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Sentiment Analysis on Time-Series Data Using Weight Priority Method on Deep Learning
Sentiment Analysis (SA)is the process to gain an overview of the public opinion on certain topics and it is useful in commerce and social media. The preference on certain topics can be varied on different time periods. To analyze the sentiments on topics in different time periods, priority weight based deep learning approaches like Convolutional-Long Short-Term Memory (C-LSTM)and Stacked- Long Short-Term Memory (S-LSTM)is explored and analyzed in this research. The research method focuses on three phases. In the first phase text data (review given by the customers on various products)is collected from social networking e-commerce site and temporal ordering is done. In the second phase, different deep learning models are created and trained with different time-series data. In the final phase the weights are assigned based on temporal aspect of the data collected. For the obtained results verification and validation processes are carried out. Precision and recall measures are computed. Results obtained shows better performance in terms of classification accuracy and F1-score. 2019 IEEE. -
A survey on various applications of internet of things on blockchain platform
[No abstract available] -
Subscriber Preference and Content Consumption Pattern toward OTT platform: An Opinion Mining
Introduction: The outburst of the pandemic has paved the way for the immense popularity of over-The-Top (OTT) platforms among viewers. Furnishing an alternate medium to watch favorite shows and making it a new normal, the OTT platform has replaced the traditional entertainment platform. However, migrating from traditional television to an OTT platform is still a challenge in developing countries. Hence, the understanding of subscriber preferences and content consumption patterns becomes essential to planning and strategizing future business models. Purpose: The purpose of the paper is to examine the subscriber preference and content consumption pattern toward the OTT platform. In addition, this paper also investigates the popularity of leading OTT platforms among Indian viewers. Methodology: Data has been collected from the subscribers of three major OTT: Amazon Prime, Netflix Video, and Disney+Disney+Hotstar. A total of 1860 reviews were scraped as textual data and analyzed using the lexicon-based method. The polarity of the sentiments pertaining to the reviews of different platforms was analyzed using sentiment analysis. Furthermore, the topic modeling on the reviews was performed using natural language programming(NLP). Findings: The findings of sentiment analysis showed that Netflix and Disney+Disney+Hotstar had a considerable number of positive sentiments among viewers when compared to Amazon Prime Video. Eventually, the paper also showed negative sentiment towards Amazon Prime Video regarding streaming content, ad pop-ups, interface issue, shows, etc. Our findings help OTT platforms to determine which factors are driving this dramatic shift in viewer behaviour so that better strategies for attracting and retaining subscribers can be developed. Despite the rise in OTT platform popularity, this is the first study to investigate the content consumption pattern of OTT viewers comprehensively. 2022 IEEE. -
Identification of Consumer Buying Patterns using KNN in E-Commerce Applications
In recent days, with the advancement of technologies, people use electronic medium to carry out their businesses. E-commerce is a process of allowing people to buy and sell products online using electronic medium. E-commerce has a wide range of customer base as well. The data generated through transaction helps the enterprises to develop the marketing strategy. The growth of this e-commerce application depends on several factors. Some of the factors are follows 1) Customer demand, 2) Analyzing buying pattern of the users, 3) Customer retention, 4) dynamic pricing etc. It is very difficult to analyze the buying pattern of customers as there is a wide range of customer base in the online platform. To overcome this problem, this research study discusses about the challenges and issues in e-commerce applications, also identifies and analyses the buying patterns of customer using various machine learning techniques. From the implementation it is identified that, KNN algorithm performed well while comparing it with various other machine learning algorithms. Performances of these algorithms have been analyzed using various matrices. For analyzing, the model is tested using e-commerce dataset (Amazon dataset downloaded from From the analysis it found that KNN algorithm computes and predicts better compared to other machine learning algorithms either Nae Bayes, or Random Forest, or Logistic Regression etc. 2023 IEEE. -
A concise and effectual method for neutral pitch identification in stuttered speech
Researchers have studied that human-computer interactions (HCIs) can be more effective only when machines understand the emotions conveyed in speech. Speech emotion recognition has seen growing interest in research due to its usefulness in different applications. Building a neutral speech model becomes an important and challenging task as it can help in identifying different emotions from stuttered speech. This paper suggests two different approaches for identifying neutral pitch from stuttered speech. The implementation has proved through its accuracy the best model that can be adopted for neutral speech pitch identification. 2017 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston. -
Improved tweets in English text classification by LSTM neural network
This paper analyzes the performance of an LSTM-type neural network in the sentiment analysis task in tweets in English about the COVID-19 pandemic. Primarily, the organization and cleaning a database of tweets about the COVID-19 pandemic is performed. From the original database, two other databases through different discretizations of the polarities of the tweets using Heaviside-type functions are created. Vectorization of tweets using the Word2Vec word embedding technique is carried out. Computational implementations of LSTM neural networks to the context of our research problem are adapted. Analyzes and discussions on the feasibility of the proposed solution taking into account different types of hyperparametric adjustments in the neural network models is carried out. Publicly available databases organized through the Mendeley Data public data repository are used. 2023 IEEE. -
Four Alternative Scenarios of Commons in Space: Prospects and Challenges
The rapid expansion of human activities in outer space is likely to bring new economic, social, and political dilemmas in the next 50 to 100 years. Future governance will have to increasingly juggle earth-space social justice, resource trade-offs, and environmental sustainability issues. This poses new challenges to the governance of global commons, i.e. whether existing studies are fit to address commons in a global context and whether the governance of outer space commons (dis)integrates with Earth-bound sustainability governance. To explore these questions, this study uses scenario-building techniques to generate alternative future scenarios via a workshop conducted during the 2022 Commons in Space conference. We derived four future scenarios based on two major contextual conditions: (i) the degree of equity in resource distribution in space, and (ii) the degree of integration with Earth-bound sustainability, more specifically Earth system governance. The four alternative scenarios are (i) Space Cartel in which the use of space resources becomes dominated by the rich and powerful; (ii) Earth-centric Gold Rush in which the current business as usual continues; (iii) Open Space (also Space Utopia) in which open access of space resources leads to thriving developments in space at the expense of sustainability on Earth; and finally, (iv) Earth-Space Sustainability in which challenges on Earth and in space are addressed through an integrative governance model. Based on the challenges identified from these scenarios, we discuss specific as well as cross-cutting implications for policy and governance to better address commons in space in the future. 2023 The Author(s). -
The study of nonlinear phenomena associated with physical phenomena is a hot topic in the present era. The fundamental aim of this paper is to find the iterative solution for generalized quintic complex Ginzburg-Landau (GCGL) equation using fractional natural decomposition method (FNDM) within the frame of fractional calculus. We consider the projected equations by incorporating the Caputo fractional operator and investigate two examples for different initial values to present the efficiency and applicability of the FNDM. We presented the nature of the obtained results defined in three distinct cases and illustrated with the help of surfaces and contour plots for the particular value with respect to fractional order. Moreover, to present the accuracy and capture the nature of the obtained results, we present plots with different fractional order, and these plots show the essence of incorporating the fractional concept into the system exemplifying nonlinear complex phenomena. The present investigation confirms the efficiency and applicability of the considered method and fractional operators while analyzing phenomena in science and technology. 2021 The Author(s). -
The Evolution of Interindustry Technology Linkage Topics and Its Analysis Framework in Three-Dimensional Printing Technology
The mutual influence and complementarity of technologies between different industries are becoming increasingly prominent. Revealing the topic evolution of technology linkages between industries is the foundation for understanding the technological development trend of the industry. Although numerous works have focused on technology topic mining and its evolution characteristics, these works have not accurately represented the interindustry technology linkage, analyze the related topics and even ignored the technological development characteristics hidden in the topic evolution pathway. Since the Lingo algorithm fully considers the time-series characteristics of the topics, and the knowledge evolution theory can reveal three inherent characteristics in the evolution of knowledge topics, namely, 'stability, heredity, and variability,' this article aims to combine the Lingo algorithm and the knowledge evolution theory to analyze the topic evolution of interindustry technology linkages. Additionally, because three-dimensional (3-D) printing technology has significant interdisciplinary and cross-industry characteristics, a wide range of application fields, and various interindustry technology linkages, 3-D printing technology is used for empirical analysis. The empirical results show that the key topics of interindustry technology linkages in 3-D printing include model design, manufacturing methods, manufacturing equipment, manufacturing material, and application. In addition, all these topics have the development feature of heredity. However, the topic of manufacturing materials presents significant variability, the topic of manufacturing methods has the strongest stability, and multiple subtopics of the five topics show variability and genetic intersection. 2023 IEEE. -
EDSSR: a secure and power-aware opportunistic routing scheme for WSNs
Motivated by the pivotal role of routing in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) and the prevalent security vulnerabilities arising from existing protocols, this research tackles the inherent challenges of securing WSNs. Many current WSN routing protocols prioritize computational efficiency but lack robust security measures, making them susceptible to exploitation by malicious actors. The prevalence of reactive protocols, chosen for their lower bandwidth consumption, exacerbates security concerns, as proactive alternatives require more resources for maintaining network routes. Additionally, the ad hoc nature and energy constraints of WSNs render conventional security models designed for wired and wireless networks unsuitable. In response to these limitations, this paper introduces the Secured Energy-Efficient Opportunistic Routing Scheme for Sustainable WSNs (EDSSR). EDSSR is designed to enhance security in WSNs by continuously updating neighbor information and validating the legitimacy of standard routing parameters. Critically, the protocol is power-aware, recognizing the vital importance of energy considerations in the constrained environment of WSNs. To assess the efficacy of EDSSR in mitigating WSN vulnerabilities, simulation experiments were conducted, evaluating the protocols performance on key metrics such as throughput, average End-to-End delay (delay), energy consumption (EC), network lifetime (alive nodes), and malware detection rate. The results demonstrate that the EDSSR protocol significantly improves performance. It shows substantial gains in sum goodput relative to throughput, average delay, EC, and alive nodes. Specifically, the EDSSR protocol is 23% faster than DLAMD and 1013% faster than EEFCR. Additionally, the malware detection rate increases by 23%. The Author(s) 2024. -
SM-SegNet: A Lightweight Squeeze M-SegNet for Tissue Segmentation in Brain MRI Scans
In this paper, we propose a novel squeeze M-SegNet (SM-SegNet) architecture featuring a fire module to perform accurate as well as fast segmentation of the brain on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans. The proposed model utilizes uniform input patches, combined-connections, long skip connections, and squeezeexpand convolutional layers from the fire module to segment brain MRI data. The proposed SM-SegNet architecture involves a multi-scale deep network on the encoder side and deep supervision on the decoder side, which uses combined-connections (skip connections and pooling indices) from the encoder to the decoder layer. The multi-scale side input layers support the deep network layers extraction of discriminative feature information, and the decoder side provides deep supervision to reduce the gradient problem. By using combined-connections, extracted features can be transferred from the encoder to the decoder resulting in recovering spatial information, which makes the model converge faster. Long skip connections were used to stabilize the gradient updates in the network. Owing to the adoption of the fire module, the proposed model was significantly faster to train and offered a more efficient memory usage with 83% fewer parameters than previously developed methods, owing to the adoption of the fire module. The proposed method was evaluated using the open-access series of imaging studies (OASIS) and the internet brain segmentation registry (IBSR) datasets. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed SM-SegNet architecture achieves segmentation accuracies of 95% for cerebrospinal fluid, 95% for gray matter, and 96% for white matter, which outperforms the existing methods in both subjective and objective metrics in brain MRI segmentation. 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. -
Linear Regression Tree and Homogenized Attention Recurrent Neural Network for Online Training Classification
Internet has become a vital part in people's life with the swift development of Information Technology (IT). Predominantly the customers share their opinions concerning numerous entities like, products, services on numerous platforms. These platforms comprises of valuable information concerning different types of domains ranging from commercial to political and social applications. Analysis of this immeasurable amount of data is both laborious and cumbersome to manipulate manually. In this work, a method called, Linear Regression Tree-based Homogenized Attention Recurrent Neural Network (LRT-HRNN) for online training is proposed. In the first step, a dataset consisting of student's reactions on E-learning is provided as input. A Linear Regression Decision Tree (LRT) - based feature (i.e., student's reactions and posts) selection model is applied in the second step. The feature selection model initially selects the commonly dispensed features. In the last step, HRNN sentiment analysis is employed for aggregating characterizations from prior and succeeding posts based on student's reactions for online training. During the experimentation process, LRT-HRNN method when compared with existing methods such as Attention Emotion-enhanced Convolutional Long Short Term Memory (AEC-LSTM) and Adaptive Particle Swarm Optimization based Long Short Term Memory (APSO-LSTM, performed better in terms of accuracy(increased by 6%), false positive rate (decreased by 22%), true positive rate (increased by 7%) and computational time (reduced by 21%). 2022 IEEE. -
Social security concerns of students pursuing higher education during Russia-Ukraine conflict: Legal analysis /
A stateless migrant is not considered a citizen or national of any country under the operation of its laws. Such a person has no recognized nationality or legal status and is therefore not entitled to the protection and benefits of any state. Stateless migrants may face significant difficulties in exercising their basic human rights, including the right to education, work, and access to healthcare, among others. There are many different concepts regarding migrants and stateless migrants. This research will emphasize upon the concept of stateless migrant and the Indian students those are pursuing higher education from Ukraine and that is disturbed because of the uncertain conflict happened in Ukraine. Migrant is defined as a person who leaves their country of origin to live in another country, while a stateless migrant is someone who does not have a recognized nationality. Both concepts are important to understand when considering the rights of individuals. However, this research will also encounter often challenges in ensuring that these rights should be respected and protected by the authorities. -
Addressing harassment against men through the lens of gender equality in India: A critical analysis /
Harassment refers to harassment derives from the English verb harass plus the suffixment. The verb harass, in turn, is a loan word from the French, which was already attested in meaning torment, annoyance, bother, trouble.1 It refers to when an individual continually performs undesirable behaviour against a victim. This may include offensive language, rude and cruel remarks, but it must continue over time in order then it is considered as harassment. Harassment has many types like sexual harassment, mental harassment; workplace harassment, domestic harassment and many more it cover wide range of offence Harassment. Harassment against men is a serious issue that needs to be addressed in India, just as harassment against women does. It is important to approach this issue through the lens of gender equality, as both men and women should have the right to live free from harassment and violence. To start with, it is important to acknowledge that men can be victims of harassment and violence, and that this issue is not limited to women alone. -
Calibration of Optimal Trigonometric Probability for Asynchronous Differential Evolution
Parallel optimization and strong exploration are the main features of asynchronous differential evolution (ADE). The population is updated instantly in ADE by replacing the target vector if a better vector is found during the selection operation. This feature of ADE makes it different from differential evolution (DE). With this feature, ADE works asynchronously. In this work, ADE and trigonometric mutation are embedded together to raise the performance of an algorithm. The work finds out the best trigonometric probability value for asynchronous differential evolution. Two values of trigonometric mutation probability (PTMO) are tested to obtain the optimum setting of PTMO. The work presented in this paper is tested over a number of benchmark functions. The benchmark functions results are compared for two values of PTMO and discussed in detail. The proposed work outperforms the competitive algorithms. A nonparametric statistical analysis is also performed to validate the results. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Gender Differentials in Entrepreneurship: Insights from a Multi-method Study
Gender inequality is an obstacle to inclusive growth, and literature reveals shortcomings in the basic entrepreneurial assumption of equal access to resources, support and economic opportunities for women. International bodies have emphasised the need to examine gender differentials at various levels like, country, organisational and individual levels. Our study is a novel attempt in this direction and aims to build a comprehensive understanding of gender differentials in entrepreneurship using multi-method research design. We analyse and integrate findings from the macro-level using national level datasets (NSSO and Economic Census) and the micro-level using surveys (primary data and GEM India data). Our results note a gender equality lacuna, calling for the need to include meaningful sex-disaggregated data in national surveys, the entrepreneurial intentions of women, behavioural traits impacting women entrepreneurs, the importance of entrepreneurship education, fear of failure, self-confidence and the need for role models. We propose a model of macro and micro factors impacting women entrepreneurship in developing countries. 2022 SAGE Publications. -
Female Director and Agency Cost: Does board gender diversity at Indian corporate board reduce agency conflict?
We examined the presence of women directors in top-level management and their effect on principal-principal conflict (PP) and principal-agent conflict (PA) on the firms listed on Indian stock exchange using a panel model approach. For analysis purpose, this study covers the sample of 75 companies belonging to various industries and listed in Bombay Stock Exchange Index, has been studied over thirteen financial years, i.e. from year 2006 to year 2019. This study uses panel data analysis, i.e. fixed effect model and random effect model. The proportion and presence (dichotomous) of women directors on top level management board is taken as the independent variable. Principalprincipal conflict measured by assets utilization ratio (AUR), and principal-agent conflict is been measured by dividend payout ratio (DPR), are taken as dependent variable in this study. The prime results of this study using panel data analysis, i.e. fixed effect (FE) and random effects (RE) estimation models point towards no significant impact of the female director (proportion and presence) on the firm's agency cost (PP and PA). 2021. Transnational Press London. All Rights Reserved. -
Exploring the Frontier: Space Mining, Legal Implications, and the Role of Artificial Intelligence
This analysis delves into the multifaceted dimensions of space mining and artificial intelligence, exploring technological advancements, legal challenges, environmental concerns, and ethical implications. Through topic modeling and sentiment analysis of 160 articles, five core themes are identified: Technological and Exploration Advances, Resource Extraction and Environmental Concerns, Legal and AI Integration, Ethical and Paradigm Shifts, and challenges and Innovations in Space Mining. The discussion highlights the optimistic yet cautious outlook on space mining, emphasizing the need for continued innovation, comprehensive legal frameworks, ethical stewardship, and environmental protection as humanity ventures into this new frontier. 2024 IEEE. -
Ethical and Societal Implications of Artificial Intelligence in Space Mining
The advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in space mining marks a pivotal shift in the exploration and utilization of extraterrestrial resources. This paper presents a thematic analysis of the ethical, societal, technological, economic, and environmental implications of integrating AI in space mining operations. Through topic modeling of relevant literature, five key themes were identified: AI integration and ethical considerations, economic efficiency and equity, technological innovations and advancements, international collaboration and governance, and environmental sustainability and planetary protection. These themes highlight the potential of AI to revolutionize space mining, enhancing efficiency and enabling the extraction of valuable resources beyond Earth. However, they also underscore the need for robust ethical frameworks, equitable economic models, international cooperation, and sustainable practices to address the multifaceted challenges posed by this frontier. The paper concludes with recommendations for future research and policy-making, emphasizing the importance of inclusive, collaborative approaches to ensure the responsible and beneficial advancement of space mining. 2024 IEEE. -
Employee relations: a comprehensive theory based literature review and future research agenda
This study aims to conduct a systematic and integrative literature review to consolidate the extensive information on employee relations accumulated over the past century, thereby offering new insights into domain-specific phenomena. The research followed a four-phase search strategy in accordance with the Scientific Procedures and Rationales for Systematic Literature Reviews (SPAR-4-SLR) protocol. The keyword search utilized terms such as 'employee relations,' 'employee relation,' 'employment relation,' and 'employment relations' in the Scopus and Web of Science databases. By employing an integrative approach along with specific inclusionexclusion criteria, the researchers synthesized articles from leading journals in the field of employee relations, categorizing them based on geographical region, article types, prominent authors and their affiliations, and the most cited research articles. In the final stage, the researchers presented new insights through a conceptual framework utilizing the ADO-TCCM approach, which encompasses antecedents, outcomes, theories, context, methodology, mediators, and moderators of employee relations. This study synthesizes findings and reorganizes key themes into innovative frameworks, providing fresh perspectives on various aspects of employee relations. Ultimately, it offers valuable insights into the critical factors that strengthen long-term employee-employer relationships. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2024.