Darshana Choudhury | Media Ethics in Times of Demonetization:
Framing Debates in English News Channels | | |
Description:Objectivity has been a traditional ideal for journalism. Journalists are trained to be objective; they do not frame stories by themselves????or do they? Faced with the pressure of deadlines, strained resources and the perception that audience prefer reportorial style, journalists resort to amusement or conflict based reporting positioning one side against the other and often aggravating facts and issues. The public today expresses disappointment with current media practices. Media watchers argue that instead of improving the quality of programming, competition has resulted in a race to the bottom, where news channels have conveniently forgotten basic ethical norms. This study is an attempt at re-visioning media ethics. It is believed that ethical journalism is never more important than in the time of crises. Taking India???s recent economic crisis, demonetization, this research aims to answer what makes it difficult for journalists to adhere to ethics especially during crises? With emphasis on situation faced by reporters, pressure imposed on them by various sources and ethical dilemma, this study provides answers to the questions posed on the work of journalists. Content analysis of demonetization debates broadcasted on two popular English news channels and interview responses of experienced journalists of Indian news media goes to explain how demonetization was represented by Indian news channels and to what extent journalistic ethics was reflected in their content. [show more]
Grace Louis Rashmi | Media influence on Body Image Distortions and Coping Strategies among Adolescents | | |
Description:This dissertation explores the one medium that the youth choose to get influenced by when it comes to watching popular fantasy book based movies. It is based on the assumption that the influencers may be many but ultimately the youth rely on one main medium to make their movie watching decision. The books which the movies are based on, advertising media and user generated word of mouth communication were considered as strong individual influencers. The researcher first aimed at finding out which medium motivated youngsters to watch the first fantasy book based movie of the series and consequently whether the same medium influenced the youngsters to watch the remaining movies in the series. The researcher went on further, to find out which advertising medium most motivated youngsters to watch the movie series irrespective of whether advertising proved to be the strongest influencer or not. The researcher chose the Harry Potter book based movie series, the Twilight book based movie series and the Lord of the Rings book based movie series and restricted the target audience to the age group of 18-25 years. 90 respondents were allotted questionnaires out of which 30 respondents each belonged to the Harry Potter, Twilight and Lord of the Rings category. They were further equally divided on the basis of gender to negate bias. The major conclusion was that user generated word of mouth communication proved to be the strongest influencer when it came to watching the chosen popular fantasy book based movies and brought about the importance of TV ads as the ones with the most potential when it came to influencing those respondents in the advertising category. However the researcher cautions the readers that these findings may be applicable to other popular fantasy book based movies only if they fall in the same category as the ones chosen for this research. [show more]
Nair, V G Ammu. - 1424056 | Media's portrayal of women activists - A comparative case study on Malala Yousafzai & Irom Sharmila / | Masters Dissertation | Media Studies |
Type:Masters Dissertation Subject:Media Studies |
Description:Media has always played a major role in depicting various sections of the society, various aspects of life and people and thus enabled the common man have various perspectives. Sometimes, media becomes selective and refuses to properly execute certain news. Media can play a useful role in dissemination of information, but it when it comes to the process of portraying the women who have stood up for something, is the efficiency same? [show more]
Description:During the past few decades, organizational researchers have increasingly focused their attention on the subjective work issues and their impact on various work related outcomes. One of the most prominently studied factor perception of organizational politics has received much recent conceptual and empirical attention.
Political work environment are responsible for a variety of harmful work consequences like higher stress, lower job satisfaction and commitment, diminished worker productivity and higher rate of turnover (Ferris et.al 1989, 2002; Kacmar and Baron, 1999)
Some researchers focused on the distributive justice aspect as predictors of important outcomes here they pursued studies from the opposite perspective while they examined Perception of politics (Ferris and Kacmar, 1992; Kacmar , Ferris, 1991). Thus research has demonstrated the independent influences of politics, distributive justice, on turnover intention, job satisfaction etc (Cropanzano et.al 1992; Mcfarlin and Sweeney, 1992). Very few studies attempted in finding out how these elements of fairness influence each other in predicting outcomes.
In the current study, the mediating effect of perception of politics between distributive justice and turnover intentions has been examined. This study extends the previous research efforts and fills a gap in the reviewed literature by simultaneously investigating the mediation effect of perception of politics between distributive justice and turnover intention of employees in Information technology organizations. 343 employees from the top 10 IT organization as listed by NAASCOM were involved in the present study. The purposive sampling technique was adopted. Employees with minimum 2 years of experience in the organization was chosen as respondents.
The major objectives of the study are, to measure employees perception of politics and employees perception of distributive justice; to study the turnover intention of IT employees; to find if perception of politics mediates the relationship between distributive justice and turnover intentions; to find out the significant effect of distributive justice on the dimensions of perception of politics and finally to find out the difference in perception of politics and distributive justice across demographics.
Hypothesis was framed in accordance to the objectives stated. The tools of measurement adopted were (i) Perception of organisational politics were measured with the fifteen item Perception of politics scale (POPS), developed by Kacmar and Carlson (1997).( ii) Five item Perceptions of distributive justice were measured with the Distributive Justice Index, developed by Price and Mueller (1986). (iii) Turnover intention was measured using a categorical item developed by Dilys Robinson, Sarah Perryman, and Sue Hayday, (2004). The Crobachs alpha for perception of politics dimensions and distributive justice were above 0.90.
The level of perception of politics and distributive justice was found to be moderate. In terms of the logistic regression analysis performed, it was found that there was partial mediation of perception of politics between distributive justice and turnover intention. The result indicated that, even though the employees perceived their work environment to be political, they will have the intention to stay back, as long as the fairness in distribution of rewards exists.
Perception of politics which always carried a negative label showed partial mediation in the relationship between distributive justice and turnover intentions, where it explained only 13.9% of the intention to leave factor. This means, even when the environment is political, employees will stay back in the organization when they experience fairness in distribution of rewards.
Keywords: Information technology, Organizational behaviour, Human resource management, Perception of politics, Mediation, Distributive justice, Turnover intention.
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Elangovan, N. | Mediation of perceived innovation charaterstics on ERP adoption in industrial cluster / | Journal Article | ERP adoption |
Type:Journal Article Subject:ERP adoption |
Description:International Journal Of Innovation And Technology Management, Vol.13, Issue 3, ISSN: 0219-8770.
Dr. Madhuri Irene M and Anita Yadav | Medical negligence and consumer rights: An analysis / | Journal Article | Law |
Type:Journal Article Subject:Law |
Description:Law Mantra Journal, Vol.1, Issue 10, pp.500-509, ISSN No: 2321-6417.
B.S,Venugopal , G.B, Seshadri | Medical negligence: A lego-economic analysis / | | Law |
Subject:Law |
Description:Golden Research Thoughts Vol.2,Issue 6, pp.1-6 ISSN No. 2231-5063
P, Julian Benadit. | Medical plugs to track health using artificial intelligence and IOT / | Patent | Computer Science |
Type:Patent Subject:Computer Science |
Description:Patent Number: 341063-001, Applicant: Dr. T Padmapriya.
Bindi Varghese | Medical Tourism in South India - A Relative Study of the Principal participants in hospital and hospitality industry in South India | | Tourism Studies |
Subject:Tourism Studies |
Description:International Journal of Management, IT and Engineering Vol.3, ISSUE 1, pp. 613-626 ISSN No. 2249-0558
Anand, Ila. | Medical waste treatment device / | Patent | Medical Waste Treatment Device |
Type:Patent Subject:Medical Waste Treatment Device |
Description:Patent Number: 354500-001, Applicant: Ila Anand.
Tripathi, Abhinav Priyadarshi. | Medical waste treatment device / | Patent | Medical Waste Treatment Device |
Type:Patent Subject:Medical Waste Treatment Device |
Description:Patent Number: 354500-001, Applicant: Ila Anand.
Dawar, Gaurav. | Medical waste treatment device / | Patent | Medical Waste Treatment Device |
Type:Patent Subject:Medical Waste Treatment Device |
Description:Patent Number: 354500-001, Applicant: Ila Anand.
Kalghatgi, Jayant | Mergers and acquisitions in India Information Technology Industry and its impact on shareholders wealth | | Management studies |
Subject:Management studies |
Description:International Journal of Research in Commerce, IT & Management Vol. 2, Issue 4, pp. 118-121 ISSN No. 2231-5756
Vijayasankar A V | Mesoporous Iron Aluminophosphate: An efficient Catalyst for One Pot Synthesis of Amides By Ester-Amide Exchange Reaction | Article | Department of Engineering |
Type:Article Subject:Department of Engineering |
Description:Volume 233
Tiwari, Akhilesh. | Messaging service for business and operations and inquiries / | Patent | Electronics |
Type:Patent Subject:Electronics |
Description:Patent Number: 202111036684, Applicant: Dr. Akhilesh Tiwari.
The present inventions is about a method and system by which the entity can interact with each other in a manufacturing channel by using a messaging system (11). The said messaging system to perform status inquiry and functional processing steps with respect to data stored (1) at the resource management system of the other. That information is transmitted through a messaging system (11) to the other party such as the seller. [show more]
Samanta, Debabrata. | Method for face-recognition on the basis of sketch using deep convolution neural network / | Patent | Computer Science |
Type:Patent Subject:Computer Science |
Description:"Patent Number: 201941045946, Applicant: Dr. Debabrata Samanta.
The present invention relates to method for face- recognition on the basis of sketch using deep convolution neural network. The objective of the present invention is to overcome the inadequacies of the prior art in techniques for face- recognition on the basis of sketches." [show more]
R, Nismon Rio. | Method for face-recognition on the basis of sketch using deep convolution neural network / | Patent | Computer Science |
Type:Patent Subject:Computer Science |
Description:Patent Number: 201941045946, Applicant: Dr. Debabrata Samanta.
The present invention relates to method for face- recognition on the basis of sketch using deep convolution neural network. The objective of the present invention is to overcome the inadequacies of the prior art in techniques for face- recognition on the basis of sketches. [show more]
B, Manoj. | Method for synthesizing onion-like carbon nanostructures for high performance supercapacitor applications / | Patent | Chemical |
Type:Patent Subject:Chemical |
Description:Patent Number: 202141000172, Applicant: A V Ramya.The present invention provides a facile, cost-effective, and scalable method for the preparation of onion-like carbon nanostructures from paraffin oil. The method includes a wick-and-paraffin oil flame pyrolysis process in a limited supply of oxygen, where the soot generated during combustion is collected and processed to obtain onion-like carbon nanostructures. The synthesized nanostructures exhibit nearly spherical morphology with particle size ranging from 30 to 50 nm and a BET specific surface area of 104 m2/g. v. [show more]
Samanta, Debabrata. | Method of computer added progressive die design with energy conservation / | Patent | Communication |
Type:Patent Subject:Communication |
Description:"Patent Number: 201941037095, Applicant: Debabrata Samanta.
The present invention is related to a method of computer added progressive die design with energy conservation. The computer implemented method is presented including the simulation of requirements of design with bending the blank sheet metal strip used as a simulation, boundary conditions and applying the constraint nodes motion on the object. An adaptive algorithm processed by the processor of the computer system which used for the energy-saving measurement and adjustment of the progressive die design." [show more]