulated and real-world. It highlights its strong performance in determining admissions. The effectiveness of the system against many types of attacks such as denial of service, workholes, blackholes, opportunistic service attacks, etc. is confirmed by experimental research and furthermore, the system achieves F1 scores, accuracy and the number of memories. This advanced deep learning intrusion detection system shows great promise to improve IoT network security due to its high detection rate. 2024 IEEE. -
The development and validation of digital amnesia scale
The usage of digital devices has increased rapidly in recent times due to the expansion of online learning platforms, leading to greater reliance on them. As a result, people forget simple information, dates, and appointments that might lead to digital amnesia. Hence, we aimed to develop and validate a digital amnesia scale (DAS). The study was carried out in two studies. In the first study, we collected data from 616 college students to examine the factor structure of the model and its underlying dimensions for a large pool of items. These analyses showed that the scale formed a three-dimensional structure: digital distraction, digital dependency, and digital detox. In the second study, we collected data from 383 college students to confirm the three-factor structure of the DAS. A satisfactory level of reliability was demonstrated by McDonalds ? value for the dimensions. The testretest reliability was found to be 0.76. The DAS had satisfactory convergent and discriminant validity. This scale could be useful for both researchers and educators to assess digital amnesia among college students. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2024. -
The development and primary validation of employee green behavior scale
Purpose: The increasing adverse impact of human behavior toward the environment has brought in changes in research focus on environmental behavior toward the workplace. Because the employee spends one-third of his day in his workplace, the initiatives taken by the employee also have an impact on the companys environmental stance. Therefore, the researchers gradually focus on employee green behavior (EGB) and its measurement. The study aims to devise a tool for measuring EGB. Design/methodology/approach: Two studies were carried out using the survey method using the purposive sampling technique. The data were collected (Studies 1 and 2) from managers and supervisors working in manufacturing companies located in Kolkata, India. Findings: The first study was done to extract the principal factors using an initial 30 items (N = 220). The result of the principal component analysis shows the emergence of three factors spread over 20 items with loadings above 0.40. The 20-item scale was again administered on managers and supervisors (N = 243). The second study was carried out to examine the convergent and discriminant validity as well as stability of the tool through confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) (N = 243). The result of CFA showed the presence of 16 items spread through three factors: practice and policy, digital use and recycle and reuse. Multiple fit indices support a three-factor model of the 16-item EGB scale. Research limitations/implications: The scale would be a good measure of EGB and can be used for further research. The EGB scale is a composite scale containing three major dimensions that can be used as a complete measure of EGB. Originality/value: The present research aims to fill the current gap by building a comprehensive tool for measuring EGB. The present scale has also addressed the shortcoming of the previous scale and tried to include varied proenvironmental behaviors exhibited in the workplace. 2024, Emerald Publishing Limited. -
The Development and Feasibility of A Self-Efficacy and Self-Esteem Based Intervention on Music Performance Anxiety Among Majors
Music Performance Anxiety (MPA) has been seen to adversely affect a student s goal-setting with respect to careers in music. Two variables that are closely related to the development and maintenance of MPA are self-efficacy and self-esteem of the student. The aim of this research is to present the experiences of students with MPA and the feasibility of an intervention to help reduce MPA among music majors while focusing on building their self-esteem and self-efficacy. The study followed a mixed method, exploratory sequential design. Ten participants were recruited for the newlinequalitative phase and were interviewed using a phenomenological approach. Data from these interviews were analysed using Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis. Themes that were found in the qualitative phase such as blocks growth of performer , Fear of judgment , lacking confidence in skills , comparison with peers , need for appreciation , pointed toward the need to build self-efficacy and self-esteem among the performers. The themes from this analysis were then used, along with previous research evidence to develop a self-esteem and self-efficacy based intervention. A quasi-experimental design was used to carry out and assess the feasibility of this intervention. The intervention lasted for eight sessions, where the experimental group took part in these sessions that consisted of both theoretical and practical components, which lasted for one hour each. The control group on the other hand did not receive any treatment and were not a part of any of these sessions either. The experimental group that consisted of 13 participants and the control group that consisted of 12 participants were assessed on their MPA, Musical Self-Efficacy and Musical Self-Esteem levels at the start of eight weeks and then at the end of eight newlineweeks. The scale used to assess these variable were the K-MPAI (Kenny, 2009), the newlineMusical Self-efficacy scale (Ritchie and Williamon, 2010), and the Self-esteem of newlinemusic ability scale (Schmitt, 1979) respectively. -
The Design of Driver Fatigue Detection Based on Eye Blinking and Mouth Yawing
In modern era, the Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) is very essential for the betterment of transport management, autonomous vehicles and especially for safe driving. The statistics suggest that the major severe accidents occur because of drivers drowsiness. The main objective of this work is to give the alert alarm when the driver is falling asleep. In the proposed study, the driver's face is detected using the Viola Jones algorithm, and a novel approach to detecting eye blinks using template matching and a similarity measure. For effective eye tracking, the normalized correlation coefficient is calculated. The correlation score is used to identify eye blinks since a blink causes a significant change in the correlation score. In tracking of mouth yawing finding the darkest region between the lips. The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2024. -
The design and analysis of helical cross - Axis wind turbine
Environmental conditions such as high turbulence, low wind speed, and persistent changes in oncoming wind direction can minimize the performance of a horizontal axis wind turbine (HAWT). Some specific vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT) designs can work fine in these rare functioning conditions but still, they pose an occasional power coefficient. So a unique design of a helical cross-axis wind turbine (HCAWT) was modeled which will operate under multiple wind directions such as horizontal wind stream and vertical wind stream from the underside of the turbine. The HCAWT consists of three helical vertical blades and six horizontal blades arranged in cross-axis orientation for enhancing its performance and self-starting behavior. The obtained analysis study results show that the power generated by the HCWAT was improved when compared to the Straight-Bladed VAWT. Both the turbines were placed at height of 100, 150, 200 & 250?mm in the simulation study, coefficient of power (Cp) achieved by HCAWT was 0.43, 0.52, 0.48, and 0.51 at an RPM of 554, 512, 474 and 449 respectively whereas in the case of Straight-Bladed VAWT was 0.15, 0.18, 0.13 and 0.23 at an RPM of 179, 189, 212 and 233 were obtained. 2022 Author(s). -
The decision making of business travellers in selecting online travel portals for travel booking: An empirical study of Delhi national capital region, India
The purpose of this paper is to understand the decision making pattern of the Business Travellers in Delhi National Capital Region in India while booking their trips through Online Travel Portals. The study revolves around purchase decision pattern of Business Travellers by investigating their travel decision making style in selecting online travel portals for their trip booking. The authors have adopted the quantitative methodology to achieve the objective of the study. The study is confined purely to the Business Travellers who book their travel through online travel portals. The data was collected through a structured questionnaire. 300 Business Travellers were interviewed at the departure lounge of Indira Gandhi International Airport, New Delhi, India out of which 150 questionnaires were incomplete in many respects and could not be used and only 150 questionnaires were usable resulting in the response rate of 50%. The Analytical Hierarchy process method was adopted to analyze the relative weights assigned by Business Travellers. The present study identifies through literature review the nine fundamental values of internet purchase i.e. product quality, cost, time to receive the product, convenience, time spent, confidentiality, shopping enjoyment, security and environmental impact. The research findings indicate that business travellers value confidentiality, security and product quality the most while choosing the Online Travel Portal to book their trip. The study is primarily centered on the consumer typology approach to study the decision making patterns of business travellers whereas there are other variables such as lifestyle, personality, attitude which can also be investigated. The study is only restricted to Business Travellers decision making pattern pertaining to their travel booking whereas a study can also be undertaken on leisure travellers decision making pattern. The study is restricted to only Delhi National Capital Region. More studies can be carried out in other geographical areas. The findings of the study indicate that Business Travel is one of the emerging travel segments both in terms of numbers and revenue generation and to meet the changing needs of the business travellers the Online Travel Portals need to develop innovative and effective marketing strategies and tools. India is one of the fastest growing economies and has registered its presence in the global scenario. Business Travel segment is still unexplored. The study was conducted keeping in mind the burgeoning business travel segment. The study explores the factors that the business travellers considers while selecting online travel portals for travel product purchase. 2018 Editura Universitatii din Oradea. All Rights Reserved. -
The dark side of technology-enabled teaching: Impact of technostress on student performance
This study validates an instrument used to measure technostress creators, technostress support mechanisms, and their negative impact on students' satisfaction and performance. A research model is developed based on the stimulus, organism, and response model to analyse the mediating effect of technostress creators and understand how technostress inhibitors influence students' satisfaction and their performance. A group of 206 students from India pursuing higher education were selected as a sample to validate this model. Technostress creators act as a mediator between technostress inhibitors and students' satisfaction and their performance, while technostress inhibitors positively influence student satisfaction and performance indirectly. Insights from this study will enable higher education institutions to identify the students who are finding technology-based education problematic and help preserve their wellbeing by following supportive strategies to reduce stress and enhance the students' active participation in technology-based education. Copyright 2021, IGI Global. -
The Dark Side of Internet of Things in E-Commerce: Uncovering the Misuse of Personal Information
The world today patronises e-commerce websites and the extent of ease, convenience and possibilities it has brought. E-commerce has positively rattled the world and, most importantly, the economy and gross domestic product of every nation. It has facilitated countries to be progressive and enjoy goods and services from beyond geographical borders. It made possible and common what was once regarded as impossible and far-fetched. E-commerce has not only over-stocked market shelves but also raised the world standard from a business and consumer point of view. E-commerce is defined to be a wide range of business activities in an online space for products, goods, and services (Gupta, 2014). E-commerce is the outcome of an economy that functions on the Internet. Though e-commerce has been present for over thirty years, its popularity and effect have risen enormously in the recent past. It is understood to be the business of buying, selling, and trading through electronic communications. E-commerce has two models in force, the B2B (Business to Business) and B2C (Business to Consumer), where the former is economic transactions between businesses, and the latter between a business and consumer. Though both models are popular and well-known, the former is sought after (Tian, and Stewart, 2006). Traditional commercial businesses have also adopted the mode of online trade and business for their goods. If not fully transformed, they have a dual approach of a continued brick-and-mortar structure and also an online portal. For example, H&M, a famous clothing store, has been in existence since 1947. It was in 1998 that they began their online retail store to keep in touch with the changing trends of the market needs. In 2023, there was as many as 1224 million e-commerce websites the world over. This in itself shows the extent to which the world has developed, adapted, and benefited from online businesses and transactions (Gennaro, 2023). The goal of e-commerce websites is just the same as a normal business. They intend to hit their profit margins, increase branding along with sales maximisation and risk minimisation. Apart from this, they have widened the aspect of an economy to now being a global economy where there are communications, interactions, and direct transactions buyers and sellers from various parts of the world. This advancement in business models has had a ripple effect on other aspects and tools of business functions, such as marketing and advertising. Marketing aims at making known to society the availability of certain products, goods, services, and their utility and features so that consumers can make an informed decision while shopping. Conventional marketing involves advertising and letting people know that such a product is available and has certain uses with the hope that promotion turns into a sale. Marketing has been open, standard, and objective. However, the marketing that we see today is powered by data, so it is subjective, customised and sure to catch the interest of consumers. This is happening through several online portals/agencies, and marketers who use data provided by online consumers for their monetary gain. At one point data is beneficial to the consumers in terms of availability of the products at their fingertips and without stepping out from home; on the other hand the data provided by the consumers remains stored with the websites, or in their cloud and subsequently used by such portals and also sold to others without approval from the users themselves. This raises serious concerns about the privacy rights of users and the extent of protection rendered to their data. There is constant debate in the convergence of data, Internet, and e-commerce because of the immense support in its ease and comfort versus the lesser known but great evil of infringement of rights to privacy and personal data. This chapter focuses on understanding how the personal information of consumers misused by e-commerce companies breaking down various roles of big data, the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence, and digital marketing. 2025 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. -
The DarcyForechhiemer multilayer model of Casson nanofluid squeezed by Newtonian nanofluid under asymmetric slip conditions
Sandwiched model of non-Newtonian and Newtonian fluid flow in the presence of a magnetic field is analyzed in this paper. Porous medium is considered in all three regions, and the system is modeled by using the DarcyForchheimer model. Furthermore, the homogeneous and heterogeneous reactions are analyzed using quartic catalysis. An asymmetric slip condition (i.e., the slip effect is present in the right and the left wall) for velocity and temperature jump (i.e., jump condition is considered in the right wall, whereas temperature is assumed to be constant in the left wall) is examined in the boundaries of the channel. Additionally, the base fluids are considered to be immiscible which causes the fluids to form an interfacial layer between each other thereby resulting in the formation of three regions in the channel. The mathematical model is explained in the form of governing equations and is solved by the RKF method. The results are explained in the form of graphs, and the physical quantities of interest like skin friction and Nusselt number are interpreted in detail with the help of tabulated numerical values. It is observed from the analysis that in the single-layer model, the viscosity of the fluid decreases the fluid motion, but in the case of the multilayer model, the velocity is improved by the increasing viscosity ratio. Correspondingly, the presence of a magnetic field reduces the temperature. 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to SocietItaliana di Fisica and Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature. -
The current status of celebrity endorsements in advertising /
In advertisements celebrity endorsements are considered a time tested successful tool. It increases recall value and positively reinforces the product in the minds of the consumer. The attributes attached to the celebrity automatically gets transferred to the product and the consumer starts to view in the product in a positive light. Casting a celebrity in advertisements does not guarantee high sales. Completely banking on a celebrity to boost sales is not a viable plan of action. -
The Culinary Space : Reading Food and Identity Intersections in Select Narratives
This study focuses on select fictional narratives with food mentions at the peripheries to enquire into the textualisation of food that exhibits the existence of an enunciative culinary newlinespace wherein the nuances of individual and collective identities are negotiated. The culinary space is conceptualised by considering the defined and built physical space wherein activities associated with the culinary realm occur and the imaginative space created through the presence and absence of food. This culinary space interacts with mobility, which serves as the newlinelinking idea that ties together Anita Nair s Ladies Coup(2001), Bharti Kirchner s newlineDarjeeling (2002), Monica Ali s Brick Lane (2003), Kunzang Choden s The Circle of Karma newline(2005), and Manjushree Thapa s Seasons of Flight (2010), and informs these specific newlinetextualisations of food and prompts the need to focus on the representations of everyday lived experiences. This study reads the chosen narratives to enable a reading that is distinct from the conventional one of culinary narratives centred on food and establishes that the textualisation of food in narratives with food at the peripheries is an important site of investigation. This close reading through an approach directed by concepts from food studies and select notions from space and mobility looks into how the culinary space serves as the site of defining and re-imagining of individual and cultural identities of the characters through memories of food and relations to and through food. These insights add to the existing discourses on identity by looking into the textualisation of food shaped by notions of newlinespace and mobility to show that the transformative quality of food is reflected in the dynamism of the culinary space that endorses the same in the negotiation of identities that are explored, perceived, and projected within. -
The crux of bioactive metabolites in endophytic and thermophilic fungi and their proximal prospects in biotechnological and industrial domains
Fungi are ubiquitous in distribution and are found in grasses to hot springs. Their mode of nutrition provides sustenance for living and propagation. Ironically, varied fungal species have developed customized strategies for protection and survival by producing diverse secondary metabolites. The review aimed to project the contrasting potential features of the endophytic and thermophilic fungi groups. The metabolites and the enzymes of endophytic and thermophilic fungi served as the backbone to thrive and adapt within-host and in extreme conditions like higher pH, heat, and salinity, respectively. Identification, knowledge of their biochemistry and pathway, exploration, production, and utilization of these bioactive molecules in various commercial, industrial, and pharmaceutical domains were briefly discussed. The uniqueness of endophytes includes stress management and improved biomass production of the host, green fuel production, omnipresence, selected triple-symbiosis with the virus, synthesis of polyketides, and other active metabolites are widely used in biomedical applications and agriculture management. This review attempted to limelight the specific applications of thermophilic fungal metabolites and the roles of thermo-stable enzymes in bioprospecting. Moreover, probing the metabolites of thermophiles rendered novel antibiotic compounds, which were proven effective against multi-drug resistant bacteria and harboured the potential to curtail infectious diseases. 2022 Elsevier Ltd