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Kolaprath, Mrinalini Kalyani Ayilliath., Benny, Libina., Varghese Anitha.A facile, green synthesis of carbon quantum dots from Polyalthia longifolia and its application for the selective detection of cadmium /Research PublicationChemistry
Type:Research Publication
Description:Dyes and Pigments, Vol.210, ISSN No: 0143-7208. Carbon quantum dots (CQDs) has received world-wide recognition for their outstanding physicochemical properties that have the ability to substitute the semiconductor quantum dots. Herein, we have developed a strategy to determine the presence of Cd<sup>2+</sup> using CQDs as a fluorescence probe. The CQDs were synthesized from the leaves of <em>Polyalthia longifolia</em> (a natural source) through a one-step hydrothermal method. The CQDs obtained from <em>Polyalthia longifolia</em> (p-CQDs) was characterized using XRD, TEM, FTIR, Raman Spectroscopy, XPS Studies, UV–Visible spectroscopy and PL Spectroscopy. The p-CQDs displayed bright red fluorescence under the UV light, with good water solubility, and appreciable photostability and a quantum yield of 22%. The p-CQDs had a quasi-spherical morphology with an average particle size of 3.33&nbsp;nm. [show more]
George, Natasha. - 1537146A feminist interrogation of gender and class representation in specific detergent advertisements / Masters DissertationMedia Studies
Type:Masters Dissertation
Subject:Media Studies
Description:Women have been stereotyped by society at large to be caretakers in the domestic front. Advertisement is a tool used to influence people and stereotypes have often been included in advertisements to target a specific audience. Washing clothes has been stereotyped as a women’s job in society across the globe. The concept of Feminism is to bring about equality of both genders in all spheres if life. [show more]
Datta, Ruchira - 1730082A feminist study of food in select culinary narrativesPhDEnglish Studies
Subject:English Studies
Description:An academic study of food entails a study of food at the intersection of individual experience, socio-cultural significance and global politics of food. A study of the emerging genre of culinary narratives, therefore, is a study of women’s experience of food, shaped by the socio-cultural context she occupies and its interaction with the world food scenario. This research titled “A Feminist Study of Food in Select Culinary Narratives” studies Indian immigrant women’s relationship with food in the twenty-first century globalised, capitalist, multicultural, American society. The research places itself within the broader framework of literature, cultural and women’s studies and focuses on the emerging genre of South-Asian diasporic culinary narratives. It, therefore, adds to the limited scholarship on the genre of diasporic culinary narratives by looking at the works of Shoba Narayan’s Monsoon Diary: A Memoir with Recipes (2003),Amulya Malladi’s Serving Crazy with Curry (2007), Bharti Kirchner’s Pastries: A Novel of Desserts and Discoveries (2009) and Sandeepa Mukherjee Datta’s Bong Mom’s Cookbook (2013).Consequently, the research examines the various roles performed by food, as the immigrant woman navigates her geographical and cultural displacement. In this context, the research views food as a means for immigrant women to articulate their sense of ‘self’ and critiquing the standardization of women’s relationship with food by the capitalist food industry. Moreover, critiques of capitalist notions of women’s relationship with food further enables the select texts to re-envision women’s relationship with the kitchen and domestic work. The research also highlights the difference in the first and second generation immigrant women’s use of food to navigate their displacement. [show more]
George, Mathew - 1740071A framework for integrating nested queries in natural language interfaces to databasesPhDComputer Science
Subject:Computer Science
Description:To translate Natural Language (NL) statements into Structured Query Language (SQL) queries, different methods and systems were proposed in the past. This work presents a framework for automating the translation of Data Requirement Specifications (DRS) given by enterprise Business Users in NL into SQL queries, focusing on requirements that result in the generation of nested SQLs. The framework takes the business user’s DRS given in English as input and generates an initial query sketch by employing semantic parsing. This initial sketch is further refined and completed into a well-formed SQL by consulting the Database Schema. It performs the translation by combining NL processing techniques with Query Sketch generation methods and refines it by employing Repair techniques or extends it further. The framework suggests using Lambda expressions for intermediate representation and employs standard operations of Lambda Calculus for performing the required transformations needed for translation. Lambda Context Calculus (LCC) provides the operational semantics and the relevant methods needed in transforming NL statements into SQL, preserving the integrity and compositionality24 of expressions in every step of the translation. Though Lambda Calculus is found to be effective in representing the intermediate expressions and assists in performing the transformations that are needed for translating specific predicates into SQL, its inflexibility in combining parallel computations is a constraint. To represent clauses that are in parallel or are in pipeline, and to perform the required transformations on the intermediate expressions involving these, more advanced programming constructs are needed. It also adopts functional programming techniques to deal with complex scenarios involving nested queries. This work recommends the use of some advanced language constructs, the Fixed-point Combinators11 and Monad Comprehensions20 for performing the required transformation at the intermediate language level and adopts functional programming techniques for the required syntactic sugar. [show more]
Saji, Janita.A hand glove-based system and method for allowing physically-impaired persons to communicate by identifying speech/messages /PatentElectronics
Description:Patent Number: 202221053593, Applicant: Hemant Verma.The present invention generally relates to a hand glove system for allowing physically impaired persons to communicate by identifying speech and messages comprises a hand glove worn on a user hand and fitted with a plurality of micro push buttons configured with alphabets and numbers marked in each of the plurality of push buttons for generating a message signal; a GPS device coupled to the hand glove for detecting real time geolocation of the user; a control unit electrically coupled to the plurality of micro push buttons for converting specified alphabet or number from the received message signal; and a communication device for transferring the converted message signal along with real time geo-location of the user to a registered person/local guardian device to ask for a help in case of an emergency. [show more]
Sahni NiveditaA Hermeneutic Study on Bhagavad Gita in Relation to Education with Special Emphasis on Ideal Classroom Practices
A K, Sujatha.A low cost and high actuation speed 3D printed prosthetic arm /PatentBio-Medical Engineering
Subject:Bio-Medical Engineering
Description:Patent Number: 202241047867, Applicant: Sujatha A K.
Anita, E A Mary.A low cost and high actuation speed 3D printed prosthetic arm /PatentBio-Medical Engineering
Subject:Bio-Medical Engineering
Description:Patent Number: 202241047867, Applicant: Sujatha A K.
J, Jenefa.A low cost and high actuation speed 3D printed prosthetic arm /PatentBio-Medical Engineering
Subject:Bio-Medical Engineering
Description:Patent Number: 202241047867, Applicant: Sujatha A K.
Tiwari, Akhilesh.A method for generating a unique identifier and system for verifying it /PatentComputer Science
Subject:Computer Science
Description:Patent Number: 202111040160, Applicant: Dr. Akhilesh Tiwari. A method for generating a unique identifier and system for verifying comprising card holder (201) ; merchant (202); credit card issuer (203); account identifier number (204); goods/services (205); authorization (206); wherein smart card (100) comprising a display (101) in communication with the central processor, memory (102) in communication with the central processor, keyboard (103) in communication with the central processor, biometric interface (104), central processor (105). [show more]
Rastogi, Sanjay.A method for generating a unique identifier and system for verifying it /PatentComputer Science
Subject:Computer Science
Description:Patent Number: 202111040160, Applicant: Dr. Akhilesh Tiwari.A method for generating a unique identifier and system for verifying comprising card holder (201) ; merchant (202); credit card issuer (203); account identifier number (204); goods/services (205); authorization (206); wherein smart card (100) comprising a display (101) in communication with the central processor, memory (102) in communication with the central processor, keyboard (103) in communication with the central processor, biometric interface (104), central processor (105). [show more]
N, Jayapandian.A method of smart vehicle safety and security system using internet of things /PatentBiotechnology
Description:Patent Number: 202141034638, Applicant: Jayapandian N.
Sanjai, Gowtham.A method to obtain up to 150µ thick nano-structured A-AI2O3 coatings by plasma spraying /PatentMaterials Technology
Subject:Materials Technology
Description:Patent Number: 202241005098, Applicant: S Gowtham Sanjai.This invention discloses a method to produce up to 150[i thick nano-structured a- AI2O3 coatings prepared by using Atmospheric Plasma spray coating technique. The coating microstructure will be comprised of nano sized grains (less than 100 nanometers). The coatings are deposited on a prepared (blasted with hard alumina grits and degreased) metal (aluminum or stainless steel) surface suitable for plasma spray coating followed by the deposition of about 50 microns thickness of commercial NiCrAlY bond coat (not nano structured). [show more]
Ramaswamy, Parvati.A method to obtain up to 150µ thick nano-structured A-AI2O3 coatings by plasma spraying /PatentMaterials Technology
Subject:Materials Technology
Description:Patent Number: 202241005098, Applicant: S Gowtham Sanjai.This invention discloses a method to produce up to 150[i thick nano-structured a- AI2O3 coatings prepared by using Atmospheric Plasma spray coating technique. The coating microstructure will be comprised of nano sized grains (less than 100 nanometers). The coatings are deposited on a prepared (blasted with hard alumina grits and degreased) metal (aluminum or stainless steel) surface suitable for plasma spray coating followed by the deposition of about 50 microns thickness of commercial NiCrAlY bond coat (not nano structured). [show more]
Samanta, Debabrata.A microcontroller based low cost electronic locking system using 2-way authentication /PatentComputer Science
Subject:Computer Science
Description:Patent Number: 2021101384, Applicant: Siddhartha Bhattacharyya. Multi-factor authentication aims in prevention of unauthorized access to any secured system, and the 2-way or 2-factor verification is one of the most effective and indispensable solution for this purpose. In this work, a low cost electronic locking system using 2-way authentication has been conceived to provide secured access to any assets or resources. [show more]
Bhattacharyya, Siddhartha.A microcontroller based low cost electronic locking system using 2-way authentication /PatentComputer Science
Subject:Computer Science
Description:Patent Number: 202041036194, Applicant: Siddhartha Bhattacharyya. Multi-factor authentication aims in prevention of unauthorized access to any secured system, and the 2-way or 2-factor verification is one of the most effective and indispensable solution for this purpose. In this work, a low cost electronic locking system using 2-way authentication has been conceived to provide secured access to any assets or resources. [show more]
Samanta, Debabrata.A microcontroller based low cost electronic locking system using 2-way authentication /PatentComputer Science
Subject:Computer Science
Description:Patent Number: 2021101384, Applicant: Siddhartha Bhattacharyya.
Mokhopadhyay, Debarka.A microcontroller based low cost electronic locking system using 2-way authentication /PatentComputer Science
Subject:Computer Science
Description:Patent Number: 2021101384, Applicant: Siddhartha Bhattacharyya.
Joseph, Saji. - 1444302A mixed methods study on factors associated with relapse of alcohol use disorder /PhDSocial Work
Subject:Social Work
C.S Sreeja.A Model for the Secured Data Transfer of Healthcare Data by Image Steganography and Cryptography Techniques

Description: Health care domain and related issues have evoked a lot of attention from researchers in the recent past. Ensuring the Security and Privacy of data of patients having classified disease is of utmost importance to the health care sector. From time immemorial cryptography and steganography techniques were used to provide data security. In health care domain, classified disease is the area of investigation as the patients having classified disease always prefer more security and privacy. The objective of this research work is to extract the benefits of cryptography and steganography techniques and to apply the combination of these security mechanisms to develop an algorithm that gives more security and privacy than existing techniques. The proposed algorithm builds on Rivest, Shamir and Adleman (RSA)algorithm which is considered to be one of the classical algorithms in cryptography. RSA is widely used in the encryption-decryption process for data transfer in internet which ensures the security of data in transit. The data encrypted using RSA is provided with one more layer of protection by calculating the message digest of the same. The message digest of encrypted data is calculated using message digest (MD5) algorithm. The steganographic approach of spread spectrum gives better security as it is always robust against statistical attacks and provides added security to the cryptographic protected data. Finally the Discrete wavelet transform (DWT) method is used for transformation. Combination of cryptographic technique and steganographic techniques offers higher level security to the data dealt in health care domain. Image type is a major factor contributing to the performance of the proposed algorithm. In recent years the open sources such as internet shows rapid usage of images especially Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) image format as it occupies comparatively less space and provides better image quality even after applying image transformation. So medical image format type selected for the discussed research work is of JPEG format. Medical images of patients like X-ray of lung, bilateral section of face etc. are taken as cover image for the developed algorithm. Patients personal data is very confidential which is in the textual format is encrypted using RSA algorithm, then message digest is incorporated to keep the encrypted data homogeneous and then it is embedded in the cover image using DWT technique. The performance of the algorithm developed is measured on the basis of peak signal to noise which is a statistical method. The peak signal to noise ratio measurement is used as a visual quality measurement to simulate human perception as the difference between original image and embedded image seems to be identical as per developed algorithm. PSNR ratio is measured for various medical images selected. Noise ratio is also measured for Lena image as it is considered as a standard cover image in the steganography. Noise ratio of the selected medical images are measured and compared against cropped medical images. The results of the above research exercise presented in the thesis, infers that the proposed algorithm Raster Data protection algorithm provides enhanced security to the embedded medical images dealt within the health care sector, with minimal side effect on the quality of the image. KEYWORDS: Cryptography, Steganography, Health care, Security, JPEG, PSNR. [show more]