P, Palpandian. | Fully automatic commercial line vehicle assembly line system / | Patent | Manufacturing - Assembly line |
Type:Patent Subject:Manufacturing - Assembly line |
Description:Patent Number: 202241007000, Applicant: Dr. M. Srinivasnaik.
An assembly line control system, and more specifically, an automotive assembly line storage and lot control system, is shown off in this paper. A communications network is put on top of a manufacturing line. The assembly line has a lot of readers and processing stations that help workers figure out and confirm the identities of the cars that pass by. They also check the cars' build instructions, status, position, condition, defect and repair history, and more. It's in a computer database, and it's easy to find. [show more]
Rout, Ivan Sunit. | Fully automatic commercial line vehicle assembly line system / | Patent | Manufacturing - Assembly line |
Type:Patent Subject:Manufacturing - Assembly line |
Description:Patent Number: 202241007000, Applicant: Dr. M. Srinivasnaik.
An assembly line control system, and more specifically, an automotive assembly line storage and lot control system, is shown off in this paper. A communications network is put on top of a manufacturing line. The assembly line has a lot of readers and processing stations that help workers figure out and confirm the identities of the cars that pass by. They also check the cars' build instructions, status, position, condition, defect and repair history, and more. It's in a computer database, and it's easy to find. [show more]
Nair Neeraja | Fund Managers Perception towards Hedge Funds | | |
Mayamma Joseph and Hamid, I Sahul | Further results on induced graphoidal decomposition | | Mathematics |
Subject:Mathematics |
Description:Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and applications Vol.5, No.1, ISSN No.1793-8317
Samanta, Debabrata. | Fuzzy logic based system of intelligent electric solar dyer for fruits / | Patent | Mechanical Engineering |
Type:Patent Subject:Mechanical Engineering |
Description:"Patent Number: 201941032820, Applicant: S Vairachilai.
The present invention is related to a system of intelligent electric solar dyer for fruits using fuzzy logic based algorithm processed by at least one processor of a central processing unit of the system. The system comprises a photovoltaic system to produce solar radiation system, & an electric generator system, used for direct supply of the electric to the system. The central processing units perform the dying function according to the type of the fruits and with efficient use of the solar energy and electric energy." [show more]
R, Nismon Rio. | Fuzzy logic based system of intelligent electric solar dyer for fruits / | Patent | Mechanical Engineering |
Type:Patent Subject:Mechanical Engineering |
Description:Patent Number: 201941032820, Applicant: S Vairachilai.
The present invention is related to a system of intelligent electric solar dyer for fruits using fuzzy logic based algorithm processed by at least one processor of a central processing unit of the system. [show more]
Suma Sarojini and Della Mariya Thomas | GCMS Analysis and zebrafish studiesr reveal presence of antilipidemic phytochemicals in methanolic seed extracts of phaseolus vulgaris / | Journal Article | Biological Sciences |
Type:Journal Article Subject:Biological Sciences |
Description:International Journal of Pharmacy And Biological Sciences, Vol.9, Issue 2, pp.796-802, ISSN No: 2230-7605.
Nelson. P Diana | Gender Differences In Health Habits And Psychological Well- Being Among Early Adults | | |
Description:The concept of health is both complex and important. Health and its importance is one of the universally recognized concepts. The aim of the study was to explore the gender differences among early adults with regard to their health habits and their psychological well-being. Total sample consisted of 100 participants of whom 50 were men and 50 were women. The sampling technique used was random sampling. The age range was 18 -25 years. Health promoting lifestyle profile (HPLP), developed by Walker, Sechrist & Pender (1982). It includes both health-protecting (preventive) behaviors that decrease risk for illness and health-promoting behaviors that sustain or increase well-being, self-actualization and personal fulfillment. Health Behavior checklist was developed by the researcher to understand the patterns of health behavior on the dimensions of nutrition, physical activity, medical care, alcohol consumption, smoking and dieting and PGI General well Being Measure (PGI GWBM) Psychological well-being- PGI GWBM (English Version) by S.K Verma and A.Verma was used to assess the psychological wellbeing of early adults. This is a twenty item simplified test to measure positive mental health. Results showed that there are no gender differences in health habits among early adults. There were gender differences in psychological well-being among early adults. Correlation between health habits and psychological well-being was not observed. The results from the analysis of the checklist indicate some differences between men and women; more men were involved in external physical activity than women and women seemed to be not worried about their health and not visiting hospitals for checkups than men.
Key words: gender differences, health habits, psychological well-being.
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Divya Pradeep | Gender Differences in Social Capital and Job Search Methods in the Information Technology Industry in Bangalore | | Economics |
Subject:Economics |
Description:The Indian Journal of Economics Vol. 55, No. 3, pp 501-917, ISSN No. 0971-7927
. B. Christopher Supriya. Maria | Gender Differences: Perception of Teasing and Body Image among Young Adults | | |
Description:The main focus of the current research is to determine whether perception of teasing has an influence on an individuals body image. Teasing related to weight may occur more often than many other types of teasing during childhood and adolescence. The study was conducted with a sample 100 under graduate students. The participants were in the age group of 18 to 21 years. The data was collected using teasing questionnaire-revised by Storch et al. (2004) and body image questionnaire by Cash (1994). 10 participants who scored high on teasing questionnaire were interviewed to further explore their teasing experiences and its relation to their body image. The results showed that there are no gender differences between teasing and body image among adults. Teasing seemed to be related to some of the domains of body image. Data from interviews show that peers and family were the major group of people involved in teasing. Teasing seemed to be having many consequences for the individuals results also indicate that teasing on ones appearance influences their body image.
Key Words: Gender Difference, Teasing, Body Image and young adults. [show more]
Karthikeyan Nancy | Gendered gaze: voyeurism and the politics of representation in select deodorant advertisements on indian television | | |
Manjunath N | Generalized Vertex Induced Connected Subsets of a Graph | Article
| Department of Science and Humanities |
Subject:Department of Science and Humanities |
Description:Vol.2, 61-68
Manjunath N | Generalized Vertex Induced Connected Subsets of a Graph | Article | Department of Engineering |
Type:Article Subject:Department of Engineering |
Description:Vol.2 (May), 61-68
Irene M. Madhuri | Global Peace in Virtual World-Dispute Settlement Through on Line Resolution | | Business & Management |
Subject:Business & Management |
Description:SPC ERA International Journal of Business and Management, Vol-2 (3), pp. 1-3. ISSN-2347-9647
Sumeetha.M. | Gold jewellery making and migrant labour force in Kerala / | Journal Article | Gold Jewellery Market |
Type:Journal Article Subject:Gold Jewellery Market |
Description:Economic & Political Weekly, Vol.54, Issue 28, pp.106-113, ISSN No: 2349-8846.
Kulkarni, Praveen. | Grading of facial emotions using multimodal approach / | Patent | Computer Science |
Type:Patent Subject:Computer Science |
Description:Patent Number: 202141020173, Applicant: Mr Praveen Kulkarni.
Emotion analysis is an area which is been widely used in forensic crime detection domain, mentoring device for depressed students, psychologically affected patient treatment. Although significant work has been done in this area, the current system helps only in identifying the emotions but not in identifying the level of emotions like whether an individual is truly happy/sad or pretending to be happy/sad. [show more]
Description:The study is based on the analysis of the content of two videos in the popular British band - Coldplay. The two songs taken into account are ??Every Teardrop is a Waterfall and ??Hurts like Heaven. The visual content in these songs involves a lot of graffiti art which complement the wordings of the song and go along with the beats of the music. To gain more knowledge on the visual element used in videos and find out the reason for the use of the elements in these videos, to come to a conclusion which explains the audio and video of the song by the band and also to understand how it enhances the feel of the song in a better way, the researcher goes into detail and explains the significance and use of the elements (visuals, lyrics) in the songs ??Every Teardrop is a Waterfall and ??Hurts like Heaven by Coldplay with the aid of the required research methods.
The method used to study Graffiti as an art form used in music videos of the popular band Coldplay is Qualitative method which helps in getting a detailed conclusion. The researcher adopts an in-depth analysis of the songs and their visual content (graffiti art). The study is validated with the help of experts opinions through interviews and secondary data like books, journals and online material. After the analysis of the music videos with the help of expert opinions, it is interpreted to come to specific findings. Use of journals, books and online material provide facts about the origin and development of the types of music, graffiti art and visuals. This leads to a better understanding of concepts involved in the study and bring in more credibility.
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Mohan, Anu N. - 1445201 | Graphene and graphene enhanced nanomaterials from biological precursors synthesis characterization and proliferant applications / | PhD | Physics |
Vrinda Mary Mathew - 2071503 | Graphs emerging from finite dimensional vector spaces / | PhD | Mathematics |
Type:PhD Subject:Mathematics |
Nisha Mary Thomas and S. Maruthamanikandan | Gravity modulation effect on ferromagnetic convection in a Darcy-Brinkman layer of porous medium / | Journal Article | Physics |
Type:Journal Article Subject:Physics |
Description:International Conference On Applied And Computational Mathematics, Vol.1139, pp.1-10