Rassendren, Marie Joseph Gerard. - 0931801 | Assumptions of complete rationality and complete information in economics: A critique / | MPhil | Economics |
Type:MPhil Subject:Economics |
Description:Economists conceived the discipline of economics to be a science of social relations. In fact they believed that social relations between individuals are moderated and regulated. The Physiocratic, Classical and Neo - classical school which firmly believed in human liberty considered this moderation to be a matter of self regulation1 and also that the laws controlling human association to be as clear as the laws of geometry. Contrary to this economists belonging to the utopian common wealth, and the Marxists school believed the same can be dealt out only through social control by the state.2 Irrespective of ones allegiance to any school of economic thought, human behaviour is central to the study of economics and to its place in knowledge structures as a social science. [show more]
Priyanshi Gupta and Sanjay Sehgal | Asymmetric dynamic conditional copula correlation and fundamental determinants of interest rate comovement / | Journal Article | Economics |
Type:Journal Article Subject:Economics |
Description:Journal of Economic Integration, Vol.34, Issue 4, pp.667-704, ISSN No: 1225-651X.
Poonia, Ramesh Chandra. | Atendo: The portable attendence recorder / | Patent | Computer Science |
Type:Patent Subject:Computer Science |
Description:Patent Number: 202241019881, Applicant: Kevin Benny.
Attendance is the fact of being present or absent at a place or an event. One of the most basic things to understand and analyse the response of an event is by recording the attendance of the event. By tracking the sessions attended by the attendees and how long the attendees stay in the event, it is possible to derive a clear picture of how engaged the event was. Attendance monitoring is very important for examining the success or failure of an event. Tracking session attendance is an easy and accurate way to gather attendee feedback and translate this information into useful data. [show more]
Wagh, Rupali Sunil. | Atendo: The portable attendence recorder / | Patent | Computer Science |
Type:Patent Subject:Computer Science |
Description:Patent Number: 202241019881, Applicant: Kevin Benny.
Attendance is the fact of being present or absent at a place or an event. One of the most basic things to understand and analyse the response of an event is by recording the attendance of the event. By tracking the sessions attended by the attendees and how long the attendees stay in the event, it is possible to derive a clear picture of how engaged the event was. Attendance monitoring is very important for examining the success or failure of an event. Tracking session attendance is an easy and accurate way to gather attendee feedback and translate this information into useful data. [show more]
K N, Saravanan. | Atendo: The portable attendence recorder / | Patent | Computer Science |
Type:Patent Subject:Computer Science |
Description:Patent Number: 202241019881, Applicant: Kevin Benny.
Attendance is the fact of being present or absent at a place or an event. One of the most basic things to understand and analyse the response of an event is by recording the attendance of the event. By tracking the sessions attended by the attendees and how long the attendees stay in the event, it is possible to derive a clear picture of how engaged the event was. Attendance monitoring is very important for examining the success or failure of an event. Tracking session attendance is an easy and accurate way to gather attendee feedback and translate this information into useful data. [show more]
J, Chandra. | Attention based sentence classification using term frequency-inverse document frequency and n-gram / | Patent | Computer Science |
Type:Patent Subject:Computer Science |
Description:Patent Number: 202241048840, Applicant: Nagendra N.
Attention Based Sentence Classification Using Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency and N-Gram On an e-commerce platform, products sold have critical and varying reviews from buyers which are difficult to analyze considering the hugenumber of reviews. The proposed model aspect extraction helps in categorizing sentence accurately. [show more]
Bhaskar Sailesh | Attitude and perception of tourists in Karnataka
towards Climate Change | | |
Description:Climate change has a strong relationship with the tourism industry. According to the United Nation's World Tourism Organization???s Davos Declaration (2007) tourism industry contributes on an average about 5% of the global Carbon di Oxide emission in terms of radioactive forcing. Studies pertaining to the state of Karnataka, India indicate that most parts of the state could experience 1.5oC to 2oC warming relative to the level during the pre-industrial period of the 1880s by as early as 2030s under the likely high emission scenario (Kelkar et al, 2004; Dwarakish et al, 2009'; Kumar et al, 2015). Travel decisions to a large extent are influenced by the destination???s images of Sun, Sand, Sea, availability of snow and perceptions of other such climatic variables such as temperature, precipitation and humidity (De Freitas, 2001). Therefore, studying tourist???s perceptions of these environmental changes are crucial for the survival of the tourism industry especially in these climate-sensitive regions (Gossling & Hall, 2006a). Besides, understanding the attitudes and perceptions of different segments of the tourists towards their role in climate change adaptation and mitigation is a fundamental step in designing educational and communication campaigns which could be successfully implemented in this industry (Becken, 2010; Gossling & Hall, 2006; Saarinen et al, 2006; Scott et al, 2008; Martin & Lopez, 2014). Therefore, this study aims to boost our understanding of the relationship between tourism and climate change issues among tourists in Karnataka, India.
The study consists of five chapters, namely Introduction, Review of Literature, Report on present investigation, Results and Discussion, Summary and Conclusion. The first chapter Introduces the relationship between tourism and climate change issues and brings out the significance of the role of travel decisions the environment. The second chapter analyses earlier studies conducted on the area of climate change, environment and tourism to gain a better understanding of the existing knowledge and to identify research gaps. The third chapter focuses on the research design of this study. It covers sampling plans, questionnaire design, constructs measurement, plan of analysis and Pilot study. The fourth chapter deals with the analysis of data which were collected for the study followed by the discussion of results. The fifth chapter summarizes the entire study and explains the findings and limitations of the study, Suggestions and conclusion. [show more]
Roy, Ms Anuja., Kareem, Jacqueline. | Attitude of public towards higher education: Conceptual analysis / | Journal Article | Higher Education in India |
Type:Journal Article Subject:Higher Education in India |
Description:Scholedge International Journal Of Multidisciplinary And Allied Studies, Vol.2, Issue 12, pp.19-28, ISSN No: 2394-336X.
Mathew, Minu Mary - 1444603 | Attitude towards the medical profession among higher secondary students in relation to medical aptitude, parental influence, peer influence and perceived social expectations | PhD | Education |
Type:PhD Subject:Education |
Description:Attitude towards the Medical Profession includes concepts, motives or beliefs associated with the profession of medical science. Medical science is a profession that challenges the intellectual competency of the aspirant owing to the strenuous demands of the career. It is essential that possession of an appropriate attitude and a realistic understanding of the demands of medical science be a pre-requisite, especially if the higher secondary adolescent aspires this as his or her vocation for life. As theformation of attitude is based on several intrinsic and extrinsic factors, a profession like medical science faces stiff competition among candidates to qualify with high expectations from family and society. The current study throws light on the attitude of higher secondary students towards the profession of medical science in relation to medical aptitude, parental influence, peer influence and perceived social expectations, as the independent variables. It aimed to explore the role played by medical aptitude, parental influence, peer influence and perceived social expectations in the formation of attitude towards the medical profession and the differences in the formation of this attitude among higher secondary students based on their gender and type of pre-university college that they belonged to. The study adopted was a descriptive study-cum-survey that employed a quantitative approach using the paradigm of post-positivism. The participants for the study comprised of 396 second-year higher secondary students from pre-university colleges of Bangalore South, who were
selected by convenience sampling method. [show more]
Description:Infomercials are one of the most effective tools for communication . Infomercials bring out the importance of content and presentation of various products. Infomercials whether international or Indian / Hindi infomercials try to identify consumers behaviour and attitude towards the product . The study aims to analyse the perception of audience of television infomercials by applying qualitative and quantitative ( survey and in depth interview ) methodology. [show more]
Madhu, Athulya. - 1424027 | Audience perception on movies related to social issues: A case study on Ranjith movies / | Masters Dissertation | Media Studies |
Type:Masters Dissertation Subject:Media Studies |
Description:Film alludes to an arrangement of pictures moving constantly, in a steady progression which makes an illusionary impact of development. Ranjith is a Malayalam screenwriter, filmmaker, producer and actor. The researcher here aims to analyse four films by Director Ranjith and study the audience perception or understanding on films related social issues. [show more]
H, Surendra. | Auto configuration of refrigeration systems in cold chain / | Patent | Chemistry |
Type:Patent Subject:Chemistry |
Description:Patent Number: US 9,384,458 B2, Applicant: Thermo King Corporation.An environmentally-controlled structure for a cold chain. The structure includes a sensor, an identification reader, an environment implementer, and a controller. The sensor senses a parameter indicative of an environmental condition in the environmentally-controlled structure. [show more]
Bhattacharyya, Siddhartha. | Automated hyperspectral image clustering using multilevel quantum differential evolution on quantum / | Patent | Computer Science |
Type:Patent Subject:Computer Science |
Description:Patent Number: 202141013977, Applicant: Tulika Dutta.
Hyperspectral images are data cubes composed of huge spectral information. The spectral bands contain abundant information but are also full of redundant data. The huge information content also increases the space and time complexity to deal with hyperspectral images and due to Hughes phenomena, the accuracy also decreases with increase in information content. The constraint of research data and ground truth images of hyperspectral images is a real limitation of efficiently developing algorithms, especially supervised ones which require priori knowledge about the dataset. [show more]
Danti, Ajith. | Automatic blood group identification device / | Patent | Bio-Chemistry |
Type:Patent Subject:Bio-Chemistry |
Description:Patent Number: 202141026963, Applicant: Ajit Danti.
Our invention Automatic Blood Group Identification Device is an event of a coffee price image process system that enables the determination of human blood sorts. to see the blood sorts, it had been used the plate check that accommodates the mixture antigens specifics of blood sorts determination and also the sample blood of the donor. [show more]
Samanta, Debabrata. | Automatic detection of violence activity-A tool for women's safety / | Patent | Computer Science |
Type:Patent Subject:Computer Science |
Description:Patent Number: 202041006858, Applicant: Debanjan Konar.
Human activity detection has gained popularity owing to wide range of applications from! game development to surveillance. Recent development of Deep Pose (Human pose detection using deep neural network) allows extrapolating the skeletal structures and joint sequences of the actors in a video sequence. This work aims to promote the violence-activities of human-being using Deep Pose on multi-person interaction in real-time. [show more]
Bhattacharyya, Siddhartha. | Automatic detection of violence activity-A tool for women's safety / | Patent | Computer Science |
Type:Patent Subject:Computer Science |
Description:Patent Number: 202041006858, Applicant: Debanjan Konar.
Human activity detection has gained popularity owing to wide range of applications from game development to surveillance. Recent development of Deep Pose (Human pose detection using deep neural network. [show more]
M Yashaswi Alva | Automatic emotional stress recognition in children with stuttering | | |
K, Kiran. | Automatic fertilizer dispenser robot / | Patent | Mechanical Design |
Type:Patent Subject:Mechanical Design |
Description:Patent Number: 354319-001, Applicant: Ravikumar R.
Y B, Ravi Kumar. | Automatic fertilizer dispenser robot / | Patent | Mechanical Design |
Type:Patent Subject:Mechanical Design |
Description:Patent Number: 354319-001, Applicant: Ravikumar R.
Sasidhar, Jangam. | Automatic fertilizer dispenser robot / | Patent | Mechanical Design |
Type:Patent Subject:Mechanical Design |
Description:Patent Number: 354319-001, Applicant: Ravikumar R.