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Volatility Clustering in Nifty Energy Index Using GARCH Model
Volatility has become increasingly important in derivative pricing and hedging, risk management, and portfolio optimisation. Understanding and forecasting volatility is an important and difficult field of finance research. According to empirical findings, stock market returns demonstrate time variable volatility with a clustering effect. Hence, there is a need to determine the volatility in Indian stock market. The authors use Nifty Energy data to analyse volatility since the Nifty Energy data can to be used to estimate the behaviour and performance of companies that represents petroleum, gas, and power sector. The results reflect that Indian stock market has high volatility clustering. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Voicing Out Parental Experiences of Schooling Their Children with Learning Disabilities: A Qualitative Study of Inclusive Government Schools of India
The paper shone light on the lived experiences of parents of children with learning disabilities. The specific objective was to understand the challenges, experiences and aspirations of parents for their children. A phenomenological study was adopted for the study so as to focus on the experiences of the parents. Participants were parents (female- 17 and male- 3) of children in primary classes, who were identified through purposive sampling from government schools of Delhi, NCR from 3 underdeveloped areas of Delhi - Nangloi, Mangolpuri and Ranhaula. The data was collected by semi-structured interviews and later thematically analyzed. The findings were on the basis of the past and present experiences and further their future aspirations for the children. They revealed that the parents faced challenges with applying and issuance of the UDID certificates, but with the collaborative efforts of the special educator and the parents along with various support systems that are provided by the school their experiences became positive. It was also brought to light that the mother was the main caregiver in most of the cases. All the parents were worried, what will happen to their children if they are not there with them. They aspired that the students will be financially independent and have a safe future ahead of them. They dream of a society where all the students are equal in an inclusive environment. The Author(s) 2025. -
Voices of the Future: Generation Zs Views on AIs Ethical and Social Impact
As artificial intelligence (AI) becomes increasingly integral to modern society, its profound implications are coming to the forefront of discussions. This research paper investigates the perspective of Generation Z on the multifaceted societal and ethical impacts of AI. Gen Z is the first generation to fully embrace AI across all facets of life. Therefore, understanding their attitudes, concerns, and expectations towards AI is imperative for cultivating a responsible, adaptable, and ethically conscious society in the AI-driven era. This study addresses a significant research gap by exploring Gen Zs perceptions of the challenges associated with AI, such as issues related to privacy, data security, transparency, bias, public fear and more. It also examines the impact of AI on employment dynamics, specifically on job displacement and the necessity for reskilling in the face of AI-driven automation. The paper adopts a global perspective, acknowledging the variations in perception influenced by cultural, economic, and historical factors. Leveraging a sample size of approximately 200250 respondents aged 1825years, the research aims to provide a comprehensive view of Gen Zs viewpoints on AIs ethical and societal ramifications. Findings emphasize the need for transparent and accountable AI systems, as Gen Z is uncomfortable with the ambiguity in AI algorithms. Concerns about privacy and data security highlight the necessity for robust safeguards. They also advocate for strategies to address job displacement and ensure harmonious coexistence between humans and AI. In education, Gen Z sees AI as transformative, endorsing personalized learning. They stress the importance of regulatory frameworks to combat AI bias. They recognize AIs potential to enhance human connections and combat social isolation. The studys findings contribute to policy discussions, educational strategies, and business practices, offering insights into how to harness AIs benefits while mitigating its potential pitfalls. The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2024. -
Vocational training course preferences among Sikkimese youth
Unemployment is one of the major issues in modern times. High unemployment rates affect a country's economic growth, mental wellbeing of an individual and his/her family members, and create unrest in society. Vocational training is one of the most crucial elements in the competitive and developing world. Through the provision of real-world experience, vocational training aids in developing skills. This study aims to highlight the aspirations of the people of Sikkim concerning vocational training and find its challenges and hindrances. With the help of a structured questionnaire, responses were taken from the youth of Sikkim, India and their perception about opting for different vocational training courses were taken. Upon analyzing the data, it was found that males are more inclined towards cooking and baking classes, repair of mobiles, laptops and other electronic accessories, and repair of bikes and automobiles. Females, on the other hand, wanted to focus on makeup and beautician courses, jewelry design, floriculture, and towards repair of mobile and computers. 2023, IGI Global. -
VNPR system using artificial neural network
Vehicle number plate recognition (VNPR) is a technique used to extract the license plate from a sequence of images. The extracted information in the database can be used in the applications like electronic payment systems such as toll payment, parking lots etc. An effective VNPR can be implemented based on the quality of the acquired images. It is used for real time application and it has to recognize the number plates of all types under different environmental conditions. Different algorithms has been used which depends on the features present in the images. It should be generalised to extract different types of license plate from the images. In this paper we propose a new method which is robust enough to recognize the characters from the number plates with help of artificial neural network. This algorithm is practical for the front view and rear view of orientation of the vehicle. 2016 IEEE. -
VLSI Implementation of Area-Error Optimized Compressor-Based Modified Wallace Tree Multiplier
Approximate multiplier designs can improve their energy efficiency and performance with only a slight loss in accuracy by using approximate arithmetic circuits. This method is appropriate for applications where an approximative answer is acceptable because it uses a range of calculation approaches to those priorities, returning a potentially erroneous result above one that is assured to be exact. The basic idea underlying approximate computing is that, while accurate calculation may require a lot of resources, bounded approximation can result in considerable speed and energy efficiency advantages without sacrificing accuracy. The approximate 4:2 compressor and exact compressors, as well as half adders and full adders, make up the proposed approximate multiplier. The steps of the multiplier architecture are optimised using the recently suggested modified Wallace Tree Multiplier Architecture. When compared to previous designs, the proposed multiplier architecture can generate outcomes with the least amount of inaccuracy. The multiplier architecture is also finished in just two steps. The Modified Wallace Tree Architecture used in the suggested approximate multiplier excels by providing an error rate of 71.80% and a mean error of 173.82. As a result, the mean ? error Product improved by 10%, the error rate improved by 23.3%, and the mean error increased by 31.04%. This is accomplished by the proposed approximate multiplier with a small increase of 22.36% in total power consumption. 2023 IEEE. -
Vitaware-culs 2020 vitamin awareness kit /
Patent Number: 202041005122, Applicant: Erumalla Venkatanagaraju.
Vitamins are available in abundant quantities in all natural resources. Inadequate intake of vitamins lead to severe abnormalities. Because of the rapid civilization, limited land resources, busy lifestyle and limited awareness, attention on the natural vitamin resources wafted towards Nutraceuticals that are supplemented with synthetic vitamin sources and preservatives. In order to bring awareness about the availability of bioactivevitamins in natural food sources, the current design, VITAWARE-CULS 2020 Kitwas developed. -
Vitaware-culs 2020 vitamin awareness kit /
Patent Number: 202041002544, Applicant: Erumalla Venkatanagaraju. Rapid urbanization and increase in population have evoked tremendous attention for biofuels production to combat shortage of fuels, environmental concerns, foreign exchange savings and socioeconomic issues. In recent years bioethanol production from agro-industrial wastes acquired a prominent place to fulfil the gap between production and demand. -
Vitaware-culs 2020 vitamin awareness kit /
Patent Number: 202041005122, Applicant: Erumalla Venkatanagaraju.
Vitamins are available in abundant quantities in all natural resources. Inadequate intake of vitamins lead to severe abnormalities. Because of the rapid civilization, limited land resources, busy lifestyle and limited awareness, attention on the natural vitamin resources wafted towardsNutraceuticals that are supplemented with synthetic vitamin sources and preservatives. In order to bring awareness about the availability of bioactivevitamins in natural food sources, the current design, VITAWARE-CULS 2020 Kitwas developed. -
Visual Symphony for Swift and Accurate Object Detection in Choreographed Deck of Cards
The Convolutional Neural Network model used for playing card recognition and categorization, offering trustworthy data regarding the suits of playing cards hearts, diamonds, clubs and spades as well as the corresponding numerical or alphabetical values. The model is built on a sophisticated dataset that guarantees high levels of precision for nearly all sorts of graphical representations and playing card scenarios. A wide range of entertainment andgames bands canuse the CNN idea. As aresult, the CNN-trained model is an excellent alternative for many different kinds of applications, including virtual reality games and card game automation, due to its capacity to extract and retain complex features from card pictures for accurate object identification. As a result, this research has shown how crucial deep learning models like CNNs are for enhancing computervision systems' suitability for real-world scenarios requiring precise and quick identification of objects. As a result, the suggested CNN-based approach offers a great chance to enhance cardidentification system performance and promoteadvancements in memory and gaming technology. 2024 IEEE. -
Visual propaganda through social media: A case study of Arab - Israeli crisis /
A picture is worth a thousand words, uploading images immediately attract attention a comments or tweets. Images are able to trigger multiple emotions and are effectively used for propaganda. Visual propaganda stands for usage of images to fulfil propaganda goals. These images carry meaning, emotion and a purpose. -
Visual merchandizing: Soul of retailing /
Pacific Business Review International, Vol.7, Issue 6, pp.46-53, ISSN No: 0974-438x. -
Visual encoding of nudge influencers and exploring their effect on sustainable consumption among children
With the growing number of nuclear families that have a higher disposable income, and a willingness to spend for disparate reasons possibly on the only child in the family, children are unquestionably emerging as a critical market segment that marketers would do well to target. However, while marketing to children is necessary, given the current focus on sustainability, encouraging responsible consumption seems to be a prerequisite. Making children environmentally literate would thereby, significantly help in the ongoing efforts to save our planet from environmental degradation. Based on this backdrop, this study investigates the significance of encouraging children to consume 'sustainably'. Drawing upon Richard H Thaler and Cass R Sunstein's Nudge theory, along with the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG -12), we employ a novel methodology to visually encode information gleaned from the extant literature. Specifically, we discuss the significance of developing sustainable habits in children and analyze the 'nudges' that motivate children to adopt sustainable habits. Additionally, we specify different nudge elements derived from the extant literature and plot them in a RADAR chart. We observe that 'simplified process' and 'ease of access' nudging have the greatest effect when delivered in school. This study has academic, managerial, and societal implications. The findings of the study would help managers to focus on the nudges in their campaigns. Research scholars and academicians could understand the significance of using the 'RADAR' chart methodology and can expand their studies in various other domains. The present study also helps to understand the extant literature and plan for future research in the domain of sustainable consumption. The findings of the study would help schools and parents understand the effective nudges that result in creating responsible consumers that would largely benefit society. 2023 The Authors -
Visual Culture, Spectatorship and Humanitarian Disaster: Vanni Eli and the Representation of the Sri Lankan Civil War
This article examines the dialogic encounter between the spectator and the spectacle in the context of war crimes and humanitarian disasters (in this context, the Sri Lankan civil war) in Vanni Eli, a short film by a Sri Lankan Tamizh diasporic filmmaker Tamiliam Subhas. The narrative introduces us not only to the military disaster that is war but also to the humanitarian disasters effected through war. The article studies the role of the spectator who 'witnesses' the torture, and thus complicates the ethics of both the act of torture and the viewing of it.By looking closely at the ingenious ways of narrating torture the article argues that the creative representation of war and disaster implicates within its discourse not merely the participants and the victims of the war alone but also the 'peripheral' subjects like the mice (the film's lead 'actors'), and by extension, the spectators participating in the discursive construction of the victimized. Despite the symbolic disembodiment and effacement of the tortured, their suffering is recognized as a humanitarian disaster with the shared grammar of suffering common to all. 2012 Mudra Institute of Communications. -
Visitor Satisfaction of Muziris Heritage Site in Kerala
Global Interdisciplinary Business-Economics Advancement Conference, pp. 883-888. ISSN-2333-4207 -
Visiting Indian Hospitals Before, during and after COVID
The prevailing COVID-19 situation has brought in temporary and permanent changes in the attitude and lifestyle of people. Starting from Hand sanitizers and face masks, it extends to online classrooms and work from home culture. In case of visiting hospitals and medications, people with pre-existing medical conditions and minor health issues tend to delay or avoid visiting hospitals due to fear of infection, which is dangerous. Further, people or patients tend to access several alternatives and precautions. The alternatives include home remedies, ayurvedic medication, yoga and meditation. On the other hand, hospitals are trying to adapt online consulting and telemedicine. Besides, Cancellation or delay of nonemergency surgeries became inevitable in the lockdown phase. This survey conducted among the people of Erode district, Tamilnadu to study the perception of people concerning visiting hospitals for health issues. The results show that fear of infection, financial and transportation difficulties are the major factors which affected people from visiting hospital. Also, changing trends like Telemedicine and home remedies are likely to be permanently opted by people. In Brief, the outcomes reveal the changing attitude of people towards medication and hospital visiting habits. 2022 World Scientific Publishing Company. -
Vision Based Vehicle-Pedestrian Detection and Warning System
Road Sense must be respected and obeyed by both the pedestrian and the driver. Moreover, urbanization has led to a steadfast rise in the fleet of vehicles, their speed, as well as non-compliance with road safety measures, and other such factors have provoked an inescapable increase of accidents in road traffic involving pedestrians. Pedestrian collisions can be predicted and prevented. At the very basic, there has to be vehicle and pedestrian detection along with speed estimation, which can be further applied to Vehicle-Pedestrian Collisions and various emerging fields like Industrial Automation, Transportation, Automotive, Security/Surveillance, or in Dangerous environments. This paper reviews the literature on vehicle and pedestrian detection based on two significant categories: pre-processing phase and detection phase, with a detailed comparative analysis. The papers reviewed cover video-based surveillance systems. 2022 IEEE. -
Visible light responsive Gd, N co-doped mesoporous titania in the photo-oxidation of some novel 9-(N,N-Dimethylaminomethyl)anthracene systems
Oxidative semiconductor catalysis by light can be considered as an easy method for the conversion of harmful aromatics to less harmful products and at the same time move towards a sustainable chemistry. The present work reports the preparation of Gd, N co-doped TiO2 system by hydrothermal technique followed by calcination at 500C and checks its activity in photo-oxidation reactions. The prepared system was characterized by various physico-chemical techniques such as X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, IR spectroscopy, TGDTG, UV-DRS, SEM, TEM and XPS. Structural identity and mesoporous nature were identified from XRD and BET measurements respectively. On reaction, Tertiary amine appended anthracene and its phenyl substituted derivative in CH3CN yielded Anthraquinone as the major product. Substituted Anthracenemethanamine reacted slowly and a relatively stable intermediate could be isolated at shorter periods of time. The products were separated and purified by column chromatography and the resultant products were characterized thoroughly by 1H NMR, IR spectroscopy and GCMS analysis. 2014, Springer Science+Business Media New York. -
Visible light photodegradation of organic dyes using electrochemically synthesized MoO3/ZnO
In this study, flake-like MoO3-ZnO composite was prepared using a simple and robust electrochemical setup. The composite was characterized by X-ray diffraction, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, elemental analysis, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis, photoluminescence, zeta potential analysis, and electrochemical impedance study. The modified ZnO shows a remarkable catalytic activity towards the photodegradation of three potentially hazardous dyes, malachite green, crystal violet, and methylene blue. More than 95% of both malachite green and crystal violet degraded within 140 min under visible light irradiation. Scavenger studies reveal that OH radicals produced by the photo-separated charges on MoO3-ZnO are responsible for the degradation of all three dyes. The photoactive charge carriers show less recombination rate as evidenced by the photoluminescence spectrum due to the interparticle charge migration process. This work suggests a new versatile procedure for the synthesis of MoO3-ZnO composites and establishes its photocatalytic efficacy under visible light with three common pollutant dyes found in wastewater. Graphical Abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.] 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature.